Morphle Plays With His Family + More Mila and Morphle Cartoons | Morphle vs Orphle Channel

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hi i'm mila and my magic pet marble can morph into anything i want [Music] thanks for carrying all my books mortal morphle great i need your help swiper bugs swiped my glasses and hid them in its pet house [Music] my glasses [Applause] [Music] oh i'm sorry morphle i wish we could do everything morphle can do so he could take a break wait a minute mila that's a great idea this is glitter pug it can transform humans into magic pets for a whole day wow can you turn us into more full [Music] wow [Music] mila morph into a monkey now that we can morph ourselves you can take all the rest you need morphle [Music] i'll morph into a rocket [Music] now how do i fly do you see that stein if we steal glitter pug we could be bandit more morphles morph i can morph myself mila morph into a race car [Music] this is so cool whoa whoa but not easy [Music] how do i stop i need to go faster [Music] we'll never catch the bandits like this let's morph into a robot daddy a robot coming a robot wow [Music] no more fool we've got this you were tired of doing everything alone remember must not have it if what you'll get [Music] you can't run any more bandits we don't have to glitter pug transform us too we're not more full stein no but your magic pets oh no run [Music] we saved glitter pub yeah now play together sounds good it's rocket time [Music] whoa [Music] thank you so much for taking care of these scary animals while the zoo is under construction no problem at all kenneth they're not so scary once you get to know them morph into a truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ahead [Music] morphle see they already feel at home [Music] have they gone completely mad marky you can't keep scary animals in a backyard they're far too dangerous i guess they're going to have to learn it the hard way [Music] what's going on here why are you fighting [Music] all right then [Music] [Music] hey quit that [Music] maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring the animals here daddy huh maybe you're right if they behave bad again we'll have to bring them back to zookeeper kenneth let's give them some food maybe they'll calm down [Music] what are you going to do silly animals [Music] [Music] no no help marky oh no we have to save him more full morph into a helicopter [Music] okay morph into a trunk with a cage mortal [Music] animals why do you keep doing bad things because they're very bad animals victory is mine hey stop it have you been teasing them all this time so what they're scary animals [Music] it sure is hot today yeah that's a great idea morphle how about you get us some ice cream from the ice cream truck over there [Music] don't forget to buy me one okay daddy the ice cream man is leaving oh no let's go after it marvel morph into an ice cream race car [Music] [Applause] huh where is he going [Applause] [Music] the bridge is opening [Music] that was fun [Music] hiya kids would you like some ice cream yes please great i have a chocolate ice cream vanilla a strawberry a jalapeno a concrete raw onion mayonnaise and i'll have vanilla chocolate and the raw onion for daddy i'm sure he'll like that yeah really this is the first time i ever sold that flavor thank you so much now let's get back to daddy before his ice cream melts [Music] after them [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've lost him yawn oh oh no you didn't [Music] um could really use some ice cream now we're back daddy great ice cream mountain oh no i really wanted that ice cream oh oh no we'll get another one real quick daddy hello back again another raw onion ice cream please wow this is the second raw onion ice cream i've sold back to daddy morphle quickly this is the best day of my life this is our ice cream now yeah it is ours is that my ice cream sorry sir we didn't mean to give it back [Music] thank you mila and morphle the ice cream did not melt at all raw onion flavor oops [Music] ah [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i love playing with you shelly i love playing with you guys too [Music] oh i have to go bye guys [Music] bye shall we hmm where do we go now morphle i can't [Music] hi monkey morphle more into a monkey too oh [Music] oh i think that monkey has to go home as well morphle bye monkey bye bye who do we play with now marvel [Music] baby yay into a line too [Music] uh oh it's time for the lion to get her bath bye lion [Music] everybody we play with had to go home i miss my own daddy too [Music] let's go back home mortful [Music] [Music] hello mr ice cream man two ice creams please of course mila what the flavor do you want well what is the best flavor the best flavor i'm afraid i don't have it you see the best flavor was made by my grandfather he used to travel all over the world to collect one very special ingredient a flower so sweet it would make the ice cream taste like nothing you've ever tasted before we could get that flower for you where can we find it that is the difficult part every year it grows in a different place hmm but my grandfather left these notes they might help your search looks like we have some traveling to do more full morph into a helicopter these notes point us to the jungle morphle let's go there [Music] okay let's use our nose morphle morph into a search dog [Music] great let's check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just berries [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have to be more careful morphle [Music] [Applause] looks like they're carrying some sort of sugar ah let's keep looking [Music] [Applause] i'm not sure the flower is in the jungle mortal oh i smell it too mortal [Music] um it smells wonderful let's return to the ice cream man it won't be long now ice cream here you go the best flavor wow it's very delicious wow ice cream more i'm sorry morphle but that was all the ice cream i could make but you can clean the spoon your teeth are in perfect condition i make sure to brush his teeth twice a day are we ready to go to the next magic pen we certainly are morph into an ambulance morphle [Music] magic pet dental team to the rescue [Music] are you ready to get your teeth checked little guy no problems here you're all good now only the magic pets in the magic pet store are left right yes then we'll have done all the checkups [Music] looks good who's next all right let's see hmm oh dear you have a cavity don't worry it's not so bad i can fix it with this [Music] hey wait up big guy oh no he's all scared we need to stop him before he gets hurt more full morph into a horse [Music] stop then this is no scary [Music] put that thing away oops sorry [Music] morph into a dragon [Music] stop running it's really not that bad [Music] oh boy how are we going to stop him hmm we need something that can swim really fast and it's strong enough to stop his boat more full morph into a crocodile [Music] now stop the boat more fool i'm sorry i scared you big guy but it's very important that we treat that cavity it might not hurt now but it will in the future if you don't do anything about it [Music] okay morphle you can let go now more full morpho juice oh dear let me see it seems you have a cavity too morphle oh but you're not afraid of the dentist right let's go back to my clinic as good as new and because you both have been so brave a little present [Music] oh [Music] oh no what happened here those are time portals tumbling test tubes how did this happen [Music] these items don't belong here someone must be looking for them we should bring them back to their own time what a good idea mila [Music] this little machine is looking really high-tech yeah it must be from the future you're right let's go there then first stop the future yeah [Music] [Music] ah wait a minute hmm this doesn't look like the future [Music] oh no that man over there is in trouble morphle morph into a pterodactyl [Music] oh thank you so much for saving me fellow time travelers you won't believe what happened i was just researching these grounds when suddenly my time remote was gone is this yours perhaps [Music] yes thank you very much oh now i can get home all right keep your hands inside the vehicle next stop will be the medieval times yeah let's bring back the sword [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] this doesn't look like the right time for a medieval sword that's because this isn't the medieval times what went wrong with this machine that's it that's my family's heirloom sword they stole it family heirloom we didn't steal it we came to bring it back that's what all thieves say policeman arrest him oh no [Music] ah well at least the sword is back with its owner but i don't understand why nothing works today don't beat yourself up professor we only have one item left that's true well let's see where we end up now [Music] [Music] we're here the medieval times phew finally it was a bit of a detour but we're here but i wonder where the egg is from [Music] tumbling test tubes why is everybody running oh oh you you have the dragon's egg please give it back to the dragon hurry oh so that's a mommy dragon searching for her a we need to give it back but how [Music] more into a dragon too [Music] is that you so you're the reason why everything went wrong today because of you this mummy dragon almost lost her [Music] baby well there were some problems but now everyone has their things back well i sure hope awful has learned his lesson [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey cute little fella it's so funny to think that one day you will be big and scary [Music] with this zapper that we stole from professor rasheed we can turn these animals into giants [Music] we are going to have a great day at the zoo marble hey yeah marvel the bandits are zapping all the animals into giants oh no we need to get the zapper back more full morph into a superhero [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't think so you're zapped uh-oh we didn't think that went through [Music] it's the penguin [Music] great that's one [Music] there you are lion [Music] [Music] good one morphle [Music] hi monkey let's zap you back to normal [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi zookeeper kenneth we're back great but oh oh no you have become really small but you're still great animals [Music] hey mila and morphle the two of you have got a call [Applause] oh who is it it is the ice cream man i have found a new yummy flavor of ice cream but i'm on the other side of the world and there's only a little bit left oh no don't worry mr ice cream man we'll come to you [Music] it's awful if he gets to the ice cream man first he will eat all the ice cream [Music] was that another more full [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh no my car how will i catch criminals without my police car we need to help police officer freeze get his car back [Music] ah thank you milan [Music] i don't think ortho knows what's fastest on the water but i do more into a speed boat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thanks morphle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're at the jungle now morph into a monkey [Music] a race car isn't fast in the jungle [Music] we need to help that monkey [Music] [Music] marvel oh no it's awful sounds like orful got there first [Music] you ate all of my ice cream oh no we're too late morphle [Music] don't worry i only acted like he ate all the ice cream so he would go away there is more than enough ice cream for you you mister a monkey and even for me thank you mr ice cream man hello daddy way back hi milan mourful you're so dirty what did you do well first we saw a lady who asked us to help her find the hat she had lost i lost my hat can you help me find it more foam morphed into a search dog and looked everywhere for the hat [Music] ruffle find hat yeah the lady was really happy when morphle found it and then we saw mechanic joe morphle i need your help my tow truck broke down [Music] and into a triceratops [Music] and a robot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you morpho couldn't you have towed the car oh uh yeah but but build an orange then builder lawrence asked us to help him i left my drill on top of the building ruffle crane [Music] the building site was really muddy [Music] thank you [Music] you did great morphle but now you really need to take a bath yes we're for no like best come back [Music] come on morphle it's just a bath more for no luck [Music] gotcha oh [Music] where is he now [Music] [Music] i'll help daddy [Music] well at least morphle is in the bath as well what now you like [Music] right we're off to the beach magic pets take good care of the store while we're gone buh-bye everyone [Music] right onto business yawn if you try this time it's pretty good [Music] well hello madam is the hot weather bothering you yes terribly how nice of you to ask blaster yawn much better right [Music] last one in the water is a pickle oh how did this ice get here no need to thank us enjoy [Music] don't worry daddy we're going to stop them morph into a giant lion morphle [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] and now to finish it off oh no more fool don't worry morphle i'll get you out of there [Music] so they got more full too huh daddy you're free yeah we're lucky the sun is so hot today now let's get more full out of there [Music] yay now morphing to a monster truck fun with spikes on its wheels so we don't lose any grip on the ice so [Music] how about this [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] want some ice cream [Music] it's done with my new invisibility ray i can finally tidy up this place [Music] um the lab has never looked better no did you hear that yawn yeah i always wanted to be sneaky invisible let's get out of here now let's see [Music] oh now do me do me [Music] help ghost choke my camera what's wrong mister cool strategy ghost they took my camera and went that way more for no lag ghost don't worry i'll protect you morph into a race car [Music] hello police officer freeze hello mr mayor [Music] hand it back over mr mayor that's not a toy but i did not take it yeah right the wind probably did it this is pretty funny take a picture of them yard [Music] hey what's going on here ah ghost reading my apples [Music] what's going on here what's the matter are you scared well no ah ghosts [Music] [Applause] look more full the camera [Music] hey there little guy leave him alone oh hey that doesn't sound like a ghost to me uh-oh let's get out of here jordan yawn huh i think i know who these so-called ghosts are morphle are you okay mila and morphle yes thank you officer freeze but we could use some help catching these ghosts [Music] looks like he's all alone now let's scare him some more we're back little guy [Music] there you are [Music] and i've also got something else for you here i don't see anything it's your ticket to jail but it's invisible [Music] [Music] hi daddy what are you doing i'm trying to get this flying lion to fly but it's too scared poor thing today its new human companion is coming to pick it up and he was promised a flying lion [Music] i've been trying all night i'm so tired i don't know what to [Music] oh no daddy fell asleep we should help the lion to not be afraid of flying anymore [Music] hello is there anybody here i am looking for my flying lion [Music] oh i don't want to wake him up i'll just take the flying lion myself ah here it is [Music] we will show you that it's not scary to fly marvel morph into a hot air balloon [Music] i don't think it's working it's just making the lion more scared [Music] hmm i have a plan i think we should stop trying to teach you how to fly for now lion let's play a game instead let's play hot glove monster the game is that you can't touch the floor because that's the lava only the lava monster can touch the floor and he has to catch the other players morph into a lava monster marvel [Music] you got me a lava monster [Music] jump to that tree [Music] lion wow did you see you were flying [Music] it was only for a little bit and not very high but you were flying let's try it again [Music] time for some music do [Music] [Applause] [Music] mila morphle i need your help i can't find the noise monster [Music] not in my city [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's him every time the noise monster hears a loud noise it grows and if he becomes any bigger that building he's on will collapse morphle morph into giant earmuffs [Music] [Applause] but how do we get them up there [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] wow that lion is amazing at flying [Music] we all have to be very quiet or else the noise monster will grow again don't worry i'll get everybody to be quiet everybody be quiet [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Morphle vs Orphle - Kids Cartoons
Views: 3,646,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, wheels on the bus, Morphle, nursery rhymes, children songs, kids songs, Cars for kids, vehicles for kids, Compilation, Children, kids tv, kids video, Learning, Animals, Dinosaurs, lullaby, cartoons for kids, kids cartoons, mila, mila and morphle, animals for kids, morphle, bedtime stories, lullabies, morphle tv, trucks cartoon, morphle nursery rhymes, orphle, Morphle vs Orphle, Peppa pig, robots, good vs evil, evil twin, red vs green, monster trucks
Id: Ma39xgAsvyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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