Brand New KelTec P50... Better than FN P90???

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Show me where to buy that fucking thing. TAKE MY MONEY!!!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/boogarbutt 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah we actually really care about the environment and if anybody can plug a tv and an xbox together you can do this to your truck this is a simple mod we wanted a truck that was cleaner but still had the practicality of having a truck solar energy is the way of the future light comes hits this thing makes some stuff and bada bing bada boom you have electricity oh you want to see it run well disclaimer it's not a hundred percent solar uh it's it's not it's about 50 50. we're getting there i mean like everything on the truck is solar powered except the engine that's that's actually diesel but only that one park well yeah i mean if if you want like the nitty gritty i'll be honest the only thing that runs off of solar is the radio and the blinkers well well just the left blinker it's it's a long story yeah the engine's big it's the biggest one they make and yeah it slurps down fuel like it's going out of style and yes maybe it leaks a gallon or two of oil and where does it go into the earth guess where the oil came from the earth circle of life i'm recycling i see what y'all write on the screen you don't know me this interview is over my solar powered truck and i are gone welcome to demolition ranch i'm joined by chad from kel tech what's up man how you doing doing well and chad brought us a gun i'll let you uh explain this thing this is the first time i've seen this gun and he brought it out today and it's brand new new offering from kel-tec it's called the p50 kel-tec p50 it takes the fnp 90 mags holds 50 rounds it's pretty tricky it's got a nine and a half inch barrel you get this uh whole pick rail up here on the top you got one on the bottom here if you want to add accessories a couple of qd sling mounts charges similar to an ar and this is a pistol and it's a pistol so the ps90s that come out they have a 16 inch barrel so they shoot a 5.7 by 28 and their rifle because they have a 16 inch barrel this one has a nine inch nine and a half inch barrel and a half yep so it is considered a pistol and you can see it is tiny but shoots a very very powerful round yeah it's fun uh as you'll see a low recoil uh super fun great efficient cartridge to uh put in a pistol i've played it i played with it but i haven't shot it yet so this is the ps90 mag so that it's actually i have a loaded one in my pocket you know all that chad i got you so what's weird about ps90s is they have the ammo in there sideways and then it rotates it to be ready to shoot at the very end so this one does the same thing this mag goes in like that slap it down and then it is you charge it just like an air 15 and it is ready to fire which is pretty crazy so price point on these chad 9.95 is msrp and uh we just started shipping them in limited quantities now corona kind of got us so our assembly department is thin but uh we'll ramp it back up here soon get them cranking out and we have a threaded barrel which we actually have a suppressor here that we can put on there and then of course you said you can put red dots and all that kind of good stuff on this pick rail you have a flashlight or bipod if you make this thing into sbr which i guess you could make this thing into an sbr fairly easily we're in america dang right so uh we are going to shoot this thing at all these solar panels so right now we have 22 solar panels these are from mission solar and they're the ones who put solar panels on our demo hq and we are going to shoot through them with a variety of calibers including the five seven by 28 to see how bulletproof these solar panels are these are all their ones that did not pass quality control so they are just as tough as regular solar panels but we get to destroy them all which is kind of sad for me got a red dot on it this is your safety right here this is your i guess you call this your mag release sure it breaks open the gun and your mag will actually drops out really easy so let's try it so we're empty open that out mag falls out throw another one in close it and then this has a charging handle very similar to an ar-15 that's correct and you can see check that you're loaded or clear and then you got your round in there you're ready to go seems i should mention it's a blowback system so it's extremely reliable super soft shooting got two springs in there sweet uh we're gonna kick chat out of here and get back to an old demolition ranch video blow some stuff up we'll do thank you man okay it's my first time shooting this thing let's see what we got oh yeah very little recoil let's shoot it fast and really watch the recoil on this one there's so much ammo in this i think i'm done yep i randomly stopped after i shoot shot the last round okay and then open her up throw your new mag in good to go one thing to be cognizant of just like any gun if uh if you have one in the chamber like right now there's one in the chamber and then you open this up there's still one in the chamber even though the mag's here there's one in this chamber there's nothing to set it off but it theoretically is not safe if you're on the other side of that barrel so you want to just make sure keep that in a safe direction so i have one in the chamber ready to fire we have our suppressor on it now let's see what she sounds like oh yeah i also didn't show you guys the sling you're sling like this and it's a pistol and you kind of lean into it and push into the sling i also was holding like a pistol earlier you can kind of hold it like this and get a little more a little more stability out of it this is awesome giddy up partners the only thing that i wish we had with this gun was one for my other hand we do so we got one that is suppressed and one that is not okay let's just i'm shooting the dirt so you can hear the difference i really had planned on shooting like like three rounds for you to hear the difference and and then i got carried away i'm sorry okay so we have 22 panels we actually got to get to this video instead of just mag dumping over here we have 22 panels these are actual real solar panels you can see that they're real kind of that blue black color to them and we spaced them all out so that we should be able to kind of see as the bullets go through how many it goes through first up we're gonna shoot a 22 long rifle out of this henry i really have no idea what to expect these things can withstand hail they're supposed to be very tough so like you can hit them and they're not supposed to crack or anything even when hail is hitting them so bulletproof probably not we're gonna find out i think 22 is going to go through four but not five also we have them all separated we tried to find spacers we couldn't find anything except spray paint cans so i'm gonna try to not shoot at the top if you see a green paint flying everywhere that's that's what that is but i'm gonna try to avoid that all right we're gonna go top right though so we don't hit any cans [Applause] looks like it went through the first one dang oh i went through a lot so this is tempered glass you can hear it cracking still weird right one two holes getting bigger look at the whole the exit hole right there that 22 went through three holes getting bigger did not go through the third stopped right there it tried to get through but didn't make it all right well it's a militia as always we do have bill we've got big ol cow boost okay i got a question for you demolitia we have two rounds here the five seven and the 45 acp they're very different as you can see we got a big fat slow round and a small super fast round so which one will go further through the panels the 5.7 if there was a piece of kevlar has a much better chance of getting through it because speed is how you get through something like that speed's how you get through anything really but we're going through a bunch of things and i think this thing the big heavy ball at 45 will keep carrying through that weight that momentum will carry it through this one's going like a thousand feet per second 230 grains this 40 grain bullets going like at 2000 feet per second so i think this one's gonna hit and start losing its velocity faster and go through less but i don't know i'm not sure place your guesses in the comments below i'm gonna shoot a 45 first and now we will shoot a five seven and we'll see which one goes through the most panels for sure 45 it had to have been sounds like rain on a tin roof takes me back country road you know all right one two three four five six the 45 stopped on the six it actually went through the six and dusted the seventh but didn't crack it and it looks like our five seven did not go that far five seven one two three four and stopped on the fifth it went through the fourth so i did better than the 22 but not as good as a 45 sounds so crazy okay we are going to move it up now to a rifle round this is actually doing a lot better than i thought it would i thought the 45 would carry through at least half of these and it didn't these things are tough we are going to shoot a one ounce high brass slug out of this kel-tec ks7 i was thinking we're gonna do rifle but i was like man let's try a freaking shotgun first big heavy round lots of energy that should go ahead and keep carrying through let's find out jeez we had quite the hail storm last night guys okay busted right through that jeez okay we need to look at these check this out hole is enormous that's two hits the third goes through hits the fourth goes through fifth sixth seventh eighth and stopped so it looks like some pieces did just dust came through and hit the ninth so the eighth is the last one that actually penetrated so far the heavier the rounds the further they're going but i think if we get a rifle round that's moving really fast we could make it a lot further through there next up 308 going really fast and a really big heavy round and we're shooting it out of this kel-tec it's not because kel-tec came out here today and we're trying to suck up to them not at all we totally we totally would have picked this anyway you guys weren't standing behind the camera [Music] all right 308 this is going to go through 11. i think 308. oh yeah we hit a bunch one two three four five six seven eight nine stopped on the tenth and there's a small bulge there it was trying to get through i'm actually super surprised that these things can stop at 308 in only 10 panels they're very thin like they look like they're an inch thick but that's just the uh the outer trim there they're just thin panels probably like i don't know four millimeters or something they're very thin stopping big rifle rounds speaking of big rifle rounds 50 bmg with a black tip because i want to i want to penetrate you know so we are going to shoot straight through the middle of these i think it's going to go through every single one not only because it's a black tip but because the bear it's gold that's how you know firing my left ear was not all the way seated and i can hear something that you guys probably can't hear right now it's only a river over here now there's our hit dude all right let's just i haven't looked back here yet but let's just open this up real quick so you can see that giant hole coming through crazy so that's probably 10 i guess we don't need to count it might have gone through all of them no it didn't holy cow all right i'm just going to push these over so we can see the last one it's more dramatic than i thought it was going to be here's the last one nope it went so it was in two pieces so you can see it came through there and there and it cracked this this one's making noise it is cracked but did not go through we have one two three four panels left i knew we should have bought that sherman tank we had a great time today shooting the kel-tec p50s you guys know i like guns like this unique different thinking outside the box kind of guns the only problem is like i wish there was something better than a p50 like a p100 it's legit just two of them hooked together this is not a real thing it's a it's a demolition ranch exclusive thanks so much for watching this episode to blizzard i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,312,151
Rating: 4.9542756 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: HZkbJYj5Dto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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