Brain Bender: EASY Impromptu Card Trick Performance And Tutorial!

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[Music] alright guys so for this trick we can have the spectator take the duck and give it a nice shuffle so that all the cards get extremely mixed up just like this and you guys can see here all the cards are different and completely shuffled alright so at this point I'm actually gonna take the deck back from the spectator and I'm gonna be going through it to myself and I'm going to be making some predictions so I'm just gonna go with this one over here I'm have a strong feeling this one's gonna work okay so for my next one I'm gonna go with let's see yes this one over here alright I'll go with this one and for my last one okay I like this one a lot so these are gonna be my three predictions so at this point I can actually have the spectator tell me when to stop at roughly a third of the card so let's say there and then tell me when to stop again roughly half so let's say there and we'll just set this last one down so now we have three roughly equal piles next to my three predictions so I this one action I can actually show you what the predictions are so we have the nine of clubs the Jack of Clubs and the Queen of Hearts so what we're gonna be doing in this trick is we're going to be placing each of these predictions inside of these piles anywhere you want but basically before we do that I want to make sure that the deck is really shuffled so I would actually give this pile of the spektr they can go ahead and mix it up and then take it back and maybe they can shovel this one if they want it really doesn't matter and then maybe they can shuffle this one as well it really doesn't matter it's all up to the spectator so at this point we've shuffled every single pile and the deck is completely mixed up and at this point I'm going to give the spectator the instructions of how to do the next part so basically I'm gonna be taking the piles and dealing cards down one at a time just like this and whenever the spectator wants they could call out stop and then I would take the card my prediction face-up and just place it exactly where they said stop and that's basically what's gonna happen for each of these predictions here so I would ask the spectator which one do you want to start with let's say they want to start with the Queen of Hearts so I say perfect so like I said you can deal down the cards you could say stop wherever you want let's say they say stop right over there so we'll take the card put it in just like this face up so you can see where it is the jack next okay perfect so we can have you say stop let's say stop over there so we'll take it put it in just like this square it up and last but not least a night of clubs so just like before stop right over there okay perfect so we can put it in just like this and now we have three predictions lost in the deck so let's recap I chose three predictions at the beginning and then you are able to shuffle the cards away where the predictions was the nine of clubs and then yeah Jack of Clubs and Queen of Hearts okay so basically I chose the predictions and then we lost them in the deck and then I had you shuffle each of the piles so all the cards were even more shuffled than before and then I had you say stop where ever you want it you could have gone one more one less but you stopped it these three exact locations and I'm not really sure why but for some reason I had a really strong feeling that these predictions would end up correct and there's the proof right over there the perfect Masha's so guys that is the trick and now for the tutorial all right guys so here's the tutorial for the trick that you just saw so for this trick all you're gonna need is a normal deck of 52 cards that is one thing you want to make sure you have every single card in the deck that is just a good thing to have but yeah this trick is completely impromptu you can have a spectator shuffle the cards before you start the trick and basically what's gonna happen first is you're gonna be taking the cards to yourself so the spectator is not going to be able to see what's happening they're only gonna see this okay you're gonna be pulling out the three predictions the first prediction is going to be the soulmate of the fifth card okay so you see the fifth card you see one two three four five Jack of Clubs okay I'm gonna go find the soulmate of that fifth card the Jack of space this is gonna be my first prediction and I'm gonna set it down to my left so for my second prediction I'm gonna pull out the soulmate to the top card the two of Hearts okay perfect so I'm gonna go through the deck find that two of Hearts okay here are two of diamonds sorry here it is and then that will be my second prediction my third prediction is gonna be the soulmate of this bottom card right over here the ace of spades so that would be the ace of clubs so I'm going to go through find ace of clubs and that will be my third prediction so there it is and I'm gonna set that down as my third prediction so one more time to recap the first prediction is the fifth card Jack of Clubs jack of spades the sec prediction is a soulmate of the top card two of hearts two of diamonds and then the last one is the soulmate to the bottom card so those are gonna be your three predictions flip the deck back over just like this and now you can have the spectators tell you want to stop at roughly a third of the card so let's say there and then another third there and then the last third here I'll just make sure the same order you put the predictions down from left to right you also put the order of the piles down like starting from the top you put down on the left first and then the middle goes here the bottom pile goes to the right and if you want to check that you did this right you should have the ace of spades lined up with your prediction over here so that is exactly what you want so at this point you're gonna flip over your predictions you're gonna show the spectator the predictions that you pulled out from the beginning the jack of spades two diamonds and the ace of clubs and now you're going to remind the spectator that we really need to have a shuffled deck so what you're gonna do is you're going to hand them the middle pile okay so the middle pile here actually consists of all random cards the only cards that you need to keep track of are in the top and bottom so if you actually give the spectator the middle pile of shuffle they can shuffle this pile as much as they want and it will have no impact on the end result of the trick so they're gonna mix up this pile and what you're gonna do is while they're mixing up this pile you're gonna pick up the first pile or the pile to the left and you're just going to shuffle the bottom few cards you're not gonna want to disturb the top five cards because the top five cards over here consists of your you know two soulmates that you really need to keep in order so keep those top five cards on the top five positions you know so it only shuffle the bottom few cards and then put them back on the bottom to create the illusion that the spectator is going to shuffle every pile you're gonna do this little move I think it was created by Benjamin Earl it's called a little packet switch the spectator is going to be handing you the middle pile back when they're done shuffling a right and you're gonna appear to basically swap the piles so say so we're gonna exchange piles and now you can shuffle that one in reality you really did not do anything you still have the same top pile and they still have the same middle pile but this move creates the illusion that you're sort of exchanging the piles so all that happens is you're gonna hold your pile with your fingertips here on the far right side of the pile just like this and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna use your fingers over here to grab the spectators pile with your hands just like this and you're gonna pick it up like this okay so it looks something like this in this position all you're gonna be doing is just taking the top pile which is your pile you're just gonna be taking it back and then handing this back to them and at full speed it really just looks like you're switching the piles around right and with misdirection they will really not notice this at all so basically at full speed the trick would look like so here you take the middle pile they shuffle it and then you would shuffle the bottom few cards of this pile just put everything back on top and then say so okay we can't really switch the pile so you can go ahead and shuffle it up some more but in reality you're still holding on to the same pile and as they're shuffling this one you shuffled this one more time keep everything in order I'll put this back they're still shuffling this so as they're shuffling this put this one down and pick up the bottom pile and you can do some false shuffles just keep this bottom card on the bottom here alright so you can do this little retention shuffle just keep that card on the bottom and then you're gonna do the exact same packet switch so you're gonna pick up the pile and then say here so we can actually switch it one more time and then you just do the exact same switch so then you can shuffle this pile like one more time and then just set it down on the table right next to where it was before and then the spectator can hand you the middle pile back and then you can just place it back in the middle so in the spectators mind they've actually had a chance to shuffle every single one of the piles but in reality they've just been shuffling this middle pile the entire time while you're going to explain to the spectator now is you're gonna be explaining like dealing and stopping process so you're actually gonna be setting up the deck as you do this so you're gonna pick up the the topmost pile or the pile to the your left containing your top five cards that you need to be in order here you're going to be dealing the top four cards and then stomping so you're gonna say so basically I'm gonna be dealing cards with one at a time and whenever you want you can call out stop and as you can see I've just dealt the top four cards on the table and then what you're gonna do is say so then when you say stop I'm gonna take my prediction card put it in the middle and then I'm gonna drop the rest of the pile on top and you're gonna do exactly what I just said so you're just gonna do everything at this point you're gonna take out the jack just remove it and then put it back and now you're gonna say so now we'll do it for real that was just like demonstration and now you've actually just set up this pile so that the to here is on the bottom and that's just exactly what you want and the jack is also on top so you just set up this pile here and the ace is still on the bottom there so once you have those cards in position you're ready to go so at this the spectator can decide which one they want to start with let's say they actually want to start with the jack this time so you deal out the cards normally they say stop whatever they want you're gonna place the card in and then drop the cards on top just as you said you were gonna do there's no sneaky moves in this part let's say they want to do the two next deal out the cards normally just like this they say stop you put the card in and then you square it up just like that and then you're gonna deal out the cards again they can say stuff wherever they want let's say stop there and I like to do this little thing I didn't do in the performance but I like to say you're sure right here you don't want one more one less and at this point if they want to do like one less you they say okay one less and I say all right Pervin to your decision and then you can really give them the sense of like they have ultimate control over these decisions so at this point once the predictions have been placed here in the middle of the piles what you're gonna do is just stack the cards up from right to left so basically how I like to remember this is I like to remember that this pile was on the top this pile is on the bottom so I'm basically just sort of reversing that so I'm putting this now on the top and then I'm gonna put all of that on the top so I put this here on top and then all of this on the top just like this so I'm basically just sort of reversing what I had before what you're gonna do is you're gonna spread out the cards from the top of the deck and you're gonna be seeing here the last prediction face-up you're gonna thumb it off on the table and put it back in the position where it was before and then all these cards above that prediction you'll see that the ACE is over here so what you're gonna do is you're gonna tap the cards on the deck and then place this pile right next to the ACE what you're gonna do is you're gonna be talking this whole time and then you're gonna pause in the middle after you do this first pile here you're gonna pause and say okay wait what were the predictions again and you're gonna spread to the bottom prediction so you're not going to go to the next one here the two downs you're gonna skip that one first you're gonna do this one here the jack of spades they're gonna say all right wait well were the predictions again oh yeah the jack of spades you're gonna thumb it off and I'll remember how we took all the cards above it and put next to the jack this time we're gonna take all the cards below because there's the Jack of Clubs right there so you're gonna square up the cards put these cards here because that's where the soulmate is so put that there and then you're gonna do the same exact thing that you just did with this one with this prediction here and then you're gonna say are we oh yeah we have the jack of spades two of diamonds drop that card take all the cards below the card because that's where the soulmate is tap the cards again and then just drop these cards over here so a the jack of spades two times azo clubs alright perfect and that's what you would say and then at this point you just recap say yeah I dealt out the cards you said stop wherever you wanted you shuffled every single pile and then I like just sort of just spread out these last few remaining cards just to show that the rest of the deck really is completely shuffled and then I can just set these aside and at this point I'm gonna just reveal the cards and all of the soulmates are gonna be on the bottom of the pile so remember to flip over the piles don't flip over the top card cuz they're not on the top they're actually on the bottom so every single soulmate is gonna be on the bottom and that is essentially the entire trick so you can do this trick with a completely borrowed shuffle deck of cards just make sure you have 52 cards in the deck but I'm gonna go through this one more time because there is a possibility that something could go wrong right in the beginning so let's say the cards are shuffled okay so let's say the cards are mixed up at this point and now you're gonna begin by pulling out those five predictions so I remembered my first one is gonna be the fifth card right so I'm gonna go through the fifth card I'm gonna see here okay jack of spades so I'm gonna go through pull out the other jack okay perfect now I'm gonna go with the top card for parts okay wait the soulmates right next to it I would pull it out but then my jack of spades would be in the wrong position because I'm actually removing a card from the top five cards this is a problem that could arise and how to fix it is basically if you see that you have soulmates in the top five cards just give the deck a cut and then hopefully you should have it so that the top five cards are all different so basically if you ever see cards that are matching within the top five cards just give the deck a quick cut and then just recheck and see if there are any matching cards so in this case I would be fine so that's just one little thing to remember but other than that you can do this trick with a completely borrowed shuffle deck of cards completely impromptu and I just absolutely love this trick because it completely fools the spectators so anyways guys that's the entire trick I really hope you guys enjoyed this one so see you guys for my next video bye [Music]
Channel: A Million Card Tricks
Views: 197,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a million card tricks mismag822, hester23bearsch, kaantricks, jay sankey, david blaine, mat franco, beginner, intermediate, advanced, sleight of hand, cardistry, mentalism, deck, decks, card tricks, easy card tricks, best card tricks, amazing, awesome, cool, super, best, simple, deceptive, chris ramsay, magic, magician, teach, teacher, learn, therussiangenius, 52kards, how to disturb reality, easy sleight of hand, impossible, brain bender
Id: stjwYn2L0_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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