"The 27 Card Trick" IMPOSSIBLE Mathematical Card Trick For Beginners! Performance And Tutorial

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[Music] alright guys so today I'm gonna be showing you this pretty awesome mathematical card trick that anyone can really do you just have to practice it a little bit but it's pretty easy so this is the performance for right now so over here we have a deck of cards and we actually only need about half the deck so I was gonna have the spectator say stop it around half the cards let's say they say stop it about there so we can actually eliminate the rest of the deck we will not be needing to use it for this trick so here's about half the deck here when we should actually count how many cards we have here let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 okay so 27 cards here yeah that's about half a deck I think 26 is exactly half so I'm gonna have the spectator just say what what's their favorite number between 1 and 27 it can be random or I can actually have like a meaning behind it so let's say they say their favorite number is 11 for example and I say really is there any reason why your favorite number is 11 that just say no no no real reasons just sort of random and I say perfect that's fine so I'm gonna give the deck to you to shuffle here so they're gonna shuffle all these cards up and they're keeping their number 11 in the back of their head okay so now they've shuffled these cards I'm gonna spread out all the cards here on the table and I'm actually going to have them mentally select any of these cards so by that I just mean think of any one of these cards so they are literally allowed to think of any of these cards but since I don't have a spectator well I'll just think of one together so let's say they're thinking of the Ace of Hearts over here alright so in the real performance me being a magician I would have no idea what card they're thinking of they could have they could be thinking of any of these cards so let's say they're thinking of the ace of hearts and I say alright so perfect once you've 'mentally selected the card don't even say it out loud go ahead and shuffle the cards so now they're gonna continue to shuffle the cards and all they're doing is thinking of one of the cards in here there's literally no way I can know what card they're thinking of so now I'm gonna say alright so I'm having a little bit of trouble trying to read what it is and I haven't done this in a while so I'm gonna ask you to give me sort of a head start so I'm gonna just deal out the cards like this and all I want you to do is keep track of where your card ends up and remember since we have 27 cards here I can actually deal them out into three even piles of nine cards each so all you have to do is tell me which pile your card is in and their cards the ace of hearts and they see it in this pile over here but me being the magician I still don't know what that card is so I'm gonna have to try and figure out what that card is just by looking through here so I have them think of their card and hmm interesting okay I'm not entirely sure so we'll we'll do this one more time here I think I just need to sort of spread the cards out a little bit more I think this this will definitely help me get it a little bit better so once again just keep track of where your card is so which pile was your card in the middle one here okay perfect so let me just see okay I think you know I'm getting a sense your card it wasn't a red card was it it was okay interesting I'm I'm pretty sure it was a red card and now I think with this last one I think I'll definitely be able to get it okay just remember which pile is in and that's all you have to do so which pile is it in the middle one one more time okay um okay okay okay I think I got it yes okay I'm definitely positive what your card is so I know exactly what your card is and I know you probably don't believe me but I'm gonna prove it to you right now remember that number that you came up with in the beginning between one and twenty seven what was that number that you thought of and they they said the number eleven right so I said what if I took your thought of card and I actually put it in the eleventh position there's no way that would be possible because I have no idea what card you picked but let's count eleven cards down and see so what was your card for the first time just name it out loud Ace of Hearts look one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven the Ace of Hearts if it would have been twelve five parts thirteen kings spades all these different cards here they could have thought of any of these cards they could have named any number I mean this works every single time so now I'm gonna show you guys how to perform this amazing trick alright guys so here's the tutorial for the trick that you just saw I'm gonna try my best to explain how the math works and how you're gonna get any thought of card to appear in any selected number in this twenty-seven card packet so if we're going to get started by explaining how you're going to basically do all the steps in your head in order to stack the piles correctly in order to place their card in the right position so the entire reason for all the math that you're doing is when you have the three piles right and when they tell you which pilots in there's a very specific order that you need to stack the piles in so you can't just put them all back together randomly you have to put them back together in a specific way depending on which number they chose so I'm gonna be explaining how to do this process right now so it's pretty simple let's think of the number 27 okay so we have basically just three groups of nine and we're going to be starting out with all the numbers between one and nine and also we're gonna completely forget about zero the number zero is not included in this trick so we're only gonna be thinking about one through nine for this first part of the trick so one two three okay so that's one group here four five six for another group then we have seven eight and nine for the third group so this is just one two three four five six seven eight nine right this here is one group this here is one group and this here is one group so this here one two three we're gonna call this the bottom group so this is the bottom group here this here four five six this is the middle group okay so this is middle here and then this last group here seven eight nine is the top group just like this alright bottom one two three middle four five six and top seven eight nine so within these three groups these three numbers can actually be divided into sort of you know subdivisions within their own group so if you look at here at the bottom group the number one is the bottom number of that group right because it's the first one the two is the middle number of that group because it's the middle one and then three is the top number of that group and you do that for every single number so four is actually the bottom number of the middle group here five is the middle number of the middle group and six is the top number of the middle group seven is the bottom eight is the middle nine is the top so now here if you look here now we have three divisions of one two three four five six seven eight nine as the bottom group the middle group and a top group and within those subdivisions each of those numbers is either the bottom the middle or the top of that specific group now we're gonna spread out a little bit now we're gonna go a little bit bigger scale because now we're dealing with the numbers a 1 through 27 so that's gonna be the third aspect of this trick so within the numbers of 1 to 27 you can split those into 3 groups as well you have the numbers 1 through 9 as the bottom group okay you also have the numbers 10 through 18 as the middle that's the middle group then you also have 19 through 27 as the top group alright guys so I know I might be losing you here but trust me this is all going to make sense right now I promise you they're literally allowed to think of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 and depending on which number they choose from you're going to be sort of determining from this bottom Middle top on a middle top and bottom Middle top these three divisions here are going to help you decide which order you need to stack the piles in so let's say the spectator selects a two-digit number let's say the spectator selects the number 11 like they did in the performance the first step take their two digit number and you're going to have to take the two digits and add them together to create one single digit number so 11 one and one if you add one plus one together that equals two that's easy right so now you're gonna take that single number and you're going to look at it in this section right here which section is it in okay it's in the bottom section and then you're going to note which position is it in within that section so the number two is the middle number of the bottom group okay so that's gonna be your first two steps it's the middle number of the bottom group so you're gonna start small and then you're gonna spread out bigger and bigger for each designated pile settings so basically start out with the very small subdivision so number two is the middle card and then find out which group it's in within one two three four five six seven eight nine and then what you're gonna do is forget about two now you're just gonna look at the number eleven that was the original number that they chose right which group does that fall in of the overall groupings of like one through nine 10 through 18 19 through 27 does 11 fall between 1 & 9 does 11 go between 10 and 18 or does 11 go between 1927 so obviously 11 is in this middle group here because it falls between 10 and 18 it's right after 10 so that would mean the last thing that you do is going to be middle so now my basic code for number 11 is going to be middle bottom middle because 1 plus 1 is 2 2 is the middle number of the bottom group and the number 11 is in the middle group overall and that's gonna be the basic code for every single number that they choose I know exactly what you're thinking now so they could potentially choose a two-digit number but what if they choose a number 1 through 9 as you know their actual number they could just choose one of these single-digit numbers what would you do then because you wouldn't have to add the digits well that's exactly right you don't actually have to add the digits at all all you have to do is let's say they say the number 6 as their chosen number we're gonna look at number 6 we don't even have to add the digits we just go straight to the source so the second step is to go into the smallest subdivision here so you can see it's the top number of the middle group here 4 5 6 is the middle group and 6 is the top most number of the no group so that's going to be your first two codes top middle and then 6 obviously it's a single digit number so that's gonna mean it falls between 1 and 9 so that's gonna mean it's going to be in the bottom group so your code for number 6 is going to be top middle bottom and that's going to be the order that you stack the piles in now that might not make sense right now but I'm going to explain how to stack the piles exactly in the end but basically when you stack the piles the code of like top middle bottom or whatever the code is because it's gonna be a different code for every single number the code of top middle bottom for number 6 in this case The Plough with their card is going to fall into these spots so the pile with their card you're going to first put it on the top then you're gonna put it in the middle and then you're gonna put it on the bottom when you do the whole dealing out process 3 times and if you do those processes three times the math will just work out in their card no matter how many times it was shuffled in the deck it will end up at the 6th position so let's keep this here for now I'll just move it out to the side and we'll come back to it in just a little bit but now I'm going to show you guys how to actually sort of do this with a deck of cards here so remember you need 27 cards exactly and that will be enough for this trick and they can be all different cards and The Spectator can completely shuffle them before they even select a card you want them to say the number out loud when they say the number out loud you're going to start doing you know like the coding process in your mind so let's just say they name a two-digit number so let's say they say the number 19 the first step remember you have to add the two digits together so 19 is 1 and 9 1 plus 9 is 10 now this is actually an interesting situation since you have 10 which you know you can't really do that one because the number 10 doesn't fall within these subdivisions because it only goes 1 to 9 so what do you do when it's 10 you can actually just eliminate the zero because if you go to the number 10 you can actually just add the digits again so 1 plus 0 would be 1 and then you just go from there so 19 you would see the number 1 from the added digits the number 1 is the bottom number of the bottom group so that would be your first two assignments bottom bottom and the number 19 is on top so then you would do bottom bottom top 4 the number 19 so these are all shuffled you're gonna inspect hitter and then totally select any card so they don't even have to pick it out and return it they can literally just think of a card as you spread it out so let's say they're thinking of like the ace of spades in this case because that's just an easy card to follow we don't relate to think about it their number is 19 and their card is the ace of spades and also the cards are completely shuffled so all these cards can be completely mixed up so how you're gonna basically do this is you're just going to start by dealing the cards out face up into 3 rows just like this and you're just gonna go through this and you actually have no idea what the card is they selected and this is perfect because you don't really have to pay attention to what these cards are during this entire sequence if you want to you can actually be sort of you know mentally calculating where to stack the piles you can be doing all the coding stuff in your head as you deal out all the cards because it can be kind of a boring process so what I like to do first is first I like to add the digits of 1 & 9 so I would say 1 & 9 is 10 away is a 0 so I could actually get rid of the 0 so it would be 1 so 1 is the bottom number of the bottom group so the first thing I know is gonna be bottom that's really all I have to think about now so they point to which pilots and and they say was this one here and you still have no idea what the card is all you know is you have to put it on the bottom so you're just gonna be going through pretending like you're getting a sense of what the card is and say I'm getting kind of a hard time this pile here since it has there you're going to just put it on the bottom because it has their card and that was the first code and these two piles will just go on top of it and since these don't have their card they really don't have to be ordered any specific way that that one could go on the bottom or this one could go on the top it doesn't matter all that matters is the one with their card has to go on the bottom so that's gonna go on the bottom there and now you're just gonna pick up the cards just like this and deal them out one more time exactly as you did before and just make sure not to mix up the order of the cards so now you're going to do the second subdivision so now you're gonna go a little bit bigger you're gonna spread out a little bit so first you do the bottom the number one of the added digits the number one is the bottom one of the bottom group so that means you have to do bottom one more time because you're sort of spreading out again and now you know your second code is bottom so they point to the pile that it's in and they say this one here you still have no idea which one it is but you're gonna just pretend like it's in here and just kind of be like hmm not entirely sure and then just put this one on the bottom again so you're just going to put it on the bottom and now all you're gonna do is do it one more time deal out all the cards into three piles now you know the number the original number that they selected was the number 19 the number 19 falls between the topmost group which is 19 and 27 so obviously you're gonna have to put their pile on top so they're gonna point to the pile actually forget it was in this one here and this one's gonna have to go on top so now you're just gonna say okay I think I got it and just make sure this pilot goes on top so now that pile with their card goes on top and basically everything is done now you just ask what the number is and they say 19 and I count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 their card will always be there so yeah guys that's pretty much the entire trick and you just have to practice the math part and if you guys don't understand how to do the math part at all I apologize I tried my best to explain it in this video but please leave questions in the comment section below and I will do my best to answer all of them so one more thing I would like to add is I really like this mathematical card trick and I kind of just wanted to try and spice it up a little bit by not just having it you know like a basic mathematical card trick where you're just dealing out piles for no reason and then you're just stacking them again and just doing it all over again for no reason in magic there has to be a reason for why you're doing the trick so basically the reason why I was doing all that is in this case my patter was that I haven't really done this mind-reading thing in a while and I kind of need to have a head start so I'm gonna have the suspected or help me out by just telling me the pile with their cards in they don't have to tell me what the card is but they just have to tell me what the pile is and that's sort of my patter for this trick so that's my reason for why I do that if you guys can incorporate that or if you guys want to come up with your own patter try and make this trick a little bit more interesting because there's really no purpose to this trick if you're just dealing out cards telling them which pilots in and then immediately just stacking them up like it's very suspicious if you do that so you have to add some element of mind-reading into it and that will make it much more interesting and much more believable so anyways guys that's gonna be the video for today so I really hope you guys enjoyed this video and see you guys for my next one bye [Music]
Channel: A Million Card Tricks
Views: 331,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a million card tricks mismag822, hester23bearsch, kaantricks, jay sankey, david blaine, mat franco, beginner, intermediate, advanced, sleight of hand, cardistry, mentalism, deck, decks, card tricks, easy card tricks, best card tricks, amazing, awesome, cool, super, best, simple, deceptive, chris ramsay, magic, magician, teach, teacher, learn, therussiangenius, 52kards, how to disturb reality, easy sleight of hand, impossible, 27 card trick, numberphile
Id: aFsIrq39qZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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