Athenar of Midnight interview, Cannibal corpse not worth buying. Best deathmetal record ever?

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that's a great intro right we just hear that what's up doubles got asking are here in the [ __ ] house with a goddamn metal crib picture this on the wall even got some [ __ ] Celtic Frost for Tom G over there so we don't give us Tom G love God damn it said uh Gravedigger the background which I was against because we're not gonna be able to hear each other as long as as long as we know gravediggers in the background that's important I'm used to it so hey who yeah we're down in the uh after cribs just to hear the shoot the [ __ ] [ __ ] talk [ __ ] talk shop let's see what uh see what else is uh stirring anything to throw out there after soon just listen to grave digger that's why I thought we came down here we just have a 35 minute Gravedigger listening party yeah my pose around don't know it's like running well God damn it I'll say first off I heard it I just remember like only a couple tracks I know well you can you can poserize me to Helen back for no CC look at this collection behind me I looked at the C-section no cannibal in sight God damn it I said there's not a there's not a c collection without cannibal I got can Canned Heat candle Mass but no uh no Cannibal Corpse yeah it just hurt them last year the first time ever check them out I'm gonna say it suck balls but it wasn't worth buying it wasn't worth buying it was a grave digger good it was it wasn't euthanasia good or or uh cryptic writing is good I guess well so with that being said actually a question I've actually never asked you get an opinion it gets uh kind of gets uh a little bit inside of a person's personality in my opinion is uh what would you say then is the greatest death metal record of all time not demo not what's the politically correct answer what do you think is the greatest death amount of record of all time based on what you like but also that kind of inspired the scene like if you have some [ __ ] 19 year old you might say something stupid like regurgitation it's like well yeah dude that's not the greatest one ever maybe that's true I mean that's kind of a dumb answer I mean that's a regurgitation is a good physical thing to do but I don't know so what would you say the greatest death on the record all but it's something that you really like but also something that would be kind of acceptable to say as far as the same well and also from what death Metals is known as now right it's uh I mean you could say just like people would say oh the best black metal album is Venom Black Metal but it's not enough yeah exactly that's my point so you can say oh and I said it on this channel so they know and for all the [ __ ] poses that I've seen it go back and watch all the previous goddaments God damn it is there's first generation death metal which is like death possessed uh Massacre orbit Angel obituary second generation death metals like DSi Cannibal Corpse Suffocation immolation mortician Sinister something like that third generation documental is kind of like stuff like seeds of Flesh dying fetus devourment and stuff like that and then fourth generation is kind of where I fell off so with that being said there's just kind of just different tears yeah I mean so you said screen bloody core I think that's an acceptable pick well yeah and that's what I'm saying like there wasn't as many rules to go by as you know like people say I don't think they're rules I think they're just well it is it's it's more rules and things are more so cat uh insanely categorized now as opposed to everybody's gonna go back to when they're a kid no matter what year it is you know it Whatever music you're listening to when you're 13 was important no matter what it is you know yeah so for me at 13 it wasn't so like it wasn't like oh battery is black metal and and uh and uh um Sacred Reich is cheesy thrash metal it was like all just fast and aggressive [ __ ] you know and um there wasn't so many sub genres right that's that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying subgenerals AKA rules well that's what that's what I was getting at so if you're if you're gonna say best death metal I mean I don't know you know for what modern or For What modern day death metal is for me it would be it would be possessed seven churches I mean here's why I think I like to ask them because I think Jeff becerra's vocals is what made that really special I mean sure there was Slayer and other bands that were fast and heavy but becerra's vocals were so over the top and and uh so for me that's my personal favorite of Death Metal and not just because they have a song called Death Metal yeah uh first death metal record of all time as a matter of fact I had some maybe about three four years ago some kid uh and like Jim goes I was wearing possessed seven churches he's talking about music asking about music and she's like Dad talking about how he's in the metal stuff like that and I just said yeah so you like my possessed never heard of those guys dude I need to check those guys out damn right you need to check them out yeah and uh it's literally probably won't he probably won't oh so no I consider that the first death metal LP of all time yeah I've always said that but if you're if you're talking about like maybe what is more considered the down tuned more modern style death metal I would go with summer survival autopsy I mean you know I I I that one is after that I thought it was Central personally so I thought mental funeral I love in the grip of winter it's [ __ ] great the EP is I like uh like two songs off mental funeral one off actually illicitable and then none off uh [ __ ] Fawn and a comeback album The Copy tunnel I remember like like three songs on that they have some songs here but a lot of it I just thought was very very they're gonna do me for me I thought it was boring survival actually yeah that's that that's actually that's my favorites well they stuck to their like Lo-Fi production what it should be not what like a lot of Death Metal it got that's why I was just telling L cat there just it was it's it started to get too rigid and precise and and and and and over produced and and modern sounding autopsy then even even even at mental funeral it would it come out 91 I think that album that's still it was still underproduced for 1991. I mean at 91 you had blessed are the sick and they were spending huge amounts of money on making that [ __ ] record well you were there like uh autopsy it sounded like it was recording a garage it [ __ ] ruled with that being said would you say when mental funeral [ __ ] came out all the [ __ ] losers didn't like them at the time as far as popular bands as opposed to now everybody's riding their day I mean I mean uh say that again just like in in one quick sentence Oh those [ __ ] talk about a lot on this goddamn channel on the bus guys and big bands too sometimes they get thrown under 2023 I'm gonna be throwing more canoes under that bus but the buses ride high so there's a lot of room but anyway there's a lot of canoes what are you what are you saying then what's the question about autopsy oh back in 1991 a lot of the uh they were much less fall than they are now everybody kind of jumped on the train much later oh yeah back then hot dog you like autops yeah yeah that was around 91. I wouldn't say people didn't say it sucks because it didn't but there there wasn't a huge fan base as there say it it is now because now for example like kind of like when I say on my channel I don't like metal funeral I get the looks like [ __ ] this bozo talking about yeah supposed to 91 it's just like oh yeah Universal no I don't like it no problem that's the fight I get yeah is that is that accurate or inaccurate like I said there just wasn't if you like autopsy you like mental funeral except for I don't know Big D maybe I don't know but uh he barely likes several survival well that's what I'm saying but I'm in general so if you did like severed survival [ __ ] mental funeral that was it was fun but I didn't like metal snooze but you didn't like mental funeral in in 91 is what I'm saying you know like six years old well that was your question but that was your question you asked yeah so and that's what I guess I was there they put the first time they played Cleveland it was flashes I think in 93. yeah not many exactly yeah well there are now there'd be at least 200 right probably 200 at least yeah back then it was a flat flashes was a big Club it held probably about 500. maybe there was 50 I don't know maybe maybe 100 I don't know if you remember mortician 99 we were wasn't it crickets there yeah total crickets right I said correct me if I'm wrong I said on this uh channel before giving the attendance I said Counting the goddamn Bartender the hot chick at the door Mitch the dick and the goddamn janitor and everybody [ __ ] there including my brothers you Zach and the bands there was maybe 30 goddamn [ __ ] people there in totality is that number accurate or was I am I exactly yeah no no but I mean but that was that's normal and that's even that's kind of like in the lean days of heavy metal that was what 1999 or a soccer so I mean that's those are the lean years I mean um a lot of sex with more tissue just played here in Cleveland just to September pets of the girls oh that's great yeah I think it's a good thing I just think it's [ __ ] funny it's just you never almost like back then you wouldn't have like never been able to predict that and I suppose like even you know being as uh hell's headbanger is a business cuts off like yeah what do you think the metal scene is going to be an x amount of years it's like it's only [ __ ] growing in popularity instead of water I guess my voice is too goddamn strawberry too many too many of those uh Christmas a-holes but two is too many oh yeah that is party for half an hour yeah two is that's another party right all right two is definitely a party but um I mean it's just like anything I mean everything's gonna have its ups and downs and just because you didn't like mortician in 99 or you know great if people like them now but what are you gonna do I mean you know it it's good that if there was if there was a small amount of people to see autopsy in 91 or 93 whenever they played Cleveland now they're b200 good for autopsy you know that you know I'd much rather have definitely much rather have 200 people see autopsy than 200 people going to see Justin Bieber or whatever the [ __ ] or you know like you know 200 000. well what whatever it is you know it's like at least autopsy are there people who want to see autopsy and uh and and we shouldn't we didn't say oh you're you're a [ __ ] homo because you didn't you didn't like him in 91 or you wouldn't have been there right from the stool this thing's killing my ass well you don't like the the plug that I have that coming up on it no I don't I don't I need a pillow yeah rough it out man people don't like himself too yeah so that goes to prove my [ __ ] Theory those stinky ass fake 90s albums that after can't stand uh I think a lot of other people would like them they wanted wouldn't want to hear those bangers on the tour yeah I was like that was a banger setlist no 90s no problem and I was like that's that's no go that again it's opinion but I I uh I just I'm just so that the the first the first era of the band is just what did so much for me yeah you know it wasn't like oh they're a cool band I have a thousand bands listen to and merciful Fates one of the cool bands I just know I had like six bands to listen to and they were hi Judas Priest oh do you yeah okay yeah but I mean yeah uh probably Venom right I go with Venom you know with three no I know you like Black Sabbath more Black Sabbath but but you know Merciful Fate is definitely in my top 12 I would say okay but I mean uh you know you're you know you're talking stuff at least for me you know you know your Black Sabbath kiss Led Zeppelin stuff like that stuff that you hate stuff like that your dad your dad listens to Black Sabbath no no it's just when the Tom Warriors come by I'm like [ __ ] I like Black Sabbath Judas Priest Van Halen it's like okay all the bands my dad likes you ask my dad do you like heavy [ __ ] I don't like [ __ ] and screaming demons that's just lying Tom's over here others heavy [ __ ] yeah okay I'm still waiting where's the heavy bands at that's all I'm saying God damn it oh this is the wimp Fest song I thought yours that's all yeah yeah I mean no you never know I mean metal no it's not a wimp song at all that's probably one of the best songs ever yeah it's it's the but it's not a wimp Fest but yeah it is it is the more uh Dramatic Song you know it has its Peaks and valleys it's their uh uh yeah he likes every metallic album I wouldn't say I wouldn't say I like it I I I appreciate for what they did there and I can so when you picked in 1996 it's interesting when you picked up that load of crap album in 1996 over here where's your Crown King nothing what were you thinking I was bummed yeah yeah I thought it stunk yeah how many how many lists did you give it like like when you listen to it you're probably like yeah I mean it takes a few listens like how many times did you listen to before you're like ah this kind of sucks no I I thought it stunk right away and even even now I mean if you know the load and reloads I never heard reload if I mean you can mix and match them you know whatever whatever yeah no there's no reason there's you know I mean for you it'd be a waste of your whatever 74 minutes yeah it is that's how long it is 74 months yeah they're both long as [ __ ] man yeah they're really loud be when it first came out in 1986 there was a final four yeah metallic has always been did you pick up this no not at that time because I was gonna I was gonna waste out no oh you never owned up so you never owned load on vinyl ever no okay because of the 90s vinyl wasn't very popular no no I I uh there was there was some stuff that I had like 90s releases but for the most part no it wasn't wasn't buying like modern you know 90s it was I was I was digging backwards a lot in the 90s so I was getting like a lot of early 70s stuff and and uh stuff of that type at that time you're going back like for me like when I hit age 20 that's when I started age 20 it was either no I didn't think that age 18 age 19. that's when I started buying Sabbath Ozzy uh priest uh Misfits at age 20. I went back too yeah because yeah in early years yeah it was it was cannibal Suffocation DSi mortician Vader core Fest Sinister Christian [ __ ] like that and then yeah then I started so what's all this earlier stuff I mean Grant I knew about it of course but that's when I started actually like it's what's like I first heard black sure but I heard Black Sabbath I was like seven years old yeah yeah I just never felt the need to own it right that uh that's when I started buying even like Celtic Frost and [ __ ] like I think I bought more potatoes when I was 19 or 20. you know that was a go math yeah yeah well that would be it would be it would be a go back I mean what the hell you're born in 85 uh 85 yeah there's some big things put out that uh double discount Hammer demos I thought that was fantastic that was my first introduction to Hell Hammer yeah that's all the [ __ ] part of that was kind of like out of print you couldn't get it anyways all right well you couldn't get Apocalypse of grades at that time or not really the language I mean yeah you could on eBay right but it wasn't impressed oh right yeah it probably became important again officially apocal grades because I know they wasn't back on black and I think that was around 2003 2004. well they put out uh I don't know what your business maybe mid 90s they put out with that different cover with that tan cover on CD at least oh I do know you're talking with like a spider thingy whatever [ __ ] yeah but um yeah they took away one of the best covers yeah yeah same reason why they changed the cover of bonded by Blood yeah you know like when they did a reissue of that and I was like I mean that was a horrifically bad cover I can't think of something about the time I had there's a business acceptance like what is a what's a classic on that is a terrible cover uh oh um oh this guy want to know [Music] um great great album terrible cover why is that a cover it's just a couple of shapes well this kind of looks like rock and roll though it could it could look like disco though yeah yeah it could look like anything when you pick this up where did you buy this at a record store Record Exchange Record Exchange what was it years and years later it was in the 80s 80s yeah first time I went there was uh 80. the first thing I bought from record change was Yngwie Malmsteen marching out okay okay and it was 85. yeah yeah it is Ohio right yeah well no I think there's a couple Pennsylvania they branched out to Pennsylvania but uh yeah that's a terrible album cover [Laughter] yeah I don't know the stop button is on that goddamn thing we keep videos around 20 minutes around here God damn it what's the time oh yeah we got we got to we're gonna have to edit this or make it a three-parter or something or just 15 minutes we gotta throw something in there after something funny too goddamn I have nothing funny in front of us I'm at tour there has to be somebody got to be thrown there's nobody thrown under a bus I'm playing by all the rules and I'm a good person and I and I I love no bus Throne no nobody else on anything man I got I got good karma coming to me and I'm gonna accept it nobody crying on tour nobody nobody nothing nothing nobody crying not from the fmr band no crying no no no no no no there's nothing but pure professionalism all right Maury Povich or whatever the [ __ ] hey people like to hear dirt I know those are those are low brow people those are low brow what's that oh the bulldozer show is great I was at bulldozer in Cleveland too with the system you were in it was in youngest Town not Cleveland in this [ __ ] the land where were they all at God damn it but it was Youngstown I made the drive what's their excuse I would have made to drive too right that's what I'm saying where's everybody at because when you hear Cleveland like people on the outside they all say like oh isn't that like take a rock and roll man this man you've got a cool ass metal scene I don't know not based on the [ __ ] a lot of those some shows but I mean a lot of them like that's kind of I kind of when I saw that I'm kind of embarrassed for bulldozer I'm like oh man what less than 100 people yeah it's just a little bit I don't know can we here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] check out [ __ ] Gravedigger God damn it you're a [ __ ] poser ass [ __ ] canoe that needs to be thrown in the goddamn bus too did you get all your you got canoe in there Tom yeah oh yeah we got every album we got support the scene um that that uh regularly I know okay you got God damn it's [ __ ] out the ass yeah yeah oh was there there was no mention any pink panties no pink panties tampons that's because we're two no we're two heteros two heterosexual they even have a pink panties in the [ __ ] room that's right that's like the good old goddamn days nowadays just go to Walmart [Music]
Channel: Justin Horval
Views: 30,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dIJh8h6LwyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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