Boyle's Self-Flowing Flask Filled With Polyethylene Glycol (Self-Pouring Liquid) = Perpetual Motion?

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okay today I'm going to be using Boyle self flowing flask along with polyethylene glycol the self flowing liquid or the self siphoning liquid I'm going to pour the polyethylene glycol in Boyles flask and see if we can really push the limits and get perpetual motion okay so if you haven't seen my video on polyethylene glycol it's a really neat liquid this liquid has a molecular weight of about 1 million that means if you had a mole of it it would weigh a million grams and what that essentially means is that the molecular chain is really long and so you have these very long chains and those chains are all attracted to each other through hydrogen bonding and what that does is when you start to pour the liquid it pulls the other chains out with it so if you just barely pour it it starts emptying the whole thing so it's called a self pouring liquid see how I just emptied my whole thing and all I did was tilt it a little bit I didn't even pour it so another cool thing about polyethylene glycol is that you can suck it up into a syringe but you don't even have to keep the syringe dipped into the liquid so for example I start sucking it up watch it keep filling up when I remove it filled it all the way up with it out of the liquid so the properties of polyethylene glycol are actually more familiar than you think if you've ever handled eggs just kidding I'm not howtobasic but seriously if you've ever handled an egg then you've handled something similar to polyethylene glycol so if you've ever tried to separate out an egg white it's pretty hard if you start to drop a little bit of the egg white then you'll notice the rest of it comes with it that's because egg whites have very high molecular weight molecules in it there's lots of proteins in there and those are high molecular weight and they have very good hydrogen bonding among molecules and so it tends to pull out the other molecules with it whenever it starts to pour so you can do the same trick with egg whites without actually dipping the syringe into the egg whites so what I'm going to do is pour polyethylene glycol into Boyles flask here but before I do that let me show you what Boyles flask actually is with just water first so I have her just colored water so you can see it better okay so what I have here is what I call the Internet version of Boyles flask at the end of my video I'll explain what the difference is between a real boils flask and this one so the idea is that once you start the liquid flowing you can then pour it and to the top of the cup and it should keep flowing but you can see what happens with water here is that the level of the liquid stays level with the top of the liquid in the flask over here so the liquid in the tube stays level with the liquid and the top of Boyles flask and so you can't ever get it to stay flowing up and over the top if I try to get it to flow it just never does it you can kind of get it to start happening if you lower it let us start flowing and then quickly move it over a little bit comes out so the idea is and I've had a lot of comments suggesting to do this is if I use the polyethylene glycol and start at flowing and then move it over the top and I get it to continue flowing okay so the hard part is getting the polyethylene glycol in here without [Music] okay so you can see that the reaction time at the polyethylene glycol is a lot slower than the water if I drop it below the level of the fluid in the boils flask it takes a while to start flowing out and then with that when I raise it above it takes a while to stop so let's get it flowing and see if we can flow it over up around the top and keep it flowing okay so let's see if we can get it flowing let's drop it below see it flowing out the end I'm gonna move it over the top there we go kind of flowing and then it stops so let's see if I dunk it in the fluid now okay we're getting continual motion what do you think you can see the bubbles right they're not moving the fluid is not flowing in there okay now let's lift it up and see if we can get our perpetual motion [Music] nope they can see as soon as it as soon as I lift it up the fluid just comes out of the tube and goes to the exact level of the water in the flask ok so what's happening here is definitely not perpetual motion even though it is flowing but what's happening is it's just flowing out of the top of the tube here it's not circulating through okay as I mentioned at the beginning of the video this is actually not a true Boyle's flask Isaac backwards ok every wasn't coming out but does look like it was flowing backwards so as I mentioned at the beginning of the video this is actually not a true Boyle's flask this is just the type that you see a lot on the internet and this is the type that was made popular by the video of a guy flowing beer and a flask like this and the beer just kept flowing and falling into the original flask turned out it was fake obviously and there was a pump that was pumping the liquid around so a real boy is flask is actually supposed to use a very tiny tube at the end and it's capillary action that draws the water up into the tube and they're supposed to pour it back into the original flask and so the capillary action is what's pulling it up into the tube but even then Boyle's flask still won't work because for capillary action to occur you need surface tension but it turns out that the surface tension will just make a small drop of water on the end of the tube and you have to shake it to get it loose and so you would need to continually keep shaking it to keep dropping the drops of liquid back into the flask and so you need to put work into it for the liquid to keep flowing so not perpetual motion so even though this did not work with polyethylene glycol there actually is a liquid that this would work with and it's liquid helium liquid helium is called a superfluid and means that it has a viscosity of zero and so there's no friction when it starts to flow so once you started flowing it will just continue flowing that direction and so if you started this flowing one direction it would just continue flowing through the to back through the top back around in a continuous loop and never stop but even superfluids like that don't actually violate the second law of thermodynamics because you still couldn't extract any work from it so it's not like you could have this loop of liquid helium and put a little turbine on it and extract work from it wouldn't work that way but you could get it to continually flow frictionless by itself so Boyle's flask does not work whether you have a small end to it with capillary action or a big end like this with polyethylene glycol it just doesn't work what you really need is a super fluid like liquid helium before I go today I wanted to show you what I recently received in the mail so I wanted to say thanks to all of you who helped me get there I'm now at 300,000 subscribers there are only two hundred thousand subscribers late and how about we see how far we can go let's see if we can get to that gold play button I think we can hey everyone I hope you liked this video if you have any questions or comments let me know in the comments section and I'll try to get to them or if you have any ideas that you want me to try anything you want me to put in my vacuum chamber or crushing my hydraulic press I haven't used that in a while let me know and if you're not subscribed yet remember to hit the subscribe button and hit the bell to be notified when my latest video comes out and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Action Lab
Views: 5,688,847
Rating: 4.3211751 out of 5
Keywords: perpetual motion, boyle's flask, polyethylene glycol, amazing, perpetual, self pouring, free energy, self flowing, self-pouring, polyethylene oxide, the action lab, poly ox, flask, self-siphoning liquid, siphon, pouring, vacuum, vacuum chamber, liquid, polyethylene, science, hydraulic press, hydraulic press action, chamber, self, polyox, challenges, experiment, press, challenge, fly in vacuum, vsauce, king of random, robert boyle, motion, boyle, spin, action, oobleck, lab, physics, flow, oobleck pool
Id: 6oNFmDzA4tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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