왕사마귀와 친구가 되는 과정 (The Process Of Making Friends With The Giant Mantis)

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This video is the story of me and the giant mantis who have been together for two months. Two months ago While taking a walk, I happened to see the skin of a mantis. There was probably a mantis nearby. And after a while... I found a mantis among the leaves of a tree. It was a really small and cute baby mantis. I usually like mantis very much, so I decided to take this guy and raise an adult. I reached out to the mantis. The mantis came up with my hand as if waiting!! Do you want to come with me?? Hmm... are you PleaseBee?? Okay~ I think it will be fun!! Let's go your home~! s..stop going up mantis.. uhhhhh!! That's how me and mantis started living together. Let's water mantis Mantis attacks anything that moves. After a while mantis started drinking water. Give me something to eat, not water. what to eat? uhm... Find food for mantis!! I set out to find food for the mantis. And.. I found a large bucket full of water. Mosquitoes usually lay their eggs here. I decided to take a closer look. just as expected... Mosquito larvae lived there. The barrel next to it was much worse. A huge number of mosquito larvaes... There were a lot of mosquito larvaes living there. Mosquitoes are said to lay 300-400 eggs at a time. The more pests we dislike, the stronger their fertility. I decided to catch these mosquito larvae. It was very easy to catch mosquito larvae. I put mosquito larvae in a bucket of water. I decided to pour it all over the road to prevent the remaining worms from becoming mosquitoes. Goodbye, mosquito larvaes. What will happen to mosquito larvae? The vitality of mosquito larvae is greater than you think. After a while, mosquito larvae do not die. They are really scary guys. Not only one or two are alive, but most are alive. It's been 20 minutes since the water spill, but mosquito larvae are normal. After a while, ants started appearing and, The ants caught all the mosquito larvae. Give mantis a mosquito larvae.. Can mantis hunt mosquito larvae? very responsive mantis indeed??? HAHAHAHA What are you doing... mantis can't even catch one??? My pride is hurt. What's the problem.. What's the problem?? After a while wow! Success this time!! Mantis eating mosquito larvae deliciously The mantis ate one in an instant. Since then, the mantis has eaten mosquito larvae very well. Ummm~ I hate mosquitoes, but mosquito larvae taste like honey~ And then mantis drinking water Mantis often rubs their heads on the floor. This is the act of finding water. Naming mantis The mantis molts and begins to grow rapidly. I thought of the green fruit that came out of the brown husk and I decided to name this mantis 'Kiwi'. But I never imagined at the time that this guy would later turn the color of a Kiwi shell. If I put mosquito larvae on my finger and give it to the mantis How will Kiwi react? Now let's go to Kiwi... I'm curious to see how the mantis will react. What is Kiwi's reaction? The king of concentration Kiwi haha flinch Human number 1 attacked by mantis kung fu zzz How sick will it be? It's more itchy than I thought. Second Kung Fu attack. It's not painful, but it's kind of a psychological shock... lol Finally success! Kiwi eats it deliciously ^^ Now the mantis needs another food. I prepared a new food! That's right... Mealworms. Crickets are better food for mantis but, In summer, it smells a lot and it is difficult to manage. Can Kiwi eat mealworms? moving carefully Mealworms that hold up without falling from tongs Mealworms fly away lol indeed??? Success at once! Kiwi starting to eat mealworms For the first time I give me mealworms, and the mantis is very good. ▷▷Fast forward Mantis eats leftover mealworms with one paw Fortunately, Kiwi ate the mealworms very well. What if I showed Kiwi a game of catching bugs?? It's been a while since I took out my old cell phone. Now install the app and open the bug catch game! This is a bug-catching game I haven't seen in a long time!! zzz I can't wait to see how Kiwi will react! Today's protagonist, Kiwi, appears! Mantis, would you like to play a game? Kiwi : what game??? It's very fun~~ haha Kiwi : Hmm... something is suspicious... What is this reaction??? After all, mantis, the king of insects!! That's a huge reaction. Continuing Kiwi's indiscriminate attack!! A mantis that climbs up on a smartphone to catch bugs lol The brute force attack continues. HAHAHAHA It's strange.. I definitely caught it... Let's change direction. attack again !!!!!!!! Kiwi that moves instinctively when you see it moving Kiwi : It's really weird!! I also showed Kiwi another insect game. The attack continues without fail. Kiwi is faithful to its aggressive instinct. Kiwi has molting again. A few days later, Kiwi molts. Fortunately, Kiwi finished molting in good health this time as well. This is Kiwi's skin. It's quite a bit bigger than before. Kiwi became the 6th mantis. Will Kiwi be able to safely become an adult mantis? A strong mantis who protects me, Kiwi I brought corn harvested from the countryside. Now I tried to boil the corn deliciously, By the way!! They say there are worms in the corn. I think it's this corn. I looked closely at the end. There is a hole in the corn cob. It's clearly a trace of a caterpillar. I brought it to my room to take a closer look. Uh... there's something! I see a black thing, but it's dead or not moving. I thought he was dead because he didn't move. By the way... He's alive! After a while the worm started to move. Phew.. I almost boiled the worm with the corn. This worm that lives on the corn stalk and gnaws at the corn... The worm, which was hidden deep inside, begins to come out through the entrance. And he moves the lump. The worm that moves non-stop Now let's get the worm out. The worm that starts to come out Kiwi, kill this guys! Kiwi began to turn brown gradually. The guy who secretly stole the corn, come out! At the worm's tremendous speed, even Kiwi panicked Hunting success at once! Oh, it tastes like corn soup. Call me when a worm appears in your house. I will eat anything. I'm satisfied. This is why I grow mantis. Kiwi ate that day thanks to a corn worm. Building a Kiwi House Now Kiwi needs a bigger house. I'm going to put 2 plastic nets in the Kiwi house next. Apply instant glue on one end and I pasted the other side. The adhesive did not harden well, so I used a fan as well. After a few hours the plastic net is completely glued. Kiwi House complete! Kiwi hanging upside down I gave the mealworms in the feeder. Kiwi starting to come down 1st attempt failed Second attempt success! Now I think these mealworms are too small for Kiwi. Kiwi eated 2 mealworms in an instant Kiwi is now a real kiwi peel color. I went out to find food for Kiwi. By summer, many, insects began to appear. Two leopard butterflies are having a great time. This is a rare long-headed grasshopper these days. scarabs mating This is long-horned beetle. It is classified as a pest because it causes great damage to various species, including cherry trees. And when you think of summer, the most common insect That's cicadas. Let's catch a cicada and take a look. slowly approach cicada making a loud noise The cicadas are strangely able to open and close their hearing. So when cicadas cry, they can't hear their sound. Goodbye cicada ~ It seemed to fall to the floor, but it flew well. Found an insect to give to Kiwi. Everyone take a look here. what is this??? What kind of worms are there so many? I decided to take a closer look. Ha.. these guys.. This insect is the spotted lanternfly. They are vicious pests that devastate trees. I'm going to catch the spotted lanternfly, a pest, and give it to Kiwi. Hanging on the butterfly net lol Success in catching the first spotted lanternfly! this time by hand Approach slowly... Bare-handed success! This is a spotted lanternfly. I really hate it because of the perception that it is a pest. Carefully put it in a container. I gave the spotted lanternfly to Kiwi. Start moving slowly. Can Kiwi hunt a spotted lanternfly? After a while.. mantis kung fu!! This guy is strong!! Eh... Ahh!! Kiwi running to me Bro, I'm so scared of spotted lanternfly... a few days later I was away from home for a few days, and when I came back, Since then, Kiwi has molted again. Let's take Kiwi out. Kiwi runs away after meeting me after a long time haha Mantis' eyes turn black when they are in a dark place, and I like this the most. It's a surprise!! It was really big. Importantly, Kiwi is not yet an adult. Mantis molts 7 times, and it seems that there is still 1 more left. I'm looking forward to how big the mantis will grow when it molts again. Kiwi : Maybe you'll be surprised? Now let's give the spotted lanternfly I caught to Kiwi. Be careful as it may pop out Fortunately, it didn't fly away. Will Kiwi be able to hunt well today? Kiwi spotted a spotted lanternfly indeed??? Hunting success at once! Now Kiwi is really strong. Kiwi is not at all afraid of spotted lanternfly. Murder tick that made me tremble in fear I came to the mountain to observe the cicadas. Everyone, take a look at what's hiding here. This insect exhibits the best camouflage. Did you find it now? It's a stick bug. At first glance, it looks like a small tree branch and is difficult to recognize. The stick bug that looks at my hand and is surprised It's a cute little guy, but unfortunately it's classified as a pest. This guy's main specialty is shaking. I plan to make a video of stick bug someday. Catching a robust cicada Korea blockish cicada catch I returned the cicadas I caught to nature and returned home... The next day, a strange bug was found in the house. One bug found in mantis house... This guy... what's the real thing??? Huh... this guy, maybe... murder tick??? I searched the internet and found that this bug was a real killer tick. Maybe when I went to the mountains, a killer tick got stuck on my body and came home... I was very worried that I might have been bitten by a tick. Some ticks carry the SFTS virus. When infected with this SFTS virus, there is no special treatment, and the fatality rate is very high with 10-30%. In Korea, the first death occurred in 2013. Since then, there has been an increase in deaths from the SFTS virus every year. it's such a small bug, but tick's really scary. It was bigger than the tick I saw last year. It is said that when a tick sucks human blood for a long time, the size of the tick grows 10 times or more. Fortunately, I did not have any symptoms such as fever or vomiting after a few days. It's time to chastise this murder tick. The main character who will chastise the tick is my mantis, 'Kiwi'. Who surprised my brother?? I'll take care of it!! My mantis is always reliable Can mantis ever kill ticks? I am the strongest mantis!! Kiwi, that tick is this guy!! A tick that looks at the mantis and does not move There is no movement, so Kiwi cannot detect it. How about doing this? Kiwi, scold this guy! After a while, Kiwi found a tick!! indeed??? HAHAHAHA Hey, what are you doing? I can't catch this tick.. Bro, isn't this a smartphone? When I was young, I was very naive... Obviously this is not a smartphone... Wait a minute, I'll help. OH!! Finally got it!!! Kiwi starting to eat ticks right away Kiwi helping me every time pests appear I am so happy to have Kiwi. I've been catching grasshoppers to give to Kiwi. Kiwi snatches grasshoppers at once The hunting instinct of mantis is really great. Today is Kiwi house cleaning day. At first glance, it doesn't look that bad, but... The floor is full of leftovers and dung. Wipe clean and lay the floor. Wow, the house is clean! Give the kiwi some water. Kiwi drinking water Today, I went out and caught a spotted lanternfly. Kiwi approaching the spotted lanternfly right away It succeeds in hunting with great speed. So, Kiwi and I were having a good day. But after a few days... Kiwi is weird... As always today, I gave Kiwi a spotted lanternfly. Kiwis only look and do not hunt. Kiwi stays there all day without eating. The wings are gradually turning green. Obviously something is happening to Kiwi. The next day, Kiwi is still hanging around without eating anything. That's right.. Kiwi is preparing to become the last adult mantis. As this is the most important time, I watch Kiwi with concern. Kiwi's tail flutters even stronger... I'm worried because the kiwi hasn't eaten anything for two days already. I waited until late at night for Kiwi, but that day he didn't molting either. 2:45 a.m. Kiwi is still the same. It was too late, so I had to go to bed and decided to record it just in case. And the next day something amazing happened. While I was sleeping, Kiwi changed positions several times. And Kiwi, descending downward, repeats the strange behavior. This is probably Kiwi's way of getting out of the skin. Kiwi repeating the same behavior... And after about 20 minutes... Kiwi starts molting. Take a good look... A green Kiwi is coming out of the brown shell. After a while Kiwi went up and Finally took off all the skin. It doesn't end here. The most important remains for the adult mantis. Please come out on camera, Kiwi... Surprisingly, thank you Kiwi for coming back to the camera Now Kiwi should dry the wings well. Kiwi's light green wings are spreading. And after a while Kiwi's wings were finished. Finally, Kiwi became an adult mantis. The mantis, which was this small two months ago, Now it has grown to a huge size. The size is great, but I'm not afraid of the Kiwi. cute~ cute~ Thanks for growing up healthy, Kiwi!! The story of PleaseBee and Kiwi continues. Subscribe & Like
Channel: 제발돼라 PleaseBee
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Keywords: 왕사마귀, 왕사마귀 키우기, 왕사마귀 채집, 왕사마귀 먹방, 왕사마귀 먹이, 왕사마귀 약충, 왕사마귀 여치, 사마귀 키우기, 왕사마귀 친구, 키위, 사마귀 사냥, 사마귀 싸움, 사마귀 기생충, praying mantis, mantis, raising mantis, mantis friend, mante, élever la mante, ami mante, louva a Deus, amigo louva-a-deus, mantide, mantide che cresce, amico mantide, богомол, выращивание богомола, друг-богомол, カマキリ, カマキリを育てる, カマキリの友達, insect, criando mantis, amigo mantis, Gottesanbeterin, con bọ ngựa, nuôi bọ ngựa, bạn bọ ngựa, yt:cc=on, praying mantis as pets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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