Bowen Yang on Hooking Up with Sydney Sweeney and Gina Gershon in an SNL Sketch

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-We're back with Bowen Yang. -Did everyone in the audience have a Celsius or something? Everyone is so pumped up. -It's a really nice crowd. -It's such a nice crowd. Wow. -It's Monday night. Bowen's here. -Uh-huh. -You did a sketch called "Bowen Straight." -Yes. -A couple of weeks ago. -Uh-huh. -With Sydney Sweeney. -Right. -There you are with Sydney Sweeney. and then in the end, you hooked up with Gina Gershon. -Yes. -Who is -- who's, like, just been white hot for, like, three decades now. -Decades. Decades. -Yeah. -Yeah, I got to tell you guys something. You know, when, like, you have a head injury and you, like, can't see colors quite right? -Yeah. -I feel like I got hit in the head by these two women, and I'm still a little straight. -Really? -I think. [ Laughs ] -So you just did -- you did, like, some comedy straight and, like, a little bit stuck. -I think -- Like, I understand why Austin Butler talked like Elvis for a while after the movie. -It took a few months. -So, like, I think for a couple more weeks, I'm still -- I'm still straight. Ladies, get in there. -Yeah, it's interesting because Austin Butler was here last week, right? Ever since he's left, I might be a little bit gay. -Yeah. There you go. Funny. -It just happens. -Yeah. -It just happens. You were dark a couple of weeks ago, and you went upstate. -I did. -Are you -- I don't take you to be a sort of nature-y, get out -- -I think I got it out of my system from growing up in Colorado, which I love, but going upstate was great. I stayed at a place where -- Wild Flower Farm. I hope I get one free night out of this. Where you get to wake up and you go -- you go and feed chickens, and you pick the eggs that they lay, and then you bring them to breakfast, and the chef cooks them for you. Cooks you an omelet. It's incredible. And then I went on a hike and then -- 40 beautiful minutes, and then I fell on my ass. Uh-huh. -Ate absolute "S" word, and then went home. I was like, that's enough nature for one -- -Home to the hotel or just home to the city? -I think -- Home to the hotel. But then soon after, the city. -Right. Yeah. You just fell on the mountain and just slid all the way back to Manhattan. This is the second season of "Hot White Heist." -Yes. -Do you enjoy -- it's an incredible cast. -Amazing cast. -Really fun story. -Sir Ian McKellen, Jane Lynch, Cynthia Nixon, Joel Kim Booster, Sarah Ramirez, Raul Esparza -- like<i> daddy</i> of all daddies -- and Tony Kushner, fantastic. -Fantastic. So this is -- obviously, this is about a heist. Have you in your life ever stolen anything? -I have not, but I have witnessed someone, a close friend of mine who I will not name, but who hosts a podcast with me. -Okay. -We were at a bodega. We were, like, 22 years old, okay? And were hurting for cash. We went to a bodega and this man steals a strawberry shortcake ice cream from the freezer. And thankfully, this lovely bodega keep ran out after him and was like, "Give that back." And he was like, "Fine." And then just like, rolled his eyes and handed it back so,<i> so</i> nonchalantly. And so I have also been in an ice cream scandal. [ Laughs ] Like. -This is -- I -- And again, I'm not going to name this person either, but I do want to stress, they do host a podcast with you. -They do host a podcast with me. -I will say, and, you know, I don't know him. Can I guess him? -No. -Could I guess him? -You may guess -Okay, as well as I know you, but I do -- I love -- everything I know, he would roll his eyes if he got caught. -He would roll his eyes if he got caught shoplifting. I called to make sure he was okay with me sharing this story. And now I think this gives him fodder to throw me under the bus next time he's on this show. -Oh, wonderful. -Yes, it's Matt Rogers. Okay? It's Matt Rogers. -Ice cream thief. -Ice cream thief. -Reformed -- Reformed ice cream thief. -Reformed ice -- We would never do anything like that today. -Yeah. -Truly. -It's really funny. I mean, also it must be like a dream, to be a bodega owner and run out and be like, "Give that back!" and them be like, "All right, all right." -Yeah. So frictionless. -Yeah. -Yeah yeah, yeah. No pushback. -Went home and was like, "It actually went well." -[ Laughs ] Could have gone much worse. -Thank you so much for being here. -Thanks for having me. -Congrats on everything. Bowen Yang, "SNL," March 30th, with host Ramy Youssef and Travis Scott. "Hot White Heist" streaming on Audible. We'll be right back with Kara Swisher.
Channel: Late Night with Seth Meyers
Views: 138,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: late night, seth meyers, late night seth meyers interview, interview, Bowen Yang, Straight, SNL sketch, Sydney Sweeney, second season, podcast, Hot White Heist, ice cream, scandal, Matt Rogers, NBC, NBC TV, television, funny, talk show, comedy, humor, stand-up, parody, snl seth meyers, host, promo, seth, meyers, weekend update, news satire, satire, Las Culturistas, Podcast, lip-syncing, Saturday Night Live, lgbt, gay, gay male, improv, comedian, live, sketch comedy, Fire Island
Id: CH-gM6WuccA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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