Bounty Hunting But My Build DOWNGRADES (Blox Fruits)

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what's popping boys today I'm going to be Bing hunting block Roots but there's a Twist every player I kill I have to spin this wheel which will make my build better but if I die my build gets worse the goal today is to reach 10 kills total but with that let's get right into it to begin with I'm going to completely randomize my build if we die or get a kill we're going to go from there but right now I'm going to roll the Rarity hopefully we get a good Rarity and we get uncommon I suppose that's not too bad cuz I could end up getting Twin Hooks or triple Katana let's gohe and Shuffle this come on let's see what we get for the sword and we get shark saww oh this is not looking good okay well now let's see we get for the fighting style hopefully we get Sanu art or God human even superum would be nice that's step for the first one I do not know how to use this by the way the fruit I will be using throughout the video is going to be the rumble fruit but let's go ahead and talk to fo you and get death step and there we go the build is complete I have no idea how I'm going to win a 1 V one with this but let's go ahead and hop into public server all right we're a brand new server if I end up losing this fight I'll have to downgrade to Common sword and a worst fighting style which is the V1 of death steps so that's not going to be good so we got to win this by any means necessary first thing we got to do though find a person oh wait some right there do you'all see that that D us it right there hold on let's go over here get over here my boy boom boom boom bo boom uh-oh uh-oh oh he's got got he's got got human all right I got my hockey activating Thunderball destruction oh he's getting away he's getting away can something stop him can something oh my gosh how am I going to catch up to this dude bro I have I don't even know how to use death step for no way I just sniped that no way I just sniped that dog this this goose chase this wild goose chase is getting annoying very quick bro like I have no moves I can catch him with this come on bro come on bro accept your fate accept your fate uh-oh uh-oh oh this is good this good this good right right right right drill got him got him got him got him got him got him got him Boom Boom come on come on come on get out of there get out of there didn't want that boom boom I got him I got him with the consecutive slashes bro shark saw is so bad but boys that is one kill that also means we're going to be upgraded to the next category since we started off with the uncommon category we're now going to move up to the rare category so let me go ahead and respin my next sword and see what sword we get next we get pipe it looks like okay that's not bad that's not bad I'm glad we got to try this one out now we're also going to be resp spinning my fighting style which could be good or for very bad let's see what we get though let's see what we get boys come on come on come on come on God human God human God I'm 100% winning this I'm 100% winning this unless I just run into a better player all right he's going to fall into this yep boom get him there oh wait actually he's kind of cooking he's kind of cooking all right Dragon Blast it's a different ball game now buddy it's a different ball game a random sound user pulled up oh no oh no I see how this is going I see how this is going and he's a what the why are there three people on me oh oh my gosh did these boys set up like a whole like Rebellion against me or something dog they got like all in unison attacking me your boy runs away from no challenges bro I'm going to try to take them all anyways that boy's dead GG hold on hold on while I'm at it let me try killing these boys let me try killing these boys if I die to one of these boys that's still a downgrade uh-huh uh-huh pipe V4 is activated okay okay so these boys using V4 come on come on come on uh-oh uh-oh V4 V4 V4 jeez that sound does so much damage bro what the hell bro this ends now this ends now hit him there Dragon Blast thunderstorm got him there boom GG my boy told you I was winning this for pipe bro there's no way I was about to lose this that's two kills down eight more to go but now we get an upgrade all right legendary Rarity here we go didn't think I'd be here this early two Shea I don't really know how to use this one now for fighting style hopefully I get a good one I mean anything other than God is going to be a downgrade death step oh my God back to death step all right here we go I did a server hot because I literally basically wiped everyone in that server really don't know how to use susha for PVP on top of that I don't use death step so this could get a little shaky oh someone's low someone's low someone's low oh wait wait this dude this this dude is H4 uhoh uhoh what did I just do what did I just get myself in what did I just get myself into he's a damn Venom oh damn damn damn damn dog okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on what did I just get myself into dog what the hell bro bro no I again help broo I literally got 600 health no that is 35,000 Bounty right oh my God bro that's two kills one death but now we have to downgrade so we were legendary before now we go back to rare let's Shuffle let's redo this see what sword we get and we get we're not doing pipe again we're not doing pip again I'm going to reroll I'm going to reroll All Right reroll Time reroll come on come on come on oh I should have stuck with pipe I should have stuck with pipe bro dual headed blade okay and then obviously since I lost I have to downgrade from Death step to dark step I swear I'm probably about to die again bro I'm probably about to die again thunderstorm and it's lagging ah I can't even fight okay okay okay hold on hold on assassinate assassinate assass what oh my God this is so bad this is so bad this is so bad I literally got to rely on my uh my sword somehow even though this sword is like literally horrendous maybe this will help maybe this will help ball destruction please assassinate okay boom maybe I can win maybe I can win come on thunder storm he got hit by it he got hit by it how can I do this how can I win this how can I win this okay flying kick uhhuh let me activate V4 that's this is like my only chance of winning right here okay okay okay okay thunderstorm there we go one kill one kill sheesh now you're get you're not getting away my boy take that buddy take that Buckle GG easy I like literally only use the dual head blade for like .1% of that fight bro but I do not care I'm getting that upgrade that juicy upgrade spinning our fighting style now hopefully I get something good Sanu art would be dope I haven't used that one yet and we get electric really really about to go to this damn mid fighting style bro who uses Electric in this game dude fighting a boss over here yep me hit him like that boom windbreaker uh-huh Quake sphere and it's lagging again what do you expect no no no no bro if it wasn't lagging I could literally just he's flying away bro hold on hold on hold on bro you're not getting away I literally cannot catch up uhoh uhoh he's a d user he's a d user and it's lagging it's lagging I can't even keep up with this like what the hell is this game bro okay okay okay okay Boom come on come on come on I'm coping so hard I'm coping so hard I lost to a guy I couldn't even fight back due to the lag sadly though we lost so we're going back down to rare praying I get a good sword like long sword or Soul cane please bro I need something good to come back oh oh come on long sword long sword long and we get GT oh my God bro GT who uses this garbage sword I need something good for the fighting sty I literally can't downgrade from Electric so we can only roll it oh oh oh Sanu AR sart I'm winning I'm winning this one 100% I'm winning bro after like 10 minutes of looking I finally got a server that I think should be able to fight in okay hold on devour worlds boom smoke Apparition okay okay we're cooking this guy we're cooking this guy I ain't going to lie I ain't going to lie we're cooking this boy I can barely even commentate on this boy Thunderball destruction let me hit him with that Spirit Bomb BR apparition where that Bo go where that Bo go bu why are you even why are you even trying oh oh he's a sound user he's a sound user all right hold on let me back up let me back up let me back up let me hit him with that Spirit Bomb never mind that that that completely utterly missed Scarlet tear and GG's bro sheesh once again for this fight I literally use GTA like for like .1% of the fight but hey man it is what it is bro it is what it is GG's man we upgrading that's like what our fourth win we only have six more to go also we're finally going back up to Legendary let me Shuffle this a bit so hopefully I get a good one come on come on come on if I got dark blade or not dark Blade Dark dagger or o ooh ooh midnight blade I'll take that now we just need to get a good fighting style come on Dragon Talon oh electric call I'll take that I'll take that that's actually very fire that's very fire oh wait the sound user is coming back bro bro what do you want seconds or something dog like come on now come on now boom boom boom let's get him right there oh my gosh oh my gosh yo that combo I just did that off the Dome bro I don't even use electrical like that for real you know to say the least that boy is in shambles all right all right he's getting a little bit of stuff going he's getting a little bit stuff going on Boom P opening got judgement let me use them uh dashes try to snipe him with that all right we only need to hit one more hit to kill him I think I know which one I'm going to use he's going to miss that ultimate bro there we go GG's hit him with the Crescent Dash and I got him down a midnight blade go hard in my right clouds hey facts facts mlight blade is fire although since we already killed that dude in the last kill I'm not going to count that one we should uh get another person actually no matter of fact while we already here let me ask my boy Carone if he wants to One V one he said I mean sure I'm down say less say less 3 2 1 go let's go my boy let's go bro you really just going to just hold a a dark Al right off rip bro like I ain't just going to punch you for that okay he's air camping a little bit let's try to see if we can do this Soul Shaker me try to snipe him with that wait do this dude not have his PVP on or something bro hold on oh he does have a PVP on he very much ined okay okay wait do I not have my oh I don't have my hockey on that's what it is that's what it is I'm such a goof bro all right boy's about to be dead any second now bro he's dead lightning thrust boom portal opening there we go and GG's he's dead good game my boy good game that's the fifth kill out the way halfway through the video but ladies and gentlemen for the first time in the video we're moving up to the Mythic sword category but to be honest I don't know how to use half of these so I could still lose despite the fact that I'm using Mythic let's see what we get though boys let's see what we get and we get curs to Katana I'm winning 100% let me not get ahead of myself though let's see what we get for the fighting style first before I get too ahead of myself electric oh my God we might actually lose this I do however have this op burn blessing in Shad on my curse du Katana so that will increase our damage by a lot still though having this electric fighting style is going to severely hold us back wait there's already people out of Safe zone I'm going to be honest I'll be very surprised if I actually win this and I have 1,444 P oh my gosh yo there's no actually shot there's no shot I win this come on come on come on come on come on uhoh uhoh that's crazy that's crazy that's crazy crazy combo about to be started crazy combo's about to be started oh yeah how to say I interrupted it okay okay L Diablo maybe I could try to get a crystal Katana combo start oh he got out of it he got out of it and he's about to start a curs du Katana combo he has portal yeah this is probably going to be death this probably oh he can't he can't cuz it's lagging for both of us bro everything's coming out so late I can't do this bro I can't do this this is supposed to be an easy W for me bro how is this going out like this and I just ran right into that okay okay yep yep let me interrupt that bro I literally can't do any of my moves they're all coming out so delayed he's literally just floating there oh my God I'm about to die I'm about to die bro why are like half my losses in this video like not even like from the fact that they're better play I don't even know what I'm trying to say bro I'm coping so hard I I I keep losing to lag bro they're not even better than me three losses in the video is kind of crazy I ain't going to lie bro we ain't losing no more we are not losing no more back down to the legendary sword let's see what we get dark dagger I'll take it finally got into a server with good ping I'm just going to stay with the same electric fighting style since I lost the last one okay this guy looks like he oh he's low he's low he's low oh oh boom look at that look at that look at that look at that beautiful electric oh he he has venom he has venom okay we're going to have to watch out for that thunderstorm okay hold on hold on hold on Thunder ball destruction please I just need to get him with something need to get him with something electric tackle let me hit him with that shaming slash wait he has his V4 activated yep yep Y come down here bro I just need to hit him with like I I just need you to get on the ground for one second buddy need you to get the ground for one second let me hit him there boom how can I fight this guy bro I I literally have the worst fighting style of the game bro okay okay shame me slash got him we we almost got him we almost got him thund ball destruction okay okay okay let's get him there watch your taco oh o oh V4 100% 100% 100% V4 Thunderball destruction and GG's that still kind of counts cuz I was using the dark dagger quite a bit wait what the hell did I Just sh someone go V4 I don't know I must be tripping bro we going back up to Mythic though that's what our sixth kill back up to Mythic let's see what we get bro hopefully not curse du Katana again Hollow Scythe I might actually lose this I have never used this sword for PVP all right fighting style hopefully I get something good to redeem this Dragon Talon I'll take that I'll take that we going like for like a fire type build for this one all right here we go the man the myth the legend of self ooth the trainer yes sir give me that Dragon Talent by the way I also do have a cool enchant blessing on my holoye as well although I think for our use case this won't help much as this is like pretty much only good for farming oh wait they increased the range of this by like 10 full what the hell okay okay this is actually solid if if I'm getting 2V1 this will actually be really nice I think it Stacks with moves too yeah like if I'm using a multi-hit move it'll hit them multiple times as well let's hope this goes well okay okay okay boom wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait boom Bo bro I thought I was hitting him but he had his Ken on okay well we missed out on that guy he ran into the safe Zone quicker than I could hit him seems like Dragon Talon's not good for Ken breaking oh but you decided to go on the safe Zone again bro what type of I don't know why you would make that mistake bro death Sky clone boom okay no no sir no sir you're not about to get you're not about to run away to Safe Zone again bro like like what what do you think you're doing bro what do you what do you think you're doing bro you know bro Dragon tell is actually really dope I'm going to be honest yep got him there boom death sonee emper Annihilation uh-oh there we go Talon lighter wait wait wait he needs one more hit one more hit one more hit let me hit him with them m1's let me just for the trolls just for the trolls M1 M1 And1 Talon lighter how did I miss how that Miss emper Annihilation bro just Kent tricking everything all right hold on let's finish him off like this Inferno Vortex for the GG's yes sir three more kills to go now since I already won with Mythic and Mythic is the highest Rarity we're going to go back to the rare wheel and completely randomize my build so let's see what we end up getting common wow that's going to be tough all right so back to common or actually we haven't even gotten common once in this video that's that's that's interesting okay hopefully we get dual Katana if I get dual Katana lowkey could cook and we get Katana oh my God fighting style hopefully we get something decent for the fighting style okay super human for the first time in this video I'll take that I'll take that we could cook with this we can cook with this oh we got a guy over here that's down to fight say less say less boom boom all right hit him with that hit him with that hit him with that boom all right say less say less say less don't run now bro you started the fight you started the fight my boy all right hit him with that di Del Diablo wait where did he go thunderstorm okay okay he's got a portal he's portal all right that's interesting M Super K actually can cook a little bit I ain't going to lie all right here's what I'm going to do here's what I'm going to do I'm going to use my electric flash uh-huh get him with that yep hit him with that air slash never mind that didn't hit super humanum could cook but I'll tell you what can't cook Katana bro like there's no way I can cook with katana how am I meant to cook with this yep yep get him there boom boom yep okay okay okay okay and GG's oh my gosh the combo play was crazy bro got packed up with a Dude using Katana and superhuman and he was using what portal s art and c k hey man couldn't be me by the way I just want to put a disclaimer all this trash CH is a joke I know some of y'all boys be getting mad in the comments only two kills remain though let's move back up to uncommon hopefully we get Twin Hooks triple Katana could cook as well and we get Twin Hooks as for fighting style I haven't gotten water Kong Fu yet that would actually be dope to have and we get God human all right all right Twin Hooks God human mother bumer is this guy mother bumer is this guy hold on don't let me cook don't let me cook bro do not let me cook mhm mhm pre two pre start punt boom yes sir ball instruction Tri Star punt hold on try to hit him there bro does not know what he got himself into bro bro does not know what he got himself into told y' boys about to cook up whoever I run into with this hold on hold on hold on it's almost done it's almost done don't let me cook boys don't let me cook don't let me cook she that's a easy 14k Bounty bro I'll take it this game a lot bro we making people he just left the game oh my God bro with that though we only have one kill left man we up to the rare category now which we still might lose cuz rare has a bunch of trash fruits let's see what we get though oh pipe again pipe again I'll take it I'll take it bro that's the W's in my book as for fighting style once again hopefully I get something good dragon breath Dragon I'll take that the full fire build like this is literally full Sao build decided to switch over to Second C there's also a 8 million Bounty player in here this should be interesting there he is right there he's already rushing me oh wait I'm using portal I used portal by accident all right please forgive me boys I didn't mean to use portal there we go Talent lighter I didn't really have a choice he started fighting me off rip bro let's hit him with this this boom dragon breath yep got him there got him there pipe ignition boom front of Vortex oh my gosh this boy about to get clapped up me Dodge that yep avoid that I didn't mean to use portal for this bro bro was about to get clapped up buddy M of fact matter of fact let's bring him in my thing uhhuh get with this okay where you at where you at Boom turn of Vortex that should be GG's wait wait not yet not yet and boom wait wait one more hit one more hit one more hit one more hit there he is right there what the hell he just like disappeared bro off the face of the Earth tal lighter come on come on come on bro don't don't run from a fight you started bro that's embarrassing bro that's embarrassing yep come back in here come back in here come back here nope tal ladder oh he got away he got away he got away he got away got away okay boom boom yep yep yep T lter we just activate V4 just because this guy activated V4 such an intense fight bro boom pipe ignition pipe ignition got him there boom GG's sheesh nice 17K Bounty bro easy pack them up bro really was trying to run so much bro ran like for like 7 minutes straight bro dog like stop running bro stop running annoying portal spammer annoying Rumble Runner bro easy that is the end of the video though boys let me know if y'all enjoyed that my bad for getting heated hope youall having a great day but with that peace
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 241,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox, blox fruits bounty hunting, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits bounty hunt, blox fruits live, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, bounty hunting, blox fruits lifesteal build bounty hunting jcwk, blox fruits race, blox fruits troll, blox fruits codes, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits bounty, blox fruit gift, blox fruits jcwk bounty hunting, blox fruits leopard bounty hunting, blox fruits bounty hunting tips and tricks
Id: T_68LD9fb1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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