BOTTIGLIA + SCARTI FUNGO , uniscili e rimarrai sorpreso , cultivar setas, to grow mushrooms,

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hello everyone today in this video they show you how thanks to the use of a blender of a plastic bottle of a bit of straw it is only a mushroom you will then decide on it and the variety can be grown at home and get truly incredible results I advise you to follow the video but above all to redo what they show you because I am sure that once you understand how easy it is but above all when you get the first harvest you will be happy to have done it the first thing you will need to do once you have chosen the variety of mushrooms that you like best will be to get a mushroom with a single characteristic that is that it is ripe so that the upper part then the head is perfectly open in this way you will have the almost certainty that inside the spores so pass me the term i seeds of the mushroom are ready to generate other mushrooms and at this point with a knife make it into small pieces in this way do not worry about damaging it because and then afterwards it will get crowded and here it is and if once cut simply go and insert them inside the blender in this way so you put them all inside and then take some water they will pass even only two or three fingers in order to then allow the mushroom to be blended at this point close everything and blend until you get something very similar to this then a very liquid and homogeneous porridge prepare the mushrooms get some straw or hay will be completely indifferent and thanks to the scissors create small pieces that are between 3 cm and 10 cm long, then insert them inside a pot, fill with water and boil for about half an hour in this way, the straw will be sterilized, favoring and creating the ideal environment to be able to give birth to the mushrooms and fill the pot with water so that all the straw is covered with it to light the fire and from when it starts to boil wait there about half an hour after the half hour turn off the heat and wait for everything to cool down when everything has cooled pull out of the pot and drain when the straw has lost all the excess liquids it will be moved to a container the pot will be fine too in which we boiled the water simply by doing this operation prepared then from the mushrooms all that remains is to combine them and to do so it will be enough to do it in this way then go and overturn what we have obtained during the operation in the blender, turn and mix everything well in this way the more the mixture we created in the blender will be amalgamated inside the better the result of the harvest will be now get a plastic bottle that is at least one and a half liters but if you can manage two it would be even better to consider that more the bigger the bottle will be and the greater the yield is simply once after you have found it starting from that mouth that is at the top where there is the cap go down by about 10 centimeters and with a scissors to go to cut in this way and this is the result that you will have to obtain at the end of the cuts then take the container with the straw and do this operation take it and go there to insert inside the bottle in this way and as you insert the straw inside the bottle you will have to press it in this way at the end of the operation what you will have to get something very similar to this then a bottle filled with straw which was then appreciated precisely to avoid empty spaces remaining inside that would not be good for the development of the mycelium inserted the straw the bottle must be closed at the top but not hermetically so to do so I advise you to take the upper part that we obtained from the cut before, turn it upside down, take a bit of cotton and close at the mouth so after that simply place it on top then to seal the cap so that the cap does not move anymore take a bit of adhesive tape and place it in case, give it a double turn in operation is completed at this point place the bottle in a cool place and offense of the house where it does not take a lot of light and above all not the direct sunlight the ideal temperatures to then give birth to the mushrooms are between 22 and 28 degrees elapsed is more or less two weeks since the experiment started this is what you will have to get then the peace inside the bottle will have to start to change color and become a dark brown and even mycelium should already begin to form inside in fact right here is the first point where you start to see this white patina that would seem mold in reality is simply the mycelium that is starting to activate after another ten days, resuming everything, you can see that the spots inside the the bottle are widening you can see some very evident spots of white and the mycelium that is expanding when inside the bottle everything is covered by the mycelium you can proceed with the next step the funds can essentially arise in two points laterally or in the upper part of the bottle if you want them to be born in the side part you need to open some gaps so that from the inside they can grow out in this case the bottle and small it will be enough to simply make four holes then with a cutter do this operation go and create of the cuts in this way it will be enough to make some windows in the bottle of about 2 cm x 1 here this is what has been removed and if all goes well and right from here the mushrooms could sprout and repeat the operation in order to open four passages generally a cross is made then one turns 90 degrees two other 90 degrees 3 and so on until all four are opened and then ap rire also the top remove the tape and pull off what was the cap that we created with the top of the bottle in this way at this point it will be necessary to cover the straw with a layer of earth of the universal soil of good quality will be fine then take emitting about 2 centimeters so that everything is covered and compress slightly in this way insert to the earth take a vaporizer wet everything very abundantly make sure that the soil is moist but not soaked birth and growth of the fungi in the upper part of the bottle less than a week has passed since we opened the bottle the soil is put this is what has been obtained the mycelium inside the bottle is developing in an absolutely impressive way it has really become all white after two weeks finally also in the bottle yes start to see a little mushroom that is popping up right here is taller ù or less half a centimeter out of the proud of the ground the mushroom grows more and more as the days go by, more or less ten days have passed since the mushroom has sprung out of the ground has now grown and has become an adult it is about 10 centimeters high it does not remain other than to welcome in this way and here it is birth and growth of the mushrooms in the side part of the bottle as well as in the upper part there was a network of small windows in the side parts of the bottle also from there the mushrooms will be born and this is an example look a bit this little mushroom as it is popping up this is how the mushroom appears on the third day of life after more or less fifteen days the mushroom has fully developed so all that remains is to simply collect it also in this case to collect it just go to the base and tear it clean in this way here and at this point if everything goes as we hope they will leave many other small mushrooms and quests or is the mushroom that we have obtained the same operation you can actually perform it with any type of container that has the characteristics similar to those of a bottle in this case used a bottle of about 10 liters I cut the top and left about 25cm high at the bottom and the huge advantage of using a larger container anyway is that the crop will be greater when using large containers like these instead of inverting and flipping the top of the bottle I recommend that you close this using of cellophane simply by closing everything in this way so that it is closed hermetically and this is the final result so simply creating small ones out of it will be enough that only a dozen at the top and once made maybe there was everything in a point where first a lot of light but not direct sunlight when you see that the film will be created a white then remove the cellophane spent three weeks also in this container and mycelium has developed so all that remains is to take the soil and cover the whole with about 3 centimeters I spent in which weeks since we inserted the earth taking everything back you can notice that the small mushrooms are already popping up here they are and a little over 24 hours after we saw the first mushroom look at what we have obtained the characteristic of mushrooms precisely that of growing very quickly and these are a clear example after only two days one of the two mushrooms has literally doubled now it is more or less 4 cm high after 38 hours it has become more or less 6 cm high and this was that the mushroom will become an adult its height of about 15 cm and the head and more or less than 20 centimeters in diameter so at this point all that remains is to collect it and to do so it will be sufficient to go to the base is that the way it is the story has been made and with this the video ends I hope it has served you to repair something new, useful and fun if you liked it please leave a comment put a like but above all subscribe to the channel and already that you are there take a look at it because I am almost sure that now with the video uploaded the sum is something nice within the channel you will be able to find it said this I greet you and I wait for you at the next video
Channel: L' Arca delle idee - Stefano Gullotta
Views: 3,394,178
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Keywords: funghi, coltivazione funghi, funghi porcini, funghi champignon, finghi tema, giardinaggio tema, fungo, porcini, funghi velenosi, funghi commestibili, porcino, champignon, funghi famigliole, funghi ricette, coltivazione funghi in casa, come coltivare i fugnhi, ricette porcini, fai da te tema, caffe, funghi fritti, raccolta funghi, ESPERIMENTI, ESPERIMENTI TEMA, GIARDINAGGIO TEMA, GREEN, YOUTUBE FUNGHI, GOOGLE FUNGHI, COCACOLA, PIANTE, ORTO TEMA, VIDEO VIRALI, VIDEO TENDENZA
Id: GuUWaqV8-zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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