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hello everyone today in this video I will try to show you how to succeed grow mushrooms at home and get these results which are really gods excellent results and to do so will be just have some land a plastic straw bag e of mushroom pizzettine follow it because I'm sure one once you understand how to succeed get these results You will be glad you did the first thing that will need to be done will be that of obtaining the seeds of the mushrooms which are none other than the lo spores it can be done essentially in two ways the first is to buy them and yes found in the form of small dots which in reality are nothing more than emilio soiled with spores and then with the mycelium of the mushroom you will choose the second method is to take just the mushrooms you like best cut them into small pieces e just use those bits for go and sow assuming you choose to use a fresh mushroom then it will be just choose a quality i vi advice for this type of experiment to use the cardoncelli that are really the most suitable and do in this one way simply take the part top of the mushroom cut some pieces then more if you want me get more spores you'll want to get so the more mushrooms you will have to cut and simply to cut them into small pieces of about 45 mm no more and at the end of the operation we will get this true of small bits of mushroom ready to be used for sowing now get some straw or hay use one or the other will be completely indifferent before be able to be used this must be prepared the first step is that of cutting them into small pieces that are between five and ten long centimeters therefore simply as a scissor do this when finished the cuts this is what you will need get and once cut this it will have to be sterilized by doing it simply boil in a saucepan with water for about half an hour plus mushrooms you want to give birth to more straw you will need prepare so I recommend this step to cut enough straw e boil it rather do it twice the same procedure and one way not once started the experiment remain without the basis that it is wrong then filled the pot not all that remains is to place everything on the fire being entered inside boiling water will do in so that the straw is sterilized and that within any kind of eventual microorganism present dies because that could be a danger to the possible birth and growth of mushrooms we are growing spent the half hour turn off the heat e wait as in this case that the water cools completely then drain everything prepared a straw and seeds whether fresh or not you can start with the real creation and proper of the bills a really very important thing that before proceeding to any kind of operation is necessary to sterilize the worktop and hands obviously not there is talk of a surgical room though more the environment will be clean and less danger there will be for the straw to be again contaminated and therefore to compromise the experiment then simply open the plastic bag in test way then make a first more or less four layer of straw or five centimeters in this way after which you will decide you whether to use fresh mushrooms or instead not me in this case 0 those fresh and just go put a first layer goes on by states hence straw mushrooms then straw again and please while you make the layers pressed so that there is as little air as possible inside the bag after which again mushrooms in this manner then another layer of straw and continue like this until the whole bag is full assuming you don't have mushrooms and fresh if you want to use it anyway the mycelium already bought however al supermarket just take it is simply sprinkle it in the same identical way then more straw to cover and once we have entered inside the bag at least five layers of hay the valley will be possible consider this completed now, however it will have to be closed so that there are contamination for the straw closed but not hermetically then take some cotton or if you don't have it even a mi sponge I recommend sterile and do this operation close the bag flaps in so that the cotton still allows a passage of air between the external part e the internal one but not the passage to bacteria and microbes in this way lend everything in a way than the air that remained inside go away and the operation is completed to place all in an environment that is cool and in partial shade for about 15-20 days if everything goes as we hope in two maximum three weeks all that there is inside the bag so the straw or hay will come completely invaded by this mycelium that is widening to this white patina that it would seem just a funny but in it really isn't in this case it really is an excellent result in fact the color straw has completely disappeared giving way to this cream color that precisely the mycelium and will be right this is the moment in which it will be necessary open the bag to be able to pass to the next step first remove the cotton in this way by simply pulling it Street then practice with a cutter of cuts in this way and this is the result that will be obtained once the bag is opened now that there is no more plastic that it initially covered the whole and then it did not allow to see clearly what was inside we can note that actually the whole straw anywhere you go to watch has been covered by the patina Bianca changes shot to try better show you how the mycelium looks open the bag nothing will remain than going to insert inside this at the top one layer of about an inch of land that it is nothing but good quality peat then we proceed and go to insert annex in the bag the earth so you do be careful not to dirty everything though really a very simple operation fast and entered the earth not to be other than taking a vaporizer and go and spray the entire surface so that the soil is well soaked with water finished wetting position all in one spot where it gets a lot of light but I recommend not the rays of the sun direct and until you want to give birth collect mushrooms you'll have to keep therefore constantly wet the ground spray several times a day the ideal temperatures to give birth to them they are between 18 and 24 degrees we should exceed 28 birth and growth would cease something else important to place this in a point where there is a good reaction but no drafts spent less than a week the first mushrooms stand starting to tick there are three points even where 1 2 and 3 are being born in these pictures I show you as one time but fungi develop in the first four days of life it really is impressive to see how fast it is their growth and how they hire immediately then the shape and when they will be adults always remember and that's one thing very important that during the whole growth stage of fungi the soil must always be kept moist then take a vaporizer and morning and evening wet the fruit don't worry about wet the mushrooms because not leading you will read in no way and from the end on the fourth day the mushrooms look like this change shot to show you better how the first strain is developing five days have passed since i mushrooms are discounted look into that way they developed is really a excellent result now they are taller more or minus 8 cm arrived on the eighth day this is the result we will be able to get in the first strain there are gods mushrooms that reach even 13 cm in height say a really great result arrived at the tenth day this is the result that we can get that is of the mushrooms that are more or less 15 centimeters are really very big and say they have reached maturity then they can be collected and enjoyed I assure you that when you will come to get these mushrooms in home you will be really proud of the results you will have obtained the collection is really very simple then all that remains is to take the bag go to the base is literally rip it all in this way look here see how they come off and do so for the whole stump act lightly pressure and it will all come away quietly look here one thing really a lot important that once you unplug the strain the mushrooms the basis for this is that it did not come off it must be completely covered from the earth if you don't do this point will tend to create mold and so it could damage the whole future cultivation and future cycles precisely creating molds that would be very harmful to the mycelium then simply put a little bit of earth on top after which take the vaporizer wrong was wait for the valley luca others strains of mushrooms this is the result obtained by the first harvest of the first cycle of the bill of hay consider that it is the first one in fact, an average of 33 will follow hay bill produces three ai four cycles a can even reach 5 e I would say that it is just the proof that grow mushrooms indoors with this method is really a great solution for producing them this is the trick to doing become giant a mushroom in these pictures show you how to leave grow a single strain at a time in a single ballet this grows a lot faster is great just because will be able to absorb all the elements that the same without having to divide with nobody arrived at the tenth day the funds are really grown up make one proportion with the size of mine hand to understand how big they are in height than with respect to the head exceed 20 centimeters here it is here then nothing will remain but harvest it and it really is very simple just go to the base and do a slight pull like this here it is and they will come away net in this way and at the end of the cultivation you will get this then not it will remain nothing but enjoy them and whatever both the method by which the kitchens net then fried sautéed learned or simply grilled I assure you that the taste will be enhanced from the fact that you will have cultivated everything with your hands and with this the video according to you I hope it served me for learn something new and useful funny if i liked it I recommend you leave a comment like but above all subscribe to the channel and while you're at it take a look at it because I'm almost sure now with the video complicated case but it's something nice inside the channel you will be able to find it said I greet you and you I look forward to the next video
Channel: L' Arca delle idee - Stefano Gullotta
Views: 514,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FUNGHI GIGANTI come coltivarli in casa, giant mushrooms, champignons géants, hongos, гигантские грибы, funghi, coltivazione funghi, funghi porcini, funghi champignon, finghi tema, giardinaggio tema, fungo, porcini, funghi velenosi, funghi commestibili, porcino, champignon, funghi famigliole, coltivazione funghi in casa, come coltivare i fugnhi, ricette porcini, fai da te tema, funghi fritti, raccolta funghi, cultivar setas, video virali, tendenza, curiosità, esperimenti
Id: nz6iBPriDJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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