FRAGOLE 3 metodi per farle nascere gratis, fragole coltivazione ,fstrawberry, fresa gratis raises

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Hello everyone today in this video I will try to show you how to succeed get so many small seedlings of strawberry simply starting from fruit that you eat so not using a mother plant and not using mostly fair lions this produces that would be nothing else that the seedlings that are born at the base but simply using those that they are the seeds that are found in the fruit if succeed in this operation look for find strawberries that are not been treated chemically organic in short, because you will have more possibility that the seeds are suitable e suitable for generating new ones seedlings this is therefore a method that will allow you to get seedlings at no cost and from fruit waste I advise you to follow the video because really very nice the first thing you will have to do will be that of choosing a beautiful fruit mature and you will recognize it by a color bright red and has an intense aroma but you have to be careful of one thing that practically the fruit is not too mature and therefore not rotten more than anything else as in this case in fact this is a suitable fruit for remove the seeds and plant them e but this is not because if we use the seeds that are present in this fruit we would risk bringing in the vase in which then we will go to put plant the seeds also possible mushrooms bacteria and molds therefore risking not give birth to a possible seedling or anyway if this was born to do it grow with diseases and even risk that this then dies in followed once chosen the fruit will be just take the seeds out of this the word is a very particular fruit instead of having the seeds inside there has on the outside on the whole surface look at are nothing but these dots of straw yellow and withdrawing these is really a lot simple we can proceed in two ways so yes can take the single seed will be enough take a sharp knife as in this case and literally go to dig where there's the seeds you don't watch here it is very small I hope it is veda is really microscopic but fair ed here we have extracted the first semino is really very small consider that around there is still a little bit of pulp so it's half of what you are seeing fairies is a proportion with the my finger and you will understand the size then now all you have to do is take it as many seeds as possible and put them from part so that you have more possibility having more seeds to get many seedlings pick up one by one i seeds and really takes a long time and just as much patience then there is a much faster method which consists of literally treat the skin in this way the outer skin of the strawberry so up to get one let's call it also containing all the you're mini on the outside look you will get this obtained this we can proceed in two ways so the first is to take and put all in one step and pass under the water I recommend neither warm nor cold and rinse all that it is around the seed, therefore removing it and getting clean seeds that can be set aside and used or immediately a little in a second moment or second option we could take the whole thing directly and put it in a vase with soil and I think this is the solution best get a plastic tray like this that can be opened e to close look at it this is none other than one tray that contained bought fruit at the supermarket the fact that it can be opened and closed will have the utility then to create a mini greenhouse in which to grow strawberries this will be filled with soil which is nothing but good peat quality that however must have the feature of being slightly to therefore cites a ph that is around between 5 and 6 percent once the container is filled with the earth will be enough to take the puree containing the seeds a teaspoon ed start sowing so literally dropping a bit of pure well from the spoon directly into the ground e try to occupy all the spaces possible available in the container to use all the seeds you have collected after this operation will be just take the spoon e move the earth slightly so as to make the seeds go right under the hair of the earth so ungrounded there too much because they would risk not therefore to be born really really slightly covered by the ground nothing more covered the seeds you take an excuse and wet thoroughly when wet, close the lid and now all that remains is to wait that the seedlings snack from the ground once these are ticked just open the lid when these will be more or less others one centimeter and wet regularly when the soil dries out it exists also a third method to be able to take the seeds or that of create of the strips literally cutting the skin in this way look here doing so is really get the seeds very quickly and easily however putting this directly into the ground you will risk all that the pulp that rots around the seed create mold and bacteria and then go to compromise the life and therefore the correct growth of the seedling so I this this method I would discard it a priori unless you have difficulty in try to take the seeds from others two ways this is a typical example in the such as the pulp that is around the seeds moldy then creates a white patina which risks spreading throughout the jar where you put the seeds then going to compromise the birth and the seedling growth if you find yourself in a situation of the generally I recommend you throw everything was started all over again and here at a distance of almost three weeks after planting the seeds the first strawberry plant is blunt look really very small or tall more or less an inch though consider that this comes from seeds which are tiny so make one proportion with the size of mine finger to understand the size of the map among some day at least we hope the whole pot will be full of these small plants one time these plants will be grown enough then you will have to move individually invaded so that these can develop quietly without a go at annoy the other during the phase of development after about 50 days the seedling has become quite strong to be able to be moved individually in a vase as you can see I have interrupted the roots of about 2 centimeters compared to the level of terrain this has been done to avoid that once the seedling will become adult hurry to one side or the other of the vase thus giving a solidity structure that will allow it to stay to starboard during the whole growth phase one once an adult plant is obtained simply starting from the seed then a cost zero if we wanted to have it reproduced the strawberry plant would be much more fast and easy compared to the seed because adult plants create histons which are none other than these elements at the apex of which are formed other plants with lots of roots look to see if we wanted to create one new seedling would be sufficient take another filled jar of earth in case of a hole inside so that it then goes to host the map take the seedling and simply place it cover with the earth here it is and wait for it to create a radical apparatus suitable for being able to allow you to live a life of your own once this has been created it will be just cut it I know I have it with a small scissors and we would have gotten the new map and with this the video yes concludes I hope you enjoyed it and that it served you to learn something new of useful than funny 16 Jun command leave a comment put a I like it but above all subscribe to channel and while you're at it also give him a look and said that I greet you and look forward to the next video
Channel: L' Arca delle idee - Stefano Gullotta
Views: 673,711
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Keywords: fragole, fragola, fragole piantate nel tubo, fragole pianta, fragole piantte in vaso, pianta di fragole, piantagione di fragole, pantare fragole col telo, pianta fragole in vaso, piantare fragole nei tubi, pianta fragole, giardinaggio tema, garden, tutorial, fai da te tema, proprietà fragole, piantine in casa, piante in vaso, fragole tema, frutta tema
Id: DeUoxbtKXt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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