Botswana Overland Safari | Savuti to Kasane, in the Okavango Delta | Episode 5

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we are completely surrounded at the moment [Music] [Music] foreign quite like waking up in the bush and watching the sunrise which is exactly what we did on our last morning at savouti before breaking camp and getting ready for the long Trek across to the banks of the Toby River [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you foreign national park at the Goa gate as you exit the Goa gate you basically exit into the chobi Forest Reserve and we're gonna ride through this drive through this Forest Reserve uh for about three and a half hours and then you're back into the national park at the angoma gate so yeah I'll probably take us like I say three and a half hours or so yeah lots of Sandy roads I'm sure we'll see a couple of things along the way but uh getting to getting to that to go again was uh pretty rough in the sand um at you know in certain sections but so far so good in this Forest Reserve Road let's see how we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] a nice thick sand on this uphill nothing that the FJ Cruiser can't handle it's loving this dirt road [Music] foreign [Music] Long Haul on Sandy roads we finally made it to ingorma gate where we had a quick lunch before heading down to the river delicious sirloin steak and tuna and tuna okay we're back on the dirt roads we're now firmly into the chobi National Park uh heading towards kasani we've got about a 58 kilometer drive until we get there so a good couple of hours and we will be looking out for these elusive Toby Lions along the Route they were spotted in fact someone reported their spot to two separate Prides on their way from chubby to kasani just yesterday so the chances are pretty good that we'll stumble across something but yeah let's see whether our luck changes or not [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign River and this is insanely beautiful it's just lots of water we've seen elephant and zebra and Impala all along the water's edge it's um yeah this is going to be a special Drive oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] friends [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay we're getting very close to kasani now we're about five kilometers out we're gonna be staying at chobi Safari Lodge this evening um it's quarter to three now so we've still got a couple of hours this afternoon we're going to get into the lodge and see if we can organize a a bit of a Sunset Cruise um and yeah I mean it's been a beautiful drive along the river and so much Planes game along the river many elephants and uh you know in parlors we saw a huge herd of buffalo was really nice to see but um yeah 5Ks to go almost there and uh yeah looking forward to what the afternoon holds for us [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you still on our way to chobe Safari Lodge with literally five or six kilometers to go the elephants were suddenly everywhere at one point we found ourselves properly boxed in with very few options available in terms of Escape Routes [Music] thank you [Music] so we definitely caught in a bit of an elephant roadblock here we are completely surrounded at the moment yeah they're moving ahead now Roger that Roger that it's a lot of the 80s [Music] foreign [Music] thank you call me a tiger lift me up higher above the clouds won't you love [Music] deep within but don't leave me hanging just cause I'm too proud [Music] my outdated doubts somebody do me the courtesy Dress Me Down [Music] I'm not that old yet I'm far too young to not Stand My Ground [Music] once again the evening boat cruise didn't fail to deliver for us we had magnificent sightings along the Riverbanks and the grassy Islands followed by a sunset over the chobi river definitely one of the best ways to end your day and highly recommended if you get the chance with confidence and sins [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you know I'm a fighter the good kind [Music] of love will be fools [Music] [Music] we'll be [Music] crazy foes [Music] right good morning we are at uh chobi Safari Lodge we made it to kasani yesterday um had a lovely sunset cruise on the Toby River last night and yeah after eight days of spending time in the bush and camping um chobi Safari Lodge is very much a luxury a bit of a spoil so yeah we had a good night's sleep last night we had a good dinner last night the plan today is to go and find out whether we can do some fishing on the Toby River um and if that fails we may just go and do a bit of a game drive but um yeah the location of this place is pretty spectacular it's right on the the Toby River you look across the river directly into Namibia and um here's a little glimpse of some of the little visitors to Joby Safari Lodge [Music] oh there you go so the um the little guys are just having their breakfast Karen and I are about to go and have our breakfast so we'll have a breakfast see what we can do today and um yeah we'll bring you all the action as it unfolds [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] managed to get the fishing boat booked we're uh we're gonna go out and apply our hands at some tiger fishing um yeah just gonna try and quickly get a cooler box organized and then we'll hit the water for a couple of hours [Music] uh getting the weapons ready yeah it's about 13 meters foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so we went fishing this morning we didn't catch any fish and we have another three hours to kill today stiff Karen and myself are back at ingoma gate and we're here on our final attempt to find these lions stiff how do you think it's gonna go today we will see I'm so positive now good so so am I Karen what have you got to say I'm happy to see lions and I'm happy to leopard Aaron wants to see a leopard we'll be happy with lions or leopard let's get on with it yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I give you my everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] National Park we weren't successful trying to find the Lions we've certainly given it our best shot multiple game Drive multiple attempts but they remain elusive so we're gonna have to come back to Joby to find those lines but on our way back now to Joby Safari Lodge where we'll spend our last night as a full group and then tomorrow we make our way back to Francis town for the long Trek back the following day to joburg so yeah it's been a it's been a great afternoon but like I say as much as we saw we didn't see the Lions but we saw everything else in fact we saw a honey badger which was the first on the trip and that was pretty cool to see anyway over and out right good morning we're just uh about to leave or head out of kasani um to make our long trip back to South Africa and Johannesburg in particular um yeah it's been a it's been a good few days here in cassani at Joby Safari Lodge and we're now making our way to Francis Town via nanta it's probably about a six hour journey and then it'll just break the journey into two and we'll do the rest of the trip from Franciscan back to Johannesburg tomorrow it really is just a trip of uh avoiding potholes and keeping to the speed limit and getting to Francis town Safety so we'll uh we'll see we'll see how it goes and then this evening spend some time with the family um before heading back to joburg tomorrow so let's see how today it goes [Music] when we're finally sober they'll be gone [Music] will melt we'll always remember [Music] [Music] a significant life just what it was needed clear that the Blackest Night because nobody's losing [Music] money [Music] the trees [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right good morning from Wayside Farm um woken up about half an hour ago we're getting ready to make the long journey back to joburg and um yeah just a couple of people I want to quickly say goodbye to before we meet um but yeah we've probably got about eight or nine hours of journeying ahead of us today and a border crossing so time now is just before seven we're gonna leave just after seven and I guess put a close to this uh this latest adventure and start thinking about what the next one is going to look like and where it's going to be it's been a wonderful time here in Botswana we've had superb weather um yeah just some lovely experiences in new places and friendly people um well-run well-managed country I would say from a national parks and a conservation perspective like really you can see why Botswana is such a great when the okavango particularly is such a great tourist destination and um yeah only good things to say we will definitely be back and I can't wait to go and find those lines in the chobi uh on our next trip so it's uh they start thinking about when that's gonna happen posted and um yeah gonna make it happen until then over and out oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] back in South Africa [Music]
Channel: Graeme Cumming
Views: 21,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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