OUR SAFARI VLOG - Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

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I'm about to embark on an exciting 4-day Safari in Serengeti National Park with my sister I decided to Vlog the trip and take you with me so that I could show you all the exciting Wildlife that we see over the next few [Music] [Music] days hey hey he [Music] he this is my sister Ken and we have what 3 days here to see as much Wildlife as we can we just arrived this morning so we put on our matching Safari hats which Corin told was an essential you have to wear one on Safari yeah so we've just been welcomed to our lovely accommodation with a vegan Feast we're staying at the singing grass Bush camp and it's stunning here like we have complete privacy you've seen loads of Impalas outside of our room mhm um Corin is like a lucky charm so we haven't done a proper game drive yet but this morning we landed at serona air strip and drove from there to this camp and everything that you said you wanted to see you've seen already right I have yeah I've been manifesting it but she keeps saying easy animals like a hippo a giraffe a warthog so I said if she has these magical powers she needs to wish for something a bit more rare like a cheetah CB yeah ostrich is next and Rhino and zebra and then I'll manifest Rox his cheetah CS for her nice should we go on Safari let's go my name is lonard and I'm the guide for this special people now we going out again for the game drive here in STI National Park so let's go and see what s going to give us this afternoon [Music] yay we are literally surrounded by maybe 20 giraffe it's so cool I've literally never seen giraffe in one place before so it's pretty [Music] amazing [Music] we're out on our second day of safari now we left really early this morning at 6:30 so we could catch the sunrise although it's really cloudy and overclass today so we didn't get that beautiful golden light this morning but we've been driving for a few hours to a different part of the serengetti in the search of big cats we haven't had any luck yet but we just had an amazing encounter with a big her of elephants that had loads of babies um one of the babies was actually feeding from the mom which we were able to see which was really really special um yeah it's been a good morning so [Music] far friend [Music] cuts [Music] we just had an epic few hours out on Safari we saw some big male lions Right On Top of the Rock like proper Pride Rock Lion King Vibes it was incredible one of them stood up and did a big yawn which I managed to film which was epic and now I sat under this beautiful tree in the shade where we're about to have some lunch but we've just spotted a cheetah up ahead which is making her way towards a group of is it Impala she's heading towards I mean Thompson gazelle Thompson gazelle she's heading towards so we're going to keep an eyee on her because she might make a kill which would be epic it would be the first one I've ever seen on Safari um so we're going to enjoy our lunch and hope that in the meantime she makes her way closer and we get a really good sighting [Music] [Music] we're just driving back to the lodge now from our second day on Safari it was such an amazing day and it ended with a massive herd of elephants with the sun setting behind them and the tiniest baby elephant I've ever seen feeding from it mommy with these massive tusks one of them even nearly reaching the ground so it was a very special second day and I'm looking forward to what we'll see tomorrow it's just after 6:00 in the morning we're both tired today aren't we and someone's coming to pick us up from our tent now cuz you're not allowed to walk alone at night when it's dark so that we can head to our safari Jeeps start our third day here on Safari we've just spotted a female lioness on her own she's walking along the road towards us and behind us we've got a massive pile of rocks which we're hoping maybe she's got some family members riding in hopefully we'll get some nice interactions once she gets to the Rocks the Lioness did come up towards the Rocks but then she just kept going and headed off into the long barass in another Direction so she must have not had any family members waiting for her there so we're now heading on further into the seretti and hope that we find another Co s [Music] instead [Music] we found a group of five Young Lions they're all just lazing around having a nap they're not really doing very much but it's still cool to see them all having a sleep together they do keep grumbling and growling at one another there are two young males in the group that look like they don't quite like them sharing the gra [Music] [Music] females okay so we're currently sat watching a big male lion who's got of patrolling the area looking at what's around him we're hoping that he might be hungry maybe he'll get up but at the moment he's looking very hot and tired so I'm not sure that will happen there's been these two little Jackal been very annoying alerting everyone about the m in the area continuously barking and calling that's my Jackal [Music] impression we just had a beautiful sighting of a leopard up a tree to finish up our day here and now we're heading back towards Camp finishing a bit earlier tonight cuz we're both really tired and I have another week here next week working anyway so we're going to have some chill time and enjoy the camp for the evening I think oh we C we're on our final day of safari now we had a nice lion this morning decided we didn't want to do the early start especially cuz I've still got a whole week of shooting and actually working next week so we decided to have more of a chill one what did we wake up to when you open the yeah this morning so as soon as we um opened up the curtains of our tent this morning we had a whole herd of Impala walking along in front of the tent which was so lovely just laying in bed enjoying the Impala the sounds of the birds how you woke me up in the middle of the night as well oh yeah in the middle of the night I could hear this scratching noise going on for so long and it got to the point where I was like okay it's literally outside of our tent now and I'm Legit a bit a bit scared so I woke up cuts and I was like do you mind if I make a loud noise I think there's something there that needs to be scared away and then it just went after didn't it but you were like are you going to call some call someone call someone I if there's a lion outside when you've just gone this is what she did very it was like I don't know 3:00 in the morning she go coren there's something outside I turn I was like okay well please can you call someone literally could be a line and she goes it's gone now it's all right it was gone was ly I was I didn't what you did was well it worked and this morning there's it there's actually like scratch marks in the floor of the um I don't even know what this is called like decking outside of our tent so there was definitely something there like scratching away maybe using it as like a nice sensory thing on their nails but we were fine we went back to sleep afterwards maybe it was cuz you clapped and they had to Scurry away so fast that they ripped a tent maybe who knows um yeah so it's our last day of safari we're about to head out again on our final game Drive we're going back towards like the small airport that we came in on but yeah we'll take you with us again today and let's see what we [Music] [Music] find [Music] [Music] we're currently watching a massive her of elephants that just scared two male lions out of the Bush now all the family coming together protecting the young ones it's really cool to see [Music] [Music] I hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching if you did please do like and subscribe next week I'm also going to be on another shoot in Tanzania with nickol and where I'll be doing a different style Vlog showing you the behind the scenes process of filming a short documentary out here so that video will also be out very soon
Channel: Roxy the Zoologist
Views: 11,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safari, serengeti, tanzania, serengeti national park, safari vlog, wildlife photography, wildlife filmmaker, insane Tanzania safari, safari of a lifetime, our safari vlog, african safari, african animals, african wildlife, exploring the Serengeti
Id: aZBN63Uo2wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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