BOTCHED Facial Injections in Thailand | Surgeon Reacts

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okay so today we're reacting to a vice video that's called botched facial injections in Thailand deadly Beauty I'm here with nurse Nikki hi guys oh gosh after a week I began to suffer from reactions oh that looks Troublesome in Thailand an unregulated cosmetic enhancement industry is thriving it absolutely happens here definitely more diluted in different clinics and stuff like that for sure in 2020 recorded 48 000 facial injectable procedures were performed for those seeking to look young and like K-pop Stars let me do some of that here too right as far as swimming I think a really safe procedure just to start slimming the face and it does take some time to see the results just Botox and the masseter muscles I think that's a really good treatment I don't know what they did to slim this young lady's face but we'll see however botched procedures undertaken by unlicensed practitioners are leaving patients disfigured and forced to spend thousands on reconstructive surgery usually I think it's cheaper to just go to the right person off the bat and get it done properly to avoid some of these really scary complications absolutely it's definitely at least double triple the cost sometimes to fix it yeah and some of these things can be life-threatening absolutely growing up in Thailand it's common to see beauty clinics at every corner of cities in the country undergone laser treatments for facial rejuvenations but these treatments are pricey many people turn to unlicensed doctors but it's like gambling some people were unlucky having complications I'm going on a journey to discover why there's a demand for unlicensed treatments despite the risks foreign [Music] a bar manager in Bangkok who was left disfigured following cosmetic enhancement injections from an unlicensed practitioner is wow [Music] foreign thing that you know jumps out at me when I look at this person is the the facial paralysis so I don't know I guess they'll get into the story of how this happened but at least either it was the original injections or maybe an infection that happened or maybe some of the surgeries that were meant to repair some of the work left uh this person with like quite a bit of a facial paralysis injections to reduce the facial fat I wonder if they use maybe kybella and that's not approved for you know to remove fat in the face so I guess we'll see yeah later in the story then kybella even the sub-menal area if it's injected too laterally could potentially cause some injury to them marginal nerve because it causes quite a bit of an inflammatory reaction so yeah on the face I wonder maybe that's how she got the facial paralysis as possible a was first introduced to aesthetic enhancement procedures when she transitioned back in 1993 foreign injections are also potentially problematic because they don't really ever go away there's no way to dissolve them have you seen them kind of like spread around before definitely in the lips luckily the lips you can get a surgery and maybe look a little bit more normal after removing that silicone but it looks like maybe in the cheek area which is causing asymmetry foreign we've covered in some videos about like DIY injectables so not even like going to unlicensed provider that you know like at least will inject you themselves but like you're doing it yourself is also I think uh full of potential problems yeah I just think that that's also problematic whether you're doing it for yourself or you're going to someone who's unlicensed it's always going to be the cheaper option but definitely not the best yeah and even in the trans Community I mean sometimes they get really embarrassed to go to a licensed professional provider so maybe that contributed to it a little bit yeah I'm sure man continue wow foreign foreign [Music] but surely there is definitely some degree of infection that occurred and you know started to almost like I think eat away at the tissues there are different like uh like flesh eating bacterias if you will and you know you can imagine like if someone goes to an unlicensed provider for the initial injections if they do start to develop some cellulitis or pain they're probably not then going to go to a licensed provider or to the hospital because they're going to say oh I don't want anyone to ask what I did you know so they're less likely to get the help that they need and and then they could end up with just a progressive like uh process that that can you know destroy parts of their face and I think people who you know especially if they have certain underlying medical conditions like for example diabetes you know you might be more likely to get an infection that continues to spread and that just goes uncontrolled so who knows what her medical background is but you know like there are people walking around with uncontrolled diabetes and they also happen to get injections you know so then if those two things coincide just as an example you can get a much worse problem yeah and I'm sure nothing was sterile in this process she said they were already in pre-filled syringes and RHA fillers here in America that are FDA approved they're already pre-filled but we open them in front of the patients and things like that so this was probably not that sort of situation yeah I can imagine it's likely some degree of contamination and then things start to break down and you don't do proper wound care and it just gets worse and worse and worse because yeah I mean it could also be that there was a vascular injury but given the degree of and almost see the necrosis but also looks like the facial nerve was affected probably by the infected sort of process I've seen that before where you know infection can spread and actually go right right into those nerves and to the breed down the infection you sometimes have to cut out some of the nerves for the control of the face and the facial movements that's likely what happened to him foreign practitioners can be jailed for up to three years or find a maximum of 800 US dollars in the past five years you would think it should be more severe than that yeah but even some doctors here if they lose their license in one state it can transfer to another state so I see that it's not too severe there only 32 people have been arrested for performing cosmetic procedures without a medical license K is an unlicensed esthetician who has agreed to speak with Vice world news anonymously hello sorry foreign see sometimes the license providers are to blame for some of this too because you know they're propagating these types of injections by unlicensed providers last day um [Music] but you know It's tricky because they see what these Korean pop stars look like before and after and people want to do something similar but they don't actually know necessarily what the other person had because most those people don't like reveal just like our celebrities they don't reveal what what they had done so there's always this temptation of like can I find like a cheap option of like you forget about license versus unlicensed but even like injectables for surgery you know someone might look at someone's face and say oh they just had some injections you know and I can probably do the same thing because a lot of times the celebrities that's all they admit to right it's like oh I got a little fill or whatever so then you know people come along and say oh we can just do an injection and everything will be fine but in reality many of these celebrities including you know K-pop stars are getting like actual surgery where you know they're getting like the bone like chiseled down and burned down right and uh and that's how they're getting the look you know but then people don't necessarily have the money to pay for those surgeries or they don't even know that they that that person had that surgery so it's just like overall one big complex mess right I think like even a big one is like the Kylie Jenner people are saying she had a lip lift she didn't have a lip lift I didn't know what that was until that started coming out and um that's what I struggle with with a lot of my patients are they have an unrealistic expectation for what filler can do versus surgery and I always tell them you know the look you're going for the aesthetic goal you're going for that's a that's a surgical process it's not you know something I can provide for you and then you would refer them to Someone Like a Surgeon and people who are just in it for the money they'll never do like the right thing and plus if you're unlicensed like you don't even know that those surgeries exist potentially and even if you do it's not in your best interest to send those patients somewhere else so yeah lots of different issues the licensed practitioner told me he's able to offer Botox injections for 80 US dollars half the rate of a licensed medical professional [Music] s I want to learn more about the risks associated with unregulated procedures so I'm going to meet pontip by dafiriput a certified Doctor Who has been administering Botox and fillers for the past 10 years have you ever treated anyone with these botched up faces from unlicensed doctors before most of the case my patient will be like they suffer from the liquid silicone the fake filler the method to correct is to the surgery and remove that chili corn so how dangerous is it to use in our skin first of all you may have the allergy and then we don't know the ingredient of the liquid silicone exactly so we cannot use to treat the patient properly for example um like my fillers they have memory of concentration from Valley light to the Tense one I think you know of course there's the potential for an allergic reaction but I think the bigger problem is like infections you know because even the way that the skin is disinfected is probably not done right and then who knows where these silicones are are coming from and they're not meant to be necessarily injected yeah exactly to go to an unlicensed doctor they probably wouldn't know how much concentration the silicone is in the fillers which can affect their face is that correct yes well they didn't really cover that accurately because the fillers that she has is very different from the silicone that he was referring to so it's not about just the concentration I mean generally aha fillers don't have any silicone in them I mean maybe there could be some like very very small component I'm not sure if it's hyaluronic acid so there's different substances that are being injected and that's completely reversible with hyaluronidase the silicone needs to be surgically removed so yeah people selling Botox and fillers online for example on Facebook Marketplace how safe do you think these products are um I think it's 100 not safe in every product they should have the FDA approved sign and then they have number you can check the product it's from gaudemer the license pharmaceutical company with this app we call the ace tracker and then you just scan scan the product and it's going to say that it's imported by dodoma Thailand right and that's how you check that it's authentic and safe yes I remember back when I used to inject I had patients sometimes ask can I bring my own file can you inject me then what the answer was always no has anyone ever asked you that yes all the time yeah it's just not regulated it's my license your license no way not even for friends or family no since we're talking about botched up faces can I show you an example of a patient who's gone through something similar she went to see an unlicensed doctor to slim down her face okay sure what do you think was the cause of this um do you get a contamination of the bacteria to the skin and then she got an infection I think and she's told me that when she was young she got these silicone injections do you think that has something to do with what happened here I don't actually know but when this case come to this situation the doctor have to have to one maybe teach you that involved with the infection as a result of her botched procedure a had to pay 27 000 US dollars for infection treatments and reconstructive surgery undertaken for two years foreign doctors had to perform skin grafts to rebuild her face yeah you can see especially with the the eye that right eye there's like severe octropion where there's it's like rolled out and actually like some of that lid skin is missing so I think they've done a really nice job to reconstruct her I mean this was a difficult problem to solve and look at the quality of that skin wow foreign yeah so it looks like she may have even had a free flap where tissue is transferred with its blood supply to the new location because there was just so much missing skin that just doing a skin graft wouldn't have been enough so that to me looks like what she had done which is a big reconstructive surgery foreign [Music] there are Advanced facial nerve procedures that can help rebuild some of what she's lost but again would require so much more effort and surgery and really and there aren't that many people around the world who are trained at facial nerve reanimation but that does exist for someone like her tiger is so I think this is a perfect example of like the power of plastic surgery but also the potential risks of not just plastic surgery but any kind of aesthetic treatment especially when it's performed by the wrong person um the pursuit of beauty comes with extreme costs but it's a risk many in Thailand are willing to take due to beauty trends and societal pressures we see more people looking for cheaper options and turning to unlicensed doctors however you can never really trust unlicensed estheticians and a simple procedure can lead to a disastrous outcome [Music] right because sometimes you you know you have a friend that goes somewhere unlicensed and they're completely fine and you can just be that one person you just have to really think like if they're unlicensed if you don't know where the product is coming from and your friend was fine you may not be and that may be what happened to her in this situation you know true I think she mentioned something about being totally safe if you go somewhere that's licensed and that's not necessarily true either you just like significantly reduce your risk of problems if you go to someone who knows what they're doing and has the right education background licensure but you can never guarantee that there won't be problems and that's why we always give people consent forms and we try to explain the risks but you know anytime you're doing something there's oh you always run the potential of having something happen that's negative and that isn't what you had hoped for so whether it's a an aesthetic result or an actual complication such as an infection or bleeding or something else right and I do think it's important and I love when my patients ask me what could I do in an adverse reaction event if I'm trained to to take care of it and I love that they asked me that question because it's important to ask your instructor that as well or your surgeon as well it's equally as important as if they're qualified and licensed and you know it's it's important to take those reactions into account as well yeah and you want to know like that they're part of like an ecosystem that if something bad were to happen they would know what to do with you and with your situation even if they can't necessarily take care of it themselves you know that sometimes happens happens to surgeons too like if a facial plastic surgery or a plastic surgeon were to do a facelift and let's say they then cause some facial paralysis which is possible it's a known risk of facelift surgery well it's not to say that necessarily that surgeon knows how to do facial reanimation surgery if it even comes to that later on and most of the time facial nerves come back and everything is fine but what if it didn't come back what if you know the person was left looking like like this poor woman as far as the facial nerve goes then like you'd have to refer them to someone and you'd have to know who to send them to and not you know go and hide and you know and then for the patient not to be able to get answers on what they should do next so being part of like an ecosystem where you can help people out even if a complication does come up I think it's like super important for sure [Music] those interesting sobering but definitely interesting anything else Nikki that you want to add I think we just want everybody to be safe and be aware of the good that can happen but also all the bad that can happen we have a secondary Channel that's called City facial Plastics and Nikki creates uh awesome videos there and she talks a lot about different non-surgical options including different types of facial injectables so make sure to check it out if you want to learn more
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 319,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: botched, facial injections, botched facial injections in thailand, surgeon reacts, education, surgeon reacts botched, Dr. Gary Linkov, city facial plastics, vice, vice asia, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, injectables, doctor reacts, botched reaction, botched plastic surgery
Id: Ud63ABg16Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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