BOSS Created The World's Greatest Analog Delay! (Delay Machine DM-101)

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[Music] hey what's up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] thank you this delay is very cool [Music] so true Bucket Brigade all analog signal path 1200 milliseconds which is Bonkers five presets basically tap Tempo expression and 12 modes it's it's wild modulation that's freaking perfect thank you [Music] and yeah I'm playing a seven string this is uh this is a Schecter Guitar that Rob scalin sent me it's cool all right some of you might be curious what these Drive sounds are so this is my board right now and I'm wearing these Crocs because that really matters the type of Croc you wear it's a it's a big deal um there's different there's different tones in the different Crocs but I have the three series the heaviest sound you heard was the 3 Series screamer the Morning Glory was on the whole time and I will I will smash that mini foot fuzz later um yeah also I'll show you this too and I'm I just like this background Ambience I'm gonna let it roll I'm gonna let it roll um I figured out how to use my iPhone as an extra camera and you're never gonna you're never gonna not see it just real quick um I've got the Kemper stereo with a Morgan jhs38 and um what else what else I think I think that's it oh I was using the drama log a lot of people ask this is my trap beat check it out so very cool Korg makes a great drum unit I'm learning this one it's it can be a little daunting um but we're here to talk about this brand new delay came out yesterday and um it's stinking Bonkers I as a person who I had the second tap Tempo analog delay ever to hit the Market Diamond was first it's so difficult the panther Cub the panther was so difficult the Cub was so difficult and I look here they have made in my professional opinion and I feel like I know delay so well this is the greatest analog delay ever made and you cannot buy anything that even touches this that's just my opinion at this point it's 500 bucks I understand that for some of you that's cringe but there's not a lot you can say about I mean it is what it is it's a it's a stinking incredible um unit if we look here on the web page um so this is it the dm101 delay machine you just have to just go look at this thing 12 modes actual bucket brigades 127 midi accessible memories tap Tempo five presets I'm like the Klimt that's the that's remember the Saturday Night Live skit where they're like I'm the Klimt that's how this feels um it houses 8 20 48 Bucket Brigade ships like as a designer this is so Bonkers like boss has just just crushed the delay Market if you like analog delay they have crushed the market um it has the classic Mode vintage mode modern mode multi-head non-linear ambient reflective double we'll go through these in a bit but yeah I I just can't get over how stinking insane this is um I already see some comments about this guitar and I forgot to give Joshua the link here's a uh the guitar is really cool um it's it's uh the link is almost working it's loading very slow oh my gosh it's so slow what is happening anyway I I get the it's an artist there we go here we go it is the um sometimes the internet hates me you ever have that um it's the Aaron Marshall am7 by Schechter it's really cool I I it has the coil tapping I've never played a seven string um I never intended to but I did enjoy corn for like eight months in in the year 1998 so I'm allowed I'm allowed to like corn let's look at the pedal I'm also going to do an Ernie battle trivia time today um so we'll be giving away an entire um an entire box of Ernie Ball strings to a winner and I also just want to get real crazy and I want to give away uh a JHS 250 overdrive preamp I want to do that as well so we're going to do two giveaways today so hang around I'm going to give one of these away an amazing preamp to push your amp your other Drive pedals super stackable this has become one of Paul Gilbert's like favorite petals which is awesome Adam Levy one of my favorite guitarists he is addicted to this drive pedal actually he got a bunch of them and he's giving them out in New York to all of his friends like in the Jazz scene and stuff really cool um I have a little history that I want to do as well about boss and I'll just go through that super quick so boss has always been best there is no best but if there was boss is always best and one of the reasons for that is there insanely meticulous engineering and the fact that they were early so the first boss pedals hit about 77 the one series I think 77-78 somewhere right there and um the label boss and actually 76 76 is what I'm about to show you and they were big Roland was making synthesizers they made boss for the guitar Market they had drum machines they were massive and they got technology first that means people that invented chipsets people that invented DSP went to boss because if you sell a product to boss they'll make products with it and you'll sell a ton of your products because they'll need the parts so we see the very first boss delay pedal this is a real Rarity I believe this is 76. this is the dm1 and so look at this and then look at the pedal this is what they're this is what they're spoofing here if you didn't know this this is what they're doing I don't think anyone's really caught on to this but they're kind of spoofing the dm1 delay machine so you could think of this dm-101 as a waza nah not really but you get what I'm saying you can think of it as like a tribute reissue and then we see um 1981 my favorite standard analog delay is the dm2 1981. um I believe I believe 82 is when this drops next the dm2 the first compact digital delay so first compact analog first compact digital and then they do the dm3 and 83 I believe and that's like their last analog Bucket Brigade delay they do for a while and then we saw the Wasa craft reappear several years ago the dm2 and So lately boss is on a rampage like they're taking no prisoners they're putting out insane delays so in the last few months if you haven't noticed they dropped the space Echo 202 unit right they dropped this thing looks like this they're on this they're gonna they're doing something here I'm super pumped so they dropped this they just dropped the sde 3000 they just put this out I was gonna do a demo on this which I probably will if you want to see me Demo these other boss uh modern delays let me know and now we have this thing so it's it's stinking incredible so let's look let's look at what we have here I mean the basic parameters of this petal it's pretty straight ahead you have controls which are modulation rate or you call that speed and depth and so if I'm playing a note I can speed that up I can depth it out I can slow it way down so [Music] so then you turn that off you have no modulation [Music] let's add a little bit of modulation [Music] so stinking amazeballs amazeballs then you have a variation now the variation gives you you could think of it like the old line six tweak and tweeze knob if you remember those you have these modes right so when you go to a mode Let's Start here the classic Mode is the dm2 okay here's the dm2 I'm gonna this just blows my mind because I I just love boss delays so I get to do this I've never gotten to do this but I'm about to do it there's my dm2 all right I can add subdivisions I can dotted eighth a dm2 like oh my gosh I have more delay time check it out [Music] I can add modulation to my team too I just love it so much thank you boss my birthday was June 7th and this was my birthday present but you didn't know you made for me [Music] I have a dm2 with modulation and tap depo and a lot more delay time that's the only mode I really I would buy this pedal for this I also have stereo out people listen to this [Music] foreign [Music] I gotta calm down time knob you know it works with the tap Tempo the the intensity is the uh repeat [Music] oh my gosh this is so stinking amazing I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to do anything again I'm just gonna live in my basement and play this battle honestly [Music] Bell I don't want to get out of the basement nope I'm not coming out all right then you have this vintage mode Let's go through the modes really quickly I'll Jam I'll do another Jam here in a second I have this like infographic thing that's pretty cool I forgot to see who made this so whoever made this please forgive me I can't remember where I saw this it was like an adaptation of what boss Drew but essentially classic it kind of shows how this works classic is warm analog sound variation knob does the waveform so let's let's do that really quick let's do that waveform so if I turn it on I'll turn the waveform and you'll hear how it Clips a little different [Music] it's stinking amazing all right next up is vintage I was wrong this is the dm2 I'm I'm still I'm still gonna cry sorry this mode is dm2 it's the Vintage the classic is actually like an updated um it's really important the classic Mode I had it on is like the modernized dm2 so like the best analog delay you could ever want right here classic but it's like modern features this is more of the dm2 sorry I'm gonna cry again it's like I have two DM twos now but the point is you have [Music] everything you have just these different modes so this goes just like a dm2 to 300 milliseconds only the other one goes to 1200 so it's just stinking incredible modern modern is was the chart say again whoever made this please please I need to find I need to figure out where I'd grab this last night when I was reading um it's such a great chart modern is clear delay with high so this is a modern clean analog delay so I I'm not I don't know I don't know what to compare this to maybe the diamond like kind of I don't know let's see [Music] all right and again you can do these different uh different variations on your TAP division so it's incredible let's go to multi-head multi-head you guessed it they went ahead and threw in a tape Echo these are mono by the way so tape Echoes cool you see the dots over there on the right that kind of shows the head patterns when you're in the variation knob so as you turn the variation knob you have different head patterns let's check it out so thank you [Music] I like this [Music] modulate my tape Echo why not it's amazing [Music] let's let's turn the mod down that's a little seasick turn my mic off check it out all right [Music] all right then we go to non-linear non-linear that was my favorite Death Cab album let's see non-linear is reverse delay and then the uh this knob the variation knob kind of adjusts the interval of that so let's do non-linear [Music] all right so I turned the volume up feedback up depth up check this out [Music] very cool next up we have what they call Ambience Ambience is narrow space simulation so adds early reflections [Music] that's like a giant bathtub I think is what they're trying to say let's see let's turn that volume down intensity we're still in mono mode here this is the last mono mode [Music] turn that variation back [Music] so cool uh my guitar is falling more and more Out Of Tune because I was shredding too hard earlier reflect we have entered stereo let me tune this up so the stereo modes I you know I need to admit I bash stereo a lot because I feel like it over complicates Rigs and I've like playing out and just being an actual guitar player stereo just freaking complicates everything you have to carry more stuff you have to hook more things up you have to worry about signal path and so I generally avoid it like the plague but in this basement scenario within ears and boredom you know boredom of like what can I do next that kind of thing I've I've really been enjoying the stereo stuff I did the first stereo stream I ever did was the rubber Bridge guitar from the other night you should go watch that it's like it just sounds so good and now I'm doing this one it's just it's great the stereo feels amazing so you're gonna hear if you can put in your earpods or your earphones and you're going to hear the delays moving through your head and it's pretty cool all right let's keep going [Music] so they call this reflect a Reverb like stereo thing it's really cool all right next up we have doubling where are we at yeah doubling plus delay so that's going to be short doubling delay with reflections oh man here we go [Music] yeah some fuzz [Music] all right next up this is probably my favorite this one is called wide and well it's it's hard these next two are probably my favorites wide is a shift in a b delay times and you have like 500 minutes milliseconds and you can kind of divide how wide the stereo field is so let's check that out ah it's so stinking good we'll do a jam on this one let's see I'm just gonna turn on the trio Looper have a drum and a baseline in here and just Jam over this [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I think [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all right so so good it's so good all right I'm gonna get I'm gonna give this away I need I need to take a I need to breathe I need here's a deal I I need to breathe I need to think about I need to think about life I need to think about what am I what am I even doing what am I doing with my life this delay pedal has come out I don't know [Music] I'm gonna quit making pedals that's the first thing we're gonna do Josh and Bell I want you to just I want you to just make an announcement on the slack thread General thread and just say hey the dm101's out and Josh is going to shut her down like we're just gonna shut it all down we have nothing to contribute we uh this is the greatest analog delay that will ever be made and um why did we try I want you to say specifically why did we even try in quotes uh I'm gonna buy like a nice van I think like you remember the A-Team van I'm gonna buy that like a team van looking thing I'm just gonna drive around with my family and two dogs and we're gonna live in that van it's gonna be tight and cramped but I'm gonna see the world I feel like this pedal is allowing me to realize um you know I can just stop all of this and go see the world um all right next mode next mode sorry I I really am I am literally in love with this pedal let's give this away Joshua the first person to answer this question wins this pedal ready ready you ready what year what year hear me out what year did Nirvana nevermind come out first right answer wins Nirvana never mind what year was it released go go go go go go go all right we'll mail that to you great pedal now to this pedal all right check it out next mode is the Dual mod mode Let's see what our variation shot says this is dual mod modulation with different a b phases all right I think this is what I did the intro on yeah it is it's so stinking good I want to lose my mind [Music] this is my favorite mode this mode this is God mode dual this mode right here this is the Lord's delay mode like if the Lord played delay he's playing dual mod like no doubt right here this is it okay [Music] it's so it's so freaking good I'm just gonna play it for a second [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] it's that good I I love petals I here's the thing I love I have a lot of pedals I think I have I may have the biggest pedal collection in the world I love petals as a thing I love them as a story I love to tell the history I love to research I don't I I don't NEC I don't love this I don't like get into pedals because they sound better A lot of my favorite pedals is because of the story and I'm not one of these people that's like which one sounds best like I'm not there is no best everything has an application and because of this I get excited about stories or finding a collectible or thing like that so rarely over the last few years have I been like thrilled because of how a pedal functions and sounds and I know that might surprise many of you but this pedal I feel finally excited I I literally feel like it's one of those movies it's like Fast and Furious 18. The Rock has fallen off of a cliff that's kind of funny the rock the actor fell off of a cliff which a physical Rock could have also you get the idea he's lying at the bottom he's out the other dude pulls up in the Maserati jumps out through the window has that adrenaline needle sticks it in The Rock's neck and the rock is like what that's how I feel I'm The Rock I fell off a cliff of the same old stuff and this pedal has brought me back to life thank you boss all right last mode and we're gonna give away a pack a box of Ernie Ball strings an entire box after this you need to understand that a whole box it's like a lot of packs all right oh my God it's so good [Music] do you hear it pinging through the speakers [Music] thank you so pattern gives you different patterns with the variation [Music] I need I need you one last time to understand this is true analog delay controlled with friggin insane digital control and this stuff has never been possible in this fashion and form factor the closest thing to this is Joel at Chase bliss's analog delay which is insane these are different animals but this is so wild like this in my opinion is the greatest analog delay ever made and if anyone tops this I I don't even know what that'll look like it's really incredible check this out pattern all right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] that's the last mode of that let's give away these strings I'm gonna I'm gonna go take a nap after this really think about choices I've made I do want to also State when you look down at the pedal it has a jet so you have you have in left and right out sorry let me use my pointer pin in left right out and you have another Jack here I didn't use it but you can plug one of these these cool these cool dudes in and you can scroll through your presets if you didn't catch that this has presets so you can hit memory and scroll through that or you can have that be a remote memory you can also plug in this or any other brand expression pedal and you get expression all right all right all right all right all right here we go let's see what Ernie Ball artist you ready what Ernie Ball artist uses JHS petals and has their own Music Man Ernie Ball guitar who is it who is it they use JHS and they have their own Ernie Ball Music Man guitar we're looking for there's one specific answer we're looking for [Music] I'll I'll Jam one last little little diddle here [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I realized quite a few of them used JHS pedals and that's okay we're looking for one specific answer we have found that answer I saw it scroll through the answer is Saint Vincent that's who we were looking for she's used a color box for a long time whoever gets that Joshua will shout you out in the comments um yeah I don't believe I have any mess nothing here nothing broke nothing's wrong uh I built a kit the other day live if you didn't watch that it's how to build a fuzz face I taught you how to build a stew matte kit um I'm actually going to finish this out and tweak it and give it away on a live stream soon and we're going to go into breadboarding so that's the short circuit series if you hadn't seen that put it on it's really really cool again any Drive sounds or anything that you heard we're coming um from Morning Glory was always on the screamer was the second stage and then a mini foot fuzz when it got crazy and the green Crocs added a nice low end that didn't really exist before that um yeah I think it's probably worth just real quickly um just showing this one last time the product that we just looked at if you're on Sweetwater or wherever the dm-101 delay machine it is a literal work of art I'm very excited to have this as a guitar player um yeah the this is it so it is the boss dm101 delay machine I've had a really great time hanging out with you I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day um if you won this congratulations and if you won the strings congratulations um that's it this was fun boss you have made the greatest analog delay ever made and I'm I'm positive it's so stinking incredible this pedal will go on my board and um one of my favorite features before I go is that it well if I could figure out my switch one of my favorite features is they kind of took this line of manual one two three four for your presets from like the old Giga delay which has been one of my long time favorite delays and that feels like home right there really cool so my favorite sounds ever some features I'm familiar with and a lot of new sounds and um all right that's it bye bye everybody
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 98,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: fvy42NRVCLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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