Boss BD2, SD1 or OD3? How To Choose a Boss Overdrive Pedal that is Right For You

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Hi I'm Michael Banfield and in this video  I'm comparing some of the most popular analog   overdrive pedals by Boss. The OD3 overdrive, the  SD1 super overdrive and the BD2 blues driver.   An overdrive pedal is normally used in one  of three ways, as a foundation overdrive,   as a low gain boost or as a high gain boost. So  when I say foundation overdrive what I'm talking   about is when you use an overdrive pedal like a  second channel on your amp. A lot of people who   play clean amps like a Fender Twin Reverb will  use their pedals in this way or if you just like   using your amp as a pedal platform this is kind  of how you'd use an overdrive pedal sometimes.   I've set the gain on all the pedals pretty low,  just try and emulate that edge of breakup sound,   so just a low drive let's play through  them and just see how they sound. So for me the way I'm hearing it in the room, the  OD3 has a nice even response, it's got loads of   bass, loads of top end, it's got that nice smooth  overdrive, it sounds amp-like you know. The SD1;   the overdrive is smooth but it's got this massive  mid hump you know it's like a tube screamer   and for me through a clean amp it kind of makes it  sound a bit small. The blues driver sounds really   nice and bright and clear. It doesn't have the the  bass of the OD3 which might suit a lot of people   if it feels like there's too much bass on the OD3.  It's got so much treble that I took down the tone   a bit just to even it out and sort of match it  a bit with the other two. One of the main things   for me about the blues driver that I'm  hearing is the grittiness in the overdrive,   it's not smooth like the other two, it has  this kind of fizz and a bit of crackle to it.   It's an acquired taste I think it,  doesn't sound bad it's just a different   kind of a thing. It's almost going a bit  more into distortion territory. I'll play   another little riff and see if you  can hear what I'm talking about Let's try them with the gain  a little bit higher now. So before we get into this low gain boost  comparison if you find this video useful   think about maybe giving the video a like, maybe  subscribing to the channel, just so that I know   whether anyone's finding this content useful or  not. So into this low gain boost comparison. What   I've done is turn my amp up a little bit, it's  about halfway. It's on a Fender Deluxe Reverb   Reissue, that's what I'm using and the sweet  spot for that is about halfway. It's not quite   clean but it's not totally saturated and distorted  and we're going to use the pedals to impart that   heavy saturation by taking the drive down on  the pedals quite low, so they're pretty clean,   but taking the level right up so it  pushes the valves in the amp a bit harder.   So let's just compare how they sound. So for me the joint winners on that one are the  OD3 and the Blues Driver. They're just slightly   different flavours, I'd be happy using either  of them. The OD3 has a bit more of a crunch,   it's just a bit more of a low end emphasis and  the Blues Driver is a bit more of a sizzle,   it's that top end and it's just imparting a bit  more of a distortion type characteristic rather   than the crunch of the OD3 but both sound good to  me. The SD1 you can tell by the settings I really   cranked the level and it's still struggling to  get as loud as the OD3 or the Blues Driver. That   would make me a bit cautious about using that as a  low gain boost, it might not have enough level for   you. If you just want a small mid boost, you know  then it might work. The third way that you can use   an overdrive pedal is as a mid or high gain boost  and for this I've kept my amp on the same settings   as I did in the last comparison, it's just on the  edge of break up. I've raised the drive controls   on all the pedals so we're getting a bit more  of the character of the pedals coming through   now. I'll start with just the sound of the amp on  its own and then we'll get to comparing the pedals I'll play on the neck pickup and see if you can  hear what i'm hearing in the room it's just a bit   muddier on the OD3 in comparison to the SD1. I'll do a similar thing with the higher notes now,  so I'll go on bridge pickup and for me in the room   it's sounding a bit harsh on the OD3. It's still  bright on the SD1 but it smoothens out, there's no   ice pick frequencies jumping out at me on the SD1. The   Blues Driver on the other hand;  I'm hearing just as a bright   kind of slightly fuzzy distortion sound.  All that gritty kind of fizziness and   crackling that I was complaining about when  we were using it as a foundation overdrive,   all that seems to have been evened out by  the fact that we've just cranked the amp up   a little bit and that seems to have smoothed all  that crackliness out. It's just a nice pleasant   fuzzy distortion now. i'll just finish with the  Blues Driver comparing that to the other two So remember to let me know down in the comments  which pedal you like the best out of these three   and if you found this video useful  think about maybe subscribing to   the channel and you can see more videos like this.
Channel: Michael Banfield
Views: 106,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OD3, SD1, BD2, Boss, boss pedals, boss overdrive, OD-3, SD-1, BD-2, super overdrive, blues driver, comparison, vs, electric guitar, overdrive pedal, best overdrive pedal
Id: w__tl6Wqt9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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