Boss Overdrive Pedals Explained OD-1/OD-3/SD-1

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we all love boss overdrive pedals i know i do but there's something that gets commonly confused that i would like to clear up today as you can see here i have an overdrive od1 i have an overdrive od3 and i have a super overdrive sd1 now even though they're all over drives they're all three completely different circuits so we're going to talk about these circuits a little bit well first we're going to play through them they're going to talk about them they're going to look through the frequency analyzer and kind of see what's going on there a little bit more and really discuss why they uh why they are completely different first my clean tone is through the bravado sounds like this with the od1 on sounds like this [Music] now the od3 [Music] [Applause] [Music] the sd1 [Applause] [Music] now the sd1 is probably most similar to the od1 even though they are completely different circuits the od one i've heard people say that the od one is just the sd1 without the tone control which is not really accurate uh i'll explain more of that in a minute but it's not really the same thing i mean maybe a little bit and sound but not circuit-wise necessarily even though they're both op-amp based let me compare the sd1 with the od-1 once more again you'll notice on this is an old od1 so on this particular uh version in the early 80s i believe whenever you turned it on the light did not stay on it just flashed for a second that's just the way this particular version was made back then so fairly similar there but in comparison with the od3 uh the ld3 is way more flat way more transparent i love it it just sounds different [Music] now let's talk a little bit about the circuits real quick let's take a look at the boss od1 we have a buffer then into a non-inverting op-amp then into an inverting op-amp that's also filtering some highs into the level control into a buffer comparing that to the sd1 which is basically a tube screamer we have a buffer into a non-inverting op-amp into a low-pass filter into a tone control that's boosting and cutting a bit of mids and some highs and a level control into a output buffer the boss od3 is completely different totally we have a buffer into another buffer into a high pass and low pass filter section into a diode clipping section looks like it's adding a little bit of compression into a special op-amp stage that's just a discrete op-amp into soft clipping with diodes into effect stages soft clipping with diodes into a low-pass filter into another eq stage that's just totally shaping the eq right there into a passive tone control into a level control into another buffer at the output all right so this is the flat signal from pink noise going into all of these pedals here just with the pedals all turned off so let's look at them real quick same settings as i used before here's the od one okay that's the od one let's go to od 3 a lot flatter as you can see much more flat now let's go to sd1 much more round still mid-rangey but much more round compared again to the od1 so the mid the od one is much more mid-rangey uh centered right around 800 hertz or so looks like all right so that's the video hope you liked it i hope to answer some questions for you let me know in the comments below which pedal you liked whenever i was playing through them or which one you like now and also if you like boss pedals and boss mods make sure you check the link in the description to my little amazon store i have some ebooks and a regular book you could buy about modifying pedals you might like that sort of thing thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Wampler Pedals
Views: 154,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wampler, pedals, guitar, effects, pedalboard, wampler pedals, guitar effects, guitar pedal, guitar pedals
Id: dMpE7o0_6JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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