5 of the BEST Telecasters Models EVER Made!!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel i hope you're all doing very well today in this video i'm gonna go through five of the most iconic telecaster models of all time so if you don't have a tele in your collection yet or you just want some information on some great telecaster models you've come to the right place here we go let's check out iconic model number one well to nobody's surprise we need to start with the most iconic telecaster of all time the 52 telly or as fender and squier sometimes markets them a 50s tele now to be a 50s telly you need the butterscotch body the black guard barrel saddles fat 50s neck split head tuning machines round string tree and of course the maple fingerboard so if you want to add a 52 tele to your collection here are three of my favorite number one squire classic vibe now there's a few things to note about the squire version of the 52 tele number one you don't have the fat 50s neck it's a thinner neck on that guitar so some people might like that it might be a detriment to some others but it is a thinner neck on the squier 50s version number two the baja telecaster one of the great deals for a 52 style guitar out there unfortunately fender only made them for a decade ending the production in 2018 so if you can grab one used man they are fantastic guitars and like i said they incorporate all the elements of a 50s telecaster with the barrel saddles you know butterscotch finish big fat maple neck all those kind of things on the baja which makes it a great reproduction so if you can grab one you can sometimes get them for a great deal so keep on the lookout thirdly and my final recommendation and the one i decided to buy for myself even over the american ones is the road worn series this is a high-end mexican-made guitar really really wonderful instrument it has all the elements of those 52 telecasters the early ones like this one have the ash body even so if you can find one like that that's great but yeah everything about it the big fat 50s baseball neck with the finish worn off just plays like a dream so uh that's my final recommendation classic vibe baja if you can find it and road worn of course there's some really great american-made ones as well but those are my three favorite uh that would fit a lot of budgets iconic telecaster number two is the 60s tele now two main things happened between the 50s and the 60s number one you started to get rosewood fingerboards leofender was not happy with the way the maple fingerboards looked on tv they started to get worn dirty shabby looking and compared to glass paul gretch guitars other ones of that era that had rosewood fingerboards he thought looked a lot more high-end and better on tv so he decided to start putting rosewood fingerboards on his guitars the second thing is the neck profile changed to a much thinner some would say easier to play profile so if you're the type of person that does like a thinner neck the 60s telecaster might be a better fit you started to get more exciting colors like the daphne blue the surf green the shell pink those kind of colors now mine here is in just straight black but yeah you started to get some more exciting colors in the lineup as well so there's some big differences but the main core largely the same the barrel saddles you know the split head tuning machines different styles string trees some small changes like that but largely unchanged now if you think the 60s tele might fit your playing style better than the 50s here are three of my recommendations number one squire classic vibe custom i own that guitar and played it a ton it's a great version of a 60s telecaster fairly low cost and fairly high quality number two the venterra 60s it's the made in mexico one it's right around a grand really nice guitar and finally the made in japan 60s reissue that's what i have here this one's in midnight black an excellent guitar a little bit more on the vintage side in terms of the radius and the fret size and stuff so if you want a more authentic version the japanese one i highly recommend it's an excellent guitar but either of those three would give you an excellent 60s tele experience iconic telecaster number three has to be the thinline telecaster now if you're new to tellys that doesn't mean they're any thinner it just refers to the f hole and the chambered body and for me there's something really unusual and really cool about putting an f hole on a tele the f4 is normally on higher end guitars and to put one on just a slab guitar just gives it such a cool vibe i've always loved a thin line now since we're talking about like fenders five best models the 52 butterscotch the 60s with the rosewood fingerboard we got to go to the 72 telecaster i think that one is the most iconic thin line i've owned the squier version of the 69 which is the single coil version i've had the thin line with the filtertron pickups in it so a bunch of different thin lines over the years but i think the 52 with the wide range humbuckers is the most iconic now unfortunately the newer ones don't have wide range humbuckers they put that pickup cover over regular humbuckers so you're not going to capture that 70s tone but those 70s thin lines are very very expensive so it's great to have the squire option i think that's probably going to be the next one in my stable maybe getting that squier 70s version because i think that one is the most iconic but i can heartily recommend the squire versions of the single cool ones and of course something like this palette is very high end and a very very beautiful guitar um so if you're into thin lines there's tons of options but again my main recommendation would probably be squire classic vibe right so we've got the butterscotch 52 the 60s with the rosewood fingerboard the 72 with the wide range humbuckers now what happens when you take both of those and kind of mash them together well you get one of the most underrated telecaster models of all time that is the telecaster custom it's the best of both worlds you've got a single coil in the bridge for all that classic spank and twang with a humbucker in the neck now if there's one universal criticism of the telecaster it's that the stratocaster neck pickup sounds better than the telecaster neck pickup and as a massive telecaster fan i do have to agree with that that is a valid criticism you can make a telecaster neck pick up sound great but i think neck versus neck the strat just does sound better so this kind of fixes the problem now i don't know how many of these models fenders sells but they are excellent so you've got the best of a telecaster with pretty great les paul type tones in the neck just thick and creamy so i really really love that layout now these are two project guitars we did on the channel so if you're a subscriber you probably recognize these guitars on one hand a budget build on the other hand a high-end build both telecaster customs so if you're not sure what tele to get and you're like well i don't know if i just want single coils but i do want at least one guitar that has that classic telecaster twang and bite in the bridge this might be a great option for you and there are multiple guitars thankfully fender does have so many different price ranges for these type of guitars from squire all the way up to like the american made ones so yeah if you're not sure you want to go full tele quite yet or if you have a couple traditional teles and you're like well i just want to mix it up the telecaster custom hugely underrated fantastic guitars and finally to wrap up my list of the top five telecaster models of all time is well not this guitar but we'll talk about it in a second it's my dark horse pick it's the telecaster deluxe now the hallmark of the deluxe is two humbucking pickups and again like the 72 thin line like the telecaster custom the deluxe originated in the 70s now the 70s had the resurgence of the les paul it had the emergence of cranked marshalls stadium tours crunch distortion loud guitars fender had no answer for that so enter the deluxe a telecaster with two humbucking pickups it could handle you know the loud guitar parts that were you know becoming normal at the time it wasn't a thin line body so it had no problems with feedback and that kind of stuff so it was just uh yeah a straight up answer to the les paul and the emergence of loud distorted guitars so my pick is the 70s version i think it's the most iconic the squire version of the 70s deluxe excellent my pick for a mid-range guitar is the road worn version of the deluxe that guitar looks phenomenal i owned uh the american professional deluxe when it came out and played on that for a few years uh again a very nice guitar uh my dark horse pick here is an indonesian guitar for right around a thousand dollars um a very unique instrument i featured it on the channel before this is my go-to for a deluxe a little bit more modern seymour duncan pickups that kind of thing coil splits very versatile guitar so i would say the modern version of the deluxe something like this is really only for telecaster fans you know i think if you want something a little bit more iconic then you definitely need to go to the 70s version i think they look just straight up cool but if you want something a little bit more with a modern twist check this guitar out as well uh one of my favorites you know it doesn't look like it would be a great telecaster maybe or it looks a little different but you start to play on it and it's just perfection it's just an excellent excellent guitar so there you guys go those are my five models let's talk a little bit about um some options if you're not a huge fender fan but you like a t-style guitar so my final picks the 52 butterscotch the 60s with the rosewood fingerboard the 72 thin line the 70s custom and the 70s deluxe if you're a telecaster fan well you might want to own each one or some variation of each one because the tonal possibilities within the telecaster world is just phenomenal those guitars just cover everything now if you're a fan of t-style guitars but you don't really want to pay the premium for a fender guitar that is completely understandable i'm also in that boat i i'm a huge fender fan but i own a lot of different brands so my secondary recommendations if you want some of these guitars but not necessarily pay the premium number one the schecter pt series i featured some on the channel here they are excellent guitar super well built lots of different options just like the fender lineup but you're paying a lot less so check out the schecter pt series i'll link to all these guitars down in the video description and secondly sire guitars uh super impressed with sire on the strat and the telly side so if you want something that gets you a lot more guitar for your money check out the sire guitars as well so those would be my alternate picks the schechter pt series and sire if you want to save a few bucks thanks so much for watching you guys if you found it helpful be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so yet i'll link to all the guitars uh t-shirt store all that kind of stuff down in the video description below you can check it out there other than that hope you enjoyed the video have a great day
Channel: Darrell Braun Guitar
Views: 40,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lava guitars, lava blue, lava me guitar, lava me 3, lava me 3 guitar, lava carbon fiber guitar, lava blue guitar, blue lava guitar, carbon fiber guitar, lava me 2 guitar, darrell braun guitar, Fender telecaster
Id: _pXp9nOvh04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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