Born To Battle complete full length western movie

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howdy I'm Bob Terry welcome to another fantastic classic Western film brought to you here free by Westerns on the web thanks for joining us you know the the Western has been a part of the world's culture ever since the Great Train Robbery from 1903 and all the way through the singing Cowboys like Roy Rogers and Jean ay and and John Wayne kept the Western alive and continues to do so well here's another classic Western film thank you for joining us kick your boots up sit back relax enjoy it and we'll see you after the show [Music] la a [Music] [Music] heart [Music] [Music] w w [Music] I'm I'm sorry folks and I want to apologize you young whpp Snapper what do you mean by scaring my team I have the law on you you should apologize you might have caused a serious accident they say everything happens for the best man so maybe this meeting will work out that way your te W in these parts just SLE over near Rawhide you mind telling us who that crazy galute is Cyclone Tom is what the folks called him he ought to be captain in J life if I had anything to say you and me both yeah get here I see tell us later I'm going to get my laundry all right okay was sht ready uh where's your ticket yeah search me I must have lost it and no ticket no wash it say you got a shirt of mine here and I want it D no no ticket no washing say listen here no ticket no wash [Applause] what going on here [Applause] S no Saab Theo no no wash Door oh yeah don't let this be a lesson to you the next time I bring my laundry act like gentlemen hey you're under arrest what for never mind watch for just come along with me hey your honor some visitors let's get these out of here come on [Applause] boy go on in [Music] G this here Jun just shot up the town manhandled some the laundry so I bring him in here to you you're done quite right Sheriff Jones good afternoon Mr Lama how do you do dad this court jce an now session take off your head and make your up home you off your hat Tom sers uh you are charged with uh assaulting battery disturbing the piece and destruction of property um guilty or or not guilty whatever you say will be used against you so uh so be careful well I reckon I better keep still judge You' got to say something it ain't fair to the court not to what'll happen if I just keep quiet to search me there ain't nothing in the Raw book is uh about that as I remember uh suppose we flip a coin judge as that plead guilty Tails not guilty not a bad idea Bing for f Co you left L me nickel of a do here I'll be Big Hearted and even Lo your nickel hey heads you'll have CLE Gilly I beg your pardon well that's my Niel my mistake sorry yeah Tom after uh thr and conon and deliberating deeply on on on the evidence the court finds you guilty as charged whatever that is on to the fact though that pretty well like ding I'm going to let you off Plum easy $30 and 30 days say you can't do that how can I earn $30 if I'm in jail ain't you got that much money no uh how much uh have you got oh about [Music] $85 well being as the court needs money I I change the sentence $82 and uh 512 days in jail now wait a minute Char if I pay the original fine for the defendant will you parole him to me for the next month uh maybe we could work out some sort of a deal seeing as the court needs money pretty bad Tom shake hands with Mr lmer that noise H I know you Western representative of the Illinois livestock Corporation Toms uh got a reputation for getting into more trouble and out of it than any six hbers in these parts he's born to battle and you'll have 190 lb of dynamite on your hands that's just why I want him for to me yes I have a proposition it calls for just such a combination drop the papers why sure sure Mr the proposition I'm going to talk to you about Tom is plenty dangerous you'd be a lot safer in this cactus the jail and you would be taking me up on it it sounds interesting as the Justice said I'm born a battle so let's hear the rest of it well the cattle concern that I represent took over the lazy wire Ranch near roohide a few months ago and our present superintendent John Brownell doesn't seem to be able to make it pay and cattle have been disappearing from the rangeland and to make matters worse he's having trouble with the nesters how power the Nester was in the see me this morning about it he claims that part of our range land is open and that he can Homestead it maybe he can that's what I want to find out that's why I'm offering you brown L's job if you'll take it now the nesters and rustlers have got to go and it's up to you to figure out how but keep within the law when do you want me to start right now I'll give you a letter to Brownell and I'll also write him one ordering him to turn over the active management to you as soon as you get there young man um you got a chance now how to make something out of yourself so uh just remember that the old west has uh grown up yes sir and U it ain't considered eate to try shooting up towns uh them kind of glutes get into trouble sooner or later yes sir here's your letter to branell Tom and here's the money want thank you har so I want to thank you too judge for being so lenient all right Tom all right [Applause] right I guess I better better be on my way s CL turned on this go go get him Sheriff bring him in and I'll s him for Lake hey which way did that Cyclone go no savage Dey yeah he must be heading for roide get going after him boys [Music] trouble seor Blinky do we or do we not no w we sure do St [Applause] reach for the sky or will shoot HTO This Blink take the pistas now turn around and beat us all of you go before I get all full of angriness my name is to Founders I want to thank you boys for helping me out ah all right it's a pleasure my name is lamb Hol Blinky for short and uh this is my pal Pablo GL I know you boy Don Pablo ju joseon wait a minute wait a minute what do they call you for short uh Pablo is a good enough name for any Mexican gentleman ain't it Tom you compare me with any Mexican gentleman I Don Pablo the greatest cavaliero in all Mexico oh we don't doubt your word a tall a tall karanza now that's settled uh supposing you tell us where you were heading for in such a hurry ra i New Mexico and I expect to find a lot of trouble when I get there that is very funny seor my compad blink and myself we were going that way too uh yes but uh we didn't know it well let's start writing all right uh but first we better go to the camp and get our things that's right on our horses too all right e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait here take these glasses away sure one time for [Laughter] luck you're having too much Nate you better lay off I'll have as much as I like see not in work for me I won't stand for it you don't have to stand for it I'm sick of your Sunday school talk now listen go on get away from me now listen and if any of you don't like the way I handle this you know what you can do you're on a bunch of coward ain't a man in the joint with any nerve I can whip any six of [Laughter] you well what are you laughing about you're nothing but a loudmouth poat I am I might go what what the why that man's plenty good I'll tell [Laughter] you are you two omrs amusing yourselves for the benefit of the house it's my fault stranger I've been trying to find a man with nerve and Nate here was helping me yeah but now that I'm elected suppose you do some explaining well I'm John brell superintendent of the lazy Wan I've got a good job for a man with nerves at a good salary well how about my pals here we're traveling together one man is all I can use on this particular job you don't have to worry about us par we'll hook up with someone else come on Pablo let's get a drink and give this town the once over I we'll be seeing you let's talk this thing over seor the best in the house for my friend and me iy like little tequila don't you a big one not it what's your name H's enough I reckon for the present all right now here's the lowdown the lazy W Ranch had been having a lot of trouble with nesters and rustlers so much so that the owners are sending out a new superintendent to take my place and I figure if I can straighten this trouble out before the new superintendent gets here I can top L the Western boss into letting me stay well we've got enough Pablo we got to go and get connected up somewhere wait a minute wait a minute yeah got a match huh you got a match no but I got a very fine idea to use the fire from my pistola sometimes Pablo you don't act as dumb as you look and it's a good idea yes just arrange yourself don't wiggle so much you're drunk what do you mean I'm drunk B you're plenty plased yourself so don't you start wiggling around just put the cigar in the mouth wa hey seor blink you better told those other the umbr there beside you to move out the might get hit Pablo you're drunk there ain't nobody with me they're with you say I didn't know I was going to face a firing squad now look what you went and done and me spending a nickel F only a week ago ah stopan you're too young to smoke anyhow that was pretty good shooting a Sorita and that's nothing you have only began to see my comp and me use the pistas say how would you like a job where you could really use your guns huh Pardon Me Miss do you mean there's trouble floating around here plenty of trouble and a couple of gunfighters are the only ones who can straighten it out [Music] gracias when do we start right now right now hop and don't worry about the pay and we'll work for you well look I've got to go in the store so you get your hores and I'll meet you here in a few minutes see you and ever since those ners moved into that old deserted Lon housee which is on the lazy y rangeland we've been losing a lot of Catt so my job is to get of the lion house andant to it yeah but it ain't going to be no CCH them ns are tough customers from what I've heard but you being a stranger here you may be able to get into the house without them becoming suspicious what makes you think those nesters are rustling your stock it's bound to be them we never had no trouble to lay show Duck I'll go out to the lazy y with you and get this lion house once over first thing in the morning good Kate Nate and some of the boys with you and if you get possession of the house they can stay there well Tom we just got hired out to go to work good where never thought to find out ah but she's a beautiful senorita you must come and make the visit sometimes sure anytime you f stay here when I get possession of the house I'll give you a signal they got Tom come on I ain't so sure J let's wait and see for I take care of this window you watch the door [Applause] Tom Saunders Amigo what are you two Mavericks doing here why we're guarding this lion house see we were hired out to the pows to guard the house and keep the people away one minute ago blink took a shoot at a strange ombre yeah see I was a strange ombre God I call I hired out to get a hold of this Lon house for the lazy wine well you'd better go back and tell Brownell you didn't succeed Mr Cyclone Tom jumping hop toads are you the nesters [Applause] what difference does it make to you quite a bit I'm not in the habit of fighting with women CL there must be some mistake seor Tom is a best comp that's right why he wouldn't do a low down stunt like this unless he'd been framed into it I don't know about that this isn't the first time he's caused us trouble I'm really sorry folks there's a lot about this deal that wasn't told to me from now on I'll see that you're not bothered anymore let's go out and see what Nate knows about this when Nate come here is this the homestead in cattle wrestlers you told me about well yes they're just a low bunch of is they my friends I'm going back with you to face ronell either he's a skunk or you're one and I'm going to find out Miss poell did you meet Brownell no but my father only talk to Clen his Foreman I want you and your father to go back to the lazy y with me I'm going to straighten this thing out p if you'll only trust me I'll take Pablo with me and leave brinky here to watch things we'll go with you maybe Brownell isn't at the bottom of this after all all right get your horses Mr Brown Helm I want you to meet Miss bety Powell and her father how do you do I'm glad to know you you're sure welcome to the hospitality of the lazy wife maybe you'll change your mind when I tell you there are the nessers that been causing you so much trouble why didn't you and Clem tell me that nessers was a girl and an old man mate well we figured you wouldn't care as long as they were on your land tell CL I want to see him I'm sorry for what happened Mr Powell and though I don't like nesters any better than I did before I'll see that you're not bothered Again by my boy if I can throw you off that range Land by law though I'll do it you're a white man Brownell so we won't fight but if I can stay on that rang Land by law I'm going to do it fair enough llama the real boss of this outfit will be here sometime tomorrow so if you and your daughter wish to save the lazy why until then everything will be straightened out all right lmer Square we don't want to put you to any trouble not a bit Marine show these folks to the extra room yes sir I just discovered one of our fences out on the upper range and price track where a small herd of stock had been driven off did you follow the tracks yeah lost them among the rocks it's probably them nesters again it's not the nesters this time Clen they're in the house right now you mean they're here I sure do they've been with Tom and mate all day sort of looks to me Clen like the nesters are being used as a blind to up real wrestling meaning what meaning that there must have been some reason why you kept most of the ranch hands busy trying to run off a couple of nesters without telling brell there were only a girl and an old man you're going a little too far Tom maybe Clen didn't do the right thing but he probably thought he was acting for the best we'll start putting out a Night Rider to watch the herds and keep a few horses saddled the ranch for quick riding that's a good idea I'll take that first night shift myself I was figuring on my shift Clen there's suit yourself Brown H says so it's okay we let it stand that way Clen help I thought you was playing homesteading I was but I got to thinking things over and decided to do a little investigating on my own wasn't thinking of ambushing somebody was your Nate [Applause] [Applause] what the break that there some shooting going on see your horses boys is for for e oh [Applause] [Applause] he's dead how did it happen I I I don't know the umbre that did the shooting and got away I fired once at him and missed then my horse fell and knocked me out I came to and rode back here just before your Fellers arriv blink never had a chance this pistoler is not even fired how many shots did you say you fired one one eh you don't think that I I don't know what to think but there were two shots fired from this gun wait if that's true there there must be something wrong you're a darn right there's something wrong take him back to the ranch not so quick seor Tom take Theus Dr them gun listen Ron now seeing as have you acted so hastily I'm going to tell you something I'm Tom Saunders the new superintendent of the lazy W Ranch suppose you prove it Lama said the man he was sending out to take my place would bring me a letter the Letter's gone sure it's gone cuz you never had one you're a crook and a Kill if you did have a letter Tom why didn't you show it to me when you first met me I didn't know whether you were on the level or not I figured I'd learn more by keeping quiet well you'll have a chance to prove your story tomorrow when larma comes bring him alone boys we'll take him to the sheriff in the morning come on you that's all rough [Applause] I'm sure sorry to see you fellas leave us but our accommodations ain't exactly fitting for jail Birds you ought to be ashamed of yourself oh I'm sorry Tom both my father and I have tried to talk Brown Ellen to letting you go Rell is all right Betty but he just put confidence in the wrong people oh I certainly hope lmer gets into town today and straightens things out I'm worried I'm worried too I'm sure some of the lazy W hands are in cahoots with the wrestlers all right boys okay boys bring them out all right come on out you two go on you and your daughter make yourselves at home po till I get back with LL thank you you run on up the house honey I want to stay here a while hey Zeke come here settle up poor horses we're riding we got to work fast Clen Tom was sent out here by Lama I found a letter on him the other night when he's knocked out you did huh what do you mean what are you doing you're not bothering there let me in let me in [Applause] he [Applause] hey [Applause] listen ronell I'm going back to the rench and the only way you can stop me is to start shooting what do you mean I may be wrong but I wouldn't trust none of your outfit it doesn't say for Betty and her dad to stay there with you gone I'll go back with you under guard if you want then if everything's okay you can take me to jail all right but no funny business don't worry get in the Buckboard get in here you drive [Applause] [Music] they in with us so you boys know what to do we don't want anybody left to do any [Music] talk come on boss let's get the cattle no we got to get rid of those men first they'll go back to the ranch and give us away [Applause] Tom Tom we're locked in this tank house Tom was right about clonate being crooked they've got his letter from lmer to you and they're headed now to make a final raid on the lazy white cattle I've been a fool Tom maybe it ain't too late to make amend how about our guns brell I'll get them for you but or how am I going to use the pistola with my hands tied up you be to town Benny and get the sheriff we'll TR and check up the rers while you bring help come win all nothing to Long Co [Applause] [Applause] hey T him boys [Applause] he [Applause] fine work on all right looks like a cyclone struck around there Tom you know anything about it yeah a little but from now on I'm going to be a plum gentleman [Applause] here seor here is a letter which makes my comp the big boss of the lazy W ranto you're right Pablo L explained everything about you Tom and I'm turning over the job to you at once well I was just thinking L that uh if it's all right with farm right here the only job is open as the farming that is um if there's a house where a married man can live and uh if you want to hire me you're hir and thanks don't forget seor Tom I want to be the papa Pon it I mean what you call the god Papa [Music] wasn't that a great show wasn't it a great film wasn't it enjoyable entertainment thank you for joining us we hope you'll check back with us often and see what we've recently uploaded because we have thousands of western films in our archives some very very rare films and we plan on sharing them with you here on Westerns on the web my name's Bob Terry have a great tastic day and we hope to see you again on on the trail [Music]
Channel: WesternsOnTheWeb
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Keywords: watch, western, movies, free, Born To Battle, complete, full length western movie, Tom Tyler
Id: DSkGbblLp1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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