Borderline Personality Disorder & Relationships

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- Hey everybody. Today, we're gonna talk about how to healthily be in a relationship with someone who has borderline personality disorder. Before we jump into this important topic, are you new to my channel? Welcome. I release videos on Mondays and on Thursdays all about mental health, so make sure you're subscribed and have your notifications turned on so you don't miss out. Now first, as always, let's define what borderline personality disorder, or BPD, really is, and what it can mean for those in relationships with someone who has it. Now, BPD is a mental illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image, and behavior. These symptoms often result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships. Some of the symptoms I'm talking about are intense fear of rejection, separation, or abandonment; rapid changes between thinking someone's perfect to believing they're evil; risky behaviors including unsafe sex, gambling, drug use, or accumulating credit card debt; threats of suicide or self-harm; difficulty empathizing with other people; mood swings from euphoria to intense shame or self-criticism; and frequently losing one's temper. People with borderline personality disorder tend to view things in extremes such as all good or all bad, and their opinions of other people can also change really quickly. An individual who's seen as a friend one day may be considered an enemy or a traitor the next. And these shifting feelings can lead to intense and unstable relationships. I've often referred to those with BPD as emotional burn victims because they feel everything in life very intensely and are sensitive to any shifts or perceived wrongs. And I also feel it's important to mention that BPD is called other things in other countries and in some blogs online. Some refer to BPD as emotionally unstable personality disorder or emotion disregulation disorder, but as far as I know and was taught in school, borderline personality disorder is the only actual diagnosis. Even if we call it something else, it still shows the same symptoms of BPD. Also, if you want to learn the full diagnostic criteria for BPD, you can click the link in the description for my video all about it. Now, as I'm sure you can see, it could be really hard to be in a relationship with someone who has BPD because they can be impulsive, easily upset, and reactive. But there are some tools that we can utilize to ensure a much healthier and happier situation. And my first tool? Learn about borderline personality disorder. How can we manage something that we don't even understand? We can't. So we need to talk with our loved one about their BPD and how they're experiencing it. Because everyone's gonna be different and they'll struggle with different symptoms more than others. So talk with them. Seek to understand, not judge. There are also two books that I always recommend to those who are close to someone with BPD. They are, number one, I Hate You, Don't Leave Me, and number two, Stop Walking on Eggshells. They're both great for understanding the diagnosis, but also how we can better manage the symptoms that are hurting our relationship. And I will link those in the description if you want to click over and buy those for yourself. Number two, trying to keep your home life with them as calm and relaxed as possible. I know it's not always possible, but just doing our best because those with BPD do really well in situations that are predictable. So keeping home life as upset-free as possible is best, and it can often mitigate any crisis they may be feeling. Also, if they're in crisis mode, it's not a good time to bring up any issue you may be having with them or tell them they need to get help. Remaining calm and relaxed until the crisis passes is best, and then you can bring up something that may be upsetting you. Number three, now if we're gonna talk with them about something that is upsetting us, that moves us into our next tip, keeping it simple. Since those with BPD can be constantly reacting out of their emotion mind, meaning not their very logical or reasonable one, it will be hard for them to actually hear and understand what you're saying without getting upset and lashing back at you. They can even take simple statements and turn them into personal attacks. So instead of always fighting or feeling like we can't every speak up, just keep it simple. by keeping our sentences short, simple, and direct, you'll give them a chance to actually hear you and hopefully not react, but respond with understanding and love. Number four, creating and upholding healthy boundaries. Those with BPD need boundaries. Setting a boundary can sometimes snap them out of their delusional thinking because they often turn one thing you did into a much larger issue or take something you said out of context and then get more angry about it. So by holding up healthy and reasonable boundaries, you prevent them from spiraling into their black and white thinking pattern and making things a lot worse. And in all honesty, as a clinician who works with a lot of BPD patients, it makes them feel better and it calms them down more quickly. So a little tough love and a little boundary setting can go a long, long way. My fifth tip, calling their bluff. Surprisingly, I promise, it's also really helpful. But just before I get into that, creating boundaries and calling their bluff both require that you build up their self-esteem first, meaning we can't enter a relationship with them calling them on their shit and telling them that they're crossing a boundary. We can't do that out of the blue. We have to let them know we care first and can see all the wonderful traits about them. I mean, after all, there is a reason that you're in a relationship with them, right? Once you've done that, you need to learn to be assertive, hold your ground. It's okay to say you didn't do what they're claiming you did and you won't engage in that sort of a conversation. Or you can tell them that they're blowing this whole thing way out of proportion. If we always give in to them when they're engaging in their BPD behavior, it will only make things worse. Because think about it, we're creating a cycle, right? If they believe that what they're saying is true and we react out of it, we're almost sabotaging it and telling them yes, I did act like this, and yes, I am a jerk. If we just hold our ground and say no, we can stop that cycle from getting started. Also, I think it's really important to know that giving them control all the time doesn't end up making them feel better or more safe or secure. It actually causes the opposite to happen. So calling them on their misinterpretations and black and white thinking sounds crazy, but I promise you, it's best. Number six, take their suicide or self-injury threats seriously. I know these are common among those with BPD, and many see these threats as manipulative and done for attention, but what you don't know is that roughly 10% of those with BPD die from suicide, which means that if they're threatening to kill or harm themselves, or even if they're just telling you they've been thinking about it or planning it, we need to get some professional help involved ASAP. Call 911 or the National Suicide Hotline. In short, recognize that they are in deep, deep pain and express your concern while still maintaining your healthy boundaries. Number seven, encouraging them to seek therapy. Unlike a lot of other diagnoses, most BPD people welcome the idea of therapy, and I believe this is because they're uncomfortable with how they feel and would love to find a way to make that stop, which is why there is hope and many people with BPD do fully recover. I just want you to hear that. Many people with BPD do fully recover, so supporting them in these efforts can be great for your lasting relationship. Now DBT has been shown to be the most effective type of treatment. We've talked about that before. But if it's not available, CBT can help, Schema therapy can help, attachment-based therapies have been shown to work as well, and also, some medication options. The most important thing is that this treatment is regularly scheduled and we understand that it'll be long-term. But just as a reminder, don't bring this up when you're fighting or in the middle of a crisis. Wait until things are calmer and you can actually talk with them about it in a loving and supportive way, showing that you really care and that's why you want them to get help and support because you want your relationship to grow. Number eight, get outside emotional support for you. We all need this in relationships, but especially if we're trying to remain calm and supportive, maybe even when we don't really feel like doing that. Having other friends and family members that we can lean on when we need it is really important. Make time for that as well as some regular self-care time. This will allow you to be strong and assertive when you need to and to keep your relationship happy and healthy. I would also encourage you to get into therapy for yourself. This will not only be a safe place for you to get the support you need, but it allows you to talk about your relationship without any judgment or pressure. You can get some helpful tools for managing crises or upsets and you can also learn how to place and uphold boundaries and how to lovingly be assertive with them. Overall, loving someone with BPD can be difficult at times, but it can also be really rewarding, just like any relationship. And by learning how to clearly communicate and diffuse any crisis situation should allow your relationship to grow and thrive. This video has been brought to you by the kinions on Patreon. If you would like to support the creation of these mental health videos, click the link in the description and check it out. And I hope these tips are helpful and give you the tools you need to strengthen that relationship. But as always, what do you think? How have you helped your loved one with BPD? Or if you have BPD, what's worked in your relationships? Let me know in those comments down below and I will see you next time. Bye.
Channel: Kati Morton
Views: 769,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amber heard, kati morton, borderline personality disorder, wellbeing, coping skills, advice, mental health, therapist, healthcare, life hacks, support, BPD, borderline, emotional regulation
Id: zzp8IJIW1MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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