BORDERLANDS 3: Top 10 Tips For Your First Playthrough! (Starter Guide)

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hey vault hunters JB here and today I'm sharing my starter guide for Borderlands 3 be sure and subscribe and hit the bell for more Borderlands 3 videos just like this it's finally here the long wait for the next Borderlands game is over and by the time this video goes live everyone will have the game in their hands before you dive in too far there are a lot of quality of life changes that are easy to forget and will make things go a lot more smoothly in your first playthrough here are 10 tips to remember when you first I've into Borderlands 3 on normal mode you can now fast travel from anywhere this is probably the biggest change that's going to save you a lot of time and a lot of headaches let's say you just finished a quest in Pandora the first part of that game and you need to go back and turn it in for your reward all you have to do is open up your map via your Ecco find the fast travel location and after a short loading screen you're gonna be there now the game teaches you this this is obvious but you can use this to your advantage in multiple ways and I recommend that you guys do first off you can use this to sell your items I remember in the previous two games I would constantly be dumping guns or shields whatever I have clogging up my inventory in the early game because you just get so much stuff now if it makes sense to do it you can just fast travel back sell that stuff and then go right back where you were now this only makes sense once again if you're near a fast travel points you can get back to where you were but that is where your vehicle comes in because your vehicle acts as a moving fast travel point so wherever you are the last vehicle that you used you can fast travel back to that vehicle so in our example if you have to turn in a quest you can fast travel back to the location where the quest giver was grab your reward and then immediately go back to your vehicle and jump back in the action it's very helpful so you can use this as a way to ping pong back and forth if you need to respec your skill tree into something that's going to help you against the current enemy type that you're fighting I highly recommend that you guys do that it's totally worth the 5 seconds it takes to load back in do what you need to do and then get back in the action skills are not as important as you think they are and they're really worth the stress and the worry now that may sound insane to someone who plays a lot of Borderlands but the reality is in your first playthrough you're going to respec and your build and your character and building around your action skill and everything that goes along with that is not nearly as important during your first playthrough or even the first 10 to 15 hours as it is later on so I really wouldn't stress about it I pick things that suit your play style things you enjoy that buff a certain weapon type that you're enjoying at the moment pick things that will keep you alive because dying a lot if you're playing solo for example is going to slow down your progress and I know myself a lot of the time I don't pick survivability skills because I'm like I'd rather be dealing more damage than you know getting this fight for your life skill when in reality that's what keeps you up and keeps you questing and alive and gets you to where you want to be more quickly so don't hesitate to grab those survivability skills in your skill tree experiment and play around with the element types on different weapons and try and learn and understand how that works because on normal mode it's a little bit important and I'd recommend that you guys always keep one of every single elemental type of gun in your inventory even if it's a little under leveled but later on when you get to true vault hunter mode and you push up to the max level and you're trying to do mayhem mode and all of the stuff that goes along with that to be very important so this is where you need to learn how that stuff works just a quick rundown if you are against flesh that means the enemy has no shield or armor you want to use fire but cryo radiation and kinetic weapons are okay they deal base damage but you want to avoid shock and corrosive weapons against flesh because they're gonna deal less damage than normal if your enemy has a shield you really want to use a shock weapon you deal Daleville damage but kinetic and radiation weapons are fine they deal normal damage you especially want to avoid fire corrosive and cryo weapons when you're against shields because they deal less than normal damage and finally against armor you want to use corrosive or cryo corrosive is the better of the two and you really want to avoid everything else because no other weapon is going to deal normal damage it's always gonna give you a negative effect there again not nearly as important on normal mode you can pretty much kill anything with any kind of weapon no problem but just keep in mind you should learn this stuff now so you understand it for later here's a friendly reminder in something I've encountered a lot in my first 10 hours if you see a weapon has an element on it and you're shooting it but it's not producing that elemental effect it's because that's actually tied to the other fire mode and you have to switch over it to it for example take this Vlad off pistol in order to take advantage of the fire effect against flesh I actually have to switch the weapon over to the Taser and use that in order to light enemies on fire otherwise I don't take advantage of that effect so realize that's what's going on if you're having trouble with a quest or an enemy I'd highly advise you guys check out the new matchmaking system for Borderlands 3 this is a little convoluted so I'm going to show you guys how to get to it you want to pause the game not go to your echo the actual pause button and then go down to social so you'll find the matchmaking tab it's the second one here and what it does is it matches people at similar points in the story and also you can make sure that you're clicking and checking the non-competitive option so people aren't competing for your loot but the goal in the lesson here is that you don't want to be slowed down just because you're dying over and over and over to one boss or one quest whatever it may be there's really no reason to do that in 2019 you can find someone you don't have to communicate with them I know a lot of gamers are solo and they don't want to mess with other people it's really not a concern in Borderlands 3 they have this non-competitive mode which makes it really nice it's very easy to hop and hop out and get what you need to get done check your inbox this is also under the social tab so once again we're pausing going down to social and then over to your inbox it looks like a mail screen if you've played a Mass Effect game you know what this is so essentially this is where you're going to receive reward packages for completing challenges now you can check the challenges through your echo but this is coming from the weapon manufacturers in the game so for example if you get let's say a hundred kills with Vlad off weapons you're randomly going to get a Vlad off weapon and that could be a serious upgrade for you kick depending on when you're checking your inbox and also you get a little notification for this but it's easy to miss so I would check your inbox like every single level just to make sure that you're getting that mail as often as possible and if it's not an upgrade hey it's an item to sell so it's really useful no matter what and also small little tidbit this is where you're gonna redeem your pre order items and it seems to be whenever you redeem those that is what level it drops at so for example I went through and got my VIP loot as a level 9 or 10 I believe and all of it was around 8 or 9 I'm not sure if that's how it works I haven't confirmed that with a second character yet but in any case if you got the version of the game above normal or pre-ordered it this is where you'll redeem your items and get them in-game if you're facing a boss in Borderlands 3 and you don't get a legendary or a special piece of loot we're very early on in the lifecycle so we don't know what all the loot is or what the loot tables are but it's worth trying to reload and kill that enemy again lots of bosses have rare loopholes and you can farm them very easily in Borderlands 3 via the save system so it might be worth in your first playthrough killing each boss several times and if you happen to have a loot bonus mod maybe that's attached to your shield or something like that I would put that on as well just to increase your chances a really popular example of this in the first part of the game is mouthpiece the very first boss that you fight once you're able to complete a certain amount of story missions you come back to Pandora and kill this guy over and over and over and farm for his legendary shotgun called the mind killer I'm planning for that to be my second video kind of a legendary weapon guide so look out for that on my channel tomorrow but that is how you do that so just remember that you can farm bosses really easily in this game in a lot of cases it's worth it use your environment to your advantage gearbox added a lot of environmental interact ability in Borderlands 3 for example you can melee barrels these elemental barrels you can knock them at your enemies and then shoot them in order to get whatever element that barrel coincides with it'll explode and automatically affect your enemies now what gun you're using and also those barrels would just be sitting nearby enemies so always be looking for that there's also this shock machine thing that's always near enemies in the early part of the game that I would try to shoot get some extra bonus damage also look out for targets like literally a bull's-eye target in the environment if you shoot those a lot of those will put radiation on the ground or shock your enemies do lots of things like that also some of the cover is destructible not all of it but you'll see these little fence type things that enemies will hide behind if you shoot that cover it will be destroyed and you can eventually shoot through it with whatever weapon you're using so we have a lot of ammo in Borderlands there's so many chests so many opportunities to refill your ammo so don't be stingy if something is hiding behind something and you're not in a good advantageous spot to flank around and get a good shot just shoot the cover explore the world and complete side missions it may be tempting to get through your first normal mode playthrough and just stick to the main story but I promise you you're gonna find some very valuable upgrades if you complete some side missions from my experience the level scaling works a lot like Borderlands 1 in two which means you're gonna need to complete a few side missions in order to be the proper level for the main story so instead of be lining it always I would explore these open-world zones in your vehicles especially because that will also reveal more fast travel points that you can use to be even more efficient in your levelling as you uncover more of those zones you'll find more quests in the form of the exclamation point icon on your map so you'll be able to identify those complete those and spending this extra time will end up saving you time in the long run I'd recommend once you talk to Marcus and solve his issue to spend all of your money on backpack SD use even with fast travel like I mentioned before it can be a pain picking up and selling items that you don't need you fill up really quickly because they're very generous with loot so you can probably afford 2 to 3 backpack upgrades to expand that space and reduce the time that you're fast traveling to sell and stressing over which loot to pick up or drop I do that a lot and I've noticed after I did this that it makes things a lot more smooth if you're having trouble deciding which weapons are better than other weapons you are not alone and that's been a problem throughout the series of Borderlands you know it's hard to distinguish between two separate weapons or three or four whatever it may be but luckily in Borderlands 3 there's an item level value so if you have two weapons for example at level 8 the one with the higher item value item level sorry is going to be the better option most of the time now there are exceptions to that rule of course if you're fighting an enemy with a shield you're gonna want to use the shock weapon that's just gonna tear through shields no matter what but if you're struggling picking between one shield and another shield for example to equip on your character the one with a higher item level is usually going to be the better one so if you're stressing about that you're holding a lot of weapons you don't know which one is better don't just refer to the item level especially on your first playthrough and that'll be the best option most of the time those were my 10 tips for your first playthrough in Borderlands 3 I hope this helps you all in your quest to defeat the Calypso twins grab tons of loot and crush through your first normal mode playthrough a lot of this stuff is very basic level but I think that's important to share on the first day especially because I know a lot of people are going to be brand new to this franchise so in the comments section below I'm curious to know are you speeding through the game on normal or are you taking your time and doing everything I'm fighting myself it's hard for me to not do every single side mission I'm just really enjoying the heck out of the game the first time through so share your plans below if you enjoyed please like the video and remember to subscribe and hit the bell for more borderlands 3 content coming very soon marty working on a legendary weapon guide and i've got a lot more starter basic stuff coming in the next week thanks so much for watching and i'll talk to you next time
Channel: jayvee
Views: 628,811
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Keywords: JV2017, JV2017gameplay, borderlands, borderlands 3, borderlands 3 review, borderlands 3 characters, borderlands 3 gameplay, borderlands 3 guide, borderlands 3 tips, borderlands 3 release, borderlands 3 release date, borderlands 3 date, first person shooter, looter shooter, 2k games, borderlands 3 flak, borderlands 3 zane, moze borderlands 3, borderlands 3 trailer, fl4k borderlands 3, borderlands 3 trailer song
Id: aTkf9y8BhE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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