Borderlands 3 | How To Choose Your Vault Hunter - 500 hours+ Gametime Opinions (Main Choosing Guide)

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this video will feature side mission gameplay from Pandora and Promethea and it won't feature any story spoilers hey guys so just over a week ago 2k sent me a review copy of Borderlands free I have been playing it pretty much non-stop over the last week or so today the embargo lifted so we could talk about a bit of the game at least the fall on and at the time of recording this I have 75 hours in the game it's a free of the last 10 days of my life as be me playing Borderlands now I didn't want to spoil anything I talked about the story of what you should be doing but instead wanted to give my advice on who you should be playing out of flack zayn MERS and Amara this video will purely be done from a gameplay perspective so we're not really gonna be talking about the story the backstory interactions favorite voice acting or who can rock the marcus bobble hat the best instead will be basing it off the following what makes them unique the rebuilding styles of play like in other games the pros and cons a brief look at the talent trees what they're like at late-game so Lopezes co-op why you should play them why shouldn't you play them one thing I did want to mention first one of the keywords for this game is options there's no Mordecai for Borderlands 1 where you can only play that character in one or two ways with the sniper with a revolver everything else just isn't as good all of the characters are incredibly versatile and flexible in this game they are all incredibly strong DPS wise in the right hands with the right build and all of them are very fun if you're set on playing a specific voltar then I don't intend to change your mind I do however want to let you know what your info when the game launches and what you should be expecting if you want to be helpful for some of the indecisive people that may come to this video comment below on who you'll be playing and why let's go over the most popular vault on tell of all of them at least going off early polls that been flack what makes flack unique the main thing is that you have a choice of free pets that will accompany you in your missions you will also be able to choose three abilities that you can mix and match with the skill trees that you invest in to your playstyle and of course the pets that you're running the first ability is raccattack where you send forward to rax to die from enemies you have two charges with an 18-6 cool down meaning that you can fire this out fairly frequently you denna fadeaway which is similar to zeros ability in Borderlands 2 flat cloaks turnin invisible and flak and fire free shots whilst cloaked each shot is automatically a critical hit you also gain increased movement speed and health regeneration when you do this and finally gamma burst where you create a rift at the target location your pet teleports free to rift deal in radiation damage to nearby enemies the pet also becomes irradiated grown in size and deal in bonus radiation damage when it attacks you can also use it to revive your pets although it does increase the cooldown from 30 seconds to 60 if you're not familiar with bottle and spray in any way you also have augments in the skill tree which can improve or change the abilities quite drastically for example for rock attack you can have it have multiple charges you could change the fire axe to do ice damage and you can also get them to give you health whenever they do damage to so I'm not going to go over all of these 'voice we'll be here all day but we will have a flat video going out later this week really breaking down these skill trees and how good they are just as an FYI for the rest of this video but now let's go over the pets in the hug to tree you have the spider on which whilst it's out it has a passive of giving you some health regeneration on a per second basis you have the jab a side kick which runs around and shoot stuff with a gun which is obviously great but it also increases your movement speed by 5% whilst it's out finally you have the scout which increases all of your damage by 5% and it's quite a tanky pet in comparison to the other ones much like abilities you could augment each of these pets to make them stronger to do more and just become more powerful we have another video going over the specific pets that flag does have there's 9 in total so if you want to check that out it's at the top of your screen what kind of styles of play can you expect when you play flak well if you're looking at previous barlines games which I'm going to use here Mordecai and 0 are very close with how they can play as snipers you also fade away abilities or at least 0 does we can also play them in close quarters revolver Rogie swashbuckling play styles because of that it also compares very closely to the World of Warcraft character archetypes so just a rogue because obviously you could stealth and fight close quarters a hunter because you have a pet and you could focus a lot of your talents and skills into that and you also smoke from a distance now let's quickly go the Scimitar pros and cons for flack as I said if you have any questions I'll answer them a bit more in depth in another video but we have to go over everybody I don't want this video to be like an hour long the first pro is you get a pet what's cooler than that even if you're playing on your own you always have a buddy riding alongside you which i think is great like I mentioned each of the pets right new passives that you can improve with specific talents making them even stronger all free of flexibilities are strong in very different areas meaning Aflac is a very flexible fault hunter in their play styles you could play them as a sniper a rogue or invest in heavily into your pets whatever you funds you can also evolve your pets to make them stronger which is an added bonus you also get two augments on your abilities meaning that you can make those abilities even more flexible by giving them health regen change in the element increase in the amount of charges there's so much you could do there and all of the options are valid in lots of different ways FLAC absolutely rocks with any form of sharp shooting weapon sniper rifles revolvers any Jacobs weapon basically that does a lot of damage if you can hit those headshots or critical hits because flak is a lot of talents based around increasing gun damage or critical hit damage it means that you do in a must when it comes to those situations which makes flak incredible in boss battles where the bosses like massive for example but has a lot of critical hit points where it might be a lot more difficult to hit them with let's say demolition mows because it's all based around explosions every form of flak can make that work you also have a nice mix of ability duration you can have the high impact but long cooldown gamma bursts - instant use additional charges of racket acts if you want a big ability like an ultimate to use you could do that or just something as an extra to constantly throw out with your damage but one of my favorite things from leveling up is that when you get a new shiny legendary a lot of the other vault hunters are like oh this is cool but I can't really use this in my builds because it doesn't go with what I'm trying to do flat can make any of the legendary guns that they get work especially legendary Jacobs weapons like I've been getting recently he loves played with them that's for sure but there are a few drawbacks with play FLAC the first is that they're not very flexible with elements at all in play style they have a few options but not as many as say Zane or Amara elements are an important factor of the game especially going up against enemies with shields or armor that's where flat could fall behind a little bit with DPS because he just isn't as flexible as some of the other vault enters pets was the our nice addition can be absolutely useless in situations such as a big boss fight they will literally sit there and do nothing because they can't fight certain bosses can't really go into more detail without spoiling stuff but you'll see what I mean when you play unless you spec into certain trees they could be a massive glass cannon or at least very mobile alongside meaning that no matter what you do there's going to be an element of flex clay style that will be a big weakness whilst I said that flat can make legendary weapons work if you have bad weapons especially early game it can suck the flak in a lot of different ways especially if you're like in high damage weapons because of all of this focus on getting critical hit shots if your aim is a bit rough it might be difficult to get the most out of them flex cap stones aren't majorly exciting they're okay but they're not as high impact to somebody of a vault hunters meaning that you don't have that amazing ability to chase and finally annointed get at least the ones that I've seen for flack do seem rubbish in comparison just some of the weapons and shields that were coming up just didn't add much but we can talk about that some other time really now let's quickly go over each of flack skill trees the first is hunter and this is all about gun and creek damage it's about hitting hard with every single shot or ability that you have because you have raccattack you have your ability up all of the time with one and a shot is to cooldowns in the game you can also get some nice health regen or burst health regen from the rack augment every time they do damage you get health back which is nice it's also a really good ranged ability for some fights and you do have elemental options but it's all about using a sniper or at least a weapon from distance making sure that enemies aren't fighting you to increase your damage and then you just headshot and everything or at least get critical hits in which do a ton of damage the only drawback here really is that the pet could be really useless because you don't spec into them at all so your spider hunt wilkes dialogue and they get kind of annoying to keep picking them up you have the stalker which is more the high movement rogue play style you fade away where you could just you know stealth run around and stuff but you can also increase your mobility pasta both in and out with fadeaway you get good health regen just on the bounce quicker cooldowns and a damage increase to and it pairs well with all forms of weapon types running with a sniper or a shotgun all works all based around survivability and mobility the pets again feel like they don't really add much in this tree it dies less than the spider run as the jabba is often at range because they're firing a gun as opposed to just standing at them in the face you have very little elemental option and if you're getting hit hard by say a boss you can be very brittle and finally we have the master tree where the pet becomes more useful actually much better than most people are giving it credit for you and your pet can survive a deal decent damage but it is the weakest dps wise than the other two skill trees the gamma best ability is cool but it has a very long cooldown in comparison to the others you can augment it though for survivability and damage which means that you can make a nice support build for flak by using some of this stuff the capstone again is now it's fine how does flak Ferrer end game I can't say too much on this yet due to me not being level 50 and me puttin in the least time on flak in comparison to the other ones but it definitely feels that flak is one of the ones that gets much stronger as they progress the damage they do per shot is easily the highest across characters as you complete one of the skill trees by reaching level 32 or whatever it is and you can starts pecking into other skill trees it's a great way to cover up some of those pitfalls that you may have if you're dying too much invest more into the master tree if you want a bit more mobility put points into stalker want to increase that damages a whole go hunter the only issue is like I said the annointed get I've seen on flack does look a bit underpowered but that's only from the stuff that L sells maybe when you go to endgame content some more rarer and stronger stuff may show up how does flak fare in solo cop gameplay he is really good solo because you always have a friend with you let's go you're back copies also fantastic dudes him being an all up DPS character be more of a rogue looking after himself but also having support abilities with high regen like the gamma bursts augment that we spoke about that creates a healing if they could do whatever you asked of them and I think that's a really good thing to have both playing on your own and also really group so why should you play flack if you played Mordecai or zero in previous games and want to continue that trend you like having a pet obviously even though sometimes they don't really add much you can't decide between having a pet heavy class a sniper rifle user or a swashbuckling rogue you're like Pro CD because his voice acting is tremendous you want to dominate all forms of bosses you want to play solo but not play solo if you get me because of the pet all you want to support your team with mad health regen or just a lot of damage and finally play flak if you want a defined playstyle but you do want to switch it up now and again you shouldn't play flak if you don't want to play an aim centric hunter also don't play flak if you want to focus at different areas like melee or explosive because flight doesn't have much to offer there and finally don't play flak if you're bothered by everybody else basically wanting to play flak at that point I know you people exist I'm definitely one of them next up say what makes them unique the best thing about Zane is the fact that you can equip two abilities at once you are free abilities total and you can mix and match whichever ones you want to run each of them have a two arguments been in that there's dozens of viable build options that you can run if you're indecisive about who you want to play it and how you want to play it then Zane is a really good option there's no defined roles for him but that honestly might be a good thing for a lot of players he's definitely the rogue act I prefer BL free I know I said that about flak but Zane is also the high mobility kind of character if I was to compare him to other games he has a tracer in overwatch vibe but mostly scout from tf2 just run into people with a shotgun right in the nose bang he also plays very similarly to Lily for Borderlands 1 and of course gauge with him someone in a sentinel and also with digital we mentioned the abilities let's go over them now the first of which is digit clone where you spawn a digit clone insane the clone stays in a place but distracts and fires our enemies when you press this ability button again Zane and a clone switched places and you could augment this to do explosive cryo damage the regen your shields as you do it it's a lot of stuff you can do that not to mention you can make the clone incredibly strong with the doubled agent tree we'll talk about that low next up is the Sentinel where it sends into battle an automated sense though which is immortal it cannot be killed I don't think at least it flies for the air and attacks enemies with its machine guns you can add different weapons rockets and stuff it hits harder it's the most offensive option but it has a longer cooldown than didja clone and finally barrier deploys a deployable shield the blocks incoming projectiles you can pop it on the ground or pick it up but if you shoot for the barrier it deals increased gun damage really shot called down in comparison to the others but like I said you can equip two of the free that I've just mentioned here what are the pros and cons for play insane you can make any weapon manufacturer or elements work he is definitely the most versatile but like I said everybody is versatile Zaid is just really good for a first playthrough I think once you get to know how everything works all of the skill trees can provide damage and kakeya to play styles he is the best hybrid character he's not overly reliant on his cornerstones because they're not great so he can make mix-and-match builds even hybrid between all three of the builds if you wanted to there's a lot you could do with him you could play him as a fast and agile dps like a scout with tf2 as I mentioned or mother slow assassin with the digi clone because of this you can play him into really good boss battles keeping yourself alive and doing decent damage but not as much as say flack and you've always got a friend alongside you with the Sentinel or digital owned the cons are that he is very undefined in comparison to the other ones which might be quite frustrating even 30 hours into playing him I'm not sure what specs the best and what to go for which might be good for a lot of people that want to experiment with him but there's definitely a lot of hidden depth to this character in comparison to others you don't get to use your grenade but unless you spec into certain talents that have your digit clone for a grenade or your Sentinel for a grenade otherwise it's useless really the cornerstones as I mentioned a fine but they're not incredibly amazing if I'm honest you can struggle with ammo region in comparison to some of the other vault hunters and you could definitely hit a ceiling without the right gear or talents the same improve your grants as an example can be really rough with the wrong builds in a lot of situations he deals less damage in comparison to others at least from my experimentation he was the character that I played first and played the most of his level for six in this gameplay but I'm still not really sure I'm left scratching my head on how to play him and how to go about in there is a good thing though I do have some really cool anointed gear for him for example when I activate the barrier my shields instantly start recharging making it a really good ability in a dicey situation and it's just a lot of bits of pieces like that so I think that he is very dependable on having the best augmented gear in order to do the most but you have a lot to play with there if you want to make a crazy build out of nothing as a mr. character for you let's go over the skill trees in a little bit of detail the first is doubled agent this is a lot of focus on your did you clone and also a good amount of survivability with decent damage it's great for best faces of bosses it's all about using both your abilities at once and having your DPS increase as a whole because of that the talents of increased damage are very early in the tree which makes it great for any form of hybrid builds it's a great level entry probably the best if I'm honest he's decent against all boss encounters and good cooldown reduction for using any abilities that you want to it feels like when you use heroism in World of Warcraft it's that kind of vibe when you use your abilities that you have that burst damage that high dps rotation I suppose but of course the drawback to that is when you don't have your abilities ready and they're off cooldown it means you don't do as much damage you can be quite dependent on them you don't have any actual health regen it's more about keeping your shields up but I guess one of the biggest weaknesses is that your digital on can die in comparison to the sense at all which means it's sub boss battles you place it down it gets one shot it's dead that's it but it's a nice walk of destruction you could use the clone to taunt the enemies away so you can you know be left alone not taking any form of damage and you can also spec it in a way that it actually does a hell of a lot of damage overall so you can do that if you want to next up is hitman this is all about kill skills and keeping the skill skills up consistently it decreases multiple stats the damage that you do your fire rate your reload speed it's really good for those high movement moments such as level in certain boss battles and proving grounds and it's not overly reliant on the skills that you're running there's Sentinel unlike the digit clone does it die it could stay alive and it also tends to do more damage than a digit clone without the skill points needed for it along the duration and the digi clone but also a much longer cooldown because it's a reliant on kill skills it kind of sucks a group play but if you're not killing targets you're not doing a lot which means if you come up against a boss or a certain ballast mob that's hard to kill and you start losing those kill skills you're going to struggle to keep yourself alive to do damage all of it but there's also a little survivor ability but once you get going it's really strong but you can slow down to an absolute whole if you're not careful just things to concentrate on I guess and finally under cover this is a trade-off two gets overlooked this is my favorite it makes him very hard to kill actually gives a decent damage in comparison to the other ones and des complements all of the other skill trees if you want to invest into hitman or doubled agent you can pair this up nicely with undercover as a whole it's also great for the same ice build that a lot of people have been using I can tell you for certain it is really cool and there's offensive defensive options for the barrier the capstone in this tree is just rubbish if you're not playing in a group and you don't have any talents that make use of your grenades which means it'd be pointless for leveling but I would say that this tree becomes fundamental for higher tier stuff and it's also just a lot of fun but like I said I was level 46 on Zane at the time of recording this how is he as we go into endgame I tried to improving grads at Zane but I struggled in comparison to say tomorrow it'll take a while to theorycraft the best-built and rely on getting the best annointed gear or legendaries but i feel once you have the pieces in place he is going to be one of the strongest in all things that you do at endgame but if you want to go into it saying oh I want to play a melee character or an explosive character there's a lot better vault hunters for that kind of stuff so if you're not really asked about playing a specific style Zane might be one of the best because I see you start picking up gear you can go oh I can mix a in a melee character with all of these bits and pieces but because of that it makes it really easy to underestimate him it wouldn't surprise me if in two weeks time there's a crazy same build that somebody's made there's just nearly unstoppable by everyone how about solo versus core well the undercover tree really does complement any form of corpse play style not in a sort of nurse Myer way that you just become the healer but you can add offensive defensive options it just means that Zane is gonna be a nice addition to a team no matter what the solo play he's also good I think he's great for a first playthrough if you still haven't decided might be new to Borderlands I think saying it's the best show honestly he could do everything but he's not amazing at anything in particular it's kind of the jack of all trades master of none I know that's not the full quote but that's kinda how he feels why should you play Satan if you want the character that can cater to you specifically that you want to fluid flexible playstyle isn't as defined as the other characters but that means you could do more with it you want more abilities to play with more options more survivability more damage you want to be good at everything you'll have bouncing abilities your procs your elements and your guns for pure chaos there's no set rotation for Zane making every fight in every gauge 'men supremely unique and it's a lot of fun doing that don't play Zane if you want somebody more defined like a melee sniper tank character whilst Zane can do all of these to a certain level there are much better options in each of those areas don't you sane if you want to use grenades I don't use Ain if you want high-impact Capstone's for more ridiculous things that you could do Zane just doesn't have them I don't want to put you off if you do want to play him but like I said he's the one that's leaving me scratching my head a little bit more but once he gets endgame and you start farming builds and stuff this is where he's really gonna sort of kick into gear but didn't want to mention he is really good for level into let's talk about Moe's what makes most unique well she's the gunner of bored lands her playstyle has a focus on being unlimited ammo big explosive damage I've just been an absolute nightmare to kill with a shield heal and damage taboo and of course you have a big mech that you can enter and use it's a long cooldown with a fairly short duration depending on how you spec into it but it can provide a huge amount of utility as well as of course damage most of six-gun types but in each of the trees at the top you can only pick free the first is the railgun in the shield of retribution tree which fires an electrified high velocity projectile that deals a shock damage in the bottom of smokes tree you have the mini guns which is capable of sustained rapid-fire firing for long periods causing a mini good to overheat and did the demolition woman tree you have two grenade launcher as you expected to each of these trees who unlock three different weapons but we'll talk about that some other time there is another video going over that too in case you wanted to see it what kind of playstyle can you expect from playing mows well very much the gunner classes of previous games roland axe been especially salvadore with just a region of ammo that you have that could be crazy added other games of course diva titanfall that stuff springs to mind and also mr. tog because you can do a good amount of explosive damage mana build is ridiculous but the general pros and cons of playing Mo's the main one is that you have high DPS in all of your trees no matter what you focus on each of them are in specific areas but they're all very strong DPS wise because of this it means that you are great for boss battles or ballast fights and the ability to use your mech in those engagements too it's also great for boss battles and badass fights turns it into a Pacific Rim kind of approach and two guns on your mech which I fail to mention beforehand you can mix and match whatever weapons that you want which gives you a lot of flexibility using your ability because the main drawback of course when we go to a cons is that you can only use two mech you don't have any of our abilities you can change it with the guns like I mentioned but that's all you can do realistically her mobility is the West in the game her mobility sucks so in a lot of situations where you need to move and do damage she can struggle she does have certain talents that can keep her fryer in while she sprint in but she doesn't have the same crazy movement speed as the other free her MEC is on a long cooldown no matter what skill tree you go into and no matter how you spec it it's still long regardless and whilst you're waiting for the I admit to come off cooldown you will be super weak against certain badasses and bosses which make certain fights quite stressful most for me is like a warrior in World of Warcraft very strong perhaps the strongest dps character in the game but you are very reliant on the gear not only guns but also shields and class modes once you get the right stuff though you will blast through enemies but you are very dependent on the Gator you have you don't have good stuff it's gonna suck you are not very flexible with elements when you're playing Moses in comparison to Amara or Zayn and you only have one augment for each gun which kind of restricts you on stuff that you might want to be able to do we'll go over the talent trees now let's go over bottomless monks first which is really straightforward it's all about regen in ammo is the fire-making it's II don't really need to reload we have costs our gameplay with the butcher from Gamescom doing a proving grounds which is ridiculous as we highlight before but I also did it recently with a high mag gun like I've shown you on screen this is a flood of legendary and you can see how long it takes for me to actually get this gun to reload just firing at the sky it makes it really good for boss battles where you could just hit a crit point over and over and over again beads that you can mow down bosses fairly quickly but you don't have much to stop damage coming through at you you don't have amazing amounts of regen which would make it a bit of a glass cannon in comparison to some of the other most builds its pure DPS but the IMA uses goods the cooldown is relatively short and you also do just as much damage in the mech as out of it it's a very straightforward tree though so if you're not interested in having a gun that constantly fires it doesn't need to reload there's not really much else in that tree that's for you shielded retribution is another trade this is one that again gets overlooked because it's all about being tanky the pros are of course it's very high survivability because you have a good amount she reach AR but also you do a lot of damage which is a thing that I often see overlooked the iron bear weapons are good for long and short range but you don't really have much to reduce the ability cooldown for using the iron bear mech also you don't have any talents that reduced a fuel that's used when you use an iron bear it means that you have to wait time for it and then you're in it for ten seconds at most which makes it pretty bad but when you are in I'm bear it does a lot of damage so it's really good for burst phases I guess it's the most balanced playstyle it doesn't focus too much and having region in ammo or explosive damage like the other two trees it has really good synergy with a good shield but if you don't have a good shield like I said before it can really so I wouldn't necessarily recommend this for leveling until you get past like liberal 30 or so and finally demolition woman this is a really fun skill tree it has low cooldown and a long duration with ein bear meaning that you can use it at most it's amazing close quarters it's not overly reliant on elements because you just blow everything up anyway it's great at mobbing badass fights and bosses both in the mech and without and it is just ridiculous with the right gear the issue is it sucks at range because you're not really accurate with having explosive weapons that's what the trees all based around is just doing as much explosive damage with let's say torque weapons and also grenades so if you want to be accurate you just miss out completely but it is also very reliant on having a good explosive gun and also good grenades if you don't have that again it sucks and much like bottomless mags it does shoehorn you in into a particular play style so if you don't want to do explosive damage again not really for you what's most like end game she was the slowest to level I think she's the one that's gonna suck at the earliest levels but as you get to a point where you could start really using the skill trees and what they could do she's one of the best as you get up to like level 30 and beyond she's great against tough badasses where others may struggle I've not tried to improve the grunts just yet but I feel like she'd do really well she just might not be the fastest she's very strong in each of her skill trees no matter what you want to do none of them stand out for be better over others when it comes to DPS it just depends on what gear you have and what you want to do she's very much the one that starts off slow but going into ultra vault hunter mode and mayhem modes that's where she's gonna rock it I think solo versus co-op solo she struggled like I said level in her and in co-op she doesn't really provide much for the rest of her team other than her teammate being able to jump on the back of a mech which is cool but that's really all it is I wouldn't say don't bring a mouse into a group but everybody should expect and Mo's group to just not really provide an awful lot for you at least from what I could tell so why should you play Mo's if you want a big-ass mech for one if you want a more defined playstyle iver been based around doing a lot of explosive damage and I mean a lot having a tanky character buff in and out of the mech but we've also very good DPS our weapons that you never have to reload much like flak if you get a good legendary weapon you can make it work so long as it fits under these areas that I've mentioned but you definitely want to lead with the legendaries that you get you get a nice tall explosive weapon you don't want to be running bottomless Maxx with it if that makes sense don't play Mo's if you don't want to use a big-ass make there's no other options really so if you're not interested in our ability don't player don't play it if you want a faster character or play style and don't play it if you feel that you're gonna get frustrated by not having good guns with her especially when leveling she wasn't awful to level I make it sound really bad but she was the toughest out of the fall but I'm about to go into ultra vault hunter mode with her with a legendary tog weapon and I could already tell you that it's a lot of fun and she's incredibly strong she also killed some of the final bosses in the game in the campaign at least in less than two minutes so yeah buzz is very good and finally Amara honestly I saved the best to last what makes them unique well she's decided there's a big elemental focus with plenty of abilities doing very different things you could just flat-out change whatever elements you're using which makes it less reliant on the weapons like male 1 weapons if you have a shotgun or a corrosive gun you don't need to use that as much because American just do that instead the main thing is to not write her off as just a melee character she is so much more than that let's go of the abilities face lime do you leap into the air and slum the ground dealing damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them up into the air you then a face cast Sedna forward an astral projection of herself dealing damage to everybody in its path and then phase grasp which is basically Maya's ability from Boylan's to you CC them into the air but it doesn't really deal any damage at least not a lot how does she compared to other characters in other games or Borland's to Maya obviously but it's also a hint of Helle bond Krieg in there and mania Krieg if you want to go Mel a fist of the elements is definitely the most underestimated skill trio of everybody and it is so much fun to play oh my god but also in games like destiny there is a close affinity to a warlock in there that's probably the closest thing I could compare it to so what Amara's pros and cons the process that she has high sustained would expect properly she's easily one of the most Hank east carats which means it's great if you just keep dying you could play a character that's like her or she could keep herself alive she is amazing with elemental damage it means again that you don't need to rely on elemental weapons to do jobs such as stripping shields or killing armored targets America just do it herself on the go as well she is the melee Queen we'll talk about that trailer berm are in a second because oh my god she also has an incredibly diverse playstyle in what you could do more so than anybody else I feel at this point I'd considerably gotten over flack and Zane and said the same thing really says a lot about what America do all builds in each of her skill trees are a lot of fun and it only gets better as you get into endgame there's a very fast play style in all of a builds and she's there on and stoppable weren't built right much like anything she has her drawbacks the first is that you can miss your abilities with Zane with The Sentinel or flack with Rack Attack as an example you can't mess up those ability you use them and then they do stuff Amaris the only one that you can use an ability miss a target completely with the face Lum or a face cast and it will go and cool down you have to wait on it and so that's very frustrating to play with you of course only get one choice of ability at one time you only get one augment and you can change the element but it just makes everything a little bit more awkward to move stuff around which makes her a little bit stop and start by going into the menu switch it to corrosive damage because an armored targets appeared out of nowhere you kill him loads of Guardians wear shield health has turned up so you need to go back to doing shock damage that could be really irritating but she can be tough against some bosses especially those that don't spawn any ads to help her get up lots of proc certain kill skills are just too big to punch and much like mows can be reliant on good gear but not to the same extent what about each of the skill trees let's go over brawl first this is one of the most fun ones that I've got to play it's very defined it's similar to Moses skill trees where you kinda know what you're getting with it if you want to play a melee character then it's the best one but if you don't want to play melee character it's not really too much that it can offer you especially in the end tier but it does have a lot of health regen and damage resistance so it is useful even if you want to spec some points into it to keep yourself alive but there is a very reliance of your ability to proc certain things the ability does suck against certain boss encounters because you can't reach them because it's Meli focused it's not very good at rain and it can struggle against big badass mobs basically anything that you can't one shot with your melee punches is where the Ameri train starts to slow down a little bit but once you get the right gear abilities legendaries it's very fun to play if you want to play am la cara if you don't there's a few things that you can get in here such as mobility and survivability but it's a full skill tree that you don't really going to use let's be honest next up is mystical assault this one has a specific focus on a passive called rush when you invest into this tree you gain stacks of rush by either killing enemies or applying elemental effects and each stack of rush increases your ability damage by a certain amount so you build up these sucks use your ability that does a lot of best damage more damaged and anything else I think you build up the sucks again it's a nice heaven flow if you're into that playstyle almost reminds me of playing World of Warcraft in a lot of ways because you have this really cool rotation and it's obviously a big focus around her strongest ability which is face cast which hits hard it's on a relatively short cooldown and could also go for objects as well it's a very balanced skill tree out of the others which improves all bits of Amara's kit the only real drawback Sisto is reliance on having good elemental weapons or good weapons as a whole it doesn't have much sustain of it in the health augment and I'd say it's just not as exciting as the other trees it's a great ability for set boss battles though where you can't reach them but if you're not killing stuff and you're not applying elemental effects you can't build up the stacks of rush which means your ability just doesn't do too much damage like I said we could go into more detail on each of these skill trees as we get further on into this week but this video is already pretty long let's face it fists of the elements the final trait I wanted to go over is honestly one of my favorites it could do a lot of damage and generally it's focused around taking non elemental weapons such as a nice strong Jakob sniper rifle and turning a portion of the damage that it does into elements fire electricity or corrosive which is great to turn in a really strong non-elemental weapon into a strong elemental weapon it's definitely the most flexible tray and there's a nice look cool down on the face grasp ability which is great a cc in tough enemies or lining them up for some sniper shots as an example it very much reminds me of hell bond creek because you can also get some health back from the elemental damage that you do which means that you heal yourself a lot by doing a lot of damage which I really like that playstyle off because a lot you have big survivability when you spec later into this tree the problem is that there's very little survivability before that the ability doesn't do much damage unless you augment or spec into it in a certain way because you have to do damage to recover from damage it can be difficult in slower fights the ability just doesn't work with some boss battles you can't face grasped somebody that's massive as an example and it can suck against certain immune targets to your elements but it does take a while to ramp up skill wise what is she like an end game though well I'm struggling to pull myself away from the melee on our build as you're seen on screen it's easily one of the most fun builds in the game at least for me mr. Kaul assault felt find it hits hard but I'm not as excited for it as other trees honestly I'm just gonna have to give it more time see what it's like raelia endgame but fists of the elements was much better than I expected and I could definitely see an America lament 'el sniper build been very strong as you get up to level 50 and mayhem modes in the future what does she like solo versus co-op solo play is very lonely no abilities or pets can help you group play having a tanky amara or just an emeritus on elemental GE well of course be very useful but solo it's a very lonely road you don't have any pets you don't have any abilities that could spawn and help you do damage it's all on you and that can suck for a lot of people so why should you play it Amara if you want to punch things if you want to make full use of the elements and their effects if you want a fairly unpopular character that is definitely gonna surprise everybody at launch or if you want to play a siren don't play Amara if you don't want to punch things oh you want a pet or ability to help you I definitely feel that people are underestimate in ameri the most and I can't wait for you guys to actually go in and player not to mention playing everybody that's the end of this video it will probably be a very long one as I've edited this down but I did want to go into explicit detail after I've played each and every one of them for three days straight basically 1 elements that people may not have expected to be problems when they get into game front this week more content will be going out I'll be going over each of them as I've played more time going over the talent trees what guns they're really good with and also guides on leveling and figures that you should really know before the game comes out my voice is pretty horse at the end of all this so I'm gonna go thank you very much for watching till the end and if you have any friends that aren't sure what to play said of this video maybe it all sit down and watch the whole thing who knows but take care see you soon
Channel: BryanCentral
Views: 1,135,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borderlands 3, borderlands, borderlands news, borderlands 3 gameplay, borderlands gameplay, borderlands info, borderlands 3 info, borderlands guide, best vault hunter borderlands 3, amara, Flak, fl4k, Moze, best character, who to pick, borderladns 3 guide, borderlands 3 story, which character should you play, vault hunter guide, borderlands who to play, Which Vault Hunter should you choose, Vault Hunter Picking Guide, Who Should You Play
Id: 9vCuXa23KQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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