Borderlands 3 How to get to Mayhem Level 11 Fast

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yo what is up guys newbie tutorials here and today I'm going to be showing you how to get from Mayhem level 1 guns all the way to Mayhem level 11 guns and if this tutorial today helps you out don't forget to leave a like and if you enjoy my content don't forget to subscribe as well alright so starting off with this tutorial the first thing we're going to need to do is go to sanctuary and we're going to go to Moxie's Bar and we're doing this because we're going to want to get a crit but there's a little bit of an exploit here where you can turn yourself all the way up to mail level 11 once you've unlocked that so you will have to complete the main mission uh main game first so turn yourself all the way up to Mayhem level 11 because we're going to be able to get a Mayhem level 10 or 11 gun through tipping Moxie which that gonna actually be the crit which I already have equipped right here but real quick turn yourself up to level 11. I'll kill you oh and you're gonna come over to the tip jar right here and you're gonna sit and you're just gonna tip until you get a message that Moxie has put something in your mailbox Mighty kind of use sugar all right as you can see right there I just got mail I think here you're gonna press Escape go to your social and then come up here to your mailbox right here and as you can see I just got a new gun from Moxie it may look like a blue weapon but since it's Mayhem level 10 ranked it's gonna do an incredible amount of damage to something that's a lower Mayhem level so go ahead accept that and it'll either be the crit which is what I'm holding currently or it'll be the hail which is the gun I just got and then the next step is we're gonna go try and get a level six calcium from Captain Tron and I've already made a video on how to farm this gun so if you want to go go back and watch that and figure out the most efficient way to farm them I've got a video for that but if you turn yourself down in my head level six which is the level that you can then get the calcium a submachine gun at which is really good and it's going to be used just to farm the next boss in the series of steps so that you can get a Mayhem level 11 sandhawk um so now once you've got the hail or the crit that's Man level 10 from tipping Moxie you're going to want to go to athenas so that you can Farm Captain Trot for a Mayhem level 6 calcium and once you spawn it I'll show you real quickly how to run there I won't go too advanced if you need help with this go look at my other video on how to farm the calcium all right I'll show you this boss fight real quick it may have level six just to show you how easy it is and that you can do it yourself for sure so as you can see the Mayhem level 10 uh I'm using the crit currently runs right through him kills them super quick we did not drop calcium this time but if you just continue farming and as if you saw the video I showed you uh just continue farming him that way um but quit and save couldn't save until you farm a level six calcium and now once you've got your cows and this one's a Mayhem level 10 I know but this will work on a Mayhem level six calcium as well trust me um the next thing we're gonna be doing is going to Farm katagawa junior for a level 10 Sand Hawk again you can do this with a Mayhem level six again you can do this with the Mayhem level 6 or Mayhem level calcium it does not matter now katagawa junior is going to be on Promethea at outlooks HQ and just like Captain Tron you're going to farm him until you get a Mayhem level 10 sandhawk and so once we spawned in you're going to run up to category Junior actually one thing to note first is you're going to turn yourself back up to Mayhem level 11 and once you spawn back in at 11 we're just going to be farming category Junior the same way we did Captain draw looking for a specific drop and I'll show you how to run up there real quick but I also have a video on how to farm the Sand Hawk from him so if you want to go give that a watch if you're having a little bit of trouble that would definitely help a lot foreign [Music] and once you've made it up here the boss fight is going to be straight down here tap them and once he goes up there start shooting his clones you're looking for the one that starts dropping Shield and it's going to be that far one over there and you're gonna see that that goes down super quick with the calcium and he comes down here he has zero health and he drops and I actually got a sandhawk from this one as you can see right there guys that was super easy to do with the cow Sun it only takes a couple seconds you don't get a Sand Hawk the first time save quit and continue farming all right so now that you've got a Mayhem level 10 sandhawk The Next Step I would recommend in this is to go farm prey Mayhem level 10 calcium so you're just going to use this go from Captain Trot again but at Man level 10. you should be able to get through them with this gun you might have to look for a different Elemental variation because a fire or a radiation one may not work that well on his Shields and you may consume too much ammo but if you get the right variant of the sandhawk you should be able to easily do this and I'll show you me doing that real quick all right so I'm back farming again I got my Sand Hawk Out as you can see but though since I have a radiation element he's not taking quite as much damage as I would want him to so I'm gonna pull out my shot calcium as well let me get this done as you can see a shock bearing of a gun helps a lot when taking down his shield so ideally look for a shock Sam Hunt the extra couple of minutes will be worth it making this guy way easier to farming on it but with the radiation or a fire his health is super easy to take down as long as you get that shield down so there you go kill them at Mayhem level 11 with my sandhawk as well as a Mayhem level 11 cowson that's just because I didn't get the right Elemental variation that I wanted it's taken down so just keep farming him for a Mayhem level 11 calcium and then once you have that the very final step that I would recommend before you can pretty much get any gun that you want get yourself a Transformer Shield equip your sandok equip your SEC Callison and now we're gonna go farm kilovolt for our Monarch which in my opinion is the absolute best gun in the game and it shreds just about any boss for farming so once you get that you're gonna be able to farm just about any gun any artifact any Shield that you want in time of day now the transfer reason we're putting on the Transformer is it basically makes you immune to kilovolts so once you have that on you essentially don't even have to worry about his attacks because it'll just recharge your shield and it won't do any actual damage against you and if you guys need more help and more information on how to farm kill well once again I have another video of that and I'll link it up above and I'll link it down below real quickly I'll give you the gist on how to go farm them you're going to want to go to Promethea and electricity the Nuance you spawned in kilovolt is going to be back in this Arena right here and I'll speed up a quick run to get there all right so we've made it up here but one thing to note about that run is that you can turn yourself down to Mayhem level one so you don't have to fight any of the Mayhem level 11 enemies and then once you get back up here turn yourself back up to 11 and it'll spawn you right back in you can go by killable but let's get up here make sure you have your sound Hawk and your calcium equipped I'm actually going to change mine out because he's very resistant to shock and he's got a big Shield as well so use preferably if you have a radiation or a normal variant sandhawk and a radiation or a normal variant sandhawk would work best for you in this situation so we'll just go and we'll jump back through here and you can already notice I am not taking any damage because I've got my Transformer shield on watch out for these guys because they can make you take damage he's got a pretty big Shield but since you're not taking damage it's not too terrible the boss fight makes it relatively easy once you've got his shield down he's going to go into that and he's invincible so don't bother shooting at him take some time try to kill these guys real quick because these are going to be your biggest enemies right there as you see they just took me down but you should still be able to kill him and make them through this especially since kilovolts is kind of your ally since he's just continually recharging your Shield and once he's got his health down if you have something that's fire or radiate radiation or corrosive it'll work really well right here thank you and just there I killed him and I believe I got a monarch nope I got a face puncher in animar which is also a really good shotgun that I was not expecting him to drop but um anyways just keep farming him looking for a monarch and I'd say once you get him on our you're good to go you're pretty much good go farm any gun you want go farm any DLC weapon you want another what weapon I'd recommend getting is the light show but that'll pretty much do it once you're there you're set make sure you get your sh the shields that you want to build out your character as well as your class mods and your artifacts yeah they'll pretty much do it that's how to get to Mayhem level 11. I mean this took me about 30 minutes to do it might take you guys closer to an hour or two hours and your RNG and how long the Farms take super easy if you're looking to get to any game quick totally would recommend anyways thank you guys for watching have a good rest of your day peace
Channel: NewBie Tutorials & Computers
Views: 82,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: borderlands, gaming, pc, how to, diy, farming, easy, quick, farm, Legendary, Borderlands 3, Farm guide, xbox, Best, playstation 5, ps5, Kaoson, Mayhem level 6, M6, Bl3, Best Gun, Boss, Glitch, Cheat, Fl4K, Monarch, Best gun, M11, Mayhem level 11, Stop-Gap, Stop Gap, Early Game Tutorial, Tutorial, El Dragon Jr, Shield, Eden-6, Beginner, Series, Lightshow, Pistol, Bounty of blood, Lasodactyl, light show, DLC, Mayhem 1, fast, Mayhem Mode, Hail, Crit, Moxxxi, Lvl 11, Lvl 6, End game gear
Id: CdX09tnIDsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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