BORDERLANDS 3: 7 ESSENTIAL Gun Tips You NEED to Know | Tips & Tricks | BL3 Weapon Guide

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hi volt hunters teas here welcome in this video I'll be guiding you through the absolute necessary knowledge you need to understand about the weapons you're using and how to use them effectively I just want to preface this with you and be super honest you may or may not know some of these things there are many videos out there about Borderlands 3 already so it's not uncommon for viewers like yourself to come across the same information my name is Ted and I'll be making many waterlines new content from guides teyla's updates news and more please do subscribe and click the bathroom or water lens 3 videos ok let's begin number one keep multiple weapon types if you're no stranger to the borderland series you'll understand why we're going to be using so much and I mean a lot of ammo throughout the game which means there may be plenty of times where you'll run out of the ammo that you need when you first begin in bottle m3 you'll have true weapon slots and as you progress with the game you'll be able to eventually unlock four slots total but for now if your study you'll only have two I recommend to try and have multiple weapon types to optimize gun and ammo usage now obviously this can take up some space and you may get confused as junk that you want to sell builds up in your venturi but we'll get to that there are six weapon types in bottle and three we have pistols and revolvers SMGs and also known as submachine guns sniper rifles assault rifles shotguns and rocket launchers that's six different weapon types excluding grenades which have their own slot so that seems like a lot well it is when you reach your main base through the story you are able to then purchase inventory space and open up six slots in your backpack for only $4,000 that's super cheap carrying that many weapons won't seem like such a big deal anymore however you don't have to carry every single weapon type but I would recommend having at least maybe four different weapon types in the early game and increasing it as you go on if you want to remember in the end you will have four weapon slots to use another thing that I absolutely recommend doing is purchasing more immersed lights that way you can carry more of the bullets that you need number two elemental types if you don't know some guns have special elemental effects and some guns can even have multiple of them we can switch between the elements elemental damage is important as every enemy in Borderlands 3 has a weakness an important note on the first playthrough it's not as important but still beneficial however on the second playthrough it is much more needed so I recommend taking this time getting used to and learning the different effects each element has on different types of enemies you want to be using the correct elements on the enemy that is weakest to it you might be thinking that it all sounds complicated but it's actually pretty simple it obviously will take a little time to learn but it's game-changing knowledge to understand elemental types we first need to know the different types of enemies will be encountering in Borderlands 3 there are only three yes only three types of enemies so we have the flesh shields and armors you'll notice that I have coloured mark them differently that's because the colors here are the indicators of what type of enemy they are flesh is a red health bar shield is a blue house bar and armor is a yellow health bar you can easily tell what type the enemy is when you're aiming at them as the health bar would just be above their heads there are five elemental types Admiral bar a popular borderlands content creator has done some damage number values for us mental mass comm has put together the information provided by Admiral berry and the information here will be based off that infographic I will leave a link in the description box below if you'd like to see the exact percentage differences between normal mode which is your first playthrough and true vault hunter mode which is the playthrough after it's good to note that percentages get stronger / weaker in true vault hunter merge thus making it more important element one ancillary / fire elemental damage this element deals fire damage to enemies when the effect is applied the enemies will be set on fire and it will deal take damage the target over time fire is strong against flash enemies which are enemies with the red health bar and fire is weak against shields which is the blue health bar and armor which is a yellow healthbar element to shock slash lightning elemental damage this element deals lightning damage to enemies when applied an enemy that is affected by the shock will become electrocuted electrocuted enemies will be stunned in place for a short period shock is strong against shields and its weak against flesh and armor elementry corrosive elemental damage this element deals corrosive damage it has a chance to create enemies which will deal high damage to them corrosive is strong against armor and weak against flesh and shields elements for crier slash ice elemental damage this element will freeze enemies on the spot and cause melee attacks against them to be stronger thus dealing more melee damage ice is strong against armor and weak against shields but it's neutral against flesh that means it's not stronger or weaker just neutral and the last element is radiation elemental damage this element will deal damage to enemies over time if the enemy dies while the effect is still active it will cause an explosion and spread radiation damage to nearby enemies radiation is neutral against shield in the first playthrough however it will be strong in true vault hunter mode against shields and weak against armor but it's neutral against flesh there is also kinetic which is just a weapon with no elemental effects and they are really great too you may be a little put off hearing that kinetic or I guess normal weapons have no elemental effects so why are they also considered great well hear me out I know elemental damage is pretty sweet but kinetic is a great all-rounder as it does normal damage against first shirred and just 20% less of armor just because the weapon doesn't have any elemental effects there is no need to toss them out or disregard them this means that with kinetic enemies won't be able to resist it as the damage is just normal in conclusion if you see an enemy is resisting that elemental damage is weak against it there are malli one weapons that have three different elemental types in one weapon which makes it easier to switch between elements in just a single weapon this is super useful against enemies who have multiple health bar types but malli one weapons for everyone Judas some weapons with 4th charging back to the topic of multiple health bar types for example you may come across an enemy with armor and flesh meaning you'll have to get rid of that yellow health bar which is weak against corrosive and flesh being weak against fire but don't fret it if the main weapons are using do not have the elemental damage you need against certain enemies this is not super important in the first playthrough of the game number three always check your elemental chance here we have a picture of a level 26 epic weapon just by looking at the stats it's an alright weapon with 224 damage however if you look at the elemental chance it has 91 percent chance to deal 653 damage per second this is basically around triple of the base damage when factoring in the fire rate so yeah make sure to always check your elemental chance before tossing it out or putting it on number 4 junk and favorites as I said earlier it might be confusing as you start picking up lots of junk to sell so make sure to make use of the favourites and junk marker mark your backup guns as favourites so you'll never accidentally sell them you can also mark the things you don't need as junk I usually do this after every fight or every time I'm not fighting when you mark them as junk you can easily sell them all at the vendor by pressing the sell or junk button another thing to do in regards to selling items if your inventory is full of things to sell like a bunch of common drops and you come across high rarity items drop the lower rarities for the high rarities as generally the higher the rarity the higher the value the more money you'll get one green item could be worth true white items number five don't be afraid to sell your high rarity weapons I know it hurts to swap out your level 4 epic for a level 15 uncommon weapon but if the stats are better it's best to dis your pretty purple however you can also store them in your bank to use when or if you have another vault hunter later on the future as the bank is shared between all of your vault hunters this makes a play throughs for your future vault hunters much easier as now they have a high rarity weapon waiting for them in the bank and even if it isn't a high rarity weapon if it's just a weapon you like or I don't know may you came across one of the funny weapons in Portland's three make sure they use that bang number six reload all your weapons equipped nothing sucks more than having to reload your gun during a fight it sucks and can sometimes cost you your life take every reasonable opportunity you can to reload all your guns when the fight is over check that every weapon you've equipped is fully loaded so you're 100% ready for the next battle do you keep in mind that some weapons throughout the whole mag so check out the gun you're using wases ammo when reloading this one is more of a combat tip but still very relevant to reloading you can reload while sliding so if you're on a rush to get away but you also need to reload just slide to your new position while reloading your gun this also works for shooting as well number 7 use your weapon keybindings instead of the mouse scroll I'm not sure how it works on console but at least on PC by default your mouse scroll wheel is an optional way to switch to a different weapon I actually like to take a different approach that some people may not be implementing instead of using the scroll to use the next weapon use the key bindings instead say for me that's one two three and four the weapon will be assigned to the number biting I've assigned it to you that way I can switch to my sniper if I want to snipe someone it's much faster this way instead of scrolling through your weapons to get to the one you want and that is all for seven essential gun tips you need to know I thank you very much for watching if you found this video helpful and would like more borderlands 3 content please do subscribe and click the bell any lags would be super rad let me know any other gun tips if you have some in the comments down below I hope to see you again bye [Music]
Channel: SuperTeeds
Views: 50,694
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Keywords: Borderlands 3, BL3, Borderlands 3 guide, bl3 guide, borderlands 3 weapon, borderlands 3 gun guide, borderlands 3 new guns, borderlands 3 guns, borderlands 3 weapons, borderlands 3 weapon guide, borderlands 3 guide, how to play borderlands 3, borderlands 3 tips & tricks, borderlands 3 tips, borderlands 3 best weapons, borderlands 3 best guns, borderlands beginner guide, borderlands element guide, borderlands 3 tutorial, borderlands 3 secret strategy, borderlands 3 best items
Id: NV0XYh3oumo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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