Border Force Try to Stop a Potential Sex Trafficking Situation | Heathrow: Britain's Busiest Airport

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Cupid's arrow aside border force officers are tasked with uncovering the darker side of love on a daily basis valentine's day may may not have an impact on sexual exploitation you never know we may get people at heading to the UK to offer services of a sexual nature border force Rob and his team are at the end of a three-day operation targeting modern slavery and sex trafficking which is on the increase in Britain every year in today's valentine briefing relationships are high on the agenda profiles that we're looking for there is females traveling with a friend or older companion such trying ascertain how they know this person if they know this person what we've also seen is young ladies that are going to be working in car washes we're unsure at this moment in time whether they're gonna be offering car wash services or it's potentially sexual exploitation okay brilliant thank you very much the largest number of adult victims come from Eastern Europe and the flight their meeting originates from there please and as usual border force officers are at the gates to wrong foot possible offenders okay max please thank you making sure each passenger has a solid story yes why have you come to London all love interest I just need to ask you some questions you are married no maybe it these Romanian passengers are being checked by border force Hardeep and how long you stay we not have one-way ticket I was there for two weeks so make divisions you have for your holiday first time in the UK and you firstly for the key border force Hardeep asks questions to establish the details of their relationship and finances sex traffickers usually lure their female victims with promises of jobs and even love will you work whilst you're in the UK how much money have you bought my [Music] money what does your brother do in the UK what's his job no limited lot I would say no cons here the man's answers have set alarm bells really did your brother pay for you to come to the UK did he pay for your tickets brother lives here in the UK works car-washing he said he's gonna come there work here for two weeks the female cousin a power wash as well you bought us what trying to ascertain just get the info and then what we'll do we'll head down and then we can use the interview rooms there's something not quite right there border force Rob and his team now need to investigate why these passengers are here for divorce Rob and his team have been trying to untangle the truth from a young Romanian man and woman who want to enter the UK we need to establish a relationship so how long have you known each other where did you meet with no money and no return ticket or divorce Rob is concerned when you get through seen surfaces just trying to reassure that she's not in trouble the reason why we stopped it is for her own safety we just need to understand why she's come to the UK where she's going what she's gonna be doing so we can try and sell to avoid trouble we're gonna winter view them separately because I believe she's vulnerable and we're gonna have a female officer that's gonna be dealing with her home just to try an aid the sensitivity of the matter by digging deeper the officers are checking to see if their stories match where will he stay whilst he's here yeah is this where he stayed when he visited before yeah oh is this no meatwad a buy iboga 30 a she's of a Jerry so once he's working at the car wash what will she be doing here she's going to work in the car wash as well for what they didn't intend to stay for a month or two to work together and then go back so how much will you be paid whilst work at the car wash today's food that they needed things to change 300 deplete it depends on how much he works who has she made this agreement with that she's gonna wash cars all day and he's gonna pay 150 pound cash with her boyfriend or the boyfriend's brother the boss for which the boyfriend would be clear by internet for Carmen who's gonna be paying 50 cash every week sorry not sure so you're not sure who's gonna pay you the money 5 million people worldwide are victims of sexual or other work exploitation and it's down to border force to try and work out who is and who isn't at risk and his aware of all the arrangements although neither passenger has indicated they are involved in any type of exploitation the officers still need to cross-check the pair's answers okey-dokey then ladies and gents what we got she's met this man seemed a brother on the internet so she's never met the brother no she's never been on you case the first time to be UK well this is the address of where the caravan is we're staying did she say she was staying in a caravan no a two-bedroom apartment she could easily be exploited here night for a number of things I have given you a leaflet I have raised those concerned concerns with her but she seems to be very sure that she's come to work in the car wash okay despite discrepancies in their stories the woman's rejection of potential sex trafficking does support the male passengers denials about being involved in any form of exploitation if we've got an address of the car wash or whether our and she previously worked at all in Romania and she had any jobs so car wash she she said do you have experience she said yes border force Robin esteem have found insufficient evidence to refuse their entry into the UK but their details will be kept on file with the Home Office and the police over the last three days of the operation with encounters 729 passengers from that's we've had about 60 referrals and nine people have gone in as cases so that's potentially nine people that we've saved from modern slavery 60 people that we've helped advise against modern slavery but for any operation there's an awful lot of planning and an awful lot of work that goes on behind the scenes but for every person that we we encounter and save it's it's worth it you
Channel: ITV
Views: 5,846,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heathrow airport, heathrow airport heart attack, heathrow airport cardiac arrest, heathrow britains busiest airport, britains busiest airport, airport heart attack, heathrow airport documentary, heathrow airport behind the scenes, airport behind the scenes, heathrow documentary, airport emergency, london heathrow airport, border force heathrow, border force uk, border force stop sex trafficking, sex trafficking police, heathrow airport police
Id: Fu1_aztsFYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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