Drug Smuggling Team | Border Security: Australia's Front Line

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[Music] [Music] tonight on border security a young passenger has created a stir there's definitely something in that it shouldn't be and she might not be working alone employment immigration has this passenger under scrutiny it's a series of friends to provide wrong information and it's an anxious time in customs that's good reading as they try to work out what's in this shampoo [Music] sydney airport has over 20 000 passengers crossing the border every day highly experienced customs and quarantine officers are checking passengers for prohibited items or substances okay we're just going down to quarantine and barrier 42 there just to check out a bag sounds like they've got a suspicious bag down here so we're just going to check that out and see what we've got a 24 year old german passenger has just stepped off a flight from london and was stopped during a search in quarantine when officers detected a mysterious mass hidden in the lining of her bag well we're just going to x-ray this bag because we believe there's something in here that shouldn't take so yeah i'll just be back [Music] oh look at that yes well we believe that this bag here has got some sort of pill by judging by the pattern on it but we don't know what it is yet we'll have to um get the iron track out and give it a bit of a swab yeah there's definitely something in there that shouldn't be so let's have a look at it see what it is people of all nationalities shapes and sizes are questioned by customs it's not how you looked at interest customs it is what you are carrying across our borders no no did you understand any of these questions while a canadian couple are being questioned customs officers are making assessments about their travel movements where they are staying and of course the contents of their bags basically we're just searching these two passengers they're canadian citizens they've arrived from canada they've flown to hong kong to melbourne and from melbourne australia for one week then they go to vietnam so a lot of interesting movements as a customs officer questions the couple carolyn searches the bags looking for any kind of narcotic concealment even checking the large number of shampoo bottles that the couple have brought with them that's that's good earnings it's huge reading really we've just got some points basically i've done a swab off the um shampoo and lotions that were in the front of the suitcase so i just opened up the bottles just to check the consistency and it does look and i thought i'd do the top of the just to make sure and as a result we've got a reading for methamphetamine so i'll investigate those bottles further [Music] a flight has just arrived in sydney from manila and a passenger's nervous behavior has caught the attention of immigration i was watching him on the line he's bit nervous so i approached the line and talked to him while the primary officer is processing his visa so i said what's the business you're doing and he said i'm not coming to work i'm coming for holiday it ranks the bell because i didn't ask him whether he's coming to work now agnes needs to determine whether this passenger is a legitimate tourist a warning sign for these officers is that he seems to be confused about his reasons for being here he said he's a businessman and i realized on the card he put down employment and crossed it and then put on holiday and he told me he's coming for holiday looks like he's changed his mind while he was staying there at the primary yeah and to make things more interesting he's just told agnes he works on a fish farm back in the philippines but the problem is he's put a different company on his entry card okay so you're giving me information that you have other business and i have difficulty to understand and to believe what you're saying [Music] meanwhile customs officers are now taking a closer look at this young german passenger because they think she has something concealed in the lining of her bag you don't know it's germany you could trash out oh yeah it's like i don't know couch or whatever something like this and if you want to take it you can take it back and pick to say she found the bag at a council garbage pickup is a plausible story or maybe she's lying to protect herself or someone else that's what customs intends to find out i see this is the bag here that's the lid it's just open so what we're worried about looks like a honeycomb sort of a pattern through the back you can definitely tell there's a good pattern there that really shouldn't be if that bag was empty and there was nothing in it it would be as clear as this part here this is the swap we took from the bag so hopefully it should tell us what is in the bag that's a negative reaction which means the itemizer hasn't detected any drugs but officers still suspect there is something prohibited in the bag so they will now take this investigation to the next level [Music] every year thousands of chinese tourists enter australia many travel in tour groups with a group leader who takes responsibility for the rest with so many tourists wanting to enter the country at once the tour group leader will answer quarantine officers questions about the entire group i haven't declared anything in inspecting all their bags we have found some food even the tour leader has failed to declare her own food i can't let it through as a quarantine concern okay and now officers have found something of enormous concern for quarantine that one of the tourists has brought in [Music] in melbourne customs uriah and caroline are dealing with two potential drug careers now one of the officers have done some tests on the shampoo they're just some preliminary itemizer tests it's coming up positive for methamphetamines which is speed so we're going to be conducting some further tests and see what we come up with usually methamphetamines comes in a powder form and usually it's very hard to suspend that in liquid so i'll have to investigate further as to how and why [Music] uh same thing for methamphetamines again much much much better much higher than what it was originally that was off the blue bottle that i've just put aside with such high readings it is not looking good for the passengers and there are still more bottles to test we've got a stinger test and we've got a narcotic identification kit test so robin's going to do the first test and then i'll do the second test just so i can get a more conclusive result the itemizer is just a tool and uriah wants to be certain that he has found what he thinks may be a large concealment of amphetamines see how it's gone dark it's called almost black changes colors into one of these colors it indicates opium codeine or amphetamines at the moment we've got a dark color it's not consistent with any of these but it has reacted so we will be following this up with this it could be just the chemicals in the shampoo that it's reacting to so we don't know that's why we've got to further investigate [Music] in sydney quarantine a group of chinese tourists has arrived with a load of undeclared food and officers now have found an item of concern upon inspection i've actually come across some moon cakes some of the moon cakes have whole eggs in them but just to make sure i'm going to actually get one cut up moon cakes containing eggs are a high risk for bird flu can you just tell me what's inside that's nuts all nuts no meat at all the moon cakes might be okay but the pile of undeclared food is getting larger it's always suspicious if it has anything like little animals on the front that usually means it could be anything from ducks gizzards to rabbit liver or anything like that so we have to be sure and now officers have discovered some suspect dried fruit the concern with just the whole dry fruit is that it still contains a seed is it sugar infused and it's it's just not commercially packaged so really well we're gonna have a look at the quantity of food we have that's undeclared and then try and decide whether we're going to issue a quinn in this instance because it's a tour group of 14 people usually the tour leader is issued with a quinn so this could be an expensive start to the tour for the group leader [Music] meanwhile over in immigration this filipino passenger was brought into interview because his nervous behavior attracted officers attention now his story keeps changing i have to ask you again what do you do for work i said i said i said i see sending nothing is adding up and the stress is beginning to show because his story keeps changing agnes is becoming increasingly suspicious of his motives earlier on the customs officer has looked in the bag and we counted your money you had with you to cash 2 500 australian dollars and 2 us dollars is that correct okay and you withdraw all the money from the bank just to come here for five days holiday considering he only earns a small salary withdrawing all of his money for just five days doesn't make sense agnes needs to find out the real reason he's here and it could be much more deceptive than she thinks do you want to cooperate now and tell me what is your real purpose of coming to australia [Music] in melbourne customs officers uriah and his team are trying to determine if the couple at the bench are drug couriers or is there something in the shampoo that is affecting the tests um the officer down there has just conducted some more itemizer swabs on the remaining shampoo bottles one of them has come up as positive for methamphetamines which is consistent with what we got in there however the other to come up as negative so it's showing us that there could be something there we need to keep looking testing shampoos can be a little bit difficult because it is a liquid substance itself um so far we've got positive itemizer readings these nic tests are actually looking quite good so we're just gonna have to keep dealing with it as if it is drugs recently we've had a lot of seizures in shampoo alcohol and they only need to extract a little bit out of it to make it cost effective for them what do you make of that as a test tube it's kind of like colors the investigation keeps coming up with the same answer drugs uriah now has to make sure that the passengers understand what is going on so far it's giving every indication that there might be drugs there so i want you to caution both passengers yeah okay uh you do not have to say or do anything but anything you do say or do may be using evidence [Music] in sydney quarantine officers are deciding whether to find the tour group leader or let her off with a warning the food might not pose an immediate danger but none of it was declared basically i'm leaning towards a quinn because the cards are in their language i specifically asked her whether she'd asked all her tour members if they had anything that they could eat in their bags and she stated they definitely did not okay it's a tough lesson for the tour group leader but one she's not likely to forget in a case like this it's a little unfair sometimes for a tour leader who takes the word of her tour members um but she is solely responsible for the group which means that she will be the one having to pay the fine today it says it's in the amount of 110 right and that's for your records okay thank you enjoy your holiday okay bye immigration officer liz has just called the embassy in manila to verify some information given to them by a filipino passenger and they've just found out he's been lying what sort of businesses concept offended it hasn't even got that on the application they've got two phone numbers there that they've called and one of them is for a hotel in iloilo and the other one is for a residential address it's not actually for a company at all so the company the passenger put on his application doesn't even exist the information you provided is different from what the information we've got from the embassy okay is that something you haven't told me okay i do not consider you as a genuine tourist i have to give you an intention to consider cancelling your visa and i'll give you the reason because of his conflicting stories agnes now has enough grounds to serve him with a notice of intention to cancel his visa let me finish this in writing first there is no doubt the passenger has provided bogus information and unless he can explain himself this could mean immediate removal back to the philippines [Music] the investigation in customs is continuing as officers try and work out what is concealed in a passenger's bag [Music] the dogs are trying with bags to scratch at it when they when they when they find something and that proves that there's something in the bag that dog's interested in and that's a positive reaction for drugs so customs can now turn this investigation up a notch i think so there's no suspect what language do you prefer to read is english your first language or you prefer german i'm going to give you a card okay what we want to do is a frisk of your body make sure you have nothing underneath your clothing a free search where we run your hands okay we'll give you this to read first you understand yeah okay what i'm going to do is start some tape recording so it's going to be done on tapes okay um it'll be a female that does a surge not a male okay if you just want to get your bags what we're going to do is go into an interview room okay stacy yes with all the positions a frisk search will reveal if she's carrying anything on her person and if she is her travel plans are about to change [Music] over in immigration officer agnes and petra have just found out a passenger they've been holding for questioning has been lying to them so to us it looks like he got the visa because he has a profession which is a business profession to do with a trading company but he tells you that he's a fish farmer so but he's admitted he no longer that he doesn't have anything to do with this particular trading company though yeah the that whole trading company doesn't exist he said not listening yeah the trading company doesn't exist that's that's a good scam i don't believe you are genuine visitors i'm satisfied that you don't have intention only to stay here temporary for tourism purposes and a genuine and a genuine tourist visitors will not provide false information on their employment do you know it's a serious offense to provide wrong information is not correct okay this is the decision to tell you that your visa is cancelled please i can i'll give you time to respond for supplying false information the man's visa was cancelled immediately immigration arranged for him to be flown back to the philippines that day [Music] in melbourne customs may have unraveled an attempt to import narcotics the passengers don't seem to understand the seriousness of the situation so uriah wants to move the couple to a private room i'm just going to get one of the dogs to run over this we've got two bottles of shampoo that we're interested at the moment so the dog's just going to come and run over and we'll just see if they can tell us anything further good boy good boy good boy it was a it was a good indication by the dog um so i'm pretty happy with it it's just a matter of uh determining exactly what it is at this stage so yeah but overall from the dog point of view we're quite happy with all the indicators pointing to a drug detection the only thing missing is the drugs everything's building up at this stage we've got the positive knee test we've got the positive itemizers now we've had a dog reaction to it so there's no doubt that we are going to be referring a set of federal police now the passengers are afforded of their rights i'll contact the federal police now and let them know what's happening the passengers were allowed to enter the country while the australian federal police sent the shampoo away for forensic testing after extensive tests the afp were unable to confirm any trace of narcotics chemicals in the shampoo could have caused the initial positive test reactions [Music] back in sydney customs officers are dealing with one cool customer oh she's very confident very almost a bit cocky um it's very hard to tell actually at this stage whether she might have not only brought in this substance the bag hasn't actually been deconstructed it's been modified we know it's been actually tampered with at several points we're going to probably deconstruct the bag slightly just to see whether that modification has been extensive or not and then hand it over to the feds so it's not over yet customs officers still have some work to do before they can hand the passenger over to the federal police and now officers have just made another surprising and possibly vital discovery [Music] next week on border security it seems this passenger was not traveling alone in an incredible twist her companion has been waiting across the border now customs move in to pick her up no now we're going to search her and see what what she has no no no no thank you thank you a food fighter quarantine this is not allowed no and a mysterious parcel with an unbelievable concealment there's a normal wind that we need to look at that's border security [Applause]
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 1,599,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danger TV, Danger, Customs, Drugs, Borders, Agents, Contraband, Illegal Immigrants, Border Patrol, Customs Agents, Airports, security, security dogs, dogs, heathrow, border, smugglers, smuggling, weapons, dangertv, border agents, border force, illegals, border security, airport, nothing to declare, police, locked up abroad, border arrest, border security: international, Border Security: Australia's Front Line, Australia's Front Line, Border Security Australia, Australia Customs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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