Why is She Traveling With $20k? | Border Security: Australia's Front Line

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight on border security she keeps on trying to look at a friend my car contact which is not happening what's going on between these two women we just have to find out who's telling the truth be a favor of them what are they trying to hide he was looking for someone to be a porn in the TV something is really bugging this passenger Australia is a racist country this is Australian customs please respond over and when a mystery ship fails to respond to customs we'll go for a boarding to establish identity there's a call to action foreign Customs officers are trained to risk assess passengers the simplest questions can give officers a lot of information you live up in Queensland yes officers in Sydney are cross-checking the stories between two passengers traveling together who seem to have suspicious travel movements how often do you go once a year when was the last time you went to Vietnam two years if their stories check out then officers can quickly determine that there are no concerns and the women will be on their way what made you decide to travel now well my friendship invite me doing music her brother what was the reason for you going to to Vietnam your friend lives with you yeah he's just moved in the officers compare their findings and discover that the women's stories just don't add up definitely said that she doesn't live with this one this is another friend and her daughter one pretty much pretty much just now said that she knows okay yeah so she lives with you when I asked you before you said she did the stories are conflicting mom was saying that they weren't living together the other one was saying that they were then all of a sudden they were living together this is why we're trying to look and and dig deeper Customs now need to find a reason for this behavior and officer John thinks he may have found it in the passenger's handbag [Applause] [Music] one three three Customs offices aboard the ACV Botany Bay are patrolling Australia's Northern borders on the lookout for security threats and in particular illegal fishing a substantial Fleet of foreign fishing vessels has just been spotted to the North in Australia's eez we've been monitoring on our radar the fleet of we counted roughly 17 foreign fishing boats Stern trawlers we have in the past had foreign fishing vessels frequenting into this Zone and conducting what we call poaching activity unlicensed fishing activity so we're continuing to monitor all of these movements in our ship's log if they do come into our Zone then we'll approach the vessels attempt to get a profile on their movements and their activity and make an assessment on whether or not we send a boarding party across to investigate suddenly the radar is showing an unknown vessel has broken away from the main group and is moving into Australian Waters that's the way he was heading south and then just suddenly turned West on the line it's unusual and it's something that the Botany Bay will have to investigate at this stage given this situation I'm happy to go straight towards his vessel so I can ID him as quickly as possible it's proceeded over the Australian uz line and has come into the Australian eez so we can't confirm exactly what the radar contact is at this stage because it's over the horizon altering course to three two zero increasing RPM to 1850. [Music] it's the job of quarantine officers to inspect all luggage coming into Australia to ensure it's of no risk and in Sydney officers have spotted a passenger carrying something that could pose a serious quarantine threat I was pulled out just because I had the method you need to declare the maths okay under question seven that is yeah as a plant or part of a plant this is not a plant this is a roasted rib we actually found a passenger that's come along in the line and he's actually got a tarpon mat that has been on his trolley we've taken that one that one has actually gone through the X-ray so what we would like to do is open the bags and find out the reasons for why he has to clear the top mats today how can you defend that in the inside of him okay here under question seven you need to declare that declare One how can I do there's no place in there to define the match it's not part of a plant sure but where does that come from originally it's not a plant how can you how can you state business where do you get that where do you get the product to make these I don't know this is a this is a traditional thing in which it was tap on that yeah they are a plant product sometimes ceremonial tapa mats can be infested with insects so officers need to thoroughly examine them and upon shaking them they make a disturbing Discovery oh got a live insect it's there [Music] Customs officer John has found a huge wad of cash which is over the ten thousand dollar limit that has to be declared in the handbag of a very nervous passenger you have not declared this cache why what is the cash for and who gave you the cash she has returned from Vietnam with another woman who now reveals that she too is cashed up 10 grand users it's on your person today you're carrying ten thousand dollars amounts of ten thousand dollars or more have to be declared to minimize the opportunity for criminal activity like tax evasion money laundering and counterfeiting why withdrawed out of a bank in Vietnam and bring it through like this and not declare it first the first thing we decided to set up a restaurant there you want to set up a restaurant there okay so then why bring the money back with you why not leave it in beers now all of them okay so your reason is it's your sister's money from Vietnam something just doesn't add up but the offices are determined to find the truth Okay so you've got the same amount of cash with you right now yeah okay is that coincidence or is that is there a reason behind that [Music] [Music] seeing straight away from us a mystery vessel found just inside Australian Waters has failed to communicate with Australian Customs we're assuming a vessel of this size and aspect is looking like a merchant cargo vessel of some time he's done a fairly erratic course change which has been completely away from the direction we're approaching and he's picked up speed again to 8.5 knots which was the original speed and he's not entering my radio calls at all the ship either has no idea what's in its wake or it's trying to do a runner so the big tower which is quite unusual too and we have Towers that could be spotting towels for tuna or something no I mean they're just they're fixing for so long on it they're on the bottom fishing for Sharp there appears that there are fishing boards at his Stern so if you could see fishing boys Mick I might do a call to direct him to stop the vessel is acting more and more suspiciously and the boarding will be necessary to uncover the truth we've got our boarding team standing by just in case we need to send them across to do a further investigation on board of the vessel but because of his non-traditional movements through these Waters his erratic course changes and changes in speed and the fact that the vessel is not answering any Radio Calls means that we want to investigate it further okay I'll just go through a bit of a game plan we'll take it all very slowly both tenders will approach The Vessel at the same time we'll do ten to one we'll do a circle around ten to two can do the same thing we'll get a good appreciation for what we're up against uh the main thing is just getting all those crew members together uh in one area and then clearing the rest of the ship before the fish eyes come on and after that we'll just play it by ears okay well from here I'll go and speak with Damon and see what we're we're doing but please stay here because we might have to go in at a moment's notice [Music] in quarantine live insects have been found within Undeclared Tapper mats brought in by a passenger returning from Fiji an egg it's an egg as well I think just here okay got some live insects there we have quite a few on this one I'll um give it another foot against the bench okay we'll probably have a few more so basically how many more in Turkey have with you bloody dammit is there the live insect he has some tapa mats which are used in ceremonies such as funerals and weddings they are a plant product and can be highly infested with live insects today we have found some eggs some larvae and live insects Okay so we've got an egg here okay so we're just going to put that in a sample bottle so we'll send them off to entomology try and have them identified because it is such a high risk we cannot risk it coming into the country and the pests that are in it actually getting into our native Wildlife flora and fauna at a Devastator industry as well as potentially our Wildlife the passenger not only refuses to accept that tapa mats are made from Reeds and therefore can Harbor insects larvae and eggs he now argues that the insects were introduced at the airport okay which is part of a plan did you have the insect in your hand just to make this segment ah pull through on this because we came in there there was a TV it's been notified in there and I was pulled out from all this by this gentleman here now we've been here all day yeah yeah okay this is to educate people born in the TV I wonder why all the parts of the world said that Australia is a racist country [Music] in customs officers continue to question two women who were found to be carrying at least twenty thousand dollars U.S Undeclared cash okay your friend over there is also carrying ten thousand dollars U.S but for completely different reasons is that what you're saying yeah this woman claims they both went to Vietnam to open a restaurant together I need to know the main reason why you went over to Vietnam for the restaurant I don't believe you entirely on that okay because if you were going to buy a restaurant in Vietnam you would leave this money in Vietnam you wouldn't be bringing this much money over here okay to buy a restaurant in Vietnam The Other Woman claims to have gone to Vietnam to visit her father and nothing about a restaurant without your friend over there in says that you both went to Vietnam to open up a restaurant so you didn't go there to open a business you went there to see yourself because the officer continues to look through the passengers belongings he discovers something is missing you got no credit cards or anything like that I got you've got them where are they you said this is your only purse okay there's no credit cards in here okay see there's no credit cards I've got a couple of Australian dollars in there and coins but there's no credit cards like I said if this is your bag want your credit cards in here your friend got them is your friend got your credit cards why she got your credit card [Music] this is your bag which means your credit cards and stuff should be in your bag [Music] foreign [Music] a passenger returning from Fiji carrying infested Tapper mats is about to find out that he won't be leaving the airport with them the top of mats are infested with live in sect you have the option to get them feel to you or if you don't want to treat them we can have them destroyed okay fumigate it and send it over yeah fumigation costs 30 dollars okay so if you want that treated you need to pay for treatment I'll pay for it once the passenger paid for the fumigation he was allowed to leave still upset with the treatment he received from quarantine from uh from a point of view you know I was in line of uh about 100 and something almost 300 people in there and I was picked from the line and in front of me there was another black guy in there no wonder why they call Australia a racist company any passenger that comes through that has those type of mats still exhibits the same risk whether the passenger was black was white was yellow was Green still exhibits the same risk so on reflection you would still do the same thing again for the fact that we're here to protect the country and not to actually let items like that through without actually properly risk assessing it [Music] in the era if you're a sea Australian Customs vessel Botany Bay is now close enough to a mysterious cargo vessel to read its name this is Australian Customs Australian Customs Australian Customs Patrol boat Botany Bay calling you one one six over and finally a breakthrough you don't recognize that language good morning sir this is Australian Customs Patrol boat Botany Bay calling you on one six is this the young sung seven other this is Australian Customs Australian Customs Australian Customs Patrol boat Botany Bay calling you on one six please respond over it matches speed and course at this distance [Music] there he is he's just I think he's just like the ship has suddenly stopped dead in its tracks Damon makes a call to Border Protection command to get authorization to board the vessel destroying Customs at this time he stopped making his way through the water where about 200 meters of beam matching course and speed attempting to communicate without success we can see a name of the vessel but we can't see a nationality no obvious nationality no flag flown or Port of registration visible Roger we'll stand by and as soon as we get confirmation uh we'll go for a boarding to establish identity thanks bye-bye we are authorized to board under both the Customs act and afma Customs has no idea what could be waiting for them when they approach a vessel as curious as this one will be alongside him very shortly absolute caution is critical [Applause] [Music] she just goes really solid about it waits for a couple of seconds and then she comes up with the answer Customs officers are comparing the inconsistent stories from two women returning from Vietnam she said she's got credit cards but apparently her friends have gone her friend's got it I see well this is your bag this is your money so this friend apparently does she have any credit cards in that by this time because that's part two this one over here says that she's got all her credit cards do you have any credit cards or bank cards for your friends as they try to get to the bottom of the conflicting stories another concern has emerged did you eat on the airplane did you eat on the airplane why not I feel sick I feel sick so you ate nothing on the airplane if if you're traveling I don't know eight ten hours I mean surely you're gonna drink something you're going to eat something even if you're not feeling 100 you're still going to maybe have something to drink to keep your fluids up and stuff like that she hasn't eaten or drunk anything on the Fly um story is very inconsistent um seems pretty nervous every time I mention the cash and the trip again she keeps on trying to look at a friend my car contact which is not happening um and she's very hesitant in the answer that she gives me it takes her a couple of seconds to come up with the answer was if you know what you're doing but nothing to hide your answers are going to come straight out you're not going to have any fear at all both women will be taken to an interview room for further questioning where a body Frisk by a female Customs officer will be conducted well the thing is they're both giving us different story so we just have to find out who's telling the truth be favor of them and say what this money is for what it could be used for in the future what it maybe should they I'm doing it in the past so see how we go [Music] Australian Customs vessel Botany Bay has intercepted an unidentified foreign ship north of Australia and has just received the green light to board the vessel I could just Shadows course and speed end if he attempts to move towards us in any way if you can turn bear away yep keep this safe distance certainly and keep them on the far a quarter yep certainly Roger can you send someone down to drop us in the water we'll be using Zulu 3-1 after all the suspicious Behavior earlier the ship has slowed down to a crawl as the boarding party has been given access they will now assess the situation by circling the vessel while the crew on Botany Bay covered captain captain you speak English [Music] you gotta get him yeah bring him out Master captain yep uh David any English the Customs team searches the ship identifies the crew and checks the vessel's logs and registration details morning party 3-0 the cruise nationality pleaser current nationality is trying to ship is registered in Cambodia Port of registry is Pond pen boarding party 3-0 yeah Roger go ahead will be standing by any further comms though boarding parties 3-0 can you confirm that you didn't cite any commercial quantities of official fishing equipment no commercial qualities of fishing equipment or fish products yes Roger um if you'd like to perhaps make clear to him that you know he makes the most direct passage out of Australian Waters and also perhaps it'd be a good idea if you can through the language barrier indicate to him the DB fly a flag of nationality of it the vessel and her crew is free to move on but after such suspicious Behavior she will be watched Australian waters are attractive to poachers if this precious natural resource is to survive into the future it must be managed and it must be protected foreign [Music] [Music] Customs interview room there has been a major development with one of the female passengers during her Frisk search when they started the fruits they go through the procedures what they're going to follow and they usually say have you got anything else on your body apparently then she's become aware that yes I do have something else on my body and she's voluntarily removed another 19 000 US dollars from her body so they're just question you about that and see where it goes from there custom suspicions and efforts have paid off okay um plus lots of cash which were found on both passengers is going to be seized by the Australian federal police there was uh 29 and a half thousand US dollars from the one passenger and 10 000 us from the other including some Australian bills as well so it's a fair bit of cash which was Undeclared as for any Southern narcotics nothing was found all tests were negative so there's no need to proceed any further with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] well once I understand my growth I'm getting very high ratings for cocaine you could kill everybody on board the aircraft you're making this up as you go along engaged I need to know how to help you I don't know if I'm making him nervous but something is that I'm telling the truth you are not telling me the whole truth get out wait you list me no go to Australia in your shoes that's border security
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 866,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GzOHNwTb_Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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