Boosie on Ending TI Beef, Young Thug, YFN Lucci, 2Pac, Nipsey, Tootie's Arrest (Full Interview)

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foreign welcome back to Vlad TV after a very explosive last interview a whole lot happened yeah to No Surprise right so we got to talk about that first okay so let's get into it our last interview I brought up that T.I had done a podcast we're in the interview he said that he told on his dead cousin in order to get out of a gun charge now before you and I did this interview did you and I talk about the situation at all no I had no idea what your answer was going to be I didn't cut out any footage this was really kind of a surprise in terms of how you're I mean it's not a surprise but it was a surprise because I really didn't know how you're gonna answer it so when I brought up the question and said hey are you aware of this interview you said yes and I said okay is a joint album still on and you said absolutely not with the ti situation if he did that you're a [ __ ] rat too I don't spare no [ __ ] body because if you if you if you're doing anything wrong you doing anything criminalized and you cooperate with law enforcement to get you out of trouble that means you're copying that means you're right and that created shock waves to the whole hip-hop industry and so forth now after the dust settled a little bit from what I understand you and T I got on the phone yeah tell me how it went I just went like two bosses of handling man like you know first of all you know like we gotta we gotta we got kids who love each other though you know and uh first you win agree and we we was going back and forth and you know uh he spoke how he felt I spoke how I feel and uh and he failed me and I failed him and uh you know I gave him an apology you know I apologize yeah I gave my apology you know because after we kept going back and forth you know like you know the things he was doing for me in my life at the time you know I I I kind of feel bad I kind of felt bad he was you know he was doing some real [ __ ] helping me in a lot of ways but uh I still told him I stand on what I stand on and uh when he explained it to me uh we got by man uh tip was like like I said like he said it was a foam embellishment bro like you know I'm just seeing what the world's gonna say so you know we got by you know like like bosses supposed to get by we ain't let the we ain't let the internet win let none of that bring us out of bring us out of carrots you know right because after you said what you said he then did an interview and he said that the whole thing was not a real story it was an embellishment based on a real event right right right which which I didn't know right which you didn't know me me neither and to be fair that video of him saying you know the whole telling on his dead cousin thing had been out for weeks and he never addressed it publicly he never said oh this is an embellishment so you know you and I didn't know this at all right right right I don't want people to think that you know they be thinking that you know I'm saying it'd be you for a lot of [ __ ] but you don't know my questions to no answer you ever asked me people don't know that this this is me yeah you know like uh this is the real way I feel about certain situations and uh that's what people got it mixed up at any interview I would have did would ask me that I mean it was it was in my DM stacked up for for a month or so was there a reason why until we had our interview you and T.I never spoke about this or discussed it in any way uh I don't know man I will you know I was I was kind of waiting on waiting on him to say something about it you know what I'm saying um but also I felt I could have called him too you know but I ain't know like I told him I ain't know what to say bro I was you know what if that was true that's how I felt about that situation and that would have [ __ ] up everything right and from what I understand when you guys talked he was blaming me for the situation as well oh somewhat right yeah the summer yeah he even did an interview where he called Vlad TV a divisive platform and you know I'm known to do this type of stuff and listen T.I could feel how he feels uh I haven't interviewed TI in 10 years me and him don't have any sort of real connection anymore he's invited to the show if he ever wants to come you wouldn't even talked about both you guys coming when the children okay it is what it is I'm not holding my breath yeah but right like I said I don't have a I don't have a relationship with ti either so it's not like me and him communicated beforehand and I knew something or nothing like that I don't know TI at all I know you you and I talk here and there between interviews but not really we don't really hang out like that it's really you know we have our business relationships so when I come in a lot of times I won't even ask you things over text message because I want to save them until we actually get in in front of the camera so I brought it up totally unaware of how you're going to answer you answered the way you felt and it went out the way it went out T.I could feel how he feels the end of the day if he doesn't like Vlad TV he doesn't like Vlad TV life goes on you know there's lots of other platforms for both of us and um you know I disagree with the whole device a platform thing because it's not like I I I I don't even have the ability to put a battery in your back that's not even something I could do right you feel the way you feel right and that's it that's and that's that's every interview like people people been coming at me lately about about Vlad and all this but you know like I've never started a a beef wall on Vlad TV I've never started a confrontation really on Vlad TV like I'm giving game and I speak how I feel about certain situations yeah I don't like how people you know drag drag me and you down you know like you know I get I've been getting a lot of black lives lately comes the territory you know it is what it is I get blamed for all types of wild [ __ ] like everything that goes wrong if I've ever interviewed the person at any point no matter how long ago they will somehow connect me to whatever dilemma they're in at that moment yeah I just had a talk with somebody in the airport man I got walked up to me and say Boosie please stop doing bad TV everybody go there go to jail I said everybody sign Empire right exactly exactly I mean listen I've been getting this from day one hey bro like you know that that that's what me being a stand-up guy and that's what people I'm a man I don't care what nobody has done to anybody else I don't I never I judge on what me in the relationship I have with a man yes correct no one could ever tell me something bad about Boosie that I will translate into our relationship yeah can't do it we go back way too far at the end of the day you and I have had a business relationship that goes back I mean [ __ ] you could talk about the Old Atlantic days so 22 about 20 years yeah a solid 20 years and throughout those 20 years you and I have been 100 with each other yep we've had some disagreements here and there and we sat down and they got worked out right there on the phone it never it never went beyond that phone call right every time yeah every time every time that says a lot for for two decades yeah you know I'm saying two people who are in the media attorney who ain't it no that's crazy like bro never never there's never been a money dispute there's never been a topic dispute you know if there is something that bothers you about something you'll call me and I'll take care of it if I ever have a problem I'll call you you take care of it and that's how it is so so the question is you announced last time that the joint project is off yeah is the join project back on uh the reality show we we and when works are dead right now okay so uh we're probably gonna follow up with the joint project okay so first the reality show and then the first reality show because you know that's already yeah yeah so uh we ain't talked about driving that driving the uh album yet but uh I wanna drive it you know I that's why I was that's why I was kind of you know pissed about the situation because I was right you know this was big for me to drop an album with tip you know like this was some big [ __ ] for me so uh we're gonna get to it bro we're gonna get to it okay and the thing is is that everyone thought that you guys had beef until that uh that airplane um the airport photo came out but I had already known that you guys had already talked yeah so it was a St Louis airport did you guys ran into each other I'm not sure uh we've been on a few shows together okay right but I remember there's a picture of you guys talking at the airport and people thought okay finally T.I and Boosie have talked but you guys had already talked beforehand yeah yeah so when you guys ready when we was in St Louis Wheels we'll talk about a big some big old money right we were talking about some big old money like you know like some real money you know exactly so by the time that photo came out everything had already been cleared up you guys are already good and honestly I'm happy about that yeah I'm happy that you guys worked out I was looking forward to that album regardless of what T.I thinks about me I I respect T.I as an artist I'm a fan of his music I'm a fan of you know some of the social stances that he took um I've interviewed him before you know in one of his video shoots there are other interviews that that have been on Vlad TV and uh like I said on my side no beef no problems if he feels a certain type of way about Vlad TV that that's totally his right you know what I'm saying maybe at some point he'll change his mind maybe at some point he won't it is what it is but I'm happy that this is done and like I said I'm now promote in the same way that we talked about last time how you felt I am now starting off the interview and promoting the fact that you guys got back together and it's all good and you know I'm saying it was a disagreement it was it was you know and I understand why there was a disagreement right there's a reason for the disagreement right you know what I'm saying exactly that's what it is now before I say this I want to say a [ __ ] away I met you on the same day that I met Webby I did the interview with y'all me and Webby have done a bunch of [ __ ] over the years you know uh make sure power Summit we ran around with cameras and everything else like that I've interviewed him multiple times I sincerely love the dude but this picture came out and the internet had a field day with this picture you know what I'm talking about right yeah like the the half shirt almost looks like a bra in a way what'd you think about that photo play as [ __ ] players [ __ ] up all the time I was pissed yeah my my dog had main players [ __ ] up he was showing his tattoo bruh I just argue with a [ __ ] at the store I said man get the [ __ ] on [ __ ] boozy whip [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] on [ __ ] he plays [ __ ] up my dad got my dog babe he was showing his tattoo man it's bad man bro hey bro I got move I get more backlash than this [ __ ] bro like bro bro players [ __ ] up get players [ __ ] up that's what happened the main showing his tattoo I'm gonna play that whole [ __ ] who said we ain't known for no we don't play all that all that all that all that new generation [ __ ] you're telling me you're getting more flag than he was bro bro you know that you know [ __ ] like that anything with that with somebody who they known as gangster it comes back to me it could be somebody else they gonna be like you ain't gonna say nothing about so when it was Webbie bro my phone I had to turn my phone [Laughter] I'm pissed off bro he just slipper he slipped okay I see what you're saying so he was just basically trying he was showing inside he'd do that if it's concert every concert he do that round a while the [ __ ] they took the picture like that he's wearing the fur around it so it's just you know his underwear showing I mean I I get it I get it it was just a bad photo yeah it was showing his tattoo bro you should just take it off his whole shirt that's a I thought about what I was gonna say play us [ __ ] up this man [ __ ] bad [ __ ] come on bro like like no not no you ain't got us without [ __ ] that you guys have uh nah we silent I ain't talked to him oh you haven't talked to him I wasn't calling them about that cause I know he's a man I [ __ ] I'm gonna call my partner body and I know we have a [ __ ] man [ __ ] I'm gonna call him on some [ __ ] like that for social media don't run run relationships when you're a solid [ __ ] I ain't calling him about that I know what the [ __ ] happened uh yeah I mean he basically said quit playing on the internet and uh you know he basically said I just want to know why y'all don't repost double post when I tell the kids to stay in school and you can be whatever you want to be the positive things about life because that's what I represent Savage life because I haven't been through it all you heard hey man listen Webbie knows that that [ __ ] like that is gonna spread faster than telling kids he knows that he he's been in the game for 20 20 years at this point he knows he knows how the internet works at the end of the day I just you know I'm sure he thought it was kind of a funny photo as well you know what it all said and done and that's how it is you do some [ __ ] like that yeah they come for you but they ain't gonna post no positive [ __ ] you do No never they won't they never pose no positive [ __ ] no that's that that ain't what sale yeah they don't post no positive [ __ ] we do never did not boosting well I mean let me tell you Webby you know I love you man you know you and I go back 20 years and it's always been a hundred uh matter of fact it's about time you get back on Vlad TV it's been too long yeah yeah come come on back and talk some [ __ ] you know we we film um you know I'm sure you come to Atlanta where we film I'm sure you come to Miami I'm sure you come to Houston L.A even New York oh there you go there you go I'll fly down I'll fly down Atlanta we'll do it in person okay so let's talk about what's happening right now well first of all Javonte tank Davis I called the fight you called it bro I missed out on a million dollars didn't you say the seventh round I and bro I said the seven round body shot um two up bro this this this 30 minutes for like this the first one this photo fight started called it bro I'm getting chills I called it bro I swear to God I called it if I were to put ten thousand on that God what do you can you actually bet on a specific round for boxing I just know if I would have betted on that bro like yeah you could bet on the round you could do anything what I'm saying is that you get a different like the odds different but can you actually say I want to win but in this particular round and then the odds are different because for example uh Drake he had posted this he bet a million dollars on on tank but the payday was one million three hundred and eighty thousand you see what I'm saying I mean the odds were so heavily nah that's gonna take too bad no you've been known the round and it's like okay that's a whole different band it's like James Harden gonna score over twin points yeah you see what I'm saying oh so you could have really cashed out you could have that could have been like 10 to 1 odds or something like that you could have made 10 you would have made 100. bro I would have made some money I felt it I knew it was gonna knock it down I've interviewed tank before uh I've always thought that he was a beast I mean even back then we're talking about you know comparing him to a young Mike Tyson I mean he has the same type of build and I feel like he has the same type of movement like when you see him in the ring it kind of reminds me yeah when he duck low yeah exactly see what I'm saying like the way he's kind of short and stocky but also the way he moves it's like you know this is like a young mic right here yeah young Iron Mike so yeah I was assuming he was going to win uh they were talking a lot of [ __ ] though beforehand that'd be just a seller fight out you know I wasn't convinced I wasn't convinced because I saw when I saw one that boy hit him with that left and he went down oh yeah I was like nah he can't take a Javonte look yeah I knew if they left hit him he was done oh yeah no the post fight they're even talking about how uh Javonte basically said that he pretty much knew all his moves and you know was already on top of there's nothing really surprised them and everything else like that now Garcia said I guess there was a spy in his Camp you heard about this yeah I heard him say that there was a mole in his camp that was giving information any [ __ ] say anything to get a rematch I had salt mine my trainer was on liquor they could say anything to get a rematch come on take your [ __ ] links man y'all don't get the [ __ ] up I mean you can't even say that it was close bro my body shot was like he hit him and he fell like 30 seconds later that body shot just hit him in the soul like remember because when he hit him he was still up and up and then he took a knee he can sell a fight uh Ryan Garcia but from me watching him box man he ain't even top five and then uh in that way well I mean tank game was props he said that he was one of the best that he fought and stuff like that I mean but it seems like that's the one thing I like bullfrog tank way better than him [Music] Pitbull would be Godzilla okay I can see that Pitbull will be Garcia I can see that I think it was dope though because remember they made that bet where they put up their purses remember on Instagram live with a Kai Sonata I think yeah and they they put up their purses and then when they asked tank is he gonna want his purse he goes no no he can keep that yeah and he gave him props you know I mean tank could have just talked [ __ ] about him he just beat the [ __ ] out of him I don't know I bet [ __ ] probably but I don't know I don't know I don't know how that boxing [ __ ] goes I don't know if you can give your whole purse up I don't know how they go well I mean it's a contract everybody got to give up their money everybody no it's probably the purse that you get I mean listen at the end of the day it's a contract right I mean listen you could talk [ __ ] over Instagram live and that's not gonna hold up in court you know what I'm saying let's just say me and you just right right I mean you make a ten thousand dollar BET right now and I just don't want to pay you so that mean they didn't sign anything no they didn't sign anything oh okay no they're just running their mouth on Instagram okay okay yeah exactly so it's like if it really because I'm taking from Baltimore man if they would have signed that thing man we would take that person I mean if people you could feed right I wish he would have put that purse up maybe give him a walk I took that damn person I know I'd have been a tank yeah I'd have been all in this deal don't leave that [ __ ] how much was the person hold on I would have told that she I couldn't be a tank on yeah 2.5 million that one Garcia got yes 2.5 2.5 2.5 million okay yeah to be exact the guaranteed purse was 2.5 million but the payout is going to be higher because he also had a 50 stake in the pay-per-view numbers so really we're talking about [ __ ] maybe five seven million seven million I would have took Lord Jesus Christ oh he could have fixed up here oh Lord bro I gotta tell my partner's dead because last night we in and we ain't wearing despite smoking and [ __ ] all of them think Javonte uh uh took his purse no no in the pre in the post fight press conference a lady asked and he goes nah nah he can keep that he can keep that Savannah good [ __ ] he gonna get some blessing yeah you're a good [ __ ] he's a Class Act he told he told Garcia that he was a great opponent you know what I'm saying they're cool as much [ __ ] as they talked beforehand he could have kept talking [ __ ] but no he yeah millions of dollars yeah she bought a chick bro like he's just a good dude yeah listen I I like the guy I'm a little dude but I wouldn't have gave him [ __ ] I would have kept it all I would have took the purse the strap the tags the receipt yeah all the SUVs in the whole city so he couldn't get a ride oh I would have played him how to play the wrong oh man well hell of a fight hell of a fight we'll see we'll see where where tank goes with this man I'm looking forward I mean I think we finally got a tank on top bro tank on top we finally got a song I made for him I was gonna drop it the other night but it wouldn't mix it's called tank yeah it made a song from like a couple months ago yeah I mean he had a Chief Keef walk him out yeah to uh I I guess uh he well he walked around to Love Sosa but I guess Chief Keef wanted him to do a finito oh okay and he said he would have been and he he said nah nah he would have beat his ass worse oh yeah probably yeah [Music] okay well right now by the time this comes out we're gonna hear the verdict I think but prize from the Fugees his case just went to the jury do you know about this I just hear what 50 Cent say about him I saw that okay so here's the back story I know Pros I interviewed him a while back I've interviewed him multiple multiple times actually and basically he was mixed up with this dude from Malaysia that stole billions of dollars from the government he then took that money and funneled it through you know allegedly through pros and other things for example the movie Wolf of Wall Street you heard of that yeah that same dude financed that movie oh yeah he put up all the money for that movie and he actually uh what's his name Leonardo DiCaprio he gave uh DiCaprio a Picasso painting that was worth like tens of millions of dollars as payment so he paid him in pain for Wolf of Wall Street well yeah and he financed the whole movie overall he was trying to get a photo with Obama and he gave proz like 20 million for the photo we finally got the photo at first the Obama Administration said no then eventually they ended up getting a photo at a Christmas party or something like that there's also accusations that like well uh proz donated to the Obama Campaign which he talked about in our interview they're saying that came through that guy as well uh he tried to get this uh the Trump Administration to drop these charges against this Chinese uh businessman so now he's being accused of being an agent for China and all this other type of [ __ ] the crazy part about all this is based on all the reports was that prize could have just given back almost all the money and walked away no charges just give back the money we're good he tried to keep the money so a superseding Federal indictment ended up hitting him and now he's facing 20 years and according to reports this is what you're probably talking about with the 50 Cent [ __ ] Pros took the stand and admitted that he went to the feds and reported some of the stuff and was working with the feds and so forth what do you think I mean I don't really think nothing about it just a worldwide movement was a worldwide movement arrest you know and it's turning out the industry the music industry is is full of oh yeah yeah you know I there's more Reds in the music industry than the streets because I think they don't want to lose you know you need to ask everybody every rapper come on on this show you know if you would you take a chance to lose it I'll tell they don't want to lose this lifestyle they don't want to lose the women they don't want to lose their the Airbnb parties they don't want to lose this [ __ ] they don't want to lose this that's why that's how they that's how they develop into rats because they want all this [ __ ] but they don't or they don't want to lose it and they figure they can go get it back when they come home you know and that's what they don't want to lose this lifestyle bro you know people gotta understand you're in jail because God put you to that's why you're in jail like you're in jail because you're getting learned the lesson you know what I'm saying um and when you you stop and go ahead lesson about telling by being a rat you stop and go a lesson by telling he's teaching you a lesson about putting you there what you have done is might not mind that baby for that crime and night might be for the crime they got you on but you're in there for other things you have done in life so that's why most of the time how I feel this is how I feel about situation that's why most of the times when those snitches whatever they do they end up dying deaths they end up living horrible life some I mean like you know like God don't sleep bro like I said the people who supporting rats don't give a [ __ ] about children those children suffer when you read on that [ __ ] family and that Daddy that child grows up without a daddy that child grows up without a mother so anybody is supporting [ __ ] rats they don't give a [ __ ] about a kid because that kid that that [ __ ] the [ __ ] all the convict of what he did that kid suffers from not having his daddy or Mama that's what people forgot about with these rats I'll tell you I tell and you're a leader that [ __ ] them five children in that [ __ ] Hood with nothing you won't take their father from you got caught when you get caught in is called take your lick God is you going there for a reason [ __ ] if you ain't did that you did something else and that's how I go bro and they don't want to live to leave this lifestyle you know and that's why I think you know 90 of rappers are rich they gotta figure I still got some solid [ __ ] bro but it's [ __ ] up [ __ ] ain't leaving that lifestyle especially the bigger they get well you know something let me touch on that for a second you think 90 of rappers cooperate uh I would say uh because not every rapper I would say 75 if they caught a murder charge and they and they didn't do it and it was on and it was on somebody who they were okay if it wasn't them that did it but they have a chance to get out of it they were wet they were not leaders they would not be boosted they were [ __ ] red and they know what they would say cause I ain't do it that's what they were saying I ain't do it damn dang gangsters I'm sure I'm not against me I'm a businessman Gunner said hey I ain't no gangster I'm a businessman but I'm just saying as far as that's that's how I go bro like these [ __ ] you know you know that's just how I go I don't trust nobody who would tell on me because anybody who would tell on you would kill you that's how I feel you telling me if you tell on me I feel like I'm I'm already scarred about things in my life I feel like if you me and you're in a room in in the room nobody there and I'm counting about 700 000 now nobody there I can't trust you not to blow my brain if you didn't told on me you don't care about my family you don't care about my children you know I'm gonna do heavy prison time so it might take you there you your heart is not for me to win my if I'm counting that money something might get into you to blow my [ __ ] brain how can you trust anything but it's crazy bro that's how I feel a lot of people might not feel about but that's how I feel how many times you've been told on uh like somebody new probably twice twice did either one of those lead to convictions no thank God okay so oh my conventions that oh yes he did yes he did yes he did yes it did yes can you talk about it uh I don't know um fair enough fair enough but this is probably why it hits you a little bit deeper than everyone else yeah you've gotten told on that led how long was the conviction uh eight years eight years yeah you did eight years over a cooperator yeah if you take like I said we're not gonna mention the names or whatever else because you don't mention that's cool I respect it if you take that cooperator out of that particular case would you have walked away I would have walked Walked Away okay so eight years of your life you're how old right now 40. one-fifth of your life was taken away because someone cooperated my uncle my cousin was taking away life at 15 years old because someone corroborated my uncle was taken away in the 80s this [ __ ] is detrimental to us Vlad a rat is a is a is a is is is is is a is a it's it's nothing in my family we we didn't get time for this bro we didn't you know we didn't suffer I know how them kids suffer you know like you know and people don't understand it I was on death row finna get a needle in my [ __ ] arm because of rat bro yeah how you got I I you didn't expect me to have any kind of anything to say good about a red you know like you know at the height of my career yeah you know like come on bro like do you think okay because you're you're in jail for eight years total right no I was in jail five now like five something fire you okay well you told me you did eight years no I got eight years for the charge so I had to be a parole okay I had to come home so you lost one eighth of your life yeah and I had to do parole on that on that conviction four year five year parole when I got out if when you look at where your career is right now if you didn't have to sit down for five and a half years do you think you'd be farther along hell yeah let me Rich As [ __ ] right because you lost your house you lost everything you lost everything I lost everything I lost my house I lost everything I came back with nothing so you know if I if I had what I had in another five years yeah with my hustle bro yeah right with the yeah just if you look at the house alone if you look at the appreciation of property and stuff like that but I didn't did in eight years [ __ ] ain't doing yeah how they made a way for my family well let's get back to the prize case for a second so Kyrie Irving he actually just tweeted about this he said a whole FBI informant was in the Fugees for that long got me wondering how many more informants are in the entertainment media politics silently destroying revolutionary movements from the inside no matter what I gotta stay no matter what I gotta stay poised and aware of who I am around now I say now I see why Miss Lauren Hill and countless others how to retire disappear from their craft without anyone understanding why so all y'all revolutionary revolutionary elders and ancestors who saw the writing on the wall and got free we need you now more than ever now to the Fuji's broke up way before any of this prize [ __ ] happened so you know Kyrie doesn't always get his facts fully aligned you know what I'm saying so what's that he kind of allows me right now yeah yeah so like I said the fujis have been broken up probably for like 15 years by the time all this happens so he's saying like this whole time while he was with the Fugees and that's why the Fugees broke up and why Lauryn Hill's been quiet and everything else like that oh okay I I don't know about that I don't know about that um you know Lauren's been doing fine really Lauren's been you know that's really on her you know she decided to stop dropping albums because she dropped what I consider the best female rapper album of all time period I can't put another female rapper project on the same level of miseducation of Lauryn Hill not Little Kim not Foxy Brown not none of you know Nicki Minaj's albums nothing I mean I feel like Lauren stepped it up to a different level Wycliffe had a hell of a career huge songs with Shakira World Cup and everything else like that ultimately Fuji's did fine um I got I mean listen I I know Pros you know but at the end of the day it seemed like you know the other two members in the group were leveling up and making all this money and everything else like that I mean he had Ghetto Superstar remember that song yeah with Maya and ODB but other than that that was really the end of his music career and you know once you get used to a certain type of Lifestyle sometimes you try to find ways to maintain that lifestyle and like you're making more money than anybody yeah like 100 million dollars yeah he was making money I don't I don't think Wycliffe got 100 million in cash yeah Lauren got 100 million in cash yeah he was making way more yeah yeah well we'll see what happens man like I said I know the dude and um you know it just shows man listen if you got a bunch of money that you know is not yours you know that the dude you got it from was fraudulent give all that [ __ ] back and keep your freedom I would get back right now someone said listen give up your house that's the problem everything in your bank account don't be there all your watches it don't be that no more when you hit links bro you go crazy you call that a lick yeah look at they blow licks when they hit licks he hit a leak no I think he still had I think he still had a bunch of the money though that's the whole thing he got no honey he ain't got no bro that's what I'm saying but if you man I don't care I'll give up I I would literally give up every penny to my name to keep my freedom and just start over there is no amount of money that that even my 401k and everything take it all let me stay out of prison and let me let me rework it because he's now facing 20 years and this is always like you know I always talk to people about this how like you could beat a stake case and the FEDS will come in and give you a superseding indictment and [ __ ] your whole [ __ ] up yeah and unlike the state the feds got all the money they need right a a Fed case when you look at that paperwork and it has your name versus the United States of America the United States the whole country is against you right now that's a whole scarier situation than having a state case and that's a lot of times you know this is what happens sometimes you'll beat a state case and the FEDS will come in and give you give you a whole new charge that's always the fear but you know listen we'll see what happens and uh you know hopefully it'll work out like I said I I know the guy I got no issues with him but this [ __ ] is ugly didn't your son Tooney get arrested at South by Southwest yeah is that worked out or is it still pending not yet a misdemeanor Elite for illegal care some [ __ ] okay he had a gun but it wouldn't in his name okay it was like a mystery not no hot gun or nothing okay so so he has a gun in Georgia nah he had a gun he had a legal gun on him that's what I'm saying not in his name oh okay oh someone else's yeah okay so you know when you do that they give you like love for care and ain't no convicted failure it's like an unlawful caring chart luckily it's in Texas because in California or New York would have been a whole different ball game yeah Texas is like they give out guns like flyers over there yeah man then this happened what the day of Boosie badge bro oh this was just crazy what didn't he claim you got snitched on nah I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about on the thing he's saying they was hating on I made him take this break I see I just got broad then man I had to do all kind of [ __ ] to get him out of jail what do you mean man I had to do some [ __ ] okay Trader truth helped me man okay shout out to Trader true King King bro King caught me every damn 30 minutes oh T.I son yeah were they together when they got arrested nah okay they went together but about four five of them went to jail was that the first time the 2D got arrested yeah I was bro damn man I cursed about on the phone right she was crazy this [ __ ] but I say bro you all go to jail this [ __ ] called me Danny come get me I'm like it is Saturday the judge was not working I say it's [ __ ] [ __ ] what you want me to do break you out did I get the helicopter got a helicopter hey I'm talking to inmates right now they say a judge can come at night time and I'm like You Really Gonna Leave Me In This [ __ ] I'm like Mama [ __ ] you up when you get out I'm like [ __ ] you talk [ __ ] now I'm gonna [ __ ] you up when you get out I'll go [ __ ] that [ __ ] up when he got out man what'd you do when he got out he said that I'm sorry say I'm dead I'm sorry I did I'm sorry I was talking to you like that damn sorry he apologized okay is this the first time one of your kids has gotten arrested period foreign how did that feel as a father because I was just because you have you know how I'm thinking and it's song by Southwest you know how many people in jail yeah it might take a while yeah [Music] I'm like this song by southwest region so I got them out okay I had to pay a bag how much would it cost you can you say I can't say but he was out okay oh he got out on a Saturday he got out he went Friday got out Saturday night okay I mean but he still didn't come to Boosie badge why he waited for his homies to get out of jail that's commendable but I was pissed yeah because I wanted you to boost it back now you think I feel I didn't got you out of [ __ ] jail now you're waiting for the homeless [Laughter] [ __ ] make you pull all your hair out he waiting for the homie he waiting for us he ain't leaving his partner I mean look you've gone Far and Beyond to make sure your kids don't follow your footsteps and and get locked up and stuff like that and now your son gets locked up over something that honestly could have been avoidable yeah you know you could say you know oh it's their profiling whatever but the end of the day he had the gun on him number one why is your son once you spoke to him what was the explanation for having a gun on uh I mean I keep guns around him but he had too many guns around I had somebody riding with him okay with a gun okay it was my age who's legally could carry yeah I had in Texas I had somebody okay so what's the problem then it was too many guys okay yeah like five guns and of course there's a lot of guns so you know how I go [ __ ] everybody's Gonna Roll you know how that [ __ ] girl yeah I I have when I roll I have one security they are armed you know I mean usually they're they're um you know retired or active police just so I know that everything is done I know you don't like police but I don't have a problem with it so you know what I'm saying like I feel like okay I I'm hearing from my personal protection you know if anything goes wrong I got the damn Police Department behind me you know I mean once that badge comes out [ __ ] ain't gonna try to you know they might fight your regular security but they're not going to fight you know I mean I remember I was just in New York I did a bunch of interviews and I remember remember my security was telling me he pointed out that NYPD is the biggest police force in America yeah you know what I'm saying so I figured like look I got one dude he's armed obviously Anything could happen but I don't need a bunch of dudes with me with a bunch of guns and everything else like that because then once you know these types of problems arrive right you see what I'm saying so hopefully 2D learned his lesson yeah bro you got to learn from your mistakes but when people get grown that's what make you better as a man that's what grow you up the moments the mistakes you make gonna make you a better person oh you're gonna be a dummy so you know you that's what changed me the mistakes I made yesterday that's what make you smarter that's what make you richer that's what make you more Wiser from the mistakes you make but but they say hey wise man Learners from other people's mistakes any non-wise man has to learn from his own he also go back to jail so yeah that's what I'm saying he saw his dad that [ __ ] he got right Scared Straight yeah he got right he's saying me say damn I don't see how you did no five years no right the first time I got locked up they say that they trying to tell you to do everything right you can't go to the bathroom because he's probably in the precinct I'm he's like he like dead I'm like he like dead I don't see how you did it man he like he felt sorry for me being yeah in jail that long yeah like he never look at it like that like one day two days just think bro over 1600 of the [ __ ] yep well uh the tax on trial just ended uh tax Zone who is a friend of mine uh he got convicted of manslaughter assault in the first degree two counts assault in the second degree and two kinds of criminal possession of a weapon he is facing up to 25 years right now he has served six already off of uh you know of a federal gun charge so he pled guilty to and um yeah that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up because uh that's been my man the whole time he's been in the podcast game he was a regular on my show I did his last interview before he got locked up you know he had already been out for like a year Emily not out but the incident happened a year before so it didn't look like anything was going to happen and then ultimately he got locked up and he had been sitting in jail for six years um you know about this case at all yeah I was looking at it it [ __ ] me up you know I used to [ __ ] with you all about you know I I mean I [ __ ] with him but you know I talked to him air 90 you know something you know we're just [ __ ] Cousins you know it [ __ ] me up I get [ __ ] up every month you know Troy I took the stand I know what the [ __ ] he did that's why I was [ __ ] up I didn't see that come I was [ __ ] up yeah and you don't have to ask me what he is you do you do not I know the answer you do not you know the funny part was to me about that I was [ __ ] with like bro that [ __ ] [ __ ] don't let me tell you the day after Troy took the stand he went on Instagram posted a picture of Jay-Z on the stand who Jay-Z yeah because Jay-Z had a civil case against uh you know the whole Ducey liquor okay so he somehow tried to equate himself getting on the stand in a criminal do you say criminal and Jason and Jay-Z on the stand basically trying to justify him bro bro bro we need to be signing up for this [ __ ] and bro they sign up you get we get paid off talking to all this gangster [ __ ] we get paid off talking the gangster [ __ ] us the rappers we get paid off talking that gangster [ __ ] take your [ __ ] lick when your team win you win when your team lose you lose be Colby [ __ ] don't sink everybody else like bro you made money off this [ __ ] take your [ __ ] lick bro take your [ __ ] lick bro and people go back to all this reading [ __ ] now listen Troy Troy has been a punk uh he's threatened me over text messages he he's one of these dudes who it took him so long to get on that when he did get on he was bitter I don't know which I don't know his story I I know his story I've been around and what he was doing is once he got a little bit of Buzz he got a crew of dudes around him one of which was banger and whoever he felt disrespected him he would send Banger to go beat him up I Love Makonnen the gay rapper that was on OVO said he didn't like Troy freestyling over his beat Troy's like oh yeah we're going to see you when you come to New York he sent Banker to go beat him up on stage he was on stage with Rae Sremmurd the video's out uh a journalist that wrote a negative review about Troy got him beat up try to threaten me over text message [ __ ] about that [ __ ] so he was out there pushing the line acting like a big bad gangster and he ran in to one of the dudes I was talking [ __ ] about him and sent his man to go to go fight him and then the process his man got killed and then he goes and cooperates but he's the one that go that sent him to go do it and because of the way the laws because I remember I was talking to the lawyer and everything else like that unfortunately had this happened in Florida it would have been stand your ground but in New York where you don't have a stand your ground and in New York you can't actually bring up the the background of a victim who got killed so they can bring up all the history of this dude beating people up and everything else like that so it just looked like you know what I mean okay you see what I'm saying like it's just so innocent looking innocent dude God got killed yeah not knowing this dude was beating people up and look and listen I and I don't know what happened you know what I'm saying but had it happen this way I'm sure from taxo's point of view was like yo this dude's out here beating people up and assaulting people stuff like that I'm scared for my life and I'm gonna protect myself but unfortunately that can't be brought up in in court now now he's facing 25 years the other big problem that happened and I spoke to his lawyer about this is that uh tax Zone had a had a phone and Rikers oh okay and daymash intercept some of the messages on that phone and in that message there was some [ __ ] that he admitted to that he should not have admitted to oh okay he just got too comfortable with this phone and you know as well as Casanova that was there you know made a phone call right after the incident and said oh you know tax don't just you know just let off and the dude he was talking to was and was being watched by the feds and that phone call was recorded damn and played to the jury to me that's crazy for Casanova to be have the background because Casanova was was in jail and you know he was and we talked about he was a gangster and everything else like that I can't imagine witnessing a crime especially with someone who's my friend and then calling up someone to tell him about the crime oh Casanova was on the phone Casanova called somebody to and told that dude what had just happened oh and the guy he called he didn't know his phone was being tapped oh okay and face [ __ ] all the years you that last 20 years you and I know each other have me and you ever talked about crimes off camera no and I'm a civilian you know what I'm saying yeah listen meet me and tax hung out for a whole year from the time that he got arrested from time the incident happened to the time he got arrested right when it happened I called him up I said are you okay he said yeah cool that's it that's it that's the end of our conversation I don't want to talk about [ __ ] else with you I don't want nothing in a personal conversation on a phone call on a text message nothing are you okay if you're okay I don't need I don't I never asked him what the [ __ ] happened to this day but it's a [ __ ] up situation man 25 years 25 years man think about how big tax that would be right now he'd be up there with Gillian wallow in them yeah he was doing his thing he was doing his thing yeah he was pushing the line you know what I'm saying he was he wasn't scared let me tell you taxon was doing his thing to such a degree that he had talked a bunch of [ __ ] about Meek Mill and Meek Mill ended up doing an interview with him afterwards in his in his uh in his Phantom the the you know the videos up on our YouTube channel now that's how much people respected him it's like yeah I understand that you you trashed out but I respect you so much that I'm still gonna yeah still [ __ ] with you free tax Dollar Man the the sentencing got pushed back to May something it was supposed to already happen hopefully he'll get a lot less than 25. xxxtentacion the three guys that killed him have been found guilty of murder life sentence for each and every one of them the fourth guy who cooperated you know the one of the little little I heard he's facing about five years are you surprised at the uh the guilty guilty verdict in the life sentence you get in life you kill a rap not getting no yeah pretty much yeah you're getting letters you kill a rap you ain't getting no you ain't getting no years most of the time especially you this color you're getting you're getting you you're getting man you're getting light you're getting a little just how it is I mean listen you gotta hand it to the lawyers of the defendants they try to drag Drake into the case that [ __ ] had me dying laughing bro Hey listen I interviewed 600 Breezy he was mentioned in the damn case because I guess like because he's cool with with Drake and they try to say you know so he kind of dissed X at one point so they're trying to say he was put out hit on him you know my name is in there too wait wait your name is in this thing this works with God my government name Antonio Valentino King 600 Breezy they brung up um people were sending it to me so I'm wow like what the [ __ ] is going on you know I I went down there and had words with XXX before I went to jail so you know he died when I was in jail so they had no no reason to come talk to me but that defense kept using what even you had words right so we went to I went to you know I was before I went to jail 2017 I was with Drake like this so you know I went to Miami looking for a triple like you know it's all over the internet I was looking for him yeah beefing with Drake Over claiming Drake's still a style or something whatever just he said something about his mom he distracted his mom and [ __ ] so it was just like like I went down there on some paper Drake didn't tell me to do none of that I just went down there like and was like you know like I still got the DM right now I show you personally a triple X and he's like yeah yeah my homies just sent you in the club you need to walk light like we was having you know what I'm saying like we was having some [ __ ] going on so I get where they coming from but they pushing it they y'all just using whatever y'all got people sitting on the standing like we don't know Drake we don't know none of that we just that [ __ ] had a lot of money on him and we we broke but they like no it's Illuminati it's something way bigger Drake did this they they said he sent me down there to pay the contractors like I've seen this [ __ ] they were saying you paid off like a hit man to kill xxxtentacion I went to jail June 2nd 2017. okay he died what 2018. well later said like academics said that there was a process server that sat in front of his house for two months trying to serve him papers for the for the case because they claim that he somehow knew about it or some [ __ ] like yeah they was reached oh they they were plastic man they were reaching from across the room 25 uh let's see man I know life in prison disappeared no [ __ ] drink that [ __ ] that was ridiculous but remember uh after he got the guilty verdict wanted to do is blew a kiss to the family oh yeah I saw that before the sentencing I saw that you know what's crazy to me they robbed X for fifty thousand dollars in cash three of them got fifteen thousand dollars and then the fourth dude who cooperated later on got five grand life in prison for fifteen thousand dollars I worked it out if you were if you lived to 65 that's about 300 a year for 40 years in jail what up that's what I'm saying you're gonna get right oh yeah yeah you'll be working for what like 10 cents an hour or something like that 17 cents a uh how 17 cents an hour yeah eight hours a week why do you think I mean from your point of view from your point of view right explain to me why someone would rob a high profile person and expect to get away with it and be prepared to kill the person in the process and expect to get away with it I just got some [ __ ] when you're in that lifestyle it's it's whoever a lick is a lick and a rapper is a sweetly because a lot of [ __ ] think rappers ain't gangsters nowhere if you know what I'm saying like just because you rap that don't make you a gangster that's what people think Austria Street [ __ ] don't respect a lot of rappers I mean I guess you got a real Street [ __ ] don't respect rap [ __ ] like that unless you unless you liked it right I mean X wasn't against I don't hope [ __ ] think if you be a gangster if you be a rapper that turns you into a Gangsta just because you rap against that doesn't make you a gangsta well ecstatine rap gangster yeah I know he was an emo rapper really he rapped about his feelings and feeling sad matter of fact I think his album was called sad you know what I'm saying he was the first what I consider is the first real emo rapper you know I mean the one that really I think Swiss strap from braggadacio to actually mental health crying being sad you know I mean most rappers were cool with doing all that [ __ ] but like when I'm saying it like when when they're in motion is you hunting okay you're hunting any lick you see you're gonna get it you're not thinking about the consequences behind it when you take something you're not you're not you're not really you the consequences might flash but when you take something uh do anything you know when it come back as troubled you didn't think it was gonna come back I just don't see how anyone would think they would get away with this you know what I'm saying because this is xxxtentacion I believe has the most streamed album in Spotify history like literally over a billion times a billion times people have listened to this album this is one of the most popular rappers you could you could almost say you know you might have a problem with this but people almost say this is like the Tupac of this generation you know I'm saying I know you you got your connection to Tupac but I'm saying like in terms of young kids and stuff like that they really love this guy this was really their role model they loved and he he created so many he almost created a whole genre around him so not only are you doing life in prison but think about how many fans of his are going to be locked up with you think about a dude that grew up listening to xxxtentacion now his killer is right here he eating lunch next to you depends on what kind of fans you have sometimes you don't have some people have citizens fans and some people have gangster fans true always remember that some [ __ ] go to jail who not who they've done something and live pretty straight If You Ain't Know that's true if you ain't no child molester or something like that yeah that's true that's true he don't have Nipsey fans well let's talk about the nipsy face see what I'm saying for a second because since her last interview Eric Holder who has been convicted of killing nipsy Hustle got was it 60 to life hold on let me let me double check this here six years to life you were actually upset about this yeah you said 60 years for killing nip and he got parole in 20 I hope some Crips stab him to death in prison and make Nipsey smile I really do I mean if you have 60 to life can you get paroled in 20 yeah you get parole all kind of [ __ ] man huh you probably get paroled for anything bro loss change all kind of [ __ ] that's true no you're right you getting that [ __ ] ward in office he getting under that [ __ ] wall and cutting hair yeah well okay but [ __ ] change man people can go right [ __ ] and have you out of that [ __ ] bro it's just a big case so but I I you know I was really upset about that like how the [ __ ] I know people in Louisiana and stole damn near candy bars ain't got life right how the [ __ ] he don't get like that's how I know the system is just different everywhere well look listen I've I've interviewed a lot of people like you know for example Louisiana he would have happened in Louisiana man I think he would have got that he would have got he would have got a hell for sure we think he would have gotten death penalty probably would have got a l for sure okay listen I interview Tony Lewis really be for [ __ ] they really won't deaf who they think they cause death well he what did he do he caused death and shot two other people yeah but I'm saying in uh in Louisiana he would have he wouldn't have got deaf because never said black if in Louisiana if he was a white artist he would have got deaf parents well but hold on hold on you're on death row yeah and the people they were accusing you of killing which which you got off before right what color would that you hear what I say uh people who they think committed death but he committed death normally as far as me okay of of my situation okay that's why it's a it's a difference because you know when you when people Louisiana is this plays a big part well listen I have to read a lot of people who got off for example Tony Lewis senior I just did an interview with him he was one of them I was just watching that interview okay what'd you think I just I saw it on I ain't angry I ain't really getting to it yet I saw it yeah I really don't need to say we was locked up when Ray family read it on them exactly that's the one I just got on you know about rayful Evan right yeah yeah he told on like 20 people yeah and now that was like not exactly his partner but the two of them were basically he was one of them dudes walking out the helicopter I don't think so when they let him out the helicopter when it was full on walking out the helicopter I'm not sure I don't think so I don't think so but he basically him him and Rafael were the big drunk kingpins of DC yeah same time well that was him on the in the helicopter yeah I'm not sure exactly what the scene you're talking about yeah but he did 34 years and he got out because like you said the law has changed but laws change usually with non-violent drug cases and you know what I'm saying like you know in terms of like like RICO law sometimes get adjusted and you know I'm saying is drugs no one died no whatever else and yeah we're going to change that you know there's the whole unfair crack versus cocaine sentencing like was it like 100 to one or some some really unfair racist type [ __ ] but I've never heard of laws changing in regards to murders a murder is a murder so I've never heard of someone killing someone and then getting off early because of a law changed I've never heard that maybe you stash your limitation I've heard of plenty of time really hell yeah every day they coming home right now every day okay they coming home right now every day bro like that [ __ ] bro they they got so many juvenile lives all them people who didn't kill people as juveniles all them laws changing and them dudes coming home well yeah that's why we got a vote one of the guys who killed pop smoke got four years yeah because he was a juvenile yeah and he'll be on about four months because he already was doing time for it oh that's true so he probably released right now that's going to be an interesting get creative for time sir see see the day he went in now he started doing time right right right right because so how long by smoking Daisy pop smoke they caught them dudes right off so 2020 2020. he'll be home this year February 2020 he's been there over three years so he'll be home this year he'll be home this year and if he was 17 at the time about going to be 20 by 20 21 yeah something like that um see that that that's going to be a very interesting situation because now you got this dude who caught a high profile body as a teen and yeah people some people gonna are gonna dislike him of course but it's not like Nipsey in L.A like pop smoke right right and it's like East Coast West Coast yeah it's like so that's you kill the New York rapper yeah that dude that dude that dude who killed probably smoke is gonna be a rapper when you come home and nigga's gonna get behind him watch remember I told you he's gonna come out and he's going to be seen because you know it's interesting right we just did an interview they gonna be in his head bro you're going to be free might well make some money out no no listen listen I'm about to I'm about to co-sign what you're talking about we just did a segment it was like like I think a five part series is uh these Compton the it was like a set of Compton cops that basically went around and what they said I was just watching this the other day is that when uh baby Lane got killed he was a legend in Compton for killing Tupac yeah a legend yeah he was considered the biggest gangster in Compton hell yeah we all look at this like oh no we love Tupac and you know this guy's uh this or that but but in Compton in the South Side Crips yeah that [ __ ] was like an Overlord yeah yeah yeah you know man kill a rapper you go big yeah so so now this kid is gonna get out oh that's to do the kill pop smoke oh yeah oh yeah that's him right there yeah it's gonna be interesting to see whether he says man yeah like don't [ __ ] with him yeah L.A gonna [ __ ] with dude bro if he if he a member like if he I just told you Street [ __ ] don't even look at rappers and like them [ __ ] like that you know [ __ ] Ain't going against the grain of that [ __ ] banging just cause he was pop smoke and what he did they were chasing a bag that's how they feel when you are when you when you're when you when you're in the streets yeah and when you're on the street I think that [ __ ] was chasing a bag you know now if he got down or not uh yeah I don't know how that [ __ ] went down or how he gonna come home but I know if he stayed whatever just because what he did to pop Smoke by that being east and west coast yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] from the land ain't gonna turn they back on you know I would turn my back on my [ __ ] yeah yeah and it's gonna be good for what he did it's gonna be interesting like I I could almost see him coming out and being even crazier and being even more dangerous and now he's got a rap you know might get a little tattoo tear on his eye you know what I'm saying and yeah yeah it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be interesting to see what happened well here's something that you've actually commented on Takashi yeah LA Fitness in Florida three Latin Kings one of them is a father and son I actually know someone that knows them oh yeah yeah they actually hit me up one of the dudes actually reached out wanted to do an interview and I'm like don't you still have an open case and the the guy that was trying to set it up he came back so he has still notification like I'm not doing that interview yeah you know I'm saying you know it's not like they they ended up killing the dude you know they just beat him up yeah it'll probably be a slap on the wrist I'm thinking but I said once that case is open if he wants to come to an interview I'll I'll sit down with him when you saw that video what'd you think uh I was laughing my ass off I was laughing my ass off because it was overdue phone bro and I like how he took it he knew he knew it like cheese man chicken like a g like man like I did like bro he know he did way too much you know that [ __ ] was coming back you know and I ain't even press driving I was gonna [ __ ] with I was like hey I like how you took that [ __ ] though hey like you know like bro like you gotta expect that bro like when people do that [ __ ] we gotta go back to the old ways because the money said interview you gotta start it ain't no rewards for the real no more bro you know like if I ever see them guys I'm gonna give them a thousand dollars if I ever see any one of them I'm the guy who did it I mean we got to start people who coming home from jail we got to start setting up [ __ ] phone we gotta start man we gotta start rewarding the [ __ ] real bro they had to go there's no rewards they had a GoFundMe page so so like I said I know somebody that knows them right you got somebody that know yes I'm finna leave the money right now with you you're gonna give it to me yeah you get it to him okay I got you gotta start rewarding the reaction now this ain't got nothing to do with you bro it got to do with rewarding the real for doing real [ __ ] it has nothing to do with you six man I won't compensate these dudes for being real bro for you know for standing on business if that's what you want to do you could leave the money with me I will hand over the entire amount to my man and they could get it to that person and it'll be on behalf of Boosie right you know me I ain't gonna go skip all right you need 100 will go over to them because here's the first they started a GoFundMe page and I remember the dude was like Hey you know send this to Boosie because he you know he heard you talking about it you gotta started GoFundMe but then right even started well here's the thing the GoFundMe kept getting taken down oh okay we were about to do the you know I can even show you the text messages he was excuse to go fund me then I'm like it got taken I was like okay hold on here's another GoFundMe that guy taken down and then you know it was kind of like all right we're not gonna post a bad Link at the end of the day so so they couldn't get the GoFundMe going because I don't know what GoFundMe rules are or whatever but clearly GoFundMe wasn't trying to co-sign this and whatever else but yeah they um they're being charged with this I don't know how how serious it is and so forth but it it was just a standard beat down you know it's not like anyone have permanent damage no one died no one lost the limb or nothing else like that so if you want to go in and give these guys some money I am I am I will I will I will hand it over I need more people like those guys around the world these people taking these people reading and hurting families breaking families up killing baby Mama's dreams killing kids dream taking fathers and mothers away from their children you know it got to be some kind of consequence you know like I said I like how six nine took it bro I ain't lying I like how each man it always all brother hey well he even post a picture of himself yeah like bro he got ahead of it he posted his face all [ __ ] up yeah okay well there you go there's going to be a contribution to these guys yeah via busy yeah I'm not sure which one in particular but the guy I know I'll hand it over to him and and take care of it I got you heard about designer yeah I heard about this uh I heard about this [ __ ] this morning I interviewed designer he sat in that same seat you're sitting on oh yeah yeah hopefully we clean the seat after but so he admitted he did it yes he he's now being charged with it so apparently designers started to masturbate on a Delta flight just masturbate right there in front of everybody so he just went dumb yes did he hey did he go head up with the [ __ ] what [ __ ] the flight attendant I I don't know oh he just jacked off yes oh he [ __ ] up he need to go to that [ __ ] house bro yeah he need to take his ass to that [ __ ] I [ __ ] with his job he need to take his ass to the hospital my dick get hard on the plane it was a long plane right my dick get hard on the plane too go jack off in the bathroom I didn't did it before go jack off in the bathroom jacked off in the bathroom before and you never jack off in the plane I did all while looking at the magazine no I'm watching Twitter one day that [ __ ] was made I was on Twitter I'm gonna hit my [ __ ] in the bathroom we're not we're not going to mention oh wait wait the bathroom on a plane on the plane on the plane yeah I done jacked off on the plane you just needed to get that nut off so bad it brought a five off like I killed that [ __ ] right in the [ __ ] playing We're Not Gonna mention the airline because I don't want you to get banned from that particular Airline so we'll just say it wasn't Spirit though I should have been a lot of jacking off my spirit but you know you don't fly spirit so I know it wasn't Spirit violence America I was an American I remember all right well if you want to say that's on you if you have problems with American Airlines don't don't blame Vlad TV for it whatever okay got it okay so anyways he was jacked off right there in the seat though from what I understand he's like right there in front of everybody he's seeing need to say he needs help he needs help he needs help he claims you're taking some medication earlier or something that's so oh brother fly be long you did get hard bro telling you Bro you've been up all night we've been up all night we got nothing in our system you're dunking off two hours that [ __ ] wake up get dick hard okay you dig hard to the end especially if you ain't [ __ ] that night yeah well listen yeah you ain't [ __ ] that night your dick hard man we had a long fights I dig hard but you don't jack yo you go in the [ __ ] bathroom or you just wait until you land sometimes she no they know sometimes you can hold it come on now we're not animals man come on I mean they probably got women who didn't play with theyself on the airplane before okay listen there's people who [ __ ] on airplanes they get arrested when it lands I'm just saying there's a time and place for this [ __ ] right right and listen I like designer he sat right here where you're sitting right now we had a great interview he's a nice guy he's had some problems he's had some problems if you hit that [ __ ] like that with 36 ads 36 High you have a problem you wanted to present yourself yeah that was a problem I mean Antonio Brown kind of did the same thing right remember that I'm telling you I've been around designers you call you call them 21 Bandits he's a 21 band what does that mean he's a jackoff artist what is that he likes to catch Ah that's why I asked there was the [ __ ] head up with him oh he ain't never been to the PM no I have not when a [ __ ] hit up with you and you jack off it's an addiction the [ __ ] look at you and let you jack off look your head up yes I used to do it bro okay but you were in prison there's a difference but I'm telling that's why he asked him in first class that's probably why he has a problem okay I don't think he's ever been to prison and get eye contact okay I'm sure you can find a nice lady when he lands to do that yeah he needs to go somewhere he needs to go get help yes they send them straight to lockdown for about two years he'll never come out like that he'll never come off well listen this was honestly like like I I just you know I mean listen it was funny on what happened it was also sad because like I said I sat down with the dude and you got her you got an interview ask him did he stand up if he hey I I bet you he stood up that's the addiction to 21 bandage guy they gotta look at you that's how they got it bro I'm telling you already I'm gonna start listening to me yeah I don't think I ain't talking no real [ __ ] man ask him did he stand up he stood up and got an eye contact this is lady I'm telling you he's on Twitter leave you he's a 21 band is it just weird to me right this is just weird you know and listen man I've I've been with hundreds of women bro if they don't if they don't look at it on the Block this this is just like I said this is weird I understand if you're in prison though like I get it you know I mean listen from what I understand like a thing in prison is what they would basically jack off and throw the [ __ ] at you at the officers you know and [ __ ] like that there's all types of weird [ __ ] that happens in prison but I'm saying you got a guy who's being booked for shows and you know I mean it's hot that's why that's why he has everything you saying is leading to he has a problem he has a problem yeah you know you got plenty of women with with bro he could have bro bro he did better getting somebody he did better getting somebody laying next to him and trying to do some [ __ ] bro but when you stood up like that you you you you're a 21 band the 21 band why is it called that because in jail the charge for jacking off on a woman is a 21 21 what that's the charge that's the number 21 okay yeah okay if you're a 21 Bandit all right designer Mac get help go through what you got to get through and come to a Vlad TV interview afterwards but ask him that question I think Boosie want to ask you are you standing up Lucy said were you standing up okay I'm telling you bro he has a problem I got it okay now I got it I feel you I guess and I guess in prison not only the dudes jack off in front of you but they actually have uh I guess a mechanism that they build yeah they test they tie a string around a big toe and he's tired of string today Dickie and when they walk and when somebody on the tower he just tap their feet like that jacking off looking at him and why you you might be in a pen and you might see somebody get locked up on the walk you don't know what they're getting locked up for still tapping their feet that string around that big toe and tied to they Diggy see if you don't know you know just looking up there looking yeah and it's running up your pants so you're running up your pants to your [ __ ] from your big toe it's like a trigger [Music] are you the truth bro I believe you unfortunately unfortunately I believe you I I I I I know this is true coming from I ain't never did it but okay a lot of people yeah it's a mechanism for you to jack off without getting caught right okay for everyone that's considering doing a crime right now unless you enjoy tying strings your penis and big toe just just reconsider you know something this is actually the same designer you know designer could have actually saved himself you probably get some string at the airport designer string we need to get this out of the street [Laughter] listen to yourself though you did this to yourself no no one prompted you to do this oh glad TV is playing for everything you at least we're not getting money for him to jack it off on the plane somehow okay at least at least we're not taking the play for this one but seriously just carry some string in your pocket next time you go on an airplane two nights don't tie it too tight though [Laughter] they had to be all on stage anywhere you can do that anywhere right you could be uh you could be having lunch somewhere and just tap away you know you know what you can do too here's the trick right I'm thinking now that I'm thinking about you talking about it wear some headphones while you're doing it wear some headphones so it looks like you just tapped them onto the beat or your headphones they don't have to be connected to anything yeah just put on some headphones tie the straight into your penis yeah there you go there you go that's how you hide it did you see that video of Tyrese recently nah nah you heard about this nah what do you do so Tyrese apparently uh a judge just ruled that he owes ten thousand a month in uh child support so he goes on this big uh you know Instagram rant where he calls on a public protest on the steps of the Atlanta courthouse he called in Martin Luther King the third Benjamin Crump everyone to come protest with them just try to get his child support now I know Martin Luther King looking out of heaven right now shaking his head he said I did not sacrifice my life to get your child support lowered and my son better not do that [ __ ] I better not go along with it so how much yo I don't know how much he owes but he owes well now it's ten thousand a month I know that's that's why they got him on Back Pages I'm not sure oh I'm not sure but you know Tyrese has a long history of very erratic Behavior remember the what more do they want from me what did he say he he recently an interview because I guess at one point he was claiming that uh Will Smith owed him five million dollars and he said oh the reason I said that was because of uh some medicine that I took you don't need to be saying that [ __ ] about no child listen I I we've dm'd each other I remember this one time and he would like you know you I would text him and he would respond with like a voice memo and and he just sounded like a crazy person at one point I just had to block him it was just like I feel like I was talking to a crazy person you these long you know I'm saying like Tyrese I think has actual mental mental disabilities or mental issues of some sort yeah when he cried that [ __ ] hurt me yeah that she hurt my feelings I say he hurt hey bro I I probably never seen too many people hurt like that on Instagram he was hurt he became a meme forever like he was hurt like bro yeah I don't know I never met him uh have I met him no I don't think I ever met him either because now that I think about it I mean he's been on Vlad TV I didn't do the interview myself I saw him somewhere I think yeah I don't think I ever met him I'm a fan of his work though he's good I am listen we know I feel like sometimes in Hollywood someone will get a iconic role and will somehow stay in that role for the rest of their lives I think that happened to Tupac when Tupac did Bishop from juice I felt that just sort of stayed with him you know what I'm saying yeah I feel he just you feel like that character was just always going to be his best move yeah yeah like Bishop he sort of stayed in Bishop I remember even biggie said that at one point he said that when they had the altercation the Soul Train Awards he said pack was just blah blah and he was looking at him going like this this ain't my homie like I knew this guy like this guy used to come to my block and we used to hang out and smoke blunts like yeah I've seen Bishop right now I remember biggie said that in interviews yeah like I had Bishop in front of me I didn't have my friend Tupac anymore yeah you know what I'm saying and I think that's what happened to Tyrese I think that he's known for playing Jody from Baby Boy and I feel that somehow he got stuck in that role in whatever way what you're saying in life and life oh okay okay see what I'm saying okay okay grown man gets out there like you know I mean I can't even imagine doing that I really don't understand why people feeling themselves crying seriously seriously listen man my dad died I cried I cried I cried leading up to it I cried when I heard the news I cried on the way to the funeral the last thing in the world I want to do is put a camera in front of my face and put it on Instagram you know what I'm saying I don't want the world to see me like that that was just for me and my family or Me by myself have you ever want to film yourself crying like that no no even when I'm on Father's Day out I put my head down right right Chucky still be recorded yeah Nelly deshante they were the [ __ ] I've interviewed uh Nelly about this before you know they weren't really together at the time but you know Bow Wow told Nelly to sit his old ass down get married because that's your queen you damn near 50. well I think he is 50 actually you know Sean takes a little shanti's still looking good good shape yeah she's always on vacation it seems all on Instagram photos I'm here for it I hope it works out me too I hope it works out snowfall my favorite show on television by far by far I I remember uh you know I've always said I've like snowfall better than power better than BMF better than all because at the end of the day John Singleton was a master of what he did yeah I believe he was the youngest black director to ever get nominated for an Oscar for boys in the hood okay okay I love and for everyone who's watching right now if you haven't watched the snowfall finale just go ahead and turn this off because I'm about to ruin all this we're about to ruin all the endings for you but it's been out long enough so if you haven't watched that's on you um you tweeted he said Franklin say Mama's pissing me the [ __ ] off the show's too damn good I'm getting my feelings just needs to shut up he was right there on the phone he was about to get what 30 38 million 73 no no 35 million 35 million 35.38 38 38. you gotta headed to Teddy Teddy sat there and got tortured and brought a titty arrogance got him [ __ ] killed right if he would have said just play like he was just alive Teddy yeah I shot him two times in a [ __ ] head he said what he said just tell me what what Cuban prison he said what I shot him two two times ahead he's dead threw him off to [ __ ] out my face but you know something if you notice though the mom was already telling Franklin that she was gonna do it she said after today you and I are never going to see each other again remember remember she was she said that she said after today just so even if he would have gave her that code she was gonna kill him but she could have waited she could have waited what two minutes two seconds two seconds I was so pissed okay trash was done pow pow boom all right I was so pissed that show so good that's how I did was so good from the first coach I had to DM up umbrella they don't know bro that [ __ ] that [ __ ] took me back crack Aaron having all go selling drugs yeah that [ __ ] really touched me that show bro you know what's interesting is um you know Isaiah John I forgot what his character's name is on the show Leon right he plays Leon and what what's uh you know Leon's girlfriend what's your name yeah well do you know that Lauren London was actually hand-picked by John Singleton to play her but then she got pregnant with nipsey's oh okay then she had to make a decision on whether to have the child and lose the role or have an abortion and take the role oh she decided to have the baby and because of that she couldn't do the role so then they chose everything happened for a reason I don't think I don't know Lauren is she the truth but yeah I don't think she could play that crackhead like one Lord Jesus Christ that was a crackhead I saw a million times oh yeah it was a crackhead I sold those two that was of everything about everything that was a foreign I can't say you know Lauren one of the best in the game I don't think she could have played that like yeah you know she played a very convincing crackhead let me tell you like Brook teeth and everything oh my God but here's the thing right because you know and she played the crackhead when they shake back that's the crackhead when they shake back what do you mean always trying to oh he'll love the crackheads give him [ __ ] water and all that going check on people that's how the old crackheads is of the movie um in the real life that's how it is they come back and they be they different God in their life they didn't okay I see what you're saying after the snowfall finale happened and then you know you saw Franklin as a crackhead basically at the end and his house was getting repossessed and everything else like that you know what I saw all through my timeline everyone kept saying that was the wrong ending Franklin saint the ending should have been Franklin Saint in 30 years doing a Vlad TV interview talking about all the [ __ ] he was doing back in the day [Laughter] am I right yes am I right though wouldn't that be the best ending to snowfall ever all right here we go Franklin say you know recently released from prison uh for a double murder triple murder actually oh that would have been hard he come back so so you know whatever happened to 77 million frankly what'd you do with the money that would have been perfect but you know I actually liked how at the end when they were walking around and they're like oh what's going on here are they filming a movie oh you ain't gonna ask her for that [ __ ] and that was actually they were filming boys in the hood oh yeah oh you didn't notice that they even had a John Singleton looking dude right there oh okay yeah that was the whole thing it was like a full circle because you know I remember when I when I interviewed Isaiah because you know I was up on snowfall season one yeah right so so when I interviewed Isaiah and we were talking about it he was explaining how snowfall is almost like a prequel to boys in the hood so the whole thing of showing kind of at the at the very last episode they're filming boys in the hood in that same neighborhood with John Singleton you see what I'm saying so it all just kind of fit together but I heard that Isaiah and the and the girl actually had their own spin-off show coming that's weird that's what I heard snowfall man don't be in Africa yeah maybe we'll see we'll see BG I've heard some stuff that I don't want to ruin it but is BG out um I'm not sure I ain't talked to him in three weeks okay well by the time this comes out I think we're gonna have some some BG news I've had a few people talk to me and I'm not exactly sure since things haven't been announced but I'm gonna call his mama when I leave I'm a college mama when I leave it I know his home address the all the the the uh parole office and everything already went okay looked in it talked to whoever live in there so after they do that you know I think I think BG is right on the on the cusp of being free yeah I'm not sure if he's actually free at this very long that was two months ago he's on the cusp they came to the house and they right Society was a nice place for him to live yep well one of uh one of my YouTube members uh OG eight ball he had mentioned that there was a song that you have about BG which you mentioned a group called The down south Wrecking Crew yeah so that was a group that you and BG you're talking about for me yeah and you said oh you know who else is going to be in the group whatever whatever right yeah is that a real thing yeah we had some uh I'm just trying to do a group thing when he come on but we scrambling right now okay yeah we trying to see how we can do all that really who built for the door because a lot of people don't feel like me and BG especially about rats so who else would be in that group uh I don't want to say right okay but uh whoever they got to feel the same way we feel okay and we got that same mentality when did BG go in what year 2010 2010 13 years oh [ __ ] we went in a year after me yeah yeah I remember we were talking about this 13 years damn but didn't you mention like in the song that he was kind of messing up a little bit that kind of extended his time and stuff like that yeah BG being kitchen BG has so many [ __ ] baby I've been getting them out of trouble yeah yeah well we'll see we'll see Donald Trump indicted on 34 felonies he is facing 132 years in prison he was not handcuffed and there was no mug shot you commented about this yeah he said I wonder what Trump attorneys filed so you didn't have to get his mug shot taken smart move this has to go for all celebrities right mugshots can damage someone's brand mugshots shouldn't be released until you're found guilty of the crime that you're charged with politicians this should be a law takes too many people who are guilty before being proven innocent I thought about it I was like man bro how many mug shots they got released for people who were not guilty and it stuck with them and it [ __ ] with them for the rest of their life bro like if he can do it it should be allowed for everybody else who have a brain who have something that Beacon to be determinist you know just like he's a president of the country they are president of companies they have you know I I don't feel like if he didn't have to take a mug shot a 80 year old woman who killed her husband [ __ ] manslaughter because they was fighting or anything shouldn't have to take a look well here is the why I know he was President he was a rationale okay I looked into this the rationale because a mug shot is designed if a person ends up running or ends up you know what I'm saying escaping or whatever is designed to to be posted for authorities to find that person right so and so is wanted you know like the top 50 Most Wanted there's there's things because she wouldn't be wanting their rationale was everyone already knows what Donald Trump looks like we don't need a we don't need a mugshot I mean he wouldn't run whether he ran or not he's recognizable all over the planet this is true Mike Tyson's not recognizing this is this is Tupac's not [ __ ] recognizable this is true I'll tell you the way that the D.A Justified the lack of a monkey he's a [ __ ] lie he did that [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] lie I can't argue with that he's a [ __ ] lie I cannot argue with that nobody with statue like that should have a damn mug shot it's called innocent until proven guilty that mug shot they got some ugly ass mugshots as soon as you say I'm saying I even do it click I even do it when I see certain more I say he did it I ain't gonna lie I'll be look like that [ __ ] I this way he's default [ __ ] he look bro you look bro it should not be released yeah until you all found guilty Donald Trump if he ain't work the world up he woke me up you being he can't be you he can't be uh take a photo but somebody richer than his ass with a Fortune 500 company can take a photo hey man listen I I agree with you because not only was there was no mug shot taken but he wasn't handcuffed that's what I'll tell you and and from what I understand as in the process of him turning himself in his secret service security said that they won't allow him to be handcuffed which was crazy that's what I told you he'll probably go to war well what I told you this was crazy to me because like if I was on the other side of that if I was you know I guess NYPD if Secret Service said that this indicted man can't be handcuffed I would go handcuff the Secret Service for resisting arrests right right right right that's a High Secret Service doesn't doesn't hold I mean yes I understand the feds and all that but they don't hold authority over NYPD like that right so the fact that he wasn't handcuffed and he wasn't you know had a mug shot I thought was some [ __ ] now the question is do you think he's gonna do any jail time not if he wouldn't answer and you think if he wouldn't act up then he took a pitch you think gonna do jazz time now this [ __ ] Chase I don't think he's going nowhere I think he's gonna do some jail time I think it's gonna be some slap on the wrist type [ __ ] but I think with this many charges and the fact that it's in New York now Florida then he would he would walk but New York does not like Trump to the point where his whole family had to move out well he's looking at well you just named all them countries you just name some [ __ ] countries he can go to I think he's gonna he's gonna try I don't think Donald Trump's sitting in yourself if you don't want to be handcuffed if he don't want this on his wrist this picture taken up how the [ __ ] you gonna convince him to do some years well you don't have to convince him you just put him in that jail cell right you know and I mean listen remember you know the whole January 6th Uprising NYPD was ready for that [ __ ] yeah no one made a peep when he got he went to that Courthouse came out not one Trump supporter did nothing yeah they knew they knew all those January 6 Riders all ended up with three five probably going to China somewhere you're going he might rush or Russia Russia or Russia yeah he might do it yeah he might do it well you had a lot to say about this Terence Gangster Williams please don't say gangs I'm not gonna answer no question okay Terence Williams yeah okay Terrence Williams I did his first interview when he got out of prison uh you said what you said about him you know he admitted to to telling on some of his dead friends now he will wires he will wires he got people life he [ __ ] punks he gets [ __ ] he's a sick man I have people will come from Yazoo City who did time with him he is a [ __ ] sick man and he crossed the [ __ ] he didn't have to do that to me saying I went on PC dog you're not standing up for you know that [ __ ] hurt my feelings he ain't have to [ __ ] do that [ __ ] he know him I'm a soldier son PC is detrimental to everything I ever stood for and this [ __ ] is a [ __ ] ready why he got [ __ ] in New York with life he will wise on [ __ ] in New York with life bro he set up CEOs and Yazoo City bro he had eight nine different relationships with men in prison bro real [ __ ] bro when you [ __ ] with me the real gonna come out bro when you [ __ ] with me the real gonna come out bro this [ __ ] will watch this whole time and up the road bro he been setting people up for 15 years bro I wouldn't let him stand be around me at my table bro like this is the most dangerous person in the world bro people like that are dangerous bro well uh you had a bunch of Instagram social media posts uh one of which you said so he told on 40 people hell nah he told on the whole New Orleans what the [ __ ] you look like Master Splinter uh in this pick LOL Sammy the bull has been outdone by a dude from Louisiana same black history this rat history everyone should run when you see this man world's biggest snitch right and there was a whole bunch of others I'm just telling you yeah he bigger than Samuel he got more than 70 boy well listen I've interviewed them and these accusations that you're saying I've got a lot of messages and DMS about them I I cannot confirm nor deny that these are true from my point of view because you know how paperwork goes you know people falsify paperwork I'm not saying it is true I'm not saying it's not true but a lot of people at least a dozen people have basically contacted me with similar things to what you've just said I don't know I don't know he was in for a long time what did he get like life plus 30 initially so you know what he did he's just getting over he's he's anything he ever did you gotta understand bro when you become a rat everything you ever did any accomplishment you ever got any song you ever been appraised on it doesn't [ __ ] you erased it you take when you read you take that all that games of [ __ ] you ever did you take that pencil and you erase it you erase it all the way down you can't mention his name you can't put gangster in front somebody's name in the interview I would you can't put gangster in front somebody's name who have put away all these people with his [ __ ] mouth you can't put gangster in front the name for all the real gangsters in it where he's not a gangster he's a [ __ ] rat homosexual he's a [ __ ] who he's a he's a family stabbing in the back like you know like those people are the worst kind of people bro like he's a liar he lied on me he's a liar like he like [ __ ] like that bro that ain't no gangster bro everything he ever did has been taken away from him he's a [ __ ] everybody gonna look he's a [ __ ] everybody every street [ __ ] look at him every [ __ ] I didn't talk to from Angola bro from New Orleans bro tell me that [ __ ] is a [ __ ] don't even don't say nothing to that that's a [ __ ] like bro like that dude bro that dude that dude bro I don't see her brother they do lied on me bro they do live on me I've I've never heard of you being a PC he know that I don't know I've never heard that [ __ ] lied on me bro but is it is it in certain situations though don't you get put in PC against your wishes yeah you can get put in peace you if you're Entertainer most time you gotta sign paperwork to come off the PC yeah you got a sign saying if something happened to me that this [ __ ] jail does not get is there is there ever a situation where they just say we don't care what you sign you're getting put in PC for example for example who killed who killed nipsy hustle yeah he's going to be a PC right right even the judge said there's a green light on you right right remember through the whole sentencing situation right if if he goes and signs a piece of paperwork and says I don't want to be in PC everyone knows he's going to be killed the first day he comes out of PC or he's going to be seriously [ __ ] up he's already been [ __ ] up waiting for the trial right right before the sentencing now he's been found guilty so there's no question so even if he signs whatever paperwork when he comes out everyone knows what's going to happen so I would think the prison would say we don't care what you saw and you're saying in [ __ ] PC after six seven years he's going in population you think so they don't hold you [ __ ] they you are you they got people who did way more worse than crimes than you yeah but not so high profile but not so high I'm telling you bro they go straight back bro they going back after six seven years they gonna hold him when all this [ __ ] died down they feel like he's going in the population bro that's what everybody that's what that's with everybody bro like you're you're going once you once you once once you and don't be an [ __ ] don't be a [ __ ] you're going early they don't give a [ __ ] about you enough yeah you know only people really try to keep you in PC the most is your attorney okay because you can't live in peace why not you can't you can't enjoy prison you can't interact with other prisoners you can't but aren't you aren't you aren't you in PC with other people in PC it's not like a dormitory huh a dormitory and a cell is 10 sales next to each other that's a dormitory no that's not a dormant choice that that's like a semi lockdown a dormitory what I was in okay me and C murder a big ass big ass gym with a hundred people in it everybody's sleeping outside of each other okay and that's preferable you like that better yes because it's more of a social atmosphere no because that's how you live to not stress huh if you in a Cell all day and this [ __ ] just right here nobody though it consumes you also if you're not in population you get no contact visits all of your visits are through the glass you knew I never touch your daughter if you're scared [ __ ] oh wow I didn't know that yeah [ __ ] you going behind that glass [ __ ] cause you ain't in population [ __ ] ain't no contact [ __ ] if you ain't population some [ __ ] too [ __ ] [ __ ] they're they ain't ready to stand up in that [ __ ] and won't even touch they [ __ ] kids cause you're a [ __ ] you rap about it but you ain't like that and that's where it come in I got it I got it because if you're in PC it ain't no it ain't no contact business I got you okay you would never see them together on the picture like this they would be through the glass it's a visitation okay I got it let's switch gears for a second LSU women's basketball what I didn't realize is your you call her your niece yeah is actually flojo am I pronouncing his name right sorry it's actually fly Jay on LSU right female basketball team now I guess it's like your cousin's daughter or something like that but she calls you nah that's camouflage daughter the rapper who got killed oh in Savannah and he's like your play Uncle yeah yeah and I guess uh your mom was telling me before the interview that uh after your dad died Boosie reached out and was like Hey you know I really feel what you guys are going through whatever whatever I could do to help yeah he was he showed love like even helping me get on the rap game like post a video on his page like Jermaine Dupri get my niece like you know what I'm saying like trying to help me and navigate as much as he could you know he got a lot of kids like so for him to even reach his hand out and even take the time to even do that like that was like a lot of love and then he kept kept like well he didn't have to he's always been a resource he's always been helpless he's just a good dude a solid guy even when everything he got going on he took the time out to try to you know see what I had and try to support it so I he I love boozy forever I stick I stick beside him yeah see what's up you know I was cool with our daddy so all through her life I've been okay she's not actually technically related to her but she calls you she called me uncle and you call her yeah she been playing in my backyard since she was little really she raps too right yeah didn't like Lil Wayne do something with her or something yeah we just ain't gonna do something with us so hopefully you know but she hard she been on all kind of TV shows she about okay yeah I love it how did it feel to see that little girl who used to play basketball win a championship not only with a championship but in front of LSU hey man your home University basically it made me proud bro it got me emotion it made me proud bro okay I saw it I saw it bro I saw it coming you know LSU I just I'm just happy for bro I'm just happy for that and I know her daddy looking down I'm just happy for her [Music] let's it was big after they won whose music do they play in the locker room set it off he saw where I was playing [Laughter] yeah but unfortunately that win came with a lot of controversy the whole you know this is this is the tone you know John Cena got the credit for it but the reality is is that Tony Yayo everybody they can't see me dance on the show do you know how you know I didn't even know it was time I didn't even know it was Tony I swear John Cena whatever I didn't even know well there's a whole story behind this right I didn't even know that John Cena well John Cena's younger brother was a big Tony Yayo fan and taught him how to do the dance and so you should do this when you're when you're in the ring so he started to do it and it took off do you know how Tony Yayo made up that dance you know the story behind that when he was on tour when when G-Unit was first coming you know when 50 Cent was get rich or die trying and G Unit was on fire he actually had a warrant out for his arrest so whenever he would perform he would he did the dance to cover his face LSU oh yeah of course shout out to Andrew Reese shout to Caitlin Club but really Andrew Reese she took her to a whole nother level right and John Cena we got to show him all right well in our last interview what's ironic is that we talked about the hand dance and how John Cena mentioned that he got it from you right and it was like his little brother or something yeah his little brother was doing a dance you know you know that was the dance that I like I tell everybody TMZ they asked me and I'm like it was created because I really was on the run the whole time you're trying to hide your identity yeah I always it was the most exciting time for me because I'm on the run um you know I'm flying to Brazil I'm flying to Barcelona as my brother um it was it was crazy I'm around Eminem I'm in Detroit I'm in L.A the whole time on the run so when I'm in the club video I'm like yo this is going to come to an end one day so I was like let me just try to at least stay a little low-key because come on bro you're gonna eventually have to turn yourself in the bigger we got he was using his brother's passport to get around but he knew that he was wanted by the police so he was doing that to hide his face that's crazy it was crazy so that's where the dance originated from and even Angel Reese said that yeah this is a Tony Yayo dance but she did that and then suddenly all this backlash came uh Dave potney who is the the founder of Barstool Sports yeah I said something about him I did he said Dave partner you a [ __ ] you can't send your news to other dudes freak monster yeah I did I did I think it's called like a classless piece of Shader or some [ __ ] yeah yeah I did yeah yeah uh it's just a racist world we gotta we gotta start we gotta start realizing it's a racist world but it's not gonna change just a racist World Bros we can hope for better but it's just a racist world you know because that girl did the same thing the white girl was doing it she did the same thing you know I just was saying like it's a racist World bro like it's a racist World well to me the big shock was when Joe Biden says it's just like it seems to come just like if if George flyer was white and those cops were black the time would be way different it's just a racist world and we just got to learn overcome it with green we got to try to overcome me with yeah cause it's sad we just got to try to look over it I once you dwell on it I mean I learned that I'm I'm learning now man it's bro it's I mean have you ever heard of the losing team being invited to the White House as well you know what I'm saying that was just a whole NBA Finals that was the most racist World Series like that was the most racist thing one of the most racist things said about in sports history like bro that should have made people just stand up with they [ __ ] hand up like this is at the White House this is racism at the White House Jill Biden is racist I'm sorry I agree she is a racist I agree I would have won LSU was not everybody know how they look at the LSU team yeah LSU would not have been invited to that White House you know they lost if they they would not invite that was the most racist [ __ ] ever yeah I think we gotta start okay well if you're gonna start a rule like that let's start having a pre a president can stay five [ __ ] terms that's what kind of [ __ ] rule you're changing yeah and I thought it was I thought it was just I thought she was just straight [ __ ] racist I was trying to call my niece and tell them when you go to the White House no foes in the [ __ ] [ __ ] I was thinking I swear to God I would pissed the [ __ ] off go on that [ __ ] and do like this [ __ ] that rage today foes which means where we from oh okay throw the hood up in that [ __ ] okay that's what they that's what they don't want to see anyway that's how they label you anyway go on a cone and sneak a picture by George Washington I woke up man I got into it with my God man I cursed everybody I was mad no I'm serious a brow was so mad do to you he didn't do [ __ ] bro I had so much I ain't in me bro from the president yeah I feel you she made me so mad I went to [ __ ] with people just picking up I'm like bro I gotta calm down bro well hit close to home obviously I had to calm down bro I'm like cause I'm celebrating so I cut the Nets off my rim I cut my Nets off yeah bro I celebrate I threw a party in the morning I wake up you won't come like this yeah Giovanni you heard my heart yeah you heard my heart yeah I think Joe should have apologized on her behalf bruh she [ __ ] ex bro I swear to God that that racism racist at the White House bro yeah it's just we won't know like she said we want Obama back we'll we'll take if if Obama can run again he can't run again he's done two terms if you want to make a deal Geo if you're listening we bring back every team who goes to the championship you bring them both but Obama gets to run against you next um next turn okay now let's play chess yeah I actually even looked into this and I I looked up whether Obama could run as a vice president and the answer is no because let's just say the president dies he would become the president you know the vice president of the president and therefore that would be a third term so you see what I'm saying look into two uh two teams come to the White House yeah did you look at today look into that can two kings come to the White House Michelle Obama can run for president think about that oh she came of course of course why does she have the divorce no no he would be uh Michelle I'm behind your campaign there you go you got it I'm gonna get all all the entertainers we coming behind you yeah run again machine we need you not run again Run For the First Time Run for the first time yes there you go first black lady president what well I mean we have a black lady vice president now I didn't say Vice Kamala Harris I didn't say Vice and you know something and Joe Biden just announced that he's running again at age 183 I if he doesn't make it through this term she'll become president if he dies in office Geo going to become president no Kamala Harris oh Camilla Harris oh [ __ ] then you live fine hair speaking of basketball I think I could make her laugh do you make her laugh she like Tupac yeah okay that turned me on when she said that I'm not sweet on the vice president I don't start this [ __ ] I just said when she said that that kind of made me like she cool people I'm not sweet on the vice president I'm just saying she kind of when she said that that kind of yeah unprecedented her okay in my eyes what do you think about the whole LeBron James Dylan Brooks thing because from what I understand did that start somehow with like Shannon sharp and John's dad and LeBron you know I'm talking about this whole weird situation I like Dylan Brooks as a teammate though like I would love him on my team like you got somebody like that on your team bro I play ball that's what you need any team with one of them bro like you need that you need me yeah I mean him and LeBron got into it yeah he told uh when they asked about him about LeBron he said he's old I don't respect knowing until they give me 40. yeah I'm Ted he'll go but after the Lakers beat him though he didn't say nothing he'll give [ __ ] that yo yo [ __ ] LeBron I'm looking good too yeah who do you think NBA finals this year I'm going Boston Celtics hmm uh man Los Angeles Lakers okay Lakers and Celtics oh matchup okay yeah that's the OG matchup right there that's magic and bird right there you know yeah because I don't see the uh I don't know his son's good too but it's uh you know me KDA I'm a Katie like I don't really bet my money against that [ __ ] I like how they looking over there too I just kind of feel like this might be I don't think nobody beating them shelters not even Lakers yeah oh so you give it to the Celtics you're saying the Celtics are going to be the NBA NBA champions okay all right you're actually sitting next to my man John Sally in one of the games both of y'all sent me pictures [Laughter] I got so [ __ ] heavy yeah that's my man in real life I got happy as a [ __ ] we sit down chopped it up yeah yeah two Vlad TV regular guests sitting next to each other yeah at an NBA game I love it that was lit I love it I love it you ever been uh you ever met him before nah nah tell us hell impersonating yeah Rodman too I just saw Robin riding tall as [ __ ] yeah man riding tall long ass arms oh yeah oh yeah now uh that's why John Sally that's why he likes KD so much because they're like a similar kind of build yeah you know I'm saying long ass arms long ass legs like kind of similar playing style in a way like yeah kind of hurt my heart ce40 kicked out of the Kings game yeah man I saw that [ __ ] bro because you know I mean it happened because he was in Sacramento he's like a warrior it's like he has like seasoned floor seats right right yeah no yeah you know for warriors home games yeah so but he was out in Sacramento and he's sort of kind of like the rapper face of the Warriors so people were [ __ ] with him people were [ __ ] with them at the point that he responded he got kicked out that's how they do you I'm Gonna Keep at my home games yep uh cheer about what Phil Jackson said Phil Jackson said that after um like the BLM protests after they got incorporated into the NBA games where people like had like justice and stuff like that on the back of their jerseys he said he stopped watching NBA games after that he said that that all the social justice messaging just became too much for him he's ever watched the game ever since Phil Jackson Jalen Rose comment on this he said when someone shows you who they are believe them damn Phil Jackson not my favorite coach [ __ ] you could say that's the best coach in NBA history does he have the most rings yeah you probably got them let me see Phil Jackson 11 championship rings damn bro with the Bulls and the Lakers the triangle offense red arbuck is number two with nine and Greg Greg Popovich has five you disappointed right now your favorite coach ever record Jordan is your favorite player ever right it's not Kobe it's not LeBron you're from the Jordan era like my sometimes I dream that he is me you got to see that's how I dreamed I just saw the air moving oh you saw it I haven't seen it I was there as soon as it came out okay because it's still in theaters right now you're like boy you crazy about you yeah man his brother lady who played his mama killed it bro I ain't lying bro I just love Jordan's story I'm just a Jordan yeah I'm just a Jordan fan hopefully I get that Jersey one day recipes uh I'm aidoka just became uh the next head coach of the Houston Rockets you hear about that who is amadoku the one who lost the job with the Celtics oh Nia Long Nia Long's that I don't know about Houston they got a lot of puts out there you might be in the wrong City they got some puss out the big asses out there he might be in the wrong City they got some puss out there stop like yeah where you go eat [ __ ] gonna be crawling now I don't know about you might want to stay in the [ __ ] gym they might put a lock on that [ __ ] Gym Bro I don't know about you oh man the white cell case did you see the white so Woody interrogation video he said man I hope you say Young Thug up for a murder and right before that he he had put up an Instagram post saying that he he stayed solid he would never snitch only for that video to come out and I bro I bet the person who had that video was like okay okay [ __ ] you stay inside okay three two boom bro like then I heard this dude was supposed to been like that you know everybody's been a soldier oh really you knew about this guy I heard him yeah I never heard of him yeah I heard until that [ __ ] happened I heard him but I heard I heard I heard they had been trying to get down get him to get down forever like I heard what do you mean I'm trying to get him to rat okay but I heard at first he was staying solid that was some of the [ __ ] out of Atlanta was saying that he was staying solid at first but uh yeah it's just another another case of it bro like just another case of betrayal and said they just said that in the song one who spend with you most times he ain't a hunter oh man listen we cover a lot of cases on Vlad TV a lot I I speak to lawyers you know on camera we we dig into cases we have reporters that break you know stories and everything else like that I'm gonna say that this YSL case is the biggest circus I've ever seen in my entire life when it comes to car cases there's still a jury selection right now like bro they're still in jury selection they haven't even started this goddamn trial yet got pushed back Lucci refused to testify against Young Thug what you expect if if what they say is true that you know because because the you know I'm not saying it's true or not but the story that the Court's trying to you know portray was that young thug got his mother shot the fact that someone who shot your mother you still don't cooperate against this person Lucci's is a different type of human being man he's built he's built with a whole different type of cloth yeah that that you rarely see on this on this on this planet right and I'm not saying it happened so don't don't try to use races whatever I'm not saying this is all prosecution he say she say it's whatever but I'm saying you're not going to testify against the dude who because of your code who who got your mother shot is whoo damn I mean they're also said that well there's a video that came out where uh a yfn remember hogtied a YSL member and filmed it you see that [ __ ] uh let me see one of the uh one of the YSL attorneys was arrested because they say brought prescription drugs into the courtroom and then when they told them to and he tried to fight him but he didn't try to fight him I guess they told him that he has to give up his phone and he threw the phone to somebody and it ended up hitting one of the you know like what do you call one of the security guys in the courtroom the balance the bailiff I guess it hit the Bell so they charged it with assault not the payload because the phone hit the bailiff like I think one of the YSL uh lawyers told the judge that that he's cap I saw that [ __ ] I was like I mean do these dudes even have [ __ ] law degrees like what type of public defenders do you got on this goddamn case uh let me see one of the dudes a little Rod he got removed from court and strip searched and they found weed sewn into his underwear you heard about this one nah I mean you know then you know we talked about this last time this other dude tried to try to hand Young Thug a perk hit open court I mean I mean this seem like a real [ __ ] case like this sounds like like a comedy movie like you know I mean it sounds like you know like Night Court like from that show back in the day like this doesn't sound like some real [ __ ] but yet it is I mean I I I don't know man I I don't know what's happening at this point uh but it's it's a train wreck in this goddamn courtroom I would be surprised if there was a mistrial and they just got start all over again yeah insane insane um hold on a second did you hear about the uh the situation in Detroit over the piece of delivery yeah I saw that so this family had ordered some pizza I guess it was maybe like I don't know a couple of pizzas because they're watching the game the pizza came to the wrong address when they called the pizza delivery place they figured out what happened so they go to the house or the pizza was delivered well they showed up there the people had already eaten the pizza an argument ensued five people got shot I remember I asked this is Tony Yayo he said he's not surprised he said this is just not surprised that's what happened because it's a very serious sign of disrespect you know what I'm saying because not only do they eat your pizza but they wouldn't give you the money back for the pizza five people shot and I think two of them were miners in the process so basically both both parties started to shoot at each other oh okay I can see it happen yeah right right but was more serious than this is 16 year old Ralph yarrow got shot by 84 year old man yes I guess this young boy went to go pick up one of his siblings and he went to the wrong Street I guess it was like he went to like 116th Street but he was supposed to go to 116th Terrace or something like that and this old man this 84 year old man ended up shooting him through the door yeah his grandson actually spoke out and said I stand with Ralph he said my grandpa is kind of racist he racist friend you shoot through the door yeah there's a whole string of situations like this recently have you heard about this like there's some kids pulled up to the wrong house and they got shots someone tried to yeah there's another situation of like this guy he was that again he was at a gas station he was there with his pregnant fiancee he was at a gas station he was going back to his car he wasn't paying attention he was looking on his phone he opened the wrong door he got killed he got shot yeah yeah what the [ __ ] is happening right now I think people trigger him Trigger Happy I know he's like if you ain't got bro your LOL that's supposed to be in now watching [ __ ] Young and the Restless get your old ass in there while you waiting by that door you been waiting that [ __ ] been waiting three years sitting like this I wish one of them [ __ ] nerve from now on wood Parkway he's on my doorway I'm gonna blow their [ __ ] ass all the way to Junior as soon as he saw that first person he stuck it through that shot yeah that should be kind of premeditated bro yeah it'd be kind of pre-meded they don't get them that charge but that should be premeditated for you not to even ask nobody yeah for you not you already know what you gonna do soon as you see that [ __ ] black face that black face doesn't belong nowhere on your doorstep so when you you got in your mind premeditated that anytime I see a black boy or a black man at my door I'ma kill him before I die I don't give a [ __ ] about this this is clarification as an old man he's famous now his was premeditated him being caught everything was premeditated the answers are simple the questions are complicated yep and uh chances are he'll be convicted he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison 84. I already did anyway he already did yeah but you know do you want to spend your final days in a prison cell you know he already did yeah I'm just saying oh somebody posted doing Jazz clipping going down the stairs when he go on a child somebody won't get back what he did that little boy clip him just clip it Clipper means what clipping you know when you're walking you clip somebody and they fall oh just flipping going down the stairs and let him fall he did and that's that he's dead find the camera ain't going right with the camera ain't in the hallway clipping [ __ ] that's for that little boy he's 90 something years old clip his ass know how to shoot clipping push him down the stairs but him say he's not on the stairs is a clip well I just interviewed uh Hurricane Chris yeah you guys know each other yeah I mean hurricane got a whole taped together okay Shreveport and Baton Rouge how far is that four uh four hours okay Hurricane Chris just beat a second degree murder charge yeah so I'd interviewed him while he was still finding his case it was an open case so we didn't you know I mean we just very briefly touched on it kept going but after he was found not guilty he reached out to me he said yo Vlad I'm ready to talk you sure he goes no absolutely I wanna I wanna put it all out there anything else like that and the situation is kind of interesting I don't know if you do you watch the interview no no okay so so this is what happened he's in his car he's in his bends and he's got uh he's got a gun I think in his front seat he got a gun on him and I think he's got another gun in his front seat he he uh goes to pump his gas and he goes into the store to to get some soda or something as he's in the store this guy walks up to his car and opens his door this is all on film by the way he opens his door and he comes out and was like yo what are you what are you doing and the dude will start approaching him and he's got a gun in his seat and he's got a gun on him and he's like yo back away and the guy is like approaching me starts reaching in his pocket in his pocket we found out later was like a big uh like a cement block he kept telling her back away he kept telling her back away kept telling to back away the guy was like oh I'm gonna [ __ ] you up whatever pulled out his gun and shot him he was facing life in prison took it to trial and he took the stand himself shouldn't even went to jail because he was a rabbit it was a self-defense thing right yeah he said the whole thing with the cement wasn't even brought up until later on in Discovery right you see what I'm saying right and then there was a whole situation around it which was kind of weird because when they when they booked him the car was technically stolen right because he had basically got in a car like he had met a girl they started dating he he basically put a car in her name and then when things broke up she she reported a stolen so they almost made it look like he killed somebody and he had a stolen car yeah or or that guy was basically trying to retrieve a stolen car and he killed okay you see what I'm saying it was a [ __ ] up story but the girl even took the stand and explained what happened everything else like that he ended up eating a second degree murder charge and and he you know I'm saying he came in and he said condolences to the family everything else like that but it was a [ __ ] up situation it shows how quickly things could escalate in a very bad state you know but thank God he actually Beat It and um you know he was able to walk away because it was a it was I'm sure it was a very scary situation at that moment you heard about the btb Savage situation who yeah what are your thoughts about that no thousand just get back bro we're like you know like let me kill a loved one you basically gotta separate yourself move away or keep killing they loved ones it's the only way you survive at war in the streets you gotta leave bro you gotta you know once once you get that point you know when you didn't took somebody and it's known it's a fact it's not you know you gotta you gotta make a decision whether to go to war Retreat a retreat yeah so so the btb Savage story you know hit hit the blogs me and him started DM I told him I'm glad I'm glad he's okay I didn't really know the whole story uh I asked if you want to do an interview he said oh I definitely want to do it this is going to be like a bigger the soldier boy yeah and we got his phone number and I guess he had like switched his phone number at one point so I remember like a week or so later hit me up I was like yo man um I don't know if you changed your mind but I'll pay you to do the interview yeah I said no no that's cool you ain't got to pay me like you know we just didn't have your phone number oh yeah my bad here's a new number Okay cool so so we scheduled the interview I didn't know the story before we sat down in terms of details yeah and he kind of told me the story before the interview and then repeated it during the interview and what I found out was he didn't actually kill the guy well according to him the guy came in to get a verse and then he pulled out a gun and tried to Rob him they started scuffle over the gun and then his girlfriend was in the back she came out with his gun and she ended up shooting the guy dead okay right and then like the the dudes who you know who's with the guy end up shooting through the door the whole thing was a [ __ ] mess you know he cheer himself in explained her and him to explain what happened and they the police said his self-defense um you know in the interview I asked him if he's worried about retaliation and he kind of kind of brush it off you know I'm saying I I said you know have you considered moving away just like in the same way that you said because I I've unfortunately seen this story too many times mo3 yeah your friend if you look at our old interview I'm I'm damn near pleading for him to move away yeah FBG Duck same situation and he's ah I'm not going to move away so I put the interview out four days later I get a phone call from someone from Houston that I know and they sent me a news report of a young man they got killed in broad daylight his car got shot up like 30 times and he said this is this is btb Savage yeah and I I was just I was just in shock and the first thing I did because you know I'll you know I know the guy I believe it but I'm still okay well let me let me see if this is really true so the first thing I do is I go to his Twitter page and the picture I see you know the picture I'm talking about um I'm not going to show the picture you know you whoever's watching this can look at this up yourself because I don't really want to show it myself but two hours before he got killed he posted this picture damn that's a lot of blood that's the crime scene that's two hours before he IQ he posted this picture two hours before he got killed oh yeah they just stalked him they followed him and stalked him he put him on a trail I ain't know that he put him on a trip all they did is wait outside of my apartments and they followed him here's here's another picture from from the same Twitter post oh yeah bro he he taunting them yeah yeah they just he put him on his job he put him on his job and they just fired him and sprayed them I mean look you and I grew up in the era of rap beef you know I'm saying rap beef has been around forever and you know Tupac you know I mean look uh no Vaseline was a vicious raptis you know what I'm saying it got it got racial it got it got personal whatever else you know Tupac raised it up a notch would hit him up he said that's why I [ __ ] your wife you know okay that's that's a little deeper You Know Chief Keef took it up another notch smoking uh your Dead Ops you know I'm smoking a so-and-so Peck you know the Jacksonville dudes the the you know the the foolios and the young and Aces they they adopted that this is something I've never seen before you know what I'm saying you're not just talking about your Ops you're actually showing a picture in their blood you know what I'm saying have you ever seen something like this before nah like all this new Young [ __ ] like that was the the first time I really seen that [ __ ] like [ __ ] shooting videos on [ __ ] grave sites and like I had never saw nothing like that yeah I never saw in that net that disrespectful like there was some new [ __ ] for me like the level of disrespect continues to to to rise and Rise so so he posted that in two hours later he was killed they caught one of the dudes who did the shooting allegedly and that guy actually made a tribute video to the guy who got killed I guess that was his friend okay so you know also like I talked to a friend of mine from Houston where he got killed was like a really high-end commercial area this was not like a back alley something right this was like they followed him from that spot bro I bet he didn't get killed 10 minutes from this but I'm not sure I'm not sure um you know there was that was a bad move for him to do bro I condolences to his family but yeah posting that yeah I didn't know that posting that right right there and all of did he have a caption on it yeah what the captioned caption was too much motion with some um I guess kind of wolf emojis what is the term because I think money bag yo got a song called too much motion or something what does that mean uh motion mean like you got [ __ ] probably okay a lot of [ __ ] going on you got it you got [ __ ] pop like you own yeah too much motion listen there was a story though circulating that uh that he that that I I cut out parts of the interview where he apologized and he didn't want to talk about it that's not true you know I actually have the the video editor right here with me you know I'm saying who uh who edited I I would not do that if someone said you know I mean because like we're going to be Hurricane Chris we we made sure they talked about the condolences to the family and everything else like that btb Savage wasn't on that he he he was still on an adrenaline rush over what happened yeah and he felt like he was invincible and everything else like that and and like I said in the interview I tried to convince him like yo there's there's a high degree of retaliation and there's also you also don't want to be there you know what I'm saying like the fact that he got killed within a few miles of of where this happened is not a coincidence you know I'm saying I guess his mom wanted him to go to Vegas and he he didn't go and and this happened it's it's a [ __ ] up sad situation man um but you know I mean unfortunately we you know you you and I have talked about this I had a home invasion that I survived you know what I'm saying so I believe in people I believe in people protecting themselves Yeah by any means necessary especially if they're in your home yeah I feel you have the right to kill somebody that tries to go come in your home that's just how I believe so so you know I've done these types of interviews you know like Ben J from the the new boys and stuff like that like I've done these types of interviews and I will do these types of interviews I interviewed Hurricane Chris after this once again a self-defense situation you know um so so I understand that with these types of interviews sometimes you have you know when you do controversial interviews you will also have controversial things that happen after those yeah you're gonna serve their family you know like you're gonna stir up that family uh stereo Madness from that family yeah yeah man it's sad it's sad um you know rest in peace to to his family uh rest in peace to us you know uh my condolences to his mother you know having to bury your son is is something his old lady yeah yeah uh his his baby mother because he had a child that was there there was a baby that was in the house when the shooting occurred yeah yeah in the back his his six-year-old son was in the back yeah you know what I'm saying so it's it's a [ __ ] up situation and uh you know I I just hope that people will look at this and say you know this this internet [ __ ] you know is is not you know is not worth it and there are serious consequences to this [ __ ] man so my condolences to everyone everyone involved it's [ __ ] up um Coolio his cause of death was revealed you want to guess what it is Finn now I saw that yep and Coolio had a crack addiction okay yeah cool used to smoke crack we talked about it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember I remember he had gotten off it for a while then he got back on it you know I'm saying should have taken your advice stick to crack Craig yeah you live a long life right 70 years 60 year old steady smoke [ __ ] yeah exactly exactly well you know you might find this a little interesting I interviewed R Kelly Oh Yeah from prison you told him I said what up man the interview never came out oh okay the enemy never came out and a lot of people like to say that that I'm I'm lying about this type of [ __ ] so I'm going to play a very small snippet of it okay I'm recording this phone call right now who do I have on the phone right now [Music] absolutely absolutely how are you holding up in there I had no choice yeah who's that on the phone right there that's kills I know that boy yeah uh so one of his people reached out to me and wanted me to do an interview with him and um the interview they wanted me to do I told them I didn't want to do that interview uh but when R Kelly got on the phone with me he proceeded to do that interview anyways and it was basically um based on a on a conspiracy he feels you know put him in prison and and everything else like that and he's naming certain people and and so forth so ultimately I decided not to put the interview out okay you know I'm saying if he wants to do it through another platform that's cool I just zoom off Vlad TV to be behind this particular interview because it wasn't about music it wasn't about nothing it was about him blaming other people for for his particular predicament and so forth okay but I will say this and this is why I even mentioned this is why I wanted to play it uh R Kelly very much appreciates everything you said about him uh in our interviews and he said he wants to meet with you or at least talk to you on the phone so if you're interested in linking up with R Kelly I can make that happen okay okay I figured that'll make your day yeah have you ever met R Kelly before yeah man Kim you guys have had conversations and everything talked on the phone FaceTime oh okay oh I didn't know that yeah I didn't know that did a record before we left you guys you have a record with R Kelly did it come out no it ain't come out why I don't know we got one though I did one okay did you hear about the king Von documentary that came out on YouTube yeah yeah I want to check that out you checked it out yeah I got I got about 30 minutes into what's like three hours right yeah after that it was it was taking too long to come together yeah it was done by a guy named trafalor Ross I think it's called wraps first serial killer and it's like basically he's accusing of of King Bond killing yeah all these people and it's just like person after person I don't know whether any of it's true YouTube and all these people who think they know about all this [ __ ] be don't know what the [ __ ] they talking about if you wouldn't have part of this rim you just like the [ __ ] on YouTube all these [ __ ] be talking people now you don't know what the [ __ ] happened bro you wouldn't write that you think you know who's Shadow you don't know who the [ __ ] Shadow yeah I have no idea man it's like bro that's doing all this too who clearly was not in there right bro at all yeah I don't know I'm watching this [ __ ] on YouTube I would never do no [ __ ] like that I would never create a documentary I'd be looking at [ __ ] on YouTube like bro y'all totally wrong right like y'all [ __ ] you guessing and only only people know is only people know is those people who were there yeah actually involved them the only people know right you know they got a few other people know you can when they have like you be girlfriends you know who house you went to out then [ __ ] right but it'd be few people know yeah if you're not inside that click totally you don't know you're guessing you're guessing you can be round the corner you can be down the street when you pull up you don't know you go on how people look and they try to guess you're going who talking this [ __ ] the most out there and that don't be the one who did it and that's how it leads to YouTube you know people don't they don't be knowing the [ __ ] they talking about yeah you have you have assumptions you don't know what the [ __ ] you talking about let me let me tell you something and I remember I brought the circle interview Keith again and half of the people who do it being a graveyard yeah exactly exactly so let's not go at work like for example I brought this up in the key for the interview because you know keithy he confessed to Orlando Anderson his nephew killing Tupac right yeah but and I brought this up in our interview I talked to someone who was there during the shooting that was in the car behind Tupac's car and what he said is that the arm that stuck out the window that shot up the BMW was a bulky arm it was not a skinny arm Orlando was skinny right the other people in that car were not right see what I'm saying the dude who died of the diabet he was fat he was fat as [ __ ] see what I'm saying so although Orlando got blamed for it and Orlando took it right remember how I said earlier he became like like uh a big star you know a legend in his hood over it there is a chance that he was not even the shooter but he decided to catch that you know what I'm saying what Witnesses were saying though was that when they saw the arm stick out the window and do the shooting it wasn't a skinny arm it was bulky Hefty looking arm well I was in the passage you see there's no way you know I'm not saying it's you I'm saying that there's four people in the car but they said it wasn't a skinny arm that stuck his hand out the window who's a witness can't say okay they lie are they there yes yeah only witness it was was Suge Knight and you know to me only one per two persons left I think he was issue that's what I think I think I think so too everybody was against it he was saying bro like he was this would have happened to anybody Tupac would have stomped out that night yeah when you uh I said this earlier when you are a real Street dude when you are really in the streets you eat from the street you certified in the street and you're and you're not a rapper yeah she was a rapper oh he was a rapper oh yeah I did see it yeah we actually have a CD of him yeah I saw him on the thing with Method Man I saw him on the video Yeah he was a video with red man yeah with red man yeah but I'm sorry he had his own CDs real Street [ __ ] bro a rapper can't do that like you like I think baby Lane would have respected him more if it was a it was a a real Street dude by it being a rapper bro we don't like them dudes this is Orlando Anderson's mixtape cover right here yeah we don't like like we don't like you have a certain way of you feel like they just rap they ain't never done nothing and you gotta know you gotta know where I'm coming from like yeah like bro he would have killed him tomorrow yesterday like ain't no rapper finna jump on no [ __ ] gangster right and what I didn't realize damn I didn't realize is that uh Orlando actually got [ __ ] up pretty badly he actually got his shoulder dislocated in the fight in the fight he had to go to the hospital oh damn okay and he actually he wanted to do a one-on-one fight with with Tupac afterwards but they weren't they weren't trying to hear that yeah which probably could have de-escalated the whole thing you know what I'm saying if it actually happened which it it wouldn't have because death row was was involved but yeah no I I feel you man like to this day I feel like Tupac was one of the the biggest in music one of the biggest unnecessary losses that we've ever seen because it did not need to happen Tupac had a whole bunch of monsters right there with him the bun trees and the shugs and all the other dudes ready to stomp out whoever the [ __ ] he pointed at go get him but she just you know and then it wouldn't have been about Tupac at that point he could have just sat back but that's how it is with me man that's why I try to stay out of trouble like when [ __ ] get down I go down yeah I don't know I think that they've been like this is our little my little man come play when she go down I gotta get in it like I gotta get some I was raised I gotta get some I don't know bro like when we fall in like yeah I mean the same thing happened to King Von right if you think about it King Vaughn shouldn't have punch quando Rondo like you know what I'm saying like he should have gotten involved and when you happen it'd be it's like instinct yeah yeah just fine like when my [ __ ] go to stump it on a [ __ ] like it's like all right and that [ __ ] bro yeah Park should be alive today bro yeah everything happened for a reason but he like he said he he sparked the flame and so many other people so did I ever tell you this part because I was reviewing some of the footage uh because we just did a whole thing about how Orlando got killed do you realize when Tupac was dying oh he told him [ __ ] yeah when the cop tried to get a death commute yeah and say who shot him Tupac said [ __ ] you and Orlando did the same thing did the same thing when they when he was dying and I talked to the cop right I bought both of them it's in our it's in our on our YouTube channel the cop explained how one of his fellow officers was like Hey Orlando you know did you kill Tupac did you kill Tupac you know they're trying to solve the case he said [ __ ] you and he died so so the two guys involved in in the murder with each other both said [ __ ] you to the police say silent and stay silent to them I missed the old days bring back everything [ __ ] old the [ __ ] bring them all back from the grave I missed the whole day I missed the old women I missed the old mu I missed the old days you just saying some [ __ ] against this [ __ ] ever baby Lane and Tupac yeah they should do that [ __ ] movie that's the movie they needed that's the movie they need to do baby Lane and pop that what they need to do dog there we go both phones saying [ __ ] you eat ass [ __ ] I missed the whole day yeah recipes Harry Belafonte he just passed away I believe today I got to meet him at Jamie Foxx's house a while back what happened to Jamie Foxx bro that nobody ain't saying it was a stroke I think that's what I'm hearing it's a stroke he's straight to say he's talking but he's still in the hospital until you see a video of Jamie doing impressions and singing I'm gonna assume that he's still not in the best shape rest in peace uh Bob Lee the founder of Cash app got stabbed yeah I saw it in San Francisco I saw that [ __ ] a lot of unnecessary [ __ ] man a lot of necessary [ __ ] Before I Let You Go we cannot stop the interview until we talk about your Vegas spot which is now officially open new world right yeah we opened up this weekend new world babies we got clapped I remember last time we talked you were about to open it but now it's open how many square feet uh like 60s 80 000 80 000 square feet God yeah man I just opened this weekend I had Lola Brook this weekend I was in New York or else I would have showed up yeah yeah Memorial Day I got all right on the 27th May 27th this is my dream Vlad like this is my dream right here man I have my own spot you know I'm still shooting my films I'm gonna start shooting the film next month but okay yeah cause you've been no film since last time yeah nothing to review on that end but uh and uh next two months I'm gonna go hard on my best spot and don't you have like a new house the back of your Mansion yeah I'm building Las Vegas Georgia back there okay so are you gonna Airbnb that outer or what oh I'm thinking about it you can rent out Boosie's house in the back of his house yeah because like I'm building apartments across from that huh I'm building I I call my my first estate Miami Georgia now I've been in Las Vegas judge and some I got show girls that walk around and twist I got three mermaid [ __ ] right I got them a mermaid suit they zip up they just sit by the I pay them 25 out okay okay I just sit by my pool and look like mermaids okay I got the Batman Mansion I'm building the Batman Mansion what's the Batman Mansion it's my new home oh she's gonna live there yeah I'm moving out my my big one really yeah I think I'm an Airbnb okay I have some big companies calling me all right to shoot films there and and I can't just say no to this okay so I'm gonna move to the back and leave that up Airbnb so if you want those pool parties at my house you're gonna be able to Boom okay and aren't you building some huge pool as well yeah okay I told you about my old pool right I would cost like a thousand dollars a day to eat it and [ __ ] like that you think it's all sweet until you get that [ __ ] gas bill okay I know you got money and all but wait till you get the gas bill trying to get that baby okay I got three whales now really yeah okay I ain't gonna never run I got a hand pump well too that's what it is Boosie another classic in the bag and we'll clap until next time peace peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 652,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: r5IMt2Jdhqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 26sec (10526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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