Boosie on O-Block 6 Allegedly Killing FBG Duck for $100K: In the Hood that Makes You Rich (Part 6)

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we don't really talk about open cases in detail but this case is done at this point the old block six got found guilty of killing FBG Duck yeah yeah I knew duck in the sense that we did two interviews okay yeah and uh you know in both interviews I told him he needs to move out of Chicago and he argued with me in both interviews only to have the worst possible situation happen to him but you know but you said that you already knew what was about to happen to him because of that song dead [ __ ] yeah I had told my boy we was going to Linux and he was uh he was playing it for me like dude be snapping and he he like that you know my boy he a big chubby [ __ ] you know he anybody kind of big he like him you know he so he was like man just listen he I was like bro that sh right now that's too many people he I man I remember bro you know probably five six months later he he was gone well I like that song If you going to slide [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] with rapper no not yeah I I like I like that was his first hit song I like that [ __ ] I like that mother was raw man I really like Duck I I really like Duck I lik that song n he he was dope but you look the six people that got convicted C murder different C Mur than you know of course 32 Kenny Mack 30 Los 32 see thing 24 muap 24 Tey 34 you got to think they've been locked up for three years so some of these dudes were like locked up at 21 and they're all facing mandatory life sentences why do you think from your point of view that six people would get together to kill someone in broad daylight on the most expensive Block in Chicago knowing there was almost zero chance of getting away with it I mean I don't know if they did that just because the juror say they did that that don't mean I'm going say they did that okay if but if they did if they did why why do dudes why would you throw your life away you don't be thinking you going to throw your life away at a time but you know when you go get somebody like that it's a bag involved okay so there's 100,000 involved I mean the rumor was that that uh King vau put 100,000 up I don't know rum I I don't know I just interviewed FBG butter about this situation he actually testified in the case uh that was the room okay King Von is gone at this point he got killed a few few months later so at this point it just is what it is it doesn't even matter yeah but but 100,000 over a murder especially if there's multiple people involved but you don't understand the situations of of of Street gorillas I do not you don't yeah 100,000 is a lot of money I know it's not a lot of money to US blade you looking like no not that's why you looking at it like that I I think it's insane but $100,000 bro when you from a place like oblock across the track you're rich we don't look at a million like Rich $100,000 you're rich right and and and the [ __ ] [ __ ] bust a [ __ ] head for nothing so you know if a bag involveed uh come and get you right I just I I get that part right and I think and sometime it don't even be about if a [ __ ] cross the line too much the badge is extra right [ __ ] just won't put you down you you know I I I get that and I get I understand the anger part and I understand that okay he dissed my Dead Homie and you know I hate this [ __ ] and you know maybe his side killed some of my people they're talking about people they actually killed I don't know I'm just I'm just guessing but my whole thing is okay you catch a [ __ ] in a basement or an alley somewhere there's no no one around there's no cameras there's a reasonable chance to get away with it okay if I kill someone in lenx small you know in front of the Louis Vuitton store I don't think there's any chance that I'm getting away with it you know with literally cameras everywhere and you know a 100 witnesses around that's your frame or man that's my frame of mind but but that's also basic human survival isn't it n that's your frame of mind you know a lot of people know you put something on your face and you know that wasn't me you know I mean well and when and when when when it's and when it's up when it's up it's it's on site vad you know ain't no telling when somebody going to catch you again and let you make another song So when it's up it's it's on site wherever wherever somebody catch you at that's how it is in the hood that's how it is in every raw City I just left bat Rouge yesterday and I and I did the news for the first time yeah I saw you on there you know that was big for me you know I never been to the news station I went to every news station and uh did interviews about my Bullit badge and I was sitting down and uh waiting to go to the back and they played the news and it was seven different shootings in the last 48 hours probably six dead and I'm looking just like she was like a action movie bro I'm looking I'm like it's wilder than it was man I'm looking at I'm looking at it like then women shot women it's is crazy bro I mean we gota we gota we we as we as Mogul and people we gota we got to encourage y people to get up out that bro because man I came back I told to that you not if you go to Baton Rouge again I'mma kidnap I told I came in here mugging he said what's wrong with you Dad I said if you go to [ __ ] bed I was so I was mad because man bro it's it's like that BL like I can just imagine Chicago
Channel: djvlad
Views: 227,531
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Id: x0omQw9TwTw
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Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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