Truck Camping in -19 degrees

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look at those things just blown off steam yeah this is definitely the coolest thing oh my god all the way in the back of the store yes i told you how difficult those have been to find i don't think you'd believe me have a good day tonight's supposed to get down to negative eight degrees and that's fahrenheit so in celsius that's that's this it's gonna be cold i'm gonna need those propane tanks believe it or not i called like seven or eight places before i found out that cub foods of all places had them so of course of course you know i had to buy out the store i use them for my my cooking stove i use them for my little heater in the back of the truck and that's the most important part because i'm definitely gonna need that heater tonight we are gonna be camping in the truck tonight this is gonna be the coldest night of the winter but it's also the coldest night that i've ever spent in the back of the truck we got a couple hour drive so we're gonna head on up north and i guess i'll see you when i'm closer to uh to my destination a powerful tool to have in your truck is a tow strap and not only just to pull yourself up but to help other people i can't tell you how many times uh i haven't had one and somebody's came and pulled over to the side of the road and helped me so paying it forward pays off for yourself sometimes all right so it's already starting it's 8 degrees been on the road for like 2 hours now we've got about 2 hours left i gotta run to the grocery store quick pick up a couple things for dinner tonight and then uh we'll be heading to our camp spot [Music] it's enough music music it's getting dark out that's dangerous your day going thank you very much that truck camper that thing's sick just me in my garage oh yeah it's getting chilly out already it's cold i think my headlights are working which is weird it's always something isn't it all right well i pulled over at a local holiday to see if i can figure out my headlights before i go too far on the trail um and i grab some chicken tenders wow these have to be the absolute worst chicken tenders i've ever had in my life this sauce is phenomenal though it almost makes them good uh for just sitting here you guys decide to work just decide to show up for the party well i'm gonna check my connections now anyway if it ain't broke don't fix it on the road again i have no idea what just happened the headlights worked they didn't work now they're working hour and a half left then i can make some some real food we've got the weather for the night you can see 3 4 and 5 a.m it's looking negative 6 and negative 8. just wanted to show you that because i'm going to lose service here pretty soon negative 8 degrees this is this is fahrenheit's it's negative one already check that out all right so i'm pretty hungry and i'm gonna cook myself up a meal i'm gonna be using this little one burner stove today because i don't really want to dirty up all my pans right now and this recipe actually comes from a homie a young homie uh his name is owen putney he wants me to make his potato soup uh owen's eight years old and decided he wanted to share his recipe with the channel so i'll leave the recipe in the description below but owen this one's for you buddy owen actually used his mom's email to send me his recipe and it's pretty simple uh all right so my local grocery store didn't have uh cheesy potatoes so i got garlic potatoes and then i bought cheese so i hope that's all right i'm also going to add my own little twist which is ham the celery's already freezing parsley's definitely frozen [Applause] hey smoke it's cold oh it's cold out my phone keeps shutting off because it's so chilly outside my phone keeps shutting off so i think this looks like a good idea right let's finish up inside the cab [Music] this is not soup it's mashed potatoes maybe do less potatoes i did it going in the back all right this needs to get started yesterday we're good now look at those things just blown off steam well that was kind of hectic cooking didn't really go as planned the uh my trucks like it has a remote start on it and usually when it's really cold out i like to try to remote and start it but i don't know why my remote start wasn't working my truck like honked at me when i tried to do it must mean like the battery is low these mashed potatoes mashed potatoes thank you owen for the recipe appreciate it very much i think i might have butchered it a little bit buddy but if you guys have any recipes you want to send my way and share with the share with the lovely people this channel um email me at maverickmail and you might be featured on the next episode and then two times on this i don't know it's done that before it's too cold all right i am of course going to crack a window while the propane heaters on i also do have one of these wow it does work it's a carbon monoxide detector if you didn't know i have this for intruders this is bear spray shoots really far apparently i've never had to use it yet yeah it definitely feels like one of the coldest nights this winter honestly on nights like this um i've had half the mind to just like run my car all night idling your car isn't very good for it though right i don't think so i think i heard that before this heater is making it nice and toasty back here i'd say it's probably like it's a comfortable 70 degrees at least right now fans keeping everything circulated i mean if you have the right gear like if you have a zero degree sleeping bag you have a heater i mean you're chilling it's so cozy knowing that like i'm in a warm environment like so close to being cold it's like nine o'clock and i'm beat i have been sleeping with the heater on a lot in my ice house so as long as i vent my windows i feel pretty comfortable with it i guess that's the only thing that worries me about this heater it's just getting like my sleeping bag flailed in front of it and melting but i think i can control myself alright everybody it's about 350 which means that propane tank lasted about five hours after cooking it's probably like 40 degrees back here this is how cold it is in here this is already iced up it's just sitting right there i'm sitting right here good night seven o'clock time to get up but it's so cold even with the heater on oh what are the odds this works nope yeah this is definitely the coolest knife it's a lot better than camping candles all right here goes nothing [Applause] oh my god my battery's dead oh my god dude oh oh this is minnesota at its finest baby well we survived i don't know if you guys could hear when i was walking outside just how crazy crunchy squeaky the snow was negative 18 fahrenheit that was a little bit colder than i was hoping for negative almost negative 20 degrees today look at this what is that it's cold is what that is yeah i really wouldn't recommend doing this if i'm gonna be doing nights like that i'm gonna need to rethink my camper setup i think i need to have like the truck running all night if i'm going to do that again but anyway it's possible i did it thanks for tuning in hopefully you enjoyed this episode and until next time my name is maverick and you know the drill just keep on trying
Channel: Mav
Views: 6,430,346
Rating: 4.892879 out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter camping hot tent, winter camping tent, winter camping gear, truck camping, winter truck camping, cold weather camping, camping in the winter, camping in cold weather, camping in snow, winter camping tips, winter camping car, winter camping survival, winter camping snow storm, winter camping van, cold weather camping tips, winter camping cooking
Id: Vs_ndX3GnC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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