Book of Amos 5: GOD, MAN, EARTH - A Symbiotic Relationship

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well if you're visiting for the first time I want to welcome you and I also want to explain what we do on Wednesday nights our Wednesday night service is designed to study the Bible on a deeper level and it's not uncommon for me to go through a book of the Bible verse by verse and over the last 35 years I've gone through several books of the Bible verse by verse I've gone through the book of Genesis the cleese II a STIs the Book of Daniel Ephesians James Jude that was an interesting book and also revelation we're currently going through the Book of Amos and I was hoping to get through it by the end of the summer now I know that that's not possible my wife said she always knew that wasn't possible but I thought it was I realize now it's not so let me ask you a question would you rather that I go through Amos at a slower pace and really get into the meat of the book or would you rather I just hit the highlights because it really doesn't matter to me to be honest with you as I'm studying the book of Revelation I'm pulling out all of this information and sometimes I get excited and there's a lot of information I already know and I think oh boy I get a teach on this or maybe this subjects something they don't know here but I also realize that many times you just want to get through the book and just want to have the highlights now I'm not gonna take a vote here because I don't think it would be very accurate but just let me know after the service will actually I have elders meeting after the service let me know sometime next week or shoot me an email or make me tell my wife or Shirley or someone and all to gather all that information if I find out you just want me to go through the highlights and that's what I'll do if you want to go deeper you want to get to the meat we'll do that in fact tonight you're really going to be blessed or at least I think you're going to be blessed because you're going to receive something that most pastors don't receive even in seminary and the reason they don't receive it it's because they don't have enough time you'd be surprised all the information that you're required to learn and you just don't have a not enough time to actually cover it all and so basically it's left up to you to study on your own and very few pastors actually do that when they get out in the ministry they preach rather than teach and as a result of that they don't study the Bible the way that they ought to well tonight you're going to learn some things that I think will shock you but hopefully it'll be something that interests you also now as we're going through the Book of Amos I want you to play close attention to the structure of the book in other words I want you to pay attention to the way it's laid out and to help you do that I've given you a basic outline of Amos because I don't want you to think that the Book of Amos is just a bunch of random messages and prophecies that are thrown together willy-nilly no it's laid out very strategically and knowing that will help you to understand each individual message along with the overall message of the book so look at the outline on the screen and as we are going through this book we're going to continually refer back to the outline so you can see how it strategically laid out now as you can see the introduction to the Book of Amos is very short it's just two verses verse one is a bio who Amos was where he was from what he did for a living when he ministered etc verse two is the theme of the book but most people don't pick up on that because they haven't grown up in an area that has lions you see Amos used a lion as an analogy to explain the overall message of the book look at verse 2 in Chapter 1 of Amos it says he said the Lord roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem so Amos saw and heard in a vision Yahweh roaring from Zion now if you had grown up in an area that had lions you'd know that Lions just don't go around roaring for no good reason no a lion roars for one of four reasons the first reason is to mark their territory yes they use their urine in their feces but they also roar to mark their territory so if you grew up in an area that had lions and you heard a roar you would know that you're in Alliance territory and you better be careful the second reason that a lion roars is to claim their right over the parade that they've killed so if you heard a lion roar during the day the first thing that you would do is you would go check on your family members and then if they were okay you would go check on your livestock you would want to make sure that a lion hadn't killed anyone in your family or one of your livestock the third reason that a lion roars is to bring members of the project's trade back to the den so they can hunt as a pack or just to have that protection so if you heard a lion roaring right before the Sun went down or shortly after the Sun went down you would know that you had a lion's den nearby and members of the pride were being called back to the den and the fourth reason a lion roars is to warn those who are not members of their pride that they are considered to be prey in fact let me show you a short video clip it's only about 30 seconds long of a female lion roaring and I want you to listen if you can to hear what the guide is telling the people because they're on the Safari let's run this now I don't know if you could hear the gods voice on the video but he was explaining why this female lion was roaring she was roaring to let them know that this was her territory and if they got any closer she would see them as a threat and she would look upon them as prey but if you notice the old male lion he didn't even look up did you notice that now he would have if she would have jumped up and she would have done a few other things if there would have been a little bit more intensity in her roar he would have jumped up because he's the alpha male he would have moved out to the front and he would have roared and it would have been a warning to let them know that if you come much closer I'm going to consider you to be prey because you are not a member of this pride now these last two reasons are why Amos used to lion as an analogy you see just as a lion roars to call members of the pride back to the den God was roaring to call his people back to Jerusalem if you remember before they went in the promised land God told them that he would pick one place and one place only and that was the place they were supposed ago to offer their sacrifices to him to worship him to keep the feasts there and that one place was Jerusalem well of course when the Kingdom split Jeroboam he created this apostate religion and he set up golden calves and to other places dan and Bethel and he said these are the gods that brought you out of Egypt this is where we'll go to worship and you always say no I've told you that there's one place and there's one place only so just as a lion roars to call the members of the pride back to the den God was roaring to call his people back to Jerusalem back to the Covenant back to obedience to his word and back to safety and just as a lion roars to warn those who are not members of the pride that he considers them to be prey God was warning Israel that if they continued with this apostate religion and they were operating outside of his covenant and God would consider them to be prey and his judgment would soon come upon them and that's the theme of Amos come back to God or judgment is coming you will be prey so if you're taking notes that's what you need to write down that's the theme of Amos come back to God or judgment is coming you will be prey now notice the last part of verse 2 he said the Lord roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem the pastures how many of you farmers do you have pasture land that's what he's talking about the pastures of the Shepherd's dry up and the top of Carmel withers now what this is saying is that the roaring of God and the thundering of his voice will cause the pastures of the Shepherd's to dry up and the top of the Carmel remount in range to wither in other words God's judgment will begin on the land and then if they still refuse to repent it will come upon them and that's very important let me say this God's judgment will begin on the land and then if they still refuse to repent it will come upon them now this is how God's judgment usually works it begins upon the land before it comes upon the people and most people don't realize that in fact what I'm going to be teaching tonight will help you to and much of the Old Testament and will help you to understand why God said what he did to the children of Israel it will also help you to understand much of the prophetical writings because we don't understand that God's judgment usually begins on the land and if people still refuse to repent then God's judgment comes upon them now let me explain why it usually begins on the land the Bible teaches that the earth and man are intimately intertwined and because they're so deeply interconnected the sin of a nation can have a devastating effect on the land they're living in now that's very important so let me say that again because the earth and the in man is so deeply interconnected the sin of a nation can have a devastating effect on the land they're living in in fact let me explain the link between people and the land they occupy from the Bible's perspective according to the Bible there's a bond between people and the land that they occupy and it's based on their common dependence upon Yahweh you see God created the world and everything in it as interdependent parts of a single unified whole now everyone knows what I mean by interdependent right interdependent means that they're dependent on each other man depends on the land for food and natural resources and the land depends on man to cultivate it to work it and to protect it so man and the land are dependent on each other but they're both dependent upon God so you have this symbiotic relationship between god man and the earth but the relationship between man and the earth is is even greater than just than just their dependence on each other you see man was created from the ground the earth look at Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 now what I'm going to be teaching you tonight has actually called land theology it helps you to understand the Old Testament so make sure that you get what I'm telling you notice what it says in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground now the word man is translated from the Ebru word adop or as we would say it Adam so you could actually translate this verse one of two ways you could translate it as and the Lord God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and some translations do that or you could translate it as the King James Version does and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground it can go either way now notice what this verse says it says that man Adam or Adam was formed from the ground now the Hebrew word for ground is Adama and as you probably guessed Adam is actually or is actually coming from this Hebrew word for ground Adama and that's what Adam means it means formed from the ground so man in the ground are linked to each other in life but they're also linked together in death and also in the resurrection and most people don't know that were linked in life because we are formed from the ground were linked in death because after death our body decomposes and returns to the ground in which you came from look at Genesis chapter 3 verse 19 notice what it says this is after the fall of Adam and Eve Adam and Eve were created within an immortal soul so that would live forever in eternal soul but they were given a mortal body but this mortal body oh I shouldn't say that they were created to have an immortal body but because of sin it became a mortal body subject to death but not yet dead but eventually it would die now after they sinned notice what this says this is Genesis chapter 3 verse 19 and the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread until you return under the ground why does he say until you return from the ground because that's where man was formed from Adam comes from Adam ah the ground and so Adam actually means formed from the ground he was a mud man or a dirt man now notice what it says four out of it that was taken out of the ground for dust thou art until dust up shall return so you come from the dust and when your that when you die your body returns to the dust you're so ghost to be with the Lord unless you never accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and then it's eternally separated from God one day your body will be red directed and it will be reunited with your soul and you'll stand before God to be judged but then you'll be eternally cast from God those who do not go to heaven they don't burn up and die in Hell like most people think they don't burn up and die in the lake of fire because man was not created to be a temporal being he was created to be an immortal being but when we die now because of Adam's sin our spirit our so goes to be with the Lord if we're a Christian and if you're not a Christian your so go somewhere else but your body is buried and because it was taking from the ground it goes back to the ground we're also linked well in fact let me just say something most of you probably don't know this did you know that traditional Jews don't believe in embalming in fact they don't allow to be in balm you actually have to put the body in the ground within 24 hours how many of you knew that yeah and you know why you did that because of this scripture they didn't want that decomposing taking any longer in fact usually in the Land of Israel back in Jesus day would take about six months because of the weather conditions and literally the whole body would be there except the bones and they would give to the bones and they would say they were gathered and the father's you take the bones because you had this one place that was tuned out for you to lay the bodies of your families and then you take these bones and you put them in for all of your family's bones work and it would talk about being gathered unto the father's that's what it's referring to but even today if you're a traditional Jew you do not want your loved one who dies to be in bombed why because you're taken from the ground and to the ground you're going to go back into and you're going to decompose you're going to return to the dust from which you reformed but we're also linked in the resurrection to the earth to the ground look at Isaiah chapter 26 verse number 19 notice what it says but your dead will live Lord now do you notice anything different about this word Lord would you notice about it it's all caps what does that tell you it tells you it's the Hebrew word Yahweh it refers to the redemptive covenant keeping name of God it only refers to God in his people everyone else knows him as L Oh so notice what he says but your dead will live Lord Yahweh now it doesn't mean that the people who aren't his people won't be resurrected they will be resurrected but it's referred to as the second death because death is literally separation from God we are separated from God or our bodies are when we die our soul goes to be with the Lord but that body separate until the rapture occurs and then we'll never be separated from the Lord again but if you aren't in the Lord you die the first time your body separate from the Lord your so go somewhere else to hell let's just be honest but I want you to understand they will then be thrown the lake of fire and that is the second death so he's talking and he says but your dead will live Lord Yahweh their bodies will rise let those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy your doers like the dew of the morning now notice this this is one of the most fascinating scriptures in the entire Old Testament notice what it says the earth will give birth to her dead in other words man will be resurrected from the dead the dust he was disintegrated into in fact when you open the casket of someone who's been buried four to three hundred years you open that casket up and you might see a little bit of bone but most of it is just it looks like just dust that's there these bones have disintegrated but I want you to understand that's what's going to give birth to the glorified resurrected body and that's what this is referring to the earth in other words the ground the dust that the body returned to is going to give birth to the dead when the resurrection occurs so there is a link between man and the earth even in the resurrection let's keep go and look at Daniel chapter 12 verse 2 I can give you a lot of scriptures but we don't have time so I'm just giving you two and all of those who sleep in the dust of the ground now the word sleep is a euphemism and the reason it's a euphemism is because and it's a fantastic euphemism we don't want to say that someone just died and this word sleep is not just a nicer way of saying it but it really explains kind of how the process works how many of you know when you sleep you dream and are dreaming sometimes if you're a vivid dreamer it's like you were really doing that maybe you kind of slash out you hit doing you do all of that but here's what's interesting your mind is working but your body should be just kind of laying there well death is kind of like that your physical body goes into the ground but your soul is still alive and here's what's interesting your soul will be able to hear to see to touch to taste to feel you'll have this kind of spiritual body it will be cereal for just a little bit but you're going to a physical place but when the resurrection occurs your body is going to be a physical body that's resurrected reunited with your soul and you are not going to be an ethereal supernatural spirit but you're gonna have a physical glorified body and that's why sleep is used as a euphemism because when you die it's kind of like that everyone with me so then it goes further and all those who sleep in the dust of the ground in other words those who died and their bodies have disintegrated into dust back to the dust in which they were created will awake yeah these to everlasting life but others to decree disgrace and everlasting contempt so as you can see we talking about man in the ground are linked to each other in life but were also linked to each other in death and also in the resurrection now because of this special link man's sin affects the earth in fact one of the tragic results of Adam and Eve sin was that the ground was cursed which is why it brought forth thorns and thistles turn to Genesis chapter 3 verses 17 and 18 and unto Adam what does Adam mean form from the ground Adamo comes from that Hebrew word for ground and then the Adam he said because thou has hearkened to the voice of thy wife that's a good lesson to us men that's usually what gets us in trouble just easy this is what gets me in trouble but anyways and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground the same Hebrew word that the word autumn comes from the ground that Adam came from that ground is cursed why because there's a special link for man in the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field so as you can see Adam's sin affected the earth not just man not just himself now is the result of rampant sin the earth was inundated by a flood the whole world was destroyed we've all studied the story of Noah if you grew up in church and you went to Sunday School you heard the story of Noah and you know that sin and violence was everywhere and it says that God was sorry that even that he had even made man and because of the Nephilim he had to do something that destroyed the whole earth so Noah builds his ark he brings all these animals why because everything's gonna die except for the sea creatures they're gonna be able to swim but then this flood comes upon it floods the entire world but the reason that flood came was because of man's rampant sin you can find that in Genesis chapter 6 verse verse chapter 6 through chapter 8 so man sinned was what brought the flood Sodom and Gomorrah became an ecological disaster because of human wickedness in the sexual perversion of homosexuality just read the story in Genesis chapter 19 verses 24 through 38 or 28 and the the prophets repeatedly linked humans sin with ecological destruction just read through the prophetic writings and you'll see what I'm talking about it's really interesting because when Mansingh gets so bad it begins to affect the earth and whatever group of people it is when they begin to corporately sin as a nation they actually contaminate or defile their own land and it will vomit them out they will be the land will literally become sick that's what the Bible teaches in fact when you what you find throughout the Old Testament is that a symbiotic relationship exists between Yahweh man and the ground in which man was formed from and of course sin disrupts that symbiotic relationship which to the earth that's why God warns the children of Israel not to sin or it will affect the land that he's going to give them in fact the reason that the children or I shouldn't say I should say it this way the reason the nations who occupied the land of Canaan were actually supposed to be destroyed is because their sin was so bad this was judgment coming upon them and the reason the children the Israel had to stay in Egypt for over 400 years the reason they stayed in slavery so long is because God didn't have a land to give them because it says the sin of the amorite was not yet full in other words judgment wouldn't come upon them until they got to a certain level but once it came to a certain level the land became sick and it was ready to vomit them out and judgment comes upon the land first and then it comes upon the people and at that point God was ready to come in and wipe them out and give the children of Israel this promised land everyone with me but this is why God warns the children of Israel not to sin or it will affect the land that he's promised them but he's giving to them look at Leviticus chapter 18 verses 22 through 28 now remember the reason we chose amos is because the message to Amos is really a message that's to America today I know we're just on verse 2 and we've been going at this five weeks sorry but what we're studying has dire consequences for America because these things were written for us as an example these things were written as a warning and that's what I want you to see so look at Leviticus chapter 18 verses 22 through 28 this is the warning that God gives the children of Israel before they go into the Promised Land do not practice homosexuality having sex with another man as with a woman it is a detestable sin how many of you grew up Baptist and maybe other denominations did it but I grew up Baptist how many of you grew up Baptist and you were taught that all sin is the same telling a lie is just as bad as murder be honest how many of you were taught that people that's not true not all sin is the same there's a reason why there are five different categories of and that's what the Bible teaches not all sin is the same you didn't get stoned for the sin of telling a white lie certain sins have greater consequences we need to understand that the Bible talks about that Jesus talked about the weightier matters of the law some things are more important than others notice what this says do not practice homosexuality having sex with another man as with a woman it is a detestable sin a worse sin a greater sin a man must not define himself by having sex with an animal and a woman was not must not offer herself to a male animal to have intercourse with us this is a perverse act its perversion I'm sorry people it doesn't matter how the culture is changing it doesn't matter where our culture is going let me just explain something to you that's perversion it's perverted in fact this fall I'm going to teach on pornography and I'm going to explain how when a man gets involved in sexual sin is actually a sin against his own body and I will explain what that means and I'll tell you and explain why we're having so many problems today in America and throughout the world pornography plays a huge part in that but anyways this is a perverse act verse 24 do not defile yourselves in any of these ways for the people I am driving out before you have defiled themselves in all of these ways God didn't just love the children of Israel more than these other people he was driving them out and giving them their land no it's because they committed these sins God loves everyone the children of Israel were chosen because they were supposed to bring God's revelation to the world and to whom much is given much is required that's why they've gone through so much as the people but they've always been God's chosen people and what he means by chosen as they were chosen to bring forth God's revelation and bring it to the world but when he gave them this land the reason he gave them this land is because the people before them were involved in all of these detestable acts now notice what it says because the entire land has become defiled I am punishing the people who love live there I will cause the land to vomit them out you must obey all my decrees in regulations you must not commit any and these detestable sins this applies both to native-born Israelites and to foreigners living among you all these detestable activities are practiced by the people and where I am taking you and this is how the land has become defiled you want to know how the land became defiled because there's this special link between man and the land because man came from the land and to the land man goes when he dies so there's this special link you want to know how land becomes defiled you do these things so then he says in verse 28 so do not defile the land and give it it what does it refer to the land and don't give it a reason to become sick and vomit you out as it will vomit out the people who live there now now turn to Deuteronomy chapter 28 and I want you to notice how the children of Israel's actions affected their land once they came into the Promised Land then then they had to act a certain way they had to obey God's commands his decrees and if they did this and they were going to be blessed so Deuteronomy chapter 28 has actually known as the blessings of Abraham the interesting thing is the curses that will come upon them if they don't obey God's decreasing commands are twice as many as the blessings why because we need to understand something sin is serious business and it brings forth not only death but it brings forth destruction so notice what he says this is Deuteronomy chapter 28 I'm going to read verses 1 through 6 and then verses 11 through 12 and I want you to notice how how it affects the land notice what it says if you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all this commands that I'm giving you today the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world you're going to be the head and not the tail doesn't save here but it will later on we're not going to read that but that's what it means you will experience all these blessed things if you obey the Lord your God your towns and your fields will be blessed your children and your crops will be blessed the offspring of your herds and flocks will be blessed your fruit baskets because the fruit is going to be so productive your fruit baskets and your bread boards because the grain is going to be so productive will be blessed wherever you go and whatever you do you will be blessed Deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 11 and 12 this continued reading let's see how if they obey how it affects the land the Lord will give you prosperity in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you blessing you with many children numerous livestock and abundant crops the Lord will send rain at the proper time from his rich Treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work that you do you will lend to many nations but you will never need to borrow from them now let's look at what happens if they don't obey God and they don't obey his commands in his decrees Lugar verses 15 through 19 then we're gonna jump down and read verses 23 through 24 and then finally verses 38 through 40 and boy we could've read even more but I'm just trying to give you what the Word says just the basics here it is verses 15 through 19 but if you refuse to listen to the Lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees I'm giving you today all these curses will come and overwhelm you your towns and your fields will be cursed your fruit baskets and your bread boards will be cursed in other words your fruit and the grains that you plant will be cursed your children and your crops will be cursed the offspring of your herds and flocks will be cursed wherever you go and whatever you do will be cursed the skies above will be as unyielding as bronze and the earth beneath will be as hard as iron and the Lord will change the rain that falls on your land into powder in other words there is no rain it's so dry that when the wing comes what comes from the earth is dust remember the great Dust Bowl in Oklahoma yeah we did some things to the land that we shouldn't do we were trying to produce all this land and we were coming in and and plowing it up but there were some other things that were happening in America at the time and as a result of that the rain didn't come like it was supposed to game they went through a period of drought and let me tell you it became like bronze this guy did instead of rain coming down upon them it came like dust he had the dust storms people packed up and they went to California and look what happened to California we'll talk about that in just a little bit but I want you to understand something what I'm trying to get you to see is that there is the symbiotic relationship between man the land and Yahweh in fact theologians refer to this as land theology most people never even heard of this so they don't understand how God's judgment comes in stages now look at verses 38 through 40 you will plant much but you will harvest little for locusts will eat your crop you will plant vineyards and care for them but you will not drink the wine or eat the grapes for worms will destroy the vines you will grow olive treats throughout your land but you will never use the olive oil for the fruit will drop before it ripens so as I said because of the special link between man and the earth man's sin has a devastating effect upon the land they occupy and the greater is the greater a nation sin is the greater the effect and you see this principle played out in the book of Revelation we've looked in the past but let's look to the future how many of you were here when I went through the book of Revelation so you understand about you understand the seven seals the seven trumpets and the seven bowls if you weren't here let me just tell you something really quick what happens when God begins to or he turns to scroll over to Jesus Christ Jesus is now taking this title deed to earth and he's going to loose the seal so he loses these seals when he loses the first seal something happens the second seal another thing happens when it gets to the seventh seal that starts seven trumpets and every time a trumpet is blown something happens on the earth every one of the seals something happens on the earth every one of the trumpets something happens on the earth when against the de seventh trumpet there's a great silence but that begins the seven bowls Bo's represent God's wrath are poured out upon the earth alright so you have the seven seals the seven trumpets and the seven bowls these things are poured out upon the earth now let me go through what happens when some of the seals are opened what happens to the earth because of man sinned and then we'll see what happens when some of the trumpets are blown and then what happens when some of the bowls are poured out notice what happens to the earth literally the earth is going to become so sick that it can barely sustain man and the creatures on it but there's a purpose for it and we're going to see this purpose in a minute here it is here's how this principle is played out in the book of Revelation when the third seal is opened you have a great famine and death follows and a quarter of the Earth's population dies this is the beginning of the tribulation and the reason there's a plague there is because this famine comes in and death follows in a quarter of the people the quarter of the Earth's population dies when the sixth seal is open you have a great earthquake and a polar axis shift occurs now if you don't know what a polar axis shift is it means the tilt of the earth the earth is going to begin to wobble the Book of Isaiah tells us this and Revelation tells us when it happens it begins to stagger like a drunk man because and here's what's interesting Isaiah says because of the sin of mankind and the tilt changes in fact it describes it in Revelation like a scroll and it says that when you look up in the sky it's like a scroll that's being rolled and it doesn't mean being rolled out it means being rode together and when it rose together in other words what's in the northern sky or should be there when this earth tilts is no longer there now this is over here because the earth is tilted let me tell you it's going to get bad on the earth during the tribulation now all you people who believe in the mid-trib post-trib rapture you might be here I'm not going to be anyways it's gonna get bad when the first trumpet is blown hail and fire fall from heaven and all of the green grass and a third of all of the tree are burned up a third of all the trees so now all this carbon dioxide that you're breathing the trees are going to be able to produce all of this auction so we produce oxen or we breathe oxygen then we produce covering the oxide there's a symbiotic relationship between man taking the oxygen that the trees produce and then we breathe carbon dioxide the trees take that carbon dioxide they produce oxygen a symbiotic relationship a third of all the trees are going to be burned up when the second trumpet is blown a great burning object falls into the ocean now remember when all of these things are happening all the way up into the bowls this angel continually flies over the earth telling men to repent why judgment comes upon the land before it comes upon the people and boiling the bowls the God's wrath comes it gets bad upon man but let's keep going here it is so you have this this next trumpet you have the second trumpet it's blown in a great burning object falls in the ocean it causes a third of the ocean to become like blood a third of the sea animals die and a third of the world ships are destroyed when the third trumpet blows a meteorite hits the earth and a third of the Earth's fresh water is contaminated it's polluted we already are starting to have a problem with fresh clean water now what will happen when a third of the Earth's fresh water becomes polluted when the fourth trumpet blows a third of the Sun moons and stars stop shining the weirdest thing in the world it's like the light is not there like it used to be it's dark when the second bowl is poured out all of the season oceans become like blood and all of the sea creatures die when the third Bowl is poured out all of the fresh water on the earth is polluted becomes like blood if you go and read that or go back and listen to when I taught on that the reason that happens is because they were martyr mark Turing those who had come to a faith in Jesus Christ remember there's three reasons for the tribulation one of those reasons is that there's going to be this great revival and people are going to come to Jesus Christ because when they see this happening they're gonna go back to this and when they go back to this they're gonna realize that Jesus is Lord but you're going to have those it's going to persecute them and they're going to kill them they're going to become martyrs and so God says you like blood so much that I'm gonna make you drink blood that's the third boat when the fourth bolus poured out the Sun produces intein sent intense heat and is able to produce third-degree burns if you go out in the Sun for any length of time you don't have proper protection you're gonna have third-degree burns when the fifth bolus poured out the middle east is plunged into darkness some scholars believe it's the whole world but I don't believe that and go back and listen you'll understand and it comes on the Middle East to remember the greater this the sin of a nation is the greater the judgment the Middle East the beast is Allah Islam and you're gonna see the Middle East plunged into darkness when the six builders poured out the Euphrates River dries up there's a horrible drought there people when the Euphrates River dries up the earth is in trouble and when the seventh Bowl is poured out in earthquakes excuse me it's gonna hit the earth like no earthquake ever before it so as I said the greater and nations sin is the greater the effect it has on their land but here's what's neat the Bible tells us that the curse that was placed on the earth will be lifted before Christ rains on the earth during the Millennium so the results of the curse such as weeds past ticks flies mosquitoes sickness producing germs anything that Mars God's perfect otherwise or I should say Mars God's otherwise perfect creation those things are going to be removed before Christ sets up his kingdom on this earth there's a purpose for these things nothing and I mean nothing is going to escape the fires of the trumpet judgments in the boat judgments in fact this is one of the purposes of these tribulation adjustments now remember I told you that the tribulation serves three purposes what's the first purpose do you remember the tribulation comes to put an end to wickedness and wicked people people God is not slack concerning his prophet concerning his promises but he's not willing that any man should perish and the reason God has been so long suffering is because he wants everyone to come to him he wants as many as possible to repent but there come a time when God says this world is too wicked we're seeing it in America today we're seeing it all over the world today and you know what's interesting all of these wicked people think they are the righteous ones that's what blows my mind they are now calling good evil and evil good exactly what the Bible said so one of the purposes the mate well one of the purposes of the tribulation is to put it into wickedness and wicked people the second reason for the tribulation or purpose of the tribulation is so that you'll have a great revival you'll have one of the greatest revivals during this period and you can see why when you go through the book of Revelation but the number one reason for the tribulation is what to bring Israel to repentance for rejecting the Messiah they will turn up they will turn their eyes to the one whom they've rejected to the one they pierced and they will say blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord which is a messianic Psalm and they'll pray for Jesus to return that's a number one reason for the tribulation when we teach on the the seven feasts we'll get to the feast of atonement and that's when the nation sins is removed and taken away it that the feasts were meant to commemorate past events but they're also rehearsals and they're rehearsing for future events so their prophecies towards future events on the great day of atonement is when Jesus get right before he comes back what you see is Israel repents they turn to Jesus Christ as a nation but here's what's interesting there's also another purpose of these what we would call tribulation 'el judgments and the purpose of these tribulation adjustments the reason these seals bring these things upon the earth the reason these trumpets unleash these things on the earth the reason these bowls are poured out upon the earth is because it's going to clean cleanse every portion of the earth from the lowest depths to the highest point of the atmosphere every pest will be tracked down and killed every weed will be eradicated what science has been trying to do with only a limited success the trumpets and bows will do in seven years so these judgments are very are a very necessary part of the redemptive process they will purge the good and destroy the bad and the earth will revert back to the way it was before the fall when Jesus returns look at Romans chapter 8 verses 19 through 20 this is part of land theology notice what it says in the New Testament for all creation all creation the trees the rocks the grounds the rivers the mountains that the oceans all of creation is eagerly waiting for the future day when God will reveal who his children really are now when will God reveal who his children really are at the rapture no people are going to think that Alan and Lisa were just kidnapped they just ran off they got tired of you people they is read off you're gonna show up to church one day hopefully you won't it's gonna be kidnapped with me but if you show up to church say where are all the people that doesn't reveal who God's people really are what reveals it when Jesus Christ returns and the saints come with him and glorified bodies we come back to the earth you better like where you live because that's probably where we're coming back where I'm coming back Cherokee County I'm probably gonna be the mayor of Park Hill move over George Nolan for all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are against its will all of creation was subjected to God's curse but with eager hope all of creation looks forward to the day when it will join God's children and glorious freedom from death and decay creation doesn't like being what it is one day the earth is going to be set free from the curse and this is what they're saying and when does that happen when Christ returns but here's what I want you to understand there will always be a symbiotic relationship between Yahweh man and the earth which means that man's sin affects the land and that's why God's judgment oh it almost always comes upon the land first before it comes upon the people so let's go back and read Amos chapter 1 verse 2 real quick he said the Lord roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem come back come back to the Covenant come back to me where you're going to become prey when he roars the pastures of the Shepherd's dry up in the top of Carmel weathers because even during the Millennium if a nation doesn't travel to Israel to worship Jesus during the Feast of Tabernacles the nation will not receive rain look at Zechariah chapter 14 verses 12 through 19 I'm going to read through this real fast because there's one other thing that I really want to cover which is acts of God let's go and the Lord will send to plague on all the nations for fought against Jerusalem their people will become like walking corpses their flesh rotting away their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongues will rot in their mouths sounds like a nuclear bomb doesn't it on that day they will be terrified stricken by the Lord with great panic notice something different but that word Lord it's all caps who is that Yahweh that's the redemptive covenant-keeping Name of God they're going to be terrified because it's not their God it's Ella it's Elyon but it's not yahwah it's not their God they will fight their neighbors hand-to-hand u-22 will be fighting at Jerusalem the wealth of all the neighbor neighboring nations will be captured great quantities of gold and silver and fine clothing this same plague will strike the horses and mules the camels the donkeys and all the other animals in the enemy's camp now notice what it says in the end after this what's this the Millennium after the Battle of Armageddon Jesus returns food a plague happened now Jesus returns in the end the enemies of Jerusalem who survived the plague will go up to Jerusalem each year to worship the king who's the king the Lord of heavens armies who's that Jesus Christ to celebrate the festival of shelves of shelters any nation in the world that refuses to come to Jerusalem to worship the king the Lord of heavens armies will have no reign this symbiotic relationship between man Yahweh and the earth will still exist even in the Millennium if the people of Egypt refused to attend the festival the Lord will punish them with the same flag that sends on the other nations who refused to go they won't receive any name people let me just say this Pat Robertson is not a net he just needs a little wisdom when to speak and when to keep his mouths shut because the carnal man cannot receive the spiritual things of God and they've not been taught any of these now let me talk about acts of God real quick thirty Seconds you know I get up and tell you all the time that I I don't like it when this and when insurance companies talks about acts of God and insurance policies and the reason I don't like that is because it makes it sound like God is this person up here but you need to understand what land theology teaches what it teaches is this a symbiotic relationship that man depends on the land and land depends upon man but they both depend upon God and when nations begin to sin and they do despicable sins God pulls back from that and the nature in the land that those nations occupy become sick and begins to vomit them out because God's hand comes off of them more and more and judgment begins to come upon them hurricanes come as a natural process we understand that a low pressure area forms over warm on ocean waters and you're going to get you're going to get a hurricane but we also need to understand that these hurricanes are becoming more and more powerful than being directed in specific spots and the reason they're being directed in specific spots is because as God's hand comes up you need to understand these these people sins begins to defile the land and the land becomes sick and just as you get sick and start vomiting and having diarrhea the land begins to get sick and begins to have vomit and begins to have diarrhea and begins to have these problems same thing with tornadoes tornadoes come through but boy we're seeing tornadoes come that are a mile and a half two miles wide stays on the ground 50 60 miles takes everything out now you need to understand something the righteous get carried away with the wicked you see Daniel was carried away and the very first group that was carried into captivity Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were righteous but they were carried away with the weak into babylon ezekiel was carried away in the second captivity that went with him they went actually went in three different X aisles and he went in the second one jeremiah of course he was persecuted for what he was telling them he actually fled and went down to Egypt but you need to understand something when the land becomes sick when the weather begins to do what it does from the land begins to vomit out even the righteous are carried along with it but we need to understand something we need to understand this symbiotic relationship between man and the land and man's sin affects the land and the mourn man sins the more God pulls back and the more allows the world to do what it does but the land begins to direct this you want to know why California is having all the problems it has it's getting worse and worse in the areas that have more and more sin and this is why God tell that told them if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray we need to be praying we're supposed to be the salt we're supposed to preserve we're supposed to be the light we're supposed to shine out God's glory now I think we're on a course and I'm excited I'm not scared because we are the generation that gets to see the Lord's return but we have a good mission and that mission is to win as many people to Jesus and as we see these things begin to happen we always talk about the weather we always talk about the earthquakes we always talking about all these things that are happening we need to understand judgment begins on the land and then if the people refuse to repent it comes upon them you'll find this all the way through the Bible because man was created from the ground into the ground he will come will go and it's even part of the resurrection and when we come back we come back to this earth during the Millennium we don't go to heaven and stay there forever in this is the real place how many of you enjoyed the series on did you learn something new we have a physical body we will eat during the Millennium thank God hopefully the calories won't hurt cuz I'm gonna have this great metabolism but if you don't understand this symbiotic relationship as we go through all of the prophetical writings as you go through the book of Revelation you're scratching your head and you go man this just doesn't seem right people this isn't God's fault this is the result of sin that we're seeing these things happen and we're supposed to recognize what the land is doing and it's supposed to be a warning to us so we're not prey what happens when men don't repent what's the next stage in God's judgment anyone no I don't have time to go into this
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: god man earth a symbiotic relationship, book of amos bible study, amos, prophetic literature, minor prophets, book of amos, minor prophet amos, church, religion, use the bible, in-depth, bible stories, bible story, prophecy, bible prophecy, old testament prophecy, prophecy of jesus, bible, prophetic books of the bible, read the bible, how to read the bible, book of amos summary, book of amos in the bible, book of amos old testament, book of amos outline, book of amos kjv
Id: z_h0folQ4Kc
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Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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