Book of Amos 3: OUTLINE of Amos

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well I hope you brought a pen in a notebook if you didn't pull out your phone and get ready to take notes because we're finally ready to start going through the Book of Amos first by verse but before we begin let me remind you of two things these things you need to remember you need to remember as we go through the book so from time to time I'll come back to this and remind you of it first I want to remind you that Amos was sent by God to prophesy to the nation of Israel sometime around 768 to 755 BC now at that time Jeroboam ii was the king of Israel and Uzziah was the king of Judah but Amos was sent to prophesied to Israel not Judah so the fake focus of Amos is on the northern kingdom not the southern kingdom the second thing that I want to remind you of was that Israel was at the zenith of its power and prosperity now everyone knows what I mean by Zenith right Zenith refers to the time of which something is at its peak in regards to power and success now let me explain why Israel was at the peak of its power and prosperity first of all Syria had been defeated in 802 BC by the Assyrians and 40 years later they still hadn't recovered now I probably shouldn't have to do this but just in case I do let me explain the difference between the Syrians and the Assyrians they are not the same group of people they are not of the same Kingdom Syrians and Assyrians are two different groups of people two different kingdoms how many of you knew that the Syrians were what we would call Arameans they were from the kingdom of Aram the Assyrians came from what is today northern Iraq they were between the two rivers the river Euphrates and the Tigris River and they were known as the Assyrian Empire and so they would come into Syria and in 802 they conquered the Syrians and for 40 years or 40 years later the Syrians still had not recovered secondly the Syrians weren't able to go on into Israel to invade them because they went through a series of Intent rulers during that period and they were also having problems with the you are tense anyone heard of the you are tense the URT were from what is now Armenia so they were on our minions or what you would call that today and so they were having problems with that Kingdom and because it was to the north of them they weren't able to invade to the south so the Assyrians were willing to form an alliance with Israel at that time thirdly Jeroboam the second father Jehoash had won a major war with Judah so at that time Israel was the dominant power in that area and as a result of being the dominant power they had expanded their borders in fact they had taken back almost all of the territory they had lost between the time of King Solomon's death and when Jeroboam ii became the ruler of israel now as a result of reclaiming all of their former territory they finally had control over all of the major trade routes and we're not talking about just the major ones that went through Israel we're talking about the silk trade routes and the spice trade route you're talking about the two most predominant spice or trade routes that went through anywhere and they had control of those so Commerce was thriving and money was pouring into the kingdom so they were as prosperous as they had ever been since the kingdom was divided after Solomon's death so from Israel's perspective it was the best of times but from God's perspective it was the worst of times now why was it the worst of times from God's perspective well you see Jeroboam had instituted idolatry approximately a hundred and fifty years earlier he had two golden calves made any place one at Dan and one at Bethel Dan was at the northern tip of their Kingdom and Bethel was at the southern end of their kingdom and then he proclaimed that these golden calves were the gods that brought their ancestors out of Egypt look at first Kings chapter 12 verses 26 through 30 and I'll show you what I'm talking about now people this is very important not just to understand the Book of Amos but to understand the whole period of the prophets or to understand what happened after Solomon's death all the way up until Jesus Christ returns this is very very important so make sure that you understand it look at first Kings chapter 12 verses 26 to 30 says Jeroboam thought to himself unless I am careful the kingdom will return to the dynasty of David you see at this point they had revolted and they had formed their own Kingdom remember that Solomon's policies were very brutal in a sense we tend to think of Solomon's being this great godly King but the truth of the matter is he got away from God in fact God became so angry he told him I'm going to tear the kingdom away from you and if it wasn't for David I would tear all of the kingdom away from you now because of David's sake I'm not going to do it in your lifetime I'm in your son's lifetime now when we read the story we think the reason that the kingdom was torn apart was because Rio Boehm was not a very wise person he didn't listen to the counsel of the elder people right and most of you been taught that but the truth of the matter had he listened to that God's prophecy still would have come true they would have then been upset with the terms that they would have negotiated whether you like it or not the kingdom would have been torn in two and so it was and Jeroboam became the king of the kingdom that revolted of the ten northern tribes all right this keep going when these people go to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice at the temple the Lord they will again give their allegiance to King ribbo 'm of Judah they will kill me and make him their King instead so what Jeroboam was afraid of was that they would want a unified nation if they kept going back to Jerusalem in order to keep the sacrifices in the feast so he thought to himself I've got to come up with the way to keep them from doing that I've got to make up a religion and that's why he made these two golden calves and told them that these are the gods that have that led you out of Egypt let's keep reading so on the advice of his counselors the King made two golden calves he said to the people it is too much trouble for you to worship in Jerusalem look Israel these are the gods who brought the out of Egypt he placed these calf idols and Beth one in and Dan and either end of his kingdom but this became a great sin not just a sin people this became a great sin for the people worship the idol traveling as far north as dan to worship the one there now every king after Jeroboam including Jeroboam ii continued the practice of idolatry in fact when we were looking at the list of kings of Israel I told you that none of the Kings were good Kings some of the kings of Judah were good Kings as a result of that it postponed God's judgment coming upon them but none of the kings of Israel were good Kings they followed after the same sin of Jeroboam so as I said from the people's perspective it was the best of times they were very strong militarily they felt very secure they didn't feel like they were going to be invaded they had a very strong military but from God's perspective it was the worst of times so God sent prophets to warn them that if they didn't repent judgment was coming upon them and Amos was one of those prophets so those are the two things that you need to keep in mind as we go through the Book of Amos now let me give you a basic outline of the book this outline will help you to understand the structure of the book in other words how its laid out you see I don't want you to think that the Book of Amos is just a bunch of random messages and prophecies that are thrown together willy-nilly in fact sometimes we get that idea as we're reading through these prophetic books it's like boy there's a prophecy that has to do with this and a prophecy that has to do with that it's like they took all of these random prophecies and they just threw them together willy-nilly people that's not true the Book of Amos as well as all of the writings of the prophets are laid out very strategically and knowing that will help you to understand each individual individual message along with the overall message of the book so here's the outline we're actually going to give you a link on the website so you'll be able to print this out but if you don't want to wait for that go ahead and take a picture of it or do whatever you want to do now the first two verses of chapter 1 is an introduction of which Amos identifies himself as the prophet and then he tells us when he received the visions and God's prophetic message for Israel it was during the reign of Uzziah the king of Judah and Jeroboam ii the king of Israel and to be more precise it was two years before the great earthquake and then from verse three in Chapter one all the way through Chapter two Amos pronounces judgment on eight nations six of the nations or Gentile nations or what we would call heathen nations now why would we call them heathen nations because we don't like them no it's because they had not received the Word of God the Jews were chosen by God to receive revelation from God to prepare the whole world for the Messiah to receive the gospel the message of salvation the Word of God is for everyone but the Jewish nation was chosen in order to receive this revelation so all of the Gentile nations were considered to be heathen nations and you need to understand that the other two of course are Judah in Israel there's prophecies concerning them and of course all of these are prophecies and they were all fulfilled exactly as the prophecies predicted now this shouldn't surprise us because God is omnipresent which means that God is everywhere at all times now most of you have not been taught that most of you have been taught that God is everywhere at the same time how many of you have been taught that definition of omnipresence we've all been taught that God is everywhere at one time basically that's not true what omnipresent means is that God is everywhere at all times past present and future and that's why God knows the future before it happens he's in the future as well as in the past and present all at the same time right now God is in the present God is also in the past as he's here in the present blows your mind doesn't it but it helps you to understand atonement you see when we were immersed into the body of Christ at the time that Jesus took us Terk our sins upon us literally the Holy Spirit is in the future as we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior he's able to take our spirit immersed it into the body of Christ we're G Jesus becomes our sin and the reason he pays not only for our present sin but also our future sin is because God is also in the future of where we're asking him to forgive us so Jesus in the past 2,000 years ago was paying for our sins 2,000 years in the future how can God do that because God is omnipresent and that's why God knows the future before it happens look at Isaiah chapter 46 verses 9 and 10 so remember the things I've done in the past for I alone in God I am God and there is none like me only I can tell you the future before it ever happens everything I plan will come to pass for I do whatever I wish now the reason that God can tell you what's going to happen in the future it's because he's already in the future as I said he's in the past present and future all at the same time he's omnipresent he is not restricted by time and space as we are we are restricted by time and space we can only be in one place at one time how many have you gotten upset because you had so much to do you finally throw your hands up and you say I can't be everywhere at once anyone ever said that why can you not be everywhere wants because you're restricted by time and space now we've been taught that God is not restricted by space but he's restricted by time and the majority of this the reason we were taught that is because pastors weren't well educated on what the Bible really has to say and as a result of that it made sense that God can be everywhere at one time but it didn't make sense the guy could be everywhere at all times but you need to understand something God is not only not restricted by space but he's not restricted by time either he's outside the dimension of time and space is everyone with me all right that's very important because God is making these prophecies and all of these prophecies that Amos made except for the one that deals with the end times have come to pass and that's no surprise because God is omnipresent and then in chapter three verse one all the way through chapter six you have three sermons pronouncing judgment Israel remember Amos was sent to the Northern Kingdom to the Kingdom of Israel not to Judah now some of you think that I am I'm really tough when I preach how many of you think that you go oh my gosh I can't believe he said that anyone ever thought that as I'm preaching you go oh my gosh did that really come out of his mouth now I want you to understand something I am nothing like Amos I am nothing like the prophets who prophesied most of you need to go back and read the writings of the prophecies people Amos condemns Israel in these three sermons and then he pronounces judgment on them and of course these sermons are prophetic Allah nature so they are coming directly from God through Amos now I can't make that claim nor would I ever when I get up to preach all I can say is that I believe that my sermons are inspired by God and I know that they're based on God's Word and that's the most I can claim though some of you might argue about them being inspired by God especially when I get in the area of politics but do you want to know why I get in the area of politics because the prophets did let me tell you what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches that your faith should affect your actions and every time the prophets went to prophesy the nation's the reason they did is because the people's actions did not line up with what they said they believed our faith should affect everything we do and if it doesn't then we are responsible for it and judgment can come as a result of us I want you to understand something judgment is going to be coming upon America and the reason it's going to be coming up it's going to come upon America is because we've gotten away from God's Word and whenever you get away from God's Word it doesn't matter whether you're a heathen nation or you're a Christian nation and judgment will eventually come that's what we're going to find out in the Book of Amos and we are just as responsible if our faith does not affect the way we vote and let me tell you something because many of you you want to come in and you want to justify the way you vote by saying well I think it's just as morally wrong when it comes to finances it is with these moral issues such as abortion such as same-sex marriage you better read God's Word let me tell you something about prosperity and finances the blessings of God follow obedience to his word and when you become immoral God makes sure that you do not prosper financially we're gonna find that out in the Book of Amos and so if you think I'm rough I can't hold a candle to Amos I can't hold a candle to Jeremiah Jeremiah was locked up well I'm getting ahead of myself I just want you to understand something I'm a creampuff compared to Amos now in Chapter seven through chapter nine verse ten Amos received five visions from the Lord all dealing with judgment and again these visions are prophetical in nature so we want to understand the prophetic message with each vision and I promise you it's not going to be difficult to do so and then Amos closes on a positive note as bad as it might seem for Israel something good is going to happen in the future the Davidic Kingdom will be restored no ifs ands or buts the Davidic Kingdom will be restored in fact that's one of the purposes of the millennium when I was teaching on the series on heaven I think I got a little bit into the millennium and I told you that one of the purposes of the millennium one of the purposes of Jesus coming back and reigning for a thousand years and so that God could fulfill the promises that he made and one of the things that he's going to do he's made a promise to restore the Davidic Kingdom and it's going to be restored and even though Israel and Judah were carried into captivity just as the prophets said they would be at the end of days God is going to bring all of the exiled Jews who have been scattered among the nations back to the Land of Israel and the Hausa David will exist once more now we're already seeing the beginning of this prophecy Israel became a nation just as Ezekiel prophesied on the exact day on the in the exact month of the exact year that Ezekiel prophesied Israel became a nation and all of these other countries begin to allow the Jews to come back to the nation but it's going to begin to escalate at a faster rate as we get to the end times because the world is going to become more and more anti-semitic everyone thought that that would never happen after the Holocaust but I'm here to tell you there's a reason why anti-semitism exists since because the Jews are God's chosen people and the devil can't stand that and so they're going to come back but here's what's interesting he's going to prophecy in this last section that the house of David will exist once more which means that David will rule on the throne again as a vizier of Jesus Christ there is a reason for the rapture one day soon the rapture will occur and all of those who have died their bodies are going to be resurrected from their grave restore to around the age of 27 to 28 years of the peak of their strength and maturity reunited with their soul so they will have a resurrected body and those of us who are alive at the time the rapture occurs our body is going to be transformed into a body like Jesus Christ resurrected body and why are we going to receive a body like that because the Scriptures teach that Jesus will return to rule and reign for a thousand years and when he returns as Zechariah promises we come back with him to rule and reign at that point David comes back to rule in the house of David is restored and he's underneath the authority of Jesus Christ who will rule the world with an iron rod that's good teaching pastor al now that's the outline of the Book of Amos now as we go through the Book of Amos we're going to follow this outline because I want you to see that The Book of Amos is not a collection of random prophecies that are thrown together willy-nilly no these prophetic messages form a cohesive unit so let's start with the introduction to the Book of Amos and verses 1 & 2 follow along with me as I read the first two verses this message was given to Amos a shepherd from the town of Toccoa in Judah he received this message and visions two years before the earthquake when news iowa's king of Judah and Jeroboam the second the son of Joh Jehoash was king of Israel this is what he saw and heard in other words he went into an open-eyed trance those of you who have heard me teach an Old Testament prophets know that when they would prophesy the Spirit would come upon them they would almost become like a puppet they would go into an open-eyed trance and they would see things they would hear things and they would speak as God took control of their tongue so he says this is what he saw and heard and of course he's referring to the visions the Lord's voice will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem we'll find out why a lion roars the lush pastures of the Shepherd's will dry up the Grouse on Mount Carmel will wither and die now I want you to underline the word Amos Amos is translated from the Hebrew word Olmos which means burden so in all probability this wasn't the prophets given name it was a nickname and it was probably given to him by his adversary cuz they considered him to be a burden in fact at one point the high priest of this renegade religion full of idolatry actually sends some of the prophesies to the king and says we need to deport this guy we need to get him out of our kingdom we need to tell him that he can't do this so in all probability this was this nickname was given to him by his adversaries because they considered him to be a burden from their point of view here's a person from another nation coming to our nation nation and preaching doom and gloom and pronouncing judgment on so in all probability Amos was a sarcastic nickname they gave him and yet Amos received it and took that nickname and began referring to himself as Amos because the prophetic messages that God had given him burdened him in other words he didn't take any delight in pronouncing judgment upon Israel and prophesying about their demise and make no mistake about it he was prophesying about their demise what does demise mean it means their death their nation as a whole was going to die they were going to be conquered and carried into captivity and then even after the Babylonian everyone is allowed to come back in and they and they actually come back or immigrate back into Israel the Bab then then it's going to happen again with the Romans and they're going to be scattered all over the earth and the nation is going to die and that's what he's prophesying now if you look back at verse one you notice that these prophetic messages were given to Amos in other words Amos didn't come up with him on his own God gave them to him look at verse number one again this message was given to Amos a shepherd from the town of Tacoma and Judah he received he didn't come up with this he received this message in visions and of course if you've heard me teaching the Old Testament prophet this vision refers to an open-eyed trance two years before the earthquake when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam the second the son of jehovah's king of israel that's why we're able to come in and say he prophesied in about a 13 year period because we know when these two kings reigned we see when they overlap we have a good idea of when this earthquake took place but we don't know exactly so we can pinpoint that his ministry happened in this 13 year period and that's how we were able to come and study the historical cultural context to be able to build the story everyone with me now after he says that he introduces himself so we'll know a little bit about him first of all he was a shepherd now that's not a good translation to me so lore I should say that's not a good translation so mo people have the wrong perception about Amos in fact if you listen to most pastors and even some scholars they have the wrong perception of Amos because as they're reading this and it says that he was a shepherd they take it at face value and they don't go any deeper and look at the original language and as a result of that they get the idea that he was this poor illiterate Shepherd but that's not right because this is a horrible translation you see the word shepherd is translated from the Hebrew word OK'd which actually means sheep breeder or cattle breeder so he wasn't just a simple Shepherd but he was actually a rancher who specialized in breeding champion stock in fact this Hebrew word is only used twice in the Bible here and in 2nd Kings chapter 3 verse 4 where he it refers to the king of Moab as an okayed a breeder of champion stock look at 2nd Kings chapter 3 verse 4 because we need to zero in on this so you'll have the right perception of who Amos really was King Mesha of Moab was a sheep breeder and the Hebrew he was a know Cade this is the only two places this word is used in the Old Testament he used to pay the king of Israel an annual tribute of a hundred thousand lambs and the wool of a hundred thousand Rams he didn't pay the tribute just in gold and silver in other words he was known for his champion stock and for that reason lambs and wool were part of the tribute he had to pay but my point is this Amos was not a common Shepherd he was a very successful rancher who specialized in breeding champion stock but he was also a large landowner who produced FIGS now it doesn't say that in verses 1 & 2 but it does in chapter 7 verse number 14 so we're going to jump ahead in the book if you don't mind just hold your place here chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 and jump to chapter 7 and let's read verse 14 the name is answered and said to em isaiah i am not a prophet nor am I the son of a prophet for I am a herdsman and a grower of Sycamore figs sycamore figs are smaller than a common fig but they're much sweeter the tree that produces them as known as the ficus SiC amorous if you're taking notes write that down it's known as a ficus sick amorous here's a picture of the fruit kind of looks like a fig but it's a little smaller and here's a picture of the tree now why do I want to show you a picture of the tree everyone's seen a tree well here's what's interesting in Christ's day the people referred to this tree as a sycamore tree and this is the type of tree that Zacchaeus climbed up in turn to Luke chapter 19 verses two and four says there was a man there named Zacchaeus he was a chief tax collector a publican and he had become very rich he tried to get a look at Jesus but he was too short to see over the crowd so he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore fig tree he climbed a ficus sick amorous beside the road for Jesus was going to pass that way how many even remember the song from Vacation Bible School Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was see he climbed up in the sycamore tree now here's what's kind of funny if you know your trees and you hear sycamore tree you think of a sycamore tree that's here in Oklahoma and if you look at sycamore tree they don't produce FIGS what do they produce those weird little things Popoff what do you guys call them you know talking about the little balls have the little pointy things what evil things well I want you understand that's not a sycamore tree in the Orient not over in the Middle East a sycamore tree is a ficus Sikkim ficus sick amorous it's the tree that Zacchaeus climbed and the reason I showed you that tree it's because you can see it had a lot of ranches that would come out because it produced a lot of fruit there's a very wide tree grew to about 50 feet tall Zacchaeus would have been able to grab one of the lower limbs and would have been able to hoist himself up and clean them all the way up but don't picture sycamore trees picture a sycamore fig tree and he was a grower he was an owner of an orchard of Sycamore figs now these type of trees only grew in the Jordan Valley and around the Oasis along the Dead Sea now the reason I said Oasis instead of Oasis is because I'm talking about plural so they grew around the Oasis along the Dead Sea because they need to talk that type of climate and that water supply so what does that tell us about Amos well it tells us that Amos was a very wealthy businessman and all probability Amos grazed his sheep in the Judean foothills and an area known as the Schieffelin and he must have owned land at one of the oases near the Dead Sea or in the Jordan Valley because that's the only climate in Israel where factious sycamores trees can grow now in verse number one were told that Amos was from Tekoa nocte KOA is about six miles south of Bethlehem and about nine to ten miles south of Jerusalem in fact those of you who went with me to Israel actually saw a village that's located on the same location that the ancient village of Toccoa was when we were at the Herodium you could see a village nearby that village is built on the same location as the ancient town of Toccoa now if you don't remember the Herodian let me jog your memory if you don't mind if you remember we were on the Mount of Olives when we were on the Mount of Olives I did something strange I took all of us to the seven arches hotel and then I went to the counter and I asked the man if we could go through the hotel to the back of their property and I had to slip him a $50 bill and when I slipped him a $50 bill then we were able to do that so we went through this hotel and the reason we went through this hotel is because I wanted to point out two specific places the first place that I wanted to point out was Bethany so when we got to the back of the property I said this is Bethany does anyone remember what's important about Bethany Bethany was the home of Martha Mary and Lazarus and when Jesus resurrected Lazarus sometimes we get the idea that not very many people knew about it but you need to understand Bethany is just on the other side on the backside of the Mount of Olives it's right there so if anyone heard about Lazarus and heard about the resurrection and they wanted to check it out all they had to do was walk up to the Mount of Olives and as they came down on the backside there's Bethany and they could literally go to Lazarus house ask him if he really died how long he was in the tomb and what was it like before he was resurrected that's why they had to do something about Lazarus not just Jesus because the word had gotten out what Jesus had did and it was too easy to check out with all the people in Jerusalem and all the people were checking out and finding out yes he really did raise him from the dead but that wasn't the only place that I wanted to point out so when we were looking at Bethany then I told all of the people that would met with me to look to the right 90 degrees and when I looked to the right 90 degrees they saw a mountain that looked kind of like a volcano it was pretty far in the distance but you could make it out really clear it looked just like this volcano and I said that is the Herodium now how many of you know what the Herodium is well in 40 BC Herod the Great he was the king he just been established and the Parthians came in and they wanted to set up their own king and he had to run for his life and he was running to Masada and as he was fleeing to Masada there was a battle at the area known as Toccoa and he almost lost his life but he was able to make it to Masada and you know the story and then he went on to Rome in the Rome he was able to get them to come and help him and they actually threw the Parthians out and he became king of the Jews but he built the Herodium at Toccoa because he thought if he ever got in trouble again and he had to go to Masada he needed to be able to go to a place where he could be safe and make this journey in two steps so he made this place called the Herodium here's a picture of it see how it looks kind of like a volcano it's a man-made Mountain here's an aerial view of it in other words here is the fortress inside of it if you take a look at that you can see that literally you went down in and there's tunnels all in it had different towers they were able to protect it they had all types of supplies and it was literally a military fortress it was one of Herod's palaces in fact he was actually buried there and they think that they found his tomb there but anyways when we went there you could see the original location of Toccoa from the Herodium because where that little village was that I pointed out that's tacola where it sits on the location of the ancient village of to Goa so here's what we know about Amos as a resident of Tacoma he must have been from the tribe of Judah which meant that he would have owned land in the Judean foothills the area that was known as the Schieffelin which is great for grazing livestock no wonder he was a breeder of champion stock he had the best land that was built specifically for grazing and he owned that land but the back side of Tacoma has cliffs that fall into the Jordan Valley around the Dead Sea so his family land must have included land with an oasis somewhere around the sea or the Dead Sea so he had the best of both worlds and that would explain why he was well educated well-traveled and why he had the ability to take time off to be able to travel up to the northern kingdom for about two or three years and actually do what God called him to do it wasn't because he didn't have a penny to his name it was because he had a lot of money he was able to delegate the work he was used to traveling all over if you wonder why in the world he knew so much about Israel is because a lot of the things that he he created like the figs and the champion stock he was actually selling to those in Israel so he was very well-traveled I want you to understand something God uses well-educated people we've got the idea because pastors who are uneducated will always point to the disciples of Jesus Christ and say that these were poor uneducated men they were not poor in an educated man if you do a study on the disciples in fact I have and you can hopefully go back in and listen to those DVDs and watch them you'll find out that many of them were very well-off and some of them were very well-connected some was even connected to the family of the high priest the women that took care of much of the money for Jesus that supported his ministry came from very well-off families and Amos was very well-off very well-educated a well-traveled man and that's the things that we need to do know now look back at verse number 1 says this message was given to Amos a shepherd from the town of taco in Judah he received this message and visions two years before the earthquake when Uzziah was king of Judah I want you to notice that Amos received the prophetic message two years before the earthquake now the earthquake that he's referring to was unbelievable it was massive in fact the Prophet Zechariah mentions his earthquake in his book turned to Zechariah chapter 14 verses 1 through 5 and I'll show you what I'm talking about watch for the day of the Lord is coming now the day of the Lord is not one single day we tend to think of that how many of you think of the day of the Lord is one day the day of the Lord refers to a period of time and it's referring to the end of time it incorporates the tribulation Jesus returned all of that is the day of the Lord does that make sense so it says watch for the day of the Lord is coming when your possessions will be plundered right in front of you I will gather all the nations to fight against Jerusalem does that sound familiar all of the nations are going together to fight against Jerusalem the city will be taken the houses looted in the women raped half the population will be taken into captivity and the rest will be left among the ruins of the city if you remember Jesus told them when you see this abomination desolation take place don't even go inside to get your coat flee to the wilderness flee to Petra because Jordan is the only modern country that will not have an alliance an agreement with the Antichrist so he won't be able to follow them into Jordan if you've ever heard me teach on that I give you the scripture for that then the Lord will go out to fight against those nations as he fought in times past on bat day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives will split apart making a wide valley running from east to west half the mountain will move toward the north and half towards the south you will flee through this valley for it will reach across the South yes you will flee as you did from the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of Judah there it is when Jesus Christ comes back all of these nations they're gonna flee am I gonna do him any good then the Lord my God will come and all his Holy Ones with him who are the holy ones we are the holy ones those of us who were raptured there's a reason why we're gonna have a resurrected physical body because we're coming back with Jesus to rule and reign on this earth for a thousand years my mother who died recently her body will be resurrected reunited with her soul and she will be coming back that's what it means then the Lord my God will come and all his Holy Ones with him and of course this prophecy in Zechariah is talking about the return of Jesus Christ at the end of the tribulation and it tells us exactly what we read that when Jesus feet touch the Mount of Olives then it's gonna split in half a portion I'm just gonna go to the north a portion of it's going to go to the south and there's going to be this large valley from the Temple Mount all the way to the Jordan Valley and this water is going to flood out it's going to begin to cleanse things now when this happens it's going to scare the people so bad that they're going to flee from Jerusalem like they did when the earthquake occurred in the days of Uzziah now if you remember Zechariah prophesied during the post exile period around 520 to 518 BC do you remember that which was about two hundred and fifty years after the time of Amos he prophesied two hundred and fifty years after Amos so to be referring to an earthquake two hundred fifty years after it occurred means that it was some kind of earthquake people if you still remember the earthquake that happened two hundred and fifty years ago that was some earthquake now if you notice verse 1 says that Amos received the prophetic vision two years before the earthquake which means that the book was edited after the earthquake or Amos was prophesying that there would be an earthquake in two years but in all probability the Book of Amos was probably compiled and edited after the earthquake and let me explain why you need to understand how Old Testament prophet prophets operated in those days oh Testament prophets were required to bring their prophecies to the Temple in Jerusalem and they were kept by the priest to see if what they prophesied came true or not if they came true they remained in the writings of the house of Israel if not they were to be burned turned Ezekiel chapter 13 verse number 9 and I'll show you what I'm talking about and my hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity in that divine lies in other words God's hand is going to be against the false prophets they shall not be in this simply of my people in other words I will cut them off neither shall they be written in the writings of the house of Israel in other words neither shall their writings or their prophecies be in the Bible neither shall they enter into the land of Israel and shall know that I am the Lord God people this is how God ensured that only the writings of true prophets were included in the Bible so every prophet who prophesied during the Old Testament period were required to bring a written record of their prophecies to the temple and if it agreed with the writings of Moses and if all the prophecies came true it was included in the writings of Israel if not they were burned in fact we actually see how this worked in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 36 in fact I'm gonna go through this real quick if you don't mind I'm gonna have to instead of read all of these scriptures I'm gonna kind of talk you through it if you don't mind but look at verses 1 through 6 I'll try and read as many as I can during the fourth year that Jehovah come son of Josiah was king and Judah the Lord gave this message to Jeremiah get a scroll and write down all my messages against Israel Judah and the other nations begin with the first message back in the days of Josiah and write down every message right up to the present time perhaps the people of Judah will repent when they hear again Jeremiah had already prophesied these and every time he prophesied he had to take that prophecy to the temple and it was given to the priests and it was held to see if it would come true or not first of all they look to see did it wasn't in accordance with what Moses wrote if it was in accordance with what Moses wrote they just put it over here kinda like putting it on a shelf we'll see if it comes to pass so he gets this message from the Lord and it says I want you to write down all of these prophecies even though they're all there I want you to write them down all the way from the very first all the way up to the present every one of the prophecies and I want you to go read it to them and when they hear again all the terrible things I plan for them then I will be able to forgive their sins and wrongdoings so Jeremiah Sanford Baruch son of Neriah and as Jeremiah dictated all the prophecies for the Lord had given him Baruch wrote them on a scroll now this is very important because he dictated them in other words he spoke them some scholars say well he got up and he took his prophecies because he kept a recording of them and he just read them we're gonna find out came from his mouth God's gonna give it to him again it's gonna be word-for-word that's what they're gonna be studying when he goes and does it well I'm getting ahead of myself anyways then Jeremiah said to Brooke I'm a prisoner here and unable to go to the temple why is he a prisoner because they don't like what he's prophesying he was no creampuff you think I'm bad I'm nothing so you go to the temple on the next day of fasting and read the messages from the Lord that I have had you write on the scroll read them so the people who are there from all over Judah will hear them now jump down to verses 11 through 20 go home and read it I'll kind of talk you through it it says then when all of these people who were scribes heard all the words of the Lord from the book he then went down to the King's house into the scribes chamber do you see that this is where the writings of the prophets were kept if you said you were a prophet and you prophesied something they didn't allow you to go around prophesying unless it was written down none of this well I think they said this no it had to be written down had to be taken to the temple then it was taken to the drives chamber and there's where it was kept and there all the princes were sitting and leshawna described he's one of these that puts it all together he's making sure that these writings are kept safe he's also the one that's responsible for checking everything out Daliah the son of Shammai and he goes through all of these ayahs and then it says mkhaya declared to them all the words they'd heard when Baruch read the book and the hearing of the people therefore all the princess sent Jew who died the son of Nathania the son of Chell Amaya and all of the ayahs to brouk sank taking that your hand the scroll from which you've read in the hearing the people in come so Brooke took this grow and he came to them and they said sit down and read it in our hearing now why did they want him to read it in their hearing because they were comparing it to the prophecies that Jeremiah had turned in previously but this is a compiled version it has all of Jeremiah's prophecies on one scroll so they say come down to the scribal chamber they start pulling out all of Jeremiah's prophecies and they say start reading it and they start listening to this and it is word-for-word again what he'd given the first time and then they get fearful verse 16 and that happened when they had heard all the words that they looked in fear from one to another this isn't just the same pertinent information this is word-for-word and they said to Baruch we will surely tell the king of all these words and they asked baruk saying tell us now how did you write all these words in other words did you have copies of these at his instruction so Baroque answer them he proclaimed with his mouth all these words to me in the original Hebrew it says he said from his mouth not read in it and the emphasis is he didn't read it in other words he went into an open-eyed trance and from those all those other prophecies God he gave him had given him he gave it to him again and he begins to say the very same prophecies in the very beginning from the time Josiah was King all the way up to the present and it's word for work and they're comparing this and they want to know did he have a record of this and they said no Baruch says no he proclaimed it with his mouth and I wrote them with ink in the book then the princess said to Baruch go and hide you and Jeremiah why because the king is not gonna like this and let no one know where you are don't even let us know so if we're tortured we can't tell and they went to the king to the court but they stored the scroll in the chamber of Eli Shama the scribe they hid it because they knew what the King would do and told all the words in the hearing of the King now you jump down to verses 21 through 25 very important I'm almost come tune in we would need to finish this so you can understand how the prophets operated the king sends you who died to get the scroll Jew who - I brought it from Allah Sheamus room and ready to the king as all this officials stood by it was late autumn the king was in a winterized part of the palace in other words its coat if you only odd the autumn time it's time for the early rains and when it begins to bring in this rain it gets very cold sometimes it snows he was sitting in front of a fire to keep warm each time Jew who died finished reading three or four columns the King took a knife and cut off that section of the scroll he then threw it into the fire section by section until the host crow was burned up neither the King nor his attendants showed any signs of fear repentance of what they heard even when elder Nathan and Daliah and gomorrah begged the King not to burn the scroll he still wouldn't listen you see when he was cutting off and throw in the fire this is what he was saying this is not a God this is not of God because the way it worked as you brought these prophecies in they kept in there and if it came to pass they got him out and studied them because God had told them that no writings of the Prophet was to be included in the Bible this is how we got our Bible people now let's read verses 27 through 30 this is really good after the King had burned the scroll on which Baruch had written Jeremiah's words the Lord gave Jeremiah another message says they go get another scroll and write everything again just as you did on the scroll King Jehovah and then say to the king this is what the Lord says you burn the scroll because it said the king of Babylon would destroy this land and in fiat of people and animals now this is what the Lord says about King Jehoiakim of Judah he will have no heirs to sit on the throne of David his dead body will be thrown out to lie unburied exposed to the heat of the day in the frost of the night I am a creampuff people but here's my point the temple had the writings of Amos and when all of the prophecies came true with the exception of the endtime prophecy about the kingdom of David being restored because it's still future they were compiled into a book but Amos would have been responsible for taking his prophetic message to the temple and he would have been able to add information about the earthquake to help Nate his prophetic message later when he was putting all this prophecies together to Hindon the temple but it had to turn it in before any of the prophecies came to pass you could not turn your prophecies in if your prophecies had already come to pass so Amos has prophesied all of these he's been in this open-eyed vision but God also gives it to write it down and so when he has am all compiled the Lord says that's it he's going to take it to the temple but he's going to add an introduction and that's what we were reading in verses 1 & 2 he's telling us so they will know whose prophecies these are it's of Amos where he's from all of the little details he wants but but then the rest of it is nothing but what the Lord has given him and it's goes to the Scott it goes to the chambers of the scribes and it's kept until these prophecies come true and then years laters are going through they're going oh my gosh there it is oh my gosh there it is there it is there it is now here's one prophecy that hasn't come true but it refers to the end of days this book belongs in our Bible now we were going to try and cover one chapter a week and we got through verse 1 next week we're going to try and move a little faster we're going to cover verse 2 and hopefully the majority of chapter 1 possibly all of chapter 1 because that's my go
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
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Keywords: outlining the book amos, book of amos bible study, amos, prophetic literature, minor prophets, book of amos, minor prophet amos, bible prophecy, introduction to amos, prophetic books of the bible, cultural context, historical context of amos, cultrual context of amos, book of amos meaning, church tahlequah, how to read the bible, old testament laws, bible study, book of amos summary, book of amos outline, book of amos in the bible, book of amos kjv, amos old testament
Id: Gw5cXRL2tCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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