End of Days: Yahweh's Prophetic Calendar - 119 Ministries

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we are excited to bring you this video series and we believe you will agree with us but the findings from our studies are overwhelming and at the very least calls for attention from all prophecy students as we all continue to grow and our understanding of the Scriptures it is our prayer that we always keep an open heart to the spirit as he tweaks our understanding along the way this video series will cover multiple topics and Bible prophecy there is no shortage of theories as it relates to end times prophecy and many are in contradiction with one another we hope that we can offer some clarity and new perspective on such things as well as offer new insight to bring to the table at the very least we expect to prompt some new and interesting discussion and thinking on these matters obviously we do not claim to have everything figured out and we are definitely open to adjusting and tweaking from other perspectives we simply want to maintain an environment of testing everything even the topic of n times so get a notebook grab a pen and by all means open your Bible as we study the word our first topic is a feast days of the Lord we believe in order to understand the advent of our Savior we must understand the feast days has given to us in the Torah the Feast of the Lord our prophetic rehearsals of the first and second coming of Christ there are a total of seven feasts ordained by the Lord the church as a whole does not celebrate these days many reasons have been given by the church as to why it does not observe these days but we'll save that for another teaching the spring feasts are Passover unleavened bread firstfruits and Pentecost the fall feasts are trumpets David Tolman and Tabernacles it must be understood that though these are all referred to in a broad sense as feast days only three are truly feast days where we are instructed to actually celebrate with a feast yet they are all generally referred to as these days speak to the Israelites and say to them these are my appointed feasts the appointed feasts of Yahweh which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies they were given to all 12 tribes of Israel and all those who left Egypt with the twelve tribes the Scriptures tell us that they are always to be observed always Zechariah tells us that Tabernacles is even observed in the Millennium Zechariah chapter 14 then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the king yahweh almighty and celebrate the feast of tabernacles verse 4 of Leviticus 23 explains how these feast days are to be observed at their appointed times the Hebrew word for appointed times is moet first force says these are Yahweh's appointed feasts the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times appointed times mo egg the singular of mo Adam which is used in Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 and God said let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years seasons MOA deem we have to ask ourselves do we really need the Sun Moon and the stars to tell us what season we are in doesn't winter spring summer and fall speak for themselves or do we need the Sun Moon and the stars to inform us of when the leaves are falling from the trees doesn't it make more sense that these are to be used in referring to the Lord's appointed feasts as mentioned in Leviticus 23 verse 5 informs us of Passover to understand how this works we must remember that the Hebraic days start and end at sundown the Passover lamb sacrifice falls on the fourteenth of the first e-brake month around 3:00 p.m. this is followed by the Passover meal a few hours later at Twilight and memory of the tenth plague that befell Egypt and setting God's people free what is traditionally called the Passover meal is to be eaten as we enter into the fifteenth day this is the first day of the feast of unleavened bread it was when a lamb was to be eaten in every house with its blood placed on the frame of the doors so that the death angel would pass over that house verse six and forms us of the week of unleavened bread this is the seven-day period that always begins the day after the Passover lamb is slain on the fourteenth the first and last day of this feast is to be considered a Sabbath day the beginning of the first day of the feast of unleavened bread is when the Passover lamb is to be this meal also includes bitter herbs and unleavened bread in fact all seven days one is to eat food without leaven as well as remove all eleven products from their house verse ten gives us firstfruits this day takes place on the first day after the weekly Sabbath of unleavened bread firstfruits is the day when the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on dry ground this is the day when the first of the harvest is waved before and offered up to the Lord verse 15 gives us Pentecost this is the day when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the commandments it's the same day in Acts chapter 2 when the spirit put them in our hearts we are instructed to count off seven Sabbath's beginning from firstfruits totaling forty-nine days the fiftieth day is Pentecost it's actually a type of Jubilee and verse 23 through 25 of Leviticus we find the Feast of Trumpets this is a one day celebration that falls on the first day of the seventh month this is the only day that falls on the first day of a month a new moon it is to be considered a Sabbath day and is commemorated with trumpet blasts beginning in verse 26 we find the day of atonement this is also considered a Sabbath day this is a day when atonement is made for all the people before the Lord this takes place on the tenth day of the seventh month lastly beginning in verse 33 we have Tabernacles this begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month and lasts seven days the first day is to be considered a Sabbath day the eighth day after the seven is to be for a closing Assembly and to be considered a Sabbath day as well during the seven days the people are to rejoice and celebrate while living in booths to remember that the Israelites lived in booths after they were freed from Egypt the eighth day is representative of the new beginnings in eternity after the Millennium the Millennium represents the seventh day the Sabbath day of the Lord it must be noted that these are not Jewish feasts these are God's feasts we must understand that it is God's calendar that dictates not ours his calendar is the only one that truly counts it should be noted that there are several differences of opinions in how to determine the exact days of the calendar of Leviticus 23 we encourage everyone to do their own due diligence and studying out the father's calendar according to the scriptures to understand 119 s view on the calendar we encourage you to watch our teaching child time the creator's calendar as mentioned these are the feast days of the Lord many may be wondering why we took the time to briefly go over these simply stating as mentioned before the feast days are the rehearsal for the 1st and 2nd coming of Yeshua if one truly wants to understand the advence of our Messiah then they must have at least a basic understanding of the feast days we must not forget that Yeshua fulfilled Passover on the exact day of Passover the anniversary of the Passover in Egypt he died when the Passover lamb was to be slain about 3 p.m. on the 14th day of the first e-brake month he was laid in the grave the exact same night when the feast of unleavened bread began that was when the Sun went down and the 14th day closed and entered into the 15th this was and is the anniversary of when the Hebrews left Egypt he rose from the grave on the exact day of firstfruits the day when the first fruits of the harvest was to be waved and the anniversary of when they crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and finally he fulfilled Pentecost on the exact day of Pentecost or Shavuot in Hebrew he put the law in our hearts on the anniversary of when Moses brought the law down from Mount Sinai doesn't it only make sense that he will follow suit in the same pattern at his second coming meaning his second coming will fulfill the fall Noah deem holy days at his second coming like his first coming fulfilled the spring MOA deem his first coming was to establish his priesthood in the heavenlies the humble servant who came to serve but now at his second coming he comes as conquering king to set up his government on earth the government will rest on his shoulders he will establish his throne in Jerusalem where he will reign for a thousand years priest at his first coming King at his second on the day that is called Feast of Trumpets no wonder Paul wrote in first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 in a flash in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed right now many are saying but we can't know the day of his coming even Jesus himself said no man knows that day or hour to which we agree he did say that so let us address these statements as they are and see what we come up with first we have Matthew 24 verses 35 and 36 where it says heaven and earth will pass away but my words shall not pass away but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the son but the father alone if we look at the context here we see that the day an hour referred to here is when heaven and earth pass away which only makes sense as there are several events given after the Millennium that have no time frames allocated to them they are one the season that Satan is loosed to the final battle where fire comes down from heaven and destroys the enemy and three the great white throne judgment it is after these events that have no time designated to them that the new heaven and earth appear thus the context in verse 35 that day is referring back to the day of heaven and earth passing away many are then quick to refer to verse 42 therefore be on the alert for you do not know which day your Lord is coming this is just after Yeshua parallels has coming with the flood of Noah the people who did not know the timing of the flood were taken away while those who did were protected first 42 is where Yeshua is telling his disciples to be on the alert why because they did not know present tense when the Lord was returning let's now look at the following verses to show how he explains the previous statement Matthew 24 verse 43 but understand this if the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into so you also must be ready because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him if you notice he doesn't say that the owner would have known the time because he watched but rather that he would have watched because he knew the time so if we follow the Lord's command to be alert and watch that means we'll already know the day of his return just as the homeowner would have just not the hour let's look at it again but understand this if the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into so you also must be ready because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him again he doesn't say that the owner would have known the time because he watched but rather that he would have watched because he knew the time so if we follow the Lord's command to be alert and watch that means we'll already know the day of his return just not the hour if someone is coming to visit you on Friday you don't start looking for them on Wednesday do you of course not you start looking for them on Friday around the time they said they would come the same principle applies here this makes all the more sense as we compare other verses that talk about knowing the time of his return compare first us alone in Chapter five now brother is about times and dates we do not need to write to you for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night but in whose perspective to see come like a thief in the night to the believer or the unbeliever to answer that question let's read verse four but you brothers are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief compared also in Revelation chapter 3 where Yeshua is talking to the church in Sardis remember therefore what you have received and heard obey it and repent but if you do not wake up I will come like a thief and you will not know at what time I will come to you these two witnesses clearly show that Yeshua will come like a thief only to those who are not following him those who are following him will know when to start looking for him if you are walking in the light and observing his feasts according to the Modine times and seasons set in place from the beginning then you will know when the Messiah will come we cover this fact that we can know the time of his return in more detail and our teaching called the last days please refer to that teaching if you're struggling on this topic as mentioned earlier Yeshua fulfilled Passover on the exact day of Passover the anniversary of the Passover in Egypt he was laid in the grave the exact same night when the feast of unleavened bread began the anniversary day of when the Hebrews left Egypt he rose from the grave on the exact day of firstfruits the anniversary of when they crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and finally he fulfilled Pentecost on the exact day of Pentecost Shavuot the anniversary of Moses bringing the law from Sinai all of these fulfillments were in conjunction with his first coming doesn't it only make sense that his second coming will likewise parallel the fulfillments to the day of the fall feasts we will not be in the dark to knowing when he returns and as a result we will be watching the Lord cannot come today or tomorrow he will only come when he has prophesied to come at the appointed time the Feast of Trumpets compare 1st Corinthians 15 listen I tell you a mystery we will not all sleep but we will all be changed in a flash in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed and 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with a voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will be with the Lord forever now knowing this consider what happens in the last trumpet of Revelation when the seventh trumpet blows the last trumpet the kingdom of the Lord comes to earth verse 15 then the seventh angel sounded and there were allowed voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his christ and he will reign forever and ever and the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before god fell on their faces and worshiped God and now at this time at the last trumpet our Lord establishes his great power and reign on earth saying for seventeen we give thanks to You Lord God Almighty the one who is and who was because you have taken your great power and have begun to rain and then when he returns the wrath begins to destroy those who destroy the earth it is also when we receive our rewards and judgment whether we are to be least or great in the kingdom verse 18 the nations were angry and your wrath has come the time has come for judging the dead and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name both great and small and for destroying those who destroy the earth what a day to look forward to the day of the Lord the last day a thousand-year day that represents the Sabbath rest as mentioned at the beginning of this teaching the feasts of the Lord are prophetic rehearsals of the first and second coming of our Messiah we hope you've enjoyed this teaching remember continue to test everything Shalom in Genesis we learn that the Sun Moon and stars are the perfectly ordained time pieces of our Creator each of course are designed to teach us how to biblically calculate the days months and years yet there is so much confusion Orthodox students have a version of the biblical calendar carryi Jews have a version of the biblical calendar even still many more have their own versions of the biblical calendar how are we to make sense of all this there are a few topics that inject more confusion into the body of the Messiah then trying to understand the calendar how can we all be one when we are all divided how are we to calculate his appointed times what does the Word of God really teach his Word teaches that two to three witnesses establish a map we bring you the witnesses and ask you to test everything watch in amazement as the Torah the prophets and our Messiah I'll teach in one Accord the one true biblical calendar time our creators calendar series for more information visit us at test everything net
Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 58,324
Rating: 4.8494625 out of 5
Keywords: prophetic, calendar, yahweh's, end of days, Yahweh (Deity), End Time (Belief), Religion (TV Genre), Holy, Days, prophecy
Id: 20CnOnOPjBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 07 2015
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