I Read A Deadly Education: Rant or Rave? NON-SPOILER & SPOILERS [CC]

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Hey, hi, hello. Welcome and welcome back to my channel. My name is Jess and today I want to   talk about A Deadly Education. Will this be  the first book review on my Booktube channel..? Maybe but first and foremost: VOTE! We are getting down to the wire people so make sure you vote. So first I want to say that I am not good at  reviewing books, I have mentioned this previously, um that I really respect people who can  write really eloquent, beautifully worded   reviews or even do them in videos; that is not  me. So just fair warning this is going to be   all over the place and so you've been warned. I'm gonna keep this spoiler free for the most part and   then at the end maybe a little bit of spoilery but  i'll definitely mark it on [the screen] and put a time stamp in   the description. So A Deadly Education is written by  Naomi Novik. This came out maybe two weeks ago   and it's been on a lot of people's most  anticipated lists for this year because it is a   new book set in a magic school and with everything that's happened with Joanne Rowling, everyone is   excited to have a new book at a magic school  that maybe they can replace Harry Potter with. um but I at first thought  it was a young adult because   'magic school' and it sounded like you know like 18 and under and then I saw that it was being sold   as adult from the imprint which is Del Rey  books, I believe and the price point um it's $28. Well it's $28, when I looked at Bookshop.org  it's $25, so it definitely adult priced um   and then when I saw it like a physical copy, it's very short it's like 350 pages max. But anyway, the only thing I knew about it going  in was it was set at a magic school, apparently   that you either graduate or you die and I was  like that sounds very interesting. I didn't   look any further into it then it came out, there  was some controversy which I talked about in my   previous or the last week's Book CommuniTEA video, where people um were highlighting some passages   that they found racist. So I had already wanted to read it, I had it in from the library and so I read   it, I finished yesterday? I finished yesterday. So A Deadly Education, what did I think of it ? What did Drake say? I'm UPSET. I am upset, uh one the book is beautiful oh and I was like I really   hope I love this book because it's like black and  gold, the UK edition is like a navy blue, oh my gosh. I wanted to buy both editions and now I'm like: can I really justify that, especially at an adult price  when I didn't love this book? So the whole concept of this world is that there are wizards and   there's mundanes- so people who don't have magic and the wizards go to this school the Scholamance   and I think it's from like 14 to 18, so you know  like 9th grade to senior year to learn magic, learn   spells, in order to get out into the world and  then either they live on their own or they join   an enclave, which is like a group of wizards living together. The thing about the school though is   it's "deadly", there are no teachers, no professors, no one really besides the students   and monsters, there's hella monsters everywhere. Always trying to kill you, always trying to eat   you and so you always have to be on your guard and the that's it, like you hear that description   of the book and then I was, you think there's  going to be some other plot and there's not.  That was a big issue with this book for me, there  really is no plot to the last 20% of the book. It   is very much an info dump, like it felt as if- I  watched like two other reviews for this book and   it someone described it as an Ikea instruction  manual for this book or like her outline but   she just wrote it and I agree with both of those  things because it was so much info dumping and   i'm not even going to say world building because  I love world building but just dumping information, just typing that up, is different from world  building in my opinion. And there's so much of   it and I only think this is going to be a duology, so I think she did herself a disservice because   she's like i'm going to tell you everything about  the world in this first book then a little bit of   story and then i'll have a second book. So it's  already limited there, page count she limited   herself and it didn't feel like a story, it felt as  if she was writing- you know when series come out   and then sometimes they come up with a companion book or like a book that talks about the world?   For instance, with the Game of Thrones, the Song of Ice and Fire series there's uh The World of   Ice and Fire, this big book that just goes into  history about the families and the fights and all   this stuff, which if you love the series is perfect  because you get all this extra information. That's   what the majority of this felt like, like you want  a deeper explanation of everything because this   this just wasn't it. Our main character is El, her  full name is Galadriel but she goes by El and   she's the worst. No one likes her and it's not  really explained why no one likes her, aside   from her just being a bitch to everybody but she  says like where her and her mom live, no one likes   her and then she goes to school and no one likes her and it's like why? Her mom is this powerful   wizard but she chooses to live on her own in like  this hippie commune and like you know not be with   an enclave and then there's El. So in this story  everyone, all wizards have a different affinity.   So one person might have affinity for  weather magic or they may have an affinity   for transfiguration spells. El has an affinity for  mass destruction, which sounds cool but it's also   it's very limiting in this story and then  the other main character is it Orion or Orion   i'm not sure, has an affinity for like  battle magic or battle spells. So he does   really well against all the monsters in the school. Another thing, the monsters are called mals like   maleficaria? Is that it? Look, while this book was  short it also, I was just, I still feel confused. All   the info dump and sometimes I still feel confused . So those are, the main two characters. They're   in their junior year at the Scholomance and like  I said no one likes El but it's still really not   well explained besides that she's just a bitch because she assumes no one likes her, so then   no one does like her because she's standoffish and she stays to herself, she's a loner but then the   first line of this book, so the first line of this  book is: I decided that Orion needed to die after   the second time he saved my life." Very interesting start but whatever. So he like I said has affinity   for battle magic so he's always saving people  from male that they weren't paying attention   to, that came up behind them always saving people and then there's El. So she and her magic, she   always has to be careful because since she has  an affinity for mass destruction she can easily   turn a simple spell into something that you know wipes out half of the class, so all sounds very   interesting right? I did like the description of  like the school, it's kind of like, I picture it as   cylindrical? circular? Because there's like the  core where all of like the classrooms and stuff   are, cafeteria and then there's like the outside  surrounding it are the dorms and they rotate. So   every year, it rotates a bit down so you're a  freshman you're going to start on like the top   and then it's going to rotate down and the seniors are going to be on the bottom, sounds cool, so you   know staircases may change and things can pop out of wherever because to get out of the school once   you're a senior, after the this school year is over,  you go out through this room but the room is full   of these monsters, these mals, and you basically have to get through it, it's like a gauntlet if   you get through you graduate but i still don't  really get why they created this school. And while   it sounded cool in theory, this school just sounds awful. Like the story lacked so much because the   teachers were missing. Like, I love those teacher  relationships, even when like the student hates   them or they have this really great mentorship,  that was missing and so I didn't even feel a   connection to like the magic or the spells either  because they're basically just teaching themselves. Also the everything about this book is like oh  "dark academia" it's "deadly", this school so scary   but that she tells you so many times that it's  not even, it doesn't even feel like creepy or   dark. It's just like okay we fucking get it, there's monsters. Like it's a very tell not   show book. It was very much like let me tell  you how deadly the school is, let me tell you,   did I mention there's monsters, did I tell you  there's monsters, did I mention you might die?   Okay, Naomi we fucking get it. There would be  moments of like okay finally action is happening,   here's this big monster they're in this bind, how  are they gonna get out of it and then El, there was   so much inner dialogue or like monologue  because she doesn't talk to that many people   and it will pause and she might be trying to  fight this big monster and then in her head she's   gonna go and give you three pages of history  on this monster or what this what they do   or the benefit of living an enclave. You're like  in the middle of a scene and so it'd be like well   I thought that was going to be interesting and  there wasn't a lot of dialogue because the main   character doesn't talk to anyone and so it  just wasn't an enjoyable story. It was only   350 pages but it felt like it took forever to get  through and I kept falling asleep while reading it   partly because i'm old and tired but also partly  because it was boring. Another issue I have is that   I said it was marketed and sold as an adult book, this book is so Y.A., this is a young adult novel. The only "adult" thing about it is there's maybe  the word 'fuck' like 10 times and that's it. um I don't work in publishing, I don't know how they  determine that but I think it's bullshit because   the writing, the story, the characters is all  young adult but yet it is published as adult   and so there's that adult price point and I think that's fucking rude and i'm mad about it.   um like I said they're juniors, so 17- 18 and they're just, she's just so immature and I you know that's   fine, she's a teenager. She's just meh and  then annoying and Orion whatever he is,   he is very meh too. Everyone was pretty flat, there was no really good character development like   El changes a little bit through the story um in  how she interacts with people but other than that. I'm like how do you have a book that's neither  plot driven nor character driven? It was just   info driven and that is the worst. Like I didn't  care. I didn't care about the characters or what   happened to them or the story because it was just like, let me just give you all the information   about this world I created and pepper in little  bits of a story. Another thing was and this bothers   me in any book, the chapters were way too long. So I was reading on kindle and I had it on like minutes   and so sometimes it would say 45 minutes till the end of the chapter. I'm like that's ridiculous, it   would just drag on and on. I hate long chapters.  The, some of the writing was really weird. I've   said before I haven't read any of Naomi Novik's  work before so I don't know if this is her typical   writing but some of the sentences would just feel so disjointed and I don't know if that's because   we were in El's mind, it was in first person the  entire time but sometimes I would read it again   like did she? what is? Just how it was structured  felt really weird and I think the first person   point of view was very limiting because we only  got through El's eyes and again she's a loner,  she's just um negative nancy so we only see  through her interactions and I felt like a third   person POV, third person omniscient would have been way better because you would have had better, a   better view of the better view of the world and  it would have felt more like world building and   slowly learning about it versus El coming across  something and then explaining it to you for three   pages. um also I usually say books are too long and this one was dull but I feel like if you're gonna   write an "adult fantasy" then you need more than 350 pages if you're going to be this um if you want a   world that's so in-depth. So I don't, it's just so  weird to do an adult fantasy duology and spend 75%   of the first book really just info dumping and a  little bit of story. Something else um the there it   does end up being this kind of romance, if you want to call it that but it's like the dullest romance   ever. I watched someone's video and they were  calling it like enemies to lovers and i'm like what? There's nothing, there's no emotion, there's no chemistry, there's everything about this book   was very surface level, no depth to me in the book . Also still i'm kind of confused with the magic   system because it seemed like there were rules  and then it seemed like kind of when you needed   something you could do it? So the controversy  of the book was that the main character is half   Welsh, half Indian and there is a part in the book  where she talks about like she smells because she   hasn't taken a shower so and that there's a lack  of connection to her Indian side of the family. So   her mom and dad went to the Scholamance and like I said when you're a senior you have to get out   through this room that's basically like a gauntlet  of monsters and essentially he sacrificed himself   to save her because she was pregnant with El and that's all you really talk about or know about him.   Her mom did try to go to his or did go to  his side of the family when she was five,   her grandmother or great-grandmother saw her, got like this prophecy or premonition or something   that she was gonna bring destruction upon the  world and they didn't want anything to do with her.   So people have found an issue with that, like why make her Indian. And after reading it, I mean like I agree, the adding the Indian part in just  seems like a diversity check because it doesn't,   she could be just white and it would have been  fine. And so about the dirty part though okay   there's a part where they're talking about  swapping spells or something and she says   that this someone "threw a bit of glamour and a  deodorant spell she said which I suppose was a   polite way of hinting that I could stand to  wash more often than I do. I didn't need the   hint, I already knew but if it's a choice between  stinking and survival, i'll choose to stink. I've   never had a shower more than once a week in here and often it's been longer." And then it's like "If   you're thinking that's why I don't have friends, a  bit chicken and egg, anyone who doesn't have enough   friends to watch their back can't afford to be well-groomed and that lets people know you   don't have enough friends to watch your back which makes them less likely to think you're a valuable   ally. However, none of us spends loads of  time showering and when you want to shower   generally you ask someone who visibly needs one themselves and it all ends up leveling out but   no one ever asks me." So essentially no one showers regularly unless they have a group of friends to   go to the showers with because again the monsters, you could die taking a shower. So she being a loner   doesn't shower as often because she doesn't always have someone to go to the shower with her. So I don't feel like that was a dig at um Indian people  but i'm not Indian, so if you took offense to that   you know I understand, I can't tell you what  to take offense to but I didn't see it as that   big a deal. And then there was the issue about  the dreadlocks. So they were talking about hair   because one character her hair was really long  which is unusual and so the quote is "Going fully   shaved like that is popular if you can afford  it. Dreadlocks are unfortunately not a great   idea thanks to lockleeches which you can probably imagine but in case you need help the adult slimy   thing comes quietly down at night and provokes  an ovipositor into big clumps of hair, lays an   egg inside and creeps away..." and it goes it's gross and goes into that so it um says "The very longest   anyone usually lets their hair gets is shoulder  length, mine only gets a couple inches longer than   that because no one goes out of their way to  let me know they've got hold of good scissors."   So basically they have these lockleeches that  lock onto any kind of hair and so most people keep   their hair at least shoulder length, some people  shave their hair to avoid those. So I feel like   it was a bad decision to say 'dreadlocks' instead of just saying' locks' because IO thought that when they   were showing this passage, that the main character had dreadlocks and she doesn't, it's just like she   just chose that word. So I can see where people  think that's like a microaggression, like you're   kind of on the sly being like 'dreadlocks are dirty'  because that's the only time it's mentioned. So   it's like why did you choose to use that word when you could have just said hair or just said locks?   Like anyone who has long locks of hair is prone  to lockleeches, so I can understand that as well.   So another part I saw pointed out by another  reviewer was, so they study multiple   languages in the Scholomance and one that  she [El] ended up studying was Arabic, but she said   "Predictably an Arabic worksheet appeared on my desk the instant I sat down that morning. There   wasn't a single word of English on it. The school  didn't even give me a dictionary and judging by   the cheery cartoonish illustrations next to the  lines, most notably a man in a car about to mow   down a couple of hapless pedestrians, I had the  strong suspicion that it was modern Arabic, too."   I'm going to read that again. So "Predictably,  an Arabic worksheet appeared on my desk.   There wasn't a single word of English on  it and judging by the cheery cartoonish   illustrations next to the lines, most  notably a man in a car about to mow down   a couple of hapless pedestrians, I had  the strong suspicion that it was modern Arabic." um now I'm surprised I didn't see that in the  first round of "this book is problematic" because   I find that worse than anything else because  what does a cartoon of a man about to drive   into pedestrians say instantly that's Arabic ? Are you saying that you saw that was terrorist   and you're like oh yeah this is Arabic? That to  me is the most problematic thing I came across.   BIG YIKES, Naomi. So overall, i'm really disappointed in this book. I gave it two stars and i'm just   upset because I wanted to love it, I want- I love school settings so I wanted another book   school setting to love, um I was excited  that it seemed like it was going to be adult at   a school setting and i'm so sad that it's not. So  I want to reiterate that this book is very young   adult besides the use of the word 'fuck' like 10  times um. It is short though if you want to read it   and um as for problematic. I mean there are some parts in there that are questionable and then   one that to me definitely is a problematic piece  that she must have added in after her sensitivity   readers. And this is what pisses me off the most  she pulled that shit that Leigh Bardugo did in   Ninth House where your whole story is fucking dull, you cram in some action at the end and then the   last line the book is something where you're like  well mother fucker, what's gonna happen there? And she did   that with the last line just like Leigh did in in  Ninth House and I hate that shit. Do not write an   entire book and then depend on the last 50 pages and the last line to coax readers into reading the   next one. Bullshit, terrible, I hate it and honestly  there's not a lot to spoil because nothing happens   but I just i'm going to say a spoilery thing for  one minute moment so let me put that up there.   So essentially this book like I said nothing  happens for like 70% because it's just them going   to classes, trying to survive these monsters,  the Orion dude just keeps killing them and   El was like "why are you being my friend?" and it  turns out that he his mom is well known and so   everybody thinks like worships him and she doesn't, so that's why, he's like you treat me normal and   then there's some kind of thing he kisses her and She's like "i'm not dating him, he's been dating me". It's really stupid. So the last 20%, when Naomi  decided oh I need a plot was that so like the   seniors have to run through the gauntlet thing  but there was like a hole coming in through the   wall where the monsters were starting to get into the school more regularly and so they, El and her   little group, decide to patch it up but the seniors  are mad because they're like so there's gonna be   extra monsters down there for us so majority of  us aren't gonna make it out so the seniors and   these juniors team up and they go down there  to distract them out while somebody is fixing   like the scorching thing that's in the  basement because it was broken like when   the school first opened, that normally  would like kill a lot of the monsters.   And so some of them are standing there fighting  off the mals and then some are fixing the thing   and then they fix it, woo and so then there's  less monsters for the seniors and that's it.  That's the book and then the last line she gets  a letter from her mom and the letter from her mom   says "My darling girl, I love you, have courage my mother wrote and keep far away from Orion Lake."   That was the last line, her boyfriend  now her mom says to keep away from him. Naomi, what the fuck is this? Those are my  feelings on that book, please let me know   down below if you have read it and what your  thoughts are. Are you going to read it? Did the   um the accusations, the racism, the drama put you off from reading it? I would love to know. Anyway   give this video a thumbs up if you liked  it, please subscribe, um please check out   my description, got links to my social media,  to voting, to links to issues that are going   around going on around the world um. Curtis and I thank you for watching and we hope that you   take care of yourself and we'll see you in our  next video. BYE! oh they're getting a new thing oh curtis hey boo-boo, oh you're looking  good chile, he just keeps leaning
Channel: Jess Owens
Views: 12,321
Rating: 4.8854165 out of 5
Keywords: jess owens, lifestyle, book review, a deadly education, Naomi novik, is a deadly education racist, microagressions, dreadlocks, problematic books, adult fantasy, young adult fantasy, magic school, harry potter, controversy, book drama, book communitea, black book reviewer, black booktuber, booktube, rant review, dark academia, racism in books, gossip, new book release, anticipated book release, Galadriel
Id: BExCf0dm6zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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