Reading Books I Lost To During Play Your TBR Right ♥️ Episode 1

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so i was actually going to film an introduction to  this reading blog yesterday morning when i started   reading the books for this reading vlog but it  was a little bit too early i had only one coffee   at that point and i was like i am not caffeinated  enough to start a new video so it's the day after   and i am now introducing this rain vlog so hello  hi welcome back to have a train of gavin there's   lots of lawn mowers going off at the minute so if  you can hear that in the background i am so sorry   you might not actually be able to hear it at all  and i'm just you know making drama or nothing so   this is kind of going to be like a reading vlog  series almost it really does depend on my tbr   game play or tbr right where i play this game of  cards between a book that i'd really love to read   and a book that i probably don't want to read as  much it can be a really intimidating book it can   be a book that's been on my tb off the longest  it can be a book that i just don't want to read   at all but i own for some apparent reason now  in my april tbr i did lose a number of rounds   so i thought you know what i have all of these  books that i have to read i thought why waste   it when i could make a reading vlog out of it it's  kind of going to be like reading the books i lost   you in play or tbr right and say whether i end  up loving them so maybe i will be proven wrong   during this vlog about you know books i was really  not wanting to read maybe they do end up becoming   some of my new favorite books who knows so  i was thinking maybe doing this every month   for the books that i lose during my tbr game  just to see what i end up thinking about them   and to make sure that when you guys are  watching my tbr game and i lose let you   know that i'm actually reading these books that  i lose to so it's a little bit chilly so i got   this on today i am off work today and i was at  work yesterday and i made a start with my very   first book for this reading vlog so what books  am i reading for this reading blog well that is a   good question one of them that i'm reading is the  revenant by michael punk and you can see i already   can you see yeah kinda you can already see that  i've started it i am on page one hundred and nineteen so on page 119 i have this on script as  well so i was listening to it on my way to work   and then i stopped because i wasn't  paying attention so i started to   read more of it last night during some patreon  sprints so this one follows the trappers at   rocky mountain fare company and they live like  this really brutal frontier life hugh class is   an expert trucker and he's with a group of people  but he is viciously mauled by a bear and then left   for dead by his team now two men were ordered  to stay with him until he died but they end up   abandoning him taking away some of his things that  would have helped him survive and so now here is   alpha revenge so i will let you know my thoughts  about this in a second i do want to let you know   the other books i'm reading the next book i want  to read as the night circus by aaron morgenstern   now the reason i didn't really want to read this  one is because i really did not like the starler c   and i read that last year however some people have  told me that they love the night circus but didn't   like the starlets say either so maybe i will end  up enjoying this the starlets say just really   put me off at remorgenstern hopefully this one  will like restore my faith in the author because   i've heard great things about this all i know  about this one is that it follows a mysterious   traveling circus and there are two magicians i  think and it's kind of like the story about them   i mean i don't really know anything else but but  i feel like a lot of people have already read this   one so you'll know what it's about i'm excited to  read it but i'm also really apprehensive about it   so yeah i'm gonna also be reading this in this  vlog and then i will also be reading infinity   reaper by adam silvera now that is one that i i  didn't own but it was extremely cheap on audible i   read infinity sun last year and hated it i did not  like it it's one of my worst books of 2020. so why   am i reading the sequel you ask well it was a fun  little punishment because i love to have really   high stakes during my play or tvr game it was  really fun but then when i lost it wasn't as fun   anymore so i'm reading that and then as soon as  i finish reading it i am going to be gifting the   audible audio book of it to someone else however  i might end up liking it i hated infinity stone   so much but you never know i might end up liking  the sequel because it's bigger than the first one   and what i didn't like too much about the first  one was that it tried to do too much in such   little word count however the sequel is longer it  may combat some of the problems that i had with   the first one but also it might be worse i don't  know so i'm also going to be reading that one   i cannot really tell you too much about what that  one's about because it's a sequel but infinitely   soon oh my god it was just so annoying infinity  sun followed two brothers emil and brighton there   are people who are born with powers and there is  a lot of violence going on with like spell walkers   and celestials and oh my god i really do need  to refresh my memory with that before i read the   sequel but i just really remember not liking the  main characters at all i didn't like the writing   style i could not differentiate between characters  i know there's like lots of recaps of infinity   sum online so i'll quickly read a recap and then  start infinity read so let's talk about the first   book then the revenant now i am only like a third  of the way through it is actually quite a short   book so i might be able to finish it today but i  have seen the film the film that stars leonardo   dicaprio and i liked the film i did find a  lot of it a little bit boring but i thought   the performances were amazing the bear attack was  gruesome and awful but i already passed that part   in this book it was rather early on and the bear  attack it wasn't as i guess violent as it was in   the movie so it came i kind of just like glossed  past it but then it was the descriptions of the   wounds of hugh glass afterwards that really got  me like shivering and it was really grotesque   and i had like physical reactions to that  because i thought it was described so oh like   so disgustingly but like that's good that's good  it was definitely a visceral experience reading   about the wounds on hugh glass so i'm at the point  actually where he has just been abandoned and i   think now is when it really starts to you know  pick up or it might end up sewing down because   we are also getting into space with some backstory  and i'm not the biggest fan of a lot of exposition   or backstory that's told in the way that it's  just like info dumpy which is kind of the way   it is it's usually a related topic and then it  segues into somebody's back story and that's fine   but i'm just i have a hard time concentrating when  i'm getting info dumped on you know so i'm kind of   not exactly ignoring it but i'm not really  taking in any of the backstory i just want   the current event i want the current situation to  be the main thing that i take away from this book   so i'm focusing mainly on that and then  when the back story comes i'm just like okay   okay do i really need to know this but you know  what it's fine it's fine i'm only 119 pages   in so maybe maybe just focus more on hugh glass  getting back to civilization and exacting revenge   i can barely remember the movie now as well apart  from the bear attack so it'll be interesting i   might get surprised by what ends up happening in  this or it might jog my memory of what happened   in the movie i don't know if the movie and the  book are very similar or not so that will also   be really interesting to research so yeah i'm  gonna continue reading this it's a nice chilly day   so i am gonna cuddle up in my blanket as well as  have some more coffee and just enjoy my day off this is my second coffee today i'm just  channeling my inner olivia reads a lot yeah i'm coming on my break at work and i'm about  to start the night circus so i'm really really   excited about that i've only got an hour so i'm  practicing that because you know i had to order   this but yeah i'm not gonna waste all your time  so so i am [ __ ] it's now saturday and i last   updated you on tuesday like that was my one and  only update i wanted to get all three books read   by the end of this week i have only finished one  and i barely started another and i haven't even   thought about infinity reaper yet so i  have to like extend this just a little bit   i am working i was at work today i'm at work  tomorrow i'm at work wednesday monday why am i   jumping ahead to wednesday so i've got this like  full weekend and monday in so i'm really good a   chance to like read much or anything what's been  great though is it has been nice to be out and   to have some kind of routine again like away from  doing booktube and all of that it has been really   nice and the amount of coffees i've been consuming  though like honestly i i always go to starbucks or   costa or muffin break or i mean i don't really  go to cafe nero but i would if i had to so you   know all these coffee places because i work in  a shopping center and there isn't really any   kind of independent kind of coffee shop otherwise  i would have been there like that but what's   really hard with starbucks is it does allow me to  use the mobile app and i can order a head so that   i can just walk in front of everybody who's in  a queue and pick up my order and go i love doing   that so much so i've abused that privilege every  day i've been at work so it's not being good for   my bank balance however i do get paid next week  so that's good i just haven't really had a chance   to do much reading and you know i've had two days  off this week i spent all of thursday filming my   favorite unboxing and my two year q a video which  should be up by the time you say this and honestly   i don't know why i put that on the internet but  it's it's on there i think i hope anyway i don't   know so i filmed both of those on thursday edited  and uploaded fairyloot on the thursday as well and   then all day friday i pretty much edited the q a  video which took ages it took forever and i had my   interview with francesca gibbons at 8pm as well so  i managed to get the video done just in time then   i put it up for early access for my patrons and  it was like i just had so much going on and then   i was at work today for some reason i'm thinking  it's sunday but it's not anyway you didn't come   here for this you also can i just say a huge thank  you to everybody who has sent me something from my   wish list because yeah with my birthday coming up  people kept asking for my address and i i don't   feel comfortable giving my address so i was just  like okay he has my amazon wishlist if you really   want to give me something then that's the safest  way to do so i thank you so much everybody who   has sent me something it is my birthday for like  another two ish weeks so or two or three weeks and   or i'll just show you look at this so thank you  so much everyone for all of these parcels like   i cannot thank you enough i'll be opening them  until a little bit nearer the time of my birthday   so i can unbox them in a video and thank you guys  personally for sending me something honestly it's   the most genuineness nicest thing that you guys  have done like thank you so so much and if you're   watching this don't feel pressured to send me  so you don't have to send me anything at all   like seriously thank you so much that you do but  you do not have to honestly it's fine like you   don't have to anyway thank you i will open them  and i will be able to thank everyone who sent   me something personally when i've opened them  so if you haven't had a response yet that's why   but thank you so much so yeah the only book update  i can give you is for the revenant by michael punk   i finished this i gave it three stars i think  but i haven't put it through call pal yet i   it was just as i suspected it was rather  boring it just it failed to really grip me   and i just i wasn't a big fan of the ending this  is an awesome spoiler vlog as well so don't worry   i'm not gonna spoil for it but like the revenge  part of it i just it was unsatisfactory oh   that's all i'll say unsatisfactory to me i'm  sure this was like based on a real event and   i think it played out the way it plays out in this  book but michael punk just fictionalized a lot of   it and embellished it but i was just left rather  underwhelmed to be honest and there were moments   of it that were really interesting and intriguing  like things about the characters a lot of times   i didn't care for backstory but there were just  like little things about the characters that was   just really captivating i liked exploring them  a little bit more but mainly the main character   because hugh glass like i totally admire his  determination if i got mauled by there and i   managed to survive that and still walk so far to  get somewhere to get a civilization to get help   like i would have been dead like i would not have  lasted that long props to heal glass for that but   i kind of knew it wasn't going to be for me but  you know this had been on my shelf for the longest   time i believe i got this in hmv and it was like  a three pound with any purchase and i had bought   some films and the guy at the counter said do you  want to get that book for three pound and i said   uh yeah and that was the only reason why i got  it though and it's been on my shelf since then   and i can't even remember when i got this it is  this edition was published in 2015. that sounds   about right like when i got it this has been on  my shelf for six years and now i finally read   it i'm so glad i'm so glad i read it i can get  rid of it now but uh i do like the cover though   like that's a shame it's but it's not one i'd ever  reread again so i can get rid of it i don't really   have anything to say about it yeah the rain  was really good but it just wasn't for me and   that's not the book's fault that's my fault to  be honest i feel like the only reason i've given   it a three and not two is because i appreciate how  good the writing style is i appreciate the story i   appreciate how it was told it just didn't connect  with me so i mean we'll see how close they're in   coal pile but i i think it'll come out with three  so i'm 121 pages into the night circus but i don't   really have many thoughts about it just yet i've  noticed with aaron morgenstern though is that she   isn't letting me make my own decisions on things  and that's starting to annoy me like the writing   is beautiful but sheila explains something i could  have interpreted in my own way but she like really   explains it and i'm just saying i didn't need the  explanation i could have come to that conclusion   myself or made my own conclusion though but  essentially wants you to have a very precise   thing to think about for her book like something  like that i don't know what i'm talking about it's   late it's late now and i'm tired and i won't work  in the morning so i've got nothing really else to   say about this i'm a little bit interested about  the whole like circus aspect of it but honestly   it's not even the sickest aspect of it we had  prospero and celia sebia seems to have these like   powers and prospero is trying to get her to do  something i'm intrigued i don't know what his game   is but for some reason he called somebody over and  like i don't think this is a spoiler i think this   is something that a lot of people know and i won't  talk about spoilers but like he invited somebody   to witness like celia's powers and then they're  like okay game on and i'm just like what so like   i'm i'm intrigued i'm very intrigued i think i'm  already liking it more than the starlets see to   be honest like the starless sea just annoys the  [ __ ] at me this i'm i can kind of say me liking   but i'm so nitpicky and already i'm like aaron  stop telling me what to think about your book   let me come to my own conclusions so i'm going  to continue with this and i'm so behind i really   hope that i can finish it by tomorrow night i  don't know if that's going to happen i have a   live show with mel tomorrow night for the course  of the flames for mel's thorns and roses along so   that's gonna be really fun yeah i just don't know  if i'm gonna get this finished by tomorrow and   then i've got infinity reaper to read as well and  i'm not gonna buy the audiobook of this i'm not i   refuse point blank i'm not gonna buy an audiobook  to something that i already own physically like   i'm not wasting money on it i'm not wasting  the credit on it i'm not getting the audiobook cause you make me okay the theme for this vlog is that i am [  __ ] i did manage to finish the night circus   but i'm gonna run through some updates i think the  last time i spoke to you guys was on friday and   i'd only finished the revenant and i'd started the  night circus and i was about to do my interview   with francesca gibbons which went so great by  the way i absolutely adored it francesca was   like so so funny so do check it out if you haven't  already i will link it down in the description box   it is spoiler free so you know you don't  have to worry about spoilers just give   it a watch so since friday i worked saturday  sunday monday and tuesday was yesterday well   it's like 2 40 a.m so it's 9 30 a.m and this is  the first time i've managed to do a blog update   i finished the night circus like yesterday it  was a fine i gave it like three stars i think   it was just a little bit better than the star  of c and i've been dreading doing a vlog update   for it because i don't have all that much to  say about it you know what i realized today as   well i just put on so much pressure for me to  actually see lots in a vlog or like in a review   of something but this is a spoiler free  vlog and sometimes i do do spoiler ones but   this is a spoiler-free vlog so i don't want to  talk too much about anything really because i   don't want to spoil this for you guys in case you  haven't read it and then that made me feel a bit   better because i was like oh well if it's spoiler  free then i don't really have to go in depth   about what i thought about it or like give out  examples about some of the things that i didn't   really enjoy with it i mean i will give you like  my brief thoughts of course but yeah this is like   the first time i can just sit down and just chat  so yeah as i said i worked the past three days   i had my q a video go up on a sunday which went  really well and that was like that took so long to   edit though and it really put me behind on this  vlog so i haven't filmed another video this week   i'm hoping this reading vlog will go up on  thursday but i do still have infinity reaper to   read so i don't know if that's gonna happen but i  don't have the audiobook for that so i might just   read it all in one go today which is wednesday  now technically but the thing is okay the thing is   this is what the thing is i have another interview  coming on friday it's my last one of april my last   one for another month and i'm i'm so excited  for this interview though like i absolutely   love katie and kevin sang so much like dragon  mountain was such a fun and entertaining book   and dragon legend is coming out so it's going to  be a really fun interview i am currently reading   a dragon legend as well on kindle because i have  it on netgalley but the thing is dragon legend   was not on my april tbr i forgot to put it on in  the video and technically i don't really need to   read it before the interview but i'd just like  to i mean the interview is going to be spoiler   free as well and today i was promoting it and i  was like you know what i'm kind of bored of the   thumbnail design so i'm going to change it so  i changed it from this into this and you know   what i think it's so much better now and i ended  up liking it that much that i started to remake   a lot of the thumbnails of the interviews i did  this yeah so that was six thumbnails i changed   and honestly i spent so much time redesigning it  as well i think i spent like an hour and a half   just moving text around changing positions of  you know the pictures and it was an absolute   bowling so that's what i was doing today too i was  looking after my nephew for a bit too i tuned in   to an author event for jenny pearson the author of  the incredible record smashers which is coming out   but yeah i wasn't like parv i was just watching it  what else before i talk about the night circus oh   yeah i made my first tech talk how did i forget  that i made my first tick tock but i think that   might be the only tech truck i just wanted  to get off my chest i had a good idea for it   i mean i was gonna put it in this video but  copyright for the music so i'm not going to   do it but i will link my tech talk down below and  if you want to check out the tech talk fair game   i will tell you it's a bit [ __ ] because it was  my first one so don't give me grief for it anyway   let's talk about the night circus then i was  expecting a bit more i think is where it was the   same of the stall as saying i didn't hate it but  i was just really disappointed with what i got so   yes i can't fault the writing style whatsoever the  writing style was beautiful however as i mentioned   before there were just a lot of times when things  were just told to me in a way that didn't leave   any room for interpretation for me as a reader to  give my own kind of judgment on it i wasn't the   biggest fan of the romance in this as well i don't  want to spoil him with the romance as all but i   i didn't really feel any kind of chemistry it just  felt like very circumstantial romance if you know   what i mean like if they didn't find themselves  in that situation like they really didn't have   any other choice and it just didn't feel like a  natural kind of romance to me i'm sorry also there   were like little chapters every now and then that  was told in second person so it was like you open   the door you see the circus people perform and  all of that and i was just like no i don't i don't   say that what are you talking about i was being  petty as [ __ ] reading this honestly i think it's   because like i've been reading so many books that  i wasn't really wanting to read this month and   yeah i mean i spent a whole weekend reading  darren chan and then i read the revenant and   now this and i'm just like these were books that  i just didn't really want to pick up and i'm glad   i've gotten them off my tbr like don't get me  wrong i'm so glad the revenant is off my tbr   and now this i just need something to really  get me excited and i have infinity reaper next   it is fine honestly i'm just like i don't think  i'm gonna read some i feel like i'm just reading   too much crap back to back and i just need  i need middle grade i think middle grade   but actually i have been reading dragon legend and  it's been so good so far it is adventurous it is   fun and i don't want to talk about in this vlog  because this vlog is themed and i don't want to   break away from that theme however i am really  enjoying dragon legend but in the night circus   what else can i say about the night circus i  just struggled with it i didn't find it all that   interesting like it had an interesting concept  don't get me wrong i was very intrigued by the   competition aspect of it but honestly i felt like  that was a letdown too like i'm not even gonna   say exactly the intricacies of that as well but i  felt like that was a letdown too i was expecting   something different but at least it had more plot  than the stylists say i'll give it that and that's   why i like it more than the stylists say but this  is definitely a case of the cover is way prettier   than the contents and yes i did pick up the audio  book i would not have finished this if it weren't   for the audiobook honestly audiobooks have been  lifesavers and especially now i'm back at work   it's going to continue to save my life so yeah  i don't honestly don't think there's anything   else i can say about the night circus i'm putting  too much pressure on myself to give you in-depth   analysis but i don't really have to right  now because this is by the freight so tonight   not even all that tired even though it's 93 am  i'm just gonna roll with it i'm just gonna see   where i get i might read some dragon legend  actually or i might read some infinity reaper   oh we'll see what i think i'm sorry guys i  couldn't do it i've dnf'd infinity reaper this   is totally my fault i'm taking all of the  blame for this i knew i wouldn't like going   into it which i've mentioned quite a few times  because i do want to put out that disclaimer   that i knew it and i still did it anyway i got a  chapter 18 i don't know what percent that is but   it got to one of brighton's chapters brighton's  one of the characters in infinity reaper and i was   like you know what i can't [ __ ] do it anymore i  can't physically do it anymore i mean physically   i can't audibly do it anymore so i mean we all  know i didn't like infinity sun and one of the   main reasons for that is because i mean well a few  reasons actually one was world building i felt it   was non-existent in the first book and then two  characters i couldn't stand well you know actually   i couldn't really stand brighton like that's never  changed and the other characters were just really   too bland for me like none of them were relatable  going into this one okay world building i feel   like adam silvera has tried to backtrack a little  bit and he's trying to build a bit more of the   world in what i read so far but me likes it  because yeah we do get a little bit more scope   and it felt like he knew where he went wrong with  the first one he's trying to fix in this one but   unfortunately it just comes across as extremely  obvious some of it feels a little bit like a   rehashing some of it feels like it was included  just to try and help clarify things rather than   it being a natural explanation into what was going  on at the time i haven't finished it so i don't   know if that improves or not when i was reading  i was just like this is so obviously written do   you know what i mean like there are books where  you can just read it and you automatically feel   like you're a little bit lost in that world  and that it doesn't actually feel like you're   reading a book this feels like you are definitely  reading something and for me that takes me out of   the story so none of it feels real to me i mean  it is fantasy so of course it's not supposed to   be real but there are fantasies where that world  feels real because of the way that the writer has   told the story and it just feels like it could  be real but this one it just completely lost   me because it did feel like it was written and  that was just a no-go for me secondly characters   oh my god brighton like i feel like it's a little  bit of a testament to adam silvera for writing   such a dislikable character i feel like that was  his intention 100 but the thing is there is no   entertainment from reading this for one but  when i read somebody who is supposed to be   unlikable sometimes i do get enjoyment from  reading them i like a villain i like a bit of   a bad boy but brighton is the worst well one  of the worst characters i've ever read in my   life i mean no spoilers in this but the way he  manipulates his brother he is just insufferable   he is so power hungry that he will do anything for  power and you know it does start off a little bit   exciting because i feel like i can't see a little  bit like this without spoiling anything but he   does seem like he's gonna die and honestly i would  have loved it if he just died but no no instead   we've got to suffer we're going to suffer on but  i was just getting to moments where brighton was   just i mean i wasn't enjoying reading the story  to begin with but he was taking away any remaining   enjoyment that i could have possibly had for it  and replaced it with loathing i just couldn't   help but loathe what was happening i mean there  were some action bits involved but because i don't   really like any of the characters i just couldn't  care i couldn't care less not one single relatable   character honestly just not one of them oh my god  the dialogue is so cringy the flawed conversation   between characters is so jaunty it honestly  feels like actors on a set and there's just   no flaw between them it's interspersed sometimes  with two long explanations of maybe bits of the   world or just things that was just feels like it  was randomly crammed in there and then even that   comes across as a little bit too casual we're  trying to establish this fantasy world right   i'm not getting any of that the writing sales just  comes across as conflicting of that and that's   another problem i had with the first book was that  it was like contemporary but with fantasy elements   and it isn't something that i feel like silvera  has managed to execute and you know what if this   book was the same size as infinitely soon i would  just continue until the end but it's like 600   pages long or 500 pages long i don't know because  i'm listening to the audiobook i just can't do it   i can't physically go any further not when i'm  already running out of time for other things   this month but it's like no no i'm i'm putting my  foot down um and i can dnf you know when i lose   around and play or table right i can dnf because  really all that game is is to just try and get   books off my tbr that i otherwise would not have  picked up and i am so glad that i have managed to   read the revenue into the night circus and  now infinity rebound release some of it and   say that it's done it's completely dry i can take  them off my tbr i never have to read them again   and i'm not going to be reading the third book in  this series either the infinity signal series or   whatever because even when i finished infinitely  soon you know i'd finished the book so the next   logical step is to go to the sequel well logical  i mean it's not really funny because i didn't like   the first book now that i've dnf the second book  i don't have to go for the third book because if   i finish this book there would be a part of me  that would be like hmm i could read the third   book you know when it comes out not when okay so  i went on goodreads and i'm just reading you know   some reviews now i know what the ending is i am  not surprised whatsoever i could see that coming a   mile away and honestly i am so glad i stopped when  i did because something similar-ish happens at the   end of infinity sun so it's not really an original  cliffhanger or original kind of twist in the story   no i just no no i'm no no so all in all i would  say it was a pretty unsuccessful weekend off i   wanted to cram this into one week but honestly  that was nearly impossible i was hoping i would   find a new favorite because even the books that  i lose during my play or tv alright game the part   of me hopes that those books i lost too would  surprise me and would become a new favorite of   mine but none of them i mean the revenant i gave  three stars the knights take a psyche of three   stars infinity reaper god i forgot the title of  it already because i want to get it out of my head   one star but it's a dnf so does it really count  i don't know like i don't even know the percent i   was on because it's an audiobook and it doesn't  tell me and i had it on two times speed and it   says about five hours and 12 minutes left it looks  to me about 25 30 so can i count it because oh my   gosh like i do have problems with this boot  and it's what prevented me from continuing on   i might just give it the one star everyone reads  differently right do you read dnf's let me know in   the comments i would actually love to know because  i'm conflicted now because 25 30 doesn't seem like   enough for me but it's actually quite a big book  so that's probably like 100 to 120 pages of like   a 550 page book and so is that enough to give  it a rating is it because i do have some strong   feelings towards it so is one store okay to give  it i don't know i feel bad actually i feel bad   but also at the same time not but at the same time  yes because i knew i wasn't gonna like it so this   is on me but i will be gifting the audiobook to  someone so if anybody wants to let me know i don't   know how to gift an audiobook but i just want  to get rid of this copy from my audible account   but without refund today because it was my fault  for buying it i want to look it up but i do want   to gift it to someone if i possibly can anyway  yeah so that was kind of the end of my experiment   of reading the books that i lost your june blue  tbr right so the other books were the darren   sharon books which i do have another reading vlog  for so i i'm trying to prove to you guys that i do   read my tbr books and if i lose around i typically  do read the book there have been some months when   i haven't been able to get out every book on my  monthly tbr but i'm making a conscious effort to   get to at least all the books that i lose that  because otherwise what was pointless playing   the game so yeah that is the end of this vlog  this video i don't know how i feel about it to   be honest because i just feel like i've wasted so  much time and i don't even know how entertaining   this vlog will be for you guys i hope you enjoy  it anyway and do leave a like if you do enjoy it   that would mean so much to me and subscribe if  you haven't already leave a comment let me know   if you've read the revenant or the night circus  or infinity reaper and if you enjoyed them if   you didn't enjoy them let me know why and i  will hopefully see you in the next video bye
Channel: How to Train Your Gavin
Views: 4,284
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to train your Gavin, booktube, play your tbr right, April tbr, the night circus, infinity reaper, the revenant book, reading vlog
Id: km_JWUpgNl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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