Book Bolt Tutorial & Review - Design KDP Low Content Books with Ease!

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how to use book bolt in this tutorial you'll learn how to use football to design books even if you're a beginner here's what you will learn generating interior pages with book ball easily create interior Pages for various books saving time and effort adding text and images a step-by-step guide on customizing your book finalizing and downloading get your book ready for Amazon KDP or other platforms you can check the timestamps in the description for a quick navigation assignment process starting off Begin by navigating to explain the bookbault alternatively you can directly click the link in the description box below this guide or any other promotional content that you are viewing now after you reach the home page of book bolt it is really essential to choose the plan that you want so you can see the pros and cons tons of each plan there are primarily just two plans on book Vault the Newbie and the pro and depending on your needs you can pick out the one that befits you best once you click on the plan that you want to choose you can get started with your registration and I have a special 20 discount so if you've decided on your plan don't forget to take full advantage of our special offer type in the code creator20 to get 20 off of your selected plan now after you have applied your discount you can complete your registration and you will receive a confirmation email in your email address now we're all ready to explore and enjoy the platform starting off we're gonna get started by generating our interior pages so to do that the first thing you have to do is locate the create button on the top left once you click on create you want to enter the above bald studio so simply click on the book ball studio now we're going to begin a new project and we're only going to be generating a interior and you guys can see it has multiple different project types so you can choose to generate your entire book which includes your cover and your interior or you can choose to generate only a cover or only a interior and you have two basic types of book you have your paperback books and your hardcover books so we're going to be creating a interior paperback book and we will name our project gratitude Journal after that you have to choose your trim size we're doing a six by nine inch trim and then below that you have your paper options so you have black and white interior with white paper or if you want colored interior you have standard and premium as well so if you choose to insert any kind of image in your interior if you're looking to enter any colorful design elements in your interior you can do a standard color interior however if you only want your interior to be lined pages then you don't require a color interior you can leave it at black and white the next thing is your plate I recommend that you do account for bleed because the bleed is the section of your paper that gets cut off so to make sure that no element of your design gets cut off during the printed process you want to account for bleed when you are designing now if you remove your bleed but you're adding large paper margins you won't really find this issue to be problematic for you however it's better to be safe than to be sorry then you want to choose your page count let's say I want to build 100 interior pages and just like that you will click on create project now our Pages have been created you will see on the top left you have a color section where you can choose out any color from the color wheel to create that particular color of page you can do this for a singular page or you can even apply this to all of your pages now I want to keep my paper white we're going to zoom in now after you have your canvas ready then you can get started with designing it so there are a abundance of things that you can add to your interior pages on your left you have a navigation panel and it's very essential to use this tool to its fullest so first off you have a freehand drawing tool then you have your elements where you have multiple different shapes that can help you add a more Dynamic and wonderful look to your interior then you also have text as well as images so because we're building a interior first I already have a image in mind that I want to add before that you have to line your pages so you can do a manual lining simply by clicking on elements click on line over here and you can copy and paste this line mind to your personal liking however this is time consuming and I think there is a far better solution provided directly by football so if you're not looking to create any kind of dynamic lines and you just want plain lined paper then you can always use a template provided by book bolt so to access these templates you can simply click on this icon which looks like a maze and then you will find the interior template library of book bolt so you will see there are multiple different types of Interiors provided and you can choose the type of interior that you want so if you want a basic Journal interior a rolled interior rolled lines or even other types of Interiors such as word scrambles as well as Pitman as well as build tracker Interiors they have multiple different types of templates for those Interiors as well but we are building a gratitude Journal so I'm just going to continue with a plain white Journal now after that you can choose the number of pages that should have those particular types of lines if you want to build alternating pages so one page is aligned and the next page might have something else you can apply this to only odd Pages however we are building a simple Journal so I will select all then you want to click on next and this pop-up will appear so if you want any margins on your pages or if you want your lines on your pages to start from the corners then you can choose to set your margins at zero you have a top margin a bottom margin a left and right one let's say I want margins at the top but I don't want them on the sides so I can set the side margins at zero then you have the width of your stroke so how thick should the lines be and you can increase the size as well as well as click on this box over here and the color wheel will appear where you can choose the color of line you want so if you want to deviate from the standard gray lines then you can choose any other color once you are set with your design simply click on submit and now your interior pages will be generated now once your interior pages are generated you might want to add a flare to your pages so you can do this by adding shapes simply click on shapes over here and you have a abundance of shapes that can help you in creating more of a illustrative or a better design element so I've taken this shape over here and I can resize and place it however if you're not satisfied with these shapes that are provided you can even create your own or enter your own images and convert them into shapes so to do that simply click on images over here click on upload image and then you want to select the image that you want to insert into your book's interior once you've selected that image simply upload it and you will find it appear on the left of this box so you can open your image up and then resize it now I can place this image over here however this will only add it to your first page or the page that you have opened with a 100 page interior you don't want to have to do this step over and over so once you've added your image you can copy this image to all of your pages because doing it manually would take a really long time so you can easily do that simply by clicking on the element or image that you have added then you want to locate this sheep icon present in the navigation panel once you go into your clone objects section you want to click on clone to other pages then you can select the pages you want to clone to if you want a harmonious Journal that looks same on all of the pages so you don't want to have any alternating Pages simply click on select all however maybe you want to spice up your journal and create a different design on first half or the second half of your pages you can simply click on select first half over here or select second half or you can even do a select odd Pages or select even pages so I'm going to add this element to the odd pages and for the even Pages I'm going to build another element so we're going to add this to all of our odd Pages once you click on clone all of your odd pages will have the same image so you guys can see that was page one this is Page Three and if you scroll down on the left over here you will find the butterfly will be present on one empty page beige and then one butterfly page so on and so forth for all hundred Pages now in the next section I'm gonna show you guys how you can insert text so you will see this is page two and to enter text all you have to do is simply click on the text box icon on the left side then you have multiple different types of text so you can choose whichever one you want I just want to add a heading added daily affirmations then I can choose the font from the top over here and there are multiple different free fonts that you can choose from I'm going to take this one and then I will resize my text now if you want you can create this kind of page in a different format if you don't want it to be lined just like this I've added this text now I want this text to be present on all the pages that don't have the butterfly so for that all I have to do is click on the text over here click on clone objects and then clone to other pages now I will select select even from the top navigation panel and then click on clone and now this will be added to all of the alternating pages so I have one simple page in which people can write their Journal write whatever they did and then one page for their daily affirmations now once your interior has been completed you will see that you can click on download on the top left and then you can download your current projects in multiple different formats so if you're looking for this to be a printed book on Amazon KDP or another platform then you want to download this in the form of a current project CMYK or you can download the current page however we want to download our entire file so you can click on download current project and just like that it will be downloaded for you to publish now our design has been downloaded and the entire interior Pages for our book ball design have been completed now we're gonna Begin by designing our cover so this was just the interior of our Journal if you're designing any kind of book you obviously will have a cover so because this is a printed book anyways I need to keep in mind that this book might be put on a bookshelf or this book might be present on a table so how it's going to appear over there is also a very important step to keep in mind now to do that we're going to click on Project over here click on new project then you want to select paperback cover once you do that you want to enter the same project name and we're going to obviously choose the same trim size as well as the same type of paper then you also want to make sure that the number of pages that you add are accurate this is why I designed my interior beforehand because if I ever have a changing heart in the number of pages that will impact the size of your cover because the bleeds will become more so this dimensions of the bleeds will increase if you have more pages however if I design a cover too small then I won't have accounted for the bleeds and then I have to design the cover again this is why generating the interior beforehand can be a little more helpful so I created a 100 page interior and that's what I'm gonna write then I'm going to click on create project over here once I do that I will have this template appear before me this is the Amazon KDP template because it accounts for the bleeds and then you also have your barcode location and size so this is where the barcode would appear if you have added one if it's going to be sold in a physical bookstore then barcodes are usually a part of those types of books now what you want to do is you can click on your template opacity on the top left you can increase or decrease this opacity if you find it to be a bit difficult to design on top of this so we're going to be creating a simple design we're going to click on shape and I'm going to pick a simple square shape I'm going to place it this directly into the center I've chosen a rectangle instead and just like that using the dots you will drag and expand it and I'm placing this directly on the spine you can see these red lines over here account for the bleed so if I would not have encounted for the bleed these lines might get cut up and I would have designed to tilt the edges however those edges would be folded over or cut up and the design would look incomplete or it would just look unfinished so I'm putting a black margin on my bleed on the spine now after that you can insert any kind of image background sound or element so to do that you can simply click on your element on the left and then choose any element now I'm going to first I'll give this a color so you will see on your top left you have your paper color and I'm going to go into the color wheel and you can select any color that you want I've chosen this really dark purple however if you can't really estimate the shade of the color you can click on your template and hide your cover template this will give you a better idea of what your book cover is currently looking like so I have just added my paper color like this so once I've added my cover all I have to do is go into my text click on circular text and I'm going to enter the title of my book or Journal now to edit the circular text you have to click on edit text on the top left and I've written gratitude Journal now this is pretty curved so you will see this option on the top left where it has the circular text effect you can increase the radius or decrease it to make the text as curved as you want now once I've added my text I want to include the same butterfly we added to our interior so I will go back into my images section and I can select this image and it will already say on pages so I've used this on pages now you guys will see your image pop up over here and you can choose to add a blending effect as well however I want to increase the size of this and place it over here then you can do a right click and then I will click on send to back so it's behind my text then you can click on the image and click on the top opacity section so you can decrease the opacity just like this now what I'm going to do is I'm going to click off of my canvas and I can click on my template opacity hi cover template and this is what our exterior is looking like you can include any information about your journal or book on the bottom half and then once you are done and satisfied with the appearance of your cover you can click on download and download your project as a printed book and just like that your book bolt interior and cover page has been generated designing with book balls can be super fun and easy it doesn't have to be really complicated at all so the amazing interior and cover have been designed for our book so to extract those or to find them simply open up your search bar and go into your downloads and in your downloads you will find a zipped file and you can just click on that zipped file and then it will open up the PDF of your journal or book that you have just designed it is so simple and so easy now Additionally you don't just create on book bolt there are some other fantastic features that can help you in creating and optimizing your books so not only do they have creation features which we focused on but they also have a research based features so you can go on to the research section on your home page and once you go on to the research section you can search for any type of keyword that you want to Target for example I'm just going to search for gratitude Journal which is the type of Journal that I created now what this will do is that it will show me the keyword count as well as some of the products that have been optimized for these particular keywords so these products are high ranking products in the particular Niche that I'm targeting what this can help you in doing is that you can design your Journal according to these this design taking inspiration from these designs and you can also include the keywords that you see on the right side of your screen you will also get related keywords that you can include in your description wherever you are listing your journals it might be on Amazon KDP or any other platform so you will find all of these related keywords that can be a great way to increase the search engine optimization for your book or for your Journal now other than that you also have some other features which can help you in targeting a particular seller so you can search for a particular seller on Amazon you guys can see this is the keyword the total research the svr lowest price highest price and you will see the author what kind of products that they are creating and you can find any particular author or any particular seller that you see on Amazon and see what kind of Niche they are targeting whether or not they are working in one Niche and what are the keywords that they are using next up you also have some other features including their Cloud feature so the cloud feature allows you to see the top 100 in a particular category let's see I want to go into the journal and then if you want you can also include a keyword however you can also optimize the BSR range and the price range as well so these are the top sellers in that particular range you will also have the price the estimated monthly sales and estimated moving average sales so you guys can see that these kinds of products can be a great way for you to design your product accordingly so you can see what is already working in that particular Niche and you can build something thing off of that format instead of starting from something that is absolutely new that may or may not work now another very important thing to do when you are browsing these is to set your price range so if I'm going to create a product within the Eight dollar range I want to only look at other eight dollar products to get a better estimate of what I am competing with so once you have your price range set you want to make sure that you're taking a look at these titles this is something that is often overlooked which is the title these kinds of titles include very long lines or even sentences in their title the reason for this is that they're trying to include as many keywords as possible so that their specific listing ranks higher you want to follow the same strategy and without having to do a lot of hassle you can take a look at the different keywords that they have used so if I was building a particular Journal like our gratitude Journal I would go into the optional keywords search for gratitude that I can just search over here and now I will take a look at the different titles that people are using primary composition notebook drawing Journal picture space girl empowered composition notebook wide world School Journal now taking a look at these I can easily build my own title for my listing may it be on Amazon or any other platform so if we were to build a gratitude Journal listing I would probably include something like gratitude Journal wide ruled Daily Journal Unleash Your Inner Peace inspiring composition journal for relaxation so I'm following the template from this particular listing and building something off of it I'm not replicating it nor am I copying but instead you can just take a teeny tiny bit of inspiration now after that you also have your book scout which helps you in tracing out KDP product from their Asin number so to use this simply open up Amazon now simply search for the type of Journal that you're building you guys can see this is a journal that is currently being sold it's a gratitude Journal it does not have a lot of results so I'm going to go on to this one over here that has some ratings and you can go into the product details and on your product details you're going to find the Asin number you can copy this number from here now book bolt is collecting all of the product data for you so you guys can see these are all of the keywords that this particular product is targeting to list as high as it is so now bookbault has processed the data and you guys can see the total item count and the search volume for that particular keyword so not only this book bolt provide you with a amazing platform to design your books but you can do all of your product research directly on this platform as well so it's really a all-in-one that helps you in finding the perfect balance for what kind of design you should use what kind of keywords you should Target plus if you want to do direct keyword research you can go into the keyword section over here click for search and then you can search for a particular keyword we're going to continue with our same example of the Gratitude Journal now you're gonna find your keyword or phrase and the competition that you have for that particular one a gratitude Journal has super high competition then you guys will also see the CPC and the Amazon average so you guys will see gratitude journal with prompts now this is a amazing keyword that does not have as high of a competition as the rest of them and you can make sure to include this in your journal or book that you are publishing this will increase your chances of being seen on Amazon and your product ranking higher in these search results you also get a frequent keyword list on the right side whenever you search for a particular keyword and you also have KDP spy which is a extension that bookbault has that allows you to get all of these stats of a particular item on Amazon Katie p and you can directly browse Amazon and see what is working and what kind of products have the best sales you want to try out book balls for yourself I've got a special link just for you in the description it helps you support me and gets you a great deal you can use the coupon code creator20 to get a 20 off your plan for the lifetime of you using it happy designing and see you soon
Channel: Sarah & Josh Explain
Views: 7,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: book bolt tutorial, amazon kdp tutorial, bookbolt tutorial, book bolt tutorial 2023, bookbolt full tutorial., book bolt studio tutorial, book bolt interior tutorial, kdp low content books tutorial, bookbolt, book bolt full tutorial, book bolt design tutorial, kdp niches 2023, bookbolt 2023, book bolt journal tutorial, bookbolt kdp, full tutorial, kdp publishing tutorial, passive income 2023, book bolt coloring book tutorial, canva tutorial
Id: ueCh4XNY3G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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