Bonus League with Amulet Titan

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what is up YouTube so I will be going to TV Vegas this weekend so I won't be streaming on Thursday and Friday and because of that I wanted to at least record one more league with the deck this is getting very close to what I'm playing I'm playing at the main event so I am thinking that you know I might make one or two a couple of changes in the in the remaining time that I have but because of that especially is why I wanted to you know get some some more reps in with the deck and since I'm doing it I figured I might as well record it even if I'm not streaming it so yeah let's let's get fired up for the first game right like this hand that's a lot of potential so we have we're on the draw which is unfortunate but we have turned one amulet into turn to Asuza and we have actually yeah we have enough to tighten on three because we are going to I guess that doesn't really change anything so we're gonna play a sorcerer on two off this lesson sanctuary then I'm gonna play both lines out and then I'm gonna have on turn on turn three I'm gonna have one two three to transmute I'm gonna play this three times and then I'm going to have enough mana to to casterbridge ot so things definitely looking good here we're playing against kind of quite a bad matchup for us so the good thing is that my opponent is not seem to have the turn to the board druid into turn three kill so that gives us a shot at least right now we just want to make sure that we don't draw neither Boros garrison no nor the Suva so that would be that would be alternatively actually we might need to explose it's on two depending on what they do here then you know what they do we might be forced into a situation where we have to yeah okay so my point is according here Polly calls for three so they're gonna just show your amulet with neither bottom I don't really mind this cuz this means that my opponents not comboing me out so definitely very much okay with this happening so we're gonna be doing this meeting for some respect I guess I gotta play this out and then play it replay the gemstone that's a charm so now next time we're gonna have access to Titan mana and we're gonna be able to cut from you'll tighten one two three four five six so if we find another untapped source if we find another untapped source we are gonna be able to taste or Titan as well oh yeah I'm definitely blocking here because if I block here that means that my point is going to be using their turn to activate kavanah township which means that i have free reign to do whatever I want with this from below Titan that's an amazing draw I'll release an amazing draw play out the amulet pack for primetime cast it's gonna get Buddhist garrison and this silver copy this layer stronghold we're gonna haste the primeval Titan I guess we can bounce here for sure we attack yes we're gonna get we can get to Larry West Civic growth chamber because now I'm gonna be able to bounce another bounce line doesn't matter which opponent takes eight now we're cast Susa and now I guess I should have bounced this that was a mistake got a little bit ahead of myself I think we're gonna be fine I think we're ready just fine unless my opponent has any way to give haste to their devoted druid but yeah this matchup usually it is very often placed up like this like we are never ever loose into like their value plan they have this deck actually has a very solid value plan with the clock company and God would he tell she make it or dudes bigger we never lose to this way we really do not care about this either our opponent combos either they combo us out and we die or we go way over the top of what they are doing so here we can transmit for engineers explosives now the question is what do I put it on now I'll turn alternatively I can just which I think it's what I'm going to do I think I'm just going to so I can swing for 16 my opponent puts both of this in front of my Titan and I just trampled through and they need to put everything in front of the Titan otherwise they'd just die so I guess I can just trust you to another firm you like that seems quite superior so so let's see that is that somewhere SPECT for primeval Titan copy this on to bounce play this again is six mana late primetime this at this point we're just my opponent just could never come back unless they're playing something stupid like I don't even know like main deck well I guess we can force we can force their play here yeah we're just like ghost quarter here just force their play they just win all right sweet getting there Game one against this deck is actually very very good for us because this matchup is not great I am very happy that we have access to excuse means that we have access to to grab the worst case for this matchup for sure because this one is definitely valuable like good like I don't think I like the old of the dead in the matchup honestly ghost quarter also seems terrible both of these seem very bad but yeah it's just like as I was saying we never die to their value plan so like getting about your value with filos of the dead does not seem at all the either combo us or we win so we definitely want to have access to graph to gas gauge that's for sure i guess i don't want active negation definitely on the cages they showed me cord items expecting either eldritch evolution or the other card collected company shave one ancient earrings maybe I can shave 1s Susa feels bad though that's pretty bad all right let's do this um let's get a little bit more controlling for for Game two I like this we have turn one Scout turn to the list up and if we find something that we can maybe we can we can get access to white mana that would be nice my opponent can't just come to us out here though lion there's this board to it that is like that's what they eat it really so I guess that I need to draw into amulets if I if I steering's into amulet I okay never lucky never lucky but if I had stared into amulets I would have been able to to hold that path to excel and just Pat it ass is I'm gonna be I'm just gonna place a listen sanctuary and pass the turn and just hope that my phone doesn't have it cuz I can't stop them I can stop them next turn but if they just have the nuts they just have the nuts alright there it is as soon as they showed me a wing condition I'm going to see Tyler striker is not a wing condition if they're going for value I don't really care if they are not killing me I'm not conceding here ok so basically they are giving themselves the out to draw into something thanks to the stylus tracker but we got the answer to the tracker the turtle witness is not it's not an out for them ok they still don't have it Turner witness is not an out as I was saying because I have access to go to the ball this is why you keep individually bobbing in that shot now we get to a six my point it still needs to kill me all right there we go finally okay so they they did found find a combo alright this is this is a really bad matchup in case in case you have you hadn't noticed yet this is it very bad bad job so like I'm just happy that we were able to steal Game one honestly I guess we're gonna keep this and hope that we get a little bit lucky but yeah turn one amulet hands we like in a matchup that's as quick as this we we cannot mow again I turn when I'm your left hand with potential like with any bounce land this represents it turns retighten on the play and this is what we need to win I guess that counts okay I guess that counts I'm gonna play around neither bottom we still need a bounce line in order for this to do anything so I'm gonna play around night uh bottom by playing out my bounce line honestly if my opponent is not running the tracker in the main deck and they brought it in post cyborg then they are they're making a huge mistake okay that's not enough to to pass definitely not enough to pass there ah do we go for that it's definitely a number with my engineered explosives but I think I tuck in my opponents man it's actually quite relevant so what we're gonna do is we're going to yeah I'm going to play explosives on one then I'm going to play about Dukey bog I'm going to order my triggers so the dead trigger goes on the stack second so I get to untap my land with still the buggy bog to your on the stack I'm going to crack unit explosives and then the dog is going to resolve this make sure that I exile both cards from my opponents and it makes of course their future eternal witness same thing can be worse Sally primate so now I'm very I'm very happy now that I managed that I that I destroyed my opponent's stuff okay letting letting them on top with giver of worse liberal runes really sucks but I don't think there's anything I can do like I don't want to keep them collect the company mana they showed me collect company so I'd rather just take take the beats a couple of turns yep that really sucks that really really sucks so they're gonna get to entitled infinite mana and like the only thing that I can do to help it it's just to like half the giver of rules which doesn't seem like Grady be for me if they hadn't had this card I would never be able to win this one or at least get a little bit a little get further ahead I could have I could have path to be seer but that I don't think that that's what worried what do you want to do in the bathtub maybe the explosives on one was a little bit hasty maybe the explosive someone works a little bit hasty honestly and I should just like sit up on two and just wait especially after they play this year the problem is that if I was going to play it out on that turn then yeah I guess maybe I like the correctly was maybe to just hold and don't do anything alright I'm just letting my opponent know that they only need to do is just show me the Winkle and I will concede because if they had ever listened in hand they don't need to go like all the way to a million seems like they do have it though okay there we go Gigi's that is just that matchup for basically every single version of amulet is one of the reasons why I want piping needle and Grassley where's gage into the deck and one of the reasons why I think cage it's kind of nice to have access to especially with drunken rage but yeah wait we have no no trinket made used to be found I guess that it would have been like when I could have just go solid pride matched the which one of these again whichever one I had just destroyed that would have been in but Celebi had said that matchup it's just a bad matchup but yeah for those of you wondering I I am running 29 lands here if you have been following my stream then you you know that I have like I really like the core of the deck and I wanted to keep that intact so I since I wanted to play fielder in the main decks what I did is I simply add a tile and this works out beautifully with our royal gray sir right because we want to have access through a bunch of lines in order to to make a greater better and twin line Lance is a fine number my opponents chickened out oh now okay they got there okay this is a drum start this actually missing this is me we are short on lands and we are short on it tightening what this and does though is it interacts very well because we're going to be able to like play in early explosives I guess I'm gonna keep I'm not I'm not a hundred percent sure this nitrous bubble okay so this is probably the more the shadow deck that's been that's been going around lately these thick is very good against us as it usually is with with my within shadow decks this is probably gonna be the explosive skull and I think I seen usually is with their shadow decks they are really really hard for us to keep up with I think it's very easy explosives I guess it depends on their hand that seems to me it's a very easy explosives here to the point where I am considering on turn one just plain if they don't take the explosives just playing it out for one to like pre-entry yeah this this is very interesting so I guess this makes my opponent use their mana so I'm going to do this first the worst-case scenario would be like push into or dismember either like just one mana removal spell into another desk or spell which they don't have okay so this is actually quite good for us definitely playing this here now that we drew a second bouncing and we can safely play this out and next turn we can play out the Asuza they got nothing alright so this is how we win this matchup this is how we win this matchup so we're going into this and play this out class it turn we don't have haste man unfortunately hopefully my upon doesn't have another thought cysts but we one two three four five six seven yeah somewhere a one-man a short of haste in the Titan unless I draw an amulet and my Isuzu survives when it's paying costs over there they do nothing SiC better lucky than good they say etc etc yeah I think I'm gonna play around alright or just concede I was definitely gonna play around toxic so they're like there's no need for me to just die to that for no reason so mmm Stefan I'm gonna play around it and want these cars for sure we can take out a couple of scouts we can take out one of these cover the souls out go squatter out and shave one ambulance one car that I have seen that this text play now is shenanigans so if I can I think that it's important to like minimize the amount of the amount of artifacts that we are playing they keep seven min emollients that Han doesn't do anything I'm gonna keep this one but not be very happy about it and I think I'm gonna bottom this but sometimes we're forced into give me this kind of hand so honestly mostly because they just have so many disco spells that you just like the ideal hand against that shadow is like a success was a suicide for Mayans that is probably like the best hand that you're gonna have against shadow because like they just have so many ways of destroying our waste ramp or our threats in this case but I imagine they don't take these things very interesting to me ball I mean both of these assistants is just terrible another question is do I play around another discourse well I think like I kind of do and again you know because what I was saying earlier about like their shadow effects and that stupid Russian and I guess which is totally beginning as does so I do you think it's interesting for us to yeah so path to exercise is the best thing I can draw here to Cuba is not that good I guess I'll play it but now the best thing that we can draw is actually a Sousa got'em take five Sousa no yeah we're definitely gonna need some help here things are not looking good for the home team things definitely not looking good for the home team this cars pretty brutal okay second shadow yeah path to excel please okay back to excel please so let's approach now that's not bad actually the only bad thing that this has is that we can't play a bounce land here so I guess I'm just gonna be super copy copy the crossroads hopefully my opponent will go for four lethal with like a shock into team or battle rage we get to blow them out with the celestial perch surgical extraction my summers back - yeah this is this is classic just like surgical I guess it has some value for the - shadow back for sure but because they get to pay life this way thanks to the fire exit manna but I don't think the surgical extractions particularly graced great against us and I don't think I can take it for this hit I don't have to I don't think I can afford to take this it that's what I try to say okay so there's the other shadow explosives path looks like we're having nice - I guess one two three four yeah we're nowhere close to field of Tudela I guess I should have played a field though just in case I drop Ramiro Titan oh okay good to know that we need to play around this one too something I mean it's stick nicly something it allows us to stay alive for the whatever it's worth yeah for manator plus an arrest because this this place on earth again value because of the death shadow but like this guard is just not good all right so they they got me okay let's try this again and now do I need to change anything I don't think I do I think I just need to draw better easy right I think I only play I'd rather have a third Scout over the Hornets Queen but least s always a card I really struggled to evaluate against the shadow because like it's it's good to have in your deck because it's you know your opponent might go a little bit to lower life and then they you know they just can't go any lower because you just ballista them to this so if I think is a car that I would love to have in the deck if you could guarantee that I would never ever draw it okay so whenever you naturally draw it and it's in your opener or something like that it just feels so bad because it's basically like a two mana one one it's like invoke fnatic just not a good card thing is it's not so I don't know I I really struggle to evaluate this card properly all right opponents whenever you're ready here we go yes yes I do like this fair a bit I'm definitely playing the emulator one cycle sweet great views fun you got it sounds good so now that my opponent has shown me the full mini remains I'm gonna try to delay to the lame I bounced on as much as possible so you could want to have in hand so now if my point is careless I might be turned three Titan in them yeah the brutal part about this death shadow that is just you have so many so many discard spells because they're playing I think for thoughts is to inquisitions and then titleist type hollow scholar that is a lot of hate for artifacts attacking with a plan for value obviously send that message this is rough there's the thought sees things looking very grim all right okay so I play the feel of the dead five Carson hands still yikes there's a shadow so I'm going to play to Larry West here then I'm going to play gemstone my next turn and then on the phone the subsequent turn I'm gonna be able to play this century get it to two from the field of the Dead and then transmit for summoner SPECT or maybe engineer explosives yep that seems like the way to go this is actually quite hard here so I think I'm just going to assume silent get to zombies here and I can make it I can make the engineered explosives plane extern so this gives me Chum blockers it gives me value from from Lisa Souza and also my opponent cannot get you know they cannot really get frisky here and I'm definitely double champion here if they attack I'm trying to keep my life tool as high as possible because at this point I'm in a situation where if the game goes wrong like if I can extend this game for you know two three more turns I am gonna win yeah this is great path to excel on my trust upkeep yeah sure so I'm gonna get a forest it's gonna give us dude and we're going to tap three men now we're gonna play this make another dude and then I'm going to stop stop my opponents aggression energy nearly sources for one title those color results filled out that do we need a lot of work here field of today I doing a lot of work here pretty solid okay so we're gonna swing with both and I think I'm gonna double strike D zombie so I can kill this color and still have looking good field of the Dead doing work holy crap we said the gemstone about Saturn and now I like Y opponent needs to pull it three blockers into plates and they can't all right that was that was a very impressive showing for field of the Dead my opponent had a very very strong set of drawers but it just didn't matter yes we can update the record and we are looking for round three looking into round three definitely interested in hearing feedback to everybody watching this because I usually I'm streaming and interacting with Chad and everything so if you have your thoughts and if you like this kind of content when I'm just you know talking through my place and doing my thing I would really appreciate to hear it yeah yeah okay I can get behind this can get behind this for sure playnig is the same deck again this Martha shadow could be your son Martha shadow again okay so since this is actually Martha shadow I think I'm going to turn one amulet they have much less answers to amulet then scout and if I if I play the Scout Anna gets pushed and I'm allowing my opponent to use their otherwise wasted mana yeah that just seems like a really bad Evie for me but it's interesting to have like literally the same matchup back to back I guess it's thick it's dead like that one of the last GPU right so it kind of makes sense for it to grow in popularity popularity there now I'm playing the scout maybe I should still play this card previously not login thank you shadow this could spell fail push okay so I think I'm actually going to play the lady the list down to here I'm gonna die - this is shadow otherwise I noticed that we can't response to my opponents activation so I'm obviously not going to try to kill this shadow here but we can kill this color and get back our explosives and blow this guy up my opponent not pinging themselves on their own step it's interesting so here I don't block they want to do anything I might as well do it thank you for should be quite happy about that Ranger captain alright that was pretty good then is pretty good hex Farsight yeah this card is actually it's actually quite strong in the shadow tech yeah we we've been drawing little blank pieces of cardboard here so I can put two counters on this ballista and then play an explosives for one I think that's what I'm going to do I basically just want to not die next year and if I can put it over there ha so my point is going to swing for three you're gonna be able to activate this three times so they're gonna have to have exactly now they're gonna have 15 I guess yeah they're gonna have diesel they are going to help these all unfortunately for me I guess I should have just like sacrificed a ballista yeah that was sexual that was significantly better now that I think about it yeah that was much much better so when I should have done this I should have I should have played my land and just ping this color just kill this color and then get the explosives get the explosives for to I get the explosives and played for one okay it seems like my point now is the interaction alright so same side wording we just did explosives we want this guy we want that's it and we take out cover nurses go scooter once some respect grace no greater sitting two Scouts and one amulets now we took out the relic man I guess I already need to figure this much about oh no yeah that's what we did because we were bringing in the Hornet queen but I don't think I like Hornet queen actually alright now let's go yeah I can't keep this end can i if I wave in land but I have multiple like a spot yeah I guess I'm gonna keep this end so we're gonna steering someone hoping to find a bounce land and if we do okay so there we go there's a sanctuary basically we want to do is we just want to draw lands they can ASSU see if they want hex parasite card hilarious I mean it works so I'm playing this here because I don't mind my opponent now I guess there may I guess maybe I should have held it in hand actually cuz they can take the counter here I mean I think this what I wanted them to do but I didn't think that if they have this plus it parties I'm actually gonna be in a lot of trouble nice okay sweet they played it to it alright explosives on one I know that the hex parasite cannot stop this from happening even if they activate and if they don't activate then I just take what is it five well I guess my opponents very lucky to have a ranger actually so yeah so what I think I'll take my two for one here and stay at 18 to pick on rather my selection sanctuary mean so mean so we know this could happen now we need to draw a land probably have to take the SSR here unless they have surgical as well make sense to me sculler this doesn't really do anything but I really need to find the land here yeah that's obviously another land it's very how this deck place twenty-seven lands with four inches steering's and like I'm currently 2027 lands right we're up to 29 lands with four inches t-rex and we still miss land drops it's like we just we have literally half of my back Alliance land that's not it yeah we're definitely just get a little bit brutalized here just getting a little bit brutalized here by biotech mostly who who is not delivering the goods definitely not delivering the goods take five bounce line please slot sees something great after work so alright I mean that's hopefully a way to get there so if I join untapped source on my point doesn't have a removal spell nor a team or battle rage oh my apologies gives you the equity a garage geez alright concede don't don't say geez to your opponents if you if you have been dead just wait for them to tell you GG's if you lose if you if you're winning or I wanted to know the best showing but honestly we have faced to it to actually two of our absolute worst matchups it's still nice to win one of them so turn one if these are turn four tighten with amulet though so even if you're a little bit behind the fact that we have amulet kind of catches but God catches us back up a little bit so I'm planning on doing in turn one t-west turn to amulet in to walk you listen for one turn three relic turn for tightening it's humans this actually kind of nice because it's a matchup where that's an excellent draw because it speeds up by one we basically drew a time walk because it's pizzas by an entire turn which of course is great for us okay pony has a champion of the perish yeah okay so yeah I think it's better for me to go for the for the coalition Braddock play here I could have played a ballast down one but a coalition relic this is why I like this card so much is that it helps me it's just it's yet another way that you can set up then you can set up a turn three premier Titan right thanks to amulet to mouseland's and coalition Braddock you're able to make six mana and it's nice that it here even if my opponent does have the medal image which would be like the best thing that he could have I am still going to be able to ballet stuff for a bunch and get them that way so play your bounce lands float mana six mana Acosta primeval Titans we're gonna paste this guy and this should be pretty much game over so I guess I'm gonna get candy garden + crossroads now I think I'm gonna do crossroads + Timmy gross because this helps me this gives me the blue mana that I need to trust me with next turn if I need to I probably want me to trust me an extern honestly Scotty the basic forest that's in the turn I struggle to imagine how my opponent can get out of this especially when next turn we're going to be able to trust me did you know he was on one and blow it up and basically bring my opponent back down to the Stone Age I guess I could have done that if I wanted to but that would have slowed my Titan down for two terms yeah I think it's definitely better to do this okay so the best way to play around things is to make it so your opponent can't have it I guess plain excuses for one if this is a reflector image they should have definitely made face this because now next one I'm gonna be able to cast this primetime yep I guess they were trying to like blow me out somehow except that yeah it definitely works the other way around like it would have been way better for them to just like main face did so okay so against humans we won't pass we won't engineer explosives we want one Rex age no more than that and we want to Hornet queen we want the list that we don't want coalition but like one packed one not scout we want to cut the greater when ACOG got steering soju kebab and probably a cavernous Souls goes water source yeah there is no way cut the steering cystic as my opponents it's a yeah like right so excellent hand very very good hand I guess I'm gonna lead on scout first putting most of six again yeah they only go to five Game one that's why there we may see so many nine drops yeah when when the the previous GP PT sorry the one that humans won I think that amulet was very very well precision there but like when humans because I think humans was one of the most of you know Dex is not the most popular bags but if you're humans opponent knows that you were playing amulet and they can basically molding into mental image the matchup becomes much worse so I suspect that that is that is probably a big part of the reason why amulet did not perform particularly well in that event and here I could have played I could have played the amulet on turn one because this allows me to play around freebooter right now the issue and why I did not go for that is that free butter gets us anyway because I can't get this some respect out of my hand so so let's knit on steering see what happens woof even though it's extremely tempting for me to for me to take one of these explosive something I'm going to go with this so that's new sanctuary yeah so my opponent cannot reflect your mage they cannot reflect your mage or the apt my guys so I'm not afraid of either of those cards and I have the path to excel for my opponents potential keitel freebooter or my opponents freebooter or male image so I think that sandbagging the amulet is better here salius lieutenant alright so they're playing with their hands face up so a lot of triggers it's a lot of triggers so I can gain six here seems worthy since um they said worthy no I think I'm just gonna take it lemon here oof yeah okay so that's game now amulet amulet play this vows replay this may be swinging 432 here so I'm gonna back primeval Titan yes don't Larry west submit growth chamber for Vanna float Vanna float manna float manna transmit some respect someone respect for primeval Titan if you're not familiar with all these play fighters I'm going I'm going very quickly because you know most of the people that watch my stream are very familiar with with what I'm doing basically but if this is going if this is going too quickly I very much recommend you check out I mean you can pick it just like slow this down that would be an easy way to go about it or you can I made a video in this YouTube channel and that is called the mystifying amulet Titan I certainly recommend you check out that video and that way in that video I go I go over all the basic flight patterns that that this deck has and you can you know familiarize yourself with all the stuff like you know all the triggers and how everything happens how you want to stack your triggers so that they benefit you in the you know of the most so this this deck definitely has a lot of that you know you you want to be familiar with all that stuff before you you venture yourself into into going into the amulet wilds alone if you know what I'm saying but yep so back to to beating humans which is I consider humans to be slightly and favored like both both shadow and druid are both matchups that I would consider terrible while humans he said egg is said much of that I would consider just unfavorable I don't think it's terrible or anything like that it's just likely a favor I'm gonna keep this hand I think and I would basically just need a Titan plus any land so that since enough also we got the natty ball Noddy bug is the nerdy buggies it's just a way of life you know turn one amulet we have interaction in the form of engineering explosives my exact 100 game with this deck on MTG Oh Oh congratulations I actually enjoy it when my opponents are like you know friendly and chatty we just you know makes things more chillaxed yeah we're blending as John's eye maybe we're not doing so well I'll go I guess this hand is pretty good against John actually I would imagine that they take the explosive never mind so this gives my opponent perfect info this is my perfect info which sucks but it also allows me to like get more value out of my cards so I think it's worth it now I mean so yeah this this definitely confirms my suspicions so I think I'm going to be bugging myself yeah so this is actually John so I will be voting myself Nana so myself so now we have tried we have premier otech mana so unless yeah unless my opponent has an answer to this coalition relic if we talk like a Titan we are effectively going to win on the spot master pose okay we can copy the rigid event here because the ravine allows us to clock a Liana if my opponent goes for that thanks to this gemston line so I like I like copy the ravine there I guess we can also clock around 6:00 - we wanted to or just my opponent I probably would not be if they tap out for whatever reason yeah all right there's Liliana probably gonna be ditch in the ghost scooter hopefully that they don't have a land they have the land yes since they have the land I cannot really go for it it's too risky so I'll just play out the ESU's and pass the turn because both bold and fatal push just get me it's it's too much it's just too much tireless trucker definitely bad for me those those are not good dress unfortunately for us definitely not with draws blood braid yeah at least there's that a glimpse of hope the limps of hope what can we draw here that would be good I mean they bounce that would not be incredible honestly please attack please attack me nice okay cool so now I get to plead Ileana yeah they can definitely get that to do what they want to so we clear double jana but yeah they're the duck is definitely not delivering here definitely not delivering it certainly I'm in need of some help 4:7 I go down to 707 that doesn't really do anything all right Carmy garden would be nice things like that would have been nice I don't think any of these do anything so the only thing that I can try to do here is just try to make as many land rows of many land drops as possible so I can so that if I draw a Titan I can get the most out of it so if I get certain sanctuary I play it play the playlist bounce the ravine I replay the best Suva copying the sanctuary play they get the gemstone money and I have to Chum lockers next one I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mana and I can get it tighten and I can taste it and I'm gonna have 1 2 3 4 5 so I'm gonna be able to get a bunch of zombie tokens okay so I am setting myself to draw a primeval tighten here and I get a free attack I don't think I can know because I need to block ok so there's there's no free attack for me ladies copy here and I guess I can with Dukey bog them or me place Walker instant sorcery creature land yeah please get them all right so I'm gonna Chomp Chomp and try to draw exactly for amigo Titan and actually if I do draw exactly promeo Titan I think that I'm going to be ahead even if I'm gonna be at a full life I said my opponent says that they were scared of my ravine like that's that's not what this game is about that that ravine did its job that rage it really did its job which was to get that Liana get Liliana out of the board also they tapped very wrong here they should have left double black in case they drove Liliana okay so I'm gonna jump there the one I go to for I guess I don't mind going to for if they have double bolt in their hand they have that water and also if they have a take on that boat I would be dead because they were just both more about both my doing since 1 for lethal so primetime yeah that's not it I need you to do exactly premier tyreq there but it looks like mine I had to color this command so all right sideboard Enoch is John we want these cars we want this Hornet queen bailiff Remy nap we don't want cavern all right I don't want coalition relic trim one amulet a couple of scouts want some respect I don't want walking blister now that they don't have Bob but lest I become significantly worse than it used to be and yeah let's do it something like this I want to have access to 28 lines against John's because they their plan usually Falls for is to like ssince trophy and told me NATO major all of my land so I want to make sure that I am hitting my land drops as consistently as possible and I'm going to keep this because you don't really bother getting it's jammed my opponent has to have thoughts on one I guess an inquisition we also do it but if they don't have a disco spell I'm definitely liking my chances because I'm gonna be able to like play Asuza this is the best guardian matchup by far like far and away the best Matt Davis car in a matchup so there we go hopefully my opponent doesn't know that and they take the horn twini said but if you're playing against amulets in your on your body has a Sousa you wanna get the isuzu unless they have a second this is obviously more often than not as so this is going to be the correct pick okay so this is sexually interesting so no no in this I'm going to play my Tulare West here because I have a second poo source to transmit if I want to and it also yeah so now it plays our full manator and it allows me to like delay my decision and what I want to transmit for so it's just pitch school good all-around basically okay play so let's see a sanctuary bounds here and I'm going to transmit for some respect here because we can get obstinate bail off so I can make it Liana pretty bad so this case scenario is my opponent if they do tea I was gonna say if they eot coalesce command like destroy make me this card I don't think I would go for the Velas play because I died - assassin stroke your food in a term age but it's still kind of close and now if my opponent doesn't answer my amulet I just tightened them so they need to have something right now they need to have something exactly this urn unless they can like trophy my lion or something of course unfortunate that we naturally do the feel of that too kind of stinks yeah it's funny you but I mean I think the correct line for my point here is I don't know what they could have but it's more likely than unless they have an answer to the amulet the correct line is to pass yeah okay so they do have the nonsense when I do it all right that's cool that's cool what here I could be super the ravine but the problem with vasila in the ravine is that I don't have an untapped source to Titan next turn so I think I need to play into fulminate or mage which really sucks and since I'm playing familiar it matters where we said my my gems of mine but greater okay now fulminate or no full neighbor no full manator god damn it that is exactly what my point needed to do to to stay in this game that is that sucks that really does because they were they were not likely to do that play this way Azusa play gemstone and I will most likely be passing my illness my own Azusa very very likely to just be passing my own asses are here I guess they have a bolt did you have a bolt yep path is so cool allows you to do things like this okay my opponent knows about the Titan so they know that it need to be worried and I'm at the head very healthy 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 I have enough mana to cast my primeval Titan it's like if I find if I my opponent can't answer it and they probably know that if I get a free meal time I played they're going to whisk so burying another full manator slash assassin Sophie I am looking really really well this game they'd match up it's always very very entertaining for me to play it is you know this card can be problematic and stuff like that but I still find it very entertaining okay what is this yeah okay so this is basically my opponent letting me know that they are there unless they have a thoughts which they don't all right so so we're going to do some respect for prime time and I'm going to play the prime time and I'm gonna get T West and it bounce land and I'm going to bounce the go water and replay that's my life return so I don't randomly die to this review even if the answer they Titan they are probably gonna be giving me probably go they're gonna be giving me another zombie in the exchange I'm multiple Sambi so yeah another send do anything that big sphere would be the worst possible case scenario for me and I'm still fine because I can just I mean it's gonna cost me my gems don't mind but I can still like I still pay for patent upkeep so I think we're looking good this game yep cycling people and is a death sentence yeah it's always because there's there's some John lists out there that don't play for manator major so it's always you know when you get to win a game where your opponent fulminated you and you know that you need to play around it it's it's it really is very valuable information another very good another car that needle is very good against all right for all those three two marbles yeah it looks like people will him it's not great but I didn't say there was great I said it was key for basic swamp speared like where would you know that shock this is also something that's you know very common it's just like a matter of you know understanding how the matchup actually plays out this matchup very very rarely easier race I would say that it almost never is a race so my opponent going ahead and like fetching a basic swamp is them basically declining free value that's all it is it's gonna be run or there can be rent that's right so I think I'm gonna need illuminator mage and then I'm gonna play this in the growth chamber next turn I can drink at mage never mind it's still not a big gusto but it's two of them so maybe I'm a little bit more worried now just a little bit more worried explosives would be a great draw yeah we're just not catching breaks today all right so they are playing ran she's pretty bad for us so they have the foothills I guess we'll get to burst Iran which is something whoo hey hey woof right things are getting rough here things are getting rough this is also gonna grow the grapes oh so this is ten here yikes need you to a path to excel yeah it's just so we give the hand of four spells and three lands and we drew five lands in each one up for draw steps sometimes that happens as soos would have been incredible we we had a lot of draws big loss path to exile so many drawers oh well didn't get there all right unfortunate but it's sometimes that's how various works I will continue testing this tomorrow on stream though I'm going to upload this on Thursday so it's gonna be weird but I will but I will continue testing this list because it's very likely that I will be submitting something similar to this at the ground plate that Grand Prix Las Vegas I think that something like this with multiple ways to ramp 4:29 lands and Depak termination this side what instead of the main deck is what I'm looking at if I make any changes you will be the first one to hit to hear it so make sure you check the stream you check the YouTube and I hope you have enjoyed the content wish me luck at the GP and I will talk to you later bye bye let's look
Channel: fpawluszmtg
Views: 13,426
Rating: 3.5925925 out of 5
Keywords: Magic, Magic Online, Magic the Gathering, MtG, MTGO, MODO, Competitive, League, Live Stream, Streamer, Twitch, Card Game, Online Gaming, Los Angeles, Argentina, Eternal Format, Control, Combo, Midrange, Aggro, Ramp, Toolbox, Modern, Amulet of Vigor, Primeval Titan, Simic, Blue, Green, White, Bant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 48sec (4788 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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