Bonnie & Clyde REAL Death Car - Primm, Nevada

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is today our adventures brings us about 45 minutes outside of las vegas nevada to a place called prim more specifically whiskey pete's hotel and casino inside this castle in the desert lies some of the most interesting gory and twisted murder memorabilia true crime memorabilia you will ever find and it has to do with bonnie and clyde jessica and i are no strangers when it comes to this tale or the story or the legend if you will of bonnie and clyde a couple years ago we went to the actual death location of bonnie and clyde the bonnie and clyde museum most recently we went to the graves of bonnie and clyde as well as where they grew up this casino whiskey pete's in prim nevada houses well they have they own the bonnie and clyde death car and some other things and it's free on display all you got to do is walk in so we're going to take you guys inside there and see this and in a way this kind of completes our bonnie and clyde grimlife collective story three different parts if you're all interested in our other bonnie and clyde videos i will be putting them in the description below spooky in a way this building kind of reminds me growing up there's a toy store in pittsburgh pennsylvania called children's palace and it was in the shape of an old castle as well takes me way back just about ready to walk inside and i find myself loving this place more and more look at this right in the sidewalk whiskey pete's an old cowboy it's interesting coming from las vegas to this place it kind of has a feel of an old west saloon right oh wow yeah check it out over here in the corner is all the bonnie and clyde stuff and how awesome is this bonnie and clyde slot machines [Music] oh we are 100 for me playing these very cool and to go with the theme what we came here for is right there it looks like they have two cars on display so we're gonna start with this one because this is what we came here for obviously the girl on the right is supposed to be bonnie and the gentleman on the left is clyde [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god jessica just come over here and look at this this is insane [Music] oh wow right talk about giving it chills my hair is standing up on my arms right now could you count them if you wanted to [Music] nope that my friends is mind-blowing trying to look through the driver's side window right now you can see that the seats have a protection over them like a piece of plastic but the passenger side where bonnie would be sitting playing around the midsection imagine that like the midsection of her sitting there you can see a bullet hole in the upholstery [Music] wild as if the car wasn't enough right here in this display case [Music] is the actual shirt that clyde barrow was wearing when they were gunned down now of course whenever you know he died they had to cut the shirt off of him [Music] that's why it's all torn up in certain areas but there's also bullet holes there let's go ahead and walk around the back because there's a piece of paper oh wow you can actually see the bullet holes in the shirt back here [Music] it's insane certificate of authenticity and i'm not expecting you guys to read this but the very first line states this certifies that this garment is the authentic shirt worn by clyde barrow at the time of his death on may 23 1934 in an ambush near gibsland louisiana [Music] you can actually see the bullet holes back here on display they have two different photographs here so let's get a closer look at them right here these are the texas rangers that took them out in gibson louisiana and here's the official they're real bonnie and clyde death car as they were paraded through the town of gibslen all the locals came out to see their bodies it was like it was like a parade and in the case below there's a couple different things that clyde made it is believed that clyde made this ornate mirror for bonnie at one of his stints many stints in jail remember he was arrested for the very first time at the age of 17. there's a belt that he made for his sister [Applause] and a beaded necklace that he made as well for bonnie they have a photo book here with actual photographs and what's really neat is a lot of these different places for bonnie and clyde we've been there so this kind of holds a very special place to jessica and i there's bonnie the actual photo remember if you look anything up and you know anything about them her standing there next to the car here's clyde it's clyde barrow's sister marie again folks these are actual photos and just recently we were in dallas texas we got to visit this place this is the clyde barrow um his dad owned this this is how his dad made a living and the entire family lived in the back so right back here would have been another part of the house store in the front house in the back and nine members of the barrow family lived back there dallas texas crazy here's an actual photograph of buck he was part of the barrow gang and also clyde's brother he's actually buried next to clyde where clyde and buck are buried next to each other in dallas texas and this is the blanche barrow don't know too much about her wait no she was buck's wife yeah that's it i'm gonna go in for a closer look at this thing in just a moment but just take a second and take it in the newspaper right there says clyde and bonnie die in barrage of gunfire from officers in louisiana it's an actual newspaper in sanity dallas texas wednesday evening may 23 1934 here's different photos you see for the longest time the owners and i'm guessing it's this guy here charles stanley and his bonnie and clyde death car he would take the death car on the road and show it let go to different fairs and things like that here it says free the world famous bullet ridden bandit car [Music] these are different license plates that were pulled from the back of the car and then over here here's another shot of all the shots you know no pun intended again clyde barrow and bonnie parker's bullet riddled death car on exhibition here and it's free [Music] crazy right in the center there is a newspaper says the dallas morning news posse kills clyde barrow and bonnie parker but what's interesting both of these papers on the side that flank it are rather the same it says identification order 1227 on the above name subjects which is bonnie bart bonnie barrow mrs clyde barrow bonnie parker and all the different aliases is hereby cancelled as they were killed near arcadia louisiana on may 23 1934 what's interesting is arcadia louisiana is where their bodies were taken and where the autopsy was performed [Music] they have more photos to look at here this one here says funeral of barrow at dallas what's interesting i think it's that building right there maybe it's a little hard to tell but his funeral was held at a place called bello mansion in dallas texas which now it's an attorney's office as well as where people go to get wedding photos we were there recently again link is in below you know in the description below where you can see where his funeral was held today here's some guns that were pulled [Music] from the back of the car i mean look at those things i mean i feel like there was a lot more than that there's a picture online where they show all the guns laid up against the back of the car [Music] that's crazy what you're looking at right now it says the louisiana state board of health basically this is clyde chestnut barrow's death certificate [Music] says residence dallas texas but he died in louisiana trying to get that all centered for you guys to be honest i'm surprising myself a little bit because we've been to so many bonnie and clyde locations and their graves all the stuff is starting to come back like uh gibson louisiana where their autopsy was performed uh talking to different people members of the family it's pretty surreal [Music] there's the car again [Music] right never thought that i'd ever be able to come here and visit this place ever in my lifetime but here i am and that's about it guys getting ready to leave we were walking away we saw this just to the left of the car a little photo opportunity where you two can be on the wanted poster if you're here with your loved one she could be bonnie you can be clyde or vice versa if you really want to but that's pretty cool all right here [Music] at whiskey pete's hotel casino in prim nevada all right baby girl with the real bonnie and clyde death card behind you go ahead and play the slots the bunny and clyde slot machine what is going on here ready yup go ahead for it did we win no dang we don't win keep playing i love that they're like tommy guns and pictures of bunny and clyde oh so close it's all right keep going if we win we got documentation if we lose well we got documentation that we're losers oh almost i've seen the pictures come on baby son of a gun wait what the hell is that that's nothing is it gonna be on the line yes son of a gun it has to be on the line literally a gun you know instead of a gun oh come on is
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 392,628
Rating: 4.8700895 out of 5
Keywords: Bonnie & Clyde, Bonnie & Clyde Dallas Texas, Bonnie & Clyde Graves, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Scene, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Site, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Site Reenactment, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car, Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum Gibsland Louisiana, Metal Detecting Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Site, Bonnie & Clyde Death Scene Netflix, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car Whiskey Petes, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car Primm, Bonnie & Clyde Death Site, Bonnie & Clyde Death Car Las Vegas
Id: qLxR5m2VINg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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