Bonni Drip Aka The Female Tay Savage? Or Future Prison Reform Advocate? (Full interview)

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16 please don't shoot what's that word let people know we got on 16 sh on visuals it's Bonnie drip and I'm from nap you say from nap yeah you know for the people who ain't uh familiar with exactly what that is like what is uh the nap Indianapolis Indiana for sure so you know what uh got you in Chicago right now uh came out here to [ __ ] with 16 shot do interview so so I want to ask you about like your uh upbringing and [ __ ] like you born and raised in Indiana yeah so how was that like you know it's a couple parts of Indiana I've been to like Hammond Gary [ __ ] like that like is Indiapolis similar him and Gary them is like that's a couple hours away from Indianapolis so that's really a whole different territory but growing up and that I was kind of bounced around so I don't lived on every side of town except for really the uh the south side and [ __ ] my auntie raised me um my father died when I was four and then when I got older I decided I was going to move to Arizona just for something different so you know even though you was young uh what's your father passing that for like do you uh kind of like remember the like the day he passed or when he passed yeah I remember um I remember being with my dad one time uh other than that I just remember that feeling of not having my biological father and um being raised by another family member but my brother and sister father I consider him my real dad so I always had a father figure um it just didn't ever feel like that void was filled but I did definitely had some positive role models growing up for sure so did did you feel like uh it was certain things that you probably would have got differently like if your uh biological father was there like was ever times where I feel like he here but he ain't here the same as like my my uh my dad would be no my dad never made me feel like that he signed my birth certificate um he actually thought I was his until I was five so then um him and my mom got into it and uh just probably the way she grew up or whatever I see a lot of women do this she got mad and made me call him and tell him that he wasn't my real dad Dam and I remember her making me call my dad and say that to him but then it made us closer so it affected me but it wasn't in a way like damn I didn't grow up like just not having a father figure cuz to this day that's still my dad that's who raised me wait so hold on I'm confused you say your mama had you call him and say he not your real dad yeah that was my brother and sister daddy that wasn't my biological father so was that something that you knew from the uh beginning but he didn't know no I was five when she made me do that oh so you ain't really yeah I didn't know she took me over to my real father's family house so that I could meet them but it was a secret I wasn't supposed to go and tell my dad Sean and then when they broke up she made me call him and say that my mom said you not my daddy that's C and I remember that but we still close that's my dad so you got like you say you got like other seven [ __ ] like that too right yeah two brothers and one sister y'all out came up in the same household n we got split up my mama got loopus when I was in the sixth grade So my aunt raised me and then my uh brothers and sister they was raised by other family members and then when I was like IID say it started when I was 14 I started leaving and then by 15 I was just outside by myself figing everything out what made you start leaving around that age was the things going on at the uh house yeah like everything positive that I tried to do my family tried to stop me like um I always had a hustle about myself so when I was 12 I started cutting grass like making $100 a day doing $20 a yard and then they start telling me like my cousin can't if she can't come and cut grass with me then I can't go cut grass so I couldn't make no money she want to get up at noon I get up at 6 so now you done stop my way of making money on n and then boom now done started leaving selling weed and then I started getting hit with The Runaways and I just ain't want to be home no more so was the uh you know you you know hustling at a young age was it cuz like it was a lack of money or resources um it wasn't necess it wasn't necessarily A a lack of resources like we didn't go without but we didn't just have the extravagant things either so if we wanted anything extra we had to go get it ourself so have you ever had any like crazy experiences you know being young outside trying to uh I say triangles you say he was doing like hustling uh even cutting grass whatever crazy like what [ __ ] people trying to get out on you you been a girl trying to sell weed uh I you have to get on somebody anything like hell yeah I had a lot of crazy experiences I'm trying to figure out what's something that I could talk about like uh me being underage and going through it I'm trying to think was something that I could actually talk about I remember remember being in situations where like I say I was 15 I was no older than 16 and I always had my older cousin with me my cousin Diamond my favorite cousin and she um she'll be with me when I'm busting moves and [ __ ] and it was this female she kept on getting smart with me so my cousin she the type like she big so she would me if I just look at her like cuz get her she'll beat they ass so she ended up beating girl the girl ass and [ __ ] while we in the hotel and then now every time they see each other to this day it still be a problem and that was something that happened when I was 15 years old so we definitely got into situations but it was never nothing that was too crazy where we couldn't get out of it why is it still a problem though you say 15 that's because my cousin beat her up till she peed on herself oh yeah need to get get get so so every time she see my C and they fight to this day and it just be a problem but it be making me mad cuz it's like damn do your cousin keep winning or something cuz yeah she beat the girl ass every time but she done had dudes jump on my cousin and now I'm in a whole different city it went off yeah we good though F yeah I for to say cuz usually like when uh when people fight if it's another remasters used cuz somebody felt like they lost but when you keep doing it it's like all right that same it's either that same person lost or the next person just don't want to take the L they want to so that's why ask like that she keep beting up they done fought at least four times and it's it's it's not I wouldn't say it's necessarily because of me but I was getting money and the girl just kept on being disrespectful and she was big so my cousins beat her up I looked at her told her to do it and she beat her up and now we grown and it's still a problem how you feel about the uh push the piece moving you you down there like uh TR to squash that [ __ ] I see you got relationships with Tay [ __ ] like that he be pushing peace uh yeah I'm down with that I don't feel like it's some stuff that could be squashed though I feel like it's kind of past that but if people open to that I'll be I'll be cool with that I'm not there with my cousin no more so it's different so you know going back to uh Indiana like what type of [ __ ] be going on out there in your part of the city all kind of [ __ ] same [ __ ] that go on out here you feel like they got like a uh as much like what would be the word like publicity out there no you know Chicago you could be from a hood and to sit your hood there could give you an opportunity I feel like in Chicago y'all make it easy for your artist to blow up y'all got a lot of outlets y'all got um people that even if they um not picking a side because that's not their position like for instance what you doing you creating a platform for the artist that's out here and that we don't really got that everybody really be against each other it's not too many artists that's going to come together it's not no real blog sites out there and it ain't it's not no rappers that done blew up out of nap only person that done blew up out of nap is Mike EPs and Viva Fox and they ain't come back to the city and do nothing for nobody what sure but rapper wise it ain't nobody that don't blew up I feel like a lot of uh don't get me wrong cuz I I I definitely see the difference with Chicago and a lot of cities as far as like the uh attention [ __ ] like that but I think sh people even here even feel like that like it ain't a lot for us like it's a lot of attention but there not a lot of opportunities for people that's why like if you look it's a lot of rappers around this [ __ ] that's you was basically say famous pulling milons of views but they lifestyle don't equate for that like they not getting that type of money so it be like it's like a blessing the curse cuz like when you somebody and you got all this attention but you still in the hood that's like you know that's dangerous as [ __ ] cuz you could have been somebody nobody cared about but now that you got clout you worth killing and uh if you look a lot of people die here so it's like it's like a blessing the curse cuz having all this attention and not knowing what to do with it or not having opportunities I feel like in that though when that happen a lot of people move from the city yeah like if you blow up in that the same thing going to happen to you A lot of people when they be on their way up they get killed so it's the same but you got to be able to decipher all right um I done outgrew my city so I need to move around if you can't decipher that and you choosing to stay in that same place you can't think that it's not going to happen to you for sure I barely go back to my city I think it be it be hard like a lot of people some people even have the money to leave a city but they don't have the money to leave their city and move how they need to move I mean like if you if you a rapper like in Chicago like I'm just going to say like a GD rapper I ain't going say no name but just a GD rapper from the city You' been a GD rapper the enemies the enemies you got they around the world like you can die in whatever City cuz it's so many people that and got money and traveled and went here and made connections here and made connections there so it's like I think a lot of people they think like why you just leave the city you got some money but it be like they leave the city and get backed up like I I just seen like even with me like working with everybody and traveling I used to be a cameraman so I used to go out of town people do all this [ __ ] I was with some rappers uh from 63rd we in Atlanta and they uh they they outside or whatever and it's some girls they kicking on they kicking they talking they on they know each other and then they mention where they from they y'all from Chicago y'all a't for 63 they get to show no tattoos all this [ __ ] but long story short don't girls going to back door back door them [ __ ] like well reason it didn't happen was cuz of me cuz I'm out there with them and they they pull out their camera Snapchat and they like yeah we was some [ __ ] from 63rd and I'm the first person on the camera like don't put me in there cuz I ain't you know like that's going to make it look like something it ain't so uh they hit me up and was like boy we was just going to back door y'all and I'm what you know what I feel about them type of situations it was two things that you said them type of situations happen when you leave one environment and you try to operate the same way in another environment and now that's not your territory so the people who territory that is they know how everything work you could go to different hoods all around the US and they all operate differently you can't leave here and then expect to go somewhere and operate the same way you going to get the same results what so if you going to go somewhere else and you trying to be productive then you should try to do things differently and that's what I did so yeah what would you say like you did differently when you uh moved around when I left nap I left the streets behind completely I went out there and went legit so I didn't get into no illegal [ __ ] I don't know about all the extra stuff that go on out there because everything I do is legitimate I started opening up businesses I was working a regular job to get my bread right when you like when you were saying um it's people that got money but they don't have enough money to operate the way that they want to in another city I left that I lost everything behind the case and went out there just for a fresh start with $1,500 so I don't think that you need a certain amount of money if you a hustler and you know how to build your [ __ ] back up you could go do that anywhere yeah you right cuz I didn't I didn't uh seen cou plenty of people do it for real like the people I see do it a lot is like strippers I ain't going to lie like I see a lot of strippers just go to the city and not know nobody like or go out there and move out there and they be taking chances it be crazy as [ __ ] they be doing but I didn't seen people like actually you know make it happen but uh one thing I noticed you said was uh you lost everything like behind a case like what happened with that situation um just me being accused of things so the cases is still open so it's not something I can elaborate on but when I say lose everything like um you in the streets and you not necessarily getting all your money legitimately but now everything is so hot to where you can't do [ __ ] so now your money didn't stop now Boom the people that came and kicked in everything put holds on everything so it kind of just forced you to figure something else out so how long did it take you to like you know to figure that out and and re uh structure your life um I would say it took me a couple years to get to the point where I felt like I was comfortable again as far as financially so like I said when I left na I went to Arizona with $1,500 because everybody say well when I get this type of money or this amount then I'mma leave but then they get tricked at they spot waiting you don't need that to go figure it out in another city so I took that, 1500 got my first spot in Arizona boom I started working jobs and [ __ ] in the meantime of me working jobs I just woke up one day like I ain't going back and I always knew how to do nails so then I'm like I'm about to go get my nail license boom I go get my nail license I'm doing nails out of my house one of my clients tell me to make a Facebook page I made the Facebook page and then that first day of me posting I've been booked the next day ever since and then I just started grinding I saved up got my nail shop built that business up now it's a franchise so it wasn't easy by any means but I did it and I did it legit so I noticed like you got a nice following on your uh Instagram where did it come from did it come from the nails or did it come from no I came from really why you making me [Music] laugh my following on Instagram I'll say like around it was around September or something I think I made this little post and [ __ ] cuz I think I was sitting at right under 30k for a minute just doing a little random post but now I've been consistent on it and it was really just me on some [ __ ] me and my son he was like Mom can you spray my hairline real quick so then I did it and then I woke up and that post was going viral and that's how everything started so I was going through Reddit and they basically was accusing you of having something to do with the death of a girl named Angie and they was saying something like you her supposed to have issues over your ex-husband at the time and she got invited to a party by you they said they seen your car on the on the camera trailing her car like 3:00 a.m. leaving some [ __ ] like that and uh they said something like they found the body in the backyard of like some some type of property tied to your e your ex-husband somebody supposedly said something like they even uh said they got paid to bury the body by your ex-husband all type of crazy ass [ __ ] crazy and it's a whole page on with all this [ __ ] about you and I want to ask you like have you seen any of this [ __ ] I ain't never been on Reddit when you was telling me about redit earlier that's the first time I ever heard about that but the rest of that stuff it's still an open case I can't really speak on it as far as me having an issue with somebody I don't got beef with nobody I'm having issue with her so you got locked up for like multiple murders oh not locked up but like questioned or snatched up I've been picked up yeah how many times or how many murders have you been picked up about several you said seven several several how was that dealing with it like how do you go into those situations um the best way I can explain it is if I get picked up and I'm not under arrest I don't have nothing to say to you so am I free to go I ain't ever talked to the police I ever gave a statement on nobody else I ain't never gave a statement to incriminate myself I just leave it at that I don't have nothing to say am I free to go and you know when you under arrest they going to tell you what you charged with they going to take you to the back so if you still got me here ask me all these questions like I don't have anything to say to you I'm not ever going to have anything to say to you so was that something you was taught or was that something you learned to uh it come with the territory it's just like growing up coming up where I'm from like even if you innocent guilty whatever the case may be like you should not be talking to the police they not trying to do nothing nice to you they trying to put you in jail so I'm not going to say anything cuz you going to try to flip anything that I say so it's been engraved in us like I don't give what type of situation it is I'm not talking to the police about nothing see I feel like it's something you not giving us right cuz it's like as you talking and [ __ ] like everything positive you saying like nothing going on I asked you like what type of [ __ ] you was into growing up you like so little weed this and that but then it's like you get snatched up for all these [ __ ] murders so it's like what what type of Life were you living you know before you uh that's a catch 22 that's your hypothesis you just gave me Theory based off what everybody else say about me and I'm telling you who I am all right so the next question would be why why do everybody else say this I don't know you just said it's my eyes right what you see they Haz I don't know what you talking about I mean like if if it wasn't for r and I ain't seen none of this I I wouldn't no you know but like seeing all this and reading all this [ __ ] and then looking in your eyes and you just staring at me look like this is like I don't know it got me question like what's what's I'm supposed to be assertive right I'm supposed to look at you in your eyes now you anytime I get picked up I'm going look at a detective the same way because you asking me questions trying to incriminate me not saying that's what you trying to do but you have to be assertive and you have to let people know I'm not calling you the police but you got to be assertive you got to let people know that you mean what you say you going to believe somebody that can't look at you in the eyes they keep looking down they keep playing I can't be assertive and look at you this is who I am I had a yeah like selling weed um I done been put in other situations too like this going to be stuff that I bring out in my book like I didn't I had a [ __ ] up childhood like growing up I it was a lot of stuff that happened to me that um I don't look at it as a negative thing anymore it shape me into who I am but I didn't have it Easy by any means so um when people look at who I am today this is like I'm who I am because of everything that I went through you working on a book right now yeah you got a name for it I don't have a name for it yet but I got quite a bit of it finished so what is like autobiography yeah but it's a um I would say some of the things that happen in a book is exaggerated a little bit and eventually I would like for it to become a movie cuz I really feel like my life a movie like come on I'm a female I done been through some crazy [ __ ] like you got any people helping you with the uh the book or anybody that you feel like to help you with a movie I have one person helping me with the book right now as far as the movie it's not something that's in play right now but it's one of my goals so like how's your uh relationship life like right now relationship yeah like I'm single what's up so uh do you mind you mind speaking of like your uh last situation because it said you was married or something like that that was like a couple situations ago but yeah I was married and like I said he didn't want me to do this he didn't want me to be in the industry he didn't want me interacting with so many people and I wasn't happy in that situation so I decided to leave and now it's more so of a thing where it's like if you're not going to be understanding of me and everything that come with me then it's going to be a waste of my time you hindering me so I'm okay with being by myself right now so if it was a your relationship like what type of uh person would you be looking for like SP like what you feel like can handle you or your type I ain't going to say what somebody that could necessarily handle me um but I would say they would just have to be understanding um IDE it would probably have to be somebody that's in the industry that understand like we could be bus and moves together and we being productive getting these interviews getting these video shoots doing all of that type of stuff because if I'm out going to this state this state and you at home or you going to work every day you going to feel some type of way it come with a territory it's going to have to be somebody that's able to be on the go with s so did I ask you about like I did ask you about who you want to work with like but you was name people you said like on some right now type [ __ ] who would be like your uh biggest you know like that's the one I don't I feel like um I don't put them in the categories like oh I want to work with this artist and this artist is like way out of my league I don't look at it like that so ain't nobody that you feel like you wouldn't even even think about asking for a picture well it's like it's some some people time nah I feel like um it's some people that even if I love them as a artist maybe our music is not the same I don't know how we could create something that would go well together so it's not that I wouldn't want to work with you maybe we got two different sounds yeah you got any other goals like longterm shortterm anything like that yes I do so uh just like how I use Nails as a stepping stone for me to uh I build my nail brand up I'm going just use that as example I'm going to give you the short version built that brand up boom now I'm stepping out of that brand and I'm going into the music the content the uh acting boom I'm not going to want to do this forever so then I'mma use this as a stepping stone now I have this huge platform and I plan on going to law school next year so that's one of my longterm goals go to law school and then eventually when we talk about prison reform one of my long-term goals I would say by the time I'm 40 that's giving myself ample time to accomplish the things I want to accomplish in the rap game maybe get into some movies different stuff like that you know how we have prisons set up right now and it's like um the conditions that the inmates are living in I want to have a a prison that's set up to actually rehabilitate people so you don't I don't know any prison that actually rehabilitates people like more often than not you going back to jail after you get out so this type of prison system is going to be set up to where it's not going to be extravagant but it's not going to be like these horrible living conditions like you going to have like a small studio apartment it's going to be a privilege to come here I see it being a long waiting list of uh people trying to get into this program when they get released from prison if you was only locked up for selling dope because you was trying to take care of your family then obviously you have some type of hustle about yourself you have some type of business mind so we going to set you up in programs to where you can succeed after you leave when you in there so it's not going to be this thing where it's unaffordable for your family and friends to talk to you we'll give you x amount of minutes for this price it's not going to be a pay for every call but it's going to be a privilege to come here and I already done started writing everything up as far as how I want it to look um we not going to accept sex offenders or people that done to on people simply because simply because it create hostile environments so it's not like I'm just I just have this thing against yeah I don't [ __ ] with you like you a sex offender or you a rat X Y andz but we all know it create hostile environments so this is going to be an environment where people can actually Thrive when you get out all this grant money that these prisons is getting for these inmates y'all can afford to go get them like a little key or something so they can have transportation when they get out set them up with funds and a plan for them to actually succeed when they get out so they don't have to go back to prison that's one of my longterm goals it seemed like the system set up for people not to you know grow once they leave like that's why I want to create change you do you feel like that's gonna be something hard to accomplish I do I feel like it's going to be a lot of people in positions of power that try to stop me from doing it yeah it's a lot of people that want it too though like a lot of people influence I don't know if they be scared to speak on it I see some people do it like I don't know how serious they be about about see Kim Kardashian being stuff like that yeah cuz just imagine that like um if we take this room that we in right now and this was divided up into three small Suites like but these are they get their own little beds now boom y'all have a phone everything is Monitor anyway so why we can't say here um y'all pay this like a phone playing it may be a little bit more expensive but it's not going to be $1,000 to talk to this person whenever you want to while they in prison but this it's going to be such a privilege to be here that the inmates are going to make sure that this is a good good environment they not going to let nothing crazy happen in here because they not going to want to leave or be kicked out of this is going to be something good for people yeah I I I used to look up stuff like I seen like our uh prison system is different from other places like it's some places where you go and they actually like give you reform like you say like they we don't have it in the US not to cut y up but uh Illinois just came out with Murphy's bro and Kiwani and they kep they s like that they basically like you wear jeans and [ __ ] it's more to way you trying to trans yeah because it's like I understand like this is supposed to be a punishment but some people are not in jail for the rest of their life so they do need stuff in place so that when they get out they don't go back and why you still get punished after you did your time yeah I I feel like certain charges that shouldn't just carry over like that because then when you come home and you got all of these charges you can't go get a job that's what I'm saying you can't even apply for so certain grants and things like that live certain place yeah you can't you can't live in certain places so you still being punished for the rest of your life if you ain't a person who got the mindset to think like all right let me create a business where I don't got to work for nobody I don't got to listen to nobody then what else can you really do you but we got to change that though like we can keep on talking about it but we got to start learning the ins and outs to this judicial system and how these laws work and uh what steps we got to take to actually make change we have to do that they're not going to do it they're okay with how the system been set up so is there anybody you would want to link with and uh you know put something together um I feel like it's definitely a lot of people that can uh help me bring it to light but I know that I'm going to be able to get in the room with these type of people from this stepping stone the rap [ __ ] and me just being who I am that's going to put me in the right room with people that can actually help me make that come to light so your vision way bigger than like what you been doing or what you doing right now like everything like a Next Step yep step and stall so once you accomplish something like that would you feel like you have something else and just keep on or was it like you got a end go I'm pretty sure I come up with something eventually I do want to just relax and enjoy life but I feel like I still got so much work to do right now so so what's some of like your uh goals now type [ __ ] like what what direction are you trying to take things in now uh I've been less focused on nails so I don't do nails full time no more um and I really just been locked in in the studio I'm all in with this going hard yeah I noticed even like three years ago you uh yeah you had a song like Timo [ __ ] like that so like you you been uh like [ __ ] with Chicago artist and [ __ ] like that or was that just yeah somebody it was uh somebody that was in Arizona that had introduced me the Timo and told me I should do a song with him cuz he was hot at the time and uh that's how that got set up but I've been consistent on my music for the last year and I just want to Do It full time now I do want to get into some movies as well that's why I be doing them skits like on some comedy [ __ ] but that's the main two things I've been focused on my clothing line so what got you into the uh music like what inspired you I started doing songs when I was like 14 um and then it was kind of like a In-N-Out type of thing I was never consistent with it I had ended up getting married and my husband didn't want me to do music cuz he didn't want me interacting with so many people and then when I left him that's when I said I'm about to go hard so I've been wanting to do it I just didn't have the opportunity to do it because I wasn't in the right situation now I done um I sold my salon so that I could focus on my music full time and that's how I've been able to grow my social media how I have so quick so know how was it uh dealing with like all all the [ __ ] you deal with as far as like either open cases rumors people you know spreading your name [ __ ] like that like how is it dealing with that and still striving trying to you know uh grow the music [ __ ] cuz you know it's like when you doing music you make your life public so now everybody see you everybody could talk about you com [ __ ] like that like is it kind of hard trying to do the right thing when you got a lot of like negative energy surrounding I wouldn't say it's necessarily negative I feel like it's a GI in a curse so people can think and feel however they want to feel about me but then you got a whole another group of people that's attracted to me based off of that that don't believe the [ __ ] or I don't give a [ __ ] about none of that I still [ __ ] with you so and then when it come to the music industry even if it wasn't on that scenario it could be anything about you that they going to try to pick apart so you going to have to have thick skin regardless so it don't bother me so I had uh I had seen like a a article where I don't I don't know if this well I seen you I se you do a live too you basically said like cuz people was trying to say you left IND IND what is Indianapolis mm yeah they they trying to say you left Indianapolis and what's Arizona cuz you was on the run and [ __ ] like that but like you you said you like you not on R you don't have no want anything like that no I left nap on my own terms that whole little situation I think I left nap like six or seven months after that that was on my own terms my own choice so can you like I I know it's like open type [ __ ] but can you elaborate on like what exactly happened like if you got like you know snatched up question like that like was it a situation where like you was a person of interest or um I can't elaborate on it too much but I've been picked up um I can't necessarily say that I've been questioned because I refuse to talk to them but I done been picked up in that and I done been picked up in Arizona so it's just one of them situations where they going to have to do their job pretty much they ain't got nothing to do with me so what was the what was the reason why everybody well not not everybody I going to say everybody cuz I don't I ain't heard nobody say this [ __ ] but the internet but reading the internet what was like the reason that people would uh point the finger at you cuz I was saying like the the the girl mama said like you called her and told her her last words was this or some [ __ ] like this I never talked to her mama so the thing about that is is when when tragedy happened and people feelings is hurt they going to want somebody to blame and just ended up being that person I don't care to clear up nothing about the lies that they done told or none of that it is what it is I want to keep elevating and moving forward with my life and I just don't entertain it they going to Forever try to pick me apart about that situation I just don't entertain it so with that with the uh girl like was y'all cuz they they was trying to say like yall was T it was y'all friends or like like how did the situation go cuz they was saying she got booked for a party and they end up missing and um a lot of that stuff was not true I never had no issue with her so what you know what actually was true like I'm not asking you cuz I know you say like it's open so I'm not ask you to talk about [ __ ] you can't talk about but like is it anything you can talk about as far as like what did happen that night or uh you know your relationship with her versus like what they saying like is anything that you seen on the internet that you know like not that's not true type [ __ ] um it's a lot of stuff I done heard that's not true but I'm not going to address everything that's true or not true I'm just not going to speak on it at all for sure when this interview drop they going to go watch this they going to pick apart everything that I do I'm just not going to speak on none of it at all because if I say something if I say I ate a cheeseburger they going to say well you said a hamburger in 2019 like I'm not going to play that game with them I just don't speak on it at all all right so I I don't I ain't going to ask you no more questions about what happened nothing like that but I do want to ask you just about like the facts that I ain't going to say the facts but what they say was facts cuz I did see something where they said like somebody uh was supposed to said they they was paid to bury a body or some [ __ ] like that I don't know nothing about that yeah if they implicated they self in that way that's on them I don't know nothing about that yeah I know you don't know nothing about that but I'mma ask you like was those actually things that was said cuz this I just scrolled through I told you about the Reddit [ __ ] I scroll through the Reddit [ __ ] so anybody can type anything I don't know like if these are things that the police are really saying they got or if I ain't never been on so so I couldn't tell you for real I couldn't tell you f no no I [ __ ] with how you answer the questions I understand why you answer them that way so I I'm not trying to I don't want you to think I'm trying to get you to it's just some crazy story so I know a lot of people that's watching this don't got no clue what the [ __ ] I'm talking about like it's way more I could say but I'm trying to figure out how to even talk about it and what you can talk about it you know and uh yeah I don't know just one of them situations like so was it other situations like similar to that or like people trying to blame you for things and I don't got accused of a lot of different things I done been picked up for a lot of different things but I don't know I just don't let it bother me I let people think what they want to think I ain't going I ain't gonna lie like I don't want to push this narrative but like from what I be hearing like they D that be comparing you to to uh to T that's crazy so I don't know that's what I'm trying to see like how you believe that uh I don't know you can't judge a book by cover that's all I can say I don't know crazy don't know them [Laughter] eyes so you you know do you feel like when uh people be talking like that [ __ ] like that like that that make people like [ __ ] with your music more I feel like especially people that come from the uh the same place that I come from uh growing up in a struggle it make people have a different respect for you especially when you stand on [ __ ] so yeah I feel I definitely feel like it make people [ __ ] with your music Morey because you got people that's not rapping about their life and then you got people it's like nah this is their life for real I don't let people write for me like everything I be talking about be my real life so you going to have a different respect for somebody music when you know it's coming from an authentic Place yeah I noticed that like it could even be like people who are not the best rappers it's like when you when you can relate to or you feel like you know they telling the truth it's like you [ __ ] with them more than some people that be better than know sometime cuz like I don't know it's it's sometime like when certain people rap it be like everybody might talk about like switches and [ __ ] like that right but sometime it be like the details that let you know like didn't playable switches for real like somebody might just say oh yeah I got to switch but then somebody might really talk about like shaving the back down and putting it on it's like a lot of people don't know that unless they really so it's the backstory that said so you don't got to be the best artist people [ __ ] with you because you who you are so I definitely agree so you know what you saying like uh and Indiana really don't got like those type of platforms and [ __ ] like that I feel like y'all could people just got to start it cuz like if it's people you know like you you never been uh charged of none of this [ __ ] right no so you know it's people like you was like it's it's a lot of rumors and [ __ ] where it's like people want to know what happened and this and that so it's like it's definitely a lame there where if people started out there doing that [ __ ] and interviewing people like you and other people who got [ __ ] to talk about or can't talk about [ __ ] and uh uh any any City could do it it's just we don't know about this [ __ ] you know like we wouldn't know this [ __ ] unless and uh but it's like a blessing to curse cuz it bring a lot of energy and and attention but it be good attention bad attention so it's like you got to you just got to know how to maneuver through it because a lot of people look at it and it's entertainment for them but then you got people like me where it's that's something that you really went through or that you go through on a daily basis so of course I'mma protect myself at all times in the interview they be asking crazy stuff what's the uh craziest thing you've been asking interview did you do it do you know what happened that's crazy to ask somebody that it's it's different if you take somebody and then this is the case that they don't had the the opportunity to take to trial and beat but then it's a whole another thing when anything that you say could be used against you so I'm not clearing up nothing so have you ever got arrested for like anything like as far as like not related to all the crazy I can't even say I've been arrested I done been picked up I done got picked up by the marshals at the airport doors done got kicked in picked up at my job yeah I don't got picked up but it's just one of them things where you don't have anything so if I don't want to talk to you have to let me go anytime you make the decision to talk to them or give a statement that's on you because you don't have to open your mouth and say nothing and that's the route that I chose to take I don't have anything to say so if I'm not under arrest am I'm free to go so you don't got like no felonies nothing like that right no all that's decent so move around you want to move around yeah yeah and then Arizona that's like a gun State too right yeah it's like a open carry oh yeah how was that like when you in a uh Community when it's open carry does it does it feel safer or does it like how does that feel cuz I know like in Chicago you used to like you walk past people that know they got a gun you just ain't going to see it but like how is it when you you know just see people walking around with they [ __ ] I can't say it's uh I can't say it make you feel safer but it's like even in that whether we got laws that make it legal or not everybody still got their pipe so it don't matter now it's just like we in a state where uh you think you hard cuz you walking around showing your gun and then me I don't want nobody to know I'm stra I want you to think you're sweet but you got a lot of people out there just like they walking around letting it be known that they got it on them so I ain't going to say that it make you feel any more safe it's just like it's every day because they we was doing that back home too so you know was anybody that you looked up to coming up as far as what music yeah or even role model's life anything um I would say as far as in the music industry it was a lot of rappers that I um that I listen to that I still want to work with to this day like uh I grew up listening to Gotti um my dad used to have me listening to Devon a dude um who's somebody else like that old pla I used to [ __ ] with the old ples um role model wise somebody I would say um somebody that I looked up to that actually made an impression on my life was one of my teachers Nam Miss keys she actually helped me graduate from high school um and that was something that I wanted to kind of accomplish just because I was that kid that everybody always thought was going to fail because I had a uh you know a hard upbringing and then I I can't say that I was just bad it was a lot of stuff that I went through where I was like [ __ ] it I'm going just do my own thing so then it it looked like to everybody else I'm just this bad teenager so it was my teacher f key she ended up helping me do everything that I needed to do to graduate on time um and I was pregnant my senior year like she used to feed me make sure I got home doctor appointments all of that so people like her that I ain't never going to forget it's crazy I got somebody like that too it's a uh the librarian though her name is hope but she basically did the same thing for me make sure I graduated on time cuz I I I was good at everything but my cuz I ain't pay attention to that [ __ ] and as I'm we advancing [ __ ] I'm not realizing this [ __ ] changing so once we got the algebra and they got to putting letters and [ __ ] and I was lost but she showed me a way to do it online and I just copied and paste the problems and put it on some [ __ ] you got people that'll see you and they'll see something in you that you can't even see in yourself at the time so she um I don't know what it was she just saw me and she believed in me she knew I could do it I was tired I was pregnant she'll let me sleep in class and then I'll make up for my work like when I'm at home she knew she wasn't supposed to be picking me up taking me nowhere after school but she did that cuz she knew I needed it I didn't really have nobody it's it's like some teachers they uh go off your reputation don't get to know you and it just be bad and then there be some teachers that actually like I don't know they they actually pay attention to you they get to know you and they actually be a positive influence I probably only like two people like that but I feel like we need more teachers like that in the schools cuz those teachers actually like I like how you speaking about it today Like We Grown as hell you still remember yeah I ain't going to forget her she Liv that impression so what's uh something like you learned as far as like since you've been doing music something that that you probably was shocked about the music industry anything like that I done learned a lot so um something that shocked me was the uh behind the scenes stuff that a lot of artists don't even know about as far as the the business aspect of it so when I go into any situation um I'm looking at it as if it's a business and I want to know how I can make the most money possible um and it's a lot of different things that I didn't quite understand um as far as music like with the publishing and making sure that like when you get Beats from producers that you doing a work for hire or you doing split sheets because if you don't do that then your music can't get sync and a lot of people don't know what sync is and sync got rules so you can get your movie your uh music played in movies and on Twitch and different stuff like that like when they want to sync your music you got to have all of your paperwork right and a lot of people don't know that a lot of these producers don't even have they publishing registered to where they're a composer and then they have their business so then you got to wait on that whole process so it's a lot of it as far as the the business side of it where I'm like dang it's like it's a lot but it's no way that people could ever know this is something that's necessary or you have to do this it's not just I'm about to go record and then I'mma put this song out that's the easy part so do you actually like invest into your uh music a lot lot it's expensive what's ways that you do it ways that I invest yeah um I got to spend money on everything studio time mixing and mastering production photo shoots video shoots your travel expenses your wardrobe um it's everything is expensive I haven't really put no money into um marketing everything as far as my social media just being organic of people [ __ ] with me but I do want to invest a little bit in marketing just to see if I can grow it even bigger I ain't going to lie what I recommend with that cuz a lot of people they just be paying like the ads and [ __ ] like Google YouTube [ __ ] like that I don't think that's I don't think that's really worth it for real cuz like they going to tax the [ __ ] out to and probably give you 10 20,000 views and that's they gonna tax you for that but you can pay like a Blog that ain't gonna charge no one El that not five 10,000 none of that [ __ ] proba but I wouldn't even say pay a Blog to just post those stuff because for instance I think I paid world star like 3500 yeah to post my song like in 20 probably 209 didn't do nothing for me yeah I a yeah that was a waste of money but as far as marketing like what we doing right now is marketing you got a platform and all of your followers like they probably don't know who I am they probably never seen me before so I'm to get some new fans off of this interview then I'm to go to this state do this interview that's marketing for sure I'd rather pay for something like that and put money into traveling and my expenses on that end than me saying I'm going to pay this person to post my [ __ ] cuz when it come to people posting me all that's organic I'm not paying you to post me I got too much traffic on my page but people that though yeah but people that already got platforms that post me free of charge like some of the biggest artists they post me free of charge I'm never going to forget that I'm always going to [ __ ] with you because of that there certain platforms that are do that too though cuz you you [ __ ] you [ __ ] with me not on the basis of I'm giving you something that's why I like when they reach out to me first because it don't be awkward like I'm not no groupy I'm not going to walk in the room like can we take a picture can you do I'm not going to do that so it kind of break the ice when some of your favorite artists or uh people in the industry period actors comedians when they reach out to you it's like damn that's hard man I no I I I I get what you saying I feel the same way cuz like even the sh I'm telling you to do I don't I ain't do it but the only reason I saying so why you tell me to do it because like I I know it work because a lot of the [ __ ] that I do is based off the [ __ ] I see on a few blogs like it's a few blogs I I [ __ ] with cuz like the [ __ ] they post I know it be like it's usually somebody talented or something so it'll be like all right I'mma pay attention to them and with me me know like who follow me and who follow them it's a lot of people who beneficial like like it's labels it's all type of [ __ ] you know it's bigger bloggers as all the other bloggers no jump say cheese DJ academics V like all these so it's like when you get on these Pages if you have the content that's worth blowing up and been saying it's going to happen and they going to see it and that's when them messages comeing phone calls come so that's why I say like the blogs not not World sty though I ain't dis some world stop but not World Stop like and that was a minute ago too that was a waste of money cuz they charging a lot but it's blogs that'll give you real exposure that that charge you less than $100 and if they really they might charge you the first time but if you really hard they just going to start [ __ ] with you for free they going to start posting like I shout out Chicago wave like it ain't the biggest Stu going viral and the world is already uh posting your [ __ ] they going to do it too yeah now when that's when that's happening yeah everybody going to [ __ ] do it D you don't got to pay nobody it don't [ __ ] matter at that point and I noticed one thing like you could pay like one big blog to post something and if it do go viral all the other smaller BL posted anyway yeah I think sometimes it be about who you know too A lot of these artists they just know the right people or they got PRS they got managers that know the right people so they getting this stuff free to charge anyway I know like with the I just dropped my first project on the 5th so on Friday and with the marketing for this project my plan is to do exactly what I'm doing like start getting getting out there doing interviews more going to do these freestyles going to uh do these live performances like for Shooters only like different stuff like that um not so much just giving somebody some money saying can you post this like I want to get my feet with putting at work myself how you feel about uh features like paying for features and [ __ ] like that I know at this point right now I'm not paying for no features I'm putting everything into myself and my own career I don't have no features on my EP and I don't want to uh come into the industry like oh she only this cuz she did a song with X Y and Z like no I'm going do that when I'm already at the level that I want to be at now if the opportunity present itself and it's going to be a situation that's beneficial I would do a feature with somebody but I'm not just going to go give you 20 for a feature and I can put that into myself is there anybody that you want to work with like somebody that you [ __ ] with they music heavy yeah it's a lot of artists I want to work with ain't nobody specific you want a name you want me to drop names females or males so I say one of both female wise I definitely want to do a song with lot um I feel like she one of the hardest female rappers out right now um and then mwise I would love to do a song with no cap and who else I'm thinking like something that could happen this year type [ __ ] and I say probably gates gates always been one of my favorite rappers yeah what about uh Gates make make you rock I started listening uh to Gates like back when he was coming out with Trap Girl and 4:30 a.m. them type of songs and it was just stuff that he was saying that I could relate to so you uh Muslim too right mhm how long you've been Muslim um I reverted to Islam in 2016 so when we say revert in the Quran it says that all of us are Muslims unknowingly or knowingly so a lot of people use the wrong term when they say we converted to Islam No you revert to Islam when you take your shahada so I grew up Christian not by choice and then I started asking questions because it didn't make sense didn't make sense to me it wasn't something that I could relate to so then I reverted in 16 was it somebody that int introduced you to it no I started doing my research on it on my own cuz people always had something to say about Muslims I remember seeing them uh promoting Islam just on the streets of Indianapolis like on the corners they'll be selling their pods and they had their newspapers and their incense and I used to be like why everybody always got something bad to say about them like you got people that just like people say bad stuff about me you got people that are be intrigued by that like damn why youall be hating on her so bad and it and it make you start doing your homework so then I started reading into it I'm like damn this really makes sense and then that's when I decided to take my shahada how can you say a life change after that um so when you take your shahada that's like um you getting a clean slate so you can compare kind of to Christianity when you take your when you uh go and get baptized so when I got baptized when I was eight and then I got baptized again when I was 16 it didn't feel like it was the right thing for me spiritually I didn't feel any type of connection when I did it either time that's why I did it the second time to make sure I wasn't tripping like I had got baptized and understand what this is for but it didn't feel meaningful it didn't feel like something that was a part of my purpose when I took my shahada it just felt like everything around me open up I remember it was storming that day and then the sun came right out over me right after I took my Shada I went to go take my full guzzle and I just felt clean I felt pure and then now it just feel like instead of this being such a oh I got to go to this church and get them this amount of money and be around these people it's all about my intentions as long as my intentions is good and they pure that's the only thing that I'm going be judged on so you know before we close out is anything else you want to talk about anything you want to get off you got all the questions no I a ask you over there scared I ain't scared why you scared of me you scared of me hell no they just going to get to call me the police scared she trying to say I'm scared this your TV show trying to set me up failure they already could be the cop this ass a police that that I could do you judge people when you read stuff like like that no cuz I don't know I see [ __ ] about me that I ain't never do you do I do yeah so do you you got any music you working on or uh release any projects stuff like that yep my EP just dropped two days ago it's called Miss Daddy it's on all platforms let everybody know how to get with you on all your social medias all my socials is the same I mainly be on Instagram though so it's uh Bonnie drip b o n n i d r i p Bonnie don't got no e on it and then my YouTube the same all right for sure let everybody know who got with you for the interview 16 shle hey shout out to everybody just tuned in to this video man I appreciate all y'all if y'all want to show your appreciation back just hit that like button for me man and follow all my social medias at 16 shout on visuals with a z last but not least though check out my merch man check out the merch Below in the merch self if y'all see something y'all like man y'all want to you know cop a little something gy
Channel: 16ShotEm Visualz
Views: 103,790
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Id: 64xx7P5vDR0
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Length: 63min 46sec (3826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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