Angie Barlow case: Indiana woman goes missing after party

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it's just days before Halloween for Indianapolis roommates Moana Jackson and Angie Barlow like from high school until now we always live together so and after 11 years of friendship 24 year olds Moana and twenty three-year-old Angie are more like sisters than friends I was adopted into the family not necessarily paperwork but yeah and she's also adopted in my family as well making Angie the sometimes willful little sister she never had I mean Angie was just her own person she was independent she didn't nobody could tell her what to do and what she wanted to do was become a dancer which for the small-town girl from Muncie Indiana meant extra money to live large in the big city once we moved to the city things opened up for her so we start going on vacations and spending money like we're not supposed to and we just really like salt and pepper we are Angie's mother Christina Kramer is supportive of her oldest daughter's independence and free spirit she was full of life full of love she loved her family she loved her friends she loved her sisters and she loved her dog Pablo and she definitely lived every day like it was her last but Angie never could have known just how much time she had left when out of the blue she receives a mysterious text message she was like says hey read these messages the first message started out hi do you do private parties that's how it started out Angie who danced at local clubs in the area would do private parties on occasion and this text appears to be from a woman wanting to surprise her husband for their anniversary but there's something odd about the exchange never once said our name yes there's no name attached to the unknown phone number but that doesn't deter angie and although angie has done private dances before her best friend Mona gets a gut feeling that this one is different it just wasn't adding up and I told you I said please do not do this right because it's just a seam right at all but there's no talking the headstrong Angie out of it then fast forward two weeks to the night of the private party when Angie gets a text from the client as seen here it states I want our panties and brought a match anything black and red Angie responds yes I have a couple black and red outfits the texts continue stating the party address and gate code needed to get into the apartment complex then Angie does something that she always does before dancing at a private party she screenshots the party's location and sends it to her roommate Mona this is where I'm going for this private party and along with the screenshot Angie attaches this haunting message doing a private party at this address just in case I go missing lol then just a few hours later another message from Angie this time she appears to be inside the private party there was a snapchat that she had and it was about 11:45 on October 26 in the evening and it said doing this private party and we do believe that that snapchat was taken in the bathroom at the apartment seen here from her snapchat there's a big smile on her face everything appears to be fine but by the next day nothing nobody's heard from her nobody's seen her and I start calling Angie I'm leaving her voicemails text messages frantic Angie's mother races to her daughter's apartment it's clear she hasn't been home she has a Yorkie and she didn't go home and take care of her dog you know that's her baby and he was without food and water and and she she never left him unattended been 17 hours after Angie sent that final post on her snapchat Mona remembers the screenshot that Angie sent her of the party's address I was two blocks away from the location and I went over there so it's possible but when she attempts to punch in the gate code nobody's answering so I was just stuck from there now but not for long that's when Mona takes matters into her own hands so I actually climbed over the gate I went over to the apartment and it was cleaned out immediately Mona and Angie's mother head to the police station to file a missing-persons report while still holding out hope she'll show up maybe she's off somewhere and that's a very real possibility after cops get their hands on surveillance video from the apartment complex when detectives hit play they can't believe their eyes the surveillance video from the apartment complex shows Angela Barlow's vehicle which is a blue Pontiac g6 leaving the complex at around 3:30 in the morning detective Jose Torres is with the Indianapolis Metro PD he died sex the video frame by frame and what he sees next is nothing short of spine-chilling directly behind Angela's car is another vehicle it appears Angie isn't alone twenty three-year-old Angie Barlow has been missing for almost 24 hours after being hired to dance at a private party the last time anyone heard from the Indianapolis woman was when she sent this snapchat from what appeared to be inside the party then police uncover shocking surveillance video showing Angie's car leaving the party and someone else directly behind Angela's car is another vehicle the surveillance video is time-stamped 329 a.m. it shows the apartment gate open in both cars appearing to leave together whenever that close where the gate opened up for both the vehicles it wasn't like any space in between them it was literally one right behind the other is it possible Angie isn't missing at all and out with a friend from the party maybe she's off somewhere you know maybe she drank too much or whatever you know trying to justify anything you know coming up with anything I can to justify why she's not answering her phone why she didn't come home either wait Angie's family and friends waste no time they organize a search party and distribute missing person fliers I started handing him out all over the city posting them wherever we could post it on social media you know just anything we could to try to get the word out and we held on to hope she's still out there waiting for us to find her meanwhile investigators focus in on the shadowy figures driving those two cars unfortunately with the video you cannot see who's actually driving either vehicle but cops do have a clear shot of the second vehicle license plate when they run the registration it comes back to a raven Miller and just who is that found out that the people hosting this party was a female named Raven Miller and Baron McCulloch raven and baron are the super-secret clients but turns out they were no secret to angie Angela knew Raven Miller and bear McCullough through where she worked at at the club and they weren't so fond of each other there were issues issues so big to the point where Angela would not have done this private party if she had known it was Raven and Baron that were throwing it but remember the person behind the private party Tex never gave a name and the phone number was unknown to Angie leaving detective Torres with one terrifying conclusion I believe yes she was tricked to come to this location which would mean that Raven and Baron didn't act alone somebody answers the door when she knocks on him I truly believe she did not know that it was gonna be Raven and barons apartment and I believe somebody else was there to answer the door when Angela knocked on it but why the couple is brought in for questioning they admit that she was there but they also said that they never left the facility they stayed there and while Angela left and police have nothing to prove otherwise even though they know it's Ravens car following Angie's vehicle on that surveillance the video is too dark and grainy to ID either driver and without any direct evidence tying the couple to Angie's disappearance they are free to go then twelve days later police get a big break her vehicle the Pontiac g6 was located Angie's car is discovered just over eight miles from the apartment where she was last seen we were hoping that you know maybe if we found her car we'd find her sadly there is no Angie just her car but exactly where the car is found doesn't sit well with her best friend Mona I know for sure I had checked that area multiple times and then BOOM pops up one day and I'm just like there's no way and there's something else that is strange about Angie's car it's trashed looked like the car had went underneath a wire fence and there was some cracks on the window and headlights and and she always kept the inside of her car really clean and it was a mess the car is taken in for processing and there's a possibility that there were some leads found in the car but is it enough evidence to find out what happened to the missing woman I don't want to compromise the investigation because it's still an ongoing investigation so I'm not going to say exactly what all was found in the vehicle while investigators hold their cards close to their vest the race is on to find Angie Barlow her parents put up digital billboards all over Indianapolis and post a five thousand dollar reward but sadly seven months passed and no sign of Angie then it is a twist and it's as twisted as they come when cops suddenly announce an arrest in Muncie Indiana Angie's hometown Angie Barlow has been missing for seven months then in a stunning turn of events her own grandmother becomes a victim of fraud coincidence or I believe that there is a connection in the months following Angie's disappearance about $8,000 is mysteriously withdrawn from an account belonging to the missing woman's grandmother Sharon Barlow the timing of the crime is of special interest to the Indianapolis Metro PD there's a possibility that there was a connection because this investigation or this fraud occurred after Angela was was missing cops obtained a search warrant in connection to Angie's disappearance it leads investigators to a residence in Angie's hometown of Muncie Indiana and it's there where they make a disturbing discovery one individual that was arrested that had account information of Angela's grandmother our affiliate W Xin speaks with Angie's parents we don't know how they got the information they got police arrest a woman by the name of Michelle brown on fraud related charges but get this the woman tells investigators she didn't know Angie's grandmother but knew her bank's routing number and chose her account number by chance cops have their suspicions information that was used to commit the fraud was specific information that Angela would have if true then how did Michelle Brown get this very specific information from the missing 23 year old with an ongoing investigation we're still working on that 12 while serving the search warrant police arrest three other people at the hall on various charges unrelated to Angie's disappearance irregardless of Angie what they've done or at least one of them has done to my mom you know it's just and the even bigger question for Angie's parents do these four people know anything about their daughter's disappearance that's definitely something that goes through your mind especially when all you do day in and day out is just wonder where your daughter is I believe that there is a connection but I cannot find one yet also cops have to consider something else a possible larger conspiracy one that involves this fraud case and the couple who threw the party where angie was last seen to date cops don't have any direct evidence linking the people or cases together then four weeks later police get an anonymous tip saying where Angela could be located we just had to wait still holding onto the hope that she was out there live that tip points police in the direction of the back yard of a home that had been vacant for a long time in Indianapolis that home is just a little more than ten miles from where Angie went missing once we obtained the search warrant we hit cadaver dogs respond and once they hit a location and then we proceeded to start digging methodically CSI teams excavate an area in the backyard then they're in a shallow grave they spot the remains of a woman Angie's mother gets a phone call from an iamb PD detective he said I think we may have found Angela and he asked if we could be in the coroner's office at 9 o'clock in the morning to come in and identify her the body is badly decomposed so the coroner shows Angie's parents photos of still visible tattoos those are images that you see when you go to bed and it wakes you up and tight because that's something no parent should ever have to go through tragically her parents must confirm their worst fears that was in fact my daughter and we had to sit in the coroner's office and give the Jane Doe a name and at that point Jane Doe was Angela the coroner's office is not releasing the cause of death to the public due to the ongoing police investigation and concerning the residents where the body was found he had moved in very recently there was no reason for us to think that he was a part of this investigation and while police continue to track down every lead Angie's parents say their final goodbyes sparing no expense for their oldest daughter we looked at it this way price wasn't going to be an issue for it we don't get the chance to pay for that wedding we don't get grandkids of hers to spoil we don't get any more Christmases we don't get any more birthdays we don't get anything anymore and that was the absolute last thing that we can do for her was to make sure that she had everything that she wanted and to make sure that it was beautiful following Angie's funeral detective Jose Torres hasn't forgotten about Raven Miller and Baron McCullough the couple who hired the 23 year old to dance for them at that private party where she was last seen alive I believe that they're persons of interest not only in the disappearance of Angela but also the death of Angela it's a strong accusation coming from the detective working Angie's case but he claims he can back up his statement if someone else comes forward someone else who was at that private party that night I believe that there are other people in this apartment when this incident occurred and know exactly what happened to Angela that evening and my goal here is not just an arrest my goal is a conviction
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 2,536,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angie Barlow, Angela Barlow, Indiana cold case, Indiana crime, True Crime Daily, Crime Watch Daily
Id: yR3EVnFoIkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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