Blasian Doll on Tay Savage Beef, Why She Wears Fivio Foreign’s Stolen Chain & More

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no jumper coolest podcast in the world and today I'm in here with somebody who's been making a lot of noise Chicago to say the least Blasian dolls in the building what's up Adam how you feeling I feel good you were going through hell getting out here right I swear man delayed my flight it was praying on my damn phone really and you were saying all this crazy happened to you before that too right yeah what happened just bleach my clothes that's my your man's hell no I got a tool somebody for saying the wrong you said the wrong nah they said wrong how did they get access to your clothes to bleachers [Music] and bleach your clothes females ain't it this isn't good no it ain't you got to stay away from Goofy's that's some option right there I'm just saying no for real though yeah hell yeah wow okay and then the flight just got delayed this other time around twice twice they were saying something about the weather oh yeah the weather yeah interesting so okay you're from what part of Chicago the low end the low end yep what was life like growing up um it was good I mean it was like I grew up in the projects so it was like it was dangerous like drug dealership but you know I was a child so it's like I was around my mama and I was around it but I wasn't really around it a lot because you know she kept me away from it so I grew up around like the icky's around the kids like the park was dirty so we like used to play music that was our way of having fun playing music and dancing right so that's really like that's what it was on the low end and as I got older that's she started getting real so your memories are growing up though are mostly positive stuff it's positive yeah but you're saying it was like it was good vibes Good Vibes in a project that's when my mama was alive that's when I had a good time and you know I was like a good person she taught me how to like be in the streets but like don't be too much in the street still be in your schoolwork okay so it's like I was around it but she kept me on my toes like around it what what are your memories of your mom like I remember like when we was younger we used to live in the icky she used to be like a drug dealer so she used to make it happen for me like be up in the stairwell you know selling drugs make sure you're making that shirt and you totally knew what she was doing yeah I was like I was young but I was in vance like I'm not slow so I was like I knew what she was doing because I've been around it for too long right I decide for too long so she didn't she didn't really try to hide it from you too much yeah she was like take me to like my auntie them house like she ain't like had me around it a lot like she had me running when she needed to like if she ain't have a babysitter and she still had to make money and stuff like that she was selling hard drugs not weed I'm guessing yeah we and our drugs okay but so were you also at a young age were you like looking at the people who are all [ __ ] up from drugs and thinking like oh [ __ ] like my mom's kind of doing that you know hell yeah but it was a lot of them like in the ickies it was more than one drug dealer in the stuff it was hard and like three of her at the homies okay they all on one step well imagine you grew up noticed that well it's the same so you're just talking she would just hold down the stairwell on the projects like every day no no it's like she was she was being a stairwells a lot because that's what a drug dealer used to go on but she used to be projects it's like it was like another old block candle so it was like it was different projects you could go to go hang out on the low end everyone is that bum you're out there you have to compare it to a block in order to get the point across no I don't bomb me out that's how they project look that's how ours used to look right because I've been to obar but I didn't enter the building I didn't go into the stairwell so he's scared uh nobody even suggested it I would have definitely done it if someone ingested it hell yeah it stank so bad oh my God it's my like piss hot piss like well because people really probably piss in the stairwells you could just be pissing and it's so dirty right but that's the project that's how the project you didn't make it five minutes into your interview before you started shooting at the Ops right there now for real I was thinking they cool as hell actually really yeah I used to hang you know they actually cool as hell like I used to hang in there when I was younger okay they wanted they want no Ops to me it's like just start being like that start at the beginning right I'm saying how they used to be right the music turn them up yeah make it think of somebody not you know okay you're funny all right um but all right so I'm sure you're aware of the reputation that your mom has because there's like multiple YouTube documentaries basically telling her story but it's like they not telling them what are they talking about like I feel like well I might as well just say the names it's like you're getting Cloud me I feel like Tay he really like okay never did it that's why I keep saying allegedly you allegedly did it you never did it right but like it wouldn't be no killing without killing what happens to well is for you to do that like it's like I don't know I feel like [ __ ] come home and troll or do whatever he do to get clot off me but why get caught on me if you if you if you that [ __ ] like you say you wish why you got to put my name in some [ __ ] to get some type of no like to get noticed okay but so let's let's break it down for the people who aren't totally tapped in is that according to these documentaries and everything your mom name her name is CES yeah and she would be rolling around with a guy named Welch yeah and they were best friends and according to these or is that not true they weren't they weren't dating okay that's one thing I guess from these documentaries they were not in love they were just buddies but according to these documentaries and stuff they were slot they were pulling up on people taking care of business is that anything that you knew of while she was alive or is this stuff that you're kind of like finding out later on I ain't done on the Bell Welch that much of her street life was she told me about the street so I was around to know who she who she into a week and [ __ ] like that I want I like I was six seven so it's like I don't know that much about like why it happened or what resulted to happen I just know like as I got older they told me a little bit but you know your family not gonna tell you everything about what's going on definitely especially six or seven years exactly so it's like I had to grow up and people just starting to like if you got any questions to like let me know she people starting to reach out because I was too young to understand but we were you finding out this stuff about her from YouTube or did people tell you about that reputation like I don't be I don't watch YouTube I feel like people be trying to dig into people's life too much I already get it from the actual source that was around my mama like against [ __ ] who really looking that [ __ ] up and digging into something right but so the story that that is out there is that there's that Welch was close friends with Tay Savage and that your mom was with Welch break it down for me nah get going keep going basically your mom was allegedly the the driver on a situation that ended up with Welch getting killed and that's upsetting to Tay Savage so they allege that he then went and did something to your mom I came on the Rampage yeah basically no but then he actually went to trial for it yeah and beat it because they thought he did does she right we knew who did that [ __ ] that's the difference so it's like I don't know [ __ ] get out of jail now if I just feel like he Chase Chase is a different way you know do your music but don't mention me like I'm young I ain't got nothing to do with you what my mama got going on I don't even pay attention to you this is Goofy to me so you weren't even thinking about him at all while he was locked up what I'm thinking about him for you know no threat you know no [ __ ] what I'm thinking about him for I still be outside I still go to Chicago I'll still be on the low end I still be in my hood don't nobody never do [ __ ] what I'm thinking about info he'd be out of town whether he be in town what am I thinking about him before you ain't no [ __ ] he hasn't even been home that long right a few months be bouncing in and out of town making it look good like you want your city man [ __ ] Ain't no shake I really be outside right like that a lot of people say I don't because if you pull on the low end you will know so yeah so you think he's trying to do something like where he's kind of just trolling because of the fact that he got charged enough he actually saw the [ __ ] was 16. like I actually watched a little clip 16 shotgun that's the least he could do or some [ __ ] about posting your music and I saw that but when he did the [ __ ] I DM him like why is you even posting me he's so weird he watched my little sister in the page and do weird [ __ ] like that well I had to block him like because what type of town you want you got kids too so just like if you do something you like it's the same [ __ ] you got kids too I don't understand the fact I don't understand I don't know what's going on I don't know what you know but he ain't no [ __ ] for real I feel like it's just music I'm late right now I'm turning he want to use my name you know get a little cloud like everybody else make your music because he really weak as hell he got a little name so like I think it sounds you don't think it's good I think the news is pretty good I don't know it's like he trying to be a bully or something he he saying too many [ __ ] names I just seen him say a lot of [ __ ] names [ __ ] he tells like but this is some wild ass [ __ ] that you only kind of really see in Chicago right where people are like trolling and using crimes and murders behave because regardless of if he did it or not but that's actually the thing is if he did it then he can kind of troll all he wants right because he doesn't have to worry about it because he already got tried he's like why I'm gonna [ __ ] keep saying allegedly if you did some [ __ ] you ain't gonna say alleged well it probably doesn't want to make it that clear you a few hours to beat him you can't like that self-snition right let me reopen that [ __ ] um but okay so at what point did you start rapping though in 2020 I was rapping I was like about the only female rapper at the time I came out with like a couple songs then it's like I stopped with my brother died like I gotta get discouraged because that was like like my motivation he used to always tell me like we're gonna be rich keep going so it's like when I lost that person in my ear they kind of made me like kind of like I ain't gonna like give up but I had to really push myself back up because I know I could do it like and I got little sisters like I'm a dad to this [ __ ] and I made a promise to him like I can't if I'm gonna be street I'm gonna do something with my street like I can't just like be street and do [ __ ] with it like I gotta make this [ __ ] like for real I gotta make sure my sisters get out this [ __ ] I don't want them to live life I live I lived in a project I don't think I never had to see that yeah after projects now yeah I've been at the project okay never seen me in the project that's a struggle I'm telling you ain't roaches and [ __ ] and [ __ ] that ain't gonna lie like you gotta learn how to live with them though like we make that [ __ ] normal but that's one thing I realized when I went to o'blog is that there's a bunch of people who have clout and have like a reputation online and everything and they're still posted up in there which seems kind of wild to me just because I see how much danger they could be in up there some people just love their Community right I ain't gonna lie I love my community that's like me going on [ __ ] if the icky's was still up and they ain't turning projects down it would have still been enough that's our community like everybody gonna be in a community when you're in Chicago so you're not at the point yet where you kind of want to stay away from some of the more dangerous situations I do I live away I live far I'm don't live in Chicago no more but when I visit I go home I go see my family go see my people now but it's like I got a better purpose so it's like I see the bigger picture and [ __ ] even though on the street like at the end of the day I got little sisters I feel like I'm Dave Mama now so it's like I gotta do what I gotta do to make sure I'm 19. Jesus 19. and you feel like you're already taking on the Mother Road I had to grow up I had to grow up older than what I was because my mama died when I was seven I had to learn everything on my own everything shaving periods boys all that [ __ ] I went through it the hard way like really the hard way you really didn't have anybody who was encouraging you or like you know pushing you in the right direction with that kind of stuff I was trying to but you got to think about it when you lose your parents you don't know how to take it at a young age you get disrespectful and all type of [ __ ] like I got disrespectful I used to be cussing and [ __ ] but she used to give me right in line but it's like I ain't had it no more so it's like I went crazy probably lost my mom I went crazy I thought I'd be interested because it teaches principles I didn't give a [ __ ] knowing that your mom died and you said you know who did it did that make you filled with like a desire for you know just like a hatred for it's gonna forever be like that hell yeah ain't never ain't never over that's what's weird when people will try to talk to me who aren't like really immersed in this [ __ ] about you know gangs and like how it could potentially stop and it's hard to imagine sometimes when you realize how much pain is behind it and what real situations it is and for a lot of people like maybe your friend gets killed and maybe at some point someone could get over that but with you with your mom so it's a totally different situation a question you have to live a life but it's like that's how she chose to make her money like that she chose to be in the street she chose to do that like you'll be around in that environment that's like you kind of be there without even trying to sometimes and plus you got to make money you got kids you have me at 15 I was she was young as hell when she had me so it's like I can't expect her to not steal her life because she was young when she had me right so it's like what would make her stop being young because she had me some people don't adapt that fast it's a Parenthood yeah that's true but it's kind of sad too right because it's just like you you hope that when people get to the point that they're having kids that they gotta live differently right yeah sometimes you still around that same environment keep doing the same [ __ ] you understand no yeah I understand I understand everything now everything is Crystal Clear I thought I know what's going on I'm glad I know right I like the troll you like the trolling yeah would you say that you do some of the same thing huh sometimes sometimes I don't try to give it my attention though because I don't want like the internet to put a wrong picture on me like if I say the wrong [ __ ] like they'll paint the wrong picture on you or something so I try not to say too much because I know how my mouth again right well you're kind of trolling right now right candle that's cause I'm tired of it I ain't saying [ __ ] and I'm tired a lot of the same [ __ ] on 16 shot of me troll me and they drop that [ __ ] on Mother's Day do you know how I felt oh my God I was mad as hell so yeah I'm feeling some type of way okay I'm feeling some type wrong when I said when I said Tron though I meant because of the chain that you're wearing right now uh you know I did this this is to prove a point uh-huh what's the point Somebody went on the interview and said um I think they got the same chain they got like a remade okay and they went on the interview and they said um them Chicago [ __ ] was Charlie they went out of the real chain but who named great on the back of this chain I already know it's probably a foreign damn well the word on the street is not that you stole it it's that somebody associated with you who may or may not be in the building right now uh that they took it well they may not have just been introduced oh my God you you nasty I I mean you're so [ __ ] messy I can say his name too because it's in all those videos but I'm not gonna do that too but you Messy as hell though yeah I know yeah yeah she is she gonna get down to the bottom I mean I'm just curious like because okay that that just makes me feel like oh she's a certain type of chick like you want the problems or you're like open to pushing certain beefs I feel like it already got pushed he made a song shot a video okay but that was way after the chain thing that was way out but he didn't even know if I had something to do with it or not he could have came to me he listened to what the blogs were saying why do people always do that the blogs could put anything on me I put that chain on in a video I never said I took that [ __ ] you've been doing a whole tour of doing interviews wearing that chain no I ain't in no interview I did the video I think there was oh was it just a video yeah no and you did the on the Block thing too yeah that was the that's what I did oh okay that was a video on something about that's it I ain't doing no interview yet but do you have anything personal against Fabio foreign [Music] like he is like I feel like I don't know if you already know who took your [ __ ] why come for me like the day before that he posted that that mouseketool song on his [ __ ] that's trolling me that my name in it why you telling me if you know who took your [ __ ] and it wasn't me cause I got that [ __ ] y'all just put that [ __ ] on for the video so I don't know I feel like he got the right to jump because you know she got that [ __ ] on channel you know but then it ain't it ain't it ain't that deep though okay um I ain't got no problem dude she asked him do we have a problem we got a problem he's probably not gonna admit to having problems with a female rapper right right why it shouldn't be no problem but you know you got a problem cause you went trolling with the next [ __ ] but if they gonna get you your chain back right so that that kind of opens up the next uh Little Lane here so where did the problems with mellow bucks come from originally we didn't have a problem we didn't have a problem that's why I said that that [ __ ] called 1-800 mellow as soon as I throw in the tap the head I was arguing with a [ __ ] from her Hood right okay and we are in the summer [ __ ] but it's about a [ __ ] like we're talking about a [ __ ] some goofy [ __ ] she mad you know I borrow a [ __ ] out no getting back and [ __ ] like it was nothing then it's months later like we never thought about the situation it's like I'm tired of talking to you I'm not gonna keep argue with you because we gonna fight or we not right so you know she got in the situation because you know the little girl little brother just daddy she from um I said [ __ ] him she said [ __ ] my mom see that's what happened when you disrespect people so you know she got in and feel like you know she tough not people is um but the pull-up part that [ __ ] cap her pulling up on you no she was there but that's all like and take a picture of you outside I'll come outside [ __ ] to do some [ __ ] like she in the street just like me I could come outside to some whole other [ __ ] thinking there's some whole what a [ __ ] so I want to know is you for real she could have FaceTime me and show me she was outside I would have came downstairs I'm not scared to fight you know how long I've been fighting I'm fighting I'm not no [ __ ] at all I wouldn't failure oh you want to fight no why because I feel like you might [ __ ] me up like I fight I ain't gonna let a fight so it's like that's what I'll be came about with her jumping in somebody beef because you know what's been said you know but we never really had no problem I always give her a little profit [ __ ] she know how to rap [ __ ] like we both from Chicago we know how to rapper We Got Talent use your talent to the feelings baby make it but congratulations and so now she's doing music with Fabio foreign and you're kind of like indirectly responsible for it well I'm not because you're wearing the chain so that's why he wanted to but you clicking up all you gotta click up with a [ __ ] you could have told me individually that show like why you need I don't like that you want to go link up now what if I go link up with your apps in New York and do a song with your chain on in New York that's a good idea you and teach you yeah I like it why ah they're not against it they're just going at it the other day on on Instagram yeah I know he just did me too I know they just a little swipey guy to me is a gimmick I know they diss me bad sister G's went crazy on the story in response you know we gonna do what are we gonna do I don't know pull the mic in a little bit I might make a big drip there you go yeah we doing big drip I'm just playing hangout right I mean it's kind of crazy to see if melon bucks linking up with taste average too right yeah yeah everybody your name yeah we feeling like I don't know how you feeling like young boy I feel like everybody against me I don't get no [ __ ] I don't get no [ __ ] that's what make you bigger like you you by yourself in this [ __ ] and you really rapping against people that's really like clicking up a rap but that put more attention on you but isn't it where when a young boy says that he's basically blackballed or whatever when he's like the most popular rapper yes I don't I don't feel like I don't feel like probably from certain opportunities because you know it's the man right I feel like he's a little mean he seems genuinely pretty crazy yay like it's really in him he really bipolar yeah you could tell like he'll go from left into a [ __ ] you'll be like what yeah I've heard countless stories about him being just kind of a little not there for real yeah because I want to go to Utah you want to go tap in hell yeah yeah you gotta do it for real do you just talk about but do you just want to tap in with him because of the fact that he has this oh block problem no I I really genuinely love young boy okay I used to listen to him before that [ __ ] happened they used to be his biggest fan everybody's secretly listens to him I'm telling you they used to listen to him hard I'm sure yeah didn't miss an album but you know that [ __ ] happened they have to cut him off but what everybody used to be what I'm telling you he got fans like a [ __ ] Chicago people that you think don't bump him be busting the [ __ ] out right I love him Jimmy like I really listen to him right so it's really it ain't because of that because I heard in another interview maybe the DJ you one or whatever but like uh he said some said something about Asian doll and you were like no like you you kind of like subtly diss her as well no I didn't diss her I actually like her and I like her music really I ain't gonna lie if I'm nine he gonna say that about myself cause I ain't even gonna let y'all know but I actually like her it wasn't meant to be like that it's like I don't want nobody took a pen me to her because of her name right type of [ __ ] but I love music I love against her she is like I don't do this I like her music she right was hell to me so I was like I don't got no problem with her it's just I was off the enough drug that day and it brought the little aggression out of me but they want me to be aggressive because I actually [ __ ] with her music what drugs we talking I am price and I just I thought yeah [Laughter] what do the perks do to you feeling we had yeah um oh my part is like your whole body be relaxed like you could just be so high right hell yeah but you know I got laid out of it time to get this dvl oh my God it's time to get the bvl but the perks are getting in the way of the bvl yeah so I had to stop him I ain't doing them no more after that though like I don't want to completely change I don't want to even go back to him if I could do 30 days I could do more than that yeah I don't think I want to go back I might just get back on the weed I believe in you you could get off the perks I did I wasn't on the race yeah I'm proud of myself I'm proud of you so it's a messy habit I've seen people get really far gone off that [ __ ] yeah I'm not gonna lie to you some drugs really really that's why people be on that [ __ ] bad cause some drugs really make you feel good like but as a female I shouldn't be doing it so it's like I really gotta stop because it's like that [ __ ] ain't it ain't cute but I ain't trying to be cute right trying to be that why do you uh kind of indirectly throw shots at uh Missy Elliott by naming you this song after because that's what the [ __ ] she looked like Missy Elliott's fire Miss but it's a Miss yellow you can't tell me they don't like that girl daughter like that [ __ ] still like me see that one it's like that that's how she looks she gave me the little dress you know she'd be trying to give out the little Tiana look or something but it ain't giving so it's really giving like you know this yeah I love Missy Elliott though I put on Superfly for my kids that's very clear um From the Block I ain't got no problem with Miss yelling I don't know how to think that I actually ain't got a problem with it that's how that [ __ ] looked though I don't know if she'll take offense today it's funny because Missy Elliott's from such a different generation that it's like you're talking about somebody who probably would never respond or anything so I hope she don't that was fun baby I would do it for an apology if Miss Kelly was offended yeah because they want me to know you know to offend her that's what that [ __ ] looks like right that's some light [ __ ] so okay why are all your songs getting removed off YouTube and stuff they ain't trying to blackball the [ __ ] out me um I don't understand why I don't know who doing it but I ain't gonna lie they trying to blackball me it's like I feel like she already got help cause you know he G herbo in the entry that's what I helped she got a lot of future yeah that's a help [ __ ] but I ain't gonna I ain't even gonna say that that feature I didn't hear it I can't pass judgment I'm not gonna lie I didn't like you but she did her [ __ ] she should have kept the celebrity really yeah how versatile she came it's like oh no I feel like that song would have been better with Asian dollar someone that cause you know we really with that [ __ ] singing about pipes I don't know I think she was trying too hard to be gangster so I was watching one of your videos and then it's like halfway through I pause it I go to the bathroom I talk to somebody outside I come back in I press play again it's gone yes it was just a race it was some weird ass [ __ ] I feel like people man they've been taking that video down ever since they've been up right so that video was like when I first dropped it it hit like a hundred thousand in like two weeks so they took it down copyright claim the whole Channel they was put in fake copyright claims that made it look good but we actually had ownership to the beat type [ __ ] so it's like we have to debate with them like my lawyer having the base with them and [ __ ] about the copyright claim but we never like stole the beat or nothing like I actually emailed the producer like this you putting this in and he like no so I'm like well did you remake the beat of something you know he said he made that from scratch so we actually confused on where the [ __ ] is coming from because if it ain't true who is it so it's like um we still don't know that [ __ ] really weird they be taking a lot of my [ __ ] down but this is a common GD problem in Chicago right exactly because they try to black ball up I mean I'm not no hater though like I'm not I'm not no hater I'm not annoyed at all King yellows on his like eighth Instagram account you don't uh fyb Jay main lost his YouTube channel well he's not a GD I guess they said uh he not she I guess I was wrong I don't even know what he what is he on the opposite everyone yes yes ebk you might just say everybody killed everybody because hey I saw that interview and he said I know I know he killed his son she shot him you don't know [ __ ] you don't even that's why people like him so much is because it's kind of hard to tell if he's like a comedian or a rapper that's a comedian try to be funny he wants to say he a podcast he is pretty funny he's not funny he be trying to be funny that's funny to you yo if you read the comments on all the clips that we've been dropping on this interview do your homework [ __ ] though I ain't gonna lie to you and I'm adding me he followed me and then like some little pitch oh yeah don't want to kick bad probably wants to sleep on your couch but never see it he ain't got a crib right now we gotta do a GoFundMe don't go find me well he's homeless he said he's lying you on these homeless no I mean he makes YouTube videos showing all the clothes in his trunk he homeless that's probably that that's probably oh what's that God doing that cause all the [ __ ] he taught like the what if that show payback because he talks so much she oh I can't stand him I ain't gonna lie to you really he talked [ __ ] I just saw everything I didn't even saw him talking about me and mellow I'm like why is why you why because so you resent him because like the stuff about your mom and Taya has been put out there by other people but he kind of took it to a different level talking about it because he said I know I know you said you know you don't know [ __ ] [ __ ] you ain't even from we from y'all 63rd you should be worried about what you know over there no day he's been gone for a little while the [ __ ] well he needs to get back in the field I think he's past that but you see your time better though if you pass it why do you keep talking about other [ __ ] other Street [ __ ] hmm talk about Cho Street [ __ ] but is that a weird part that's a weird part of being from Chicago though right is that all this stuff is so well documented and there's just so many videos of what we got going I think Chicago gangbanging like help a lot of cities and studies through our games making I think all [ __ ] came from like we made gang banging or something cause like when you go to other states this year they'd be like you go you'd be I'd be like where you learned that from it should be some Chicago [ __ ] oh yeah definitely they got that game banking from us it's actually crazy because like they've been thinking that from all blocks two one [ __ ] up y'all got a what y'all got a a gang girl he'll call oh blood damn that [ __ ] Global like that it's probably like an old block in Scotland that is crazy but it's okay California or La is where gangbang came from but sometimes I look at it bro I feel like a lot of people out here use a lot of restraint because they don't really put that much of it in the music yeah yeah but that's why we stay on phone now um phone number grave if someone was really saying that out here I would look at them like oh no that is so cringy oh my God I think they are yeah like if you're from there and you say it it's cool it'd be funny though when people try to say it like us because it'd be funny right it'd be cute you want to talk like uh baby Chicago went on to play with though but there's a lot of things like even out here people say Ops enemies is like more traditional La term for people you don't get along but it's awesome yeah 100 yeah and it's like maybe the older generation might still say enemy or whatever about here now it's like I I hear young La dudes saying saying Ops left and right which is kind of funny uh um so are you do you consider yourself a drill rapper are you are you doubling down on that or I'm an artist okay eyes [Music] two like I sing again rap I'm Different versatile this year I actually got it I'm gonna drop my first singing soon July 1st that [ __ ] hey so yeah I'm gonna sing again rap you're trying to Branch out do do a wide variety of different things it ain't even just that I like to show them versatile I don't just rap some [ __ ] just rap I rap insane that's talent like you know rapping is basically like you know What rhymes together making it sound good but when you actually use your voice to sing that's a whole different ball game you like Ice Prince yes huh Nicki Minaj the one they [ __ ] baby I mean tell Nicki Minaj come pick me the [ __ ] up what I'm trying to get with the program right I love I swear to God I've been loving Nicki Minaj since I was a kid that's my [ __ ] dream really go ahead for real I mean what Super Bass was my [ __ ] as a kid like that was my I've been loving Nicki Minaj since the kid like if she reach out to me I might have a heart attack happiest day of your life hell yeah I know you ain't gonna I know sexy red was so [ __ ] happy I would have been happy what what did she do for sexy right she got on her pound town just that Pound Town that's my [ __ ] she put out a remix already what a [ __ ] he just took a [ __ ] down oh wow that's that [ __ ] yeah I love her she ghetto for real that [ __ ] eat me out you feel like girls are taking over the rap game yeah they put more attention on us and I like that I like it but I feel like it ain't enough against the girls I know it's enough girls that you know be the like like the city girl [ __ ] I like that but they got to put a little bit to make sure like everything not just girls that talk about all that put some good game back in the Asian doll in there so you know she really holding it down for the gangster [ __ ] too [Music] so she they need to be me up on the roster too but I spice is smart because she never really put any of the gangster [ __ ] in the music right yeah but she she like a pretty girl I don't get that from hockey pretty like a [ __ ] that be you know like looking cute and [ __ ] if she was like unsuccessful for a while she might have ended up putting some of that [ __ ] in the music to try to get popping but instead she she kind of blew up as soon as she came out yes but I ain't gonna last like her look she she was unique she came out with the Frozen [ __ ] like Annie when you never saw a [ __ ] look like that to be talking like that you know for real she came out looking like and she was cute though like it's cute she real pretty so I was like when she came out and she was saying all that [ __ ] like that they was feeling that I was feeling that too right for real because she thought I was feeling you no you said yeah um yeah because I mean she kind of like she could have came out like people think of her as a drill rapper but she's never really putting out the violent [ __ ] in her music which is probably talk about [ __ ] it makes her way more I like her well-rounded or it makes it so that she could probably have a bigger Longer career since she's like more safe in a way I like her so in the Nicki Minaj versus cardi B thing you would choose Nikki hell yeah okay I ain't gonna no I ain't I can't I can't even just see it like that I ain't card to be doing her [ __ ] too on her verses I ain't gonna like hard to be doing her [ __ ] too like I'm not no hater she'd be doing her [ __ ] too but Nikki just iconic that's a [ __ ] like I don't even understand how they begin to compare I don't even like that they're getting compared because I feel like that's too different they came in at two different times right she been in this [ __ ] and she you know she came in that [ __ ] to start taking over but this person been in this [ __ ] well Nick has like what like eight albums or ten albums and Cartier has like one two you know I've been waiting on her next album for like seven years for real what was it it was 2017. I think it was 2017 when she dropped her last project and that [ __ ] oh we for real I don't think they're gonna do it they need to do it I really encourage that [ __ ] and I want to be that when they do it but cardi is like showing that you as a female rapper you don't really have to even put music out that often and you can still preserve because her versus be nice I ain't gonna let her versus be nice to see along with people [ __ ] she really she say the [ __ ] that's like that the [ __ ] want to hear because for real when she get up on that [ __ ] she's talking [ __ ] but Nikki I don't know she's just iconic that voice if she get up on that beat that's the same [ __ ] with Nicki Nicki cook drop them off well Nikki's like way more of a rapper than a lot of the girls out there like she cares about it more she seems like she takes it more serious a lot of girls are like super open about having writers Nikki's been denying it forever she is she still sugar and I'll write it all though I'll give her the benefit of the doubt you can tell this huh like I could tell that it's a rap because it's like it's the same rapper she been doing for a minute so it's like I feel like it's her that's her same type of flow I feel like if it was somebody else right for her she probably wouldn't know how to say it you ever let anybody write for you I did one time I wanted to see how it sound but I'm not into that [ __ ] because I know I got like real telling myself so I really I went into this [ __ ] for real like I like doing [ __ ] on my own I don't like feeling like oh that makes I don't know that make you feel a little um I just don't like it some people probably like it because it's easy to get the song done but I want to put my man to this [ __ ] not nobody else man respect how much would you smoke per day body like a pal a pound a day a pound as well like [ __ ] 100 blunts or something that's a lot of woods you don't need like the whole row of packs a five packs get them [ __ ] out to throw the whole box that's a lot of weird what can I say um were you influenced At All by Katie got bands or she way before your generation as a kid that was our [ __ ] I'm not gonna lie to you that was our [ __ ] but she was from the other side so you couldn't really support it you know [ __ ] with it as much but you know we was bang I ain't gonna lie my friend from Jose so you're her little niece well I think that's her cousin her name now y'all been like grew up well all my life so I was like around her side around around Naya and [ __ ] but yeah I remember back in the day seeing her with a gun and a video if you play Crazy I'm gonna have to come and get you and I was just like how is this girl like 17 or whatever with a gun in a video like I had never seen a chick with a gun in the video back then I used to be yeah my mom was doing the same [ __ ] well she wasn't rapping right here wasn't she huh my mom yeah hell yeah she was rapping oh really I didn't know hell yeah she got some songs she got some little songs on YouTube you still bump him that's my mom damn that's got like the reason why I'm cataract for life she another reason when I used to see how rap I used to write dumb ass [ __ ] in the notebook like you know as a kid you saw my macaroni and she know you say some dumb ass [ __ ] I used to do that but then it's like I really put my pen into that [ __ ] 2020 like to really see like how to sound I'm actually good was it crazy seeing people actually start to react to it and start to embrace you I feel like I didn't wanted to take the beef that's going on with us for it to do it but I'ma just say I took that beef around with it right like as far as like basically sound like that song that was about the beef but I wanted to show people like it's more to me than just rap beef like right I don't gotta really be for the person to make a song about a person to go up so it's like that's why when my other son powering up I was really like excited because that song that had nothing to do with I made that song around 20 20. that's really one of my old songs but when they took down my Missy Elliott a lot like I was telling my brother ba I'm like I feel like this [ __ ] over I'm like this [ __ ] over like we just spent all this time about we did got the Rose versus out in the rack all type of [ __ ] just for it to come down like I was mad as I feel like it was over he told me like just shoot just shoot again just pick a song shoot and put that [ __ ] up there and see what it do until we figure out what's going on with your video and I'll put it up there and it actually went up I'm like damn I wasn't expecting that to go up like that because I don't even like that song right but that [ __ ] went up it is kind of weird and misleading though because when I search your name on YouTube right now it's like it just looks different than it looked a couple weeks ago or whatever like the just losing those views are really kind of hurts you'll see oh my God I'm glad you peeping that [ __ ] too yeah I just dropped the target song right my [ __ ] was at like 5.5 K in like two hours so at like the end of the day my shoes are like 8K in like a day right I go back it's like my views on the back of some [ __ ] My Views went back to life again and they keep going up and down and up and down I wish I wish I could I'm gonna screenshot this [ __ ] from now on I promise you my [ __ ] at 11k right now promise you tomorrow it's gonna be some flukey [ __ ] where my [ __ ] gonna be at eight or something and it's gonna go back I don't know what the [ __ ] going on with my [ __ ] it's much like I don't know what's going on with my [ __ ] but it's my [ __ ] that's doing that [ __ ] like it's like I'm not getting the [ __ ] I actually deserve like I'm feeling like I'm getting black bottom I'm not even in the industry yet like what the [ __ ] it's that much attention on me a [ __ ] hate me that bad I don't like that because I don't like I even though I got beef for her it ain't that she is to the point where like I'm saying basically like [ __ ] up your Music Week all that I really be embracing that [ __ ] [ __ ] she know how to rap congratulations everything people really send me sometimes always be sending me [ __ ] about I'll be like [ __ ] congratulations what y'all want me to do hey I'm not no hater Right congratulations [ __ ] you making it somewhere I don't be I'm on the way to everybody should make it somewhere you rap like that [ __ ] of course she gonna make it somewhere okay [Music] so that much hate to be like [ __ ] you don't know how to rap what do you think about academics um I feel like it cool sometimes he speak on she ain't supposed to speak on though right that's gonna get them [ __ ] up one day somebody gonna somebody gonna catch him so you think he was the reason that a big Pluto got his crib rated you think AK was responsible for that what'd he say Ali you know how much that's a rumor I saw but I don't know like he's not leaning on what he posed and how he explained the [ __ ] it's like he'd be I don't know that [ __ ] crazy as hell right he funny as hell though but he crazy but did you used to watch the one shot rack back in the day you never seen it you don't even know about it he had a YouTube channel called the Warren Chiraq where he basically broke down all kinds of crazy you know like all the stuff that was going on at the time in like 2013 2014 and a lot of times people still try to use it against him to basically say like oh look you've made these videos laughing and uh you know making jokes about all these people because he was he was always calling Lil Reese the Grim Reaper a Chiraq and all this kind of stuff that sort of made it like he was being a little too Whimsical with the way he was just laughing at the the [ __ ] that was going in Chicago but he stopped updating it like foreign [Music] Chicago people gonna get you [ __ ] up for real right especially when you from out of town we got like a certain Vendetta towards that because it's for like you're not even from here and you talking too much like you don't know what you're talking about that's why I say some [ __ ] shouldn't be said by certain people like if you don't know what you're talking about I feel like ask questions and you know really try to find out before you just go out what you know but that is the weird thing about the Warren Chiraq is that it's like yeah he stopped updating that but it's not like that stopped other people from making these kind of channels because there's other channels that are way more about it people be really knowing people childhoods what they did when they was younger right all type of I ain't gonna lie for like day to reasons why people be going to jail because why is you digging into my [ __ ] life you did not like I'll be a I'll be saying that I said if if I was never like if certain people was never famous would you would have ever knew they did if I was never famous and I did this [ __ ] which you would have never why would I get famous you know I did some [ __ ] that I didn't in the past because if I was never famous you would have never knew that because act back then he was making videos just like about stuff that he was seeing online whereas now it feels like some of the stuff I watch it's obvious to me that the people making the videos know people in the street so it's like they'll say stuff like so and so you know word on the streets is that he got three bodies and it sounds like they really like know people who told them that about certain people and it's kind of crazy it's not right on the street he never heard about [ __ ] word what street what street [ __ ] tell my word on the street man which street what street they was on I'm not sure somebody I guess don't even be they oh my God I can't stand but okay forget about YouTube like that is kind of how it is in Chicago right where people [ __ ] are weirdly braggadocious about stuff that they've done so it's like the word is it kind of spreads quickly well it's like nine days you got to be from there Hood to know it's not like you just like ain't no ain't no female gonna just know that [ __ ] I can't kill him ain't nobody gonna really know that [ __ ] you got to be like one of them that you got to be in that [ __ ] to know a certain type of business ain't nobody gonna just be going around telling [ __ ] they killed the [ __ ] with like the whole Community you know you did so it's like it's like a inside thing only your homies gonna know what you actually did and what you didn't do I mean it should be that way but sometimes you see little YouTube Vlogs and stuff where you start to realize like oh [ __ ] people are really bad at keeping these secrets because it's like they want to break it's like some people try to brag on me yeah like bragging on [ __ ] some people be actually bragging on [ __ ] they never did before too though so it'd be like is you telling the truth right so okay I wanted to ask you about um this kid who got killed out here at 757 little row that was your friend hell yeah lonely a little roll why was he out here he got killed in North Hollywood yeah I think I get to Hollywood do you have any idea what he was doing out here or like yeah since January he's been out here been doing his [ __ ] making the bed a crib Cod fast car really living their lifestyle but you know she happy like I said I'm gonna be no killing without killing look who crying now who's crying I don't know I mean it's just pretty wild because like I have a friend who lives like right around the corner and this is somebody who knows a lot about Chicago be quiet I feel like wait wait on for certain people right like I said lonely a little road they know they know what's going on right but that was a real heartbreaking one for you right hell yeah I used to really go on him like I've been going with him since third grade like we used to really go together like we was in third grade we got in trouble one day because he bought his grandma rings to school and gave them to like put it on my feet Rings it couldn't even think I am as little as hell I swear we got a trouble we were so embarrassed that report card picked up because both of our mamas was together so my mama was laugh at the time she already knew his mama because we grew up in the same projects and we grew up on the low end so she already knew his mommy and she so they was laughing at us but yeah like we do we've been [ __ ] with each other since third grade and go on up so it's like that always been my best friend hell yeah I feel some type of way [Music] when he came out here were you thinking that he was getting away from most of the danger where's the danger oh okay he was on the Run oh he went away from the police running away from no [ __ ] you know as long as he come on he's gonna be good like all good we good over there I don't like being on sheets so it's like he and on top of that all his friends that he was around like his crowd was in jail so he really felt like everybody in jail everybody turned herself in the [ __ ] I'm out here making my money could you imagine yourself leaving Chicago imagine myself lives in Chicago yeah baby someone she right oh my God living in Chicago it's gonna have my pipe off the plane as soon as I got the plane I need my pipe I'm not playing that [ __ ] get real right for real for real you felt like that since you were young too huh hell no she just started getting real I ain't gonna let like chicken real real like to the point what Chicago Kid they killing [ __ ] like a [ __ ] right now really hell yeah that's why I don't like Chicago like every summer that's why I be telling the girls like done block parties when you be at a block party don't be there too long be there enough to have fun but go before us oh everybody know go before it's over at the block party they gonna shoot that [ __ ] up when they know telling who gonna make it that's how a lot of little girls be doing and [ __ ] they don't be doing they just be trying to have fun but trying to have fun could be your last day living right in Chicago area but it's not that's like the saddest thing ever that you've got two options either just stay in the crib or you go outside like that's why I feel like a lot of people in jail too in Chicago a lot of [ __ ] cause you gotta have your gun it's a life chat like this the lifestyle you live so you get caught by the police of course you're going to jail for your gun so it's like people be hash being trying to you know make it out this [ __ ] and you know like maneuver past the police right but it's kind of hard because it's like that's the life you live somehow you got to keep a gun on you because you're not going to go outside without your gun right so it's like now you risking it because now you probably could go to jail today the fact that that's just such a matter of fact thing that was just so crazy and so sad dy's in Chicago yeah because they know hell yeah like people trying to get this the legal way too because females know in Chicago you never know what happened to you one day a [ __ ] could just you'll never know like you'll never know [ __ ] just run up on you do anything I was just in France and I started talking to some old white lady in the in the airport and she's just like yeah I'm from Chicago I'm just like oh wow I'm like she's like I'm just thinking in my head I'm like wow there's a whole side to your city that you probably know almost nothing about right I go home but I ain't gonna like week one listed like I ain't gonna lie we bougie as hell like I ain't like we stay in that [ __ ] stay in the designer stay cute we got the best hair stylist some of the best we got the best everything to me the best food you come to Chicago you might gain like 10 pounds before you leave I've probably been to Chicago like 10 or 15 times throughout my life they feel good as hell oh hell yeah I know you like the deep dish pizza hell yeah for Giordano's I never felt in danger at all besides when I went to old block which I still didn't feel like I was in danger because I was security and [ __ ] but like every other time I've been Chicago I wasn't even thinking about that I think you should be I don't think oh block not danger no hell no they put the gates up and they'd be dangerous yeah it says there's like security guards at the entrances and it's like they they updated their security because you know like um when I was where I was working downtown before and they got like these all Duty police officers you know same old Duty police officers we got to go to um to go work too right so they don't even have a regular like security number at first they used to have like the AGB that's like the ghetto people but they got they 40 and [ __ ] so they could carry a gun but I heard now they got some whole new [ __ ] like they had all Duty police officers they stay security now right so like I feel like they protected [ __ ] they protecting them but they like right so I don't feel like it's damaged no more I used to be there in just one like the gates was down we used to hear about kids getting shine a face and a girl got stabbed in there because she was fighting all type of [ __ ] like that'll make you not want to go in there when I went in there it was actually cool it was cool you see that video of uh the the dude who's punching on the the kid's mom and then she tells me to go get his gun and kills the guy and I guess they dropped the charges hell yeah why you why you why you think they supposed to be still be up I mean I was just surprised because they hit him with like murder charges and then to have them dropped like two days later yeah I would have dropped that [ __ ] too after they saw the video I would have dropped it too always he knocked me he tried to knock her ass out right like for real though I would have told my son through the same [ __ ] like ooh then we don't even know you now what if he would have beat her to death right there right and it would have been a whole different story like he would have just lost his mama cause a [ __ ] just beat her for no reason right so I was like he'll you know she feel for her life I would have did the same thing it's just because in a situation like that like all right if I if I get in a fight with somebody and then I pull out a gun and shoot him because I feel like I'm in danger that's one thing if I go to the car get a gun and come all the way back and shoot him I feel like that is going to be viewed a different way by the law because it's like you you you had a chance to get away but instead you chose to come back nah ain't No Getting Away how you had a chance to get away his mama was still fight yeah you know that ain't no chance to get away I just started from the perspective of the cops that they weren't going to be leaning on oh he's still beating ass I would have did the same thing and my mom was in that situation I would have did the same thing right I ain't gonna lie to you and we would have to lawyer up that's my mama like you ain't gonna never get another mama you know how bad I wish I still had my mama I ain't gonna never get another Mama you're never going to get over that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is gonna forever hurt like no matter what the situation was she could have been the innocent person that should still hurt the same but the fact that there's so much hate towards us all because she was like you know a gang banging a drug dealer and [ __ ] and all the narrative that's what really get me because I don't like that like I feel like I don't know sorry she just like that [ __ ] oh to me on that [ __ ] was in 2011 like I'm still thinking about that [ __ ] to this thing I don't like hearing that I don't like seeing it that [ __ ] be getting to me sometimes because I don't like hearing about my mom in that type of way like it's like you come back home however many years later you talking about the same [ __ ] it's new [ __ ] going on in your hood and you talking about the same chick why are you not come out uh three people just asked me oh last year a [ __ ] just died from your hood yesterday why is that not being talked about well it's a loss right a loss nobody's gonna brag about a loss but why do you want to brag about a w if you it did you just keep saying like allegedly you didn't even do the [ __ ] so I was like um oh it's like with him that should be getting to me but I don't even let him get to me like my people really tell me like don't pay attention now I really don't pay attention to him personally because I feel like why am I giving you attention I don't even know you I never met you I was a kid so it's like I feel like are you trolling me now yeah like cause I'm a daughter or something it's like me trolling your daughter now what if I beat your daughter ass no matter how old she is yeah let's not do that exactly like that [ __ ] that's weird why y'all do it because like I'm the same person as hell and I'm rapping I ain't say [ __ ] to you I don't do none of that to you I don't even pay attention to you you shouldn't even pay attention to me because we around two different age ranges I don't like that [ __ ] definitely um so what do you what do you feel like is gonna be the next stage in your career like you're just working on more music I feel like you're kind of like one hit away from exploding you know so I was like I'm gonna make my music but I really been I just did like two singing songs yesterday I got some hits some hits sing songs like singing songs but I'm gonna do my gangster [ __ ] too it's like I want to show people like I know how to sing yeah like sometimes I can be a little soft girl and get into that mode but I ain't gonna lie on my sweet [ __ ] I still be talking Gangsta on it right so it's like I'm like a little kid you want to catch a murder put whatever your lungs and I know this ain't the first one yeah I don't like him have you been talking to the labels huh hell yeah yeah they like you they're looking for the next girl hell yeah I ain't gonna lie I'm still available so if you looking at this Malaysian is available Legend is open um but yeah Blaze you know I did I was talking to a label um they told me they wanted to send me but they want to stay on top of the right [ __ ] not enough money huh the money wasn't right the whole contract um well it's good you're thinking about that yeah I'm not gonna sign myself up for no [ __ ] a lot of people do I can't that [ __ ] hell no I gotta make sure I get my sister number this [ __ ] this the whole point of everything I'm doing like they gotta get up out of Chicago I don't want them to still be there like I want to move them to a better place I can really like put them under my wing and really be their mama like I don't feel like I want to have kids but my little sister's really my kids right now you know I've spent so much money on them little girls like they bougie as hell so they want all the expensive [ __ ] right because they see me in it so if they see some of Mary jeans I got on them they want them it's like I got to do a lot of [ __ ] man I'm getting older to the point where I'm responsible enough that I have to do those things so it's like this [ __ ] bigger than like the rap like this [ __ ] bigger than that because it's like I'm trying to show my little sisters like we lost our mama to this [ __ ] but y'all ain't gonna lose me to this [ __ ] I'm gonna make some out of it you know get some money and do this [ __ ] the right way I mean I'm rooting for you I know you is Adam I ain't gonna lie you you really genuinely see how you Messy as hell though you Missy is here though but hell yeah I hope the labels keep calling I want you to stay out of trouble though you gotta stay out of trouble man yeah I'll be seeing too much trolling that's what get me out of my mind that's what I'm talking about I could imagine you getting up and seeing what I want to do I'm thinking about doing I hate young boy like that beat black out one day that been that song in that beeping on my man for like some months now I keep saying I'm gonna do it and one day I'm gonna black the [ __ ] out and I'm gonna do it and just ditch yourself I'm tired of being hey oh this and they still you're gonna diss yourself from the song or you're dissing everybody I'm busy everybody okay everybody everybody that play with me because that's how I feel I'm just say [ __ ] it because it's like it's like I feel like I'm keeping in trouble in a different ways people linking up with other people I don't even do that but do you worry about putting that kind of energy out there no no are we from Chicago what do we worry about um I'm not worried about none of that like I know what come with this [ __ ] I feel like everybody do when you rap this type of [ __ ] you better be with that [ __ ] I hope ain't no girls talking like they with that [ __ ] and not with that [ __ ] cause it's like some could come to you for that you know but it's like I really got [ __ ] going on but you can't [ __ ] with like hot girl scammer Girl music hell yeah City girl type I like city girls I like glitter gloss I actually I like I [ __ ] with her gorilla not a big fan of candle but I won't say she put on stage I feel some type of way about that but not too much because you know she ain't know nothing about IB but yeah you know I kind of feel some type of way because it's like she gave her her platform to really dissed me like you really put on stage in front of all these Chicago people instead blazing ass ain't wanna know I'm damn right she put the [ __ ] on stage ever since then they've been up so it's like I'm like damn but it's like as soon as I do my little diss track everybody want to get my [ __ ] took down before I even get noted see that's how they do it that's that black ball machine but I remember talking I think ruga and he was talking about how he appreciated how when duck had a slide going crazy the 21 21 was happy to hop on the remix it was all business I liked the thing but now you kind of feel like maybe he would think twice about it because everybody kind of knows exactly what's going on in Chicago and there's certain people that he probably [ __ ] with well he never dropped it no I think it came out back then yeah they never had a video or anything but I don't know hmm some people you know it's politics and issue Drake told the young boy he couldn't work with him that's bogus as hell you don't like that hell no hell no hell no I thought you ain't got nothing to do with that [ __ ] you should n't get in that [ __ ] now that you're trying to say like that you know how much money they would have made together but if Dirk is really a boy huh if Dirk is really Drake's boys then he shouldn't do it right damn damn how that show boy don't you like he grew up with him or something he didn't grow up with him man they ain't got no you know I ain't got no title to this [ __ ] for real why he can't do that Drake would look kind of goofy doing a song with young brother no he won that would have been a hit what the [ __ ] is it crazy I feel like that [ __ ] would have been a hit he's gonna do a song with Dirk one year and the song number Young Brother the next year it kind of look like you're just [ __ ] with whoever right why you can't do that you should additional business at the end of the day yeah you know I feel like I ain't gonna like that's a big guy I ain't gonna lie like Nicki Minaj young boy they should be good together like I'm two icons on the song Nicki Minaj and six nine [Music] [Laughter] she's just doing whatever I ain't crazy no like that one I ain't never even heard them [Music] gonna sell the [ __ ] out why she not going on tour I want to see her like for real oh yeah yeah oh my God yeah you want to be asleep baby mama hell no I don't want no kids I just wanna love peace like no kids ever or just you're waiting no I'm gonna be like I don't know when I get to the industry I'm on my young Miami [ __ ] I'm actually bad you're really gonna bbo huh hell yeah oh my God body finna be banging I just it blows my mind that girls are getting bbls at 19. no you gotta think about it like it is I don't know I'm not confident in my body like that who am I to stop you so was I on it's like my my daddy said I was cursed with Mexican in his stomachs like I feel like my stomach just so messaging I don't like it like I don't like the [ __ ] I don't like the [ __ ] so it was like a Mexican well you think Mexican people have a monopoly I'm being fat no it's like they I don't know our stomach like I make so our stomach like that [ __ ] just shake wrong like it's the I don't know it's like a long gas stomach wow it's like I don't know I feel like I got like a best person I'm gonna be thinking about that every time I'm looking at a Mexican woman like when I think of Mexican girls I think that they might be like one of the hottest races like there's so many sexy men that look cute but look at something with the meat on them how they stumble be formed like shaped and [ __ ] that should be yeah I mean being fat is tough in general it is I'm glad I ain't that big though [ __ ] be I'm something that big I was looking at pictures from my wedding and I was so thankful that I lost like 40 pounds before the wedding because I was like this would kill me if I was looking at these photos and I was looking fat you don't even I look pretty [ __ ] fat like a year ago so how many pounds was you uh I'm like 215 right now and I was definitely like 250 probably a year ago be here when I see footage of myself I'm like but you was tired with it so I want that big but it would be all up in here and [ __ ] you gotta keep the beard long when you're fat yeah you can be skinny with no beard but as soon as you get fat because otherwise it's just you see each other on my life me this is gonna be like yo she got but see girls can't have a beer with me no I guess maybe these days they can but the world is changing some [ __ ] do I start with one day I'm like how she get there yeah like what is she a girl boy I went to the farmer's market the other day and I saw like three trans people that were basically like women with facial hair and I was just like what the [ __ ] is going on no offense I'm not trying to hate on anybody but I was a little taken aback like three at one farmer's market there's only like 100 people here that's what you're gonna see a lot of that [ __ ] like oh Chicago going up right now for Prague oh yeah he was out there you would have been like oh my god really they going up you [ __ ] my song out there Missy Elliott what they playing Missy Elliott is like a gay icon so that makes sense hey look that she yeah now that's how they love that [ __ ] really yeah you [ __ ] with the pride parades though I think it's it's good yeah especially in Chicago because it's like you know we put our own spice on [ __ ] yeah that [ __ ] would have been fun if I would have went though I should have went but yeah I'm picturing right now me going to o-block and they just have gay pride Flags everywhere you'll never see that I don't think it's happening yeah I'm pretty sure man he like that people up in there for real man you you got to be one of them gay people that don't talk or something but they really like if they're gonna do a gay pride parade it should go through all the hoods because those are probably those are the places that need to be more open-minded hot go that far you know how many people if people are shooting into the Gay Pride Parade they used to be shooting really yeah when we was kids hell yeah but you know don't nobody go there no more cause we all older than that I want like they used to be shooting that [ __ ] up crazy you want to thank anybody anything we need to look out for thank my manager cash [ __ ] you my pleasure for sure um I want to thank my mama for making me and not spin me the [ __ ] out because it's like I think my family I think my uncle for pushing me keeping me going my music [ __ ] like making sure my head on the right slow but most importantly yes my manager my manager keep my head on tight but what we need to do and like help me with a lot of my situations this year I got a real good manager real good very important very good manager like he makes [ __ ] happy for me so it's like y'all definitely gonna see more music I probably got a mixtape coming probably because I ain't gonna lie to you that [ __ ] ain't looking too good what I was working with some people and they on some weird [ __ ] really yeah what they got the files or something I really want to give myself out of that [ __ ] okay yeah I got a little lawyer working on some [ __ ] I'm gonna get myself out of some [ __ ] cause I ain't got time I could see I feel like in a year from now you're gonna be huge and people are gonna be looking at this interview like wow change my life I really hope this interview help me get saying I really hope somebody actually see this [ __ ] and be like I need to wrap up because I really know how to sing and rap and I got that [ __ ] I believe but they really just like my Instagram that just made me so old man we gotta get it back that's crazy you gotta be careful on there though you can't be like dissing people who I mean I'm just like this me why is it I swear to God it's cool when they do it it's a problem with whatever finesse said he ain't never [ __ ] land yeah it's cool when they do it but it's a problem when I do it I'm by myself like damn like what I say really be that much affectionate I just feel like a lot of gang members that I know they get their Instagrams deleted because they diss other gangs or gang members and then those same game members report them and get their [ __ ] taken down over and over that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] what you get somebody paid sit down for that's [ __ ] ass that's gay as hell you only fly with me for like you that ain't even no manly ass [ __ ] they even do like you really just got my Pace yeah you want to see my messages too like damn my man crib Mack you can't keep an Instagram for more than two weeks now why do they keep taking everybody cheat though but he's like the worst one because he's a real everybody [ __ ] every where yeah everybody's [ __ ] cause I'm mad for real uh I appreciate you best of luck with everything for sure Big B ah you gotta give that back oh I'm taking this thing back to Brooklyn I was thinking about it right yeah and I saw your Patrol right and that's all I'm doing the Zone it was on FaceTime I said we ain't giving [ __ ] back you see they said that he had he got roofied in the club he got what what that mean like somebody put something in his drink that made him like pass out or it's like the same [ __ ] they use on girls like to do creepy [ __ ] to them yeah but then he denied it he said he's a drug head so you can't you can't drug a drug head you know what he denied every [ __ ] thing he denied every [ __ ] thing let him tell her he gonna deny everything hey don't blame him please do I appreciate you appreciate you so weird no jumping with it no jumper coolest podcast in the world check us out on YouTube Tick Tock patreon Instagram Etc yeah like comment subscribe go turn blazing doll up play let's go
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 69,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blasian Doll interview, Blasian Doll no jumper, Blasian Doll's mom, Blasian Doll adam22, Blasian Doll fivio foreign, fivio foreign interview, fivio foreign no jumper, fivio foreign reaction
Id: IZBOY4Civw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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