Bondages & Breakthroughs - Pastor MyRon Edmonds (Friday Night Service)

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god is good is he not oh come on now God is good right yeah how are you know for real for real that the Lord is good at it man praise God now this is not like this is not me trying to pump you up to get you ready I'm like I'm looking for that straight-up reaction from folk that know for real that God is gonna try to how many know that God is good your CV praise God I want to just jump right into the word is that all right here's here's a preliminary talk thank God for everybody thank for the invitation thank you for having me here thank you for the rental car thank you for letting me stay with my mom thank you for allowing me to be able to see my dad y'all make all that possible appreciate that all my cousins and family members thank you for allowing me to come back home I appreciate this thank you I want to praise God for the pastoral staff especially tonight obviously y'all know Tony medley is my cousin but I want to thank God for kealan and pastor Ivan and just the staff the more we praise God for them somebody had to think of this like we're here tonight that somebody thought about it and we thank God that he still moves upon his leaders to to strategize for our spirituality yeah whoo girls named Shonda what's her name the scandal scandal girl yeah yeah see she strategize to get you you like to DVR and the watch the show on Thursday night but we all on we all are we yeah I know your honor her don't lie yo Charlie XO spirit soul we need to thank God that he puts it on the hearts of his men and women servants to think of these moments that have learned been life-changing for phone all right so we thank God again for our leadership team amen I want to I want to go to the book of Mark let's go to mark all right go to mark a mark chapter mark chapter 2 okay I'm gonna have fun tonight this is like my favorite story in the Bible you just preach stuff you feel like preaching sometime this is fun I love this one right here mark chapter two my subject tonight is breaking and entering mark chapter two okay mark 2 and I'm going to read I'm starting to learn how important it is like when I started preaching early on I wouldn't use a lot of the Bible but the longer you preach the more you realize you need to rely on the word amen all right so if you don't have like a Bible tonight you might have a smartphone or like some kind of tablet or something like that your boy right here he tries to use the Bible when he preaches so don't look for the real deep comment from me get your word out you might be to get it in the scripture all right so get your word out all right let's go mark - and I want to begin the first one the Bible says a few days later now a few days later after what a few days later after jesus healed a leper understand you got to understand no context you won't understand the content jesus just healed a leopard now that doesn't bother because you've heard of that a thousand times a very people preach on it but in those days religious and spiritual people didn't deal with folk like lepers ok so I told you last night Jesus has already started enough trouble with the church to the extent that last night we found out a straight up one to kill him right and I just want to find you again I just don't think Jesus is still popular in the church religion is much more popular than Jesus is tradition is a little bit easier to rely on that Jesus is don't tell me what to do let me just I don't want to be I don't have to pray about it I want to be led of God's Spirit I don't have to deal with Jesus just let just tell me what the rules aren't let me follow well I'm coming to find out that all the rules don't spell out everything and at some point in your life you got to wrestle with God for yourself a man and so Jesus here is at a place where he's just at does that does that bother anybody Jesus in the church do not get along and he never has all throughout history Jesus the church fight last yesterday we saw Jesus had to walk up in the church and he had to Jack the church up he starts throwing people out of the church all Jesus got straight violent on them buck wild if you please he did Jesus had an attitude he was upset and limit just just to rehearse just a little bit if you study the Bible right you come to discover specially the Gospels that that Jesus his attitude is like anger spells it was never against like the sinners the stuff that made Jesus mad is not the stuff that makes us upset and I will tell you right now you can change what somebody values based on what they celebrate and based on what makes them mad and Jesus just what that listen now I may already see you buffet I mean he just doesn't broke all protocol you know you got sneakers on and jeans and that got it stuff there's a reason for that see I mean I know I don't know what yours is and I'm not saying it's not appropriate but they just told me I could dress this way okay so I'm just doing what I'm told but just for me personally one of these watches are so comfortable this way is because I personally struggle with pretentiousness okay so I'm on a job since you won't say it I will okay I personally struggle with pretentiousness I love the dress and quite a dressing nice is not just about what I like it's about making people think that I'm better than I am their modern-day fig leaves so when they gotta gives you permission to just dress it down a little bit then I can just kind of be myself just a little bit more alright and this is the kind of thing that you use that your boy Jesus was kind of wrestling with he was just really trying to deal with this mindset of the church that you had to sort of pay your dues in order to be entitled to eternal life but you got to know some stuff you had to be deep you had to you I mean you couldn't you couldn't you couldn't just say I love Jesus you had to you had to really know like all the prophecies and you had to know all the dates 4:57 I get confused as it's 70 weeks 69 2300 days I don't even know I mean you had to know all that stuff the Pharisees were so bad your boys were so tight that the Pharisees could quote the first four books of the Bible the Torah verbatim and if they made a mistake they could correct themselves these are the kinds of people we're talking about we're taught my people that straight up were like in four people's minds they were above God they were like next to God and I just say one thing I've learned is you cannot go by the eye test you cannot go by the eye you cannot look at people and make assumptions about their walk with God based on what you see now now much this is why people clap on that people clap on that because we don't like being judged no I don't know why you said Amen but I'm just going to judge you anyway right right for a widow I mean Amen preach pastor I'm tired of full judging me but let's be honest just as much as we get judged right yeah we do that we do that and so the thing about Christ was if I could just ah Christ was simply trying to break down religion so that relationship can come to prominence now wanted to preach tonight but the Lord told me not to but just how you sneak it in when you say stuff like that I want to preach tonight on being converted that's what I want to preach on tonight because let me tell you what happened to you boy see when you grow when you are when you inherit religion it's really difficult to determine if you ever for real God saying and I might tell the truth it's like real hard to figure out see if you don't have that story I was out there and then I said track on flew in the wind and fell in my hand and I had an invitation to Prix to come to an evangelistic meeting I walked in the revival I heard things I had never heard before and then I joined the church but see most of us a lot of us some of us don't have that story we were acculturated into church passes be honest we are we have been socialized into religion not crook like on the hearsay what I'm saying what I'm saying is is we never really had a choice not to believe that there was a God and you will never even go there because you not being culture ated to think that way so the difficulty becomes in how do I know my relationship with us it is we don't know sometimes if my relationship with God is for real and so Jesus thing follow me was simply trying to uproot the obstacles that separate us from God so here's what happens he starts causing trouble in the church look at your word mark - the Bible says after he heals this leper right a leper was like the worst kind of sinner Manji put him in modern nomenclature he was the transvestite who was dying with Eames and so Jesus started hanging with these kind of people and the church folk got so mad it got homicidal they got to a place where they say we want to kill him now I want you to watch this here the Bible says in verse two so so he kept verse 1 says and two days later when Jesus entered Capernaum the the people had heard that he had come home verse 2 so many gathered now watch this now you got a really following the word on this one so many gathered that there was no room left not even outside the door and he preached the word to them you got that so far so we got a real big cloud that has crowded out most scholars suggest this was Peters house that's going to get interesting in a minute while it was at Peter's house so y'all don't forget that now I want you to go to Luke chapter 5 can we go there let's go to Luke chapter 5 Luke chapter 5 same story but different perspective now watch this here now we're going to start seeing who the crowd was alright look what the Word of God says in verse 17 one day as he was preaching Luke fives have faith one day as he was teaching the Bible says Pharisees all right now begin figure out who the crowd was right and teachers of the law who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and were sitting there and the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick also so check out what's happening here Jesus has just frustrated the church vote to the extent that they decide to call a General Conference Board meeting nominate nominating committee committee large committee organism organizing committee meeting at Peter's house they said we don't had enough of this new type of ministry we've got enough of all these change lives really like I mean how do you get to that place where you are seeing lives changed and it bothers you because you know like how they're being changed or no like that you were involved in the change process they so watch this now y'all and tell me can't everybody see what I'm saying the Bible says that they like straight all they listen the Bible says from all over Judea now most going to suggest there about 5,000 Pharisees I don't know how many Pharisees were in that house today but the Bible says that Pharisees from all over Judea packed out Peters house and they bought they cell phones with their cameras on it and it was like we don't bust him today we bout had enough of his type of ministry was sick and tired of him breaking the laws we're sick and tired of him not adhering to the rules we're sick and tired of this kind of ministry and it's going down today we go shut him down today what God says that Jesus even though he was tired and worn out from ministry even though he was in the midst of a hostile crowd anybody ever been in a hostile environment before ha ha ha ha now have you ever been in in a room where you know people in that room could not stand you have you ever been around folk that you knew had did not have your best interest at heart Jesus this in a house full of his enemies and the Bible says he is not offended by their presence he does not leave their presence he doesn't give them a piece of his mind but the word the Word of God says death look that instead he begins to preach the Word of God to them to the extent the Bible said that the presence of the Lord was in such capacity that it was there the scripture says to heal oh man can we pray for a minute that God does not treat us the way we treat him man can I get somebody talk back to your boy here I just told you that God will show up in your presence even though he knows that you don't necessarily have his best interest at heart and he does not hold back his blessings he does not hold back his word he's up what the Bible says but instead he lets the presence of God saturate on being even to the place that it heals when I wrote there - took me up all this time I'm like Mack the Pharisees these dudes the way they're going after Jesus even Jesus must hate the Pharisees but Jesus even loves Pharisees well your hand should've went up in here how many know you a Pharisee to all those of you look at me like you crazy yeah we've been judged but we've judged - we've been our people been hard on us but we've been hard on people - can we thank God for a minute that in spite of our sins in spite of our wretchedness and spoke of our attitude he does not hold back this blessing from us simply because of what we've done Bible says that is Marcion door know so check this out look at the crowd here y'all you got Jesus in the house right outside of Jesus you have in the inner circle his disciples okay I just want you got to see you got to see the crowd so you'll know where I'm going Jesus is preaching the presence of God is present to heal now now let me fast forward real quick this blows my mind the presence of God is present to heal but if we fast for can we fast forward real quick only one person left healed dust some dumb stuff how does that happen how are you in the presence of God there can be no there could be no greater mystery that I human being could be in the presence of life the Bible say I'm going to say what the Bible said the Bible says that the presence of God what's there to heal and the Word of God tells me only one person left healed I would tell you why they didn't get it because I can see what's going on then Oh My Jesus they don't like it style didn't like the way he preaches they want to hear another preacher they want to hear somebody that preaches the straight testimony they would hear some I appreciate insurance they don't they want to hear my prophecy but all he's talking about his love and so because no I'm just telling you what happens and so when Jesus is preaching even though Jesus is preaching and the power of God is present to heal and they make no difference in their life because it's not their preference no for real let's just talk about it do you see what's happening in there I mean jeez now look we ain't talking about like vandal horse we're not talking about Edmunds or fielder or pass Ivan but those are great preachers we talk about Jesus are you serious Jesus is preaching anyway we seem in the work dude can't nobody in here preach nobody for real I don't care who you got saved under can't nobody preach for real for real I'm Jumanji Jesus quite the word themselves the perfect nothing even has to come out of his mouth he just stands there and powers in the world is he done yet where he's been preaching for over an hour and I don't understand why he preaches the same thing all the time repent for the kingdom of God is it when we've repented already why don't you go into something else won't you go to some deep stuff Jesus but see one things I've discovered is if you keep hearing the same thing over and over again it might be because God is trying to tell you something no I'm going to say this now yo we got to be careful like we do Church so well now that it's a production so what happens is let me tell you what happens what happens is is we fall into critique mode and so we start analyzing worship how you go analyze something you should be doing listen i'ma tell you down we get so critical over I mean I've heard that listen some of the most some of the most powerful moments that I've experienced in church have been when people have been full of the Spirit who are not so gifted in what they do so may God have it delivered me them from that faith is with we do go to pine boards and oak wood and I mean I mean every one week you hear dog it the next week you hear Nixon the week after that Henry right shows up then city books you hear him in high school every other weekend I'm saying when you hear that level of anointing you get you get acculturated that every time you have to hear from God it has to be on this kind of level and if it's not on the level that you like it then you actually will not even receive I got friends of mine that I went to school with and they call me and they complain about their pastors and how their pastors ain't bringing it and how they not and how the worship team is not on point oh my god how can you grieve the spirit of God that way as you are only for God found that out if you are hungry for God it doesn't matter who's preaching it doesn't matter who's singing no matter how they good when you are hungry for God the world says they called a meeting we bout to fix him and they sitting there and Jesus just ministering oh how I love him we so stupid sometimes and he they look that you've done but I'm gonna work with you anyway call it as if it how many are done some dumb stuff come on up in here don't sort of hearin looks sophisticated you're alive and you're not even where you are because you were the smartest person now this ain't in my summer but let's go here for a minute just because right like how many can bear witness that if you succeeded in anything tell that God's honest truth a what the Lord made a way for you you know one of the things me and my wife but declare we said we're not raising Busey children thank God for my parents I never grew up in the ghetto but the gutter grew up in my house I'm the only biological child out of five and one of the things that God taught me by making my house of Social Services surface was simply that there is no difference between me and the kid that grows up in Southeast the only difference is is the decisions made and I'm only two decisions away from being in a penitentiary but it's because of God Oh daddy I don't care oh god don't care no I don't care what don't listen tell the gods on us - the only reason why you are where you are it's because God will pass your fault fine don't go don't worry about me then I got a right that tells me the shoes oh we're never going to have big hair because God constantly reminds me do you need me now I mean this is Jesus preaching dude they're not receiving the word now outside the Pharisee so you got Jesus in the middle of the house you got the Pharisees then the scripture also tells us as we read earlier that there was a crowd right so what's this you've got about three levels blocking the presence of Jesus from the folk that need it now he wrote a bombshell right here got straight revelation God said proximity does not equal closeness just cuz I'm standing next to the sister right here don't mean we know each other don't mean we close you could be laying and say man this is somebody and not because of it people they had the same bloody shoe but y'all I may not be close missin him in our proximity does not equal relationship and the Pharisees even though they were cautious to Jesus even though they were the nearest to his presence it did not affect their relationship because God does not judge us based on proximity physically God judges us based on proximity spirits Willy you know what I'm about to say and you hear it all the time but that's there's a reason why you keep hearing it I'm trying to tell you right now and I'm looking like you go to Oakland you'll be a pastor you can I go to church every week need to be in Bible study all that stuff simply equals proximity it does not necessarily mean you know God let's talk you can tell you let me just just cut to the chase you know what me really helps you to know God trials ah any witnesses after I thought I felt gone to hell right now do you understand what I'm saying then I mean God realizes that in order for us to see his glory to see his position to see his power I don't know about you I just don't moon so I don't learn through just obey that's how we're supposed to learn but because I'm Carlo because I'm not spiritual as Paul says God says but I've got to take them through some things in order for them to realize how much they need me so you got all these layers of people Ellen White says that the crowd was actually one crowd the Pharisees were there to be critical of Jesus the other crowd was simply there to see a show sounds like Church I'm ready talk about the live ones tonight see this is why ain't nobody getting delivered Jeff you'll notice why are you here for real if God really if you wanted God to really just take over your life would you let him if he decided to do it tonight can I tell you something he wants to every time you come before him he wants to break through he wants to deliver he wants to change your life but come on let's be real here right now we don't want him to then my wife were talking the other day and we just had to be honest look I mean when the hardest prayers to pray in the world is Holy Spirit come into my life okay can we think about that for a minute do you know what that means when you ask the Spirit of God to come in your life come on tell us if you know what's going to go down after that some stuff got to go oh come on in here y'all right Camille listen gives you I mean when you pray not my wheel listen that stuff makes great praise songs that stuff makes good good good good good uh points we love on it not mom real but thy will be done that sounds good but do you hear what you are playing you are saying god I give you permission to come in my life and do whatever you want to when you want to how you want it yeah whistle sing that song back in the day because he saw a broom he can do whatever he wants to and how he want everybody shouts do you know what that means most of the time it means that God hit me watch this now that God wants to take you someplace more than likely that you don't want to go I just want to show you in the sex what place you have to get to in order for God to do whatever he wants to I'm gonna say that one more time I just want to show you this story real quick what God had where he has to take you to get you to let him do whatever he wants to one more time I just want to show you in this chest where God has to put you decision to a place where you will finally let him do whatever he wants you and that is the definition of deliverance if you want to be delivered from something whatever your something is I'm telling you now how it's done you simply tell God yes as I said last night deliver with his Christianity Christianity is God speaks to you you do what he says and you trust him that he knows where he's going how many you have doubted for a second where am I going what are you doing where's this thing anything up but I have learned in my short life that God can God that God knows what he's doing he knows the black thank you Jesus to trust God because he knows what he's doing I don't like it I ain't stealing it when I'm blessed his name because he's God heart how much time I got I got finished okay so what's we good what's the next thing buses verse 18 verse 18 verse 13 says this just before says the presence of God is it what the power of God was present to heal a man the sin what your word says just just before there and in Luke 5 and verse 17 it says and the power of God which simply says that opportunity was there understand this anybody that wants to be free from anything whatever it is don't have time to spell it out understand this that the power to be free is present oh let me rejoice on this there is nothing ain't no deep say this somebody just needs to get a worship moment right now there is nothing that God cannot handle gimme there is nothing that he is scared of there's no sin you committed that makes him so offended and so repulsed that he removes himself oh my god please hear me tonight now give me the damn I feel you boy do you feel what I'm saying tonight people hear me now there is nothing you've got to hear this tonight because the enemy wants to make you think that somehow God is mad at you and that if you keep doing the same thing over and over again and to put yourself in a mess some of you are living in constant reminders of your sin and your guilt but I want you to know right now your God has never changed Jesus the same yesterday today forever more does not change your sin maybe wait what God is greater here it goes here it goes here it goes here it goes while Jesus is preaching the crowd is looking for some special app the Pharisees waiting to catch him there's somebody hungry for God and the Bible says that some men in verse 18 came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before who everybody verse 19 when they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd they went up on the roof and lowered him on a match at the ball now look at all you need to read them work Ministry of healing says that this paralytic which is to suggest that he's paralyzed Wright said that he was the way he was because of sin now I know you're bright people so trust me there's a book that I read not too long ago I think it's by Dan Coburn I'm not sure but one of the things he suggests this physician is that there are two emotions that science is showing connects people to sickness anger and unforgiveness migraine headaches cancer heart failure they are showing that now let's listen stuff we've known right people are sick in their body because they are sick spiritually I don't forget I had it I had a former member call me a little while back in our relationship was a little rocky when I was pastoring in he was the picture of health a vegan for 30 years and just took care of his body and you know was just I mean just into hell I mean that church they would even serve juice they would not even serve water until you were done your meal I'm serious no I'm not saying to be facetious this was a very health conscious Church very focused on trying to please God in those ways and and so a few a few months ago he called me and he said pastor I just I need to talk to you and I know he said I need to ask your forgiveness and I said well my brother all is well on it he said listen I've been holding some stuff against you he's a pastor I've had to bypass surgeries he says and one of the things that the Lord has shown me in this process is that a carrot cannot overpower stress and unforgiveness your Vitamix ain't gonna change that you work out a gym all you want but if you have fought with your brother your sister he he was he was paralyzed because of sin can we just talk for a minute do you have anybody ever had that the feeling where you felt sick because you were you haven't you had no sense of hope because of the stuff you had done everybody may not relate to this but I'm talking to folks out there they have made some decisions in your life for do you not see while talking about when you have put lots out nobody did it with you you put yourself dumbass and the only thing that the enemy would do is remind you of your sin and remind you of your wretchedness and tell you that God will not forgive you and it didn't matter how much Bible you knew except how you felt this over thank God for Jesus I thank God for Jesus I think God that women tell all hallelujah when the devil come anybody has he ever come in on you like a fly forgive these chains I just God has been good have you ever been in those moments with the enemy just washes in your spirit and he begins to try to break you down and wear you out test what you want to pray for you like your home and then God will send somebody Oh Oh God listen to me right now don't ever do them all there was a lot deliverance cannot come by yourself hear me on this this is working no no you listen okay what you cannot overcome by your shower has anybody ever in the moment of your dateless agony you got a phone call I don't know what I'm just sorting press to call you I just tell you but on crank all forgiven Saints but I mean I've been stuck in my less I've been caught up in myself at the enemy gave me like a flood but don't you know cotton will lift oh my god won't he mystical Standard can I get a witness in here I'm making a song on the radio it might be a sermon you are it might be your child that has it encourages your heart God you will miss all the devil is alive can I get a witness in here in this place business when I was at he's a liar be happening two billion with less your God God this thing is weird this thing is real and so this brother I mean I love you girl I love you girl all your girl Ellen man thank God for her she says your boy had almost given up hope but he had four friends can we talk about this for a minute see one of the reasons why many of you have not progressed is because you went you running with the wrong people a lot of them a church folk that that do not have any faith now go down there your marriage is over well that's because yours is listen is my life is not based on what your light went through some of us even our even loved ones in our family listen this is just something that our family struggles with and all of us in a shut up in the name of Jesus I'm claiming that how many I'm learning to speak the Word of God in your situation finally have time to preach on that but I would I'm just learning to tell God what he's already said now you said in your word for the cattle of Thousand Hills Resort you said that I showed you the lender and not the bar you said I shall be a boat you said that listen I want to be very clear on this tonight this is based on my personal experience this based on my education everything else so I'm trying to give you as much credibility as possible them listen I'm tell you the first step to deliverance is God sending people in your life if you're drowning how you gonna get out unless somebody comes in to get you it's it this is what we tell folks well I have the Jew jesus' go ahead just listen Jesus is not coming down here until he comes again I have this covered but Jesus lives two people and God will sinful thank you Jesus it was simple and your girl eg says he had given up hope but his friend said nah man no yes we're not accepting this so and let me tell you a fun I'm a preacher too long no you ever read here's a day real friends care more about your soul salvation hold on hold on then your feelings I imagined I imagined that a conversation was had your boy is like he's sold to me I mean I did this man I'm paying for what I've done I'm just this is just gonna be my situation and here's somebody one of them four dudes that him look shut up God said that if you put your trust in him he would bring you out muscles God God told me to tell you that you need to stop complaining you need to stop promoting your situation stop blaming other people you're not a victim listen to me right now that you need to you need to raise up in your face if you want to get to the next level then I'm committed to taking you and you know what happened after that right let's go fast forward so then they pick this guy up and who knows how far they had to go who knows how far they had to go but this is what I see the same in the tents but this is what your boy sees I'll see them as they're getting closer to that crowd that's in the way yeah you better believe that so I think that's a good as they're getting closer this is just in my imagination I see some folk that had tried to get to Jesus but didn't because they gave up too soon I see them walking by and saying him I mean y'all wasting y'all time this is great appreciate what you're doing this is really nice kind gesture but there's about about a thousand people standing outside the house there's security everywhere it's Peter's house by the way Peter's house he's inside but you don't want to fool with just you kind of want to just stay away from there little man I've already gone and it didn't work out for me you know what's happening here it's just amazing how people tried you know victim is personal for you know so let's folk to my church man and you know folk want to get their life to Christ and you know I'm looking at the word the Bible says that when the Ethiopian eunuch want to give his life to Christ that he didn't have to go through like 27 weeks twenty-eight weeks like so you know oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my historical focus saying look when I came in the church then you got pregnant they kick me out but the hardest people are other people amazingly are the people that would do the same thing like what's up with that it's like we want people to go to this live how you might be baptized and they they ain't ready to beat you're part of the church they love Jesus they hungry for God what are you talking about but they didn't get wheels they need at least a year of preparation so what you've been in this church for 40 years and you don't know everything if I put a gun to your head and say it tell me right now with this church believe half y'all would die don't go don't waste your time Jesus it's as too many people there come back another day and I'm gonna tell you something right now here's the next thing I've learned about being delivered you have got to be straight-up determined actually the operative word is desperate see many of us are not that women see desperation is not good for somebody's PR I mean at appeal time you know folk comes and Lord and the person that does is real talk people are like oh they must be into some stuff it is not in style to be desperate this install to be put together all as well but it can you imagine that this guy had allowed their their report about what corner could not happen when you want to be free you you don't let nothing stop you from getting free to get what you've never got you gotta do what you've never done so many of our walk has not changed because we keep doing the same things did you know that for real that's that's a word right there you look your relationship with God will not change your relation with your wife will not change you mix of your children will not change it just simply just repeating the same behavior over and over again at some point you have got to get desperate to say I am tired I am sick and tired of my situation and I want to change whatever I gotta do people were like oh he pressed turn him through the streets extinct look at him why are you doing all that then you Boyd this up to the crowd I can see that crowd is standing right there and I can see them coming to the first place rather excuse me excuse me we are buddy right here his situation is really bad do you mind if we can just cut through and let this man get to Jesus Nam this is my seat Chris ng they go to the other side now listen I'm dramatizing but Ellen White said LM I said that they went around the house trying to get in and not one church person let now listen come on now I can see if he came in upright do this on a stretcher you got four people carrying here no handicapped space they had no mints what you do to get in Wow nothing I'm saying why come on this brother but listen this ain't really about what people are doing to stop you because I hope that you want to point now where you are so desperate to be free from whatever you're free from that you have bypass worry about the approval ratings of your friends and of your family I love church people and you have just got a stinking attitude that's out there what you say but I want to be pleased you fast forward nobody man they should have went home shouldn't they they should have went home right ah well here here we go ah oh I love this story oh yeah oh yeah did you see what they did come on now I got feeling me these dudes they should have turned around and went home protocol procedure I mean they could have either said look man we've come a long way we did the best out of the best we could you're just not going to see Jesus today but people do not get delivered who give up on your future self past I'll try I've been trying to read the Bible but design feeling it it amazed me we have to put no effort in watching sports or television but we get it right I mean like you can put any effort in becoming whoever you became and we're a profession you became right no you put some effort in there then look listen in order to get into the presence of God it actually does require some effort you do have to fight through some things do you know why because the enemy does not want you to get all right we'll be gonna do it's got an idea all right let's go this is you know good we've been here all day Jesus probably about to leave um see that roof he's for real look man we came all this way you're not going to let this do stay like this we got wait here till Jesus comes out tomorrow we're not doing it what's the plan we're gonna climb up on this roof and we're gonna tear up this house excuse me do you know do you know whose house this is Peter's house yeah I know speak yourself but Jesus is in there right hey I'm not really feeling Church right now why because those people they're hypocritical have you ever gone to t.j.maxx and you just like looked for that one outfit even though it looked like there was nothing in there and you would like I am NOT going to church tomorrow with the same clothes I've been wearing I am going to find something in the mall today no matter what it costs me it is a it amazes me the kind of sacrifices we make for stuff that doesn't matter but when it comes to the things of God we stop yo here it is I'm done deliverance comes from breaking yeah into the presence of God in order to get what you need from God it will require you to make a sacrifice that often causes some stuff to be broken yo Jesus is preaching and dirt that's falling on his head you think he's offended by that though he's got a grin like the only reason I preached this long as I was waiting for this one to come that's why I've been holding this appeal that's why I've been holding its appeal so long I wasn't worried about the rest of y'all the person that needed to get here got here and the Bible says they lowered your boy into the presence of Jesus and I'm done right here and this is what just blew my mind he thought he was coming to simply learn how to walk but no but see this is how thorough your God is see one things I've seen most of the time you don't really understand the depths of your problem I'm finished I promise most of we don't really understand we think oh I got pornography problem really this is a symptom I got love stitches that's just a symptom I got anger problems that's just a symptom I got unforgiveness issues that's just a symptom oh I got helpers just a symptom remember now see how spiritual things are spiritually discerned and the thing they see well that's what he says to him he's waiting for Jesus to say your faith has made you all but the first thing that comes out of Jesus mouth is son your sins are forgiven no but what else do you want to hear from God except that you are forgiven you are clean your record has been expunged you are delivered you are transformed I wash it off he hasn't been in the presence of God for more than a few minutes but do you know how powerful God is you'll have to be in a church for years for God to do something your life you make up your mind as you want to get in God's pocket you make up your Bible to what what God has for you and when you get in the presence of God God can turn around a lifetime of rest he can turn it around for your good the moment a little twinkling out all right that's what he does then he's so awesome he's so awesome I like how my friend says it he says we ought to trust we ought to trust God to take care of our needs and we ought to wait on him to provide our wants you're forgiven tears are streaming down his face Jesus has a way of getting to the real issues and then he said now take up your bed and walk now here goes the same people that tried to keep him from getting in he walked out right in between my behaviour at robot he's a god all right you know what God just did he just used that man to help set free the people that had him bound I'm done look this what I want to tell you right now this thing is deep if you only think it's about your marriage if you only think it's about your child if you only think it's about what you're going through and your money list I'm telling right now it's so deep that God says he says listen here he says now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly cigar please we're so myopic right you don't say and we'd like we just don't see how deep that thing is me god is a trying to do something in your life thank God he didn't stop thank God his friends pushed him into God's breath hey god damn that he had the courage to be let down to be humiliated to be thrown into the presence of God but guess what God turned his mess into ministry no this is not about us right you trippin I don't got a husband yet look yo yo Trey listen - he knows where he's taking you he knows what he's doing just press stay in his presence break into his presence stop making excuses I worked all week I don't got time to go to prayer but you better have worship at your house don't you sit down and ignore his pray you need help get up in the morning huh spend time with cops gather your family together and worship I've come to discover that there is power in the presence of the Lord for the guy father you thank you for hope thank you for hope that means that it's not over there is a plan but it's in the presence of God it's in being determined being desperate being hungry don't let anything separate you from the presence of God tonight somebody needs deliverance there was a crowd here but at this moment you're not gonna let them separate you there's no roof blocking you you gotta I you just have time in space if you know God is telling you and speaking to you and providing for you the presence of God is here to heal right now I declare and decree right now in the name of Jesus that victory is not is in this place right now and it is according to your faith God will work out your situation in his presence I'm telling you right now if you trust in him and come and throw yourself at his feet I promise you in the name of Jesus what is that you're going through it is done tonight it is broken tonight I didn't say next week who are you what is it move-move right now ah no no no no story no countdown God spoke to you you move God's dealing with you you move you saw yourself in the word move you heard of the Spirit of God speed move I'm not over specifying I'm a qualified if the Spirit of God is speaking to your heart tonight just move somebody wants to be delivered anybody hungry desperate tonight to his presence it is in his presence he is in the presence of the Lord not the presence of the preacher is in the presence of the Lord you are standing on holy ground there are angels all around you are in the presence of a king and the presence of God is here to heal whatever it is that you need from the Lord idak all right now faith is yours somebody right now just need to begin bless his name I've learned that he loves he loves when we praise him you need to think him we're not digging for nothing that God has already promised us why you gonna beg for what he already told you is yours why don't you simply praise Him in advance we get to fight him right now that is all the blessing that God has God has promised he said must praise me just thank me trust me it's already time to believe that I am praise them like you know you have it watch the film worship Him you know your heels for grace the curse asking all time Casa I don't know I want to be free from it's only fruit from that I'm gonna tell you how you're gonna be free tonight God is going to send people in their life those people are going to speak into your life we're gonna help push you toward God and then God is going to put obstacles in your way 10 is now before every deliverance there is an obstacle but they're so simply is to test your faith will hear me right now the obstacle is simply to test your faith if the obstacle is there that's a sign that the blessing is there hallelujah Sejal did you hear what I said if there is a mountain in your way it's just that's just a marker that's just a side there was a blessing there is deliverance the other side God's watching the flushed here anybody got a mountain anybody got an obstacle is there anybody trying to block what God wants to do in your life okay can I tell you what to do tear the roof off are you going but I say you have to tear off did you do what I say serious about this thing get an attitude about this thing you stand in my I come with a weapon there were worn real Christ the name of cheese promise me right that's marvelous light anybody needed healing tonight why do we got I believe God anybody need healing in their body tonight in the name of Jesus the same Jesus that healed 2,000 years ago its present tonight to heal if you will just lift your hands and cry out to God and say God for your glory anybody need a breakthrough in your marriage anybody need a breakthrough for your child breakthrough you got a breakthrough you got a fight the devil but you're not fighting them by yourself put on the whole armor of God understand there's another thing that the Lord is telling me to share with you right now many of us are afraid of challenges we're afraid of conflict we are we're just straight fearful perfect love casts out fear give me right now if and if you know there is a person a place or a thing that is standing in your way you've identified it I want you I want you to wrestle with God and say God how do you want me to tear this thing down don't get so close and then walk away from that which God is for you Oh father right now father right now right now God as we close this service we're gonna be honest with you we got a sim problem our sins have separated us from your presence and they have hindered us from there painting the blessing of God but if anybody needs to forsake something tonight oh that's a hard one there's a sin in your life you need to repent of it right now need to forsake it right now but you need to do it by the unction and the grace of God's Spirit in your life but you must want it you can sometimes you don't want it in your flesh but sometimes God has got to put the desire in you to take it away God okay holy s--t good somebody needs to be baptized where are you lift your hand right now somebody needs to start over with Jesus somebody needs to make a fresh start my Jesus I see my brother anybody else you need to make a fresh start with Jesus let's not play with this thing the Bible says to be born again with water and spirit I've not come here just to preach a sermon we enjoy and go home is there anybody that needs to make a strong move for God you need to play for it and be washed and tear some raised your hand where you already brilliant god bless you my sister anybody else anybody need to be clean anybody need to get fresh anybody need to get the thing right anybody need to be born again anybody bring grow you grew up in this thing you know this now you want the real thing and you got to be born by water and by the spirit if you do that kind of moving you're like tonight I met your hand where are you let's go any bold Saints in Europe put your pride aside if God is telling you I ain't tellin you if you hear the Spirit of God telling you to do this lift your hand right where you stand god bless you my brother god bless you my brother everybody else anybody else where are you where are you just lift your hands just lift your hands right now I'll see you my sister in the back I see you I see you my sister praise God praise God we have another one over here to God be the glory my dear friends please come here right now if you've raised your hand please take this one please sit this walk if somebody needs to walk with them and we got some friends that need to walk with it in the name of Jesus you saw some lift ahead you don't bring them right now in the name of Jesus somebody tell the devil that he's a liar tonight people will be delivered in the name of Jesus on a late Friday night we are going to get the blessing of God anybody else anybody else anybody just want something new in your life a new thing anybody getting bored with your stuff it's just one God or swing it here it is you got to do some stuff that you've never done before and here it is right now you like make it up God is telling you to do it not only is your justice care you're free but guess what there's no fear in love Tim you're coming right now 9 just lift your hand right where you stay 8 this could be your last opportunity tomorrow's not driving 7 you want the real thing with your hand right now 6 come on come on 5 4 based on three come on let these precious Souls come from make way for them right now these precious souls that have raised their here right now the name of Jesus movement right now I need some foam to assist me and help these precious Souls come to the Lord try to write three in the name of Jesus right now be free make the double a liar he don't want you to come wake up a lot here father God tonight all we are we gonna say thank you thank you for waiting on us thank you for waiting on us thank you for hope thank you for hanging in there with us thank you for your Holy Spirit thank you for grace thank you for forgiveness of sin and thank you for the promise whom the Sun sets free come on y'all it's free indeed in Jesus name we pray sure Oh Oh Oh Oh me praise God praise God come on raise them like you mean raisin Blackie delivered see I Drive all change Oh loser oh high school Oh why don't you stand with me although how excellent your name is above you all the earth well we just thank you for the change the wonderful change the awesome change the change that only you could give us Lord but we were deep in sin you saw us Lord and you reached out your hand and you touched us father and which is so grateful Lord and we just want to say thank you we don't want to multiply words we just want to thank you for how good you are Lord if I hope merciful you are and for not giving us what we deserve we just want to say thank you Lord and wouldn't want to praise God for your manservant who you sit here this week to just let us know that you can give a change in our lives so low we just create you if father we ask Lord that you bless us as we leave this place but never to leave your presence in the name of Jesus we pray and for his sake amen
Channel: Emmanuel Seventh Day Adventist Church
Views: 16,527
Rating: 4.760479 out of 5
Keywords: Brinklow SDA, Bondages&Breakthroughs, Emmanuel SDA, MyRon Edmonds
Id: Zd28DuToBfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 51sec (4491 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2013
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