Bonanza - Thunder Man | Episode 131 | Western Series | Classic | Wild West | Full Episode

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[Music] excuse me hello mrs gibson i'm so glad you could come i wouldn't miss celebrating little joe's birthday ben well neither would he of course when you're his age i guess you don't mind birthdays he'll be down at the moment he's just taking care of those last finishing touches let's join the others you know you work on that left side a little more you'll be a thing of beauty hmm thank you oh and wilson will certainly be overcome unless she stands downwind of you out of my way peasant seriously joe why did you work so hard at uh getting ann wilson to come not just one reason she never gets out her uncle keeps her in the house that poor kid never goes anywhere [Music] you know something younger brother i've always thought of you as being something of a lotharia but i think you're getting to be a good samaritan ah well thank you very much and speaking of good samaritans i hope you got me a decent present this year for a change [Music] now you you see if you can slide the wheel on while i hold this thing up please hurry uncle fred it's getting late and little joe's gonna worry drat little joel him and his parties i'll get this thing fixed if it's the last thing go what's the matter uncle fred sick help help me hannah what can i do i can't listen to that maybe not nice woman will you make me tonight please easy little woman easy what are you doing out here along this time of night my uncle's sick help me take him to the ponderosa the ponderosa it just so happens i'm on my way there now i surely am well where is your uncle down there look come on uncle fred all right now step aside let me look at it your uncle's not sick little girl he's dead calm down calm down these these things happen they surely do they calm down there there it is that's better that's better my your hair's so shiny it's soft silk oh my your skin is so so soft [Music] hey [Music] well i thought some of them would never leave it was a good party oh it's a wonderful party joseph that's the best birthday party i've ever attended i must say i think it went pretty well incidentally the wilson girl never showed up did she yeah can you imagine that i practically had to force her uncle in a promising to bring her here yeah you know that's kind of surprising fred wilson isn't the easiest man in the world to get along with but once he gets his word on something oh i'm tired let's go to bed yeah i need my rest too you know i'm a year older just sit down take it easy what is it it's fred wilson he's back there on the road what about fred wilson mrs gibson what about fred wilson he's dead mrs gibson what about anne was she there i didn't see her i didn't see anyone except fred thank you breathing paul yeah goodness pulse mr wilson mr wilson can you hear me [Music] he's conscious but i heard me they'd get him to the doctor as soon as possible is anne with you mr wilson where's anne mr wilson [Music] can't answer you he said some sort of stroke maybe ann went to get some help the closest place is the ponderosa that's some kind of a stroke give us a hand did you see anne on the way no we better start looking for her gotta take him in the doc martens right away [Applause] [Music] ah come here what's that she was with her are you sure this is and i've seen a word lots of times she's fine she didn't get to the ponderosa i wonder which way she went if anything's happened to her or stop jumping to conclusions i convinced her uncle let her go to that party [Music] let's get back to the ranch and organize a proper search [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] okay this little joe cartwright it surely is nice to see you boy that's a fact oh yeah mr pool that's right thought you might have forgotten cool the thunder man in person we uh we expected you yesterday oh yes or no but i got a late start from carson city just drove at the town this very minute i hope the delay didn't discommode you uh i surely do i hope that no no no mr cool it's fine it's fine excuse me will you uh yeah i drill up the undertakers yeah i'll be back in a little while then keep an eye on her uncle for me till i get back excuse me sir are you mr codride yeah oh i'm a friend of little jaws my name is poole little joe watched me at work in carson city oh of course the explosives man how are you mr pool find sir well actually we sort of expected you yesterday i hope the delay caused no trouble for you i do from fact no no of course not as a matter of fact i'm glad you're here i range with some neighboring ranches to see your demonstration tomorrow the ponderosa well i'll be there bright and early sir and i hope your neighbors enjoy my work i'm sure we all lost oh mr cartwright i noticed that little joe seemed sort of discommoded and then i heard the doctor mention the undertakers well actually it was a friend of little joe's a lovely girl we found it this morning dead just 19 years old dear heaven just 19. [Music] you were right ben it's a clear case of murder whoever it is is a powerful man or a complete maniac her neck was broken excuse me i want to take another look at mr wilson uh mr cartwright the uh the mr wilson the doctor just mentioned would that be the girl's uncle yeah he's he's in there well that surely is a blessing that he didn't die surely is but i'll tell you one thing sir it isn't a blessing me coming here bothering you good folks in the midst of all this trouble it it surely isn't no little joe i'm very sorry i had no idea that you'd be in the midst of all this trouble i'll go away come back next week mr pool yes sir mr pool i think that i think it might be better if you went through with the demonstration after all you you did come a long way my neighbors have made their arrangements they've set time aside to to see this demonstration i i think perhaps you should go through with it if you don't mind well sir please you'd be doing me a favor can i go in and talk to him yet talk to him he might have seen something last night might be able to help us find the killer how he's paralyzed he can't talk well let me try no because you won't be doing him any good and you'll just be wasting your own time look doc i've got luck he's in good hands joseph all right maybe he is in good hands but is he safe what do you mean safe look sooner or later the killer's gonna find out he's alive he's gonna know he's a danger to him then what's gonna happen can you guard him 24 hours a day doc no but even if fred does know who the killer is he can't tell anyone well the killer doesn't know that doctor what joseph says makes some sense i just think he'd be better off out of the ranch would it hurt to move him not any more than he's heard already there's nothing more i can do here just keep them quiet and send for me if there's any change well we'll see that he's well taken care of do you have a stretcher or something yes yes of course help yourself may i be a very helpless carter well thank you the more hands we can get the better [Music] we must be careful with this poor man [Music] speakers even a thunder man has to be careful of that stuff here it comes the greatest power on earth [Music] it's a pool is it all right to uh go closer and have a look surely mr cartwright come along well mr cartwright what do you think well that's your impressive sure impressive mr pool with the demonstration of this sort you you're not going to have any trouble finding work around here well thank you sir wasn't that amazing ben amazing absolutely amazing why those south acres of mine could be cleared in no time i want to be one of your first customers mr pool oh well uh which one of these five gentlemen is your husband matt i'm a widow oh i'm truly sorry ma'am it's just well i never thought such an attractive woman could be so unattached you might say you seem to be as uh accomplished with words as you are with nitro mr pool yes well mrs gibson as soon as i'm through here at the cartwrights you'll be my first customer of course i understand you know i thought of something that might solve a small problem oh what's that ladies first why don't i take care of mrs gibson's acres first then come back here when your son's feeling better mr pool that might be a very good idea if it's all right with mrs gibson of course ben would you like to start tomorrow bright and early ma'am bright and early will you tell mr poole how to get to my place ben of course i will my such a pretty woman to be sorrowed by [Music] widowhood that was he upset he seemed just about the same i can see it in his eyes he wants to talk so badly but he can't yes little joe how is he uh he's the same sure where she could talk well there's not much chance of that according to doc martin have to ride over to genoa take a look at those mcpherson yearlings you want to come along no i don't think so adam why don't you come on we'll be there a couple of days do you good i said i don't want to i'm sorry i didn't mean that i understand if it's only comfortably i saw the deputy and his men on the road this morning they're coming the area maybe they'll come up with something well i better you've worked very hard all day mr pool i thought you might like to clean up before supper well thank you man that's mighty kind of you you know working with explosives does something fuel mad it does for a fact you turn your life to it and all the gentle things escape you they certainly do you're just a lonely traveling man with a fistful of thunder this house becomes your ma'am it surely does ben cartwright was right you do have a way with words mr pool you can wash up over there thank you man you said you were lonely a moment ago i know how it is to be lonely my husband's been gone five years now to lose someone you love that's the lonesome's time of all did you yes i did man there was a girl i loved her hair was shiny her skin soft she came there where i was wiring i wired careless i didn't understand explosives then she was caught up in the explosion [Music] i swore i'd never touch blissful night again no i wouldn't terrible i tried to run from it but there's no running from this rhine once you've touched it it's something that reaches out for you pulls at you it's like something from another world touch it and mountains change rivers turn you're a thunder man that's a char yes it is well now i'm sorry ma'am i hope you can forgive me for going on this way but a man has to tell his thoughts to someone would you mind getting me a towel the nearness of a woman the soft and gentle things i sure do miss the ma'am i surely do mr pool a man like you would be very handy around a ranch did you ever think of settling down yes i did ma'am but never really seriously maybe you should mr pool well maybe i should at that we'll have supper in a little while thank you man then i think i'll go over to the ponerosa and tell them that i need a little more time here than i reckon you surely have a large place here ma'am you surely do i'll go get something [Music] well it's going to be a little stiff paul but he'll get over it sounds like we got visitors mr pool yeah probably came to see littlejoe hey paul bring that light back all right [Music] hmm [Music] and [Music] to [Music] all right pool i thought you were standing at the widow gibsons huh hello little joe yes i am but mrs gibson was very worried about uh poor mr wilson here so i thought i'd ride over and see how he was looks like we woke him up let's go outside yeah [Music] i'm sorry about the way i came walking in i surely am but there didn't seem to be anybody here it's all right well good night joe oh by the way did they find anything out about who did that terrible thing i was still looking i guess sheriff coffee's out of town that new deputy has couldn't find fleas on a dog yes but he's still deputy any i suppose that's what they call him i'll ride into town tomorrow make sure he's doing something about it well a man does what he has to do but these things are best left to the authorities they surely are well good night joe see you in a few days as soon as i finish up with the widows right good night i hear you've been looking for me i've been over your office three times oh here i am what do you want do you have any leads on the ann wilson case i'm afraid not i'm having a tough time making any headway joe no witnesses no starting point not a blame thing to go on i've covered that road for 10 miles oh there must be something killers have something in common they don't like to get caught well most of the people in the area were at our party now if you just question the others i've been questioning the others another thing about killers ask them if they killed somebody they'll usually say no and you mean everybody else has an alibi for you i mean everybody i've checked them all drummers cattlemen even strangers that have come into town like that pool explosives man pool what do you check him for he wasn't even in town when anne was killed i know that that's why i checked to be sure yeah well maybe you're checking the wrong people one share of coffee get back in town joe roy's a good sheriff but i'm a good deputy that's your opinion i'm doing everything roy would have done except find the killer now maybe i had to start looking myself are you listening to me young fella oh no don't start that young fellow you're gonna stick in your nose in my business and you'll wish you hadn't now you better get on home and stay there young fellas well somebody better start sticking their nose into your business clem because you can't seem to handle it now you better come up with something come up with it fast who's that it's me paw i thought you were helping horse out for the branding no i went into town what for see the deputy do you have anything to report no nothing cuz he does now oh go ahead what happened i made a fool on myself tried to tell clem how to do his job i guess he got pretty mad i know how you feel about clem joe but you've got to put this thing right out of your mind forget it i wish i could i i just can't forget that i went out on my way to make mr wilson bring hanna to that party joseph we all do things in our life for which we're sorry but that doesn't mean that we we must torment ourselves for the rest of our lives but if i had just minded my own business and mr wilson would have been safe at home that night i was it was [Music] it was only something i could do [Music] if i could only find out who did it there was only some way you could tell me [Music] now what's your hand mr wilson you're moving your hand you're trying to tell me something could you write oh god cause you're right i'll get your paper pal paul get a pencil and paper quick mr wilson you just hold on all am i palm ring the paper yeah what is it i moved his hand i think he can write joseph he mustn't disturb him i asked him who the killer was and he moved his hand he wants to tell us [Music] that's it new orleans woman new orleans woman i don't understand mr wilson are you trying to say the killer is a woman who is it easy joe let me try fred if you know who the killer was would you please write down his name it's too weak even to hold a pencil wait a minute there's another way mr wilson you can close your eyes can't you show me all right now i'm gonna ask you some questions if the answer is yes close your eyes if the answer is no leave them open do you understand good point he understands all right here's the first question you wrote new orleans woman was the killer a woman no i didn't think so what can he mean new orleans woman i don't know mr wilson do we know the killer but he says we know him whoever it is we know him yeah but we know an awful lot of people around here joe and i was down louisiana there's a song new orleans woman a song mr wilson is that what you mean is new orleans woman a song you're right now whoever it was whoever the killer was was he singing that song that's it i can't remember how the song goes but man fred was he here at the ponderosa well we're so close if [Music] i [Music] tried so hard [Music] well we're all separated yeah wait a second i'll be right on i want you to give this to the deputy yes sir make sure you tell them exactly how fred wasn't came to write that down right you better get going now well as soon as joe gets back now get going now yeah but paul i want you to go to town alone yeah right [Music] wait a minute what's he in such a big hurry for i told him to go into town without you why come inside i want to talk to you oh wait a minute if i want to go into town now inside joseph i'll talk i don't want you to go into town what do you mean you don't want me to go into town why well you know what happened the last time you made a fool of yourself you admitted that it's not gonna happen again well what do you want me to do stand around here and do nothing just forget all about it i want you to stop losing your temper criticizing the deputy isn't going to help matters he's just doing his job now tell him what happened here with mr wilson and we'll have done our legal duty fine also there's one other thing we could take one step beyond our legal duty now what's that mean well mrs gibson plays the organ of the church she's a pretty good musician now maybe she knows the song new orleans woman she'll beat the heck out of standing around here thanks little joe what brings you over here hi ms gibson i wonder if i could come in and talk to you for a second of course come in thank you mr pool still on the job oh he finished blasting the first section this morning now he's piling the stumps to burn them he's a pretty fast worker yes he is here's the reason why i came over here and a question for you i know you knew a lot about music have you ever heard of a song called new orleans woman new orleans woman i don't think so maybe it's in one of these song books over here why are you so interested in this song little joe i never knew you were musically inclined i'm not especially ma'am it's just this particular song here it is new orleans woman but do you think you could play it for me of course new orleans woman will you meet me tonight meet me tonight need me tonight new orleans woman will you meet me tonight and love me under the moon silly little thing isn't it why are you so interested just never heard it before i wanted to see how it goes the kind of tune that sort of rattles around in your head isn't it new orleans woman will you meet me tonight meet me tonight meet me tonight new orleans woman will you meet me tonight and love me under the moon it is sort of romantic little joe mrs gibson mr wilson died this afternoon oh no oh no that poor man before he died he wrote three words on a piece of paper trying to leave a clue as to who killed anne clue what do you mean whoever murdered anne was singing that song new orleans woman oh what a terrible thing that's why i came out here i wanted you to play it i thought if i heard the song i might be able to remember back to someone i heard singing it i can't i want to thank you very much so i i better be getting on back to the ranch thanks again [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] oh hello is that joe conrad i just saw leaving here yes yes it was what's the matter something wrong they think they have a clue to anne wilson's killer you don't say you don't say for a fact yes little joe believes that whoever killed that poor girl was singing this [Music] song new orleans woman i don't believe i ever heard that one before well i think i have have you why that's just it i can't recall where i just keep thinking about it couldn't have been at the concert at the opera house it's too cheap a piece for that new orleans woman will you meet me tonight meet me tonight meet me tonight [Music] no i can't remember that's it it was somebody whistling it i [Music] whistling mrs gibson who did you hear whistling at i i don't think i can remember i [Music] i think i'd better be going where do you think you're going linda well i think i'll go over to the ponderosa i think i ought to speak to little joe you see i don't think i understood everything no map i don't think you should go over to the ponderosa please please let me go don't be frightened a little widow it was mighty careless i made it with a lattoon in front of you yesterday it surely was but you can't be blamed for having too good a memory you surely can't please please you know you're really quite attractive yes you are you could have been very happy here just the two of us you did it you did it you killed anne wilson lovely hair [Music] so soft fragrant shiny skin so cool sweet it's too bad it really is because no other way i'm afraid there's no other way [Music] next time you just better watch where you're going it's funny she said he was all through blasting we better check it out coach mrs gibson mrs gibson mrs gibson are you up there i told her to stand back poor thing her neck's broken part of the stump must have oh she was such a wonderful woman so sweet and so kind she was so sorry for me wandering the countryside she she wanted me to settle down we even talked about me staying on here well i i was just here a little while ago she said you were through blasting for the day oh well yeah yeah i had all except one little stump which which i wasn't even gonna bother with right close to a fence it was wouldn't have been in the way of a plow at all why did you bother with it then well you know women when they pay for something she came out there a little while ago and insisted on me blowing out that little stump and then somehow she she got in the way poor thing there was nothing i could do nothing she better make room in your wagon we'll have to take her into town yeah yes of course joe sure is a sad business surely is i swear i'll never touch nitro again i swear it never strange paige ripped out of mrs gibson's songbook could have done that well i couldn't even guess that's a fact like i said i just left here a little while ago the book was all right then you haven't been back in the house since i left heavy pool me of course not not till just now when i brought her in from the field because she can't tell about women little joe they do the daggers things they really do have with this rip a page out of our own songbook and tear it to [ __ ] though she were angry what form new orleans a woman [Music] it's the song the killer was singing the night he murdered in [Music] mrs gibson wouldn't tear it up well if she didn't i surely can't guess who didn't that's a fact well i can well what do you mean little joe i mean i think you and i had to go in town and see the deputy pool well little joe if you want me to go into town and see the deputy all right fool get up in the wagon we're going to town are you accusing me of murdering mrs gibson i'm not accusing you of anything i just want you to go into town and talk to the deputy it's like you said mr pool these things are better left to the authorities yes i said that but not this time go on put it down it's not gonna do any good this time i think it will you throw your gun over there little joe right now [Music] you shouldn't have mixed in you really shouldn't have of course now i'm going to have to report that two nice people got too close to one of my explosions how many others were there pooled besides and mrs gibson why oh why uh i i don't really know and that's a fact it's like nitro one wrong move and things change you mean they die why was it always women they resist me with their fair skin and their shiny hair i want to touch them but they never understand they resist me so then you kill them but you don't understand i'm the power and the thunder and the lighting oh no paul you're just a man a very very sick man i'm a thunder man and no power in heaven or on earth can touch me [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 564,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, english western series, western tv series, western series, bonanza season 4, bonanza western series, bonanza all episodes, bonanza full episode, bonanza, old western, cowboy western series
Id: KLvp7qcxuEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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