BONANZA s. 2, ep. 30 / EN - whole series

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[Music] Oh [Music] and you men know there's a law against rustling are you gonna hang us you might as well go get your rope it won't do you no good though there'll be more of us a man's got to eat man should be able to eat without stealing that's easy for you to say mr. Cartwright some of us been out of work for over four months any money we had went to feed our families a long time ago you're - aren't you we were we thieves mr. Cartwright we just can't get any work more men being laid off everyday ain't a mine working in Virginia City pretty bad all over the Comstock law I know we were there he ain't no thief used to be forming on the goo and curry I know I know all right you kill that steer better take him with you but pass the word along we won't stand for anybody stealing our beef rustlers or miners they're getting pretty desperate hungry man can cause a lot of trouble yeah [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry it happened Ben I'll get some warrants worn out and we didn't come here for that reason you can't blame a man for wanting to beat his family to keep his children from starving if we gotta take a man if we don't you'll start losing cattle but the hundreds we got an awful lot of men out of jobs here yeah we saw most of missiles right near long ago then mines don't pick up soon well that many idle men spells trouble Roy we don't want again anybody arrested all we want to do is we'll tell you that we we'd like to offer a few head of cattle maybe every day to help tide things over and we'd like to do it through you I know it's not much well it's a lot it'll keep them people from going hungry I'm able to keep the rustlers off our land so yeah we've taken Ben and be obliged here well you know whatever whatever happens to Virginia City effects our ranch - sure is a big one you're looking at it take it easy right you bye boy [Music] what it was talking about if you know something why don't you tell us yeah now I haven't been down in a Thunderhead but there is a shift down below ain't there and they got the shift locked in and they're sending food down to meet that right courtship all right I guess that's no secret Paul we deliver that stock oh good good we'll bring it up your Moorhead tomorrow that's good she was allowed to talk about our strike in the Thunder here have fun ahead you sure you're not mistaken no think about it Paul we don't let him get back consents just going hears about this he always were there wasn't nothing that Thunder here but sand and gravel yeah hey you know it's a shame is not Dexter in a golden curry you got some stock in that one don't you find yeah think about the stock I just hope that I talk about the strike nut Thunderhead is true well let's go down [Applause] trying to keep the news quiet why else would they keep a shift lock down below yeah all I know is that Frank furnace knows his mining and he don't go around behind dry holes I just don't understand this well I think the first time them Bonanza has been struck on the Comstock a roy mr. Cartwright mr. Cartwright dog gonnit you won't have to worry about them critters of yours no more the Thunderhead hit it big Roy sure is excited yeah that's what I want to talk to you about can we talk inside your office fewer good boy sir I'll be a little while with a chef I'll meet you back at the hotel later okay see ya right let's go ahead and see what happened what's on your mind then well let's talk about the strike and the Thunderhead that's beginning to shape up like a lot more than talk this is the best news to hit the Comstock more in six months yeah it's you're right there's any truth in it now what makes you say that Roy Jim Bronson around the Thunderhead for five years right yeah now he's the best mining man in the Comstock Lode pretty good he told me that the Thunderhead was a dead hole now his Foreman Mian Flores told me the same thing oh they could both be wrong guess they could but Jim seemed pretty positive maybe Jim's just sour cuz he made the mistake of selling too soon yeah Debbie I'm gonna ask him again just make sure I heard I'm right oh yeah you heard me right been always talk about a new strike is just a Pecha lies I sold the Thunderhead it's none of my business Jim I I wasn't making an accusation I I was just asking well what do you expect me to do most people out there are friends of mine you have seen him they've been dead been for months now they're coming alive now they'd be something to live for jobs maybe Ben Ben at least they got hope do you want me to destroy that Jim what do you plan to do can't decide furnace and Kenny hammer up to something they offered me $10,000 to go along with them to say that I went down the Thunderhead and seen a new strike well did you go down did you see the new thing I told you there's no strike in the Thunderhead Jim if you need money thinking about myself I'm thinking about those miners out there I'm thinking about the whole town then do you know what happened if even a false boom started San Francisco money would start coming in and maybe some of the clothes mines to get a little courage and open up that's a lot of men out there that need work some of them would get it now do you want me to go out and tell him there's no possible chance of any silver in the Thunderhead do you want me to take away their last hope Jim jr. he's so right about Virginia City it's in a bad way it's it's tottering but it hasn't fallen you give it a false boom you give it a few months of false prosperity based on nothing and you'll be giving it a final push in Virginia City will really collapse only it won't be a depression it'll be a catastrophe yeah thought of that too have you given venison cutting on the Ranson no they're coming over this afternoon what are you going to tell them I've been honest all my life been I guess I'm too old to change now they're not gonna like it but don't worry Ben I get into it and I'll get out of it but thanks Ben thanks for coming by I needed somebody to talk to [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. bronsen I thought we had come to an agreement about this I told you I'd think about it I have the answer is No aren't you being pretty high-handed about this mr. furnace here I believe has just as much knowledge about mines as you have he says he's found plenty of silver in the Thunderhead and I say if there's any silver in the Thunderhead was hauled in from somewhere else and that makes the whole deal crooked gentlemen the answer is still no mr. Bronson you're making a sad mistake [Music] he's on to us Jay you just blew the whistle on the whole deal oh did he what Jack we have to do it this way do you want Bronson talking all over town pardon you know what you have to do that's what I'm paid for pardon be careful sure ain't I always [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's get out of here take it easy get his money I want this to look like a robbery come on [Music] never at the bottom of a depression like this is the worst of those seen oh all right what every walls I didn't do it you sure look guilty to me man what is it out have a cup of coffee no thanks well what's on your mind did you see Jim Bronson yesterday afternoon yeah had a long talk with Jim I got some bad news man Jim's dead Jim he was knifed last night right outside his office look to me like robbery ROI or that whole Thunderhead the strike there's no strike there the whole thing's a phony is to swindle Jim told me the phone isn't cutting him off and him $10,000 to say there was silver down to the Thunder there's no silver they told me so himself he was waiting for them to come over so you could tell me one of no part of the deal man that's a pretty serious accusation you got any more than that to go on well how much more do you need to go on and ever since the mine started closing down there hasn't been a week go by but at least two men have been killed and robbed offshore on the divider down on D Street but but not right downtown and in in an office building so I'll bet you furnace and Cunningham hadn't killed in order to shut him up just to protect a phony silver promotion yes just to protect a phony silver promotion man I I don't know what's been going on down there Thunderhead but I'm sure it's gonna help Virginia City now what you have is just an unproven story that you say it was told to you by a dead man I don't feel like going out and telling them minors to give up hope and to sit back and start starving to death they're gonna start starving to death when the news comes out that the whole thing is a phony what are you trying to do make an excuse for murder of course I'm not you know it I'll investigate it but until I got a lot more to go on I'm gonna keep still about it are you are you sure about what you said yeah I'm sure now Elroy I'll look into it I'm gonna look into it - listen try to yell at the sheriff take care of it I don't want to talk geminate turning down the deal that makes it my responsibility [Music] you [Music] my dad's going crazy up to 23 earn I don't blame sheriff coffee but I won't get in front of that crowd phonics is true he's gonna have to sooner or later yeah soon they calm down a little bit first trample a man to death they tried to explore fun now hey you know what I was thinking you know swindler no swindle a man want to put some money in that stock you know what Joey you just sucked right down stay right here just like Paul told us thank you mister gentlemen as I was saying I'm a very careful man if I didn't believe Frank furnace theory about there being one continuing vein of silver somewhere in the load I wouldn't have put five cents into the Thunderhead yeah but now I'm glad I trusted him and Jen will now tell you something if you can find some Thunderhead stock buy it buy it while you can still afford it my dad if there's a more honest man alive than Roy coffee but he just won't budge until he has more evidence he's got your word any ball yeah oh I'm sure I believe it he claims it isn't enough I'm afraid he's right no oh I'll get you a barrel no take a sip of yours what are you doing Oh what I was just figuring I don't I don't mean to be disrespectful paw but much swindler no swindle I I think I fell ought to pick up a couple shares of that stock [Applause] $80 a share now I got some money in my own Paul I think he might be right I got a couple of dollars I listen to me both of you keep out of the market unless you want to be buried in worthless paper $80 a share come on out I'll buy you dinner well mr. Cartwright I've been wanting to talk to you gentlemen but I'm listening you've heard what's happening in the Thunderhead I've heard a lot of wild rumors where there's smoke there's fire isn't that right Frank I've been in this business a long time I know silver when I see it mr. Cartwright I understand you own quite a bit of stock in the golden curry I suppose I do okay I was just going to advise you to hang on to it if the deal I'm working on goes through you may be able to trade it for some Thunder head stock mr. Cunningham I don't believe there's a single solitary ounce of silver in the Thunderhead mr. Cartwright I think you'll admit that mr. jock Macpherson of the golden curry knows a little bit about mining too you have enough respect for him to buy some stock in his mind was juggling a fearsome got to do with this mr. Macpherson thinks we have silver in fact he feels so strongly about it he's considering merging the golden curry with the Thunderhead I don't believe a word of that why don't you ask y'all Macpherson I'll do that [Music] that's quite a stony Cartwright and you think it comes out fraud I don't know of anything else you can call it you and I don't know then 9/10 of Virginia city's labor force is hanging out on street corners our economies come in to a standstill if there's one chance in the hundred that is not fraud and then we can break out of our depression I am willing to take it and put good money behind it you knew Jim Bronson now Bronson you the Thunder head like the back of his own hand he told me there wasn't an ounce of silver in it anyway I'm no fool I've demanded proof and Cunningham said he'd give it to me tomorrow morning at the Thunderhead shaft well why don't you come out - all right I will jerk I will I'll see you in the morning [Music] well Josh we're not producing much as yet we're in the same boat you are we've got to have capital before we can expand our operations they're gonna Frank with the orc our gentlemen he'll be able to answer most of your questions let's take a look I sure hope odd enough to eat his own words yeah Cunningham seems mighty sure of himself doing all right gentlemen take a look and testing whereabouts in the mine did you say this came from mr. McPherson if this was the golden curry would you answer that question well just how much is this stuff worth well we figure about $2,500 a ton well mr. Cartwright no silver in the Thunderhead can't you believe your own eyes you mind if I you help yourself well jock you've seen it and you've heard my offer we'll sell your company a half interest in the Thunderhead for $50,000 cash I'll have to take it up with the Board of Directors in San Francisco you'll have your answer in a week you'll recommend it essays as rich as you say it is I'll recommend it you can't lose for winning Thunderhead and bonanza the golden curry team enough of them [Music] nice to see you me wait for you where the little ones where's your family I send him away I sent him to my wife's sister a big cousin to Carson City nicely Rancho place there that God's milk it's good for the children oh yeah excuse me sit down my friend excuse the house the way you answer Leon I'd like your opinion about something see let me think of that I'd see Wow keep that good huh good his Reach is anything I've ever seen in my life well you get this from the Thunderhead I just cannot be I shall not break up a hook Carter this this morning four years four long years Jean Branson myself we work every food at it on their head is it Vasya you you know what mean Vasya empty worthless was is and will always be that came from the Thunderhead somebody put it there I know my own house you think the mine was soldered I don't know uh uh what else get one thing I think that furnace and Cunningham uh trying to pull off the swindle I think that Jim Bronson was murdered because he knew what they were up to my friend Jim Branson finest and Cunningham I think I have no proof so your cut right okay if it's true what you are thinking I'm Leon how can we find that for sure about this there's only one way were you going inside you Thunderhead with me oh right a little bit they're not gonna let us go into the Thunderhead guards posted around the entrance to the mind Leon knows another way [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] what is this this is an old air shaft they will get us down to the first level what does anybody else know about this you know oh just the men who helped us you know today you never have money for insane Cunningham don't know nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought there was a four-ship locked up down here the only five men in there you were going in the right direction I follow thee overflow of your guard that's why I know that this is the right direction which right what is it silver or isn't it all my life I have mine silver in Verona and what we are doing that's for fun all my life I have never seen such virtual so your cut-rate this is bonanza the real moments specific I don't see how you you won't bronze would be so wrong about the Thunderhead I don't know maybe maybe people are not so wrong about they Thunderhead this is silver isn't it this is a scene and this is server but but whose silver what do you mean who's silver what are you talking about I will tell you in the morning [Music] hey zippy come on hey there's somebody in the mind well there can't be we've been here all the time we can't take any chances [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] why what's wrong we heard someone in a tunnel and thought there was going out this way Jack somebody made it down to the working face he'll never get out to tell about it all right some of you men check the other tunnels look there they are [Music] anybody recognize him not the little one but the big one look like old man Cartwright okay hey Frank what's this air shaft of one of the upper levels probably been there two three years who laid out the first Diggins Bronson and Leon Flores and it had to be floors and floors is a friend of cartridge got flurries no Jack not flurries I know him I've worked with him he's a good man every cent we own is sunk in this rock pit either we're ruined or were millionaires right now before he gets the chance put two and two together how about Cartwright I'll handle Cartwright [Music] see that right this is the map they hold Virginia City yeah and this is the map of the Thunderhead right here now this is the Gooden quarry where the first one answer was this is the savage mine Belcher then this is it under here okay pockets are here and here this is the boundary that is between the golden quarry and it on their head now I think that this is where we saw the silver just below the boundary line then you do think we were on golden career and it's a possibility but how can a man be sure I first must get the legal description and check it against the map how long would that take five six hours that long but then we can be sure and if it does check out that we were in gulen Carolina I can take that information to the government engineer and have Cunningham and company blown right out of the Comstock I hope so they honest II in the morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] poor Leon he was a good man now do you believe me then I never did say I didn't believe ya I just said I couldn't arrest anybody without sufficient evidence and we still haven't got it there's enough evidence there for me and you're not the law now don't get the idea that you are if there was a shred of evidence to go on I'd follow this thing through all away even if it meant killing the best news this town has had months but I haven't got it and neither of you so you stop pushing me are we gonna lock horns I'll find you the evidence you do that and the sooner the better but make sure it's proof what do you think now what he wants to do pop and riding in a sea juggling Pearson take care of things here oh is he in town later Chuck I tell you that is a good answer there but it's not in the Thunderhead it's in your own mind and I'm a mining man the indications are not right for all on that side of my mind don't you think I haven't checked that out I have seen it with my own eyes I hope you're right it would be the greatest thing that ever happened to the golden curry well as soon as I hear from my board of directors just gonna wait to hear from your board of directors and the matters employees only their superintendent my only last week they were threatening to close down the duel and curry entirely I couldn't but furnace and Cunningham on my own and then find that I'm wrong I'm trying to tell you that you're not wrong I saw the silver in there with my own eyes all you have to do is demand a survey now I'll do that Ben just as soon as I hear from San Francisco justice soon well I've got to think of my job and I've got to think of two friends both of them dead brands there's scarcely a man here who doesn't own stock in the Thunderhead and to get owed own stock you all have your own businesses around town but everyone again stands to gain from what we found in that mind but there is one man who stands to benefit enormously by seeing Virginia City fold up and become a ghost town but a man who would like to extend his tentacles and devour everything on this side of the washoe the same as he's eaten up everything on the other side of it well the man who stands to gain the most by spoiling virginia city's greatest boom is Ben Cartwright your card right thank you that's right little bus where do you get off talking down this Thunderhead strike mr. wheat a little trouble with you you know well you're gonna get it and you better tell that stupid old man of yours if I catch him around here again I'll bash his brains out what'd you say I said I'll bash his brains in that's what I thought he said all right all of you get this straight if any of you is getting the notion about basing anybody's brains out especially our paws and you got us to contend with first you [Music] now who else do you want me to turn to what khun's you the resident engineer for the Virginia City area I'm not arguing that point then of course you turn to the right man that's why I'm here well but you're making some pretty serious accusations and furnace and Cunningham are important men now I've got to have something more concrete Flores had those charts he and Bronson shut up the whole Thunderhead area do you believe that of course I believe it I've got copies of those charts it's a government regulation what else do we need then the federal government cannot move on mere suspicion now look I have reason to believe that the Thunderhead is tapping a rich pocket in the Ghul and curry mine the only way they can be proven is by making another ground survey now I have no idea how to make another ground survey you know how to do that's your job isn't it well of course it's my job but then I cannot go into that mine without the express permission of Cunningham Infernus now that's the law you're telling me you won't go into the Thunderhead I'm telling you I can't go into the Thunderhead not legally well how about illegally now look what things you've known me for a long time or not the kind of man who goes around breaking laws but we've got to get to the truth of the matter I don't know that mine's got to be well-guarded Ben well Ian and I got into an old abandoned air shaft yeah I know about that air shaft Oh they've got to have a guard on that by now look suppose we take horse and Joe with us if they can distract that guard long enough for us to get into the air shaft oh you're treading on dangerous ground man but Jim and Leon were my friends too can you make the survey and I'll probably live to regret it [Music] they just come back from checking out airshaft this would be a good time for us to get started it yeah we shouldn't be too long but if that guard goes back to check the air shaft we'll take your ham ball now you to be careful [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing [Music] we just crossed a boundary line of the golden curry are you sure of this I been down here a dozen times this is where the old Sun wounded this is no shoring that explains that silver deposit that's something I've found ahead it's in the golden curry that's what it looks like come on let's take a look let me get a fix on there's our things bad we'll need it for evidence gets between your city or boom after all yeah so do golden curry stock hurry it up don't want to get caught down here you know from the look of it first we'll be able to break through into this from right here [Music] I'm almost getting [Music] where'd that come from sound like one more section I'll take a couple min and check the tunnel entrance dress steps and check the lower levels in the Orkneys look there they are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Yoga say move it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I have a new tool are we how are you yeah fine you better get some help for those men down here right Oh we'll go see look listen tell me he's got a real bonanza I don't know how thick it is but it's at least 150 feet wide that's quite a hunter silver Jack and 20,000 people will live better men women and children prosperity is back on the Comstock wonderful what's the matter with you huh I don't know about horsey I'm just wondering why didn't buy something that ghoul and curry stuck when you did pop well I've been trying to tell you you're just not as smart as your old man come on I'll buy you a good part of my profits come on Charlie [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] and you men know there's a law against rustling are we gonna hang us you might as well go get your rope it won't do you no good though it'll be more of us a man's got to eat man should be able to eat without stealing that's easy for you to say mr. Cartwright some of us been out of work for over four months any money we had went to feed our families a long time ago your miners aren't you we were we thieves mr. Cartwright we just can't get any work more men being laid off every day ain't a mind working in Virginia City pretty bad all over the Comstock block I know we were there he ain't no thief he used to be forming on the goo and curry I know I know all right you kill that steer [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry it happened Ben I'll get some warrants worn out and we didn't come here for that reason oh you can't blame a man for wanting to feed his family to keep his children from starving if we gotta take a man if we don't you start losing cattle but the hundreds we got an awful lot of men out of jobs here yeah we saw most of us was riding in long ago then mines don't pick up soon well that many out of men spells trouble Roy we don't want to get anybody arrested all we want to do is we'll tell you that we would like to offer a few head of cattle maybe every day to help tight things over and we'd like to do it through you I know it's not much well it's a lot it'll keep them people from going hungry I'm able to keep the rustlers off our land so yeah we'll take them Ben and be obliged to you know whatever whatever happens to Virginia City affects our ranch too sure is a big way of looking at it take it easy Roy you bye boy better take him with you pass the word along we won't stand for anybody stealing our beef wrestlers or miners they're getting pretty desperate hungry man can cause a lot of trouble yeah [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] what it was talking about or if you know something why don't you tell us yeah now I haven't been down to the Thunderhead but there is a shift down below ain't there and they got the shift locked in and they're sending food down to me that right Court said alright I guess that's no secret Paul we delivered that stock oh good good we'll bring it up your Moorhead tomorrow what's going on seems there's a lot of talk about a strike in the Thunder here have fun ahead you sure you're not mistaken no mistake about it Paul wait a little Adam gets back from Central just going hears about this he always swore there wasn't nothing that Thunder here but sand and gravel yeah hey you know it's a shame it's not next door in a golden curry you got some stock in that one don't you fine yeah what a thing about the stock I just hope that they talk about the strike nut on the head is true well let's go down [Applause] trying to keep the news quiet why else would they keep a shift lock down below yeah all I know is that Frank furnace knows his mining and he don't go around behind dry holes just don't understand this well I think the first time them Bonanza has been struck on the Comstock a roy mr. Cartwright mr. Cartwright Don karnage you won't have to worry about them critters of yours no more the Thunderhead hit it big Roy you're as excited yeah that's what I want to talk to you about can we talk inside your office fewer good boys I'll be a little while with the sheriff I'll meet you back at the hotel later okay see ya right let's go guys see what happened what's on your mind then well let's talk about the strike and the Thunderhead that's beginning to shape up like a lot more than talk this is the best news to hit the Comstock more in six months yeah it's you're right there's any truth in it now what makes you say that Roy Jim Bronson around the Thunderhead for five years right yeah he's the best mining man in the Comstock Lode pretty good he told me that the Thunderhead was a dead hole now his Foreman ma'am Flores told me the same thing oh they could both be wrong guess they could but Jim seemed pretty positive maybe Jim's just sour cuz he made the mistake of selling too soon yeah baby I'm gonna ask him again just make sure I heard him right I'll see you [Music]
Channel: notarobot
Views: 218,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: 7EAFcVvv78I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 40sec (3340 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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