BONANZA s. 12, ep. 10 / EN - whole series

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes we're looking for a man wanted for murder and Prince River he's a Mexican around here Clovis appreciate if you keep an eye out for Lulu nicer than your Joe Fresh hoofprints going up that way [Music] his help [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] any sign of him Oh around here well I guess we better go back home I think we ought to keep looking so do I folks back in Prince varen gonna like it to show up without that well I'll explain it to him him Owen Driscoll he's the only folks we have to worry about isn't he [Applause] [Applause] Kazi well of amigo you heard the sheriff just called me friend I know you I don't know him and I'm still waiting hear what you have to say I'm Aaron no one around alive LaRhonda Vicente and the sheriff he was Mexican once but no more he thinks like a gringo he smells like a gringo no offense amigo I only mean I know what you mean I kill the man that much is true a drunken that better name skills one of one of this girl's gun meant your school or in the school see you none yeah yeah there were four of them they were trying to burn my house yeah we'll talk about it later right now YouTube the Ponderosa so I get a better look at that arm take care of it huh oh you got more Mick one I what you need now is plenty of rest I think not Amiga I don't think mr. Cartwright likes a wanted man on his roof let me a little food and a horse and I will remove myself from your action here no shape to ride you cannot lend me a horse I will walk amigo do me a favor tell Paul what this man skills and the others came to my Rancho last night and try to burn me out boy the odd Driscoll's Madi he taught them to Driscoll Owen Driscoll that name has a bad taste in your mouth now you know I'm just combining yeah he operated Virginia City a few years back or is he want to bring you on you wanted my land mine and the land of all the Mexican rancheros along the South Fork of Prince River he said the town would buy my land our land for 50 cents an acre so by stealing see that's what we said we say you you want to build a dam building in the North Fork of the river but Driscoll says no that was his land and he would not sell and he don't start it they killed our backers they Trump about crops they tear down our fences and then they say that Ramon Cardenas is to blame yeah he once wrote for who artists he's a troublemaker a terrorist of revolutionist and then the word goes out get Cardenas and last night last night I tried well I sure appreciate you dropping by the same exact I didn't think it is no surprise deputy Brady come out but McClain said you don't see me and forgotten about your claim how you doing out there yeah I figure she need good somebody of the Stone Age by now yeah it pays for my bacon and beans and little more I'm gonna open up a new shaft and Driscoll number two need a powder boss interested 75 a month I'm three years older than I was when you fired me coach I was too old well I'm four years wiser Zack learned there's no substitute for experience and I've got 85 of them you hired yourself a powder boss say zag understand you were driving by the cart in this place last night when jess keels got killed yes sure well the boys are who with Jess said that Cardenas started the shoot at him for no reason at all said the way it was well sure Zach you know how I feel about Mexicans most them were good people well that's why I supported Vicente Aranda for sheriff but this Cardenas he's a troublemaker always has been one you know if he has his way all the decent law-abiding hard-working people in this town are gonna lose everything for one of water I mean there's kind of dark last night [Music] you must have been close enough to see who shot first guardedness her skills and the others well who was it it was Cardenas when they saw that skills was dead the others rode off to get the sheriff I didn't want to run I want to stay with my wife sadder she's gonna have a baby soon she begged me to call she was afraid I would get killed Rhonda is Driscoll's creado his servant he made him sheriff because he thought he could talk us into selling our land but I must say one thing for Aranda he knew better he didn't even try to talk to us yes sir it's other thought of this exactly told her what kind of man is he he used to work for Driscoll a dynamite no more he works in mind on the road from my French and you're sure he saw what happened and I'm sure of something else he will never admit it why should he an old man I drink he has no reason no one I'm gonna Prince really nobody's gonna railroad you to the gallows but you gotta promise one thing you stay put right he and did you hear from me I'm Stan she said yeah there's a lot of open country out there a lot of open country where a man can hide mr. Driscoll and the next what Easter like godliness sure knows how to use it he could hidin behind his own shadow now you made the right decision for said he of course would have been better if you could have brought him back to stand trial it may work out anyway now that Cardenas isn't here I think the other rancheros along the South Fork colder listen to reason don't you I hope so singer who are you what you want I'm Ben Cartwright esta bien Sarah a tsunami Gowda Rahman I am Miguel Rojas a friend of Ramon's yeah Ramon last better come by to see if you were all right you have worried of Ramon yes he's at our ranch how is he he's fine his arm I was gonna be alright he asked me to tell you there buenas tardes señora como esta usted raucous I know but who are you Ben Cartwright I've heard the name from Virginia City okay what brings you to Prince River business what do you want dad under you're under arrest arrest for complicity in the murder of Jeff skills and if you're thinking about giving me any trouble I assure you I won't back off there will be no trouble I will go with him Sheriff ah Rhonda is determined to dig his own grave with his people and if he wants my help I will be happy to give it to him if you're hiding governess you're making a big mistake if you're looking for taller a quarter of a mile down the road the first trail to your right thank you for the information I will stay so they do not burn this house if you will help Ramon we will all pray for you that is adios [Music] Oh No you're looking for someone yeah matter of fact the horse you mr toura looking for you I'm Jack Kohler I'm Ben Cartwright came over to talk to you all right now we're gonna talk about what you're doing prowling around my claim here I just told you I can't be to have a few words with you well I'm a minor you want to talk to me when you're looking to mine well I looked around I didn't see any activity you didn't look into mine that's where the works done anybody's any brains at all and know that yeah you're right I admit I was wrong I apologize but I sure do want to talk to you you want to talk I don't and I'll thank you to get on your horse and get off my claim I'm on Cardenas asked me to come here are you hearing me come on now and get Oh change your mind about the hotel [Music] [Music] Oh mr. Driscoll commenced around I was just about to come to society to arrest cárdenas wife I thought that was the right thing to do why why I'll tell you why she helped her husband escape she may very well have been the one that fired the shot that killed seal but that's not the real reason no you're right it really isn't I've known Cardenas for a long long time he loves his wife she's going to give him a child so I thought that perhaps God that if he hears she's been arrested he'll come and give himself up he'll try anything to get her out of jail I wish you'd talk to me about this first did I do something wrong mr. Driscoll yeah you new at this job Cindy still some things you have to learn by car sometimes it's best not to push too hard I don't understand well for example gardeners convicted himself when he ran didn't he yeah all right so what more are we going to accomplish by having him surrender and stand trial I'll just keep the rancheros stirred up fine I'm not saying he should get off scot free I only say first things first and getting that land along the South Fork is what the folks in this town want more than they do a hanging hmm well perhaps I should release the woman a little late for that we don't want to give the rancheros the idea we're backing down all I'm saying is if you do get word from Cardenas that he wants to make a deal to free his wife you let me know so we can figure the best way to happen understand I understand I'm sorry friend somewhere I get it miss Eddie oh no I'm tall [Music] well Inc you gonna talk to me I was hasty with you mr. Cartwright but always did have a short fuse any little thing in boom I'm trying to say I'm sorry but you ain't making it any easier you saw the shooting Gardner's place you up till that happen I never got one howdy a year now I got important people talking to me guarding the cotton eschews on the other shot first you saw that gent what you want me to say you in a court I want you to tell the truth you gonna offer me a job clear and land on your age maybe blowing stones no money then you're gonna put something in my pocket to hit me remember no money no job no bribe I was bribed filler give me a job pour me some of the finest whiskey I ever tasted I sold out man I do that too too small to look a snake in the eye I've been hating myself mr. Cartwright I didn't want to lie and I didn't dare tell the truth why not coach I want to go on living the big man that was there when Cardenas got away that's him all right toothy is sealed shut first and I'll say that in court if I can get out of this town alive you'll get out of this town alive I promise you that all right but I don't want to talk to you again to a court time I might not get there this is mr. colas my son horse howdy miss Toller honey man you were bigan yeah I'm beginning to believe that promise he saw the shooting he's gonna testify the countenance is innocent oh yeah yeah what are you doing here no I came to get mr. Cardenas a wife you don't stand trial as he knows he's gonna be saved I figured I'd take her back to borrow something you can't she's been arrested as an accomplice I'll go back to the ranch and talk to Cardenas you look after him see nothing happens to him Fred [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can I do for you two gentlemen you got trouble mister is that a fact that's a fact you have a problem no there's no problem by Sheriff let me move along you've heard me move along you too thank you sir mr. Cartwright may I see your gun there's a law in this town you can't carry a loaded gun without written permission you're under arrest let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I don't care what Tallis said senors I do not trust him for sure he's brave enough now what would he be when he has to get up in court but Driscoll and Aranda sitting there not taking their eyes off of him [Music] and even if it said the truth who will listen who will care when he was coming back with sada Sara's under arrest Sylar what for well according to around us she's mixed up in the murder of skills I must go back right away yeah around us probably figure you'd want to what do you mean well he's not interested in Sara he just wants to make sure that you get back there so you can give yourself up well it doesn't matter how about to go back and wait a minute now wait a minute if arrondissements to make some kind of a deal why don't we live [Music] find sex buddy no pan I don't think we will not enough for a funeral anyway terrible thing how do you suppose it happened oh it's hard to tell you know how he used to go plumb loco every time you drank well all this dynamite around here anything could happen any reason to believe it wasn't an accident no reason that I can think of [Music] Kushina [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on so your [ __ ] right come in come in come on what are you doing back here not under house arrest the son I know that that's why I brought my family here so they would not burn your house well I'm going to surrender if you'll release her they will hang you but first there has to be a trial mr. Cartwright has a promise from sac Toller that he will tell the truth about what happened tonight Oh Miguel Toller is dead [Music] mighty convenient accident Sheriff convenient Tomer died just after you decided to tell the truth about the gunfight out ready mrs. I understand he already told the truth to mr. Driscoll you may go what about that long it's carrying a loaded sign on well I decided not to press the charge I see primarily because there ain't no law against it is er you just didn't want me showing up at OMERS at the wrong time just to be did you I'd keep opinions like that to myself if I were you is that a warning a threat you can take it either way you want mr. cut-rate I take it [Music] Oh mr. Cartwright I saw you talking to your son I suppose he told you yes well what can I do for you I want to see mrs. Cardenas we don't keep women prisoners here she's under guard in the room in the hotel why do you want to see her I think you know why yeah I suppose I do Carla that I sent you to make a deal you'll surrender if I release her right what isn't that why you arrested it well more or less there's one more condition you deputize enough of Carla's friends to guard him we don't want any accidents of kind of happen as I told her yesterday nothing's going to happen to Cardenas afraid your word isn't good enough sheriff either Kardos gets his deputies or you don't get Curtis that's up to me to decide mr. correct [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like you're gonna have some help making a decision [Music] we make a deal and want to exchange cuddling us for cardona's his wife sounds like pretty fair exchange oh there's something else they wanted me to deputize South Carolina's friends so they can protect Carl in us sorry with me I don't want anything to happen to Cardenas before the trials you know but but what well I've been thinking about Zack taller but we didn't find a trace of his body after the explosion what if he wasn't at the mine yesterday sure he was he had to be if he was still alive he just shown up here by now unless the Cartwright's are hiding him to make us think he's dead then to spring a surprise when he goes on trial [Music] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] we won't have to cárdenas mr. Driscoll you know I could be dead wrong about this we might just be borrowing trouble you have any idea where Cardenas is now oh but I'm sure that we followed the Cartwright's we'd find him no I want everybody to know you were in town all day we'll handle it Brady you're gonna need these thanks sure [Music] that's that I'm on as soon as you've surrendered to Aranda I'll Telegraph Charlie Dawson Virginia City we'll have him come here at appendage who is he he's a crackerjack lawyer one of the best he saved a lot of men the gallows probably the best lawyer in the territory it is not the lawyer that Ramon has to worry about see notice it is the jury 12 gringos with a rope ready the best lawyer in the territory or in the world will not save you Ramon change your mind get away from here I'll and that is bluffing he will do nothing to Sara if you do not surrender I'm not so sure I am again will you be just as sure if it was your wife I will get Ricardo Tomas and some of the others to help calculate if Ramona's tried I am tried if he's guilty I am guilty if he's to hang I too will hang you had no right to make this deal for me it's the way everyone wants it I don't care I will have no part it is not up to you Senora how soon will you be back in an hour please don't let him do this it's his decision I don't believe that he'll tell you that when he sees you let me go to my husband let me speak to him you will stay here until he surrenders Senora I know how you feel please believe me it'll be all right all right four homes in you [Applause] [Applause] I don't understand around ah what is it you don't understand Senora how a Mexican can help the gringos rob and cheat and murder his own people Senora this is a greener world I bring the world with gringo rules you care to win by trying to change them you went by learning what they are and playing the game a little bit better than the gringos do that's all but to betray your own people my mother was an Apache [ __ ] my grandfather and Irish Buffalo hunter who are my own people Senora [Music] [Applause] they're heading for Cardenas is place [Music] I'll they have to come back this way we'll wait for him here [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're sure taking a long time maybe the ain't coming back this way they'll be along [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're my solderless loose [Music] [Music] windows dias amigos you surprised now [Applause] mr. Cartwright my house is the white Adobe at the end of town you'll find such taller there will you please bring him to my office I sure will thank you I took him there just before the dynamite accidentally exploded in the mine shaft what are you trying to do vercetti I'm placing you under arrest for attempted murder mr. Driscoll I just that the sights of the rifles I gave you and Brady you couldn't hit a man at 20 yards much less 300 but you tried and we have witnesses [Music] waiting what you chose vamos a la casa todo está bien oh it's a big lie low how's he gonna check us here I've been waiting a long time for this if we had known we could have helped the other French arrows are I you're still thinking like what Easter you can't fight me like Driscoll this way now he's right come on you have to fight men like Brisco through the law I know sometimes it looks as if we don't have too much of it but we do and we're getting more all the time you've gotta use the law that guns men like Driscoll use a tool it is their law not if we do not let him have it right will you let me go I'll be back the Driscoll Stroud on't you worry I guess nyan cat right adios my friends best upon us yes yes thank see you the trial [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes we're looking for a man wanted for murder and Prince River he's a Mexican around here Clovis appreciate if you keep an eye out for him well that's in your channel fresh hoof prints going up that way I kill the man that much is true a drunken the better names kills one of one of this girl's gunmen your school or in the school see you none yeah yeah yeah there were four of them they were trying to burn my house yeah I'll talk about it later right now get you the Ponderosa so I get a better look at that arm take care of it huh oh you got my make one hi what you need now is plenty of rest I think not Amiga I don't think mr. Cartwright likes a wanted man on his roof let me a little food and a horse and I will remove myself from your action here no shape to ride you you cannot lend me a horse I will walk amigo [Music] come on [Music] his help [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] any sign of him Oh around here well I guess we better go back home I think we ought to keep looking so do I folks back in prints forever ain't gonna like it to show up without that well I'll explain it to him him Owen Driscoll he's the only folks we have to worry about isn't he [Applause] [Applause] cocky well of amigo you heard the sheriff just called me friend I know you I don't know him and I'm still waiting hear what you have to say I'm better no one around alive LaRhonda be centre and the sheriff he was Mexican once but no more he thinks like a gringo he smells like a gringo no offense amigo I only mean I know what you do me a favor tell Paul what happened this man skills and the others came to my Rancho last night and try to burn me out boy the adrenals man he taught them to Crisco oil Driscoll that name has a bad taste in your mouth no you know I'll just go mining yeah he operated Virginia City a few years back now or is he want to bring you on he wanted my land my land the land of all the Mexican rancheros along the South Fork of Prince River just wants to build a bomb he said the town would buy my land our land for 50 cents an acre he said by stealing see that what we said we say you you want to build a dam build it in the North Fork of the river but Driscoll says no that was his land and he would not sell then it all started they killed our backers they trample our crops they tear down our fences and then they say that Ramon Cardenas is to blame yeah he once wrote for who iris he's a troublemaker a terrorist a revolutionist and then the word goes out
Channel: notarobot
Views: 130,724
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Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: AIWh3KgqwPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 10sec (3310 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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