Bonanza - A Woman Lost | Episode 125 | Classic Western Series | Wild West | Cowboy | English

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[Music] i a toast the finest consignment of lumber the guinness shipyard has ever purchased thank you gentlemen i hope ponderosa timber builds a whole fleet for you i'll drink to that too well i guess it's time to entertain the paying customers charlie [Applause] hey hey thank you gentlemen gentlemen that's the funniest thing that's going to be said in here all evening gentlemen i am paid to sing here and i expect a little courtesy when i do so please pay attention or else the next bottle may not bounce off that wall [Music] oh dear what can the matter be dear dear what can the matter be oh dear who is she i've never seen her before johnny's so long at the fair he promised to buy me a trinket to please me and then for a smile oh he vowed he would tease me he promised to bring me a bunch of blue ribbons to tie up my bonnie brown hair oh dear forget it dolly sing any one of your talents let's see what you can do you stink a big fish i'm gonna teach you some manners go friend why don't you go back to your drink and what if i don't why let me buy a drink bartender having a drink for my good friend here her kind of woman ain't worth fighting over yeah big hearty hello ben a long time long time [Music] have you been [Music] breathing in and out why why this [Music] i don't eat i get hungry what about ken how are the children they're dead i have to go now wait so many things i want to know oh ben the rita marlow that you know is dead too dead and buried so let's just leave it that way huh [Music] foreign [Music] anything broken no just run down well drink will take care of that oh get one for me will you been there what you need is good food sunshine ben please after the drink well what happened oh nothing just just a little accident i'll be all right in a few minutes why'd you give him a bad time because he raided one not when he spends money in my place you don't look you don't do my business any good you better get yourself a new job look i get a week's pay these bot tabs you ran up they show you oh me call us even sam could you let me have a few dollars you'll get it back honey i'm out to make money not give it away put out the light when you leave oh that's big of sam what happens now oh no problem i'll make out just fine [Music] you'll make up as far as the street you fall flat on your face and don't keep your friends waiting they've left give me ten dollars i'll give it back to you as soon as i get a job money isn't the answer sure is a good start i have a better one look all i want from you is ten dollars if you're going to give it to me fine if not then get out of here [Music] if you want to kill yourself there are better ways of doing it i'm sorry i have no right to say that say what you want i couldn't care less i'll make a deal with you you come out to the ponderosa and stay with us for a month just one month that's all and after that i'll give you whatever money you need to start over again no strings no strings well what have i got to lose all right all right you have yourself a deal good i remember this ben don't expect me to be any different than i am now i'm not about to change for you or for anybody i understand i understand doggone it bob you stage line's getting more efficient all the time and eight or three hours late already sorry should have been here by now welcome home well thank you it's good to be back i'm a little stiff oh mrs marlow this is uh my son horse this is mrs marlow i telegraphed you guys pleasure to have you oh maybe you could take things down where's the ring right over here they helped you honestly anything happened while i was done another thing paul everything rolled along smoothly to me good yeah except one thing we we lost our barn paul it burned down what i'm just funny oh you and lady go ahead i got some chores i got to do and i'll catch up with you later i'll catch up with you later if i hear any more fun and out of here don't be late for supper yes sir you know me better net yeah ma'am again a pleasure well we had a long trip but a hot bath and a good meal will make the world of difference ben i want a drink we'll beat the ponderos in a couple of hours please i need one now [Music] oh [Music] good morning mace oh good morning ben you open for business yet well not so noon new law the sheriff put in last week well i'm sure the sheriff won't mind if we bend his law just a little now would you get me a bottle please if i get cut will be my job please just this once all right just this once nice this is uh this is marlo she's staying with us out of the ponderosa for a couple of weeks mason dell i'm sure you'll enjoy your stay yes i'm sure i will too now uh how about my drink huh it's better another one please i'm sure i'll be thirsty again before we reach your place [Music] i've been meaning to ask you i have a chair it needs some work like splinted you think you'd have some time to look at well i'll make time i say friday friday fine thank you oh thank you that's a loon swamper what's his name facing down yeah i think i've seen him somewhere before but i can't remember where they've been a prize fight ring yeah you're right in san francisco a friend of mine took me sindel knocked his man out in the second round oh he really had a punch yes mace was a leading contender what happened to him he uh decided to give it up for what working in a saloon it's honest work [Applause] dad bernie i can't understand why it takes a female so long to get ready for supper i can't understand why it takes you so long to eat supper because eating something's a dang sight more playable than getting ready for it that's why hey phi did you tell her what time we sit down yeah i told that [Music] gentlemen i'm afraid that you'll be dining without me this evening you see the uh the trip wore me out more than i realized would you uh would you like your supper in your room oh no no i'm i'm fine fine i have everything uh in my room that i need to make me comfortable so if you will excuse me i will say good night really sleep well [Music] well she looks sick to me she is sick and soul as well as in body the woman i remember was beautiful as gentle human beings i'd ever known two lovely children a boy and a girl her husband was a lawyer that i knew some years back what happened to her paul she didn't say where when or how just told me that her husband and her children were dead just that they were dead i'm hoping that we can find some way to help her well we'll do everything we can to help her well let's have some supper you see mommy ain't nothing to it you just clean the hoof out with this hoof knife hand me that rest woody then you level it up so he don't wobble when he stands up just like doing your nails as soon as i get this done i'll let you do one howdy man found these flowers down by the stream i thought you might like see it's over [Music] check and wait well you did better that time oh let's play another one no no thanks i've had enough [Music] what's the matter why should anything be the matter you seem restless oh i don't see why you and your sons have seen to it that i've been properly entertained and kept very busy tell me something ben why is it that there isn't any liquid refreshment in this house it might help if you didn't have anything while you were here did you think that it would get washed out of me in one month i thought it would be a good start you thought wrong ben you've had someone that you love that you dearly love die haven't you yes you were with them when it happened yes i was and your presence gave them some kind of assurance and strength i hope so it did been i know it did we were on our way to san francisco ken and myself children that night we were at a hotel [Music] it caught fire and our room was on the second floor [Music] and we were trapped by the flames ken carried me to the window and then he lowered me out and dropped me my ankles were broken but i could drag myself clear and i turned back and i saw ken going back for the children [Music] and then there was a terrible crackling sound and the hotel started to collapse i lay there and i heard my children calling out to me [Music] i heard them screaming to me to come and help them [Music] i tried oh i tried but i couldn't go to them [Music] when i buried my family ben i buried a way of life and i'll never go back to it i will never be hurt by it again you know when you found me in san francisco i was i was all right that's what i want and that's what i'm going back for there's no purpose there's no meaning in that kind of life but it is my kind of life and don't feel pity for me then because i don't need it so why don't you just give me the money now and let me get out of here [Music] we made a bargain and i'm going to keep you to it well i guess i don't have a choice do i all right all right we'll play your silly game [Music] good night ben [Music] hello oh good morning mrs marlowe [Applause] that's wonderful i don't think i could tell it from the original well thank you wood works easily in my hands those hands do other things well too i've seen you fight is there something i can help you with no no i'm just wandering around trying to keep out of trouble you been doing that long set as a boy i like building things i should think there would be a demand in almost any town for men with your talents i keep busy and why do you work in a saloon you might need the money don't we all well i want a shop of my own taking on extra work just makes it come that much sooner then you plan on settling here in virginia city yeah well you have no problems and cartright likes you i'm sure that if you were to ask him he'd be more than willing to lend you the money to get started well he already has well but when i stand in my shop i want it to be mine only mine i'll be beholden to no man good luck hey uh mace has a couple fellows up here to see you see me that's what they said they're up in front of the house well i'll i'll see you later if you'll excuse me you're excused mace what do you say big man surprised to see your old buddy boy hello dank what brings you here listen to the man tiny three years we haven't seen each other and all he's got for me is hello dink what brings you here you do baby why don't you think i'd bounce all over the countryside only for you would i do it they told me in town and find you here so oughta come just like that uh you look great kiddo great still flat in the heart of the plank you working out keeping in shape you still haven't answered me same old maze straight and hard from the shoulder okay uh this is tiny mac number one boy since you left my stable there's never been one like you mace you could have gone to the top all the way now he tells me that good luck his right hand will take care of all the luck but he needs something more he needs to fight a name like you you know better than that favor to an old pal maze your name's still big carries weight tiny here climbing a ring with you he's got to get a crack at the big boy forget it you stay five rounds you pick up an easy thousand you're wasting your time here you know you get in the ring with me you don't go five rounds enjoy your stay in virginia city all right come on ty yeah go all right we've been a hotel to change your mind [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right face state right at all man like you doing this you come back with me boy we'll go right the top again i'll get your drinks for you well good evening mrs marlowe is there something i can do for you yes mace you can um buy me a drink well i'd like to but i'm working right now oh well then why don't you lend me a couple of dollars and i'll buy myself one [Music] thank you kind sir i will remember you in my prayers why don't you sit down here i'll bring you anything you want thanks but i don't drink alone unless i have to whiskey twice stay here and keep out of trouble when i get back [Music] i beg your pardon are you expecting anyone the only thing i'm expecting is to have a couple of drinks and relax well maybe we do it together care to join me and my friend why not if you're buying [Music] this is tiny mac and i'm deep martin yes um rita that's good enough i've seen you two before oh you work for them no i'm uh a guest unwilling but nevertheless a guest so why stay well there's a certain little matter called money it takes some to go from one place to another could be i could do you some good any good you'd do me you'd come out ahead well they both come out ahead if you'd arranged to get mace in the ring in the ring yeah it's a tiny [Music] a hundred dollars buy you a lot of traveling [Music] we're staying over a couple extra days you think about it [Music] hey swamper where's our drinks and bring one for the lady [Music] all right tiger all right the round's over why don't we get back into our corners huh how about you and me find a corner all ourselves with you would have to be a cave i want to be a good girl cause i am a good girl i don't want to slob like you punch me but he doesn't want your company come on listen you don't get paid for this now let's sit down stick to swamping out saloons that's all you're good for sorry kiddo fighting here don't put money in my pocket i need them in a ring and you make it happen i love it to 200. get me out of here will you mace yeah you mind taking me home i don't mind if you're expecting thanks you're wrong that isn't necessary if you thought you were defending myana you're wrong too i lost that a long time ago well i enjoyed it very much once we got past the rough spots so did i you know mace when i first saw you i said that you were an ugly brute and ben said no not when you get to know him you know something he was right good night mrs milo could i see you again yes if you'd like to well i have to bring this back tomorrow maybe then all right tomorrow i'll be fine no it's all right [Music] oh you boys did a good morning's work yeah we finished by tonight where's mrs mono the same place she was yesterday and the day before that with mace mm-hmm you know you picked her up while you're out checking the fence well what do you know only thing i know for sure is that he's mighty stuck on her you can tell that all right it's like he's got a sign hung out well it works out she couldn't find a better man i think well let's hope it does work out one thing i hope is that you'll let us go into town tonight paul what's so important in town well tonight's the last night that prize fighter's going to be there and they tell me he's meaner in a creed wildcat well it's all right and have a good look at him hey now you could use a thousand horse won't you fight him the only fella i'm gonna fight is you over that last bud you happy how about you well what do you think well i think the last few days have cost you money well i'm not complaining when are you going to go back let's not talk about that it's now that's important so let's just enjoy it lorita when i get back to san francisco i'll uh send you my address i'd like to know how you're doing with the shop [Music] i didn't have the right to do that i didn't even the right to think it i'll take you back no mace you had all the right in the world i wanted you to do that i'm not good with words all i can say is i i love you [Music] i want you with me always [Music] they're the only words a woman wants to hear but well we both know that we can't build a life together on dreams and kisses [Music] i have a trade we'll have a good life together when next year hereafter it's too long i want to enjoy my happiness now well i'll find another job no it's still too long i won't borrow it's got to be ours i won't share our happiness with anyone else you don't have to it can be the way you want by going into that ring tonight five rounds that's all you have to go and with that thousand dollars mace we wouldn't have to wait i can't do it but why he's not that good i know you can take care of him that's not the reason well then what is the reason well it was fun while it lasted i guess our picnic's over take me home will you mate rita it doesn't mean that much to you to have the money now yes it means that much to me [Music] all right i'll go against him tonight we'll have our thousand dollars tomorrow then will you marry me [Music] yes mais i'll marry you i guess i better take you back but rita don't go see the fight tonight i'll be out first thing in the morning i love you woman [Music] let's see what you got here we are there seeps in the house who's fighting i don't know they'll tell us when we get in there here you are ma'am there you are rit are you sure you want to see this fight oh ben i've seen men fight before don't worry uh but listen you go on in and i'll join you in a moment all right now i'm gonna be right down the front row come on joe yeah let's go inside and see what a creed mountain lion looks like [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you folks now for the past few days you have all seen tiny mac the next heavyweight champion of the world go against the best man in your town your best we're not too good [Applause] you're in for a treat you're going to see two of the greatest fighting machines in the world one of them is tiny mac and the other is mace sindell thank you [Applause] mr martin hello sweetheart what are you doing back here waiting for you i filled my end of the deal you did great just great i'll take care of you as soon as this is over uh-uh right now what's the matter sweetheart don't you trust the old dinker mr martin as easily as i got mace into the ring i can get him out so i want two hundred dollars right now because that crowd just isn't gonna like it of course baby of course i just had my little episode are you gonna stick around and watch your boy work first of all he's not my boy and i'm leaving on a stage in 20 minutes i don't come much harder than you gal see you around [Music] did you hear why did you do it because i wanted to get away from here and it takes money you needed money that badly all you had to do was come to me oh really well that's not what you said last week last week i had to live up to my end of the bargain what did you say to mace to make him fight that's none of your business that you were going to marry him is that it you lied to him he'll climb into that ring thinking he's going to make a life for the two of you and all he'll have to live with is a rotten memory of a lie well a thousand dollars will help him forget [Applause] every year in san francisco do look me up you'll know where to find me go maze it's that time all right oh ben hello mace oh did rita tell you about us yeah yeah she told me i don't deserve a break like that a woman like her wanting to marry an ugly mug like me it's amazing are you ready for him well as ready as i can be oh ben i don't have a corner man to be pleased if you'd act as my second yeah sure folks paid to see a good fight let's give them shake hands you take him every newspaper the country will carry it move down our way to the top it's all yours mates now loaded on it [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] hey [Applause] lisa's had some good openings why doesn't he throw up just wait wait he's just waiting for the big one you better throw some lillian's first [Applause] peace what's the matter with you you didn't land one punch i'm not going to why i'm getting a thousand dollars for staying five rounds not fighting you're gonna hit him back you know better not ben it'll hurt you you'll hurt your bad i can take what he hands out i have to i was worried for a minute he's lost everything it's all gone i'll take him out in this round why i'm enjoying it i'm gonna chop him up for a while now you listen to me he was a great fighter he's still a lot of man don't strip away his dignity look you take care of things outside the ring i'll handle them in here [Applause] hey he's doing is defending himself sure is a one-sided affair [Applause] mace listen to me you gotta stop now i can't stop ben three more rounds be a new life for rita and me she isn't here mace she's gone what i said she's gone there's no need for you to take any more of this punishment oh no no real loves me she told me she used your mace all you meant to her was stage fair out of here oh you're just saying it to get me to stop it's all right i can last ben don't worry you had your laughs yeah no i dump them in your lap [Applause] hey [Applause] five six seven [Applause] eight [Applause] before you leave there's something i want you to see i'm staying right here until the stage leaves you're gonna see what you've done if i have to drag you you're gonna see it and you decide which way it'll be [Applause] [Applause] i hope you enjoyed he's doing it for you [Applause] why doesn't he fight back because three years ago he destroyed a man with his fists it was legal he did it in the ring [Music] killed him no it would have been better if he had man's in a mental institute is a vegetable mace takes care of him but he swore he'd never use his fists on another human being [Music] could have stopped this ben you could have told him about me i told him about you but he wouldn't believe me he refused to believe what you really are so he won't quit this may destroy him but like you said you'll have a thousand dollars to help him forget one two three four five six seven eight go on get on that stage nobody's going to stop you no nobody stops that you hear nobody [Music] [Applause] my darling please no more it's all over now it's all over it's all right i can last it'll be like i promised i can do it rita i can do it oh no we'll find another way it doesn't matter how long it takes but we'll find another way it's all over now please please for me [Music] welcome back rita welcome back [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 292,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, western series tv shows, old western tv series full episodes, bonanza full episodes, old western tv series and episodes, old western series tv, western movies full length, lorne greene
Id: a9vIpWxMRxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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