Bonanza - Look to the Stars | Episode 92 | Wild West Series | Full Length | English

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[Music] thank you sam well rosalie thank you very much for the school you're welcome why don't you just take some home to dubois yeah that'd be wonderful yeah i hope hop thing likes the crackery no he'll like the crockery all right eat better say tell mike we said hello of course you'll be sorry he missed you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now you better better make it three three well take maybe a month at least this matter i don't know it smells like something's burning it's the crate [Music] oh how time nation did all this happen albert how many times do i have to tell you when are you gonna stop those foolish experiments you're all right you're not hurt i live sam out there can i tell you how ashamed this makes ah the boy didn't mean any harm ah ben that boy that boy come sit right here yeah i hope i can sit mr scientist congratulations you nothing to say to mr cartwright sam i'm sorry sir it's all right son it's perfectly all right excuse me ben it's not all right what if mr conrad had been seriously hurt what if he were not a friend i know papa no you know until you do these things why i'm afraid it was partly my fault mr michelson i i gave him that book on astronomy and my lens works great adam with the reflect of the telescans telescope why to do what to look to the star look to the stars but not to look close enough to see that you're endangering a friend go to your room [Music] so [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] you know what we are simple people immigrants my wife my strudel i sell pots and pans and yet the lord has seen fit to send us an exceptional son uh very exceptional i don't know anybody around who could made up telescope like mike's you're a very lucky man lucky every day albert is more and more of a problem no don't worry about it he'll be all right he's got a good mind he can be anything he wants albert will be a scientist a great scientist dreams they feed on them he and his mother to be a scientist he must study he must prepare for his dreams not play in the streets oh sam why isn't uh why isn't the boy at school ben i must tell you albert has been expelled from school expelled why what happened it seems our son fights with his classmates fights with a school master mr norton told us he could no longer control the class if if albert remained in school it is only that he is impatient there is so much he wishes to learn i never thought george norton ever gave up on a student we do not feel that mr norton is to blame his albert he's at war with himself and so he's at war with everyone come come let's have our team here ben one of the lesser evils of life in washington no thank you not right now well what can i do for you henry i'd like a set of applications for west point well aren't you pushing the age limit just a little bit who did you have in mind well young albert michaelson you know sam's boy yes i've heard of him supposed to be quite bright right i'll tell you something that boy's not bright he's brilliant you know what that boy's doing he's making experiments with lightweight now can you imagine at his age the boy's way beyond his years i don't know ben i don't think an appointment's possible huh well [Applause] henry uh you know michaelsons they uh came a long way to get to virginia city that boys education well it means a great deal to them and i'm sure that in the old country members of the israelite persuasion were denied a chance of an education indeed of most anything else that's another reason i'd i'd like the young mikeson boy to get a fair chance in this new country well i'm afraid he's out of luck ben both appointments are filled for this year yeah henry uh isn't there um anything that uh you could do what do you think he'd look like in a sailor's cap what annapolis the naval academy annapolis uh in a couple of weeks i'm having competitive examinations if you really think this michelson boy's qualified you make a very fine naval officer i know he will well you wish him good luck and you give him every bit of help you can scrape up what kind of help these exams are tough ben very tough if he were my boy i'd sit him down and cram his head full of books right now all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no inspection tour well they're just looking at this it's gonna need some doing it's painting well i wish more members of the school board took your interest well i guess they men are pretty busy to do the best they can well actually i uh i came over to ask a favor of you oh certainly mr cartwright anything you say well what do you hear now has to do with uh one of your pupils young albert michelson i was kind of surprised to hear you expelled him well surprised me too i used to think there wasn't a student on earth that i couldn't handle what's he up to now well he's not up to anything it's uh it's me that's up to things i i thought i'd like to see him compete in the uh annapolis exams i understand they go pretty heavy on mathematics and history and uh i kind of thought well you know the boy will need some coaching no sir nothing doing well it's not gonna take all that time just a week or two and i wouldn't have him for a day or two i'm sorry mr cartwright but i have 56 youngsters in there to worry about and i can't push them aside for a troublemaker like michaelson now you can understand that oh no i what do you mean troublemaker young michelson's not a bad boy he's he's an intelligent youngster well there's no denying the boy's intelligence but i have the good of the school to think about well of course you've got the good of the school to think about what's it got to do with mr cartwright intelligence is one thing and getting along with the people around you is quite another thing young michelson has never learned that quite frankly i don't know if he ever will he's a dreamer he's restless and he thinks he's better than everyone else george you admit the boy's bright now all he needs is a little time and a little help mr cartwright that boy lives in another world i have used up all the time and help that i can afford to spend on albert michelson if you'll excuse me i have to clean these erasers [Music] [Applause] there we go buenos dias in your card right is adam here uh season he's inside adam where you been paul oh i've been uh see what do you think about young michelson going to annapolis you think he really has a chance well i i don't know but well if if if there was a chance do you do you think it'd be a good thing for them be perfect they have one of the best engineering faculties in the country you know representative quince is holding open examinations in two weeks and uh well do you think a virginia city boy would stand a chance i'll only be competing against every bright kid in a territory yeah yeah you know i went by the school to see norton i thought maybe norton helped you know help him brush up in the studies but well that norton thinks mike's a troublemaker won't have any part of him the smartest kid in town yeah just the same to get into annapolis he's going to need an awful lot of help what are you cooking up well i was i was just thinking you know you've got all those old college books just lying around doing nothing then why don't i just coach it huh i thought you'd never suggested you really think he's worth helping yeah he's uh he's a special boy he worries about things like the stars and light what makes the world tick and he uh worries about tomorrow hey maybe sam would let him come up and stay with us at the ranch be good for the boy and he'd have plenty of good clean fresh air to go with all that studying you're gonna be helping him with yeah it might work but uh telly he's gonna be quite a handful what do you think you boys were you're talking to the man who raised three cartwrights now i got that fence fixed i'm going to work her out huh okay didn't lose a single bit good hey how's he doing adam how's it going professor hi michael hey where's all that stuff anyhow mike trigonometry the science of navigation hey what are you gonna do navigate on the ponderosa uh not quite but he's got himself a project it's an experiment oh yeah sound yeah what can you do with sound measure it oh you must be joshing what what do you want to do a thing like that for as a matter of fact he could use a couple of volunteers don't join me or help him would you heck yes we'd be glad to help you might thank them oh yeah thanks look at that funny-looking thing right there looks like a tent point i sure hope you know something about basic trigonometry well i can get stuff right off the sheet here uh mike i think it might be better if you went and studied in your own boy that kid sure is a bug on learning ain't he sure we're not fooling every time i see him he's got his nose burying the book it wouldn't hurt you to bury your nose in a book occasionally [Laughter] [Music] wow almost all right that's it there you go mike about how far is it from here to host 880 yards exactly exactly how do you know without pacing it off i know i know you know but how do you know well by taking any two angles of a right triangle plus one of its sides you can determine the length of any one of its legs you can sure look the line from where i was before to here is the base of a triangle right right all right the line from here to haas is the vertical leg oh yeah all right we know this angle is 90 degrees by taking the other angle i placed us just as far away as i wanted exactly half a mile and then that's trigonometry right yeah let me look through here [Laughter] it looks pretty funny hey now what are we gonna do now you mean if we ever stop talking oh hey i'm sorry all right tell house to get ready one two three now i make between two and three seconds i'll make it two and a half how do we do pretty good works out to 1056 feet a second that fast huh what's your book say adam 1100 that's pretty close close i think it's great we we really measured sound huh mike yeah we really did hoss dogs oh you know sound travels you've heard echoes before yeah but that's the first one i ever held my hand joe [Music] samuel samuel mr norton oh good morning uh good morning mr milton can i help you yes oh mrs michelson uh i just came in for a box of chalk small box of course yeah mrs michaelson is there something on your mind my son mr norton oh yes your son of course i'm sure you realize how badly i feel about his leaving school he didn't leave mr norton he was asked to leave why mr norton why rosalie please i'm sure having a student like albert must have been difficult for mr norton yes rosary most difficult mr norton has so much to think about well i'm pleased to see you understand my problems i uh understand your son is spending some time on the ponderosa yes yes mr norton mr cartwright and his sons they want to help him pass his examinations examinations yes mr norton for annapolis the united states naval academy isn't that wonderful mr norton our son albert a student at the united states naval academy well i'm afraid i can't agree no why mr norton why not well i'll try to explain it to you the way i explained it to mr cartwright now i'm sure you feel your son has great intelligence but intelligence can be either good or bad it just depends on how the person uses it are you saying that our albert would use his in a bad way i'm saying he would use it in a selfish way albert thinks only of himself other people mean nothing to him but that's not true how you could say sitting by mr norton why why why do you think your son albert is so special mrs michaelson why do you think that you yourselves are so special [Music] why [Music] morning chores done already hey i thought you and young mike were going to spend the day at the lake well we were but it got too cold besides there was some reading you wanted to catch up on yeah it is cold out how's the boy doing they could be ready in time for the test studying as hard as i can a little too hard maybe [Music] you know i thought it'd be a good idea for mike to be out here for a while so he could coach him but i also figured be a good chance for him to see what the outdoor life was like take advantage of the ranch use his hands and muscles and instead of just his mind tell him well port seems the boy ain't too interested in the ranch the thing he's interested in is books i've never seen one for reading like that boy well maybe that's what's wrong oh what do you mean pop mike's a bright boy very bright in fact maybe he's too bright for his age knows much more than any of the other boys at school is way ahead of them always talking about light waves speed of sound well uh what's wrong with that i think it's good that somebody's interested in those things of course it is course it is but well maybe because he's so far ahead of all the others he's uh he's bored with his regular school work so he buries his nose and those big books boys got to realize that there's more to life than books hello hi mike how are you you boys finished your coffee can we get back to work now oh i was afraid you were gonna say that here adam we'll see you later [Music] catch up on the reading yeah this is the book by that frenchman fazzo oh yeah i think i like this one best of all adam well you do huh why why you know what he's talking about in here measurement of the speed of light that's what i'm gonna do next very good i think you ought to slow down a while slow down what four well you've been working pretty hard at all this you gotta come down to earth get your head out of the clouds once in a while my books are fine but books are everything adam why they're the keys that open door after door after door you remember what i mean we talked about it a lot i remember you don't learn everything in books mike i think you've got to learn a little bit about people listen to them observe them respect them all people do is talk and hate and get in your way what good are they [Music] mike they're the most important thing of all without them all the books your brains all the light well might as well not even exist [Music] without people there's nothing why are you telling me this adam [Applause] well mike getting to annapolis is only half the battle once you get there you gotta live there think about it [Music] well the applicants for the academy examination please step inside good luck some you got a pencil oh they'll have plenty of pencils inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jonathan adams it's someone else it can't be it's not fair halibut it's mr norton papa he hates me you know he does albert this is yours to accept there's no reason to blame others no papa i passed that examination i know i did my son you must learn what it is to be a a man and the time to begin is now sam we got some finding out to do come on yes ben samuel henry sam and i we came here to talk to you about the annapolis exam i'm awfully sorry but i had no choice now what does that mean you had no choice now ben this is a pretty big territory well well johnny adams the boy who made it he's the son of a disabled veteran will you understand ben i had to award him the appointment of course we understand well henry how high did my place that's just it both boys tied for the highest honors i'm awfully sorry but there was only one opening oh henry that would be a be a pity you know great mind like that boy has and to lose it just because there's no room in the academy now ben well just look at it now look at it look at it truthfully a young genius like that lost to the world just because there's no room for him in the school well i suppose we could try to wangle a presidential appointment presidential appointment it's been known to happen of course he's thoroughly qualified yes but it would mean that we'd need all kinds of support the town would have to be behind the boy oh there's no problem there you really think there's a chance for albert i look sam i wouldn't want you to go on counting on it huh let's put it this way the sooner you two get out of here the sooner i can write the letter come on sam let's get out of here [Applause] [Music] samuel how are you ben adam say is there any news yet from washington about the appointment nothing ben mr quinn's thinks we should hear anything good where's mike where would he be delivery stable wasting his time i'll go over and say hello he's there almost every day fooling with his experiments and reading those books tell you what i'll go see our friend quince right now all right i'll stop worrying ah so this is where you're hiding oh hi adam now i'm not hiding it's just quieter up here more private so you're not neglecting your studies it'll come in handy when you get to annapolis yeah i've been rigging a new experiment adam to measure light light yeah you remember that book by the frenchman fizzo yeah fizzo well i think i figured out a way to measure light too just think adam if we could measure the speed of light we could find out how far away the stars are how old their size maybe someday if we knew enough we might even travel to the stars hold on hold on you're way ahead of me yeah well let me just start with this thing right here oh well this is simple if by spinning this i can break up a light reflected in that mirror well maybe i can measure its flashes the speed of travel sounds logical have you tried it no i'm waiting for miguel to get back to help me set it up well i'll help you take it down [Music] you didn't you didn't fail me that's wonderful adam have you heard the news telecom the president will consider a special appointment for albert abraham michaelson oh adam isn't it wonderful we're not there yet rosalie ah he will be he will be of course it means that most of the work is still up to us i mean we'll have to have letters and petitions oh we'll get those and the school teacher's formal endorsement of course uh just how important is mr norton's endorsement why without that we might as well forget the whole thing if we need the endorsement of mr norton i may as well begin forgetting the whole thing right now oh come on sam he's not gonna stand in mike's way norton isn't an enemy isn't he ben i hope you're right my friend [Music] you pleased out of the way [Music] he's at it again yeah we better find norton before he leaves for home yeah [Music] i take it down [Music] [Music] you all right mr norton no thanks to you michelson if you can't control your son why don't you keep him off the streets the boy's a public menace i'm i'm sorry sir just what did you think you were doing boy trying to measure the speed of light the speed of light just listen to him albert abraham michaelson the boy genius of virginia city just who do you think you are boy what makes you so all-fired arrogant games that's what he's playing games and you thought he'd make a naval officer he's still might norton there's a presidential appointment all set up for him oh really i hope you don't come running to me for help mr norton my son made a mistake yes a large mistake but does this make him any less qualified to receive an education does a single mistake make him any less deserving deserving your son after what he's done mr norton you're judging that boys if he were a grown man he's only 16 years old he can't help being immature i'm just a little tired of everybody making excuses for that boy now he deserves that appointment look at the marks he got mr cartwright i can't do what i don't believe in or would you have me compromise my beliefs just because you ask it [Music] adam [Music] i will now study the eight principle parts of speech noun pronoun verb adverb adjective preposition conjunction noun pronoun verb adverb adjective preposition all right who can conjugate the verb to be i am you are he is we are you are they are you know what's going on up there well mike's up there studying well it's more than that mike's up there teaching he's got a whole classroom of boys well how has this been going on ever since my miguel left school several weeks ago miguel left school why mr norton said he was a troublemaker that he could not sacrifice his class for a boy like miguel well what about the others they you all left school at mr norton's request can't be can we've got to get to the truth of this the truth senor cartwright in spanish there is an old saying he who speaks the truth often talks to himself yeah well even so tony one must speak the truth [Applause] school board meeting is now called order well ben since this is your idea maybe you can tell us what this meeting is all about you all know ben cartwright then [Applause] well i guess there are many matters of importance that can be discussed at a meeting of this sort but three years ago i thought that george norton was the best man to run our school we all did that's why we hired him since then i'd always figured that we'd done the right thing i was wrong george norton isn't fit to teach in virginia city are you lodging a formal complaint ben yeah i i guess i am well what are your charges mr cartwright i said what are your charges mr cartwright let's hear them just one charge mr norton bigotry bigotry [Music] why don't now settle down settle down that is ridiculous bigotry is a mighty serious word man you sure you know what you're doing he'll do anything to get me fired that's what he's doing why don't you tell them the truth cartwright why don't you tell them why we're really here that boy there he's the cause of all this he's only part of it no sir we would not be here if i'd help him get to annapolis and why won't you do that mr norton i've already told you mr cartwright i don't think he deserves to be a naval officer now that is my opinion gentlemen and i am entitled to that opinion ben cartwright or no ben cartwright that sounds fair enough what's the use of making more out of it well there is more here read those names hi these are all boys that i've had to expel you mean those are boys you refuse to teach no that's simply not true these boys were troublemakers like michelson there i had a right to expel them are they all like michelson you better check well no some of these boys are well we'll call them slow the children that that simply don't belong in a classroom i see so what you're saying is that the boys in that list are either too smart or too stupid to be in your school is that it those are your words mr cartwright not mine all right adam folks this is miguel garcia he was born here in virginia city miguel will you tell us what you do every morning we go to school where in my father's laughed at the stable why they go to school every morning in his father's loft in a stable because they want to learn how come they couldn't learn from you you mean you you sit there and go to school all by yourselves oh no they managed to find a teacher a teacher who albert michelson you really don't understand do you well you will you all will as i did finally [Music] johnny kwan peter redhawk lee singh [Music] antony rodriguez [Music] manuel lopez look at them mr norton what is it they have in common they're different they don't look like most people in this town look they don't look like you their eyes aren't the same as yours their faces aren't the same there's nothing familiar about the way they talk or look or even the way they worship their creator [Music] well they may be american but they're they're not like you at all they may be students but they're not like all your other students they're mexicans orientals they're indians and israelites every one of them every one of them is different [Music] [Applause] [Music] i see well so still not where will you go well i i don't know anywhere there's a school i guess there is a school here in virginia city but ben you just finished well i i don't quite know what to say i've always believed all my life that the the noblest thing a man could do was to teach to take children and to help open their minds what i didn't realize until just now was that first a teacher must make sure his own mind is open well i i can't begin to make up for what i've done by by a few words of apology or explanation the only way that i could possibly make it up to those whom i've hurt is as a teacher if if you would give me another chance i would do my best work as hard as i could to be a real teacher to your children to all your children there's a little prejudice hidden in every one of us whether we like to admit it or not huh it isn't enough just to be against bigotry it takes some dune to reach deep down inside yourself dig it out admit it and face it down i say that any man who can do that deserves another chance let's put it to a vote all those in favor keeping george norton as schoolmaster ah [Music] it is part of our faith that a man may atone for his mistakes and start again the clear heart the michelson's vote yes see i vote yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you all for for giving me this chance albert i would be privileged to endorse your application for the naval academy besides i think we'd all agree that uh this town would be a lot safer place if you were in annapolis [Laughter] congratulations [Music] in 1907 albert abraham michelson proud son of virginia city nevada was the first american citizen to be awarded the nobel prize for his precise measurement of the speed of light [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
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Keywords: western tv series full episodes, western series tv, old western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, look at the stars, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, full length, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, western series full episodes, series western, old western tv series full episodes, western tv series full episodes playlist, Western series tv shows
Id: 2D1kIdoCrak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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