Bonanza - Gallagher's Sons | Episode 111 | Best Western Series | Classic | Wild West

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[Music] bring that's all we can do for him kids like me to say some words over him ain't anything to say ought to be some flowers i'd be able to find some if we looked around no there ain't any i got a red hair ribbon he brought me once i think i'd be real nice pretty red hair ribbon would be that nice oh go get it [Music] know some i've been here most all morning and i still ain't got you two gals straight in my mind which one are you will or charlie well will is that short for willa or something like that no just well kind of a peculiar name for a couple of gals ain't it will and charlie what'd you say your name was hoss that's right of course you mean like a critter yeah like a critter i don't think i take on about names like will and charlie if i had a name like hot you want something i'd sort of like to talk to you for a minute if i could what about about you and your little sister i mean you're being left here alone and all will make out you want me to thank you for burying paw all right thank you and now you can ride on out because we don't need you no more if i hadn't a chance to ride in here this morning to get some water for my horse you'd have been in a peck of trouble i said thanks didn't i look charlie you can't just stay here alone ain't gonna stay here where you gonna go you got ken folks we got in chloe yeah where did she live she can cancel all right you come along and i'll see you at you get to her you don't have to we don't want you to can't you understand that well get there by ourselves well i'm sorry but you do that's the way it's got to be i ain't about to let the two of you youngins get out on that desert all by yourself now you get your paraphernalia all collected here and get it ready and i'm gonna go out and sell you a horse [Music] charlie you can't tell you mind your own business well gallagher and don't you dare say nothing to him or nobody else you understand [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i wasn't buried with him yeah i don't think it's around here no place don't look that way do it that double cross and snake he was no good after all you've done for him look what he's done to us what do you mean done to us he's been taken care of just one last share now come on we wasted enough time around here get lou and cunn out of that check kahn lou blake says get out here let's a fit to raise pigs in there's nothing here italy come here [Applause] i spent some time out there checking on tracks i found out plenty too now somebody rode in here yesterday and buried gallagher and rode out again with his kids and that ain't all he rode out with i'll bet on that yesterday then we still got a chance khan you know galaga better than the rest of us do you have any friends or relatives friends that snake most likely hatch from under a rock maybe some drifter happened by no drift is gonna take the chance on slowing himself down with two kids taking along once he had his hands on that bundle of ours no now come here let me show you something this whole stretch of desert here is just one big trap and gallagher's partner or friend or whoever he is is heading right into it now we're here galaga's place our man is making tracks in the beeline to cantal right here my only two ways are to cancel one over the mountains by stagecoach this way the other out across the desert this way now if they're going out through the desert they have to go to a place called furnace worlds right here it's the only place that has water at this time of year hello yeah i want you to write directly to furnace worlds and if they head that way you'll be sitting there waiting on them kahn i want you to ride across country right here i have a relay station i want you to check out every coach that goes through there what about me well you'll ride with me we'll trail them they got a day's ride on us but it's a two-day ride to cantel with any kind of luck we got a good chance you can't be making a good time telling those kids along with them now let's get going [Music] come on what is it really you mean something like willa i think willa would be a pretty name for a little gal uh who'll go naming me after a tree yeah what about uh what about willow wall you know what a willow wall is it's a great big wind no real means well i'll tell you what i'm just mean enough to keep calling you that if you don't tell me what your real one is well it's well i mean it but don't you use it on me it's a terrible name i don't think it's so bad it's terrible charles ain't so bad her whole name is charlotte but what'd you tell him that for i had a whack you could yeah wait a minute wait a minute here hold on a minute i'll tell you what i'll forget the whole thing as far as i'm concerned you're just playing charlie and she's just playing well you'll never hear me call you by the mail the names again your bed's all made up time you was in it it ain't even dark yet hardly now you go on now yeah why did do you always have to be so bossy cause paul said you had to mind me he's guessed i shouldn't have said that about paw guess she'd almost forgotten for a while charlie what happened to your paul i mean how do you get shot i don't know he just came home like that heard never told us who'd done it you have any uh have any him is anybody want to see him hurt wasn't anybody like that paul was always helping folks out everybody liked him i told you to get to bed i forgot judge talford judge who judge topic you want to see him good gracious get that thing out of here honey everything's dangerous he gets cranky being shut up all day strange pet ain't for a little gal well i had a puppy once but it ran off charlie said most likely coyotes ate it anyways judge target ain't gonna run off even if he did i bet nobody eat them yeah they ain't too likely go to bed yeah good night hoss night sweetie must be a pretty lonely life for a little youngin to have to turn to a scorpion for a friend it's always lonesome on a ranch didn't you say you grew up on one yeah but i had my pawing brothers you got brothers how many two gee that it's great having brothers we was gonna have some only ma died and will was born paul was gonna raise a whole family of boys like the ones he come from you know he had five brothers is that a fact yeah they was famous in boston where they all grew up paul used to say all you'd have to do was go down to scholarly square and tell him you're a gallagher and they just about give you the whole town charlie you're uh your employee is she your paul's sister or your mom's paws his only sister like i said the gallaghers go in mostly for boys ain't you asleep yet it's lonesome over here ain't you ever coming to bed now you listen here you lie down and go to sleep charlie what what's the matter him he's real nice charlie all right he's nice now go to sleep she all right yeah she ain't usually such a blame nuisance bet you'll be glad to get shot of us tomorrow guess we're both kind of a nuisance tell you what charlie when i first on to you out there and realized i was gonna have to take you the egg chloe i must say i was feeling pretty put out sure i don't blame you but let me tell you something it ain't been that bad a chore as a matter of fact i've kind of enjoyed it i'm glad we run into each other i really am yeah well good night nice week um well that storekeeper never heard of your ain't ploy you sure this is where she lives well i guess so how long has it been since you visited i don't know a long time ago what happened to charlie where's she well i guess she was looking for aunt chloe too well i just come along peaceable now won't nobody get hurt what are you talking about sheriff where come where you should have been smart and stay clear my town mister we don't cotton the kidnappers around here oh sure everybody come on sure let's go [Music] what'd you do charlie ah shut up we'll send a letter they'll turn him loose he's an awful nice fella i wish he could come to boston with us ain't nobody gonna get to boston as we get on that stage now come on [Music] so [Music] hey you're late lady a dead tuesday in it yeah according to my timepiece i'm just about an hour's time being a week early hey ain't you girl i'm sorry i i just wanted to tell you we'll be here about 10 minutes while we change horses long way to top that summit that's where we're going to stay the night oh we don't ride all night oh no not over them mountains they're tricky even in daylight we're going to sleep up there at walker's path there's a nice little road house up there say can i get you some drink of water maybe well i better go ten those horses [Music] what [Music] hey hey come back here who was he charlie what did he do that for shop don't say nothing that man hurt you at all kids ought to get the chair back in town no no you don't have to do that i we know him you know he he's my our uncle mister could you rent us a horse we got to go back to town go back can you mister we'll leave it at the depot in town honest we will are you in some kind of trouble miss we got to go back we was running away from home didn't figure they'd worry so much about us oh now that's all right we'll take care of you well i guess she knows what she's doing better get her a horse all right don't you kids worry about a thing we'll take care of you i thought we was going to boston ain't you got any sense that fellow's gone back for the others the bunch that was after paw but i thought he headed back for town what are we going back there for because now they'll all come after the stage thinking we're on it only we'll be headed the other way now come on we gotta hurry wait a minute let's let me put judge childhood in uh you know it wasn't my fault then virginia city folks took all eight answers to that telegram must have been a wheel of a story that little gal hold on me that's all i can say well it wasn't just the story there have been a lot of funny things going on around here quite quite that uh big express robbery up about 50 miles north here happened last week i got instructions to pick up any suspicious looking strangers and hold them that's all i was doing here sheriff where's my horse well they're both of them down to livery stable but it's uh kind of late to start traveling you're welcome to stay here if you'd like no thanks dog gone i'd like to know why they done it you know i was getting to thinking those two little attacks was kind of taking a liking to me see you hey get down off of me you're done aren't you glad to see us glad to see you i don't know why i should be ought to take both of you i can give you a good spanking that's what i ought to do how come you to tell that sheriff all him lies on me how come well what are you going to do with us now tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to i'm going to take you to include and get rid of you we'll be shutting one another once and for all now for the last time where she at she's at joburg joburg but joburg's 30 miles across the desert all right if that's what it's gonna take then that's what it's gonna be i'm gonna take you to her uh yeah well as long as we got across the desert it gets kind of hot out there during the day you know yeah well why don't we leave right now while it's cool and all after all you've been resting all day yep that's all i've been doing resting all right [Music] tell it one time more mister just in case you left something out well they got off the stage at the relay station they buried a horse they said they'd run away from home they were going back and they did and mister that's all i know and there wasn't anybody else with them you're sure of that yes yeah i'm sure all the way back to town we must have rode right past him coming out here man i was with him pretty shrewd must have planned it that way gave the kids instructions to double back one chance at him all i'd like is one chance you'll get it there's only one place they can get water one place furnace wells [Applause] can't we go any faster look charlie you want to kill these horses it's a big hurry anyhow well it's so hot i figured we could rest the horses when we get to furnace wells look your little sister's half sick now from being so tired i got some blankets over there we'll make a lean to get in out of the sun for a while you're gonna stop here so [Music] charlie you uh you looking for somebody what makes you say that well you want to get out of town last night in the middle of the night hurrying all day today i just thought i just don't like wasting time paul always said when you make up your mind to do something you best get it done don't you ease off a little bit i mean it ain't like you got to wear the pants in the family now you got your aunt chloe i mean you're just a little gal it'd be different if if i was a boy whole lots of things would be different if i was a boy i could have helped paul make a ranch out of that brush patch back there wouldn't have been such a burden to him he wanted a family of boys so bad i'd like to kill him yeah i guess it did kill him because he hadn't been so worried about willing me about us growing up and not having nothing he wouldn't have gone gone and what nothing you're trying to tell me you your paul got himself killed trying to provide for you and will no how'd he get shot charlie i don't know i told you before i don't know now leave me alone somebody coming see the haze on the horizon over there looks like they're still about a half day away but they're coming pretty hard and fast according to all the smoke they're throwing up right now they are i don't know [Music] imagine we better be getting on them as well yeah please [Music] [Applause] uh he's gone he got out it's never come open before it's gone will let's get out of here but it's the middle of the desert sure it's in the middle of the desert scorpio just love the desert he'll probably find another scorpion and raise a whole family now will you quit blubbering over a dumb fool varmint and get on the horse well i'm afraid he's gone these ways he can get inside out of the sun if he comes back how would you like to ride with me for a while okay here right up on the chub that's right [Music] yep [Music] lots of tracks they must have made camp here let's rest the horses a while mine's finished he'll last come on let's go what are you doing i said let's get going [Music] oh still let me take a look [Music] big old granddaddy scorpion what's left of them scorpio folks die from scorpion bites don't they nothing but a sting i sting my hand's all a fire i gotta get me a doctor come on i'll take care of it no no no i'm going back and get me a real doctor all the way back to town look you stupid i'm going don't you try to stop me let them go go on your stupid fool go back to town now get hold it you won't need this while you're gone now get go on get scorpion all right dirty why'd i catch up with him let's go [Music] howdy you're glad to see you you're just in time for supper can you help me with a little one yeah what i tell you we're a little more interested in water than with our food these old horses ain't had much to drink we run out of water about an hour ago everybody's does well well's right over there waters dollar a bucket so don't spill none a dollar a bucket well sure that's the only well in the whole darn desert dug it all myself all hundred foot of it man's got to get something for his labor all right charlie take will only now hey you kids come on with me i got a real fine supper cooking for you [Music] i just about give up on you i thought you took the other road you be real careful of that thing you got the wrong man take it easy all i want from you is no trouble and thirty four thousand dollars very you're crazy i said no trouble no where's it at i don't know what you're talking about look here he got a little too close to the horses and got his self-traumatic he sure did you know him yes sir he came in last night said he was waiting for friends he wouldn't be a friend of yours would he charlie no look will you going with a man put the horses up charlie and i got some talking to do [Music] you've been 10 feet away from this since we left your place all in all there's no just ordinary laundry bag [Music] yep just about thirty four thousand dollars like the man said it's ours hoss mine and wills is it that sheriff back at candle told me about a big express robbery happened right here close just about the same time your paul got a bullet put to him that is the money from that robbery ain't it i don't care paul gave it to us he gave it to me and told me to keep it to go to boston with it you can't do that charlie you're paul those other men they stole that money like paul used to say sometimes you gotta steal some folks that's the only way they can get anything they can work all their lives and still have nothing that's why i'm keeping it charlie you can't your paw was wrong you can't keep it because it ain't yours it is we paid for it didn't we we lost our power forward i ain't gonna let him be dead for nothing he was too good about man to die for [Music] nothing get you some rest too we can't stay here now those men coming after us you look here i ain't forgot about them don't you worry about them good husky bar on that door and if there's going to be any trouble this place to have it right here [Music] look charlie i'd like to be a friend you and will give some help to you more than just somebody you're using for a while [Music] well howdy all right glad to see you outcome early ain't you did you see anything of a man riding through here with two kids well yes sir they was here right lively once it was too tally check the house you know them two youngsters snuck out in the middle of the night and this other one well he he woke up and smoked right after him he was real upset when i got up i walked around too and you know what somebody had gone and broke into my storehouse you know what they took two 50 pound sacks of salt well they had me real stumped what did they want with all that salt well i wondered about it and wondered about it right up until i made my morning's coffee and then i found out you know what they dumped it right into that well a whole hundred pound of salt ain't that a coarser well only water in the whole desert well i gotta move back into town now yeah take a whole month to get that there salt out of that there well couldn't pump that brian out in the morning shut up your dino fool well i got it i got it going turn it out of there lose inside he's all busted up get on your horse let's get some water there's no more water he salted the well he what if i have to crawl on my hands and knees through all hell fire i'll get him [Music] hmm [Music] i didn't want to run away she made me oh shut up what am i gonna have to do hogtie you two gals why don't you just let us be i told charlie we want to not leave you alone when the bad men came do they come after we run away not by the time i'd left ahead who are they anyhow i don't know well guess we don't have to worry about him no more then cause charlie fixed it so they couldn't follow no father will i'm gonna whack you if you don't shut up wait a minute wait a minute what do you mean you fixed it she nothing we're gonna sit here in the sun all day we're gonna stay right here till i find out what you did she put something well boy boy oh boy you're just full of tricks ain't you well i'll tell you one thing for sure young lady this money is going back to the folks that belongs to it nothing else happens that's gonna help my promise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from [Music] all right you two get smoking on out of here i'll stay here and talk to him go get out you hear me get out of here please please come hoss [Music] all right we'll give them a run for their money come on let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi will get up here hi please get up get up here now no we gotta help him well you're gonna do what you said here well get up here now go on will you hear her hey you do what she says get out of here go on you gotta [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's the matter mister you all out of tricks you can't see me huh well i want you watching i want you watching me i want you to see the slugs coming at you i've been a long time waiting mister hey you ding food kids get out of here come here he didn't know nothing about anything it was me or did him oh you gotta be plum crazy trying to make me believe it was them two that done it there what my paw took from you why you're nothing but a kid the kid run me ragged made a fool out of me you're nothing but a miserable kid gallagher's kid mister guess that makes the difference gallagher's kid huh i suppose you're real proud proud of our no-good horse thief well it was me me gave him the only chance in his homeless forgotten life and he crossed me now i'm gonna give you what i gave him [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] charlie no don't charlie charlie you can't do that can't i put the gun away charlie no he killed my paw wait wait a minute [Music] i didn't know you're paul some of the things he taught you and will i i ain't in agreement with but i know one thing for sure he loved you and he loved you a lot and he was proud of you he was proud of you for being gallaghers you can still go back to boston and scully square and meet all him other gallaghers but you'll never be able to face them as long as you live if you pull that trigger or maybe you don't care maybe you just don't care what them gallaghers would think of you [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] hey hey i hear you got some precious cargo going dog's going right and i'm gonna hold every stage driver from here to boston personally responsible for them well now you don't worry about that horse all the drivers along the line have been alerted bam what a difference say now you ladies ain't gonna run off on me again are you no all right now get aboard my i don't believe i ever saw two prettier little girls my whole life dresses ain't they awful hey yeah listen while you was in there getting dolled up for the trip the sheriff told me that you're likely to pick up a real nice piece of change for catching all them outlaws you got the whole bunch well you did kind of leave them scattered from here to breakfast but uh we got them all and i'll tell you something else judging from the sound of that message i got from boston all you can folks are going to be there waiting for you including your aunt cloy and chloe that's right as a matter of fact she's the one that wired me beats me how anybody in joburg could send a telegram from boston but then of course she is a gallagher aren't you come on [Music] if i wrote you a letter would you write one back sure i will oh haas [Applause] oh get out of here go [Music] bye gals i got a notion that old boston town is in for some excitement like like it ain't seen since that tea party [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 429,979
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Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, bonanza season 4, bonanza episode 110, bonanza full episodes, bonanza full series, bonanza series, western series, classic western series, classic western, old western, cowboys, tv series
Id: jZBHnNl2rcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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