Bonanza - The Twenty-Sixth Grave | Western Cowboy 2023 | Full Movie HD

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come on [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] somebody's running into the ground man must have been a hurry maybe we better try to find out why yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] my lucky day I've been hoping I'd find somebody handcuffs I'm not trying to hide them I'm looking for help what kind of help it's not for me it's for the Bell to put these on me he's back there about three miles hurt why don't you stay with him because he had a gun in his hand I figured he's about to kill me who's this who's about the king whorehouse Sheriff Clyde Morehouse I didn't say he was about to kill me I said I figured he was I could have been wrong but if I stayed there I could have been dead too yes sir no I was this prisoner he put these cuffs on the wrong man crossed my heart and hope to die I just find resolution I reckon he figured I was trying to escape you don't want your ride back Neverland sure tell him Hank sent you I'd call that one for the history books prisoner sending help to a sheriff has been on the hang of him [Music] that's good but don't beat all this one I thought I was running Plum out of luck you got him safe have you he went way down we're stepping a gopher hole broke his leg throwed me something fierce I wonder what it happened while I hit a high-tailed it what this fella do oh and a couple of these friends was helping ourselves to bank money last month where they held up a stage killed a driver robbed all the passengers and took off yes sir you caught yourself a real sweetheart that sounds like it let's get you back to Camp think you can ride I reckon so all right I'll give you a hand take it slow oh I'm saying what are you gonna pause this with today foreign [Music] I was just going for help it's like I told these folks yeah and guess what you told them folks and that stops you you'd be fetched up somewhere in Mexico who'd I think here and cartridge here nice and horse over here not a sheriff a bunch of Bloods to your son Mary Mr cartwriting but I got another favorite to ask of you so if you look as if you could use a doctor you sure do Clyde it's quite ready you just straight me up real tight well I'll be on my way with him but I'm gonna have to ask you for the loan of a horse and saddle of course of course as much of a case against them well eyeball witnessed passengers he robbed when they see me they're gonna tell you too bad you got the wrong Hank Simmons if that happens I'll let you go fill in I'm not letting me out of my sight oh yeah I think I could use that strapping up right now they say there will be a great judgment and cowboys like doggies will send now let breath out please oh easy I won't be able to breathe at all exactly what fantasy score so you've not breathe too hard and hurt the rip when you get to Cottonwood you see the doctor and you tell Dr Hop Sing is do good job thank you all I can say is him pull him out of wind bandage is Success hey people hold on easier if you were to stay on here Sheriff we can take care of Simmons I don't feel a whole lot easier when I get in behind bars if I can get in there [Music] roll survey field will I tell you I've been talking awful safety but I got to admit I I don't feel sassy I've been thinking I wonder what are you folks had ride along with me but I suppose I could yes of course I figure two days go on one day coming back you'll get Deputy pay no need for that I'll settle my horse you'll get it are you really that scared of me fine well well I'm careful of loaded guns and rattlesnakes you give me any more lip I'm going to tie you to that saddle I'll tell you if people don't trust each other what you do a record right I want to thank you once again for oh you can this time on welcome everything you've done for me all right let's ride and I want to thank you to Mr Cartwright for your hospitality accommodations were doing good but the travel were made up for it long little doggies this is real pretty Country Must Be Mine of California you ever been to California Joe yep Joe I got to warn you this fella here could talk the Stinger right out of a bee he'll be poking and crying trying to find your weak spots you try to trick you touch off guard jump you when he does he just suspicious Clyde and I'm gonna settle down there if I put some money together around Stockton Way raised blooded Cadillac and been reading up on it it'll be a cow hand all the time assuming you have a life I assuming that's a good word you do much for eating Joe yeah fair man same with me I like learning things never had any real schooling kicks around too much for it but you may have noticed I told myself reading and writing to help speak proper and properly properly taught myself a lot of things yeah such as wool pulling I found them smarter than most people [Music] roll on [Music] you know something I grew up in these Hills that's a fact lived with the Mexican family about 10 miles east of here they didn't have much but they treated me like one of their own I never had any family that I can remember what what's a woman I call her Aunt B I remember her what's been about five maybe six kept running away from me she was mean and there was another family took me in school teacher boarded with him she started me reading why didn't stay with him either I don't remember why yes sir sure you're taking me right back in the home country I got a lot of friends around here why don't you help him Jill I don't need help oh you look about done in I bet them ribs are burning like fire aren't they you know you want to be careful Sarah you can puncture alone I had a friend once did that drowning his own blood come on knock it off well doesn't it bother you see a man suffering like that hurts me just look at him and for what can look like a fool at the end you aiming around me you have shut your mouth around shut it fur are you permanent just remember I don't have to take you back alive thank you first watch will you do yeah I would take it but keep windy here over there the trees cuff him around it it's a pain making him Freckle you gotta understand that Joe okay that's far enough I guess he's worried too not knowing which Simmons I am on the ground put your hands around the tree especially since we're so close to home country must be thinking about the Mexican family all and friends I have around here I wouldn't be surprised they're watching us right now figuring on doing something it does that again knock him out can't you fellas take a joke [Music] I feel sorry for you I truly do you're more prisoners around here than I am I've got nothing to worry about I just go to sleep but you got to stay awake gotta jump every time I move and every time you hear something out there in the night and tomorrow it'll be worse [Music] [Applause] morning [Music] go get yourself a cup of coffee and let's ride [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you I'm afraid I will be a stray cowboy American branded on high and get into trouble at Dawning when the boss of the Riders goes by roll roll roll on roll on little doggy roll on roll on thank you foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what's happened here where's your papa where's Pepe father is dead baby cool Maria how long has she been like this two 3D I think she might die you need food for a long time I tried but I have sick I don't mean that you got any food in the house see please you help me [Music] thank you senor [Music] get me some water get my sister some water [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] here you go boy you need this morning sister good isn't it that makes you feel a lot better doesn't it you don't remember me do you you weren't no bigger than a chicken the last time I was here you probably had some horses a couple of cows and they gone and I used to live here when I was your age that's a fact when'd your papa die last week same sickness is you and your sister that's a shame I was counting on them for something yeah listen you know what you need you need some food in here but you get some food and you'll feel all right and I'm gonna fix you some now I want to pay close attention I made arrangements to meet somebody here see I'm a sheriff he's one of my deputies and we're after this real bad man you understand intended I plan on signaling when I got here and after I fix you that grub I'm going to build a fire big Smokey one and I want you to promise me to keep it going after I leave night and day till he gets here you think he could do that I don't know well sure you can you're big boy Pedro his name's Yancey Tommy has he remember him he's been around here see I know him you tell him that Hank will see him in Mexicali think you can remember that you helped Maria well I I can't do anything for her right now but I'll send somebody from town I promise all right I asked my boy now let's get you that grub foreign [Music] there you go buddy you can convene yourself I'm gonna cut some brush for that fire I didn't need anything you just yell gracias de nada [Music] drop it didn't get you huh drop it laughs [Laughter] Angel kill him hey get up walk towards that cabin still can't take a joke without him a little jump here aren't you why don't you go ahead and shoot them we might just as well he's half dead of the fear and his sister ain't no better than eating for three four days well what are we waiting for why don't you take me on into Cottonwood deputy [Music] laughs I don't be scared take it easy [Music] so bring your favor down a little bit [Music] is there anybody around here that can help you tell him no no no are you saying that because it's the truth or because he wants you to say so I'm just trying to help you that's all don't believe him Pedro he's blind he don't want to help you there's neighbors and good days right off there's doctor in Cottonwood now but you wouldn't get there before tomorrow it'd be a good day bringing back here the girl could be dead but doesn't boil along with her what I was planning to do I was going to kill one of them chickens out there and pick some greens and fix up a good soup and hand feed in the broth what's the matter Joe don't you believe me and believe what I say you think I'm lying about what I was planning to do or maybe I'll learn about the nearest neighbor I told you I had a lot of friends around here one of the others got to be a lion reading your mind sure I am you're wondering why I want you to stay here whether I'm putting off a showdown in Cottonwood or because I expect my friends come and get me right you know there's one way I can make sure you don't get away at you you wouldn't shoot a man Down In Cold Blood and you're tied up with what's right and wrong why don't you push me too far hey so you got them principles y'all and I won't let you do things that's the difference between you and me I've got none I can just do anything I wanted I don't care who gets hurt I know that I'll tell you something you don't know I got ways of making people do what I want signaling for help I told you signaling my friends for me I made you do that that's a matter of fact not too sure on my principles right now que pasa que pasa it's all right Pedro yeah he's just having a little fun shooting at me he's lying I was just saving for help going back to better things are right you do what he tells you Pedro your future if you don't try to Smart video now send me your favorite song I got you some nice hot soup there you go yeah maybe it's a little too hot let it cool a while just set it right here your sister's better fever's down she wakes up she's probably gonna want some of that soup you're gonna try it I'm not too bad cook ie quieres [Music] [Music] not a knife [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right come on let's try that again I'll tie you up [Music] be careful Pedro you're right like I told she's a mean one [Music] I hear you better do what he tells you we don't even hit you again [Music] got yourself another enemy Joe [Music] hurry up [Music] I want to thank you for getting that signifier going make it real easy for my friends to find it boy I hate you Maria saw what you did and she had you too they're going to set me free or my friends will Maria means my sweethearts didn't know that did you should do anything I want you Maria [Applause] see you got three enemies in here got to sleep sometime too Joe a little tired yeah I'm tired try anything I'm gonna shoot you I'm gonna kill you just shooting your leg and break it I do believe you mean that I do see what you're doing to yourself Joe oh this would have happened if you stayed with that Roundup minded your own business that's the meddling that's what comes of it destroys a man's character I'll live with it go ahead and get some sleep because I ain't gonna do nothing I don't have to they're going to do it for me [Music] yourself I don't want you to speak in Spanish I don't know what you're saying it makes me think you're planning something I won't like it you speak English I told you not to speak Spanish you speak English I just want you to know that you have no reason to be afraid of me thanks my prisoner I'm acting as a sheriff's deputy do you understand that thanks wanted for robbery and murder we're taking them back to Cottonwood to stand trial he killed the sheriff and he got away I followed him here he says he's got a friend who's going to meet him here I don't know if he's telling the truth or not until we're sick and I couldn't leave you I don't know if you believe me but it's the truth I think you can eat something I'll get you some soup he lies why he hit you because I have tank and the knife I took it to Cut the Ropes foreign there you go why you hit my brother he came at me with a knife here to that see I didn't want to Hardy tap out some soup this Hank is a thief and a murderer try anything he can to get away started using your brother and he'll try to use you as defense they can make people do what he wants can I have got Maple Avenue take it slow there's plenty of stuff if you get hungry just let me know right anyway you want some soup no all right I want you to stay in here I don't want to see in the kitchen I'm gonna go outside and put some more wood on that fire he'll bring his friend that's what Hank keeps saying I have to have help he's gonna have to hope he's lying why don't you be sensible there's no need for you to get yourself killed just because you told the sheriff you'd help let me go your troubles will be over now right out of here you never see me again better let me go because I'm going to get out of here one way or the other when I'm out of here you'll know it when I'm out of here you'll know it you'll stop and pick it foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Joe why don't you walk out there in the fire and see if it's your friends or mine go ahead cut right walk out there you still in the bedroom Yancy fill in the bedroom go on Joe you should have taken the deal shouldn't you should listen to me should have taken the deal still in the bedroom Nancy hey bro thank you [Applause] I told you I cried I told you Pedro your brother's outside he cut Hank loose now you go get your horse I can keep him pinned down until you get saddled up I am ready to leave here just yet I got him right where I want him take all the horses then let him try it I can't leave my sister in there that's right you can't leave your sister in there with him Pedro you do what I tell you both of you can ride out of here with us right Nancy that's right boy like that no who want to stand by the fire where we can see you no ain't gonna hurt you you're the last person in the world he wants to hurt come on you want to help your sister don't you go on all right come on out and see what I got for you see what all your clean living righteousness got for you Joe should have shot me when you had the chance you couldn't do it could you you couldn't kill him any Cold Blood that's why I got an opiate you got principles but I hate I can do anything I want to get the idea Joe throw your gun out I mean now what does he do to Pedro he's not gonna hurt you brother I'm losing patience Joe you throw that gun out you come out after it throw it out [Music] oh get him up [Applause] [Music] I got lots of plans for you Joe I'm gonna give you a nice cool dream at the end of that Railroad what about the boy and the woman [Music] foreign [Music] you've got three enemies now [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] after the extra horse I figured you might be able to use it Pedro take care of your assistant are you adios adios [Music] let's find a pair as you could ask the kind of a gift a man of property might give to his uh wife well let me hear a bit I want to open up a bitter let me have a bit of 80 dollar bid 80 by 80 bitty bitty by who give a hundred dollar bill 100 billify 100 Bill and let me hear a 125. I'll tell you this one it wouldn't take no time we'd have the best line of livestock the whole territory well you don't have to sell me it's your project but I'd be careful if I was you and Auctioneer sees that look in your eye and you got a on the crowd here on the president over a thousand hey Ice if you run short I have that 27 I saved second time around I may pick you up on that little buddy second time around at a 125. third Soul at 125 dollars and now gentlemen the real high point of this or any other sale bring him in Jose gentlemen I give you Prince Omar it's coming up now I'm not going to insult you gentlemen's intelligence by entertaining too low an opening bid I want to start the bidding at 500 I want to hear a 500 beta let me hear a 500 a bit this is Prince Omar pure gold and horse flesh let me hear a 400 bit of who beat a four hundred dollars come come gentlemen surely no urging is needed to commence the bidding on This Magnificent animal his Splendid configuration his impeccable Bloodlines speak for themselves now do I hear a bit of four hundred dollars let me hear a 400 bit 300 400. 400 bit of my 400 who make a 500 bid who've been five hundred five hundred dollar bill I have five hundred five fifty five fifty dollar bills 575.75 575 do I hear six whole bit of six let me hear a six six hundred six hundred dollars I have six hundred dollars I have going at six hundred dollars are you done gentlemen oh I shall be gone going at six hundred dollars 627 dollars [Laughter] does that bid stand mister it stands he's major 750 750 I have who make it eight going at seven fifty going once at seven hundred fifty dollars what do you think Paul what is a fine animal what's your decision at 750 dollars all through 800 Alice going at 800. do I hear 850 are you all through go in once at eight hundred dollars going at 800 twice last call for eight hundred dollars congratulations yeah you've ever been able to know that I'm involved I'm well aware of that well with his commission out there'll be well over 700 left but aren't you going to need any of that for yourself hold on I'll get by where can I contact you I need Kevin you made a promise to me last night I'm holding you to it is there nothing I can do to change your mind yes there is but you won't do it you can't change what you are and we can't change you so let's just leave it at that all right I know I've made promises in the past but can you not understand that I'm caught in the middle I with what comes easy that kind of planet and what I really want you and Cassie but this time it could be different Kevin it isn't easy I know that if only you could have worked as hard at something real oh Kevin what's the use believe I love you oh dear heart it hasn't all been bad has it no no there have been some Cassie would you please wait downstairs for your mother and me we need to talk a little listen to me again Cassie Cassie we're leaving now I'll find is that horse ranch that we've all dreamed about for so long it'll be a place of our very own well now what do you say to that Cassandra mind it it'll be just like a fairy tale come true and we'll live there happily ever after huh when I was five I believed every word you said when I was 10 I wanted to believe some of the things you said now I can't even do that don't lie to us and don't make us lie for you anymore just let us go please we'll get along just let us go [Music] it shouldn't be much longer now ma'am if we'd known you wanted a bank draft instead of cash I'd have had the money ready for you oh just so we don't miss the stage to learn me oh well you have a while could I go say goodbye to him oh darling it might make it harder foreign [Applause] [Music] yeah what happened to him oh he just gets like that sometimes he'll be all right now you weren't even afraid to have them even when he was playing local you weren't afraid of him at all afraid how can you be afraid of something that you love your bank draft thank you and thank you Mr Cartwright welcome I hope you think it's a fair price well it's uh what my husband felt it should bring I'm sure your husband is in the town if he has any more stock like that between so much she would like to talk to him about acquire himself well I'm sure he'd be very interested it's unfortunate that he's out scouting for a new ranch right now sure fine looking at him he's sort of her horse I mean she knows him Mr Cartwright this is my daughter Cassandra okay send it hello I guess we're ready to go Cassie and Scott Wright's been so kind as to offers a ride as far as Virginia City it's great thank you oh I'll pick the first one please be good to him I'll do my best all right [Music] hey oh he's got a lot of spunk for an old tired horse give me an old car yeah what is he left 14 15. Joseph taking a look at that animal yeah he's going to be a little older than that yeah we must get a good buy on how much you pay 100 I paid 800 for him he's not her you got to be kidding me were you drunk Joseph I'm kidding yeah can you relax that's a beautiful voice like I'm not saying he's a good horses coach he's he's a good looking horse you wouldn't be trying to con me into a race would you little brother well I might be thinking in those terms yet be like stealing money that horse a lot of run Cochise or anything else in the territory I would make all those wild statements he'd put a saddle on him well we'll get around to that thank you Clint I probably put a saddle on it tomorrow well you're gonna have sitting in that saddle me of course I'll find out how fast he is yeah that's cruelty to animals you're gonna have a hard time selling them being horse [Music] just how large is spread were you looking for well it depends what is important there's plenty of Grays in line for horses I went ahead well I'd be starting off small well there's some possibilities I uh I didn't get your name you don't have to worry Mr Kendall you'll get your percentage the name is OKC if you'd like I'll sign a piece of paper stating that you told me about those places well there's a place off North not too far from town what about uh the Cartwright Ranch the Ponderosa are you talking about one of the biggest birds in Nevada just heard the name heard it was good fossil land maybe they'd sell a piece of it then cut right a piece of the Ponderosa no you'd find it easier to try and buy a part of the Silver Queen but there are a couple places out near there good ones too yeah the Larson Ranch Port is on the Ponderosa The Chronic is just out west a little bit look you can wait till tomorrow I'll show them to you well I am in a bit of a hurry tell you what if you just give me directions on uh on these places and some of the others I'll let you know all right whoa [Applause] laughs [Applause] [Music] easy boy just take it easy it's all right [Music] Cassie you're gonna have to teach me that whistle whistle horse gonna wear yourself by mouth maybe hop sing's got some carrots in there Luke same trick me and I am you keep teaching them as manners I'll be back in a minute you sure loved him something fierce don't you we're so right maybe it doesn't pay to live why is that someday you could lose him yeah yeah I guess you're right but anyway you'll be able to stay here with them for a couple more days oh yes I'm glad Mr Cartwright invited us stay overnight for your birthday yeah so am I maybe I can even get to know Prince better oh Jimmy yes um Joseph saw some stray horses beyond the South Ravine now do you think you could pick them up I'm sure I'll bring them in good Mr Cartwright yeah um do you think I could take the rig the rig that with the pickup strays well sure why not I could Trail my horse I see you uh you weren't intended to go by yourself well somebody ought to show her the ranch that sounds very logical Joseph don't you think that sounds logical very logical you know I I was gonna ask her to to actually ride with me but because she you know she looks so you know um fragile yeah yeah it was a fragile delicate ones Jamie they're the ones that fool you the most oh yeah Mr Cartwright will you ask her well I'd like to join me but I just haven't time to go myself I I I didn't mean that I'm in a we ask her for me Jamie you know there Comes A Time when a fella has to ask a girl for himself and I think that time has come on yes yes I would think so do you have a safe horse for her Jimmy gentle mayor perhaps something more suitable for a young girl I'm sure she can have Francie she's a Sorrel man rides just like a rocking chair thank you all right well I'll get her settled up thank you Mr case I'll see you later bye Cassie word travels fast a girl your age who rides too well suppose someone should hear about it we always gonna have to live like that afraid that someone's gonna find out no darling it's just now we've got to be more careful darling we're going to have a whole new life together you and me time the past and everything we've been through be forgotten it's not easy to forget this at all no it isn't [Music] it all right foreign [Applause] [Applause] do you want to rest do you do all right um can I help you down thanks oh God these are strong I'm a sexy you know way more than a sack of potatoes thanks well I mean you know what I mean I mean thanks beautiful out here it sure is all the mountains and the Canyons Jamie do you ever want to be a bird no I can't say it I have I have just think of it flying up there alone and peaceful nobody around it's me in the sky I think I'll try it it's a long tumble down wouldn't you come get me oh I don't know if it'd be worth it or not why not why you'd be all messed up folks would probably skin me alive when I get to back home car ride no no he would just I mean my own pod died nearly two years ago oh cool I'm sorry no you need me you see I was alone and Mr Cartwright and Haas and Joe came along like I guess they figured I was astray and they took me here you know now it's kind of funny well what is I don't feel like a stray anymore I hope my pod understand I think you would but you know what sometimes I find myself calling Mr Cartwright Paul now do you think that's wrong Cassie oh no no Jamie you're so lucky you know where you belong yeah that's it I really do you know fragile silly well no it isn't and this is a man's job you gotta know how to ride and handle yeah are you stay here where it's safe and I'll be back with that straight quick and you can pick a posey yeah why don't we see what kind of a rocking horse you really are [Music] let's go good girl now it's really good come on [Music] let's go come on [Applause] thank you Cassie how you can ride Jamie you can't tell please not anyone why not if you can ride like that Jamie you've got to promise me promise me you won't tell but why my my mother made me promise I'd ride carefully I mean I'd never Jamie swear to me I'll be in terrible trouble all right Cassie you swear it not your Pawn not anyone I swear it I howdy help you you sure can I'm looking for the last Branch I must have missed it somewhere back there on the turn yeah well that's easy to do we can get you straightened out in no time it's Cartwright ah Kevin O'Casey you're gonna have a beautiful spread here Mr Cartwright I confess I've dreamed of owner one just like it someday at the moment I'm allowed to settle for a good deal less well you don't need to spread the size of the Ponderosa to breed horses Mr Casey how do you know what business I was in Mr Cartwright I've been daughter in Carson City how did you know well you must know how blessed a man I am indeed I do you must also understand how anxious I am to find a rats that I need the sooner I do that the sooner I can rejoin my family back in Laramie Mr Casey would you uh come into the house for a moment sure I think I might have a surprise for you oh you lied to us again Kevin swear to you I did not know you were here how could I not again Kevin not again and not here even if I have to tell them you are not going to do it here now you haven't answered my question how could I have known you were here Prince Omar you could have asked to bottom and where they could be found I did follow you but not for the reasons you think oh it's true Nami you've got to believe me all right I've lied in the past but never about this I've never lied about my love for you but look these are all the places that I've looked at between here and Carson City and here's the Larson Grant it's somewhere close by I tell you Norm it's just perfect for the three of us Cassie you've heard me promise in the past that there could be an end to everything that's been and there can be don't you see what other two of you there's nothing for me [Music] all right I'll just be going on Kevin Kevin what is the truth what is the real truth about everything you've been saying that there's a man who loves you and that blessed child you gave him and Not For a Moment have I ever been worthy of you but finally I've made my mind up to try mind you to try and change all of that I want to believe that normally you can you can I don't believe you Papa I don't know why you came here but it's not why you said what is it is all I know is you're going to hurt us again Papa and I'm not going to let you do it I don't care what I have to do I'm not going to let you hurt us [Music] Prince hello [Music] I just came out to say goodbye oh I know I don't like it any more than you do but I thought thought there's just nothing I can do oh pretty you belong here now I mean like Jamie does I just don't belong anywhere that's why I gotta go you know I know mom's gonna go with papa no matter what she says I know she's gonna go I mean I don't know what I guess she can't help it but I don't have to well if I do I I mean it'll just all happen over again foreign keep at me and smile and maybe can't help it either but he will Prince I know he will I just can't stand it I just can't stand it oh yeah hey Cassie you can't leave for a little girl like you to be up in I don't blame you much so I came out to say goodnight to Prince myself and brought you some carrots don't feed him one here what's the matter what's going on are you afraid I'm gonna mistreat your prince Omar is somebody mistreating you oh you've all been wonderful don't do it Mr Haas don't raise Prince Omar against my father's horse I ain't got no intentions to yeah but you will pop will talk to you into it some way he always does and then you'll lose the prince that ain't likely that's why Papa's here he He Cheats people Cassie that's that's a pretty tough thing for a little girl like you'd be saying about her daddy beat him but want him back well I had to to get the prince back I love you I wouldn't do anything to hurt any of you please you've got to believe me foreign against him wins ends up with the same two horses all over again we get the auction money yeah she says it he fakes a knee or something then he bets another fella that even a kid can win on captain taking a grown man put him in Prince Omaha but Cassie weighs about 85 pounds soaking away but Captain Prince almost got to be the first one to time after an appreciable distance every little girl should have a father like that one thing he hasn't asked you to race yet not yet but she said he will thank you are you sure that's the lowest price you can make it Mr Nice that's it Rock Bottom I see 1500 you say I don't suppose you might consider it will say 700. nope well I may want to bring my wife over if if that would be all right with you that's fine anytime fine thanks very much see you Jed oh Jed sort of hard hit it but that's a thing good crunch oh it is that exactly what I've been looking for well I wouldn't hesitate I jump on it yeah of course but in a case like this I like my family and on any decisions after all it is going to be our home for all of us yeah that's where it should be Kevin you get you gave us your word I also promise your Ranch we need 1500 we've only got seven then find another one we can afford I've looked everywhere I tell you there's none other like it to be had oh it's blue water green Grazer land a beautiful white house with a picket fence a brand new barn to be a lovely home for that three of us I tell you it's a dream come to pass another one of those beautiful dreams that never come true Cassie was right about you you planned this from the start I never did I tell you it wasn't until I saw the Lawson right so I realized it was the only way to give you and Cassie what you should have oh Cassie I tell you this time it's different no it's for our future for our home it's for us oh no it isn't it's just for you you just love winning and cheating people more than you do mama and me all right you talked to her you know what's at stake she said everything I have to say so be it I can still do it on my own [Music] Susan to Jamie from Doc Martin [Music] oh wow it's great just what I wanted thank you Doctor you're welcome Jamie [Music] oh here's the big one the one I've been waiting to open [Music] it says to Jamie from it and it just has a question mark it doesn't say what's wrong we'll open it all right [Music] all right there it is it's great Cassie thank you very much [Music] there you go it's beautiful that's a little something from find me thank you very much thank you it's great the only thing you're getting from me Jamie is a promise the first coat that Omar Cyrus is yours harsh you mean it absolutely Cassie did you hear that thank you very much congratulations Jamie a call from Prince almara you couldn't do better than that when are we going to see this prize of yours horse hey Doc I thought nobody'd ever asked come on thank you very much it's really the best present of all you're welcome [Music] um for me on your birthday yeah I wanted you to have it I made it myself [Music] Cassie gosh what did I do now yeah here he is he's a real winner Hoss what'd he cost you or aren't you telling oh no big secret 800 and worth every cent of it yeah well 27 of that belongs to Jamie and he hadn't paid me yet either well don't worry I will ladies and gentlemen a toast of course we all know it's young Jamie's day and trust me so but it's also our good friend horse Cartwright who's one lucky man I toast to his health the best of luck with his new stallion who's the handsomest and most distinguished and second fastest horse in the water second fastest I'm afraid that's too hot you see the stallion that I Ride Captain oh he's much faster than Prince Omar that's ridiculous of course if you'll be willing to I couldn't do that I mean you're too good a friend I couldn't take such advantage what advantage I mean what were you about to propose a horse won't you just forget about it oh wait wait I want to pursue this what were you about to suggest Mr okazi well I was going to propose a match race for say two miles now if the prince Omar takes the captain well then my horse is yours but if the captain takes the prince well then Omar is yours that's right well I'll tell you what Mr O'Casey you got yourself a bat right here now son do you know what you're doing you're giving away over 100 pounds I know exactly what I'm doing well you're ready your horse where's the starting line oh my you seem terribly impatient for a man's about to lose his horse ah oh that burn it I pull my knee I pull the tendon loose or something down there I don't know what you're not saying you don't intend to go through with this race are you oh no no no no I ain't saying that at all but what are you say then the fact is that this race is just to see which horse is the fastest ain't it that's right that being the case and it don't make no difference who's up does it I think I'll use substitute here young lady come here [Music] haha [Music] my writer is up Mr OKC the race will start around behind the bar [Music] [Applause] follow that road right there up around the canyon that comes back in about a quarter of a mile down here finish up right back here at the barn that's fine all right I'm ready ready all right Little Joe anytime you're ready let her rip [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Cassie come on come on you'll put up your hair come on Jazzy [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] Cassie baby oh you're right oh dear God what have I done could have wanted you came back oh darling oh my love what's that dang doctor don't tell us what's matter in here and your fault sound was an accident now it's because of me it happened I'm the only one responsible for it what difference does it make always responsible I'll get some coffee Mr Mrs OKC can you come up here a minute please [Music] Cassie [Music] sure did Cassie you're right is my head hurts and you just lie there just lie still and rest her reflexes all seem normal undoubtedly just a mild concussion [Music] I'll get the rig back to you in a couple of days Mr Cartwright no rush no rush I think it's a good deal here okay see run that place of Larson for a year or so maybe he'll bring the price down and I work at it in the meantime there's a lot of forgiveness I have to earn uh how's the patient I'm fine good this time I am leaving please not far you behave now I'll come back and see you that's all right isn't it you bet you anytime come on darling still only sacked potatoes thanks Jamie I don't know how to thank you Mr Cartwright no need just as long as that little girl has a happy home oh that she will uh Cassie if you'd like a ride to school I mean it's on my way well I anytime you say I'll see you on Monday all right all right thanks very much ah what's this about Monday morning oh Mr car ride [Music]
Channel: Mun Entertainment
Views: 110,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cochise county arizona, dragoon mountains arizona, fort huachuca arizona, tucson territorial prison, yuma territorial prison, arizona desert, arizona, shootout, witness, main street, gunsmith, shotgun, winchester 1887, horse, winchester shotgun, bigvalley
Id: h6UcY2iLWog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 43sec (5563 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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